

Plaque 6-8-66 113772 Req place McCardle memorial in CW Rot.unda- McCardle- Plaque Comt

Plaques 7-11-69 146079 Commemorative for City Hall East & Convention Cntr - Mayor rec

rpiaques 12-15-69 146079 Commemorative - Inscription -Order of names

[Plastic Pipes 10-31-^69 l477'46-• motion invest failures where

used:in bldgs - by B&S Comt Nowell Mo

r -Platforms 10-25 '66 Oversized-for Workmen's elevator .Req not grant variences & enforce-elevator cod, - Mayco Mfg

Platforms 8-2-67 135386 Portable- rec add 100 to Uoiist Projs Pros-4>6,500- GA0-t!?V7 •

PLA rr RANCH 79951

Playa Del Rey 7-29-69 14634? Crystal Springs-Glendale -W/P_ Resol. 825 auth sale to Airports Dept parcel of land

Playa Del Rey 9-5-^9 146963 re Fin proj under Stalte Beach Pk-Rec/Histor Bon Act 1964-Rec/Pk Res I68

Playa Del Rey II-5-69 147806 3rd Steam Generatn Plant - Mo study alternatives before const-re smog - Edelman Playgrounds 2-li-6'5 ' 122650 \

•^hildren's -urge no Military • Equipment - Gail Eaby-Women Strike for Peace

-Pfeygrounds' 10- '6-65 125^71 \ Sch prop-Use for athletic purps' football-baseball-children all

. a e.a. - .Fred. A. AJLl_en Playground 3-2^-6? 133737 ;

Cassidy-Mo-estab Liaison Comt- '• Rec & rks and Sch I'ist sched Recreational Events

"Playground" 3-11-68 138440 Recom accept art gift by Joshua Meador


; Playa Del Rey 3-5-65 125140 '; Resol 3507 acq prop LA Internatlr Airport- - Atty

Playa Del Rey 7-6-66 I30369 Tovnsite- Jos Argenta vac 1?« st adj Speedway

iPlaya Del Rey 1-13-6? 132755 area - Vacation prcdgs Century Blvd & 25 other sts-Resol 4022 -Airport Comsn

jPlaya Del Rey 1-12-68 125140 : prop for airport purp-Judgmnt/ ' Final Order Condemn-parcels 12-

,.. 113-205-iittv •_.. iPlaya del R.ey 2-20-68 125140 :

Atty-Fln Order Condemn-certain .. prop-Alrport-LA Intemat'l /-.

r i?laya Del Rey 2-26-68 122849; .& Dockweiler Beach ext-contract'

. with State Resources Agcy acq-. $320,000-Rec & Pk Comsn

['Playa Del Rey 4-12-68 ' 1243'6S'. Tovmsite Lot 3 Blk 3 in Vista Del Mar -S C Joseph refund $1500 . deposit - BFW

I Playa del Rey 10-23-68 l4l383 ' E Westchester acq area c, B&S, Dept survey-Airport Dept fe.nce hazards

i Playa Del Rey '"'1-27-59 ' '" 142544' y . Acq prop enlarge LA Internatl /—- . ^^°?krce¥3l°^ 5048 - Airpt/Dep^. •\

Plaza -WLA 3-1^-6^ 123161; Resol approp #18,000 constr sanitary fac - Rundberg

Plaza 3-26-65 96080 . Comite Mesiceno Civico Patrlotico req use May 5 Cinco de Mayo

r Plaza ' 6-10-65 ' 12310A1 West Los Angeles -Rundberg-Mo- ^ approp $20,000 complete proj ^ 50% reimb fr Jnt Pwrs Agrmt w/Ce

"piaza 11-24-65 126365! Jnt Powrs Agrmt re State Land-Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monumt -estab Comsn.

:' iPlaza ^ - 1 - ^ 6 129175 I Blessings of theaiimals 4-9-66 - Spec Event -. Lindsay

; Plaza 11-4-66 X31901 ; Golden Circle- Maier Brewing Co req acq prop adj Union RR Station

"Plaza ' " 2-2-6? 128468 Mardi Gras 2-?- Lindsay no declare as Special Event

Plaza '~~3^K67" 107730 i i developmt-Urge State asst-

El Pueolo de L A-State Historical Monumt Comsn- refurbish -Mayor

^laza 4-15-68 96080 • Comite Mexlcano Civico Patriotic^

req use 5-5-68 Cinco de Mayo




Plaza 5-15-6? 134424 6th annual Sr Citizens Day-5-28-6? - Mayor rec declare Spec Event

Plaza de L A 4-9-69 143673 Req use 5-5-69 for Coinco de' Ma.vo celebration - Comte Mexic^no

; Plaza Park 2-10-65. 122626 Gibson-itesol-ilec k Pk Oomsn const recreation area ded to Maritime vVorkers -

: Plaza Park 6- 1-65 124280 San Pedro -glassed in Pergola - ' TrAn.=!.fRr a20,000 fr 254th k Petroleum St - Gibson-Mo-

• Plaza Technical 3-28-6? 132226" Center - Prop name for I31901 General Serv Pac Site 129155 Vic Union Station ' Sup #1

Plaza Tech 5-22-69 145348 ' Cntr- Mun Fac Comt rec adopt • ' ' sp alloc for 22 depts & bur

' Plumber Foremn 3-21-68 140669 & Plumber Wkg Frmn^in Pub Bldgs - comn - Billy Mills

,Plumber Working 2-21-69 140043 Foreman-req "H" note-Bur Pub Bldgs-BPW-CAO

: Plumbers 2-23-6? 133290 in hazardous work - BPV/ req add H-code

•Plumbers 2-17-66 123434 Journeymen re liceiising -Amend Plumbing; i ode Sec 94.10304a 94.10305= -I'ayor-CAC-b&D Dept

i'Plurabing Code 1-20-65 116025 • Proposed A-nendraents 1963-64-

Bldg k Safety Oomsn-CAO-nayor

: Plumbing Inspector 9-13-65 125584 complaint re unjust treatment-Grant Poison

; Plumbing Code 2-17-66 12.6434 Amd Sec 94.10304d k 94.10305a ~ re licensing Journeymen Plumbers Maycr-CAG-B&S

i'PluTibing Ojde , 7 - 2 4 - 6 7 ' 135^55 Amend 1-.C- Art 4 uhap 9 bt.S iJept-- Mayor

Plumbing Fixtures 4-22-68 139044 Atty req outside aid-prosecuting agnst antitrust actn-maniractrs

Plumbing & 3_24-69 l4oG06 Heating Stands Assf - Rec fill 1 pos in Bur F Bldgs - CAO

Plumbing Inspec 6-28-6? 133900 Cf Group- Revised sal ree- Sup ./8 ,


Pt Fermin 3-6-69 l4l500 Marine Life Refuge-make sup 1? part 1969 Legis Prog

.. Rec & Pk Comsn-Point Vincente I-27-65 12242? & Point Fermin-recreatlonal pier-Rec & Park inves feasibility* locate-Hesol-J Gibson

Poison 3-11-65 123079 Natl Poison Prevention V/eek-Rundberg desig Mar l!|

" Poland 4-12-66 129228 Independence Day - 5-3-66 -Flag raising CH steps declared Spec Event - Cassidy Mo

Poland Independence :-24-68 129228-Day-Polish .Amer Congress Inc-rea use City Hall Steps 5-4-68-Flag.' -Do-^o-'no- r* 0.1 Pin o n V . .

Polar Flight 12-14-65 I26IGO Resol congrat Capt F Austin & Capt Jack fcartin - Shepard

'Pole . 6-21-67 135709 ;. .• iuh Ucivi citionaJ. device— autii red rvviation iidr.iin iristall-In^.ls-vvood Ave SI3,' Interceptor St- bFiV

Police 11-23-66 132132 activities- Robert McCordic req hrg before Ccl

Police 9-12-66 131224 protection i'n area 4055 Stevely Ave- M Langsner req io prevent thiev.' rv

'Felice 6-15-67 125342^ Tactical Kanual-sub copy- . Police Dept

Police Academy 8- 7-68 l40!44-6 LA Dodgers Inc donate to City-prop Elysian Park-Academy Rd-Malvina Ave - Att7 reot

Police Admin 7-13-65 II38OO. Bldg - Pol Relief Assoc req shoe shine stand -basement fl-Mufa Pac Comt

Police Admin Bldg 8-11-66 130879 BPW auth install coffee vending machins Rm l5l

'Police Admin 10-13-66 13l602 Bldg - Addtl $8,020 I966-67 Const Program - caulk windows -Mayor - BPW

Police Admin Bldg 2-21-6? 133100 CAC rec addtl Ltg Imp- Closed Cir Tole System-^ May Election 196"i


Police Admin Bldg. 2-21-6? '133263 •-•' Mayor rec approp $46,4?? furn.

qtrs Detective Surveillance Unit

police Aid 3-11-65 123073 Reciprocal agrmt bet Culver City & City LA

Police Auditorium 4-30-65 . 123891 177 efT.p Eng att course^"St k Hlwy Drairiage" Inrt Trans k Traf Encr_Hp.v k June 196^)-CAC-EPW

Police Band 3-11-66 117'975 Amer Legion Conv Long Beach 196? •y^n pyyycif^ .4.5» 6?' -A>T"^r I'S'>' On Pol P o s t -i^^'si - • ' '

P o l i c e Bind 3 - 2 7 - 6 1 130544 Sr 5. J r - apo rop •;?92S5 i n 1 9 6 ? -68 Eiidp-Rt t r iar t ic Anisr Len: conv F r e s n o 6 - 2 7 / 3 0 - 6 8

P o l i c e Band 4 - 2 9 - 6 8 130544 S r / J r - G o l o r C u a r a - D r i l l Team-ATierican Lgn Pol P o s t 3 8 l - r e q S9,686-196b/69 budget

Police Bond 2-3-6? 133100 196? Kay ^lection - Mayor sub proposed Bond L^sue #20,056,313 Cap - imo rroerani .

Police Bond 3-5-68 "13856I - Mayor-Ed Pol Coinsnrs-sub LA P.D

S-ond ProDOsai 1968-0lace on 6/4 ballct-S25,220,2S8

Police Bond' Fund 9-20-68 140043 (1960 Electn) - req 6 addtl Arch & Eng pos - 3ur Pub Bids Kayor~CAO-B?vJ '

Pel Dept Bonds 9-17-68 13836I ii=.ukers Tr' t Co Chase Manhattan i:ank Hk by //eeden & Co - acc bid - Sleet.) 1968

police Dept Bonds 9-26-68 136361 Auth Robt Shadforth-Treas & MB ' VJilson-Asst City Clk - New York deliver bonds - Lamport. .Mo

Police Dept Bond Fd 8-6-69 145S04 ' 1958 ~ Modif of Phase I Sxoend Plan - 14 projects - Mayor-Pol"

Police Bldg 8-1-66 130570 Co Ed '•' upvsrs- support nan^ in memory Chf Wm H Parker

.=ol Bldg Auditorium 2-23-6'5 11305C Calif State Coiloste ac L" reo use-3-31/4-1-65 hcla institute re I.3W clnfcrc-ement in a Free Society

Felice Bldg 2-17-6? 133200 San Pedro-V^Llmington - Gibscn rs-ol allot space Recvg Hospital,

Police Cadet I--26-65 122389~ ?ropar.-.Police Fire & Civ Defense Co^t explore matter re initiate • T Br-adley motion

Police Chief 6-29-67 134913 Thomas .'--eddin & LAFD Sut /2 riesol coTimend-Centur.y Plaza" Hotel Demcnstrations' _p T,."..* ^„H-

I'oiice c . i i e f 6-29~6'j 135816 jiTice- X104 iru-jCc-ll --iouncil Speaker - i jiice Cji;:sn

Police Chief 3-18-69 143353 Commun re statements made by Da/id Kunder for Natl Ccl Cnurchs

Police Chief 4-25-69 143913 Recom Wm H Winters Pol Chief

of Chula Vista for City LA

police Clearance I-3O-68 I37892 ; Receipt;3-Pol Ccmsn-req auth v;ritt of shortage 334

"Police 5-6-63 13922?' Community Relations Plan & Trai-Recom accept Fed Grant 4l4,93S^ Pol Comsn

Police Crime 11-27-68 I386OO: Task Force - Rec trans -$1355 976 ' fr Reserve Fd - Mayor

Folice k Fire 7-21-6? 135239 : rTrotectn-deter'-nine as to • re.- -oonsibility (L. or Sta :-'onica) 1" 17 Centinela Ave - E ..-rske

police-Fire k Civ 1-26-68 1357B8 ; Def CoT.t rent-amend L.a.MC Sec 103; iil(.j )2-eorrect t.ltle-Chf Police i. Surgeon

Police k Fire 11-5-65 117S3g Salary Stand Ord 89,935-CAO rec amend pr-ovide index of Zbfary treni. Sttt-e k Bur Labor St.otistics

..Police k Firemen 6-25-6S 135595 LA City Advisory Comt on Medical Care -rant bv Jean Sc'encer .Felton MD-Sch Pub Hlth UCLA -

Polico & Firefcen ll-?-~68 115798 Overtime -O-I35557 operative 7-15-68

'police & Fire 5-25-69 1459-29 ' personnel -train Juvenile Treat-ir.ent techniques etc -aopl Fed Fds to Calif Ccl Cr.trr-;inai Justice

Police & Fire 6-26-69 . 1A5351 Bents-CAO make 3--:udy Co.-ir.and Cchimunicatiens-aDorop 330,000 PUd-Tvans Fopt - Mayor '

Pol ice u Pi rd P r o i , Leag'^e • STi; • • -. LOS AS^LSS FIRE k POLICE PROTFCTIVj.

LEA.QUE . . . . : . . L P o i i c o - F i r e 1-26-65 122389'

& Civ Def Comt -exp lo re m . a t t e r . r e i n i t i a t e P o l i c e Ca-det Program & r e p t t o Cc l -T B r a d l e y


PF&CD Comt 8-20-65 125342 Motion meet in Spec Session-invite law enforce a,:i;encies attend re Riot - Nowell

PF&CD Comt- . 8-20-65 125343 Motion invest reason for m o t -J B Potter

Pol i'ire 'k oD 10-21-65 125350" Comt tirg -oAG i-ept est cost conduce on "..atts rict inves

Fol Fire k CD 7-5-o6 130340' review aisabie .•jniiion r er's ui3Ch.;r.:i:e foi' iii.;.r-ci':'er conciuc'c

PF&CD Comt 11-28-6? 12534? 10 recoms improve conds So Cent area be ref appron Comts for review k report - Bradlev Mo

PF&CD Comt 11-27-63 l4l859 Policy report re helicopter pilot Policewomen's dut.v-pers used on craft labor

PF&CD Cop;t 3-12-68 133454 Mo conduct inquiry into shootng

death Gre<T:oi'.v L Clarke -Bradley

Pol Fire & 8-2?-68 124460 ^ Civil Def Daniel Carasso ~ sub req to Bernardi for hrg to present view on Comt rept b-18-68

Police Fire 2-18-69 142886 ' 6c Civ Def Comt-investigate problems in Fire Dept -Bradley-Mo

PF6eCD & Pers 12-13-67 137291 Coiuts investigate re problems insufficient Manpower Fire Dept-L Newell ^

PF&CD Comt 5-23-69 14536? ^ invest campus militant organi- ' zatns & policy re protect rts inrliv citizens- Sn.yder Mo

PF&CD Comt 7-22-69 131449 Rec Atty pres ord amd ord 83306 chg name Highland Park Pol Div te NE divsn

Police Garages 10-8-68 13565C delete fr recent prov MC reqmnts auto wreekine yds Potter Mq

Police Hdqrs Bldgll-15-65 113800 Valley. - Hiun FacComt apo desk space for Herald Examine.'

"Police 9-25-67 136193" Hdqtrs - Mo study feasibility locate in Sunland-Tu.lunsa-Nowell

Police Merger 1-^-6? I32603 Bernardi rao var City agcy study with Co Govt re consolidating law enforcement

Police Officers I-I8-65 122284 (- who sacrificed lives line duty-

Memorial honor-BPW inves re locatu & financlng-Rundberg motion

Police Officers 11-5-65 I26215 Community relations training Program -Idylv/dld - Moyor req

Police Officers 8-24-66 I3106O Mills mo institute prog to increase law

'Police Officers 3-2-6? I33403: Gh-r;rter Arnendrnt permit reactivation after retlremnt-sub to' vote 5-3l_67-T 3heT:^rd mo

Police Officers 9-14-6? 131193 Recom Atty defend in legal prcdg' under Govt Code-GE Recom

Police officers 2-13-68 138083 ~', Police Comsn use everv facil available recruit add"*!-expand police foree-Nowell mo;

Police Officer 5-20-68 139422 death in line of duty-Mo study ' insurance provide spec compensstn Bradley

'oliee officers 6-20-68 139827 Pol Comsn-r^T trans $7500 purch naraeplates-CAO

Police Officers 9-30-68 l4ll09 reimburse cost college level training-CAO study ."3 n •u-.''P> r> - R Pi S 0 1

Police 11-20-68 135441 Officer recruitment nrogram PF&CD & Pers Comts repfc re Nowell-tno

Police officer 3-14-69 ' 143328 Ord prohibit use threatening/ abusive words asnst Mayor message-

Police Officers 9-19-69 1^715^ Accumulated overtime 6-3O-69

Police 12-12-67 137251 patrol-So LA area bnd by Itnperia Clovis-118th St & Stanford Ave-L F Davis et al req

Police Patrol 4-30-69 143990 M P Flynn sub pet Wm Waite eta; re incr Pol Patrol Western/ 92nd St/Manhattari/9bth Sr-

Fol Permit 6- 4-65 119849 obt to.hold Teen-Age Dsnces in pub estab accom 600 or mcre-.i^ma MC -proposed by Hv;d Palladium _

'police Permits 10-29-65 12572? . Nov;ell resol sub ord to req issu re oper Auto or Motorcycle • raceway v;ithin LA


Police Permits 7-11-68 . i'40089 ; issue of-Mayor-CAO-Pol C'omsn-

amendmts MC

Police permits 10-4-68 l4ll52 propose Ord regulate . , Crenshaw Neighbors Inc

Police Porrnlt 6-7-6? " 131274 Fees k other deptl fees Fol Dept-rerit'-CAO

Policp Reserve 1-31-68 13?Q08 Corpfi-Mayor-CAO-Pol Comsn-aopron $113,382-ar':end Ord 89 480 facil'ite

Police Reserve Corps 3-6-6 8 137908 Trans $3^i,l64 re 3 pos- Sup #l"

Police Reserve 8- 8-68 137908 Corps - Ord amend 0-89480 & 0-95733 Rec'g Hosp

Police 8-25-69 145813 Permit - Pop Music Festival etc

Police Post #381 7- 1-59 130544 Amer Legion -Req $13,136 1969/7u Pol Sr Band-Jr B.and etc -conv Sacramento 6-25/28-70

Police Printing' 12-14-66 I32385 & Binding Acct //212-tranE §10,000 cover deficit 1965-66-Pol CoTisn-

Police p>-o:;~iram 6-20-68 139837 Rasol-?oi Comsn h Chief &•. CAO examine reasons earlv reti.rement-E Edelman

.ojujLue ri-uotoCcj.onlj.-iic:-o5 ii:6o.53 J F FIreisa req adequate for 214.60 Sto2.'.sr Ave

Police 9-1^-07 135972 .Protectlon-Resol support tax-oa.yero n-ot subsidize unincorp serv c-jsts hire T-ore ceiDut les-Bra;

Police Protection 3-25-69 14344? -Sub pet Neighborhood Progressive-workers Club re - Gibson

Police rix-)tectn ip-lO-69 147450 incr 77th, 3t Divsn area- Rev Obie l/iwe & 82nd St Im.p sub pet

.. Mills trans commun Police Recruit 10-6-6? 135441 Classes - Rept re size & need addtl funds - CAO

Police Recruit 12-28-67 135441 Training Program-trans fds $l,6S0,875-add 34 pos Sgt Police CAO-Mayor

Police Recruit 3-6-68 135 il -Training Ciasses-inc to 100 for • 4 wk period- Trans $?7,965-CA0

Police Recruitment 12-18-69 141109; Appt Spec Recruitmnt Comt make rec te Ccl-£ Edeiman

Police 12-18-67 , 104020 regional training facility-study determine use Saugus Rehab ctr-Fol Comsn-Mayor

Pol Reserve Cor 9- 3-68 137908 Police Comsn reo amend ord creating & estab - # assigned shifts each mo

Police Station 5 -5 -66 129536 site-V.'LA-Pollce Comsn req approo $100,000 complete purchase-CAO-" Havor

'"'Po-rice Station 9-18-6? I36087 Devonshire Divsn - Approp 10,8oo-neg temp quarters - Fin Comt

Police Station 12-27-67 136087 Devonshire Div-BFW rea acq 13.40 acres at 18250 DevonsKire 3t== ' CAO

Police Station 10-11-68 109145 Univ - reconvey City-ownsd oroo to Univ So Calif - CAO-BPW

Felice Station 12-24-68 131449 University Div - USC req rename' Station - Silly Hills sub corriiii

Police Station 7-22-69 131449 chg name Highland Park Div tO NE Divsn-PFocCD Comt

Police Stations II-20-69 l4801? Hollyv;ood & Northeast - Mo re modernize - Snyder

Police Student 7-21-66 130565 Worker- Pol Comsn eatab new class-Amend 89,100 - auth. 50 pos

Police Trainee 1-27-66 128144 . Mayoi' estab new class- employ not exceed 3 mo -

Police Training 6-6-69 145551 .Sv«;tt-.a!S Studv-rec file aopl for Fed Fds .rj Calif Ccl or. criminal Justice fir:ance-Pol Comsn-Mayor

Police Tiaining b_24-59 145816 facil -Appl ror Fed fd thru Calif Ccl on Criminal Justice Mafor-Ppl Dept

Police'Week ^-26-57 131500 Rescl observe 5-l4-6? -Timberlake L E


Policemen 8-18-65 125300 Mo Pol Chf furn number needed protect aj.l citi2ens-Bern.Ardi

Policemen 10-14-65 125694 Maycr=C..iO-Pol- Heq auth employ 106 addl-bv amend Pol Pers Drd 12-15-65 127^38 Resol urge military aeierraents during other than Natl emergencies

_ Baldwin Park

; Policeman 8-25-66 I3IO6O Physical 'fitness- Edelman mb reduc? requirements for nevr , r p . c . y \ - \ t p

Policeman 7&21-66 130565 Estab new claas Police Student Worker Employ until age limit for

Policemen 10-24-66 '115796" Req co-mpensate time off appear on court cases

Police-'-en - . 10-.?'i-63 11579S'" •k Pirerien-rea provide paid overtiTie-L-- "'ire k Pol Protective Leo.^ue

Policemen 3-20-6? 3.25739" support .';roT:o3al pay Overtime for cour't appearance-Mayor

Policemen 3-30-67 IO03OO 1967 Legis Program - Sup #7->> Military Status of Law Enforcement Pers - SJR l4

Policemen ' ••4-?'-67 132123"' Req auth employ 63 addtl -Pol Comsn - Mayor

Policemen 4-21-6? 133901^ Req 5.5^ salary insrease in add-to annual cost of livins ad;;ustmi.

Policemen 2-27-68 123280 . req 40-hour work week-LA Fire & ' Police.Protective League

i'olice.rTien 2-29-68 I37916 Mo provide fds train use heli­copter on night oatrol - Nowell

Policemen 5-20-88 139422 Insurance Plan - Spec compensatn Killed in line dutv

Policeman 5-19-69 145299 Retired-civilian civ serv pers . within Pol Dept - Braude Resol CAO rept re

Policemen 8-I3-69 l466oi Comments re pers and method of recruitment - Schoenberser

Policemen 11-28-69 145551 c Improved Training System-

No American Rockwell Info Systems-Contract

Policemen 12-23-69 148500 Labor Unions-strikes-Ord

prohibit join-

Policemen & Firemen 8-6-68 135595 LA City Advisory Comt on Medical Care - svib findings & reeom

Policemn/Firemen 4-1-69 143519 Acct - recom approp $81,62^ Recvg Hosp Med Service - Mayor

"Policemen 8-4-69 135595. . & Firemen injured on duty - Mo . ...

re best care - Rec Hosn Sunt in Ccl 8-8-69 - re OfficerCote-Snvder

"Policeman & 8-29-69 146908 Fireman-LA Fire/Pol Protective League rea 11' pay-incr retroactive 7-I-69

Police & Firemen 12-18-69 146908 Salaries-incr by 5%%-E Edelman

Policemen & ; i Firemen - See Also Fire & Pol

"Policewoman • 5-21-6S 135441 ' Req amend pers ord provide 30 adotl - .Approp '*!139,470-STayor

"Policewomen 11-27-68 141859

Policy report re duties •- PF&CD Cu

'Policy Emp-rept on conventions & cont-of travel exo- 15627-69949-79260

Policy & Procedure 1965 Ill4ij-2i4. ' r e use c i t y b ldgs - l abo r II305O unions-Ci ty b u s - p o l i t i c a l eo8ii.2 & meetings

"Policy"-^ •-'B-6'5 1225S7 Spot Zoning - PC 13505-B disapp appl for zone ^ag &pBL en indiv lot basis - ar. -c.^n

'Policy 2-25-65 122S51: Pol Dept- when officers a r c to shcpt - carrvin.? cf shotsurs Bradley-Mo-Fire & Pol ^cmt deterra

Policy B-25-65 123310 re "Block Basis" zone chgs & bldg lines re PC 13505-B- Nowell mo

"Policy 5-i.-65 120044 Process contractual documents _ • for personal services -Consulting services

.^ .^^i t t .^ . . - . . .



P o l i c y 7 - 9 - 6 5 S-3 10?082 :y B e r n a r d i mo esfcab r e fu^jds a v a i l ' -

expended t o a l l p o v e r t y s t r i c k e n a r e a — r p ecnnnm^n nnri/-»-r»f im^-hi oo

P o l i c y & 7 - 2 9 - 6 5 125051 P r o c e d u r e - S t a t e D ivsn . H'wys r e C i t y bd adv of p rop a i r r i g h t s o v A r f^p.pUfi-7-f>- •RP'uT

P o l i c y • 8 -24-65 125353 •St L i - rh t i ng i n s t a l l a t i o n CAO-BFvV

Policy ^ 0-17.-55 , , 120044" re contractc amended to req'ai.fs that CAO review contracts for p* r*gon 2 se.r*v-'i es

i -o i i cy ' 10-2C-65 1260S9 Lot s p l i t s ^ - oi'GV a e p t s a d v i s e beica'-e. gcoinf?; k P lan ' .Dept make S tudy k. ;ie]':t r e irnprcve 1 c l i c y

P o l i c y 1 -12-66 127935 & P r o c e d u r e f o r Employee-Kaimffremenfc R e l a t i o n s - C i t y Govt -CAO

P o l i c y •• • 2 -24 -66 . 128541 R e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r i i e p a i r s t o La t^e ra l s of Sev/er C c n n e c t i o n s v / i th c c n o r a c t u a l control-B?V/ reeva-

-Fol icy " 2-24-66 '" " ' re allocation of costs k re.sponsib.i lity for major puP imts in subdivisions

Policy 3-4-66 128666^ & procedure re furnish unifornis

-for all City Dept

Policy 3-10-66 128713 of Cit;,' 2"e issur? contract to private hospital for emergency treatn]e.r;t-ran clcrifv-J Kornfs.ld K.i

Policy 3-11-66 127937 k plan re select; cfflcial song of City LA-B&3 orat reo Music Coord indicate Policies , 5--24-66 - 127935

& Procedures for Labor-Marjagemt , Relations In City 3ervlce-A-CEA

Policy 8-15-66 115320 St Improvement - under Ct p Imo Exp Prcfi - CAO rept on Part"II

Policy 11-10-66 131955 i-'e contract-?, for desalting Water plsnt & rat-ss & chga

Policy 12-19-66 132444 re installatn speakers fr 'Ccl

7 ^ Chamber to var offices City PJaii-Bur Put -?idgs

Policy 2-20-6? 132376 Plan T)ept Statement to be used on land use plana- Maa-uer plan of City

Policy 3-9-6? -133U80 re deed restrictions as cond to rezoning of property - Plan Corat rec adnot

Policy 5-4-67 101176 Atty rept rs future polity of Fed Govt CJiUD)- Coop-agrmt Hoover Redev Pro.1

Policy k P.rocodure 6-5-66 IOH.402 Rr.bol oi" modificu-tion- Sup #2

• i-;ethod of iiandling

Policy -16-67, 134422 re Special Event BPV/-

rolicy 6-17-6? 135656 He resp-jiiSibility of .'l&ii Dept re jFrtpari-tijn I-iaster r'lan

1olicy k 6 - 2 ^ - 6 1 13572? ' i'rocedure re uniforri local ^Idg • Uc^uic.Oils- oclir S;i:.te Dept Hsng c. Coi.d'.ua bev Policy 9-11-67 • 1359-33 Fire_ Dept in Watts-Req City Ccl study "Operation Dalmatian '

. . H O'Rrvant Policy 11-14-6? 13t>9iO - Resol estab City purch only vehs

emit less polutants than maximum le.c:ai - Braude Policy 11-21-6? 13699?

Instalimt paymts Sidewalk Repair •$100 or more © resol estab-BPlv

Policy 11-30-67 137127 Installmenc. pmts-deniolition bldgs-assessmts bet $50-$5G0-

Policy 12-1-4-67 137318' oricing-Metro Wtr Dist pres iDec I2-i3 to Assembly Interim Comt 'on Wtr-Potter-Bemardi Statemnts

Policy 5-2-68 ,- 137531 for Special Events - Recom -estab - P Wks Comt -

Policy ' 7-24-68 137.581 Spec Events - incl Flag Raising' Events - Ferraro - Mo -PW Comt sub

Policy 9-24-63 ' i3.??57 "Ccordinatn & Admin - Grants &•' Tech Acisist fr oth Jurisdietns of govt - Gov EFP k SCF.A Ccmt.s

Poiicie. i .Sc 10-23-58 138125 Practices - Librar*-/

Policy 11-19-68 102757 -' Ke Exempt Positions by Ccl -Comsn apptmts

551 .

Policy 11-27-68 141359 Repj),r-t -re helicopter pilots-Pbricewomen.-- pers used in craft labor P&F Depts - PF&CD Comt • ' Policy 2-6-69 ' 142739

re-al-l'Mgrs''& Bur heads of BPW require-attendance on duty-amd 89,10.0-Mayor

Policy " 3-3-6g 139395 Re req Photographic permits Pub V/ks Cont rept-

Polish American 5-3-6? 131500 Citizens- "radley resol

Polish American 5-2-68 I38OOO Citizens - Resol.congratulate-177th anniv of constitution-Ferre.

Polish Citizens 5-I6-68 133000 -Resol commend fight anti-semitis Edelman

Policy 3-19-69 143384 Golf courses - starting time-City residents-Edelman mo

Policy 3-20-69 137581 Special Events - estab 134422

(not adopt«?d)I4.3049

Policy 3.26-69 136925 & Procedures- Resume PV/ Dept for mtnce k defective .• iriewpli-

Policy 4-2-b9 14356? k procedure - prop changes re decision .makin.jr in fvi.y loc & desian --Kwy Admin

Policy . • U_25-69 - 145912 fixing salaries Craft classes.'--recom cut-off date July 1 of each yr - EPW

Policy 7-16-69 146113 Press Conferences - re holdina by Council matter sub by Spec Comt or Soec Citizens Comf n

Policy 9-17-69 146201 Amd Dist rep City, at ; Ceremonial functions when' Mayor absent-M Braude m.o

Policy 9-22-69 102767 Council - re Appointments Mayor arrange Mtg w/Dist Cclman before sub. Appt to Ccl

Policy 9-24-69 147209 Ccl-not consider interdept'1 matter if only one dept submits rePt.-D J-orenzen resol

^Policy " 10-22-69 147398 Pub V/ks-St Lt.s-3t iMtnce- incl St T.tif assmt pro is re SB ?6 -

Policy 10-29-69 143500 Contract procedure5-expenditure to General City•Purposes Fund-

Policy 12-9-69 103908 Sister.,City - Ccl approval

Policy 12-15-69 147210 of Ccl-time allowed for public tc

apeak on matter before Ccl-Rules omt rept

Polish-American -5- 2-69 143100 citizens - Lamport Resol-congrat

Political 2-5-65 122573 Activities-exempts restriction- ' contrib f/Ballot measures -Comt on proposed State legis.-AB 33

Political 6-25-69 132815 • Contributions rept by Candidate? GE Comt rec app, Ord

Polls 4-21-69 . 143855 Mo amend Electn Code Sec l40 close at 3 PM - Snvder Mo

polls •• 3 - 7-69 141500 ... LA Co Registrar of Voters- ^ ' supDort S3 1008 re closing poxls at 7:00 pra statewide election

Pollution • .'9-12-66 . 131229 by sewarje plants- E Hey oi"fer : demonstrate to stop'

Pollution 2-6-69 142738 oil-determine way keep beaches-harbors & coastal waters free-Petrol Sdelamn-resol

Pollution '3-3-69 143099 Air - Roger Jon Diam.ond claim dmg - $35,595,920'-

Pollution 3-19-69 1415,00 Oil -& imposition of Sup#20 liability - AB S59

Pollution 3-19-69 141500 Water by vessels into Sup 19 jn»rlnfls-v»chfc harbors & fiesh water lakes - SB 199

Pollution water 5- 2-69 141500 Comt on proD St Legis Suo #46 support AB 712-supDort plans 'Coraoat Oil Dischg control

pollution 5-12-69 145192 Nowell Mo Plan Dept study re amend Comp Zoning Plan re control erosion etc

Pollution 11-24-69 148075 Mo create Off of Environmental Quality develop programs • combat, within City lA - Snyder


• Polygraph Test 6-21-65 124555 , Public Cfiic<..r/erapiovee hold pos,.

cl' CO nil c ence or lav/" enforcemt must - I'ayor

Polygraph tests 3-11-66 128753 for Inspectors of Bldg k Safety '. Dept-protests use-American Fed of Teachers

Pomelo Dr School 4-17-6? 13402? Resol BPW report on cost const temp sidealks Piatt Ave to Cohasset St Shepard

Pomona Vaxr 9-26-b't 102341 Mo approp $?50 LA Jr Pol Ban-d attend 9-30-67 - La;nport

" Pony 3-11-69 139630 rides - 10?' incr permit sup 7C fees - Atty-

" Pool 4-1-65 123432 Swimming - Report re abandoned -B&S Dept

Pools 8-3-66 130772 in Hun parks under juris Rec k Pk- "hepard mo estab free instr

Pool, 1-3-67 132568 i 1823 Roooctaare Kd - Rea set

as5'''t " r t •for fllllri.^-}??;:3 Ds'ot

Hool 9-3-69 146933 Sv.'lm & residence-14505 M'alhol-land Dr - resol.ener.s action rs.aiovs - Potter

Pool Hall 4-25-6? 13414? Mo amend Comp Zone Code Sec 12. l6-C4 - -orohibit in C4 scnec -Lamport Pool halls 10-4-68 l4li52 Crenshaw Neighbors Inc propose Ord regulate

Pool Parlors 3-1-66 113573 J Stanley amend Ord pe'c-mit .>ninors play Pool Rooms 5-30-66 .1.30294

Ajr.end MC re notif.y pr.op ov/ners within 300' when estab in area

• °f/ 5-9-68 139231 Mo study include tax relief in 1958-69 Llegis Program - Mills •

Fop iusic Festival 6-24-SS 145813 -Newport 69 at Devonshire Downs 6-..20/22-69 - inves iVJ^iut. -Pnl estab cuide line-Wilkinson

Poplar Rec 12-12-68 l42048 Center - br-=ns' PIF fds to from Griffith Pk Dr Access to Toyon Cyn - Snyder mo

Population 5-I8-65 I2412.O in excess 6 million - GB IO84 re Co Hlth Dept irjspect hospittls-LindsJiV mn favnr

Population 4-20-66 71088 Estimate for L A 2,779.500-Calif Dept of Finance 3-1-66

Population' 10-16-6? 1364?0 . Estimate-Estab new classes & Survey Clerk Group-approp $75,000 for Spec Survey Est-SCFA

population 1-24-68 IOO300 State Estimating Program-Comt Proposed State Legis-amends Sts/ KvA s Code

Population Est 3-13-68 1384?? Asrmt vjith Finance Deot , Est as of'4-1-63

Pornography 3-25-63 138627 "' Req support passage var Legis pro-Dosals re - lA Dist Atty

Pornography 4-19-69 . 139011 ' & obscenity-Snyder-Resol declare April 22-28-1958 "D for Decency Week" Pornography I-2O-69 l4l500 ' Legis Frog support-halt distribute to children SBs 62 & 63

Fort of L A 4-4-68 138777 Harbor Comsn amend Tarrill rf'S-Fresh Water Rates-Increase-Order 3762

Port of LA 7-15-68 l40l42

)mput port of LA 5: 5- S-69 145151

Avaion-MGRS Inc anol State PU Comsn amend Cert Pub Convenience k Necessity re passenger service Portable Prkg 3-14-63 11795C Resol approp $175,000 const addl levei' orkiT fac Temnle/San Pedro Sts

Port of L A II-I3-6S l4l627 Tariff Ko 3 - ord amend - estab ' uniform 10 mph speed limit -Harbor Comsn

Port of LA 5-19-69 145291 Tariff #3-clarif"; pilotage serv ' covered in rate Item 215 - Bd Harbor Comsnrs Order .3867

Port cf LA 10-30-69 12.5470 Harbor Comsn rept goals ,&12S627 00 -lefti v' s


?ortar Ranch 3-9-65 li5lii.? Unit 2 •- Atlantis Devslopmt a ta l offer ded ptn Tunnsy- Ave fr 'Tampa Ave t o Devonshire St-

«!l 33

Porter Ranch \ 3-19-65 115147 Tent Tr 286I4.I'vie Reseda Blvd-San Fernando Rd- Macco realry req eminent domain prcdas '"' ''*IS-

Porter Banch Dev 12-29-65 117886 Subdivsn Appeal by Macco Bealty-tent Tr 23695-Plari Dept

Porter Ranch 7-13-66 119999 R&P resol 5l|.99 app acq lj.03.5 Ac as offered by Macco Realty Co

- Pbrter Ranch 7-13-66 .1199-9$ Exchange of property for Park purposes

Porter Ranch 8-15-66 115147 Unit 9 - Wly Tarapa Ave at Seanor^ Blvd- Voorheia Trlndle acq drain "" A«amt. _

Porter Ranch 8-18-66 II7886 Macco Realty Co acq easrat NBly Feaufait Ave re Tr 23695

Porter Rineb 3-3-67 119999 reduction anma f•• | l ,392,975 Chst9wo'«th addtn ift?

Porter Ranch Dev 2-20-68 I3819O • Tr ' s 28647-24898-24926-Macco

Realty Co-req chg name l3 s t s -Balfour Ave et a l

Portland 8-27-65 12543S Oregon-Mo. Jas McNamara rei-resent' '

b is ters City Coiiit 8-29-65-Ca8sidy % ' Portland '4-6-66 129134

Req L C Jones attend Western P Wks Conf -'/June 12 I966 -'CAO

Ports O'Ckll 16-11-67 136436 Harbor Dept Consulai' Corps dinner-declare Spec Event -10-20-67 - Llnd8?iy Mo

""Ports 6'Cali 2-14-69 142848 Village"-de8lgnate area bd4 by Sampson Way-6th St-Main Channel-SP RR Slip- J Gibson Resol

"Position 3-3-66 128630 vacant over 30 days-Atty pree ord delete-B Hills resol

Post Office Dept 3-25-59' 143449 ° Req vac easmt Wyandotte Ave Haskell Ave to Gloria St


Postage Stamp 11-22-6? ISfOlg Commemorate 200th Anniv foundlnfe State of C«X1.f-Regol ^otn obtain

_ . for IQ69 - Wmh^r1«Va Postcard 5-27-65 122343 • Use to notify7employrnent or -reJ i. Clv Serv . (on certifloatlenj

Postcard 4-18-6? 'l34o4o ' ,, CommeBiarative-for youth reaching,

voting age k people receiving Citizenship papers - Ferraro

Posters 8-16-6?. '' 135650 Posting on walls-bldgs Sup #4 etc illesal -Anti-Blight Pro.iram •

Posters 11-12-68 l4l6i4 Appr display lobbies Civ Center-pub 4th annual Angel Week 11-16-68' PBldgs - BPW

"Pot Shop III" 12-7-67 137207 etching o££ered as jgi£t by LA Printmakiiig Society-Dennis Olsen artist

Potrero Cyn 1-28-65 122441 Sly Palisades Rec Center-condemn prop-R&P Comsn Resol #5068

"Potrero Cyn 5-9-66 122849": Park Addtn to Palisades Park-State Bond Fund acq $320,000-Sec & * arks Comsa

Potrero Cyb Pk 10-28.-66 ' 122849" Req approve Open Space appl-Rec k Pk Comsn

' Potrero Canyon 9-5*69 146963" Re fin pro;I undet State Beach ..?! Park - 1964 Act - Rec/Pk res"!^^ ..... ...• 168;-

"pound 11-6-69 147818 City - Req study araend regs & ords r@ - Cooper

Poverty A r m s 4-22-66 .125935, .' . He r©8trletlona on llgugr lie' Fowler Jones - HR g3§

!< _ Poverty Program 114170

Youth Opportualties Prog; , ^Poverty'^regram' 10-13=P'-' l O ^ ^ l : i Es^aB eeho'ols & traininf pr©s>*4v

Garment mfs -Deanna Dee sw'.b";..;gpi?" Itr t© aarseet,.IhriHYer -...•.••• .=

Powder Puff' Serfey i-al-#0,: 13100,0 ;. 1968 Internatnl Conventn hiQmsm. women Fll©t8/eo-pileta=gh©pard= Reaol .weleoRie.

Jpewer Sletrlbuting a-19-68, ISSlgg v ) lta 107 aaj fr IOiS§«13077 , ,, ,.

rea vao Alley valhln 'Power iieetrie £8«?=66 ^ 13833^

Plast isvenue Boadg 196? It ^ ilsoi 41Q41|,OOO,OO0

Power i^srats $ il->$$ |i317f' Sots ||«»3.6<=I? N©r®aa«i© ia ff """ reaol 719 eutfe afead & twitolaiu


Power Easmts 7-7-65 124788 ••- W&P Dept resol #1$- abnd & qultlci

13 Power Easmts 10-13-6? 131609 Resol 262 abandon ic quitclaim 14 - WiP Dent

Power 12-1-67 137135 easements-Resol 424 auth quitclaim- W&P Dept

Power Easmts 5-3-68 13921I Resol 90^ - Auth quitclaim 8 easmts No longer reauired-W&P Dept

Power lines 12-12-67 137281 undergrounding in City L A-W6P Dept rept re history-trends & plans-L R Nowell mo

Power Line 3_po-68 13357li Mariondale Ave bst Valley Blvd & Gravois Ave - Resol delay install by W&P Dept - Snyder

Power Plant 4-3-68 1388I8 Steam-build-El Segundo-Snyder oorr.mun fr R. A Nye re nee

?ower Plants 4-8-6S 138811 I'uel oil operatd-El Segundo adop rpsol sunnort Air Pollutn Contrl Dlst-prohibit

Power Revenue Fd 7-9-65 124811 WeP resol 18- trans f?,5?6,000 to Reserve Fund - 19o5-66

Power Revenue Fd 7-21-65 124951 W&P resol 3441 auth borrow $57,000,000 issue Revenue Bonds

Power Rev Fund 5-25-66 129828" auth borrow 554,000,000 thru ussue Rev Bpnds-W&P Cpmsn

Power Revenue Pds 7-8-66 130402 #7,968,000 & Wtr Rev Pda-f2t338,000 - W&P Resol Ifo 8 auth era trana £dfi.

Power Revenue Pd 4-24-6? 134129 Auth borrow $64,000,000 thru issue Rev Bonds-nayable out of -VkfP Resol 3491

?ov;er Revenue Fd 7-14-6? 135147 n'oth •'i, 164,OOQ k $2,399,000 fr v.&ter Rev Fd to Uetjerve .Kd of O i t y - l : / o l - o - Hesol 21- V;Si' Comsn Power Rev .FUnd. 3-29-68 133692 Auth.borrow 4"'86,000,000 thru issue bonds - W^P PPPOI =;oe;

Power Revenue Fd 6-28-68 139929 $8,724,000 auth trans to City during 1968-69-W&P Comsn Resol 1087

Power Rev Fds 6-28-66 l4u74l Kesol 3539-W. & P Comsn auth torrov; $?'+ mil thru Rev Bonds fr Pwr Rev Fund - Potter Mo

Power Revenue Fd 6-24-69 145811 Issue $216/000/000 Revenue Bond Resol 3554 - W&P

Power Rev Fd 7-14-69 14608? k Water Rev Fd-^W/P Resbl 29 auth trans $9,256,000 & 2,874,000 to Reserve Pd of City 1969-70 fy

Power Shovel 9-24-69 143912 Operator-req salary adjustmt-ACEA

Power Supply 2-23-6? 132131 Expansion plans- W&P rept of Burns & iMcConnell Eng Co re acq of Int Mohave PrSj (Nevada)

Power System 4-23-65 1231^2 Hesol g44 - quitclaim I5 easmts no longer requirea - W&P

Power System 4-13-6? 133989~ Overhead Dist #10 Hdqtrs-Auth sale to State easmts vie Aliso C"-W&P Dept

Power System r asints d-9-67 135542 Auth quitcleiiri 14- Resal 117-V.&.P Dept

'Power Syste.Ti 9-8-67 13598(' Easmts - Resol 21? auth quitclai 14 - W&P Dept

Power System 2-16-68 138129 ~ easemts-no longer required by dept-W&P Comsn Resol y/677

"Power System 2-10-69 142765" easemts-auth quitclaim 13 no longer required by Dept-W&P Dept Resol 621

Power Systera 11-24-69 14806? Easmts - W&P resol 432 Quitclaim I3 easmts

Power System 5-I2-69 14518? 10 - W/P Dept Resol #8?1 - auth quitclaim

~ Power System 8-II-69 146568 ~ Auth quitclaim 9 easmts no longer required - W&P Dept

Power System Eleraent 11-6-68 14154?

Master Plan - PC 19?1?

Pwr Transmission 11-6-68 l4l539 R/W Plan Element - Master Plan-PC 19836


J m c t i c u l l.'urse 3-13-6? i:?-557


Rec :Iosp reo ' k a r ld t l m^.n-^Ticnths va e .-.: s i r. k r c 11 n f - Snc c ' ur s 1 n,~ Auth-CAC

Pract ices . 9-5-69 l4696l Re bidding on const projs -A Strauss Co -

Prayer Book 7- 5-6? 55764 1965 - Placed in Upper Vault-Atcachment drawer . "

Pre-Emptlon IO-I9-66 I3168I

Matter of law of - Calif State

Preemption -4-29-69 1^11500 State - Mo support SB Sup '^U #U - Clarify controversy-Potter

Prefab-Modular 10-24-66 13172? Metal Pet Bridges-Resol study for use at School & busy Crossings-Braude i'reliiiiin.ary 8-2t-65 125350

iieh.ib flan Damaged. Area by Riot. by Co-Lrd Bd - SJ.QC Craer Bus 3-24-65 - Gibeon ho

Preliminary 5-4-6? 13381S Report on 196?-68 Proposed Budget - Mayor

Premium Pay 3-5-69 137696 Registered Prof Eng & Arch - S#L3-BEW

Prepackaged 2-8-68 138032 ^ meat-unprocessed & untreated be

packaged in transparent containers Atty prep Ord-T Bradley sno

Pre-School Vision 1-28-65 122438 Screening Ciinic-Verdugo Hills Ccl PTA-use Sunland-Tujunga, Munlo Bldg-Feb 24-26 ' 65-Bur Pub Bide;s

President Ave 2-17-65 122701 iiilem School-Fleming Jr Hi &, Narbonne Hi Sch - LA Citv Bd i d-uc const ped overcrcst^inp:

president's Ccl 7-2-69 145972 Youth Opportunity Prog -Summer prog transportation proj-$43,120 alloc to LA Summer Youth

President Pro Tev; Ho rotation-

7„3-67 135030 ;raude

President Pro Tem 12-28-67 137419 Atty pres Legal Opinion wlio succeeds Mayor in absence -, G Lindsay mp

President's Wtr h.--[l\fbb 1.29263 '" Poll Contr Advisory Bd mtg ' • San Dlea;o U-21-tib-M '; Lindsay • At:t Lamport

Press 6-24-69 145807 Use term News Media on ID Cards Pol Comsn req amend I.AMC S P ' ^ , 52.16

Press Conf 7rl5-6-9 -lUSliS Policy of Ccl-re matters' sub by Spec Cotnt/Comsn sub to Ccl prior press conf , - • . -, ..-.'

Pre-trial 3-27-6? - 133706 discovery - commun fr .- John Kaldgr re-Ight to Inspect Documents.

Preventative 11-6-66 l4l533 : Treatment - Amend Workmen's Coirrp Sal Stand ord for treatment Recv-o; Hosn - ACEA

Press photographer36-23-66 119905 exhibit- City Hall Rotunds Oct 10-17- BPW app for - 'oraat

Primary Nominating 2-15-f:'? 133190 \ Elactlon - Afcty Ord calling elaction Apr )j|. 196?

Prime Klnlster 1-4-65 122120 of Japan visit l-15-65~pr.o'ir • .;:ft $1400 espense-Kayor

Prince Hall rt-^i-f// 135001 . ArMerican Observance Day 9-10-6? resol obs.erve - :-'!i.ll.s ' •-.'

Prince Hall 5-13-69 145208 Grand Lodge-Masonic Convention July 19-23 1969-req $2,500 incl ii:' budget-G Lindsay?

Princess r.ouise -; •.;:?•;--•';.• ;12934l ' . .. ' Restaurant - Lease #7.1 i-o vessel '• operate as - Or'^.er35'4Q..Harbor Comsn Princess Louise 4~lU-60 . 143100 V

SS - Hail opening Crown Je'v*!.iels.. • Room - honor British History -Gibson , .

Princess Pafcriciall-2i-66 .1313'0O Sbsaraship- Gibson resol welcome to Port LA

Prin Accountant 7«25-66 I3060O Controller 1966-6? Pers Or-i-realloc I pos fr Sr Auditor- Audit Div

' P r i n c i p a l 2 -28-6? 132555 AcGoantai i t -aut i , eaiploj; a t ,5th step-: ' ' . DrU'Tunond-Pli-e '-•..nnsn-CAO

P r i n Admin kru ' t lysts-Mayor

1 1 0 - 0 5 GAO iiuoi) ern;

FT l a .Buiiai'V!; 9-?'l~^:-'.Inricitecliu:--. n&S 0,;,m3r;v JS-}i)l..~6'l: f •::t-iitynyy. Oi'i

125690 t d i t l -

131422 i.ncl i n


Prin Bldg- 5-29-6? 134622 Mechanical l.napector k 4 other- ^ B&S amend Ord 89,100 estab new

Principal Civil 9-22-66 i2\\9lX\ . En.i ineer-eiap one poM bal .< iscal • yr-P Lamport mo

Principal Civil 12-2-66 124914 Eng-BPW roc 2 addtl pos -CAO Mayor

Prin Civil Eng 4-12-6? 13069? Req unfreeze pos Pro Js Coord Ens; k emp 1 addtl in lieu of-CAO - BPW Prin Civil Eng 4-21-6? 124914 Mo emp in lieu 1 Sr Civ Eng

Harbor Dist Office - Mills

Prin Civil Eng 10-4-6? 135451 Req auth fill 1 nddtl nos -St Lt.L' Bur

Principal Civil 6-6-68 135437 Enr-rec delete 1 nns h adf' 1 addt'l pns Depvity Cltv 5ng I

Principal Claims 4-23-65 123569 Investig-ator - est.ib new class Grouj; 84 '.'Jorkr.en'c coni},eas tiun

Vrincipal Ulerk 7-14-67 135162 _ City i'lan- add 1 pos <•... uelete 1 pos i ri/iC vilk Jte.iio- i'lon req. 1'evii.e i'ex'S Ord

~i-rinoipal Clk 10-2o-6> 125662. Controller 'co j.cctaiit -CAO-'^Gnt req alloc 1 pos to Acctg uiv

>rin Clerk Contr 1-31-66 12566;: realloc to Sr Calculating li/Iach Gcerator -CAC & Controller

"Prin Clk Land 10-10-66 130292 Records - Grant advance over­time - Mills

Prin Clerk Pers 3-31-66 125695 Pers Divsn - BPW - rea 1 addtl pos - BPW

Principal Clk 6-16-6? 134825 Personn<=l-reo reimburse for ovrrtlme worVed-Pers Dept (CS)

135431 Prin Clk Pers 1-2-68 1 Chf Clk Pub Wks in lieu of-Bur of Pers-CAO-BPW rept

Prin Clk Police liN?0-68 i40120 En.p in Ueu 1 3r Clk Steno off Co:nsn Secry Pol Dept

p r in Clerk 11-24-6$ l25hB$ Pub Works- BPW - req a d d t l poa In St Mtnce Bur

P r i n c i p a l Clk PW 1-31-66 125485' & 5 Classes Tree Trimmer- CAG* BFW -St Mtce rea ernnlov r e Reorsr of St Tree Div

P r inc ipa l Clerk 9-12-69 117468 auth re-employ Joyce Card^l la spec s a l a r y rate-Chf Legis Analyse J Gibson

/ r i a c i p a l Clerk 7-14-6? 135162 Sueuo-delete 1 pos k «dd 1 pos r r Jac vjiic 'Jity iUan- rli^a Couisn req rev i se f a r s Jrd

P r inc ipa l Clerk 7- 3-68 130848 Steno - Helen D Salgado -14eh Dist - Mi l l s Motion appt

Pr in Clerk Steno 7-26-61^ 125011 Ci ty Clerk roq review sa l a ry with other pos-req Sal inc Secy to City

Brin Clk Steno 12-. G-65 124750 rto employ Cleo Spaeth in 5th Cclmanic Dist - Mils

Principal Clk 1-28-66 124613 Steno-appt Donna L Boberts 13th Cclmanic Dist-B Mills mo

Principal Clerk 5-3-66 125693 Steno-Pire Dept req auth employ-at 5th salary step-CAO

Prin Clk Steno 5-13-66 appt Kathleen J Donatl-J Cassidy motion


Principal Clk Pol 7-26-68 14.0330 reclass 1 pos SrClk Steno -Mayor - 6 Step Reorganization Pol Dept

P.-ln Clk Steno 9-26-66 124613 appt Charlotte Murata i3th Dist replace Donna Hoberts-B Mills

Prin Clk Sten* 10-14-66 131621 Phyllis Pella combine pos with

Secy to Bd PU&Transp

Prla Clerk Steao $-.l8=>67 130292 Mayop s»eq isicl 1 for ovortiae authority

Prlnc Clk Stero 7-13-6? ,117468 V.c av.^ot Joyce A Cardella- Off -Chf Leris Analyst- eff 7-17-67-B r) Hills

Prin Clk Steno 10-30-6? 135421 Req replace Secy Animal R:?g Corns -Gflo-Mayor


Principal Clerk 4- 2-68 12^611 Steno - llth Dist -appt Sylvia B Schantz - Mills-Mo-

;Prin Clk Steno 3-12-69 l4010? Amend Pers Ord emp Grace Nakata i s De^? Salary Sched 37

: Principal Clk 7-18-69 117374 Steno-aopt Virginia M Crawford eff 7-28-69 1st Cclmanic Dist-B Mills

I Prin Clk Steno 10-14-69 145803

Req auth employ - Pol Dept

jPrin Computor Oper 8-22-6'? 13494&^ Ord adjust salary at 2nd step ' •when serving as supervisor

r Prin Data 4-6-65 120061 ,! Processing Analyst - Req estab

new class - Ccntroller

jPrincipal Data 12-6-67 135438 Processing Analyst-employ Akio Kumamoto 4th step-Spec Salary Comt

Principal 9-20-65 125662 Deputy Controller-fill vac pos Pere Ord 1965-66-Off ice Controllei:,

_ J CasBldy-mo : Prin Dep ControllerlO-29-65 I25662

C S app emp H Brucs Joplin -exempt prov C S

jPrin Deputy 7-29-65 124.6O? Public Defender- Pers k Fin Comt rept new classes

iPrin Deputy 6-12-68 138888 City Atty-CAO rec auth add 2 pos for Office of City Atty-Mayor

TPrin Deputy 11-13-68 141633, ' Controller-exempt CS prov-

George Bertram in pos

rPrlncipal 3-1-6? 130997: Motivational Specialist-Office : Coramun Dev-exempt fr prov CS \ Harold H Oliver

jPrincipal 6-8-6? 130997 ' Motivational Spec-Office Commun ;

Dev-exempt fr Civ Serv Prov-Mayor •

i Prin Motivational 6-10-68 137300 • ' Specialist-auth emp 2 pos bal I

1967-68 Office Commun Dev-CAO

jPrincipal 12-5-67 135437 'y structural Eng-Amd Pers Ord add

one pos-delete 1 oos Eng of Structures-BPW-CAO

Prin Pers Analyst 9-27-6? 13622? consolidate under Sr Pers Analyd^ estab pay grade - CAO

"Prin Real Estate 9-30-bb 130698 ; Agent - Req 1 addtl pos during sick Iv Gould Warren - CAO - BPW

•.Prin Keal Estate 12-3-65 127283 ': Appraiser - R/W & Ld req advance • overtime 1 pos - CAO

Prin Sanitary Sng 3-9-6? 129200 • Amd Ord 89,100 incr sup #10' salary-Atty

"Principal Store- 7-8-68 140043: keeper & Sys Eng-Pub Bldgs Bur- ' add pos bal fis yr 1968-59-CAO

Prin Title 2-4-69 140127 : Examiner & Title Officer-rec fill positions in Bur R/W & Land-BPW- CAO Printed Matter S' 6-69 145093 :

Pol Dept-trans $19,000 purch nee printer matter - Mayor -PQl Comsn

: Printing & 4-I6-65 I23668 J Stores Hevolving Fds-Accounting Procedures of Financial operatns-

1. AipftOdOrd 'iP.P.'Q - CAO^ , .. Printing 9_i9_67 I36IIO ; services in CH - Mo CAO make study of delay - Potter

Printing Service 6-18-69 136100 : i delay at City Print Shop-CAO

rept reasons

Printing 12-11-67 137252 i educational Brochures-Police Comsn rec approp $10,000 to Printing & Binding Acct #212

'Printing & Binding'4-2-68 138?36 j i Req trans $35,339 to Acct fr •Pol Officers Sal Acct -Pol Comsn

Printing' 11-7-69 146528 | Services - Req cert services - ; A Snyder - l4th Dist

"Printing Services 11-7-69 l4?826 ; ; Cclman Potter req for office

2nd Dist - City Clk

r Print'Sh'op " II-21-69 l48b3?j • Purchase collator $36,940 -

Purch Agt for

[Priority Proj II-8-65 I2624I ! ' Oxnard St-Whitsett Ave-Vanowen

St- Bernardi resol designate ais Spec•Priority ,

„„f _:_ ~ ^ -_ . _.., " j


Priorities 4-26-66 129424 resol adopt categories as guide-; lines estab Cap Imp Progress 1966-67 - Bradlev resol

! Priority List 8-I6-66 130933 Grade crossings 196?- State Pub Util Corasn estab

ipriority List 8-14-6? 135607 .' Grade Crossings I968- State pub •

Util Cofiisn

j Priority Proj 3-9-6? I35OG5 • Storm Drain Proj #5241-Sup #1 • Sandpiper St-bPV; give Spec Prior -Design- Timberlake mo

I Priorities 5-23-6? 135751-- ' Var coininun plans-pr-jposed work' : programs- Dir.Plan transmit

\ Prisoners ' " ' 6-4-65 124341 • Contract LA Co house in Co Jail ' est cost 1965-66 $Z<.2,000 -CAO-Pol Comsnrs rent

i Prisoner 9-27-68 132603 process system - Pol Comsn sub eonsold proj rept & funds -. $18^100, -..Mayor _- -..

i Private Ambnlancs. 7-29-65 121 065' Service- Bd PU&T resol fixing of rates & chgs

I Private Ambulance 7-26-66 14.O33I ' • (Dperators prov Emerg Trans duidrg

emerg - Wilkinson-Mo- Rec Hosp & -PU&Trans make study

; Private Arir.ies 8-28-67 135795 Retail Clerks Union Local 770 ; rec laws to abolish- Lamport

.. sub ..letter . . r Private Carriers 2-9-6? .133101 ;

of Pub Transptn- Atkinson Transportation Co - reconsider

_ . imp bus. tax Private Clubs 7-17-69 I46l4? ; Don Shulman req help combat v incr in..'Crenshaw Community

I Private^ Collected 4-24-^9" '143230 \ ' Refuse Disposal Element of

Master Plan-re prepare in co-op \ with private collectors . .. . .

iprivate Contracts 7-14-65 124859: ' Eng & Arch A330C alloc pos in CS'

orocess Storm Dr ^ ond Prog-Emp City erap _

rPrivate 9-15-66 131306: Engineering ^'irms-Contracts for ••. design 1964 Storm Drain Bond

..Issue, oroJect3-BPV;~CAQ . .-_ , Private Engineering 12-5-67 137190 I Firms-Eng rept to Pub Wks Comt •

on contracts let cut past 10 yrs--J Gibson motion

Private Garages 11-10-66 131959 tow away abnd vehicles- Mayor

Sec invest if revenue can be erived Private homes 1-17-66 I27985; permit Adult Education classes-Amend MC Sec 12.22-M Braude motion

Private . 3-17-6? I33IOI ': operated bus lines-San Pedro Tran.9it Lines req hrg re impose business tax

. Private Refuse .9-2 ?-66 131412 ' Haulers- San Ferndo Vly Ref Rerad Assn- prot arrest for overweight

;Private 'sewer 6-i3-67" I347871 i •'' Const Acct Pd-BPW Trust Fd-re '

approp by resol to Cap Imp Projs amd KC Sec 64.19.l(b)-CAO

Private Sewer 9-12-6? 134355 : : Const Fund - ord approp $50,450 '

to Mullen Ave bet 8th & Olympic

•private Sewer 2-19-68 138l44 "\ ". Const-Gage-Vennont to Normandie/ ''

Temescal-Sunset to Pacific Cst Hv^ CAO-Atty-ord approp

;Private Sewer 4-22-68 1309441 Const Acct-BPW Trust Fd-CAO-rec approp $197.86 to Cullver Blvd nr Earldom Ave Imo

i Private Sewer 8-23-68 125191 ' Const Acct-rec approp $2,340 & -trans $l4,420 fr Reserve Fd-Map & Ord Int - CAO- eng

: Priv Sewer 9- 5-68 11844? i ; Const Acct $1387.95 to proj

Sepulveda Bl nr Plummer St

; Private Sewer : 12-3-68 138020 Const Acct-Approp $325,000-Conv Ctr-Pico & Figueroa ID -

Sup#26 • "Private Sewer Const 3-2O-69 1434031 I Acct - in P W Trust Fd -

Statement as of 2-28-69 - BPW

: Private Sts 6-9-6? 105480 ! ) Hazardous-rept re amendmnt MC

re performance work by BPW-CAO

" Private Street 8-I8-65 125288] Map - re auth more than 1 Deputy act for Dir of Plan - Plan Comsn

'Probationary 2-28-6? 132632 j-• Period - 12 months for ^ , _

management positions _ Ferraro.Mo _ -. •._ : Procedural Ord 6-I8-68 139?80 ! } for issue Rev Bonds for Rev

Producing Facils not in Charter-. Atty rept ,

••«s. 539

Procedure 1-27-65 122425 levying Spec Assessments for ?: Sidewalk & curb repalrs-motlon-B Mills

Procedure 4-14-65 123634 present protests to Councii-Resol change - Gibson

Procedure 4-16-65 123668" Financial Operations Printing &

Stores Revolving Fds-Araendmt to Ord 52230 - CAO ._

Procedure 5-11-65 12404<r for Mediation disputes bet Pub Jurlsdlctns k their emps in State., Calif-AB 2465-ACEA urge suppox^

Procedure 5-19-65 123556 re Mayors 10 day period approval^ approp $8,110 Alley w Whitsett Ave, Woodbrldge to Valley Sprln« Lane_

Procedure 6-22-65 120008 •Emergency Overtime - under Ord 89100 Sec 12.1(b) -CAO rept ...

Procedure 7-12-6^ 1119^0 Bur Asamts-rept aub number desig-metes & bnds-legal deacrip ^ 1911 Soec Aasmt Prod- . BPW

Procedure 7-29-65 I2505l k Policy - State Divan Hwys re City be adv of prop air rights *

, Procedure g-4-65 111950 Recom numbers for legal deecfip*

, tions abandoned & former method \ _ adopted _ ' Procedure 9-23-65 125716 Proposed Employee Grievance in B&S Dept - Comsnrs sub copy *.

Procedure 7-19-bt)-"X30520 Expedite accept offer ded of easmts for sanitary sewer or ^ storm drain purposes on prlv 8t,s

Procedure 8-26-66 131092: for oolleotlon Realty Transfer Tax-use Col Charaber 8-31-66 for •*i

.. , nonf-T ShftOftWd . . . . . ^. Procedure 9-6-66 131193

amd Coune11 rules ellm or delegate Col duties ''

"proeedurd 4-2^^7 " IPlSfi i inform business men of ords gov \ r e m k te be eomolled Kith upon \ enterin?. ne» buflttneweg -„ ll0«.9,lL

• Procedure 6-27-6? 131193 '• of admin duties handled by Gel CAO rept re reduce- refom of Oel'^

' Procedure 6-27-67 l SlfJ- ' Coordinate St EnoVoaoh Sup ffl •• Permits- CAO rept t© Traf Cofflt ,,

Procedure 9.15.67 1360?4 re Bds appt examiners to considr appeals - Arnend Ord 95,338-Mayc~ Pers Dept

"Prodedure ' IO-36-67 136686 " dispoes & remove abandoned vehs-Mo incorporate int MC AB 66 which amends.provisions-Braude

Procedure 12-14-67 137307 estab elect 2 emps mbrs to Bd admin-City Emp Retirement System

Procedure 2-2-68 108355 estab re pmt assessmt against puT grop under sec 6467 Sts & Hwys Coc ode-amd Ord 134,367-Treas

Procedure Dev Spec 4-24-68 13906? CAO rec employ W M Battersby k

'0' W D Miller Jr at 5th.step k 3rd _ Bten . . Procedures' 4-29-68 139141

Ccl follow in accord with Atty ••'T Opinion of 4-15-68 re appt field _ Deps vol-CAO-Snyder-Mo Procedures 5-8-68 138962

Charter-Report re require Ccl f- approval trans cert Rec & Pk _ sites - Attv. ..— ... . Procedure For 5-13-68 134523 :

Funding Summer Prog - estab .f Year-Round - CAO report to Spec _ Comt on. llgual Oppor.tanltiea Procedures 5-21-68 139^50

obtain treatment for injured .f fireman'Wm McOray-Mo BH&W Com.t

..invest - Snyder - _ Procedure 6-2S-68 139780 Ordinance

f Revenue Bond

Procedure 16-8-68 102767°° Ccl policy re Apptmts o£ Gotnsnr

•f & GonftrmBtien

Procedure 1-9-^9 1^13^6' p© adopt frwy loeationi -

f Calif State Hwy Oemin

^eocedufe 2-4-69 U 2 7 0 2 " ' for uniferffls replae@6)@Tie°Gley

^ !*A F/P Proeeetive u ,!*A iyp Proceed Preeedure., 3-T»69 14319S 0©fflB©titive bidding •» Atty gfvlew Ohrti^.pe

. .m§imm.msQi^ ppeeeduras 3=t6»l9 ISlgiS fer mtne© 7 reeeir dgftetiv© iidewaiki ° p@6um@ ©f ©elley hy B©©t Fpt.. . •

f?©e©dUre ^of^lf l Sii?" Prep ©hangii r© deelgien Biateinf in fwy lee & deiign = Kwr Aiffiin



Procedure ?-ll-6v 146081 ballot countlrig k Breakdown of vote by Ccl Dists-Edelman Mo req Co Bd Supvsrs incl Ccl mbr on cor.'i\

Procedure 7-24-69 146308 re contact owners sidewalks prior initiatn work-sub to Ccl for study & incorp in LAAC-Edelman

Procedure 8-1-69 143500 re expenditures of Gen sup #7 City Purposes Fd be included in LAAC Procedure 9-22-69 13246C Zone Chg & BL Ords under Sup#3 new Charter prov -Sees 96.5(5) 97.1 to 97.7 - make Findings

Procedure 10-9-69 141112 Sell surplus City-owned real niron - CAO rent

rrcgr.Ai.;3 n-jC-65 127046 • v.i.-i Civic Center - i'-.oticn :ie; S

ik£? use Lee I905 - i r- une ho

procrar :; 1-^3-68 137?95 .for L''.-.'-Ircornc Cor::munities-Clb3c;;-R»r:ol-cooperate with Mayor 'i: 1 ;::•!:.•• corps

Program 12-17-68 122295 Implement facilities Senior Citizens on rental basis - Gen Mgr rept - Rec/Kcs Corasn-Program Proposal I-I5-69 142265

Inventory of Elem of Traf Systm Recom Traf Dept file viith State Trans Safety Coord

Prograiiinier Analyst 4-6-65 120061 Heq estao new class - Ccntroller

Procedure IO-15-69 135595 estab re delivery injured Pol/ Fireman ^ civilians Rec'g Hosp

Procedure 10-17-69 14258? Emergcy during natural disasters RPU_'R;npj rec review

Procedure 10-23-69 145828 for Award of concession agrmt-Rec S: Pks Comt rept

~ Prodecures II-3-69 105755 Req change in investing surplus funds - Treas

Procedure Rept 12-22-69 142587 Flood & Landslide-B&S Dept

Proclamation 12-14-65 I26630' " .: Declare i>ec 24 k 29 holidays for

City Employees - 1965 - Mayor

"Proclamation 3-28-69 143511 Day of Mourning for Dwight D Eisenhower - 3-31-69 - Mayor

Proclamation 7-18-69 146148 req concur in declaration close all city offices 7-21-69 - Mayor Apollo 11 Lunar Miasion Professional 7-18-68 I38888 Classes-Advance Hiring Orig cort - Amend Ord 89100

Pro Pirefightrs 5- 6-69 133??6 Inc Local 112-req Imp in City contrlbutn to Health & Welfare Plans

•professional 2-21-68 131274 ' promotors/paid solicitors-Mayor-CAO-Soc Serv Dept-increase Spec <!orv fees/bond ino: reouiremnts

Progress Payments 3-9-6? IOO300 on 1911 Act proj -cost Sup ?-0 defrayed by City- add to 196?

_ Lesis orosram Progress Rept 3-2^-66 123695 3rd- Task Force Comt - Bernardi mo ref to H»-S Court - re Bldg Code

Progress in Traf 10-19-66 125164 Managemt in L A I966 - Report by Auto Safety Foundation and Auto Club of SC

Progressive 8-5-68 139630" Income & payroll Tax-Bradley-Mo- • enact-test legality

Projects a-6-65 125152 Assrat - List to be j.recessed unde" Amended Sec 5360.3 Sts k Hwvs Code Nowell Iiesol

"projects 6-4-69 145539 with insufficient financing-Gas Tax Allocatns Fiscal year

Project Co-Ord ^-2C-65 125345 Commun Hedevelopmt Office -,req ' exempt Brodie & J Smith-Mayor

Project 9-I6-65 125345 Coordinator-employ Ida Brodie & Jeremiah Smith exempt Clv Serv prov-Cly Serv Comsn

Project 2-2-66 128220 Coordinator -Office Coramunity Develonmt -Mavor's Off- Civ Serv exem't .)0S - Mavc-r ree ann . .

Project 8-31-66 125345 Cooi'dlnator-exempt J Montgomery prov Glv Serv-OffIce Community Development-Mayor

Projects Co6rd 4-12-6? I3069? Eng-Req unfreeze pos k emp 1 addtl por Prin Civ Eng in lieu ot f"«r»_WPW


Project 6-10-68 137300 Coordinator-auth emp 1 pos bal » 1967-68 Office Commun Dev-CAO

Project Director 4-3-6? 12636r Community Analysis - Ord add class - auth employ - Atty

Project Director 3-29-68 126368 Commun Analysis - Approve emp ; Robt E Joyce exemtp CS-Pers Dept •.,

Proi Director 6-20-68 138888 Commun Analyst-ord amd 89,100 correct errors In Ord adopted 6-13-68-Atty

"Project Libros" 2-13-69 142822 Library Dept invest adapting concept-A Snyder - Mo

Projects 12-27-65 126134 Matching Credit - Advise total : for 1963-4 at $5,744,146.49 Calif Hwy Divsn

: Project 112 6-29-66 90298 Kelvin Ave - Easmt DeSoto Ave be1 Vanowen Sr. Venturg B.Tvd - CAO

-project b54 5-17-68 139411 ; Marengo St - plans & specs const:, storm drain - Fllood Contr Dist

Project660 • 5-l?-68 139411 Medford St - Plans & specs const : stormdrain - Flood COntr Dist

Project 665 5-17-^8 139411 Boyle Ave - Plans & specs const ' stormdrain - Flood Contr Dist ^

Project Piiinning 9-2-69 l469l4 & Control System- Phase II -Appiaop $25,000 - Booz-Allen & •: Hatnilton Inc .recom ...

Promotion 3-22-66 128909 ; ACEA - Amend Sal Stand ' Ord provide 5 ^ incr follow , promotion to another class ••

Promotion 3-12-69 139808 Req chrtr amd permit eatab dists 1 for purp of- & incr bus lie tax 'v within dist

.Promotion Fund" 5-17-68 139395 City - Req ord estab Commercial; Photo Adv Corat-centralize permit ^ i88uahce- S..tab_Jlees„»>.J»fevor.. ...

i Promotion & Hiring 7-26-66 140332 ' Emergency Freeze - Ccl cont deptB.. also indep depts abide-Wilkinson \

p r f e i o n " •' 5^29-69 """"lASUl practices in Dept Pub Wks-complaint fr B Hernandez

Promotors 2-21-68 1312?4 prof/paid solicitors-Mayor-CAO- ' Soc Serv Dept-increase Spec Serv- -fees/bonding requiremnts

Property 5-13-65 124057 City-E s ide San Pedro St Sly 120tb S t - e s t ab as p a r t Seui Pedro St-Eng

Property City 5-19-65 124132. auth sale to P J & B Edwards ptn Lot^7 loc in Arapahoe St at 20th

. St «5.500-BPW-CAO Property 10-27-65 122512

Public Use - reconvey if not ••.::"''• needed - Attv .Opinion-'- '

Property 1-24-66 128075 , • within City LA- CAO req Co Assessor sub est Assessed valuatioi.

_ .1 oAA Ao .... Property 2-7-66 1282821 ; City-owned-exempt prop tax if

used recreational purps-Edelman-Morfeasib Constitutional amend

; Property-City 6-23-66 124369 ! Sale 22 surplus parcels = Del Rey Lagoon area i

Property City 9-15^66 I31307I ./ auth sale to L & P Atlas ptn - "

Lots 254-255 Rose Hill Court Tr-_ ...Rose Hills. P? ; E:.& Esmeralda. St^_ I Property 12-19-66 132446^ .; Clty-owned-S/s Vernon Ave ^ly '

San Pedro=St-ded aspub st-Eng

\ Property 12-19-66 13243?"' .1 Clty-ded widen Normandie Ave Sly

Cambridge St-Eng

TProperty 12-22-66 132470 City-Lot 7 Tr 9673 San Pndo Bd • Sly Ferncliff Ct-auth sale to State-BPW

iTroperty ' l2-22»6b 132471 . i City-ptn lot 52 Tr 2158-auth ,

sale to Lowee Walsh-BPW

rProporty " i2--28-66 79077 Clty-Wly Tujunga Ave bet Lull&y"' Saticoy Sts«auth sale to Flrft . CbniatIs^n .ChVJroh J H R .Valley.

""PpbpeiHjy l2^28-'66 ; City.»Lot 4 Blk 28 Short Line

Beach Subdlv^#4'^aale to H LAnderfflin |ig^gp^BPW _ _

rpropirty'"'''""'"^^7 I Z ^ Z ^ - ^ ^ ^ -j City^N/s Sepulveda Blvd SWly

Western Ave^awth sale«.f650«=BPW

T^ropertF"'• ' ^12^^66 "I325I! i qity*.N/e Miraflores st Wly

Paolfl© Ave^sal© to St&te:i«st


Harbor Pwy=ii4,006.«CAQ

5' H<;

Property l-lO-b? 132683 within City - Require City Offlci als file affidavits listing all - . when dealin? in Plan & zone ratters

Property ' 6-1I-67 I34654 Clty-IE cor Clyrnclc Elvd & Arllnz-'ton Ave-lease pkg purroses-BFW ."•

Property 6-7-6? 134714 Clty-H/v; Sc Land-auth sale land adj 1536 N Beverly Glen Elvd-to adj prop owners $100

Property 2-13-68 138067 City-NW comer Centinela Ave & Palms Blvd-sale to D Mumper et ux $10Q-BPW -CAO

Property-City 4-30-68 139164 Akron St Ely Chattanooga Ave-Auth sale to adj prop owners-BPT7

6-3-68 139595 Property City-Wly Ruthupham Ave Sly Sinova St-auth sale to L Caflisch $150

,Property-City 1-14-69 142405 ; Mo req Lot Clean Div adopt higher standard of rntnce-Mills

Property-City 6-3-69 145504 invite bids rental prop S/s Fountain Ave bet Mansfield Ave

Trop^r?FHIy''^ 9-10-69 146978" intersec^ Belleglade & Castleman Aves-auth sale to V Tannahill for $1,925-BPW-CA0

Property 9-11-69 113261 City-owned-auth sal • nr intersec Reseda Blvd & Parthenia St-BPW CAO

Property 9-23-69 147191 City-owned-NE intersec Cato St 4 Dudley Dr-auth sale to J Perez for §336-BPW-CAO

Property 9-23-69 147192 City-owned-E/o Hoover St bet 24t & 25th Sts-auth sale to Metro Investment Co-BPW-CAO

Property 9-23-69 147194 City-owned-SE/o intersec Mesa & 2nd Sts-sale to Commun Redev Agency for $9,500-BPW-CAO

Property 9-24-69 143217 City-owned-auth sale loc Wly Amethyst & Nly Telluride St to Mariorie Cohen for 5500

Property 9-29-69 147238 City-Jefferson Blvd & Rodeo Rd-convev to Chas Wright-Par 3.1R exch tor Par 2A pmt $4,000-BPW

Prop Evaluatn 1-11-68 I28075 for 1968/'69-CAO roq Co Assessor furnish estimate

Property 8-16-6? 135650 (real) enact legis en- Sup 10 coura. e imp-assmt be invest

Property I-3O-67 132955 Ur-.-e Legis landlords Tiaintain so as prevent slum conds-Citizens Assn LA Co

Property sale 11-5-65 126200 K Crahan - emend MC Sec 21.193 require lie tax

Property 6-10-68 139652 owned by State of Calif-re pmt assmts under Imn Act 1911-SB 969 rec support-BPW

Property I-IO-69 14236? Real - Resol reo r ev i s e S ta te lavj re assess ing & taxlnof-Marysville

Property 3-17-69 143348 App agrmt with Co for City's acq tax title int 194 parcels

\ • -

Property Tariff 1-4-68 137519 changes-per Western Union Telegraph Co

Property Tax 1-13-66 127960" coramun frora Pay Satrapa-suggest sources of revenue reduce-tultlon-st parking fees

Property tax 3-17^5 121600 E Logan appeal re lowering

Property Tax 9-7-65 r e proposed reduction of dependence-Mayor


Property Tax 7-22-66 130577 Rev & Tax & Pin Comts rept re raise to fin budget- aude no

Property tax 9-12-66 131228 W Starkey protest in at 1909 Fox Hills Dr

Property fax 12-1-66 1248?9 Mo prop owners appl for relief under AB 31 - in disaster areas Gibson..

Property Tax 2-20-6? 133222 Mills mo Mayor :- Co & Sch Bd prepare reform for relief of proD owners

Property Tax 3-.I3-67 133535 exclude $1000 assessed valuation-incl in City'n St.ite Legls Prog-!i Edelman . '.. .

Property 'fax j-m.-^ 'p 133553 reduction-tax Dlverslficatn-Dr N Jacoby sub sup; to Comts-


Property Tex 5-8-67 134353 Mills mo all Cities k Counties m-in State meet discuss relief of tax problem

Property Taxes 7-1^-6? ' 135193 1967-68- Mayor message

Property Taxes 8-7-6? 135510 Refuctions re Diversified I ieasures- Kayor message

~ Proiperty Taxes 10-10-6? 13639^7 Urge Bd Supvsrs plan 4 installrar paymts I968-69 - SB 341 - CAO ,

Property Tax 5-3-68 ' I392I? Mo endorse 1% limit proposed by Co Tax Assessor - Mills

Property Tax ?-2-68 139980 limitatn on-"Watson Amendmnt"-

Property, tax 2-5-68 137971" I^ Co -Assmt & Collection Serv-Incr fr $22,350 to $331,000

Property Tax 8-12-68 140537 " Reduce loc- auth cities levy W sales tax after dropped by State 3 jO-l-6fl-Ferraro Resol

Prop Tax 8-16-68 140606 loss airport area-' Tree Trim-Underground Power Lines-Mrs Hamilton Baryhydt-Bernardi _

Property Tax 8-28-68 I40?fi7 I Ord fixing tax rate upon prop 1968-69 - Atty

Property Tax 9-18-68 137971 Assrat & collection by County Assrai; & coiieotion by of LA - Attorney rept

' Prop Taxes 9-2b-68 140999 i Controller Treas- Adv temp trans bet Fund Bal- City Treas

_ per .prior. refipt,..-.. Qid .CF. -.IQ3.7.22_ iProperty 3-3-69 l43lll -

Taxes - Commun re incr David M Callahan

Property Tax 3-5-69 141500 1969 Legis Prog incl support re incr prop tax exemp provided

^ Prop lA .-. .Fqelraan mp-; Property Tax 4-18-69 141500

exemptn-Senate Constitu-Sup 40 •., tlonal Amendmnt #6 -Mills Mo

... Ccl, .9.uppqrt-l969 Legls Prog Property taxes 7-24-69 146300 1

commun re increase-Bruce Brant v


Property Tax 8-19-69 14670? Wilkinson Mo-Controller attend Ccl ses 8-21-69 & discuss City's

_ forthcoming prop 'tax..rate ... - Proposed Budget 9-I6-68 139000 Advise will submit 5-1-68 - 30

/ days ahead; of Charter deadline--Mavnr ! . ., _

Proposition A 4-8-66 . 129190 • Primary Election 6-7-66 - R'esol-

^ commend Bd Supvsrs support Bonds Hospital SE area $12,300,000 =

Proposition l-A 10-19-66 131677 Rescl support on Nov Ballot -, revise State Constitutlon-Cassldy

Propositions io-ai-bb 131713.~ A-BrC - Urge support Nov Ballot y

^ streamline County Charter-Supvsrs "Propcflition "P"' 1-16-67 i32?IJL~.

Mo invest news transcript KNBC r Ccl acceptd paymt place Prop 2p"

_ on bal lot . „ .,.. _ . _ ProlJosftion :#$ 10-2$-66 13175?

Resol supper on Nov Ballot 1966 ^ Higher Ed .Const Prograra Bc«ids

Edelrae^n . - •:•, s • •'• • " /.. - • ''Propositions 10-4-66 131510 r

Open Space Conseryation - "Urge^i , oppose on Noy.BaUot-P E Watsori "

"Proposition 5 12-6-66 124879 ~ ; Nov 8 1966 ballot-reassessment •-

^ prop damaged in disaster area '

r $»r6iofiltl6n 1$ lO-ao-66 ' 136o4l1 Obscene Literature-Reaol urge

r support defeat on Nov ballot ,. .. ..JE^-elman ..'.v, *•- .i..~...,.-. - „. ...... _ •-1 Proposition P 2-9*67 130081

City Clerk expenditure rept

i fpapos iHoA^ 13111,76!, .•> Ord provide sewer sePvloel3l45l-

Z' ohg April 4 Sieetlon 196? * ' - ' •

i Proposition ^ A 2«'i5«67 133190 I k Charter Amend * Atty ords

calling Priraary Nom Election

"propositiona' 9-10-68 140858 Atty prep oyd re argumnts for Prop & Chrtr Amend In Sample

Prpposltlon § 9-30-68 141106 .•• finance non-profit hoap& in

Calif-Oallf Modern Hosps req _ . aupiao t .V ii-§?e!|- bfjulQ .-, i Proposition 2 10=7=68 141176

il=5=68 ballot-aupprt" assess Ld/Wtr Rts 0— c i t i e s out hndrleP


Proposition 6 10-29-68 l4l435 ll-S-68 ballot Ferraro mo supot-permlt Legis exempt tax retirmnt prog etc

Propositn 9 7-2-68. 139980 Watson Amend olace iimitri Prop Tax

,, 11.-5-68 election Proposition B 14-4-68 l4l528 Resol support - expand Juvinile detention Pacil- Lindsay

Proposition A 2-21-69 142950 for school bonds-Resol endorse-A Snyder

Proposition B & C 2-21-69 142950 for new tax ceilings for LA School bist-Resol endorse-Snyder

Prop lA 3-5-69 141500 1969 Legis Prog incl sup 15 support re incr prop tax exemo Edelman mo-

Prostitution 9-10-69 104020 & Narcotics etc at Saugus rehab c Cntr-lease to Watts Labor Com Acti. Comt-CAO investigate-L Nowell mo

protective 2-26-68 138231 barrier-install walkway Ely marmion Way fr Nly euro line Ave 45 to bus landing area

Protests 4-14-65 123634 Resol chg i-rocedure in present­ing to Council-Gibson Resol

Psychiatric Care 2-15-6? 133175 F k Policemen- Recg Hospital-F&P Pensystem re need for medical

PsycSfatric 11-21-68 l4l7?4 tests for Pol candidates-Appl to Natl Inst of Mental Hlth for Fed Grant - Mayor

Psychologist 10-23-68 140120 Req salary incr new pos CA" - Polio** Dent

Psychologist 1-9-69 142356 Police - Emp Dr Martin Reiser exempt pos

Public Address 3-2 1-6? 13368? System-BPW provide install in Conference /ioom 242-B

Public Auction 6-18-68 104020 BPW offer Saugus Rehab Cntr for sale after 9-1-68-Nowell-resol

"public Bldgs 6-29-65 L?4?0? conatr by private or public contraccors- Bernardi Mo CAO make study re costs

Pub Bldgs Const K-I5-69 1^313? Projs Fd - Trans $130,000 wlthli, Pd co.Tinlete iq68-Q Const Prooram

Pul-.lic Bldas 1-22-68 137766 , Demolitn/Removal-also addtnl Clk

Steno-for Bldg;'Safety Dept-Resol or M-yor-CAO-Supplies Dept

Pub Bldgs 8-21-68 140699 Comm- Pliimber Foreman & Plumber Wkg Foremn - Billy MilJs

Public Counter 11-22-65 126688 Service- Potter resol of PrincipU of Good serv

Public Defender 6-15-65 12450? Office - I'layor-CAO rept auth neg Uounty transfer i'uncticn fr ^ity

Public Defenders 9-17-65 125530 Office-resol acknowledge achlevements-Besol G Lindsay

Public Defender 2-lb-66 119366 CAO-BPViFr-terminate Lease Agrmt C< Court Kcuse .Rm 208 Van Nuvs at 14401 Lelanc St

Pub Dociomnts 8-30-68 140782 Bldg & Safety req Atty auth Ord' Supt Bldg sell copies & set fees MAYOR-CAO

Public Dump 12-11-67 131274 ; Pertnits=Bur St Mtnce-re proposed fee & deposit incr for spec services-CAO-Mayor

Pub Engineering o_i4-6? I3605I Geologist - re estab position J D Merrill - B&S Comsn

"Public Health 4-8-65 123557 Facilites - Telegram to Federal officials keep US prograra open

Pu6til°Health 12-11-67 109110 Code-proposed amendmts re Itinerant Restaurants-Water Wells Pub Swimming areas-Co Hlth Dept-

Pub Hlth & Welfare 5-20-66 129767" Comt-req neg Lease with Seui Pedro Comraun Hosp for emergency services

PH&Welfare Corrt 9-6-6? 135934 Mo invest estab Animal Center for quarantining^ animals-Snyder

'Pub Health k 4-8-65 123557 Welfare Deit - telegram keep Pub Hlth fac open- Gibson

PH&Welfare Cont 9-?-67 1359^? Resol req invest use of Halluci­nogenic drugs (LSD)

0 ^ 0

Pub Health/Velf " 12-29-b? 137443 Comt-re closvire l l t h Ave a Animal She l te r

PH&W Comt ;; 5-9-68 ., I39282 ~ Mo hold pub mtgs re delay pay Drs i n cnrrror/; a»<ea f o r Mprti-Cnre by '

_ CPS - Lindsav PH&W Comt 5-21-68 139^50

Mo inves t procedures obtain t reatment for fireman Wm McGray , injured on duty - Snyder

Pub Hlth/Welf 8-2p-68. 140654 Comt- Mayor's Youth'Adv Coun rept- Jobs obtained- Snyder - ;

PH6« Comt : :9-29-69 135595 rec appt full-time Admin for Rec' Hosp-make rec on salary-exempt pos

PU6W Comt 9-29-69 135595 rec Supt Rec Hosp contact every ' 1st Class Hosp in City invite contract: Rmftra AnK Qay^.t^Vi y,^ f. TU,!

Public Hrg 7-11-68 140086 Notice of-publication-Mayor-CAO-Pol Comsn- amend MC provide -. vinlformity

"Public hrgs y-24-69 147210" amd Ccl rules provide hold on all matters to be considered by ^ Ccl-E Edelman mo

Public Housing . 1-3-68 ii§846" Auth aid - Parking, req be reduced. Amend Comp Zoning Plan -Central Parkin^? area . . _ Pub Info Office 5-?-69 145124 LA City Ccl-Chas Cooney-suggesi $5 min charge for playback tapes, recording Cfil prcdgs .

Public Informatn 10-2-69 147315 Officer-Plan Dept req new position-exempt CS prov-Hayor

Pabllo Law 9-8-65 125529 89-117-Besol auth Fed Housing j neg fds demolish bldgs Blot area >. |450,00Q-Kayor

Public Law 90-543 7-23-69 146290 City Rep in Washington DC i investigate provisions & rept findings-A Snyder

Pub Law 81-875" 4-25-69' l428Jii9 Fed Reimbursement - Sup 1 Storra disaster x

- ..sifter lrl.7-69 , .. ,...^-. . ... ' Pub Law 89-769 4-2U-69 142849>-Fed Reimbursement - sup 2 ' Storm disaster ».

- P u ^ ^ ^ s i r i t y ^ ^ 1-21-69 W2504 claims - Req approp $35,000 t Atty



.t '

Public Libraries 7-10-68 l40066 Element of Master Plan-PC 19719

Public Mtg 1-18-68 106846 re design chg-Poothllli Fwy bet ' '• Osborne St/Sunland Blvd-Sunlandf-Tujunga Mun Bldg-Callf St Hwys Dlv

Public Official Bond

See Bond

"Pub Official 2-25-66 128526;. Bond - Walter C Thiel.-Acting Oity Clk $5000 - Controller.

"Public Official 7-19-68 l4024.6~ Bond- John B Proud - $10,000 Controller - Bd P^b Wks Secy

Public Official 5- 6-69 145097 Bond - Controller req app for Roger E Murdock-Chief of Police

Pub Pers Assn 9 ^ 1 - 6 1 .135948 Internatl Conv-Victoria BC-10-l-6?-Req 2 addtl membs attend Pers Dept

Public Personnel 11-1-68 141509! Conv - New Orleans - 11-20-68 Req Asst Genl Mfer Pers attend-.M^yor

Public Relations Office

SEE Public Information


Pub Relation 6-30-6$ 12350O' Coord Grp - Radio k Television Programmer- Lindsay mo amend Ord

_ 8qinn , F a AHI sup 5-K. Public Relations 11-5-65 I26215 ' training prog for police officer'. 58li!i?j^5iat^SXrtFISA^|f8|o

Pub Relations 4-28-66 129463] I Mayors Mobile Service Center


..1; •Public Relations 7"27-67 135324 •% ; Director=.Hee k Pks.flept- appt ,.y John P Uaa§idy= Alorthridge"civic _ .i aao.c. Inc . . ..... .,.. . . . .',.

I j__ Public Relations 9-26-69 147230 " ; Director-Frank Taylor advise

.jr available fo;e pQS-flll vacancy / •....,jCfea ]tffl.Csogl3t.:-;,. ,..-.;; / • • - ' • .

I Public Reaouroes 2-9»67 100300 . '. • Cpde<5 Cofflt on Prop State Legls. y amend re revenue f* oil & gas^

Public" School Week 4-1-65 12344Q ; Resol congrat Grand Lodge Fee

/ Masons for recognigition of^ Potter


P lb .' ohools Week 4-25-66 129100

riesol observe 4-2 i. ' , - Braude

Public Schools Wk 4-21-6? 131500 Resol commend Masons Sponsoring 4-24-6? - Shepard

Pub School Week 3-21-68 1385S7.'" 4-1-68 - Grand Lodge Fr'oe .-•fasonE reo disolav banner Sprin,??; ; t stent BPW • ' .. •. 1. Public Schools 8-26-63 l40697

Element of Master Plan -PC 19702

Pub Service Comsn 6-12-69 145661 Bd-appl approp Water fr Colorado River-Nevada State Dept Conserv Oc Natural Resources ruling

public Street 1-23-63 137790 EPW-R/W'iLand-adopt resol acc prop-3u.rbank Blvd

Public Streets 1-25-68 . 137836 .& Sidewalks-Larnport-Mo-prohibit pera/firms conduct business

Public Street 4-5-68 .13880? BPW resol acc certain prop-Coldwater Cyn Ave

"public Street 8-25-69 146805 W/P Resol #219 grant r/w to BPW ptn T' l tc' er T)-*" Xr rjiendale Bl"d

Public Streets 4-11-68 138876 BPW rec adopt reso.l acc prop-.Haskell Ave & Gault St

Pitb Street 4-18-63. 1292f>9 • BP'./ adopt rer,ol acc ptn fut st "L-' St

Pub Street 8-2?-68 140722 Resol 5914- easmt deed to City Burbank over ptn Griffith Park Rec & Parks Corasn

Public Street 9-24-68 I4l04g .•Pub Wks Bd - adopt reaol acc certain prop as pub street -Sherman Way

Publ ic Swliraning 12-11-67 109110 areas-Co Hlth Dept-proposed fcendmts t o Ord 127,507-CAO

Publ ic . 10-3-68 l 4 i i 6 5 use - rev i se MC reg ptn of parcel acquired for / i t tv sub ord

Public U t i l i t i e 12-9-65 .127549 Iw Ccl explore pliice prkg l o t s under City Dept supervis ion

Public Util , - . . >

See Utiilties

Public Wks Administrator creation of -

7-29-68 103957 - reactivate file Bibson-Mo

>ub Wks Assn 8-8-69 l'' 6535 Mo L Nowell att conf-cleveland-9-13-69 - Braude

Pub Wks Bd 6-26-65 123500 "" liember - Bd fcCcrisn Grp- Sup,/5E i-ers o; i'in-" reot rec Attv .re.". Ord estab Salary .Adj .

Pub V/ks 3d 6-26-65 123500 Fresident - Crd estab addtl'^-^F . s ! innn .bir. amonrt O-nri KOlOO Pars—fin '-'omc rept

Pub Wks Comsn Hm 4-4-68 138778 Youth Leadership Conf use & ohtei discussn groups-Nowell-Mo-Special

._ Evftnt-4-6-68 Pub V/ks Corat 3-9-65 123064

re Vineland Ave nr Saticoy St-Lor. St t o Sat icoy St Imp - a l s o

_ CP-12306'?-123066 . Pub Wks Comt 2-8-65 Tract 25595 Sly Plummer

128291 St & Ely

Rec cymt of Outlet ermitted

Vvinnetka Ave Sev.'er Ch r l)e

Pub Works Comt 3-17-6? 133592 inst 1911 Act prcdgs imp r-'agnolla Elvd bet Balboa Blvd k Genesta Ave

Pub V/orks Comt 3-i7-b7 133593 ' inst 1911 Act prcdgs imp Topanga-Cyn Blvd (S/s)"bet :Cardenas Ave & Mulholland Dr

.'ub V.orks Comt 7-21-67 135179 Inst prcdgs I9II Imp Act BurP^ink tilvd nr Ki^.acaito Av*

Pub Works Comt 6-5-66 104402 Resol of Modification sup #2 method of handling

Public Transportation

See Public Information

Publ ic Transptn 2-9-6? 133101 Atkinson T ranspo r t a t i on Co -rexons ide r Imp bus tax on p r iva t e

Pub Wks corat 1-9-68 1-3723 excl ref to-expdtd predre. on 1911 Assmt Act/St .Ltg Mtnce Dist-add rec 4 cc l actn 12-21-67-Nowell-Md

Pub Works 9-2-65 .125525 Mtg Room - No I5O-M0 study modernizing - Sheoard

54? .

Public Works 4-19-66 123683 Constr 1966-,BPW Uniform Standarc Specifications for constr 1966-

'Pub Wks Comt 7-30-68 137190 Eng rept to-Historical Experience with ""Private Eng Contracts

; P Wks Managemt Inst 11-21-68 l4irrr Traf & Trans - UC Ext - Glendale Nov 1968 - rea 43 eraps attend -i645 Gas Tax..'

; Pub Works Trust Pd 3-20-69 l43403 Status of Priv Sewer Const-Acct

• as of 2-28-69

Pulga Cyn 3-27-69 II8659 Proj 501 - Unit 2 - Plans & specj Flood Contr Dist - BPW

.' Public Works 5- 7-69 Week - May II-17 1969 Resol commemorate

143100 Nowell

I Pub Wks Imps 7-17-69, 146142 Projs-rei award contrsict-cbntinue adv for bids-Eng rec when low bid hi_gher than est-BFW '

I Pueblo de Los Angeles State Historical Monument Comsn • also see. El Pueblo de./LosAngeles -State Historical Monument Comsn

r Pufbio de Los ', 11^15-65 1263 65 •"•ngeles-Histbrical Monumt Comsn' Mayor appt Bishop Timothy Manning^ 8-3-66 appt Vassie V/right

IPueblo de Los II-I5-65 I26365 Angeles State Historical Monument Comsn^ Mayor agrmt to v -. estab -ppt Tile ' ^

fpaeblo DeLos 9-27-66 128975 : State Historical Monument Comsn Minutes of Monthly meetings • See new CF TJZ&JT-^ *^

r Puebie. De'Los' '~ 1-20-6? 132832 : \ Angeles Historical Monument- Corns

. Minutes of Mtg held 1-11-6? {Monthly meetings)

[Pueblo de •4-17-58 13896I; Los Angeles-State Historical Monumnt Plan & statemnt of policy"

. . ..P.l 5in..r:nmsn^Pn-,'77K .. ._

I Pueblo de 8-I9-69 132832 ; Los Angeles State Historical Monument Corasn-Synopsis of Conisn mtg held 8rl3.-69-,, -... - .. _

! Pueblo Monument. 6-17-^5 113295 ' area-Rec & Pks Corasn Resol 5218 :

req State- Beaches & Pks.trans all-holding to City/Co Loj .H.n.s;eles

I Puerto Rico- : 6-25-65- 124300 ' ' Day - Lindsay- resol-declare ;

June 26 1965

|?ulga'cyn. ' " 8-2-67 ' 118659^ ' ! Storm Dr^in-?roj #501-Suppl agrmt

lA Co Fid Control re ;i>34,000 Sng '\ Design fees- CAO

Puigas Cyn See Las Puigas

"Pulling the 5-13-59 145198 , Golden Splke"-Angel3 Flight Spec Event 5-16-59-12:30 pm • yr\ Xr OUve Sts-rMun Arts Dept

Pumping Plant #4 2-10-66 116122' \ Fries Ave Force Main Unit I -

Mayor-CAO-BPW-auth expend fr BP^ Trust Fd $616,715- .

,1.x.Uit»pij.iM^, x; j-a-LXfJ .-,...,,.-. 3-10-6iJ 123051+1 f^-Bly3ian*Park- CAO'trans juris

fr Rec & Pfc to Dept Pub Wks Pumping Plant 4-20-6?'. 116122 ; Fries Ave - Req approp $27,000 • complete remodeling - BPW - CAO

Purchasing:/ 11-9-66 1079951 Standards Corat - Ord estab '

Purchasing 12-21-64 1219?8 operations - Amend Charter to imp

Pure Air Act 1968 10-7-68 136656 Bradley-Resol Secy Health-Educ & Welfare app standards

"Q" Qualified '2-19-68 I32669 Classification - estab - Plan -Comsn rept to Flan Comt

Quarantining 9-6-6? '' 13593^ Animals - Mo inves.t estab Center for - Snyder

rQueen Anna Rec ^-14-6? 135610 j ; Center to V/est Blvd &, Dockweiler'

St fr Queen Anne Pl-12th 3t-R«a ftasrat-:Rec:..&, -Pks Comsn _

;Questionnaire 6-10-69 145635 i ; 1970 Census-Res enact Legis

allow replies be on voluntary basis-City Signal Hill

"Oulmby^Blll 11-14-6? 1254011 .Prosrlde contrib of land/cash by ' subdlvlder for rec & pk purposes

Quitclaim 'Deed "1^12-68 128942 i } record/file-abandoned pipeline

Laurel Cyn Blvd-Atlantic Richfield Cp-PU&Trans

rQuitclaim Deed 1-22-68 137764 ' BPW-R/W&Land fr Sec 1st Natl Bk-

prop 4385 Radium Dr


iQuitclaim Deed 1-22-68 137763 BRW-R/W^cLand fr D H Alley-aband LA' Transit Ln' B.Al bet'. Normandie' & -Vermont Aves, k 47/48th Sts

Quitclaim- 2-20-68 13818O drainage facility-1239 W Dennl St Bernard E Pasch-req

iQuitclaim jxtcxaira 4-29-68 139138 ded-Geyser Ave bet Vanowen St & Welby Way-Tlerra Eng Co req

iQuitclaim 2-20-68 119125 easmts to So Pac Co-Alhambra Ave .

v..end„Laraar St-Quinton Engrs Ltd .- req iQuitclaim 2-21^8 '136180

inst in prop 10411 Hickory St to G J Bishop et al-also-Notice term -Lease-Watts Labor Coramun Actn Comt

JQultclaim ':-' 4-3-68 13875I ptn prop 4340 Canoga Dr adj San Bias Ave-req,D Bachmann

JQuitclaim^Deed 4-11-68 1388?1 • BPW-LA Co Fid Contrl Dist-strom ' Drain Easmt-Sepulveda Blvd-Stran- •

, wood-Nlv San Fndo Msn Blvd iQuitclaim Easmt 4-8-68 135410

BPW-rec file without prejudice- • jEr 12092-Lot 13-3306 Sinova St

IQuitclaim 4-11-68 138661^ ". Slope easmt-no longer nec-Lot 31 '

Tr-8557-A DuFay-Vista Del Mai Ln ,

iQuitclaim Easrat 4-23-68 139043 Lot 29 Blk D-Vista Del Mar Lane-Byron HErnon req

I Quitclaim-Easmt 4-24-68 139071 •• ' W&P Dept-Resol 8?7-acC deed fr

N R Lewis et al-prop 2nd LA Aqudt SW/o Mojave & quitclaira easmt

JQultclaim Easrat 4-25-68 123089 ' Marsden St at Lucretia Ave-0'Neal,

'& "Ferguson-req Consent/Waiver delete fr Lot 57

i'Quitclaim Deed 7-11-68 l40083 ' •BPW'acc fr J Gamble-Gage Ave W/o Avalon Blvd

I Quitclaim 8-I4.-68 140566 " Easmt- S/s Lot II Tr ?226- ' 354? Sawtelle Blvd- Claude M

.. .Mvjore et \ix . _._

^ Occupancies 3-30-66 129031 ' Unvented ^eaters- Bernardi resol ', amend Ord 12750? provide Sec 821 .m.Atu. n«^a ,

I R Zone 9-18-69 142715 ~'. ; Beach areas - Permit zone admin {

app cert types Fences-Walls & .. Hedges -Amd MC Sees 15^22 & 12.27

.R-1 zone 3-1^-65 1252^7 ext time to elim nonconforming commercial & Ind Bldgs-Residential 7.onfi

R-1 Zone 6-18-69 145733 ; Low cost single family residence Housing Auth & US Dept HUD prov Nowell-Resol

Rl-H Zone 6-25-69 94758 . Hillside zn - elim defunct zone Amend MC Sees 12.04 12.08 12.22 & 17.05

R-3 & Cl zone 3-2^-65 123308 i Plan Comsn amend MC Sec 12.13 Yd -requirements "Lot Line Front" & reversed cor lota .

'..M-S Zone ....lf-6-66. ....,12 15 ' Mo exercise care grant waivers •

SE section where extensive bldg being conducted - Nowell

" R 3 zone 6-3-69 145510 re imp & ded sts-amd MC Sec 12.37-Plan Dept

:R3-4-5 7-9-69 146040" prohibit use for housing patient of State hosp on leave-Atty prep legis - A Snyder-Mo-

"RA Zone "9-26-68 I35161 Reduce area for horsekeeping fr 20,000 to 17,500 so ft -4,000 for each horse-PC 209,36

fRD Zone 4-13-65 117977 ; re minimum lot areas per guest room ^ amendmt to ord - Plan C

rRDi.5Zone • 1-15-69 1 241?! Ord amend Corap Zone Plan add new Class - (1500 So Pt min per unit)

RD1.5 Zone 3- 4-69 142417 I j Amend LAMC Sec 12.09.1 to add

to Comp Zoning Plan - Plan Comt

: RE-9 Zone 9-2?-68 141098 ; Classificatn - Plan Comsn -N araend Comprehensive Zone Plan „ estab RE-9 Zone.Class. ... ... ...

^PD 7-12-6? 119840 n ,) Residential Planned. Developments

Ord amend Definition & cert Conditional Use requirements

~ RPD "ordinances 11-26-69" ii'984C| ; Validity-Atty opinion

(Residential Planned DevelOTxnte)

,RWl & RW2 10-8-68 : Residential Waterways

Ord estab-


"Rabies area "iO- 6-65 ' ;"^2397 Declare Imperial & Los Angeles Counties - Calif State Deot Pub Health

CMklMOtX c« t . Ntt. t - a t l 4 PRl»<TiD IN U. i . A.


Race Track 9-24-65 12572? Auto- Pacoima- Nowell resol stop constr area Pierce St-Glanoaks Blvd- San Ferndo Rd etc

[ Racetracks 10-16-65 125727 Mayor disapprove Ord reclassify'

[Racetrack 10-29-65 12572? ' within City LA' - Nowell resol

sub ord require issue Polie.Permit. to ooer auto or Cvcle


aiso see Discrimination

I Racial Problems b-rl5-69 • .XHOpi:5 .. in commun-spec prog at Vermont Reg Br Library -Library Comsn req

JRacial or 5-9«67 132710 • Religious conduct(anti)- Atty opinion re loc ord to'oontrol

Radar Site 5"29-69 145482-Intemat.'l Airport-Agrmt with Fed Aviation Adm cover Precision-.flnnrnach-Airoort Comsn Order 1D5O

! Ea;dlo Communicatn 12-22-66 132479 , System-Fire Dept-trans $15,000 > fr Salary Acct Fire Dept Fd for • imp-Mayor

j Radio .Diispatehers 4-17-6? 15-^^026-Mo Supt Rec Hosp report re use partly disabled ambulance drivers

.. .-.Bradley .. .. .... .... ^ . i Radio Equipment 2-15-65 122663'

PU&T purch for Burs Contract Admin k St Ltg -Trans $ll,8l6 within dept accts - CAO

i Radio Equipment 6-8-66 129800#1 ' '• AAll Pol Dept blk & v;hite cars-

Req budget addtl $293,321 install 4-way radio - CAO

!Radio equipment 1-31-6? 132961 \ for 10 motorcycles- Pol Coraan rec trans $9,000 bet accts to

. ..miT«ch Radio 6-6-68 139625 ••'. facilities-req locate at Mt Holly 70od in Griffith Park Mobile UHF Inc-M A Hoffman

Radio Freauencies 7- 8-68 139035 Alloc f/land mobile radio serv Urge Fed Comm Comsn

Radio News ABC 4-18-66 129296 Req install partition enclose pti Room 341 for KABC Radio News

• Radio Station 6-18-65 113800; KSFV -Mun Fac Comt rec Sup ffk' assiffn soace in Press Room Valley Pol Hdqtrs Bldg

Radio Stations 10- S-65 125494 ; granted use of Room 141 insofar • as space availableKNX transfer function fr Rm ley to Rra 141

Radios 11-8-6? I36823 • in buses - Req install-$lj759,DO City Co match 50^ Dept Hsne k Urban Developmt Fds - RTD

'Radio. Site . 10-23-6? 13657? [ Pol Divsn-Harbor Area-Req auth -' sale to State for $61,693-

. •BPW'" -hidlc T3i;ephor-s 9-8-69 143840^

Operator & Sr Radio Tel Ooerator in Police Dept Comraun Div-Salary adj & reclassif-ACEA

,Radio & Television 6-30-65 123500 1 • Programmer- Lindsay mo amend Ord

89100 - sal adj - Pub Relations r

Badlo 9-13-65 11750® & TV Programmer-Appt Leslie J Hunter Cik Typist-mo-B Mills

Radio & TV 1-20-6? 12350° j Programmer - Ord increas Sup 5K ' fr sched 48 to Sched 50

_« Atty : Radio & TV 2-23-6? 117500]

Programmer - Leslie Hunter-Mills rao app appt Sr Clerk Typist

TR^dio transmitter 3-16-6? 1335901 space San Pedro Hill re Harbor -©iv LA Police Dept-Lease with Robert L Mohr

; Radio Units- • •': "8-24-6? 135756 1 1 101 Mobile-purchase for Pol Dept'

r.iotorcycles-Approp i 4l,42C Fr _. U.ommua .Souio.. A.cct-PU&Treas-CA.O ; Rally 11-4-69 l4??94 ] ; protest cutback of War on

Poverty - Civ Center - II-6-69 Bradley Resol

•Ralley 12-11-69 148323 ; Spring St steps-Community

Coalition Group-req Ccl adj attenc fRamona'Gardens 6-13-66 130054 j } Req mtng with City Ccl re Rec

fac-speed-signs in vic-Crisostomo

Radi6 Stations 6-IS-65 113800! KNX and KRL'A -Mun Fac Comt rec I a«!<3l crn .snpce in Room I4I "^

."" Ramoh"a''i5aHens"' X-SO-eS " 1373001 j Lease agrrat with Hsng Auth.use •

site for training location -Commun Dev Offic e _.

'Rarripart"Divsn •' V-i5-c6 13048?. ^ Jail-2710 Temple St C iO-Pol Cciu-



j Rampart St 10-10-66 131553 . Pol S ta t ion-Req i n s t a l l vending

machines: - BPW'

Raraps 3-30-65 123385 . Holland r e s o l r eq S t a t e add 2 to Z o o ^ e Ventura-Golden S t a t e Firv/y

i Ramp 4-19-65 123693 ' Off - Sta Monica Frv/y - Req

Traf Sig going S on La Brea A \Cahyp _

Ramp - Off 7-8-65 124806 ' . to Lankershim Blvd fr Holly>:ood

Frwy- Potter resol State raake studj

i'-Ramps 2^9-bt) '128'32*> i connect Hollywood k Ventura Frwy.

"•esol Hwy Divsn consider provide --Potter

iRaraps 5-24-66 129804 • freeway-protest flower stands

ad^-E L Wells

! Ramps 1-8-69 126320"-connecting to Woodley Ave & Hayverihurst Ave-Revise agrmt with State - BF,7

jRamps \ 12-8-69 114500 : DeSoto Ave on.Ventura Frwy-const•

._. N . j Rancho Los Fell? l-l?-6? I315OO

Resol commend Sheldon & Ellis Ring opening apai^tment bomolex Holland

i Rancho Park 9-2S-65 125747 • '• Golf Course - Resol oppose sale •

liquor in City Pks k rescind actn-- Holland

Rancho Park 4-17-68 138962! subsurface use ptn land-Dept W/P-., electricl distributing statn-Rec -& Pks. Comsn-Resol 5840 . .. _

! Rancho Park 4-24-69 13^322' Contr with Wilbur Smith & Assoc\ re for expert services on auto prkg requiremts

i Ranchc Prkg Meter 5-4-6? 134322 ; ' Dist - include Pico Blvd bet

Military & Partricia Aves-Traf De'v

1 Rancho Park Pkg 8- 7-68 134^322 y Zona -Approp $46,000 acq/imp

2386 Malcom Ave - Mayor-CAO-BA pkg Pl Comsn

jrtancno San Antonio'5-24-68 138060; 1 Resol comraeni exec director [

Bro John McLaughlin-Wilkinson ' -

! Rapid .Transit-

.also so© Monorail \

Rapid Transit ' 1-25-65 122382 Dlat So Calif-throe communs for & against taxation of general public-John 0 GouKh et al

Rapid Transit Dist 1-26-65 122400 So Calif-Culver City urge use center Venice 3lvd-K Rundberg

Rapid Transit 3-9-6^ 123050 System- So Calif Rapid Transit Dist sub prop routes master Plan

Rapid Transit 3-22-6^ 122382 i Var protests re taxation & coramun in favor

r:Hapid :Lr.a:n.sxt,...9,ys:\.^: 3-65' 1230561 Hold County wide electn finance -' 1% Motor 'Veh Lie Fee(in lieu Tax, Potter- resoT. urge legislation app

;Rapid Transit 8-31-65 1254961 D s Bennett sug Personnel to solve transportation in LA

r 'Rapid Transit 12-9-65 12754^ '' .' Motion include in Legislative

Prograim - Edelman - use gas tax

'Rapid transit 2-2-66 12^232 i const -approp $15,500,000 fr tife lands oil k gcas income-Lindsay-Mo-req Gov Brown k State Legis ^

Rapid Transit 2-28-66 128571 ! Personal Conveyor- for M C E - prop better systera install & opor in

_ . fl-1.T»._siriiJ/»>a . .. . , ,- - -,

Rapid Transit 2-23-66 128511 Long terra financing - Timberlake' Resol-concur^Assemblv Interim Cc-t on Transp k Commerce' _

Rapid Transit 3-7-66 128680; facil Incorporate const Into const freewys-Spec Call Legls-L Timberlake resol

Rapid transit 5-26-66 128517 i system-plan & eng-A B 39-T Carrell-E Edelman comraend

j Rapid Transit 12-29-66 132334 | Subsidy-nex 3 yrs-participate by City-County & Fed Govt-Mayor

.r Rapid Transit ~ 12-27-66 128232 ! ,i Designate Plan Dept as official '

liaison agcy of City LA with So Calif RTD _ _.: ,

•Rapid Tt-ansit 3-24-6? 128232 j I Development-Resol urge State L

Legislatn levy incr in Gas Tax-• E Edelman

« i"Raprd""Tranfil1:"DTfit'~3-3I-'5?'n378?~'| • Req acq easmt Pico/Rimpau Blvde

Olendale Outfall Relief Sewer Ix BPW

.- f f ' . ^—'fj:.i

0- j l

Rapid Transit 4-25-6? 134146 Urge passage AB 2092 k SB l4l2 f. fin ft const So Cal Ranid Transit Dist - Bradlev resol

Rapid Transit 11-2-6? 136?19 System - Report first-stage -rea commend b.v 12-30-6?

Rapid Transit 4-3-68 138?65 Const-Bradley-Resol endorse AB 101-LA Co voters app levying genl

Rater/ 9- 6-68 l4o831 Interview - Roofing Contractors Assoc dec invltatn furn voluntr for LA City Roofer candidates

Hates- Transit Lines

SEE Pares

.Bates 1-6-65 122155. electrlc-auth reduction (3^) Water & Power Comsn Resol #536 Rates " -,' 2-15-65 122667 Municipal Freeg'er Warehouses Harbor area -ffarbbr Comsnrs Order 3437 - fixes rates

!Bate 3-22-65 94280 Increase-Dump Truck & Drlver-rec amend Ord 88,344-Clty Service Truck Owners Assn-CAO

Rates 3-24-65 123283 . Bd PU&T resol fix re sightseeing serv- Red Carpet Tours

TRate •'4-29-65' "12^362 Increase for Legal Advertising -• LA Newspaper Service Bur -req -, 5i. . .. :

Bates 5-7-65 124015 adjust-Avalon Navigation Co-Wilmlngton to City Avalon Sta s CataLlna Island- .. , . _ ,

Rates 6-2^-65 '98280 Rubbish disposal -increase994^2 ... Mission Cvn Landfill k Calabasas 'i .Landf.i.U - ^

Rates k Charges 7-29-6$ IZ$06$ for Private Ambulance Service"-Bd PU&T resol fixing ^

"Rates a-2Gt6"5 125339 " Fed Pwr Corasn Opinion *46d fix for Natl Gas Producers-Permian «, Basin - Bd PU&T

; Rate ^-24-65 125371 Highland Pk Prkg I'leter Dist-Req estab 10^ - Traf Comsn -*

r Rate d - 2 5 - 6 5 125392" Tax - 1965-66 - Ord levy and fix tax rate - Atty

Rates 1..10-66 123862 10^ Increase for legal advertise Newspaper Service Bur req

Rates 2-23-66 127860 & Services - Community Antenna Telev Sys Regulations - Bd PU&T estab - Htty pres Crd - I & T Comt

Bates 3-11-66 128760~ water service within City LA-Hesol #72l-Dept Water & Power

Bate 5-25-66 ' 99482 ~ increase refuse disposal-approp $115,000 to Dump Exp Acot-Bur

^^J«s, 5-31-66 129867 Parking Meter -Santa Monica- ' Sawtelle Pkg Meter Zone-chg 10#

Rates 6-6-66 129952 So Pac Co increase passenger service-resol,prot-Timberlake

Rate 6-10-66 ' 129200 Flat-for classes AGC-AFL Const contract -Pers Comt report Sup9E

Bate 8-29-66 131112 estab 10^ per hour-Vermont-Hollywood Parking:Meter Dist

Bates 12-12-66 132343 , chg for Sohool buses-amd Ojrd 123,096 See 21,194-Sohool Bus Coniraot-Onerators Asssoc. of Calif

, Rates 2-27-67 133306 ; ' So Calif Transit Co- dba vailey

'' Cab Co - Bd PU&T estab Bates 3-20-67 '"127860"; & chgs for grantees of Commun Antenna TV Franohlses-estab--

,.,,. p;j[&. Trans.. .De t „., ...... .. ., Rates ^ Water 5«'l6"67 l3Mf6o '

Potter TOO W&P ooRsider ehg f o r farroere in San Ferndo Vsiiey

Rate' •• ""' *'"7-17-67"'" 135167- ; BuS' re increase & bus cgfldition: Goinplaint by Marge Kiley f

Jleie ' ^ " '" "7-i7^a^7 13^168" : Taxi* inereeee- Valiey Cab co

.F req ghg Qrd 77000-SeQ 71.28

Ratet •"• " ' §'.24-67 '131-772 lncregs§« req ayth-= Grgy Lin©

/ Tours Co

^Rate"^' '' 10-Ii«67 136430^ iiectrie = Offi" iBci "Outdeer As'es Lightinw" W/P Re§©i 301. .

5 ^

Hate? 11-21-6? 1369Qi: 'J ter - Appl increase Domlngue.s Water Corp* - Celif PU Co.-nsn"

Rates 12-5-67 137175 for telephone service-appl incr General Tel Co of Calif

Rates 2-14-68 138095 st ltg-reduction for Mercury Vapor lamp service-amendmnt to electric rate Ord-W&P Resol #672

-Rates 5-23-68 I39556 Tax on Gross Receipts-Mo CAO review & recom modifucstns make equitable appl to LA Rii(=inf>ss

Rates I 7-2-68 139979 ', Iron/steel articles-Harbor Comsn Order 3777-amend Warehouse Tariff No 1

Rates 7-10-68 140063 increase-elec serv-Calif PU Comsn appl 50363 So Calif Edison Co

Rates 7- 1-68 138914 Private Ambulance -fixed by Dept PU&T & base rate $45-

Rates 7-17-68 140161 Taxicab & For-Hire Vehicles -incr maximum & incr insur -PU&T req amend MC - Mayor-CAO

Hates volumetric 8-14.-68 1405?0 lOJ incr- modfy Payrant Provisns Pipeline Franchises- PU & Trana Bd

Rate 8-28-68 14072? Ord fixing tax rate upon prop ' 1968-69 - Atty

Rates 11-12-68 l4l625 Pacif T&T Appl 49142-State PU Comsn DecLsion 74QI? re incr Xr decrease^- Ptr, T _

Rate 1-20-69 142493 Wtr Taxi LA & Long Beach harbort H-lO-Wtr Tflvi Ltd- arit>l with PTJ cnrnfin efitah _

Rates 1-21-69 142499 on Over-All length of vessels -Amend Tariff #3 re Dockasre rates -

'/£ rules - Harbor Resol 38l4 Rates 2-18-69 142883 '

pilotage-re length vessels for appl-Harbor Comsn Order 3823 amd 2365-cancel certain items

Rat(?s 3-10-69 143219 Estab - Valley Checker - San ll!2^ans"g|p\^? ^ ' ^ C^^ ^°^

Rates ' 4-10-69 143722' Amend Tariff #3-estab provsns space assignmts & charges-Harbor Corasn order 3342

Rates 5-7-69 145126 So Calif Gas CO appl Calif St PU Comsn req auth revise rates retail & resale natural gas serv

Rates 5- 8-69 145150 So Co Gas Co appl PU Comsn reg revise rates retail & wholesale natural gas service

Kates 5-20-69 136998 Calif State PU Comsn appl Dominguez Water Corp-incr rates

Rates 5-26-69 145151 Incr-Calif State PU Comsn-appl MGRS Inc re passenger service bet P n r t n f T.a Xr flvflTon _

Rate 7-3-69 145983 incr Utility Tax fr 4% to 5% for prop tax reduction-A Snyder motion

Rates 7-8-69 103827 Warehouse Tariff #l-amd various items-Harbor Comsn Order 3884

Rates 7-8-69 146017 estab for Yellow Cab Co of Calif & ABC Cab Co-PU&Trans Dept

Rates 7-28-69 146336 W/P Resol #56-auth fix rates for water & water service within & without City LA •

Rates 7-28-69 146017 Taxicab incr- Accurate Taxi Control Co cGmraun

"Rates 5-26-69 145151 Adjust - MGRS Inc - PUC A-51104 psgr fare - Port LA/Ava.1.on

~ Rate 8-20-69 145665" Bd Harbor Comsn rec amend Ord 236 1 re incr rate on Gear

Corrals- Order 3Q27 Rate 11-21-69 146336 Water - Resol 43? - prop incr 15? - reconsider #56 incr 20C

Rate incr io_i4-69 132656 demurrage & storange - Bd Harbor Comsn- Order 3939 amend Tarlf'f' #3

Rates 12-23-69 148503~ interest-fix to 6%-Airport Rev Bond-Jnne 1970 electn-Charter Amendmt

Rates 12-31-69 I486l6 Pacific Ltg Serv Co - Appl 51569 Incr

Rates 12-31-69 148615 80 Callf Gas Co - Appl 5156? incr

A t^^Sy^'^'' ••y-. e^^i:^^ X-H

(,-i\o~Qff / i5r37


Reactivate 3-2-6? 133^03 Police officers after retlremnt-r Char Amendmnt 5-31-6? Electlon-T Shepard motion _

Real Estate Agt 3-3-65 12184? BF.'.' auth emp addtl pos - rejblace sick Iv

Real Estate 3-10-65 12184? Appraiser- 2 Title Examiner- Bur R/V Land - BPW emp addtl 10 pos

Real Estate 10-15-68 137696 Appraisers-Salary Adj sup 15 Arthur Levitas req '

Beal Estate 5-14-65 123500 Adjust salary Group #62-motlon K Bundberg

Real Estate 7-29-69 143840 ~ Agent - Sr & Pr- ACEA sub Comm .re salary inequity of classes

Real Estate Agent 9-2-69 l4384o ' . Recom salalry inequity req

for series be denied - Mayor

Real Estate 9-11-6? 133900~ Aappraisal Group-Req Sup 11 i Salarv ad.-fustmt-ACEA \,

Real Estate 5-14-69 137696 Appraiser Serles-CAO rept rec salary incr be reed & filed- • Arthur Levltas-comnarlaon

Real Estate Ind 7-8-66 I30l|.12 k bldg- Shepard reso l Pres Johnson take aetion re deolAjtML

_ \jr». f!.» .. „. •• -,

. Real Estate 6-13-66 108615 Transfer Tax - Revenue measure 1966-6? 1* over $20,000

Real Property 4-8-68 131732 Atty-Ord auth condemn interst- '. Nichols Cyn Rd & Genesee Ave "v

:Real Property 4-15-68 1389321 Ord auth condemn interests/righta. Vernon Ave bet Hooper & Central Av>

rBeailooation 1-3-^ iZkiif^i Bequest Mid-:!^ear-Sng Bur req realloo 17 position8-CA0.Hayor

"Realty Trans Tax 8-16-66 X086X5 Ord imposing fee to reoord S-2

"Realty TraneiPer" " 8^26-66'" i j io jg! Tax-re oolleotn procedure-use Ccl chamber 8-31-66 Conf-Shepard

Realty Transfer .9- 7-66 108615 Tax - auth employ 25 new person­nel City Clk Off-approp $140JL15

Realty Trans Tax 5-16-6? 1086l5 Ord- City Clerk amend sectns re aiiniin-collection - enforcement


also see Cclmanic Dists

I Seapportionmeht• 2-11-65 ^ 122646 f State Legis -Mills-Resol oppose ^ Senate Jt Resols #2 & 3 ahhUl , " Supreme Court decision 1 "Reapportionment 2-15-65 ' 122671: f City Alhambra -iiesol R65-10 -

place each city within 1 Senat­orial Dist -

•i 'Reapportionmt 4-12-65 123598 ' ;|, • Formation of Senatorial Dists if'•

affected - Senate Comt on Reapj-r

i iieapportionmt 4-19-65 I23697 Urge adoption SB #6 resol -Bradley Mo

i Reappropriation 7-6-6^ 12l|,767 of funds 1965-66 fis yr not expended in Cap Imp Exp Prog- BPW

J , Reapp~ropriation 6-28-66 * 130270 for 1966-67 of unexpended funds Cap Imp Exp Program - BPW - CAO

I i Reappropriation 7-2Ci-67" 13f>226 I ;. Capital Imp Projs- 1967-68 \.' i^28,143,930- Spec Serv Div rapt-' . ,BPW--CAO

I Reappropriatlons 7- 8-68 140030 '" -7^ Trans $355,762 reverted fds of ^ 6-30-68 to desig projs of CIProg

;i _ .^CAp.rept . „_ { 'Beasseseraent 1-11-65 _ 122192

• prop destroyed by Eagle-«ook-Olendale flre-Atty prep Ord

. «.fM?orrtanne ,orov ^HsWI^Holland -peso. Heassessment: 1S-1«66 1S4679

' } Mo prop owners appl for relief ;v from prop tax under AB 3l-Slb8on

^ Rebuiid ^ \ ' 4-id-66' It^lf^ ;, , io Central Area - Mo re fellow ^ ' modtrn eoncepts^exereise caution

grant variations - Lindsay i Arnebergh ^ity Atty - Nte Int^ft

^ ' circulate for sueoessor « ' „ Albert,FLeY3r,__^^^, ...,.„.. =

"Reeal'l 1-11-6? HiTOi . Oelman Lsuii Nowell ° Submit Netiee of Intention - Wiea©?



Recall 5-17-67 1314477 Cclman Lamport- I3th Dist- David Williams ntc of Int to recall

recall 6-27-6? 13^^?? Motice pet of CclT;n Laniport-'..'lllie J I-iorrls etal.

Recall 10-19-67 132706'^ Notice of Intent recall Cclrnan Louis R Nowell - G Wiener et al

Recall 11-2-6? 13672C~ Cclman Thos D Shepard - Notice Intent file -eet-K C Tsvlor et gl

Receipts & 8-22-66 130998 dlsbursornents for 1965-66-Treaa statement >

:?eceipts & 5-27-68 139520 Expenditures - Agrmt for test audit Ernst-Lybrand etc Co -yr end 6-30-68 - CAO

'ii CfillVINa HOSPITAL -L03 ANGliJLSS File in City Departjnents section (per Miss An.?eline .Mauve.zin).

Receiving Hospital 2-21-68 133175 Supertdnt-Gov Eff Corat amend ord£. 89935/97533-delete req furn raedicl release

iiec Hospital 6-25-68 1355^ Services provided uniformed Pol & Fire employees '

Rec Hospital 2- 3-69 135595 Rept by LA City Adv COmt on Medical Care

Receiving Stations 5-6-63 139230 D & E - Resol exempt 90 pos const imps Sylmar Converter Sta-1630 No Main St - W&P Covazn

Rec Sta " j " 4-13-67 133989 to Sylmar Switching Sta Trans In Resol ??6r-auth sale to State easmts vie Aliso Creek - W&P Dept

Receptacle 3-14-69 l4oi28 Trash - regulate size Pub Wks Corat rept-

Receptlon Room 4-26-68 139122 Mayor's-CAO-alteratns-adapt for news conferences

Recess Ccl 10-21-68 l4l342~ Provide quartrly 2-week Snyder-mo

Recharge Wells' 4-28-69 l4393l~ ID^Domlnguez Gap Barrier Proj-Plood Contr Dist const - BPW Plans & soecs

Reciprocal Agrmt 3-11-65 123073 - for Police Aid bet Culver City

& City LA

Reciprocal Agrmt 5 -2^ -65 123073 for Police Aid bet City Torrance & City Los Angeles

Reciprocal 6-17-65 124540 Library-i-ervice. -City k County LA Libr-ry ^cmsn-Apt) Af- rmt eff to 6_-iO-o6

Reciprocal Agrmt 5-23-66 124540 library service City Inglewood-Library Corasn

Reciprocal Traf 9-24-68 8629? Sig Mtnce Agrrat amend #C-26886 Inglewood - addn La Cienega Blvd & San Diego Fwy rmps N/o Century

Reclamation Bur 7-31-68 140388 Potter-Mo-protest stop Channeli­zation, work Lower Colorado River (Topock Gorge/Lake Havasu area;

Reciatnation Fac 4-27-6? 131633 Water - 3an Fernando Valley -Nowell mo City Depts coop with Eng to dev ._ Reclaraation Plants 11-7-69 14?839 Water -Mo invest proposed - Nowell

Recodificabion 2- 1-66 95565 State Law - Adv redesignation df State statutes aanmolished

Reconveyance 2- 2-65 ., li : 512 ptn Lot 1? Tract 1212 - Whitsett Ave ^ly of Saticoy St to Paul A Didier - BPW rept

iecohveyahce 2-23-65 ' 12<;795 spec assmt prop Lots 1-2-3 Tract //4689 Fletcher Dr fe iitwater 3t$78 tc "ary C "umphry "- Dcr-'s "anrcy

Reconveyance 9-20-65 125660 assessmnt lien prop to PUbllx Title Co for |2,795.51-Paclflcva Ave & Washington St-BPW Reconveyance 10-27-65 12251i:

property not needed fer pub use-Atty rept oc Opinion re classlf cf assmt lien prop -pub use _

Reconveyance 3-24-6? I33688 Spec Assessmnt pron I32OO Judd St to Bertha Betty-.$53.97-3PW .

Reconveyance 5-25-6?' 134573 Spec assmt prop 13154 Plnney St to Lillian Suarez - $96.19 BPW

Reconveyance 6-19-6? 134838 easemt in Lot 182 Tr 66OO Nly Lindo St & i ly Barbara Blvd to L Katzman-Eng


Recording Pee 8-18-66 108615 Realty Trana Tax- S-#2 ^ Ord Imposing

Recording 3-15-66 115663 Tape - Resol re Policy & Proce­dure in Council Chamber

RecoHs ^ ^ iO-24-66 131721 Copies pub documents-Order 3611 prescribe fees-Chf Acetnt collec.

^ Harbor Coman _ Records 5-7-68 139238 Dupl Cert Coples-Inc fee to $1 for 1st page-.50^ thereafter City Clk

Records k Invest 5-23-67 l3l|,5i+9 Unit Dept Motor Veh-H Kerr att mtg re AB 214-13 re estab-

Records Management 8-11-66 119555 Dlvsn City Clerk Office-Ord estab

Records 1-6-65 11642 9~ Obsolete-req auth destroy-Water & Power Dept Besol #537 \|.

Records 1-18-65 122291 Obsolete-Bldg & Safety Dept auth destroy-l-l-56 thru 12-31-59-

^ Van Nuvs Dist Office ,• Records 1-18-65 122292

Obsolete-Bldg & safety Heating & Refrigeratn Dlv auth destroy-1-1-52 thru 12-31-5.9

Records 1-20-65 122297 obsolete-1958-59 req auth ^ • destroy-Bldg & Safety Dept

Records 1-21-65 122352 obeelete- Public Defender auth destroy 1957-59 - Atty

Records 1-26-^5 120809 obsolete-Draft Ord estab Reoordff' retention sohedule-eaoh Dept

_ .destroy J.U£,.i!g,95d .7Ali,feX-i)£.i»i.0B Records 1-29-65 1^2479 •. Obsolete-Atty. Criminal ^i .r -(Failure to ProyidelReg -auth aejstroy- 7-1-50 to 1-20-60

Record '6b6olet6 2- T-65 " B&S Dept - WLA Diet 1955 thru 1959 - Atty sub req destroy




-ft', •i

'•'• \ .

'' H 'i

Records 3-22-65 122297 obsolete-Bd Bldg & S a f e t y Comsnri req auth destroy

Hecords 5 -7 -65 124013 obsolete-req auth destroy for years 1929 thru 1960-Sd Water &

Records 6-10-65 124428 Obsolete - Eng W Valley Dist-1955-60 -

Records 7-22-65 121 961 Obsolete R&I prior I960- Pol Dept auth destroy

Records 8-20-65 125331 • Obsolete - Req auth destroy Dept of iiui-ples

"Records 9-22-65 125702! obsolete-req destroy for yrs 1958-59-Bur Contract AdmiB»Atty

Records 9-30-65 125803 • oboslete = CAO req destroy City Hlth Dept of 1958-64 - Atty

~ Records 10-15-65 107697 ! Obsolete - Eng Bur Holljrwood

destroy Sbsolete records

Beoords 1-5-66 127859; obsolete-Police Sept req auth destroy- Atty

Records" "' 1-31-66 "12Bl93i Obsolete-Bldg & Safety-Plumbing' Div-WLA Dist etc

Records 'lf-10-66 *" 1283371 Obsolete - ^ng Sur -req destroy 1953 thru 1959

; Records ' ' 2-i5-66 ' 122297! Obsolgt© - Bldg & Safety - req 1 ftuth destroy 1950-60

Records " ' '2-15-66' 123393 ' i Obsolete - Sng Bur E Valley Diet:

'':, req auth destroy 1952-60 - Atty

'Beoords 3-11-66 128?63' ' obsolete-iur lag i Valley S&st

req auth destroy-Atty

Records 2-10-65 102861 Obsolete- Supplies Dept - Atty . s".bmi ts request •

Record " 'z::iT-T5""'iWit^\ Obsolete - Bur St Mtnce -St Tr»: Div - Atty sub reo destroy \ obsolete records 1959

Records Obiolite req auth d§atroy

4-§5-61 1 " eivll Sirvlei

Atty ©pi

fieeerds |-iO-66 obsolete-Sept fub Util & Traas req auth deitrey 19^1 to i95f-Atty


Records 5-11-66 129636 obsolete-W&P Comsnrs Bd r e s o l n^880-auth des t roy

Records 7-27-66 130648 obso le te - W&P Dept r e s o l #5o auth d e s t r o y

Records 8-4-66 130?83 Obsolete- At ty req au th Pol Dept des t roy R&l p r i o r 1962

Records 9-8-66 131212 Obsole te- Suppl ies Dept auth des t roy fr Ju ly 1960-61

Records 9-28-66 131445 Obsolete- Atty auth B&S destroy for June 1955-June 1961

Records 10-31-66 131825 obsolete- 1957-60 B&S req auth destroy - Atty

Records 12-13-66 132370 obsolete-Treasurer-req auth destroy 1908 to I96I

Records 12-19-66 132436 . obsolete-Dept Animal Reg req auth destroy

Records 2-21-6? 133238 Obsolete for l<36l - B&S Dept auth destroy - Atty

Records 2-21-6? 133237 Obsolete - Office Treas-. Atty auth destroy

Records 3-1-6? I30783 obsolete-Police Dept R&I-auth destroy -Atty

Records 3-3-6? 132318 obsolete-B&S De;:t req auth destroy-Atty

Records 3-29-6? 133743 obsolete-Traffic Dept req auth , destroy for 1957-51 incl-Atty

Records ' 3-30-6? 12922? obsolete-B&S Dept req auth destroy for 1960-61-Atty

Records 4-3-6? 133802 Obsolete - Animal Regulation-Req auth destroy 1951 to 1964

Reeorda 4-5-6? 133829 Obaolete - Eng E Valley Office-Rea destroy I95I thru Jan I962

records 4-?-6? 133899 Obsolete - Acctng Dlv - BPW -req destroy 1943 thru I961

Records 4-10-6? 133934 Obsolete - Criminal Dlvsn-Atty ^p^ / pst.rov 1953 to 196I

Records 4-l?-6? 13402& Obsolete - Req auth destroy B&S Dept - Van Nuys Sunland-Tujunga Office 1966-1961

Records """4-26-6? 134199 Obsolete - Traf Dept - req auth destroy 1956-61 - Atty

Records 5-5-6? 13431*4 obsolete 1953-61- B&S Dept -Atty req auth destroy

Records 5-12-6? 1344-19 obsolete 1959-61- Pers Dept C S auth d estroy

Records 5-12-6? 131212 Supplies Dept auth destroy obsolete for 1958 to I96I

Records 5-12-6? 12922? obsolete - B&S Dept auth destroy for 1958-1961

Records 6-7-6? 134709 obsolete-Pensions Dept req auth destroy for yrs 1923 to June I960 Atty

-lecords 7-1 5-6? 135175 Obsolete- req auth destroy 7-1-61 thru 5-30-62- Dept 3uppiies-Atty

Records ' "7-ia-67 135176 Obsolete- req auth destroy Jaa-June 1962- Atty- Police Dept

Records 7-24-6? 13526? obsolete- Req auth dectroy-Plcm Dept- I954-I96I- Atty

Records 7-24-6? 135268 : JDsolete- auth destroy req City Clk-'Ia.x: & Per Div-1950-iy60

-,.i tty . Records 7-24-6? 135266

Obsolete- Req auth destroy-B:;I -. 1946-1951- Atty

-lecords ' ' 7-25-6? 135276 Ousolete- Supplies Dept req autli destroy-l-)6l-62- Attv

Kecords ^ 7-27-6? 13533 ^ ; JDsolete- auth destroy req Py

Receiving Hospital 1956-1962-Atty


Hecords 7-31-6? 135356 UDsolete- raq auth desuray- * •k.'LP Dept :

-ecords 7-3i_67 135360-• Obsolete- bupplies Dept raq • auth destroy- 1946-1960- .fcty

Hecords 3-2-6? 1353<52 obsolete- Traf Dept req auth destroy- 195? to June 1962-Atty

Records 8-2-6? 135380 oDsolete- req auth destroy-B 6c S Dept- 1960-61- Atty

Records 6-2-6? 135384 Obsolete- Req auta destroy Traf Dept-,1962-June 1962- Atty

Records 8-10-6? 135554~ obsolete- auth destroy- Animal Reg Dept 1958 to 6-30-62- Atty

"Records 8-10-6? 135565 Obsolete- Atty req auth destroy Criminal Div-Atty's Off-March thru July 1962

::iacords 6-22-6? 135724 obsolete- Atty sub req bur £t Ltg for auth' destroy

Hecords 8-22-6? 135713 ~ Obsolete- Req auth destroy Bur ot • ••'tnce- 1961- Atty

Records ^ 8-30-6? 135870~ Obsolete- Req destroy- Plan Dept- I9&3-I96O- Atty

! Records"Obsolete 9-1-6? 135893~

Reo auth destroy iqiO-lQ6l-PU&T

Records Obsolete 10-16-67 136473? Fire dept req auth destroy 1927-1939 - Atty

•Records 10-30-^7 136678 j Obsolete - Req auth destroy ' 1950-5? - BPW Admin

Records '"""" il-l4-'"67 136961" Obsolete - Req auth destroy ; Eng Bur Harbor Dist to 12-31-61 '

"Records ' ll-l4'-67 i3S90g^ Obsolete - Req auth destroy BPW ' O&W Divsn to I-I-60 - Atty

Records 12I4-67 " 137160 i ob8olete-1896-1957-req auth i destroy-BFW Admin Dlv-Atty

Records 12-8-67 obsolete-Resol 445 auth destroy-W&P Comsn


Records 5-10-68 139292 Obsolete - Resol 913 - Destroy Fin/Acct Sy8tem-C9mmercial & Processing Divsns - W&P Dent _

Records 7-1-68 140000 Obsolete-Destruction-Various Depts-City Clerk

Record 6-23-69 145792 Obsolete - W&P Resol 1008 -auth destroy

Records lO-l?-69 147533 obsolete- W&P Dept Resol 310 auth destructn

Records I-15-69 l40000 obsolete records - destroy various depts - City Clerk

Records li-12-69:, 147879 Storage underground - City Clk

Beoords retention 1-26-65 120809 sohedule<peaoh Dept destroy dup records listed-Atty OplnioQ

~ Records 6-10-66 119555" J Retention Program - Amend Ord tc

Sxnand juris of City Clk - CAO . .,, -":y-.!66- j§j|,d.j,.8tab Bee Itemt Dlva,n Recorcb Bdtention 12- 6-66 129840 -•

Ctr - loc LA Wsrehouse -316 Commercial St

r e'co'rd Retention 6-26-6? ' 119555 Schedule submitted for approval-City Clerk

Record Retention 9-23-69 147999 Center-addl space 3th Floor

4' LA Warehouse be asslgned-Munlc f Facll Comt

f t

Reoord ©f Survey See Survey

•J^*«»r.yS:t'g-gE !-

'Hedord of Survey 3-2-65 121839 j Map - Adv Agey app -Lota 36«37« '

3fl 7r P7667 Hly Surfview Dr

Reoord'of Survey 3-214.-65 3.a3a?9 «; Map 10|7- fr 13333 Vaaowea St

bet llmer k Klump -> Delta ^ .eiutte,ls=lB*sa«e&«MJanA.J«^. V m iieeord of iurvey 4-14-65 123633

j Map - re Tr 27667 ° Motion approve Rundberi

^ &

Recount 1208066 13231** of vote cast Primary & Gen Mun Electns-Ord 94609 remain In eff re fee chg-Clty Clk

Hecreation Cntr 2-28-69 l43084 Build San Fdo Valley . Wilkinson resol-

Recreation Dir 7-8-66 130397 & Beach Lifeguard- Rec & Pk Comsnrs req #45»000 for 2.75

Recreation 6- 8-6? 133737 Dlrectors(lO) & 26 Reo 3in., . / I Asst(-^ time) -summer recreation Rervire - .Mavor .

lecreation Director 7-13-6? 135183 Iceq 2.75>a sal increase- alloc M>39,500- Rec 6, i'KS Comsn

Rec Pacil 6-19-68 139814 for Westwood-Braude-V/est LA Coordinating Ccl-E F Thomas-req

Recreation Facility 7-12j-68_ I4pp59 mr-|g^^§^aug§"^i^il^gi^i'°?, Acreage Recreation Areas 4-28-69 143934 Req Rec & Pks Bd advised before closing of any sts into areas-

-Recreation & 2-9-65 122607 Park Comt - Recom approp i^Zl,900 to Rec & Pks ^ond Fund imo rv 'chatsworth 3t access to Chatsworth

Bee & Parks 9-8-65 125564 Corat-r© more approp name given Vlctory-Vanowen Park-E Bernardi motion Rec & Pks Comt 10-5-66 131524

Resol invite groups to mtg raake Valley Music Theatre available for pub use - Shepard

Kec & Pks Cont 10-30-6? 136606 Resol invest prop trans of Juris & chg of use Cabrillo Beach - • Snyder

Rec/Pks Comt 1-4-58 137514 Dancers Callers Publicatn req met with-re commun rec centers/ rental for facilities

Rec k Pks Conf 2-3-6? 133PIO Fresno - Pac & SW area- Feb 25-28- Cassidy rao Braude Att

uecreation k II-4-65 126199 ?i.rk land- LA Beautiful resol preserve k inc amount of land

«?c « pi<;s Comt 3-29-68 138125 auth issue subpoena-Mel Herson att Spec Mtg Rec/Pks Comt 4-8-6S -

Rec & Parks Comt 1-31-69 142660 review CAO rec-Rec & Pks Comsn be made advisory - M Braude

Recreation Pacil 12-14-66 132382 Hec k Pk-appl Fed Govt for open space land aico So Central & East LA-B Mills

Recreation 6-8-6? 13373? services summer-Rec & Pks sub summary-urge provide $115,000-Hayor

recreation 7-^4-6? 1339o0 iJirectors- salary incr- Sup #9 Aniei- Fed 01 -St-^o-r.uaic iriios req consider

itecreatioa -'.rec. 3-15-6? 104020 Rec V.ZQ .;augus Hehab utr Sup #7 ' for goif-Ca,'.,ping-picaics- Rec k i-'Ks A omr urs

Kecreation 0-7-6? 135504 Ljirector- exeL.ption 5' pos Lfcie/ ' Female rept- Rec o, Pks Dept-I'ers Dept

Recreation & 11-8-6? I36826 • Park areas-Mo estab fees to fin ' cap cost for needed exnansion -Beraardl

Recreation & 8-14-68 140004 Youth Services Planning Ccl Resol-commend- Snyder Mo

Recreational 1-27-65 12242? Pier bet Point Vincente & Point -Ferrain-Hec k Park investigate re locate-Sesol J Gibson

Beoreatlonal 9-7-65 12556T facll & other servlces-Beo & Pk Comsn survey If up-to-date-South central (Hlot) area-T Shepard mo

Recreational 3-28-6? 133737 Events -estab Liaison Comt bet Rec & Pks & School Dist for sched CassTdv- Mo . _

Recreational Pac 7-6-66 130371 & Parka- Braude resol Rec & Pk & Plan prepare 20 yr plan

Recreational 2-7-66128282 purp-City-owned prop - Edelman-Mo-feasib Ccnstitutional amend-exempt prop tax

Recreational 7-24-6? 13373? P'acilicies- rec Rec k Youth Services i lan Ucl study- bd Educ

Recreational 9-12-b? 136066^ Facilities-reco,'n rehab in Expo Pk - Calif Museum S&I - Mills

Recreational 1-31-69 142652 & park purposes-study simple form Assessmt Dist for purchase n r r t r i - . l C-fhpon


Recreational Bist 4-18-69 141500 Mo support AB 396 re Sup 4l ^ co-op bet two agencies -Edelman

Recreation areas 4-22-69 14388? resol estab more & add Soccer

. eouip-name nark after Elihu Montenegro - D Aronoff

Recruiting Display 7-21-65 125025 US Army- Lindsay rao BPW auth in City Hall Rotunda Aug 3-14 '

Recruitment 1-19-6? I3IO6O '" Pol Officers-Credit 90 days of Injury on Duty Time-when return , to duty from Disability Pension

Recruitment 5-14-69 14524? LA Plre/Pol Prot League invest lower recruit stds candidates >«: Fire & Pol Deot

Recruitment 7-2-69 135441 of Police officers-commun- IB ' C W Chase ^

Recruits 1-26-65 122389 Police training prog- Bradley rao' initiate program & rept to Ccl "•

Recruits 7-21-66 130565 ~ estab nev class Police Student Worker Bnploy until age limit for DoTlnaman

Recruits 10-6-6? 135441 Police - Report re Sice of Classes & need for addtl fds - •

' Recruit Training 3-6-68 I3544l Classes - Increase to 100 per 4 wk period - Trans $27,965-CA0 ,

Recruit 2-13-68 138083 add'l police officers-use every ' vacil available expand police

Recruitment 11-20-68 135441 program-Police Officer PP&CD & Pers Comts rept re Nowell-mo

Recruitment Comt 12-18-69 141109 Appoint to make rec to Ccl & Mayt bv 1-30-70 re Pol recrultmt-Eoelman resol

" Red Cross 8-16-65 125245 Motion req provide disaster relief in LA riot area - Mills ' ••

Red Cross 3-7-69 14320S Araer Nat'l - req vac Western Ave'i Wly Harbor View -, San Pedro

, Red Cross 8-18-65 125295 Developmt - Western & 1st St-

" approp $2000 reloc traf Sigs - » Gibson resol

\ • ,

"Red Rock Mt" 3-11-68 138440 Recom accept a r t glft-Mun Art Dept - by Vernon Tarwater

Redevelopmt Plan 4-9-69 104500 Beacon St - CAO report r e prop redevelopmt pro,1 - ^yor

Redeveloppt 6-12-69 145662 Normandie Avfe No 5 Area-PC 2235s - CRA ptn Master Plan

Redevelopment 7-30-69 146389 Plan- Pico Union Redev ProJ-Area No 1 - Jt Hrg - Commun Redev Agcy - ^

Kedevelophivpurvey -11-6? 135985 Area #17-Resol designate Lexlngt ton-Western-Wilton-Poinsetta-Romain areas as - Lamport Hesol

Redevelopmt Survey 7-22-68 ll|.026l #5-incl Monterey Hills Redevelop • Proj area within bndry-Snyder-direot Plan Comsn formulate


See Cclmanic Dists

iRedistrioting 7-3-68 13$$99' 15 Councilmanic Dists.-Charter k Admin Code Comt

Redistricting Ccl 7- 8-68 140040~ Atty adv valid based on Voter Regis than on "One-man-One-Vote!' rule..? F.erraro -. Mo, _

Beevee Field 9-8-65 125569 Oooupanoy & Release Agreemt with US Navy-Harbor Coosn Bd Order #3^42-CA0-Mayor

Beferendum 1-20-65 122318 Speo Eleotn 5-Z5'-65 consolidate with Clty-eleot Bd Members LA Jr ' olleiire-Clty Mpnterey P # k resol

'Referred i'owera Bd

iiee City Depts

Refrigdratldh / 6- 4-65

eg^ittiigsig^cXiryiis^iffi' 'AC rept-

124346 1

" ijtfic^ Comsn re^

RefrlgeratioB 6-8-6? 134720 ^ Cod© & Heating-VentlTatiBg & Alr^Genditloalnf Code-AiaendmBt8» ,.lg$.l,?P&§l.,B©5fe.'?Cl0-M or ,. . _

. Refriferatop 3-^0-67 i33&i|~ doore-urf© federal regulation requir© reltase devlee on in§ide= f lradi©y=r@@©l

Wildllfe-Oweng Valley bet 'Slneiaha * Owens teke-tlndsiy me set aside


Refund 3-11-69 1361II Tax-License-Permit or Appl Fees by Heads Depts-permlt; waiver var iance-substandrd sz l o t s

Refund 7-28-69 140090 REA En te rp r i se s $70,132.18 -Cancel auct ion s a l e prop-N Brdwy & Ely Lincoln Park Ave -30 acres

Refuse A':>atement 1-25-6? I'^28l0

Ord I n t e n t - hrg 3-14-6, Atty

Refuse Collection 5-17-6? I30699 Crew- Bur Sanlt amend Pers Ord compensate time worked legal holldava

Refuse Coll5Ctors9-2 7-66 131412 S.-m Ferndo Vly Ref Heme val Assn prot arrest Private haulers for bverweicht _ , ^„„,»„

He fuse Collection 6-30-6? 130699 Dist ?ore!nan-re~ auth flllSup irl-addtl.pes- Bur 3anit-B?W-CA0

Refuse Abatement 9-26-6? Brush #11 -Ord Intent - Atty


Refuse Abatement 9-18-68 140966 & Weed - Ord - Brush #14 Attorney

Refuse & Weed 11-12-68 141608 Abatement Ord - Brush No 15 -hrs 12-17-68 - Atty

Refuse a l s o , s e e Rubbish

Refuse c o l l e c t i o n I -8-65 II9565 l e r s o n n e l - a u t h r e t r o a c t i v e compensatn to 7-l-64-#695-CAO

Refuse Co l l ec t ion 3-30-65 123388 be t 10 PM & 6 AM- Bradley mo c o n t r o l by Ord p roh ib i t


Refuse Collection 5-21-65 123920 & Disposal Dlv-commend emps safe driving record-fiesol-B Mills

Refuse Collection 6-7-65 12436?" k disposal - alary Acct 102-Approp $103,000 Sani;.afcion Fd bal fiscal yr -Kayor-CA0-3PV/

Refuse Collection 8-31-65 IO6387 Coord Ccl of Refuse removal Assoc req City collect 3 units residenoe rtnlv Refuse CoLlection 4-18-66 12929c Transfer |30,000 nurch Axle Attachments Refuse Coll Units

Refuse Collection 3-11-66, 128?62 IWalley Dist-Pet consider 5 day work week

Refuse Collectn 4-25-66 129200 Dist Foremen '•- Req addtl salary increase of S^^ - Bragen et al'

Refuse Collectn lb-2?-66 131775 Yard - No Central Dist-Req coffe vending machine installed -Sanit Bur

Refuse 6-22-6? 10638? collection fr apartments-chg as source revenue-BPW

uelusa Collection 0-I4-6? 135608 ' Yd-9701 San Fdo Ud-ii Valley- Bur oaait iastcll veading r/.acainas-UPVv

Refuse Collectn 4-2-68 138?34 Yard - West Dist - Req appoop, $225,000 for Aleterations-BPW

""Refuse Coll Yds 5-14-68 139346" Req trans $?5,000 purch Truck washingt equipmt for 5 Yds-Sanit Bur

"Refuse Collectin h - h - 6 9 143609' Dist #210 - Commun fr W Valley • re working conds

Refuse Coll 7-I6-69 l46l31 private co fr LA residents & apt houses under LA Co Health Dept reg - Will Chappel rept

Refuse Collectn 11-7-69 l4?840 Yard - Western Dist - trans $134,874 fr Reserve Fd - BPW

Refuse Collection 12-27-69 146340" Apts-4 units or more -Discont service - Attv Oninion

Refuse Crew 10-22-68 l40128 Field Inst-req addtl pos Bur Sanitatn

Refuse Jisposal 6-22-65 II4IO6 sii'-es operators - K-Code or rate' LA Citv Emol Union Loc 3 -7 req

Refuse Disposal g-9-65 125174 Req use of Del Amo Sanit Lanflfil,' -Long Beach

Refuse 5 -26-66 12984?" dlsposal-Agrmt with North Valley Refuse Center-BPW

Refuse Disposal 5-17-68 139400 fac - Rustic & Sullivan Cyns-req acq land - Co Sanit Dist


Refuse 3-11-69 143230 Disposal Eleraent of Master Plan PC 20819

Refuse Disposal 4-24-69 143230 Element of Master Plan- re

• consider propriety prepare in co-op with private collectors

Refuse Employees 5-11-65 124455 Uniform allowance $5,000 per moa-LA City £knployees Union Loc 347

Refuse Equipment 6-25-68 139859 Mtnce trans,fr Sanit Bur to Bur Transp-CAO-Mayor

Refuse Transfer 4-15-69 143771 Stations - req ord regulate -estab fee $250 per year-St Mtnce , Bur - Mayor

Regents UCLA 6-25-69 145822 Contract make film strip/slide $8,000 - Urban Developmt Ctr Mayor red approo - CAO dlsann

Regional Councils 4-4-68 138?8o' 2nd Annual Conf-Laraport-Mo-auth : Bradley attend-St Louis 5-22/24-6i., $450

Regional Ccls of 5-20-68 13|423 of Govt - Mo Lamport att Conf St Louise 5-22-68 - & other cities - Lindsay

Regional Emerg 8-3-6? l64020 ' Training Bacility-Mo UAOSup #6 ••• study Saugus Rehab Ctr use as-~: R Wilkinson

~ Regional Parks 12-6-66 122849 Appl for Fed Fds match $500,OOC fr Land & Wtr Conservation Fund '.

iRegional Planning 1-27-66 128135 Area LA Co- Bernardi Mo re SB 856 1963- Stati Planning Advisory

_ Corat ynrfCineAAAy. _ .,, Regional Plan 2-2-66 105450 i Possible reorg of TASC & LARTS : to initiate - Dir Plan - Calvin S? Hamilton - , „ « ..

i Regionial'''sb<Oilii ~ i»3i°>i'# 1496561 Service Dept «> i£'rei»g@ e ti iiet ^ with dounty - Bire^ley <=> s m t i m


Regional Wtr" 1-20-69 i4P6'2 Quality Contr Bd- appls for Fed ; aid 4 Pk-Glendaie»,, Valley Blyd-Lindley Aye ylf. sewers^

Registered Deputy 8-26-65 1254121 Bldg Insp - Req estab $15 fee ( for reexamination of - B&S Dept

Registered Nm»se"8iT-68 14.0119 "' Adopt two Pay Grades in class^ ; CAO rept - amd 0-89100 & Pers Dept pers ord

Registered 8-28-68 139900 Nurse 2 pos - 1 pos Sr Claims Investg - 1 pos Claims Analyst CAO-auth overtlrae-Pers Dept-Mayor

Registered Prof Eng 3-5-69 137696 Premium pay - estab new class Eng Designer - BPW

Registrar of Voters6-30-65 124715 League Calif Cities endorse prop" loc fireman become deputy to'reg- '

Registrars of 9-29-65 125783 Voters - LA Co Bd Supvsrs progre inc access im County

Registration 5-31-6? 134632; with State for Eng & Architects--amd Ord 89,100 re salary-BPW-CAO

Beglstration Day 3-11-66 128764 Resol proclaim 3-29-66-B Mills

Beglstration 3 ° 1 - 6 6 128664 Pees-BPW req exp I150 gas tas Bur Trans & Pers Div-UCLA March 7-9TMotor Fleet Supervision

Registration Pees 3-7-6? 133k3k ext course Inst of Trans & Traff Eng - Univ Calif & UCLA- BPW auth •Tn w*1a,. e> kn

Reg i s t r a t i on Pees 11-28-6? 13?06l ' 10 emps at tend courses on Mass f T rans i t Plf?nnln9;-Nov 1Q6? -

. . . R e c o m e x n a n d thOCi, .^ T?exr,1 o,<;r PWSJC Registration 12-4< 67 137170 '

fees-BPW essp $240 for 12 earns Bur Eng att draining cour@e CPM & PERT-Inst Jrans 6s Traf Eng

legiatration 6-25^68 139886 ; Fees-$480 reimburse 16 emps stt seminars EXQC Dev by Init Trans & Tref Eng-April A M ^ 1968 ~ ' '

mgtMvkmn ^ ^ m W ' 119885 ! tees-'$2.070 69 emps B t t seinihars on Exec Dev by Inst Tmne & Traf Eng-UCU'i«£-BP? - CAO

Registration 2^5969 141538 fees^exp $372 gas t@x 12 emps

" "~ ' i Tf®| @ee "Highwy Bur Eng" & 19 eL_, ,j.^„ Safety" course-^jan 1969

Registration 2=21-69 139885 Fees^$870 exp^29 eraps BPW &tt seminar on Exec Dey by Inst Trans & Traf En| U of CtlHfev"19=gIeeA0

Registration 2°27H69 143040 ; fee^BPW exp $690 gas ^&^ 46 emps

Registration 4^i9^6| 1^3961 Firearms = Mo Atty prepare Qrd ' similar to San Pranelscq Qrd-Edeiman

5 2.

Registration 6-10-69 145605 fee-exp $510-14 emp BPW-3 emp Traffic Dept att Exec Dev seminar UCLA-Inst Trans & Traff Ene-Aoril

Registration 6-30-69 145943 fee-BW exp $50 for J J Leonard att Fundamental of Traf Eng-Richmond Calif June 16-20 1969

Regulations 11-19-65 126?00. City re Passenger Carriers- Bd PU&T

,"{egulation3 ; 6-29-66 130283 Oil Drill .Di sts-resol ;3tu.dy incl adv public of prop r,ite-Edelm,gn

Rerrulationr; re 3-P7-68 137836 . •' on rj\ih r-i dpvjj" ''s - -Atty V

Rehab Facil 2-13-69 141024 rec add to basement Lincoln Hgts Library in 1968-69 Const Proj Prog est cost $18,140-CA0

iiehabilitation 8-17-65 125278 Program - poor areas City k Co-

i'-iO req ^tate approp i;;50,000,GG0 -Lindsay

rehabilitation {^-26-65 125439. Pro,i':ram-i';o assi^pi sj_ace V/atts

City Hail to Cclman 15th Dist ce Riots - Gibson _

Rehabitation prcg 10-11-65 125350 V./-AG r-ept re summary est oup //I costs to City depts -:^5l21,279 So Central LA (Riot area)

Rehabilitation Prog 8-5-66 130?95 Wilmington - Gibson mo Plan study re chg Ind to residential v.nn'. ner

Rehab Program 3-19-69 l40006 Workmen Comp - rec app proposed emp 2 addtl pes & approp $7,270 Mayor CAO BPW-

Relmbursement 1-4-65 122115, mileage claims-amend Ord 86,626 : clarify auth to pay under certain • condltlons-Controller-Mayor Reimbursement 6-6-66 129944

Mileage - Amend Ord allow reimbursemt pkg fee - Mayor-CAO ,,

Reimbursement 9-13-66 131258 College 'J-'ultion-req improve Progran emoa Ccl Controlled Depts Eng .'•; Arch Assn , . _

Reimbursement 8-30-6? 131448 61 emps Bur Eng-exp $1,220 Spec Ons Tax St Imp Pd-Inst Trans & Traffic Sng-CAO-BPW

Reiraburse 4-24-68 13Q06q City Employees for losses in

— 0 1 . , A J - •• • rironevfTr

Reimburse 5-13-68 139308 11 emps-En-=: Bur-Spope Stability U of.C Ext - Feb I968 - CAO

Reimburse 5-13-68 139309 40 emps - Bur Eng - $1200 U of C Ext - Exec Developmt-CAO

Reimburse 5-13-68 139310 6 emps Bur Eng $140 - UofC Ext- • Motor Fleet Supervisn- Mar I968 CAO

Reimburse 6-30-69 145519 90 emp-Bur Eng-Inst Traf & Tran.' Eng UCLA-BPW-CAO $1,080

Reimbursement 11-6-68 141533 prevent treatmt or Recvg Hosp treatmt - amend Workmen's Comp & 89,100

Reimbursement 2-19-69 142922 grant-in-aid prop owners assesse< for st Itg-encourage legislatn-B Mills-Motion

Reimbursement 4-24-69 142349 Fed - Storra Disaster appl after 1-17-69

Reimbursement 6-19-69' 145740 General Fd - Alloc Spec Gas Tax St Imp Fd to Cap. Imp Projs

Reimbursement 7-18-69 142651 General Fd by Airports- 134741 Harbor Dents f/serv furn by City Dents - CAO rept

Reimburse 9-30-69 141109 cost College level training in field Police Adtnin-provide incentive system-A Snyder resol

Reinforced 2-7-66 127228 Concrete Frames -rec use in bldg over 160' in height be studied P.Kr.' C.nmt.

Reinstate 3-3-69 143114 Arthur Sherraan McDonald as Cable Splicer Helper-W&P Dept

Rejuvenated Curfew 12-8-55 127436 Law - Req opinion on article-H Chester - T Bradley

'Rejuvlnate 10-2-6? 136279 , old neighborhoods-Pico-Union -E Adama - Green Meadows - Req determine what resources - Mayor

Released Time 9-23-66 131378 Religious Education Week-resol declare 9-25-66-L Nowell

i^elief 8-16-65' 125245 Motion provide for disaster --on T, A T-int. Hio-t-. - Mills


Relief Sewer Unit 1-18-68 137738 Lankershim Blvd-Mayor-CAO-BPW-agrmt const-Junior Realty Co

Relief Sewers 3-2o/69" l43402 4 appls to Reg V7tr Quality Contr" Bd - 4 projs-Hishl'and Pk-Valley -

Blvd-Lindley Ave-LA/Glendale Reclam jRoliglpn' ' ~ Shouting on core- •. ..

See Nuisance ,- • • I . _ •

! Religious 9-23-66 131378 Education Week- Released Time-• Nowell - re sol-,declare week-;9-25-6.

'^-nsrh' 129306 ^'-i 7:th 6tr8r6adway-unreatTictedx"

noise downtown LA-I Mandell"

; Relinquishment 6- 2-66 124723 £UQ. - Rd 07-LA-ll -Sunset Blvd ' & LA River -re Pasadena Frwy

I Relinquishment 4-8-65 12356? State Road bet 116th St & Im].eria; Hwy - Notice Intent- 7-LA-405-21.1-Hwy Divsn - relinq 329

j Relinq #'355 ' 2-lo-65 ' 122699" Access rights 4th ,St at Harbor ' Fi'wy - Calif Div Hwys-Ntc Intent ,

_ Cindsay-Resol-vj'aive waiting period Ueiinq#356 ' 2-2-65 ' 122170^ ' Rte 170 - Lankershim Blvd bet

Hollywood Frwy k Vineland Ave Calif State Div Hwy adv Relinq

fRelinquishment 12-28-65 127773 Road 07-LA-60 - iiuclid Ave to Indiana 'St - Notice Jntent-Cal Hm Div-^eliJ^q '363

r Relinquishment 6- 2-66 127790'' • # ^ - Rd 07-LA-10-4.5-6.9

Overland Ave/LaCienega - Div Hwys .

j Relinquishment 7-30-59 129788• ; #366 - bet La Cienega Blvd k Orange Dr - Calif State Div Hwy •,

fRellnquishment 3-23-66 128937 ~ ' #?68,- Road 7-LA-7 bet Rte 10 & •

Valley Blvd-Callf State Div Hwys >

r Relin(^uishment 9-28-67" 136234.1 ! #370 - 07-LA-10-2-14.1 -'Notice-

Intent - Olympic Blvd bet Centi- . nela & Figueroa?- Hwy Div

! 'Reiinquishmsnt # M o 7-30-65 12371F '. LA Road 07-405-8.8 - Calif Hwy. :


i Relinq 403 4-18-66 ' 1292Q3 • I Notice intent relinq R/W Road ;

405.21.1 bet Imperial Hwy & Century Blvd - Hwy Divsn

• Relinquishment 12-28-65 127776 ' • Rd O7-LA-5-37.4-4O.2- Notice

Intent-Osborne St to Rt 405-, Relinq #414. - Cal Hwv Divsn

Relinoulshment 12-21-66 13II5I i / 422,Hwy B/W for Sta Monica Fv*y • bet Centinela Ave & Sawtelle Blvd

' Relinquishment 9-15-66 125622 ; Req tfklL - bet Santa Ana Frwy &• Inaiank St along 4th St-3rd Pl-3rd St

Relinquishmt #iB-2-9-66 12^^121] Notice of Int relinq R/W Marmion V/ay,& Ave 64 -

_ , Rd 07-LAr-ll - Hwv Dj-v . neiiiiouiaha'ient 12- 1-6? 137138 '5 • "Req''#447 •- Bd 0?-LA-l65-0.0-0.8 '

Ci=!llf State Hwys Dlv

Relinq-#450 4-7-66 129183; Figueroa St-Ave 22 & Rte 134- ; 07-LA-159-Notice relinq

Relinq #451 6-7-68 1396451 Route 163-0.1-3.3 Calif State . . ' Div H -rys

: Relinq #451 7-1-68 139977 i Rd 07-LA-163-0.1-3.3 adv relinq-Calif State Hwy Div

/fiellnqulshment " 12-21-66 132215 I /; _^46p-Centlneal Ave bet Inglewood-^ & LaTlJera Blvd-Callf Div Hwy

i Relinauishment" -" 2-r5'-^6 "128382 i #461--RA'/ ptn 6th St at Euclid • Rd O7-LA-6O ~ Calif State Hwys

3-10-66 128?14_^ i Reqlinq #462 2-9-6? 1 2 8 6 ^ ^

,' Sa n Diego Prwy v ie Mulholland Dr Atty, ord es tab name of s t s

^Relinquishment 12-28-65 127775 ; Road 07-LA-7-0.9= Harbor Blvd

^Ped f a c i l i t i e s - N o t i c e I n t e n t Cal Hwy Div- #464.

I Relinq #46^ 8-2-66 130736 Calif State Divsn Ewy ntc Int R/W Rd 07-LA-lO

^Rellnaulshment 12-21-66 I30736 :' #465-Hwy R/W adj Sta Monica Fwy

bet Orange Dr & Crenshaw Blvd-

IReltnq #466 2-14-6? 12896? State Uivsn Hwy ntc - Sta Monica Frwy bet Crenshaw Blvd & Arlington

Reli'nq 4'6?' 4-18-66 129295 > Arlington to Hoover - Notice •' Intent relina R/W Rd 7-10-12.3

l4.3 - Hwy Divsn


lilellnq U 495 3-28-6? 128708 '" , BPV/ estab name pub st Ely Loreto • St bet Arroyo Seco k Marmion Way . 3f.?te Div Hwy _•

iRelinq 500 4-18-66 129294 : Notice Intent relinq bet Roxford -St & San Fdo Rd-7-5-42.6-43,2 Hwy Divsn

I Relinquishmt #505 4-18-6? 134062' Cahuenga Blvd at Odin St -Notice Intent - Hwy Divsn

i Relinq #534 8^-66 130?37 : State Dlvsn Hwy Ntc Int R/W Rd

' 07-LArl0-13.3

i Relinq-#53^ 8-2-66 '130?38 ' State Dlvsn Hwy- Ntc Int relinq Hwy R/w Rd 07-LA-10-l5,2

jBelinqulshment 3-22-6? 132403 • #536-Rd 07-LA-lO-ll.O-awy R/W

Sta Monica Frwy at VJest Blvd-.State. Dlv Hwys

! Relinquishment 1-10-6? 132659 • #555 - Hwy Rd 07-2.14.1 -

NoHce Intent relinq - Hwy Divsn -,

I Relinq #5?8 5-13-69 145206 ' Rt 10 Frwy (Sta Monica) bet

La Brea/Crenshaw-Calif State .. Hwy. Div

1 Reiinouishmnt 8-28-69- 14&894 #5?8- La Brea Ave & Crenshaw Blvd- Calif Ptate Hwy Div Notice

, Tnt •»'el TTw,v r/u 1 Relinquishment 3-13-6? 133526 • #581-Ed 07-LA-10-R9-4-Washlngton

Blvd at Fairfax-Notice Int relina-Callf Sta Div. Hwy

I Relinauishment 5?4-9-?-6? 135955 • Notice Int- R/W 0?-170- Magnolia

Blvd to Vanowen St-Rea 574"-Calif Hwy Divsn

j Relinquishment 12-26-672 135955 #574-Hwy r/w Rd 07-LA-170 bet Magnolia Blvd & Vanowen St

I Relinquishmt'612 ' 9-8-6?" "135976 , ' • Notice Intent-Rd 07-LA-5

Landa & Queen Sts - Hwy Divsn

i Relihquishrrieht' 6I3 9-8-5?Vl35977 ^ Notice Intent - Req 613 - Rd 0?-;,

LA-134 - Interchg & Concord St Hwy Divsn

! Relinquishmt"62? '9_8-67 135975^ ^ Notice Intent - Rd 07-LA-405

Piner St - Hwv Div N

I Relinquish Req 9-2?-68 141095 '

f629 - Cal State Hwy Div notice :. nt relinq hwy r/w NE cor Nordhoff St at Topanga Cyn Blvd

Relinquish 64? 2-28-69 l4306? 07-LA-405-30.1 nr Tennessee Ave Calif St Div Hwys

' Relinquishment 648 3-29-68 138679 i Notice relinq Rd 0?TLA-Truman St adj San Fdo Rd - Calif Hwy Div

— • 1

Relinquishmnt 652 4-l?-68 138964; Div Hwys-Ind relinquish Hwy R/W-Rd 07-LA-lO bet Corning St k

.Relinquishmt 6?6 10-31-68 l4l48? • Hollywood Fwy bet Vanowne St & Roscoe Blvd - Calif Hwy Divsn

Relinquishment 12-16-68 142074 #678 - Hwy R/W in City LA bst Mesmer Ave & Iyigl<B**ood Blvd Rd 07-LA-90 Calif Dlv Hwvs _

'Relinquishmnt ,686 12-16-68 l42080 j Notice Int relinquish Hwy R/W Rd 07-LA-118 - Calif St Div Hwys _ , . _ • . —

: Relinquishmt"?11 ^-^'-69 143648 i r/w along Sta Monica Blvd bet

Bwntley Ave & Bev Hills bdry-Calif Hwv Div . , .,

; Relinquishment 6-11-69 145649 ! • Req #716-Hwy R/W nr Harbor Fwy -

on Blain\St bet llth St & Olympic Blvd-Calif State Hwy Div

Relinquishment 11-28-69 148145 ! I Req #737 - R/W nr LaCienega Blvd '

Rd 07-LA-lO

Relinquishmt " 10-20-69 l4?555 ' #?38--R/W 07-LA-lO bet Alsace Ave & Orange Dr-Calif State

. ..Div Hwys , Relocate 4-1-65 123442 i Appl reloc within mainland terminal L A Harbor

:"Relocate 4-1-65 123443 ~! mainland terminal within L A ' Harbor - Avalon Navigation Co

, Relocate 4-1-65 123444 ) Mainland Terminal within Harbor-

Catalina Motor Cruisers Co

•Relocation rept 3-k-6$ 111333 J 'Bunker Hill Urban Renewal Proj

as of Jan 65- Commun Redeveloprrtt

rRelocation Rept 9-14-66 131233 '! \ Bunker Hill Urban Renewal Proj '

y as of 7-31-66 -Commun Redevelopmt Agency

rRelocation Rept"3-13^-6? 131233; • Bunker Hill Urban Renewal Proj

end Feb 28, 196?


Relocatn Rept 1-11-68 131233 Bunker Hill Urban Renewal Proj- s-Commun Redev Agcy-perlond ending 12-31-5? ,

Remote Receiver 1-30-68 13?8?4 & Transmltr site-Bd Order AO-1508 ,lease-Fed Aviatn Admin-W Airline Area-LA Intnl,Airport

Renewal Plan 10-18-65 125976 Gen i^eighborhood - App Federal Fd-Vernon-Central area k Towers area-Comm Redev Agcy

Rent Control SEE also-

Decontrol of Rents

Bent 9-15-65 1256Z3 low-rent Housing various groups citizens-Hayor app appl Sec 23

_ US Housing Act-Mayor Rentals 9-3-69 146982 Conv Ctr - Forms for rental sched fr. short term lie for x review by Ccl - Rec/Pks estab Bate

Rentals Tax

See Occupancy Tax

"Rental Charges 9-5-6? 1359l8~ A-end Tariff #3 - Order 3?02 -Harbor Comsn

; Rental Yards 6-11-65 124460~ Req amd Bldg i ode Sec 12.14 by addn Subsec 28 - Walleck-^hane !: Baechtcid reo

^^?rffi?^*^S'' /-j-^-^S 123631 ^tf: J ^ - Resol aisapprove select ?f^J^^"°^^°° regional Customs bervice - Urge Conareas. vs Pre* ..

i Reorganization U-27-67 13ii$$$ of personnel re Salary le olassifioations in Fire Dept

; Reprganization - ' " CharterAmend #6(5-65 Election) i Animal Reaul 2-11-66 128341 Music Bur 2-11-66 128340 Traffic 2-14-66 128375

iReorganization"~il-22-67 ^r37025" Lot Cleaning Divsn-St Mtnce Buri Prop realloc 103 positions-CAO N,

. Reorganiaation 7-26-68 lk0330' Pol Dept 6 Steps-Reclaee 3 poa- .. ?*g ^ 9 h fco^Insp-Sgt to Lt Pol & '

Motorcycle & Junk Vending Maehs-^ at 500 W 147th St - complaint Mr^ R Shroyer & Editji Fitzhugh

Repair & Demolition 5-31-6? 133880 Pd-trans functn fr Bldg Reloc Fd ^ $5,098.60-B&S Dept req Ord re Ernst k Ernst rec _

'Repair & 5-21-68 139439 Demolition Fd-Recom write off obligation-reimburse Reserve Pd $11,309' re assmt liens

Repair & Demolition 6-I8-68 13977^ 10403 Gorman Ave-Pub Wks Dept-Bur Assrats-draw Internl Dmd $379.80

"Replacement 5-7-68 IOO3OO i Housing -• Recom support Sup 3V • AB 1072 r SCFA Comt

Reports -Annual

see Annual report

Reports" • • • • • • •Emp: to heads'of • dept3-mtgs & convehtions-pollcy cent travel exp- 15627-69949-79280

"Beport ' 5-'Z6''65 124219" storm drain bond issue proj (56)

^ Nov 1964-BPW=Shepard motion $275,000,000.

Report 8-30-65 • 125470 ; Management Audit Report - CAO raake of Harbor Dept - I&T Corat

Reports 11<»22 -65 126696 Fire & Pol Pension System-At^'&s Rept & Fin Statements Fire & Pol

. .FJja Stfl-tamanta 6P.30O6§ . .-^ Report 12-^-65^, 1274U '

^ MCCONE * August 1965 -••" RIOTS

Reports 3-25-66 128975 v' Pueblo De Los Angeles State ' Historleal Monument Comsn- Minutes

Reports 8»5«66 X30790 / Treasurer rept monthly ef

Seeortles Transactions y

^ Reports d»U«66 1308Sa ' Controller aonthS.; ropt of

f eendltlon of funds as of ^%^ 196^

• Reports 9°it-66 131111 1 i i&8 Dept a§©u,Baulat©i overtlias •

^'' net oompensated for as ef Aug Ifet.

Metre_Wtr Bist, eeraglnei^ »©afhiy ,. rept wen Iter olft oper h oeatrlliv fiiads« July 19|6

Re pert 8 11=7-66 \%\m\ 1st yrs eperatiea ef Wer^meaa gempensatieg unigr ferseiii\@3. Sept

Reports 11-21-66 132066 B?'./ sta'sement Prxjperty Rental qtrly rent begin 9-30-66

Reports 2-3-6? 133008 State Dlvsn Hwys- new file eat apportionments of Gas Tax Pds to C1t1«i<i- r i a try f>nA A_in_Afl

Reports 2-8-6? 111024 State Water Resources- Bulletin 74 Water Well Standards & Chp V

_ Stand«T»d.<» .J • RepoBts 2-21-6? 133299 Collier-Unruh Sec 186.1 State Divsn Hwy- 1,04 Gas Tax Pds to Ci.tlea- MontbUv r e n t

Reporting 1-19-6? 132815 Election campaign contributions-urge support AB 22 - provide more.stringent - Bernardi _ .

Reports 3-6-6? 133431 Bi-Monthly rept of Overtime not compensated for - Peb 196?-BPV/

Report 1-27-69 142556 . Rosett - Mo evaluate & recom pre program correct statutes-provide Sheriff services within Co

Report 1-27-69 142558 Management Aud$t - Rec/Pks Dept ,, - Mavor

Report 2-19-69 139520 on Dept'l cash receipts & Disbursements yr ended 6-30-68-Emst & Ernst-Lybrand etc

Report 2-24-69 142992 6e Parking Meter Fund Budget 1969-70-Bd Parking Pl Comsnrs

Seport 10-31-69 141500

Final for 1969 Legis Progtam

Report 11-5-69 14?80? Progress - CAO Status Deptal contracts fds lQ6q-70

Report 11-6-69 l4?8l4 Commercial Aircraft oper problems in Europe - Bernardi

Representative 6- 3-65 107082 Youth upportunities Bd - S-4A Mills-Mo-Attv oreo Ord estab pes

•"•epresentative 8-I9-65 125328 ' ii-ecom Cclman name soi:ieone in his office act uuring qbsences iid Hitter

Representative 7-3-6? 12519O in Washington DC-Office of Govt Relations-David L Wallersteln -

Reprimand 12-23-68 142188 for accident Involve injury Frank L Boykin - Mills sub

• Reproduction 2-8-6? 133081 service to public- Plan Dept amend Sec 19.03 MC estab 50^ fee

Repubiic"of" 3-16-6? 133582~ Ireland-Ceremonies 3-17-6?-Flag raising declai- d Spec, event-Mayor

Republican 2-11.-6? 133170 Natl Convention In LA I968-Shepard rao support LA Convention Bur invitation

Republican 2-l6-6? I33170 Natl Conv - Shepard mo Rep fr City auth att Site Selection Comt mta- Wash DC" -

P.e3cue Services 3-2-65 122919 k Fire Protection- Uniform Mutual A.s3istance agrmt bet City LA & LA t

Rescue & 10-9-69 l4?400 salvage services- CAO-Fire Dept

. revised method

Reseda HI School 12-6-66 I315OO football team & coach Roy Jae & Bob Binder-resol commend-Shepard

"Reseda Relief '6-15-65 124508 Sewer - Agrmt w/Gleneagle Estates' constr -ptn Porter Ranch-^itv share cost 0551,322 -CAC-BPW

Reseda Blvd 12-19-67 137344 Stem drain proj #5228-Plans & specs sub by LA Co Fid Cont Dist-BPW

Research Fndtn 5-12-69 145184 of APWA-Amer Pub Wks Assoc re feasib of Utilidors (Util Tunnel^ Urban- BP'i

Reseda Park 7-30-69 146388 CAO req confirm actn Rec & Pks seek Federal Open-Space fds Mayor

Reseda-TArzana 1-10-6? 132680 Dist-req review land use plan Tophara St bet Wilbur & Yolanda Ave. k designate in Ml zone-Cunningham

Reserve Forces 6-25=65 124655 US Army Natl Guard & Army Reserve Cassidy resol support ready reaer\

Reserve Fund 7-9-65 I2l|.8ll' W&P resol 18 - trans |?,5?8,0©0 Power Rev Pd & #2,041,000 I'r Water

Reserve Fund 8-4-65 125135 Trans $833|8J5 k aj.prop to Spec Gas Tax St Imp Fd - Contr


Reserve Fund 8-31-65 125489 Wi-.P r e s o l I 5 l auth t r a n s ^ $310,688.43 fr W&P Revenue Fd re RnTf lwIn W i l l s P i ^ n p r v n i r

Reserve Fund 7-29-66 125135 Controller trans #1,292,315.70 to Spec Gas Tax St Imp Fd 1965"T66

Reserve Fund 8-3-66 13081? ^ibson mo trans $4 Million also 2* Million to City }?mr> Retirement Pd re taxes

Reserve Fund 1-11-66 131596 Trans fds to rev side or unapprop Item in budget-rec •'i Charter Amendmt Sees 352-3-4 - CAO

Reserve Pd 5-2 6<=67 134598 Cassidy mo trana #60,000 to Medical k Hosp Serv C S Dept Fd- ^

L=ieserve Fund' 6-27-6? 13*^931" Tran §152,956 to Gen Sal Acct of. Police Dept to absorb deflclt-QAO. , . -.

Reserye Fund 7-14-6? 135147 Auth {ij8,184,000/^2,399,000 fr Power & Water Res Fds trans- • -«, 1967-68- Resol 21- W&P comsn ^

Reserve Fund a-1-67 125135 v9oO,127o95 trans fr- to Spec Jas Tax St Imp Fd- 1966-6?- contr '

.Reserve, Fund 8-18-6? 134962" I'io trans $1,250,000' to Sup #2 • General Fd-offset So Calif Rapid M

. Trans, iJist subsidy-. J Ferraro Reserve Fund (3-22-6? 135733 ' i-lo trans ^7,513,918 to Seu'l Fd " Ji braude

Reserve Pd 4-29-68 78O66 CAO-rec trans fr-$5*100-adv for R/W acq-Moorpark St nr Beck Ave v Xm©

: Reserve Fund' ' 5-21-68 ' 139439 , Recom reimburse $11,309 re extin­guish assmt liens - CAO -BPW

Reserve Fund 8-22-68 121168 Trans $1,650 to proJ vie S/s ', Braddock Dr fr Centinela/ ,

-• Ci.^'lju,«w^.'RlMd.-w*i>S.BHarao8^«iMo* > ,.,w

Reserve Fund 8-23-68 125191 • trans $14,420 & approp $2,3^0 Prlv Sewer Const Acct - CAO - < Eng... • „.,. ..,..._ '•

Reserve Fund 8-27-68 131084 • Trans $85,000,to Tuxford St Ord:. Sep at San Pndo Rd/So Pao Co -,.

, ,yallex..Ln..(?;':: p.4ll9.l-J jPBortJ9o • Reserve Fund 9-25-68 125229

Trans $34,400 & alloo |6,895 Speo Oas Tax Imp Fd - fing rept-


Reserve Fund 11-14-68 l4l64l Recom repeal ord 91897 abolish Clearlnff Pd & trans to - CAO

Reserve Pd 12-11-68 117950 Trans $15,000 to LA Mall proj purch Title searches

Reserve Fund 6-23-69 141000 L A Export Promotion -reapprop to Gen City Purp Pd $94,500 Wilkinson-Mo

Reserve Fxrnd 6-30-69 145539 ' t rans $13,224^455 to unapprop bal & reapprop to projs Indlcaeed GAO Reserve Fd


I Lemarsh & Variel Ave Imp Oist'^CAO

7-28-69 145539

to-llst of reapprop.reo^trans ,506,531-reapnrop $1.520,902 ; realloc $24,633,794

Reservoirs 1-29-69 142595 W/P Resol treat with aluminum ' sulfate uraent nec-Mo approve Perjraro v.

Residence 6-18-69 145733 Single family-low cost in R-l sn - Housing Auth & US Dept HUD assist prov - i7ow@ll-Resol

Residency •' 4-29-69' 143964 Requirmts - Mo req Fed Legis restore State's rts establish-Snyder

Residential ' 8-18-65 12528? Areas - Amend Comp Zone Plan e):t' provisions non-conform bld-gs -

Kesidential Const 4-19-^5 123695 ' Task Force Corat report be r e f B&S Corasn - Bernardi Motion

(ReBlderitial 11-17=67 136971 i ; Debelopmts adj prkg bldgs-Amendmt

to PB Zone r e m re compatlhlllty, , .??,m.<i<?mn .., ,„ ., ._,.,.„., .,. ,-,.'_ ! Residential- 6-14=65 1244^8 1

prcdgs as burfer - Sun Valley ^ land "se flan - Nowell-resel

'Residential ' 7-lS'»Sf ' 119840 ; Planned Developments - Ord amond' Definition as eept doaditional Us© requiremts ° PC ITlgl

'Residential Towers 12-1 l4l ia7&43' 3ite = Bevelopit Agresment ° iuaker Hill Renewal Proj

^Reiidential io4=6a l llSi ' Waterways ^Qn©8"|m©nd „ Comp ion© |lan«P2,iO|93 _ .

j goning Btns ?ae§lma°ai§§i re^ evaluate density In ptns of. planneel multiple residential

J " • ^ I


Residential .rone 7-19-65 124924 Atty opinion ••e enforce Ord proh . 3;orage of unlicensed Veh or parts

Residential zone 5-9-67 13436? L Fair et al req enact legislatn prohibit parking trucks

Residential Zone 8- 8-68 140467 Model Homes & temp Tract Sale Off - And. Div l-artd reRiil facil bldg permit - Plan Dept

Residential 6-13-69 145128 dwelling ownership trans re Workable Prog-City Clk notify B&S Dept-Atty prep Ord-A Snyder

Residential 7-21-69 1,46243 uses in CM Zone-delete or restrict or amd Comp Zone Plan create new CM Zn-M Braude

Residential 11-13-69 147907 Bldg records-rept by owner prior to sale of prop-AB 1702

Residential II-I3-69 14790? bldg records - report by owner • orior to sale of nrop-AB 170?-

., also CF 70-q45 Residents 1-25-66 128109 within 500' radius any proposed ' subdivsn-re notlfy-M Braude resol

Resisnation' I-6-67 132638 ' Local Agcy Formation Comsn-Motiox resign & more representative : ody . created for LA L Beach area-Lampt Resignation 9-2?-68 121696 City Comsnrs - Mayor comm re sign resignatn forms time appt

Resolution 29 9-6-Calif Assembly Jt -sharing prograro-sufe Bob Monagan

Resolutions - Commend Jan 1965 k Feb 1965 Mar 1965 April 1965 May 1965 June 1965 July & Aug 1965 Sept 1965

. Oct 1965 Nov & Dec 1965 Jan a T eb 1966 Mar &, April I966 May 1966 June 1966 July 1966

Nov 1967 Jan lof8 July 1968

6? 135931 re Fed Tax • resol supporv

&, retirement 122140 • 122888 123440 123920 124300

amz _ 125822 126100 171111 128600 129500

\ 129900 130200

\\\m . 136777 138000 139990

Resolutions 4-5-b6 ' 129129 Resol Gcv Eff & Pin Cnmts

invest presentatn of honorary = Lamport Resol

Resolutions 10-3-6? I36296 Harbor & Airport Depts-Mo consia der ext time act on-re grant lie franchise-lease-bonds etc-I&T Comt

Resolutions 10-17-69 146038 Commendatory - Internal Policy & Proc Comt rec Rule #56

Resolutions Commendatory s6 re -

11-21-69 146038 . Araend Ccl Rule

Restaurant , 4-21-bb 129341 Princess Louise - Lease #71 to cert harbor lands maintain vessel as - Harbor Comsn

Restaurant 2-28-69 143085 Req Bd Supvsrs rept method health inspec - Laraport mo-

Restrictions 11-25-69 l48o?9~, bldg - remove Manchester Ave Ely Airport Blvd - Kimberly Enterprises •

Restroom 1-5-65 10?689 bldg at WLA Kunic Ctr, Plaza & Mall-est cost |l8,000-Clty Co shar. ftoqt-Bnr Pub Blflcrs-BPW ^ ^

Rest Rooras 9-25-o? 136180 104ll Hickory St - Req lease 3 pars to Watts Labor Commun Actn Comt for const & mtnce - BFi

Restrooms 11-4-69 l4???2 Pub Bldgs provided free - oper by City - Wilkinson

~"Restless Waters" 4-17-69 143816 Accept art work by F Nadine Bolt Mun Art Dept

Restudy 4-19-65 123698 St Monica Mt Plan in view increat area - freeze zone chgs -Rundbere- R R S O I

Resurfacing 4-19-65 123700 Req trans $170,285 bet accts provide for sts - St Mtnce - CAO

Resurfacing Prog 1-13-69 142369 1968-69 - St Mtnce Bur approve j \ T n ^ P . c t ^ - ^PW

Resurfacing Prog 10-7-69 147375 1969-70 - Bur St Mtnce-List of Projects

Retaining 3-2-66 128616; wall-Glendale Blvd-Belmont Ave bet Kent & Clinton Sts-approp $75,500-BPW-CA0


Retaining Walls 2-20-68 138184 Snyder-Mo-alloc $20,200 Spec Gas-Tax Pds Imp Cypress Ave bet Asbur^ St & Verdugo Rd

Retaining Wall 8-6-68 140442 reconst-prlvate prop-ll4l9 Decente Ct-Potter-Mo-BPW

Retallators 2-23-6? 131^00 Civic & Charity Club - Mills resol commend '

Retention Basin

See Basin

Retention Bur for Record Retention Schedule iL program See Records "*

rtetirees 12-16-65 127652 on fixed incomes - coiiimend re John Maust -

Retired 9-7-66 131201 City Employee- A Llbott- req retrnact^.ve '^ost of llvincr Inc tn IQAT , . .

Retired Employees 10-2-6? 131361 Req use Ccl Chambers 12-15-6? for Xmas Party - Nowell

Retired'Employees 2-20-69 140109 I Req hire for 90 day period at step commensurate with responsi- ',

Retires llitv - CAO ---* pj

Iremen 3-7-68 133403 & Policemen - Report re prop reactivation of pension - Atty ,,

Retired 5-19-69 145299 Policeman in civilian clv serv pers within Pol Dept - Braude Resol CAO study & rept re .. . _ ^

Retirement 9-2?-65 12450? Credits of Public Defender Employ CAO status rept re trans employee *

_ credits .tc.LA .Co Bra.a-B,etlr..ment, Assi Retirement 10- 8-65 109110

credits- CAO-Treas req transfer $8,319.06 to Co General Purp Fd ^ purchase f/Gertrude Salomon

Retirement Fd " ' 8-17-6? '0496;; ''ity Employees- Trans Sup §k i 451,250,000 fr So calif Rapid %

_ ..Trana Diat. .auiisid.vTv .Laxaoort.. .mo Retirement 6-15-66^ 130001

LA F&P - Place on Nov ballot adj cost of living for retirees

Retirement ~ 6-20-68 139837 ' Early - Pol Officers Edelman-Mo- Pol & CAO rept

Retirement 3-2-6? 133403 Reactivate Pol officers-Charter Amendment for 5-31-6? Electn-T Shepard mo

Retirement 12-14-65 125602 Plan Coordinated with Medicare

& Soc Security - Atty Opinion

Retirement Plan 1-10-6? 132685" W&P Employees - Req charter Amen ment - W&P Comsn

Retirement 2-3=6? 133007 credit for emergency, servie© tlia>. P&F Prot League - Ord""6rodife f ips tmaa 8r. .Pnl&afiBkan^ , _

Retirement 9-30-68 l4lll~l> City Beach Lifeguards-'safety-^ series tjrpe-age 55 half pay Amer Fed St Co Munic Employees_

Retlremnt Fd 2-28-69 14308? Prevent monies be left if outstanding bills with Credit Union - Roberta Ralph req amd ord

Retirement Funds 8-8-69 1^6538 Mo CAO study const library fr funds - Edelman

Retirement resolutions See master file number under "Resolutions - Commendation and Retirement)

Setirment^ Hesols-Aprll 1964 May " June " July " Aug « Sept "

Oot " Nov " Deo " Jan 1965

118320 118800 119200 119667 119667 120590

120950 121350 121666 122140

' Hetiri^fflent Pla^a 9 l-=66 I30603 1 : ACEA p©o revise City Smp

retirement system ^ad.$ benefit?

'"^ietiremehriys^""' 2^i:fi^ ''" IS26W. j Airports & Har^ r Depts p^y into ^

/ ays for employees^.Amd Sees vfiarter

^Retire^ntSy^m l^^i^ ' ' ' lM26l$\ ] Transfer funds when depts gr

y employees tpanif fr Qity 'oAf*

rRetir^ent" i ysee® 12"44 67 1373071 j City EsJp?affid resol i iMb PWQC

elect 2 @mpi mbrs tQ Bd ^ ^ i n ;


Retlremnt System 7-18-68 140192 City Empls-Bd Comsnrs-Mayor appt N H Orosco-term end ?-l-71-fill vac Eugene Stockwell Retirement System 12-9-68 l4l9?D

Imp C l z y Employees by proposed Chrtr Amendmnt - ACEA

Returns - Election

See Election Revenue 4-29-6b 1131^^0

& Bond redemption & interest requiremts for 1966-I967-Controller

Bevenue 9-15-65 125177 from Horse Racing to suppress Bookmaklng-conslder Governor's posltn-Mayor

Revenues 11-2-65 126154 alloc to Cities &, Counties-State Div Hwys statemt Gc.s Tax Revenues 196^-65 Revenue 4-7-66 129178 Comparative Statement of -1Q64-6S and IQ65-66 - Controller

Revenue 6-2-66 12991I Operate City- Support increase

to fin - Cigarette-Bus .Tax-Deed Trans- Hosp fee - ACEA

Revenue 6- 3-66 117222 Cigarette tax - Rev & Tax Comt rept re increase

Revenue 6-14-66 1300?? City - Mo levy Mun Occupational tax on wages earned within City Gibson Revenue 7-2 7-66 130649

Majar usge Ccl enact measures provide l5fOOO,000 addtl revenue for 1066-67 Bud/fat

Revenue Measures 6-13-66 1966-67 Cigarette Tax Business Tax 90090 „ Real Estate Transfer Tfec i08615S2 Payroll Tax- Mun Occp 130077 Property tax Sewer Service Chg


1305?? 130730

Emerg Medical Serv fee & Ambulance Servisre 130252

»?ubbl3h Collection chg P676f^ S6 Admission Tax 130?80^ ffli.000,000 fr Reserve fd 13081? $2,500,000 "" "" 13081? SI

Revenue 8-5-66 130791 for City Budget- Mrs Lawaon sug service rendering business chg

Revenue 8-15-66 130791 S Marrone-Beaudoin-Adele Gomez aub var ways to raise to balance

xievenue 8-9-65 125T15 ue iuea raise 1 to 2 liiillion -L Stein

Revenue 2-7-6? 133055 W H Kelley sug new source-overnight parking- transient truck

Hevenue k 5-1-6? 134190 bond redemption k int req for 1967-68 - Controller sub estimate

Revenue 5-15-6? 13lj4-35 C Slivernale sug subnrban site rentals as source

Revenue Measures I967-68 fJxcavatn Trench Resurfacing <.. Police Ferir,its 131274 Dog Licenses IO56OO L.v.zineBS Taxes 90090S6 Healty TranBfer Tax IO86I5 Refuse Collection IO6387SI

"Revenue Measures 6-6-68 l39630~ 1968-69 Fiscal Year-Rept Rev 6e Tax Comt

Revenue Measures 6-17-68 ' 139630 1968-69-Sales & Use Tax 1% Lie & Permit fee incr 10% Alcoholic Beverages 5% Tax

Revenue Measures 8- 8-68 140332 : AD HOC COMT - Timberlake

Revenue ci-l-67 135376 oCate--^ocal shared- Hesol urge i eague Calif Cities endorse State Constitution arudts- Edglman

Revenue ' 6-14-5? 13'56l9^ l^ourcas 1967-60 fiscal yr-Kayor rr.essage

Revenue 0-I4-67 135613" buggest Cst-Ti.x on ctt food-S J Wilson

Revenue Producing 6-I8-68 139780 Facils not in Charter-Atty rept Procedural Ord for issue Rev Bondt

li 1.1


Revenue 11-2-6? 136?39 Sug 1 or 2 cent Imprint tax on o checks - Jos Miller

Revenue 12-13-67 133055" Frank Bruni suggest yearly fee all vehs parking on City sts-also pkg meter fee

Revenue 1-31-68 137337 new sources-Mayor-CAO-r.dvance budget schedule-Mayor sub prop . :.-•

Revenue 3-7-68 138396 shared-statemnt est for 1968-69 Hwy Users Tax-Cigarette Tax Motor Veh Lie Fees-ete-State Controller

Revenue & 4- 1-68 I38712 Bond Redemption & Interest req• for'1968-69 - Controller

.Revenues 4-16-68 138940 . ' Veh License Pee-196?/68-fiscal

yr-Adv Apportnmnt-Calif State Controller

Revenue 6-11-68 139680 F Eppihlmer req pres to Ccl Adv proj using prkg meters gain addl revenue

Revenue 6-12-68 139707" est for prop budget be available' rtrlo>" to adontlon hiid<»et annron " sub Charter Amendmnt-R Wilkinson

Revenue 3-19-69 141500 Oil & Gas fr sulnerged^sap 27 tide lands - other uoe SB 448

Revenue 5- 2-69 141000 Mayor req CAO &^Controiler prep new estimates of rev based upon -, most recent figures

' Revenue 5-22-69 141000 • CAO rept revised 1969-70 est fr: prop taxes & State replacemt of >it

_ revs. & revised Reserve Fd bal , Revenue Bonds 7-21-65 12l|.952 W&P Resol 3442 auth borrow t $27,000,000 issue Rev Bonds fJ» "

.. Wfltftf RavAnnA Fnr>*l ^ Revenue Bonds 7-21-65 I2i).95l

W&P resol 31^41 authborrow #5?»000,000 payable fr Power \

_ ^AVAnuA Fund -. - , .. ; Revenue Bonds 10- 8-65 , 122394 • Elec Plant 2nd issue 1965-

$24,000,000 -W&P Resol 290-Agrmt ^ ..jQAMelveoy^Sc JJyexs.. _..., .,,_,. _ •

. Revenue Funds '12-13-65 127605 Oil in Rec &. Pk Dept-Restrict

finance capital Imps in Park 't ..Sy«t.effl.,-.Jfeyjw:. , _,. ,

[ Bevenue Bonds 5 - 2 5 - 6 6 12982? payable out of Water Hev Fund^ ' auth borrow #15,000,000-W&P Comsa"'


Revenue Bonds 5-25-66 129828 payable out of Power Rev Pund-auth borrow ^54,000,000-W&P Corasn

Revenue Bonds 2-10-6? 133137 Water Works- 196?- W&P reaol 61? auth agrmt O'Melveny & Myers

Revenue Bends ^-19-6? I3I1.513 Electric Plant -W&p resol 866 agrmt O'Melveny Myers re sale

_ ftSx.OOO.OOO . Revenue Bonds 6-29-6? 13496^: :

Airport- issue #75,000,000 Resol #4218- Bd Airport Comsnrs

"Revenue Bonds 8-18-6? I35669 . W&P-2nd issue 196?- Agrcit with O'Kelveny-Myers ifl5,000,000-

_ V;&,P Resol 145 Revenue Bonds 10-3-6? I36296'

Mo C&AC Comt consider ext time 30 to 60 daays act on re resols & orders Harbor & Airport Depts

Revenue Bond 1-11-68 137250 Issue-CAO-rec app i4,000,000 replace obsolete St Ltg

Revenue Bonds 2-6-68 138020^ sale $18,000,000-LA Convention & Exhibition Center Authority-City Clerk

Revenue Bonds 3-29'68 138691 ! Auth borrow $50,000,000 thru lasue-payable out of Wtr Rev Fd W&P Rasol 352^

^Revenue Bonds' '3-29-68 138692 i 'i Auth borrow $86,000,000 thru

issue- payable out of Pwr Pev Fd-W&P Resol 3.%2^_ ' , . . ' =

Revenue Bond 6-7'68 132258 ; Issue-rec app $4,350,000 dev 3. ' golf courses Sepulveda Dam-add'I at Hansen Oam^RftP Pep^j^CAp'-Mayor

Revetme Bonds 7« 3«68 139993 j j W&P Slectrlq Plant 824.000,000,

W&P Resol #l^AgCT[ie #10244-, O.'Melveny & MyaiTi , Reveeue Bond 8=1-66 I3if961<,

Aipport"l967 Issue $3^ Million^ auth R Shadforth deliver «

^ Revenue .iondi a-g8"6a 1^0741 ! ;• Re'goi 3539=W & P Oomsn auth

borrow |74 mil thru Bev londi payable f? ..P\cp Rey._F«' M©

I Revenue Bonds i=g8'68 140742 } Resol 3i3i=W S P Comsn auth

borrow Igg'roli thru Rev ionds . P M h ^ U S¥ Et.?LiR§!.MP_

Revenue iends 8-31<s6@ proc^durg @fdln@n€€




Revenue Bonds 12-23-69 148503 Airports - Airpott Resol 5530 Interest rates 6%

Revenue Bedding • increase

11-4-63 141520 Prop charter Amendmt , - W&P Dept

Rev & Tax Code 10-27-66 131771 State - urge amendmt included City's 1967 Legis Program-Harbor-Comsn

Revenue & Taxatn 1-26-65 122391 Comt-re amt HC Sec 21.190 relievi elderly persons fr business tajc-E Re-nna-rrli m o t i o n

Rev & Tax Comt 6- 3-66 11?22? Cigarette tax increase

Rev k Tax 8-2..66 , 130730 clc Fin Comt-rec Atty pres Ord, estab Sewer Service chg

Rev k Tax Corat 9-21-66 1,31356" stilidy sources for LA share support Metro Water Dist

Revenue & Taxatn 6-6-68 139630 Comt-Rept re Revenue Measures 1968-69 Fiscal Year - -

Rev & Tax Comt 7-31-68 139630 Bernardi-conduct Hrgs-Alrport Passengr Tax

Rev & Tax Corat 9-I6-68 13998O ~ rept repeal Tax Code allow tax wages k other income by residnts & non-residnts in City bndries

Reversed Cor Lots 3-2^-65 123308 Plan Comsn amend MD Sec 12,13 Yd requirements "Lot Line Front" in Cl & R3 xone Reversion to , 9-I0-67 135949 Acreage Proceedings - Tr 2o396 bjilv Fox St & SWly Arleta Ave

Reversion of 1-25-68 1026?3 Funds-CAO-complete imp DeSoto Av

,. nr Valerio St Imp

lleversion 4-21-69 143734 : Acreage - Tr 24273 -Ely Hatoma & Sly Ruston Ave

Reverted Funds 7- 8-68 140030 Trans $355,762 of 6-30-68 to Designated Prois of Cap Imp Prog (Proj Titles f/Reapprop) CAO rept

Reverted Fds 6-30-69 145539 trans $13,224,455 to unapprop bal & reapprop to various Cap Imp

Review Bd 11-22-66 1320?5 findings- ^tty req app remove fr active accts rec B&S $183

levievi 3oa-rt 7-7-6?. 13505? R;;'-i i-e.-.-ove fr -active accts re-celv .ble of ?ub '••'ks Dept-r.r.^T.'^-r'^ial rrarb?.iTe collection

Review Bd 2-16-68 138139 req app Findings & remove from active accts receivable of BPW uncollectable invoices Revised Statement II-I3-69 1323?6

of Policy - prop as part of all Commun & Dist Area plans

Revisions 5-2-68 I38888 Salary recommendations 4-10-68 GAO

Revolving i'und 6-15-65 124505 rec Airpcrt pyrat k invest in SeOi-liquidatiriK gen purp projects Mayor rec Atty prep Crd ci eate .,

Revolving Fund 7-26-65 125002 Sewer Assrat Purchase-Bur Assmts annual report 1964-65- BPW

devolving Fund 9-12-6? 1279S6 Temporary i-rosion Control Devices Attv - t;rd create

Revolving Fund 2-27-69 143041 Treasurer's-req increase from $50,000 to $75,000 -Treasurer

Revolving Trust 4-24-6? 104794 • Fd -Imp Assmt - create & Sxxpffz og+jov. Mi+'hi*' '^r^'i^s <*! sx^i^ln b y

._ BPW ' ' _ Revolving Trust 2-2-68 108355 Fund Imp Assmt-amd Ord 134,367 estab procedure pmt assessed against pub prop -Treasurer

Richmond' 6-30-69 145943 Calif-J Leonard-Traf Dept att Fundamental of Traf Eng-June 16-20 196^-exp $50 registratn fee

Riding 3-11-69 139630 : academies - 10^ incr sup 7C permit fees

Rt of Way for 4-18-66 129298' Engs-expend $900 register 90 emps &of C Extension-BPW-CAO

Rinaldi St 6-22-66 130192 School - Resol install temp ' sidewalk - Cassidy

Rincon Creek 6-17-'69 145688 const Hydraulic Energy Dissipa­tor Model -Agrmt w/State const-State reimb City $7500 - CAO-BBW


Riot 8-16-65 125244 Motion appt independent rion-parti» san Comt inves t in L A -

Riot 8-16-65 125245" Area - Req Red Cross & City &

• " County provide disaster relief-Mi "I IR _

Riot 8-16-65 125246 Area - Mo City emps permitted make up lost time because of difficulties - Mills

Riot 8-17-65 125277 ' Re emerg overtime Aug 13-14-15 1965 - Bd FU&T

Riot 8-13-65 125285 Req call Natl Guard quell in LA - Cclmen 1

Riot 8-18-65 125289 Resol Cclmen coramend Pol Force ' Fire Dept-Natl Guard-Marsheflls- • etc re hanrilinc - N O W P I 1

Riot ^ 8-18-65 125290 Constructive Civic Comt req

speak to Ccl re situation result v _ ing frora -Riot 8-19-65 124^79

Resol Gov Brown include Watts area prop destroyed in tax relief -

^ Gibson Resol ' Riot 8-^18-65 125306

Mo Fol Chf furn nuraber officers & equip needed protect all "

• Riot 8-19-65 125321 Resol dealers in arms & munitioi'

cease & desist advertising until -. hostilities end - Mills

Riot 8-20-65 125277 Req emerg overtime Aug 16-17 PU&T Bd

rRiot 8-20-65 125341 " Mo PF&CD Comt meet in Spec S i s s - •• ion-invite law enforcemt agencies ; attend - Novell. Mo Riot 8-20-65 12534^

Motion PF&CD Comt investigate reason - Jas Potter v;

Riot 8-20-65 ' i2534'4^ Resol Dept Heads seek low cost

Fed Fin assist rebuild destroyd N , . nreiiiifi.eA.--T. .N.oueii . ..,_.." .,

• Riot. 8-20-65 I2I346 Commxin re demonstration Watts area - Marie^ T Calderon

: Riot' "- '"••"•''"gl20^b5^"'l255$Q"''' Prelim Rehab Plan of Bamaged i^rea by Co-Ord Bd-Spec Order N Business 8-24-65 - Gibson Mo

r r

. f II

Riot 8-24-65 125346 Jim Scott k Julian Rubin communs re disturbance - T Shepard

Riot . 8-27-65 125350 Rehab Plan Damaged Area-Motion dept heads report costs to CAO -CAO rfinnrt to Col - Pnt.tPr S i _

. RIOTS 8-26-65 • 125439 Mo Cclman 15th Dist occupy space Watts CH occuped by City Clerk -

Ridts 8-27-^5 125439 Report re Rehab Work in area-prelim est $2,411,745-0 I Piper

Hiot & Pir© 9^3»65 125529 Ai>ea«»amend HC re demolition bldgs-Ord^Atty

Hiot 9«7=65 I2556r Hec & Parks- sus=vey-So-eentraI area City r e Hec faoll & other servlces-T Shepard motion

, Hlot 9''7«65 1Z5562, & fire area«-Blds & Safety Dept auth issue Permits temp use Tyail^rs as offiee-CAG

Blot ar©a 9»8"65 125329 '• Federal Housing Admia-a®g funds demolish bldSs«.|4'50jOO®<=Hs8pl

TBlot 9 '-U-6'5 125277: Pub Utll & 2r®as Bd req approp #12,000 fos» overtime & loss of equlpment^CAO

Blot 9-17-65 125529 Bradley resol<^stab So Central Demolition As=ea=.Pub Law Bg-'ll?

Slot 9^20^65 125656" i Pplloe Oomsa r ^ q . auth pay oves'tIn-

Civilian Smps in excess Advance Oye3Ptira§ a # h ^ C A O

Hlots 9^20-65 125350 So Central area^^pept ©et deptl costs & loss prop tai? revenue^

_ QAO Riot area 9'27-65 125736 ' j Watts Community « Unitarian

Universalist Asspc y f Burleson^ _ remedial actipua, - . .,\.'.' ^ ^Riot iO« 5=65 lg§8§8 ! j QAO^^Flre Gomsnrs^approp $gQ,000

F i re Dept fd meet ob i i ga t i en iii£urj:'gd ,..,

" I o ^ l U 6 f 1^^350 i Suiranary cos t s to Gity deptg i Rehab i i i t i t lQn Frogram==|lgl,2?9

We^ttss GAO Rept r e QQ§t iuR^5 conduct P Q I FiFi & QB G< ' hrg



R i o t a r e a 11-5-65 126212 oo Ce r . t r c l L/ &. VatLs C of C />. .-'c.rr req a d d r e s s Ccl re oroiSl pm.c;

Riots 12-3-65 127444

InCCONE REPORT on Aug 1965 riots

Riot 12-14-05 *-esol coiaiuend Bur Lit performance - assign 'Watts CH pen.ianentlv Riot 4-27-66 Watts - Req approp meals to Pol officers during -Pol Comsn Riots 6-17-66 130122 Inciting - Mo support legis-- Nowell

127623 Mtnce for St Use Insp - Gibson

.129436 $6,000 serve

130983 Governor Police


Riots 8-19-66 So LA - Nowell mo 3tudy Interim rept - continue rehab511 taT; i on

Riot 11-14-66 Lamport mo Ccl Comt study prob rebellion & refusing obey curfew

RioV" 5-31-6? 125350 Watts 1965-approp addtl $145.30 complete pT.t for Hrg Reporter service-J Cassidy mo

Uot 12-22-6? 137384 define as disaster., Mayor rec amend ord 97,600

.idiots 3-4-68 138354 Mo set Spec Mtg appraise City's • efforts solve problem as per Presidential Comsn Report-Mills

niots 6-11-68 139683 incitement of-SB 1004-1968 Legis Prog include sunport-A Snyder mo

Riot 2-13-69 142825 subpoena 2 TV films ores events re watts Summer Festival-Aug 11-12 1968-Police Dept

.^iot 4-28-69 143500 ' Amend Sec 1.12 include Sup #1 word in definition of disaster

Riot Claims 126263 126277 thru 126337 thru 126334 thru 126375 thru 1?6386 tihni

Nov 1965

126306 126362' 126336 (9 i ;6379 12638?

126395 thru 126406 thru •'.''6460 f^.ru 126490 t.hru 126334 • IZ6514 thru 126533 ,126562 thru

126581 126^37

126609 thru 126534 thru 12659^ thru 126619 thru 126633 thru 126582 thru 126595 thru

126619 thru 126633 thur 1266c?6 thru 126669 thru 126665 thru 126704. thru

clc-ims J

126403-126453. 126470 126513


12653? 126608 126629. I2666I4.

126594 126608

126629 126655 126664 126680 126668 126765 .,/ • > - -

Riot 126766 126788 12682? 126832 126976 126900

_ 126926 12705 127074 127115 127182 127069 127126 127160 127218

~ y^l296 127316 127384 127445 127500

thru 126782 thru 126820

thru 126899(126839-41 not ir thru 12698? incl) -fi'v thru thru n If

n M


n n »i

n n n n It

126925 12694? 127068 127114 127125 127212 127073 127159 127180 127213 127315 127383 127399 127480 127522 f V3

Riverside 3-21-68 13859 - • Amer Institute of Planners -Mo Cclman Bradley att & use City car 3-23-68 - Bernardi

Road 3-19-65 123718 ^ 08-LA^405-8.8 - Notice'of Intent relinq - Calif Hwy Divsn


Road 3T19-65 123719 07-U-7-26.6-26.9 - Notice Intent relinq - Calif Hwy Divsn

Boad 5-12-65 124054" O7-LA-27-I3.O Beq #60 NW comer Oxnard St 4 Topanga Cyn Blvd-abandon State Hwy-State Dlv HwyB_

Road 7-U-2 9-1-65 107691 Supl transcript mtg 8-19-65 Beverly Hills Rt 2 bet Rt 405 & Ardmore - Hwv Com.«!n Hoad 9-3-65 125534 07«LA-405-rellnq Hwy r/w bet Burbank Blvd & NordhAff St re Sau'-Dle«o Prwy-relino Bee #415

Boad 9-15-65 125622 07-LA-60-pta 4th St-3rd Pl-3pd St bet Santa Ana Prwy & Indiana St- * Notlftft Int. T»«3.1no-Co.lir TA.-v <lMva

Boad 9-15-65 125622" 07-LA-l65-ptn Indiana St bet 3pd & 4th Ste-Notiee Int relinq req ^ #434-Callf State Dlv Hwys

Bead 9-20-65 I2566I 7-LA-187-Venice Blvd Ely Sepulveda 'S>lrA'k Bte 10 Sta tfonlot., i?wv--inAo«ua~Calif State Div Hwy

Road O7-LA-6O 12-28-65 127773 Notice Intent relinq Hwy R/W bet; Euclid Ave & Indiana St- Calif n.

.. Hwv Divsn- Relinn Jl67 Road 07-U-7-O.9 12-28-65 12777^ Harvard Blvd Pedestrian facilitl Notice Intent relinq-#464-Hwy Div>

Road 07-5-37.4 12-28-65 127776' Osborne St to Rt 405- Notice ^ ; Intent relinq-#414 '«

Boad 12-29-65 127790 07.U-l0-4.5-6.9-Notioe lat relinquish Hlwy B/V-Bequest #363*, Calif State Div Hwys '

"Boad 3-8-6^ 128708 07-LA-ll-Notiee Int rellnquigh [ B/W bet Arroyo Seco Ave & Marroiom

_ Way-Bellnq .#495rCallf Diy:-.lllwr.f.. ' Boad 3-10-66 12871^

07-LA-6O B/W along 7tb St at Euclid Ave-Notioe Int relinq-

_ Bea il' l Xialif ..HMy. COBtSXL... .. .. „ Boad 3-23-66 128937

7-U-7 bet Bte 10 k Valley Blvd-, Notice relinquishment #368-Callf - St^t§ Pivjiwy^ . -„. ,

Road. 405Tsi. 1 " 4-18-66 "'""li9t93° Imperial Hwy to Century Blvd ; Notice Intent relinq - Req 4-3 " «

Boad 4-18-66 12929^: 7-5-42.6-43.2-Notioe Int relinq bet Roxford St & San Fndo Hd-Bellnq #500-Calif State Dlv Hwys

••.V • . * f

Road 7-10-12.3 4-18-66 12Q2Q5 14.3 - Notice Intent relinn R/W Arlington to Hoover - Hwy Divsn Req 45?

"Road No 64 • 4-19-66 128870 near Malibu Beach - resol hold pub hrg re Whitnall Frwy -Cassidy

' Boad 5-23-66 129788' 07-LA-lO-Notice Int relina B/W Calif State Dlv Hwy-req 3o6

Boad 7-LA-lO 8-31-66 131151 ~ Notice Int relinq-Beq #432-Callf Stat Hiway Dlv

"Boad 12-15-66 132403" 07-LA-lO-ll.O-Ntc Int relinq B/W-Callf State Hwy Dlv-req #536

."Road 3-13-67 133526' 07-LA-10-R9.4-Nctlce Int relinq ptn Washlngto Blvd at Fairfax-Calif State Hwy Dlv

Road 07-LA-lO 4-17-68 138964, •' bet Corning St & LaCienega Blvd-

Req 652-Div Hwys-Int relinquish

Road 12-1-67 137138" 07-LA-16S-0.0-0.8-relinqui8h in conformance with SB's 81 & 87-Calif State pi^ Hv^s

Itbad 07-LA-134 2-ii-69 142798 ~ chg locatn State Hwy Rte 134 on Harvey Dr-Wilson Ave-Broadway bet Rte 134 Fwy & Colorado Blvd

load 2-26-69 141487° : 07-LA-170-17.a-19.7-relinqul8h

r/w - Req ff676-State Dlv Hwys

"soborteon Beo 12«6»66 132283 , Center-Sr Citisens»tmn6 180,000 t i t proj Venioe Blvd»LaCieaesa to

^..Seaulveda-^E BdelBiaa, = Bobertson 6-15-6? 129985 y Reoreatlon Center-adopt Besel

5695 & Ord re Oil k gas l@as@-Reft. &, Pl?. Coms9 ., . ,

'^Boblosoa "Jaokie" 5«2|»I5 3J43.@9 1 Oay^ddolare 6»2,6»6| for City M

^bek' Crushing """" S-.3,3» 9 ifii6ii; Plant - Mo reseal ptn ©rd 9ii7g ' re estab IO900 Cottonwood St »

, Reek & Sravei Dist 4-7=11 ligili Qrd amend rgge Ceaip ^©n© Plan 9 eerreet typeipaphieal irrer = Plan B©Bt -

-R6eirt"§lkvei:"' T^li^Sl' 'lliigif i Blst =• 4§ aeres ° ©reat &9wn

Br gly larhafR ilvd ° FC il908


Rock k Gravel 10-16-69 142513 Di;.t • 5- Ord e:itab not presentee

Rock - Sand- 5-1-6? I34li 5 & Gravel zoning- resol re retention of Home Rule - SCR 34

Roger Jessup Park 3-8-6^ 122849 ' Rec & Pk Comsnrs req funds fr State Bond Fd Act 1964 imp

. Roger Jessup i'f.rk 9-24-65 125?26 area Pierce ot-Gl^nooks 12572? blvd- etc-Novvell resol stop auto ' r i i c . p . l-.rv.r-.if _

Rogers Will 1-5-65 122141 State Beach-auth 4th Amendment tc 50 Yr Operating Agrmt with State-Hec & Perk Consnr.c; Pftnnl ^ i ^ a i ^ _ ,

Rogers Will 2-9-6? I32863 State Beach - State adv reloc of Pac Coast Hwy re ellm slide oroblem _

Rogers Will 5-22-6? 134533 State Park - Arch & Constr of Calif offices resolve prob sewer linft Rnnnent to Clt^ aewer svstem

Rogers Will 11-25-68 l4l?97 State Park - Agrmt & Gr/Easrnt from State for sewer purp ' BPW-R/W & Land

Roll Calls 7- 5-66 124550 Alternate reversal of -Mill.c;-Mo

'Roll Cc.ll c-9-67 135545 •n-lphatieticstl or.ier- h.o affid Ucl rules- li zsraude

• Roller Skating 12-9-66 119849 k Dancing be combined under Teenage Dance rermits - amd MC R Bannister

Boiling HlllB 9-13-65 109275" Estates City-propose annex #20-LA Co Bndry Comsn

: Rolling Hills 10-29-65 IO8359 Mircorwave Trans Fac-Pol Dept -

^ 28561 So Crenshaw Blvd- BP\v auth yr lease

i l l Rolling Hills 1-18-6? Notice prop Annexatn 24 -Local Agcy Formatn Comsn


Room 34i i|._iB-r)6 1.29296 P.eq l!Tnta.ll, partition enclose pt for K.ABn Had!lo News-

Roosevelt Adult 5-13-65 123920 School-sponsor "I Am An American Eay"-Besol congratulate-Llndsay

Roosevelt High 9-19-68 140986 Sch site - LA City Sch Dist req vac Alley E/o Mathew St fr N/s 6th to 202'Sly for consol

Root Beer Week ' 6-19-68 133000 National-Glbson-resol designate wk of 6-16-68

" loncoe Elvd Bridge 7'-ll-6? 135101 over 3UJ1 C eok C'l-'nr-el-io rea'";rj , 392,80'^.71 to widen- ^ps T-x Fcis-,T-roj 67706- T Bradley

Roscoe Bridge 6-24-68 115710 over Bull Creek-trans $30,569 to Parthenia St (nr Louise Ave)

Rose Bowl 1-4-66 127777 game-congratulate UCLA Brulns-E Edelman resol

Rose Hill 12-12-68 ' 142048 Rec Cntr - trans fds to-from Griffith P/C Dr Access to Toyon Cyn - Snyder mo

"Rose Hills 5-25-66 129840 lease ptn-exch Clv Ctr prop Vets Admin Regional Office slte-acq ptn Hazard Park _

Rose Hills 1-17-68 137711 area-Rec/pks Comsn rea trans to LA Co-City prop-per Braude

Rose Hill Court 6-21-68 139847 Lots 448 & 449 ptns-offer for sale at auction to adj prop ownert BPW-CAO _

Rose Hills Court 9-25-68 59200 Condemn not necessary - Atty

Rose Hilis Park" 4-25-6? i3'^lK3 Ord convey easmt to SC Edison Co reloc fac Rose Hills Park -by Rec & Pk Dept . _

Rose parade 2-15-68 138114 req feature LA Beautiful Rose-R&P Comsn

Roof 6-9-67 134730 repairs certain bldgs Van Nuys Airport-Resol 3189-Alrport Comsn

Roofer Wrkg 8-21-69 143912 Foreman- CAO rec Atty prep ord pimend AC.Gche'1 A prov ^ala^v

Rose Parade IO-I6-69 126240 CAO rept to Pin Comt re City's partic & rec Munic Avts Dept be assigned responsibility

Rose Parade See Tournament of Roses

o i l _

Rose Valley 8-14-68 14-0579 Conduit- eminent domain- Resol E». 121- 2nd L A Aqueduct- Kern Cc Bd Water k Power

Rosett Report l-2?-69 142556 Law'EhTorcemnt in l40312 Lft County '

Routes 3-9-65 123050 Master Plan So Calif Rapid Transit Dist- proposed routes

Route Study 5-10-66 129620~ Summerland Aye bet Gaffey St & Western Ave-req approp #11,000- * BPW-CAO

Routes I 1-4-65 122125 & 22 bet Vermont Ave & Los Cerfcitos Channel In Long Beach

_ nroDOse relocate-State Dlv Hwys _ Route 1 12-15-65 127639 Frwy bet Rt 64 Frwy k Wly Malibu Cyn Rd & Rt 64 Frwy bet Rt 1 & Golden State Frwy S San Fdo

• Route 1 ^ 4-25-66 129399 '. Prwy thru Long Beach San Pisdro

Recrea^i Div rt so^as on area so_as .nreaerve - Rec/Pk Comsn

Rte I/IO? Pwy 9-13-68 140890 ; So Bay area-cont Rte I Pwy fr Vermont Av-San Diego Pwy-Rte 405 '

_ . Calif Div HwMS.Dub ,hr.«. , . ,. _ Route I/IO? Pwy 11-25-68 I4l4l8 r Harbor City community St Dlv Hwys-reply re ••<»

rRoute 2-27-69 141418' 1/107 bet Veimont Ave & Rte 405^ (San Diego) Fwy-Record Div Hwye y^

_ pub hrR 10.-lO-.68-St.«te Hwy,Div „ Route 1 3-25-70 141418

Fwy — Sepulveda Blvd to Virginia St- '*\s. Pub hrg recojjd_^__. _^ _ '

iRoute 2 11-23-6^ 1269631 Prwy bet San Diego Prwy Rt l 0S &' Ardmore Ave- State Hwy Dlv adv "

r Route" 2 " *" •*r!;''7- 6 * * l'6769r '"''• Hwy or Frwy bet Route 405(San Diego Frvyj and Ardmore Ave « \. known as Beverly Hills Frwy 5e'2 " 3;3-6($ • Xd?f9l

Freeway bet Route 405 Ardmore ' Ave-Bept ft findings re Prwy loo« >

1 Resol oppose SB 697 - re chg Long Beach Prwy Rt - Holland s

.. ..(-YHieaL BIy -Ji8- Sql.yiBl? .. =, • i Route, 10 5-13-69 I45a06 '

sta Monica Prwy bet La Brea/ Crenshaw Relinq Req #57o'-0ailf '•

, State Hwy Div notice int Relinq,

Route 10 3-23-66 128937 & Valley Blvd-Boad 7-LA-7-Notlce relinquishment #368-Callf State Dlv Hwvs

Boute 42 Prwy 9-21-65 124803 bet Sepulveda Blvd & Central Ave

sr (Century Freeway)-transcript pub hrg re loc-Calif State Div Hwys

Boute 42 Freeway 3-8-66 124803', . bet Sepulveda Blvd & Central Ave

r rept k findings re looatn-Callf Hwy Dlvsn . ^

'Route 46 Prwy 2-68-67 124803 Central Ave to 605 Prwy - Hrg

.f 3-30-67 re location - Hwy Dlv

Route 42 6-7-68 124803", bet Central Ave & Rte 605-Record'

y of pub hrg 4-16-68 Volumes I & II Calif Hwy Div

,Route 47 11-15-65 I26330I ' State Hwy Divsn - resol desig

f' Rd 7 bat Rt 11 to Ely Mromon St

Route k l 8- 2-68 126330 ~! i Prwy Developmt - iRaoord Hrg of

• 5-29-68 - State Div Hwys

* ' Route 64 12-15-65 127639 1 j Frwy bet Rt 1 Frwy & Golden

' .y State Frwy Sly San Fernando-Sjfeate Hwy.Pivsn.. .... :

1 j'Eoute 64 ^-4-66 127639 ; J Transcript of Pub Hrg 12-7/9-65 • / Calif State Hwvs i iv

' Rout© 64 3-18-66 128670i ^ j Whitnall Frwy bet Rte 1 nr f Malibu Bch k RtQ 5 - Rd 7,LA/Ven--/ 64 T^^alt-f Hwy -ng -resoj ;; i Route 64 4-27-66 ie88?ci ^ .' Bet Rt I & Rt 5 - Adv hrg held / 5-26-66 " Hwy Divsn '' !Route"90 ' '4-21-66' ''129361 •>: [ Req repeal House Resol #4?'re ' ,f Freeways « Whittier

' i Rou^e'fO' i«r6-6^ " '' i4g41!|4i : f Marina Fwy-Llncoln Slvd to Wly •• ''' / Centinela Blvd = Agg-iement

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