Page 1: 5 WAYS TO WELLBEING MILLIONAIRES CLUB CHALLENGE · 5 Ways to Wellbeing Millionaires' Club Challenge is a challenge where participants will form teams of four with the goal of accumulating


Page 2: 5 WAYS TO WELLBEING MILLIONAIRES CLUB CHALLENGE · 5 Ways to Wellbeing Millionaires' Club Challenge is a challenge where participants will form teams of four with the goal of accumulating


Congratulations on signing up for the 5 Ways to Wellbeing Millionaires' Club Challenge

5 Ways to Wellbeing Millionaires' Club Challenge is a challenge where participants will form teams of four with the goal of accumulating 1 million steps over 5 weeks. It sounds like a lot, but all you need is four participants and 10,000 steps per day to become a millionaire. This challenge forms part of the Five Ways to Wellbeing Campaign, and October is the month to ‘Be Active’.

This month our goal is to walk our way to the UK office in Dartford, covering a total of 17,000km (which is roughly 22,309,711 steps) and we are going to need your help to do it!

There will be two different challenges running simultaneously, one for the seriously active participants and one for those who enjoy a less intensive approach to being active. In each category, the team which accumulates the most steps during the program will have the chance to give $1000 to a charity of their choice.

Use this log book to record and track your steps. We’ve also included some useful information to help you along the way.

It’s time to start moving more and making movement part of your day! Get ready for a fun filled 5 weeks designed to give your physical activity levels a boost.

Good luck!

Welcome to the Challenge!

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Personal Profile

For adults, the recommended amount of physical activity to benefit health is 150 minutes of planned activity a week that makesyou breathe harder and gets your heart beating a little faster (known as moderate intensity). This is roughly equivalent to 10,000 steps per day.

Unfortunately, most adults are not meeting this goal, walking between 2,000 and 5,000 steps per day. Don’t be one of the many whose health is slowly declining due to physical inactivity. Use this challenge to establish some positive lifestyle habits and get moving!


Your Name: ..................................................................................................................

Your Team Name: ........................................................................................................

Your Team Members: ...................................................................................................



Your health and fitness areas to improve: ...................................................................


.....................................................................................................................................(Refer to page 7-8 for information on setting goals)

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Page 4: 5 WAYS TO WELLBEING MILLIONAIRES CLUB CHALLENGE · 5 Ways to Wellbeing Millionaires' Club Challenge is a challenge where participants will form teams of four with the goal of accumulating


The first step is to set up a way to record your steps - you can use your phone, a pedometer, a Fit Bit or other activity tracker.

Remember to wear your activity tracker and record your daily total steps in this log book each day. At the end of each week tally up your total steps and send through to your Team Captain. Team Captains are then responsible for sending team totals to the CBI Project Manager.

Convert exercise to steps

Your activity tracker may not be designed to accurately record steps when you are participating in some activities. Use the table on the following page as a guide to help you convert minutes of exercise into steps.

Other situations, such as driving can sometimes result in additional steps. Keep an eye on your tracker and if you notice this is happening there are a few things you can do:

• Take your tracker off when in the vehicle and place it on a flat surface to minimisevibration

• If operating machinery during work hours, leave your tracker in the office/cribroom and estimate steps during your shift, for example, walking around the truckmay be 100 steps. If you do this 5 times a day you would add an additional 500steps to your daily total.

Let’s Get Started!

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Use this table to estimate steps earned from other forms of exercise. Remember to add these to your daily totals if your tracker has not accurately captured your steps during physical activity.


Aerobic exercise class (moderate effort) 2400

Aerobic exercise class (vigorous effort) 3700

Cycling (moderate effort) 2400

Cycling (vigorous effort) 3700

Dancing 1700

Hiking 1800

Rowing machine 2100

Soccer 2100

Pilates 700

Swimming laps (moderate effort) 2100

Swimming laps (vigorous effort) 3000

Tennis 2100

Water skiing 1800

Gym workout/ weights (moderate effort) 1200

Gym workout/ weights (vigorous effort) 1800

Why 5 Ways to Wellbeing Millionaires’ Club?

Throughout the coming 5 weeks, as a team, we want you to aim to reach the million step mark! This is definitely possible but takes a big effort from all participants. By reaching your 10000 steps each day, you can get there!


I commit to participating in this challenge with integrity and in the spirit of honesty and team work. My self-reported scores will be a true reflection of my actual behaviours.

Let’s Get Started!

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It is important we incorporate a combination of exercise types in our weekly routine to maximise the health benefits gained from exercise.

CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISECardiovascular or aerobic exercise involves working large muscles over a long duration, getting your heart rate up. This includes activities such as walking, running, cycling, rowing, swimming and dancing. Most adults should aim to include 150 - 300 minutes of moderate intensity activity in their week (or 75 - 150 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise).

Your heart rate will tell you if you are working at a moderate or vigorous intensity:

• Moderate intensity: 55-69% of maximum heart rate

• Vigorous intensity: 70-89% of maximum heart rate

• NB: to estimate your maximum heart rate (beats per minute, bpm), subtract yourage (e.g 40) from 220 (e.g your maximum heart rate would be approximately 180bpm).

However, a simpler way of measuring your intensity is the ‘Talk Test’:

• Moderate intensity: should still be able to maintain conversation, however, youshould not be able to sing.

• Vigorous intensity: makes you ‘huff and puff’ and makes speaking full sentencesbetween breaths difficult.

Types of Exercise

Progress your program by increasing the intensity, duration or frequency of exercise. This will help keep your program interesting and also ensure

that you keep benefiting from your exercise program.


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Types of Exercise

STRENGTH EXERCISEStrength or resistance training not only increases muscle size, strength and power, but also helps to increase or maintain bone strength and aid weight loss by enhancing metabolism.

You don’t need to lift weights at the gym to incorporate strength training into your exercise program. Use items around the house, use steps and park benches when outdoors or join an exercise class. Alternatively, body weights can be just as effective.

Train each major muscle group 2 days per week, allowing at least 1 day of rest between workouts. This will give your muscles the opportunity to recover and allow you to gain the most from your training.

Choose a load that you can lift 8-12 times, maintaining correct technique. Perform 2-4 sets for each exercise, resting between sets.

Don’t forget to stretch (holding each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds) after exercising.

Include exercises that focus on more than one muscle group, such as a squat. These exercises are more functional and can help save time when

doing a full body workout.


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Setting well-planned, realistic goals is an important part of making any lifestyle change, and increases the likelihood of success. Use the following section to assess your readiness to change and set some goals to improve your health and keep you motivated along the way.

What do you want to achieve? Think big picture - this is your long term goal.



How important is it to work on your level of physical activity given other priorities in your life?

If you decide right now to change, how confident do you feel about succeeding with this?

Now think about the following questions:

Q. Why have you given yourself the scores above?Q. Have you attempted this before?Q. If yes, what worked/ didn’t work?Q. What was your most successful attempt so far? Why?

What are 3 of your strengths that will help you achieve this change?




Goal Setting

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0= Not important 10= Very important

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0= Not confident 10= Very confident

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What are 3 current or potential ‘roadblocks’ that may get in the way of you achieving this? And what strategies could you put in place to overcome these?




S.M.A.R.T GOALSThis is where we get into more detail about how you may achieve your big picture vision.

There could be a number of smaller changes you need to bring together to achieve your long term goal (these are known as your short term goals). For example, to lose 10kg, you may need to ‘walk at least 10000 steps each day of the week’.

To help you accomplish these, your short term goals should be in the SMART format:






Now it’s your turn... What are 3 short term goals you need to focus on to help you achieve your long term goal?




Now you have your goals, start making them a reality!

Goal Setting

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I do not have a group?

Walking can be a social experience and walking in a group or as part of a team makes it easier to stay motivated. If you don’t have a team, please let your CBI Project Manager know.

Q. What if I forget to send my steps at the end of the week?

Simply let your CBI Project Manager know via email or text as soon as possible and your total will be updated. You will get regular reminders throughout the challenge to assist with this.

Q. My activity tracker is recording inaccurate step counts

Ensure you are using your activity tracker correctly (double check the instructions that come with your device to ensure it has been set up correctly).

Q. What if I’m sick during the challenge?

Unfortunately, these things happen. Make sure you rest and give 100% when you are feeling better. You may still be able to participate in the weekly challenge - keep an eye on your emails.

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Activity Log

WEEK 1:Goal number of steps per day: 10,000 Tick the box, when you meet your daily goal



15/10/2018 11 ,765 Put i n a n ext ra e ffo rt toda yMonday

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7


Don’t forget to send your steps to your team captain or CBI project manager by COB Tuesday.

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Activity Log

WEEK 2:Goal number of steps per day: 10,000 Tick the box, when you meet your daily goal


Day 1+500

Day 2+500

Day 3+500

Day 4+500

Day 5+500

Day 6+500

Day 7+500



Don’t forget to send your steps to your team captain or CBI project manager by COB Tuesday.

WEEK 2 CHALLENGEAdd in a 10 minute walk during your lunch break to walk an extra 500 steps. After 3 days you will have walked an additional 1500 steps per person to add to your team’s total. Add 500 steps per person to your daily total on each day that you complete the challenge.

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Activity Log

WEEK 3:Goal number of steps per day: 10,000 Tick the box, when you meet your daily goal


Day 1+500

Day 2+500

Day 3+500

Day 4+500

Day 5+500

Day 6+500

Day 7+500



Don’t forget to send your steps to your team captain or CBI project manager by COB Tuesday.

WEEK 3 CHALLENGEComplete the stretching routine every day (which you will get in your email). You could even make it a team activity by stretching together at the end of lunch or in the afternoon when your concentration starts to fade. Add 500 steps per person to your daily total on each day that you complete the stretching routine.

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Activity Log

WEEK 4:Goal number of steps per day: 10,000 Tick the box, when you meet your daily goal


Day 1+500

Day 2+500

Day 3+500

Day 4+500

Day 5+500

Day 6+500

Day 7+500



Don’t forget to send your steps to your team captain or CBI project manager by COB Tuesday.

WEEK 4 CHALLENGEDo one set of max push ups every day this week (ie. the maximum number of push ups you can do continuously before needing a rest). If you’re not able to complete push ups on your toes, begin by doing them on your knees. Each day you complete one set of max push ups earns you an extra 500 steps to your team’s total.

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Activity Log

WEEK 5:Goal number of steps per day: 10,000 Tick the box, when you meet your daily goal


Day 1

Winning team will earn 20,000 bonus


Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7



Don’t forget to send your steps to your team captain or CBI project manager by COB Tuesday.

WEEK 5 CHALLENGEThis week is about coming up with creative ways to incorporate exercise into your day. Email through your ways of being more active through your day to your team leader or CBI project manager, maybe even snap a picture. The winning suggestion will earn their team 20,000 bonus steps, which could make all the difference to your team’s total.

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Challenge Summary

Tick the box, when you meet your daily goal


DAILY CHALLENGE BONUS STEPS(from completing the weekly challenges)







Congratulations on completing the 5 Ways to Wellbeing Millionaires' Club Challenge!

Did you achieve your goals or make good progress?

Your reflection:





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Where to now?

Well done and thank you for participating in the 5 Ways to Wellbeing Millionaires' Club Challenge

Physical activity is important no matter your age, background, occupation or current level of health. Our bodies were designed to move and if they don’t, we can run into problems with our health. Being active must be a lifelong commitment!

Completing this challenge is a great stepping stone to bigger and better things with physical activity and the wonderful health benefits that come with it.

In preparing to make your next move, re-evaluate and re-define your health and fitness goals, and identify the types of physical activity and training that can help you achieve them. A qualified health professional can help with this, such as an exercise physiologist or physiotherapist, so don’t be afraid to ask for assistance.

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This information is a guide only, if contradictory always follow the advice of your GP.

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