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5 Strange Strategies to Build Muscle & Burn Fat

at the Same Time

by Chad Howse

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First of all, thanks for signing up and grabbing your copy of this report. I have to congratulate you on taking the action step. Rather than simply tinkering with the thought of gaining muscle and losing fat, you’re actually doing something about it. The thing is, and I can say this from experience, you’ve probably been trying to do something about it for a while now, am I right? By now you’ve probably tried your fair share of nutrition plans and workouts, but you’ve either seen no gains, or the results you’d want in an ideal world have eluded you. Does this sound familiar?

When I say, “I can say this from experience,” I’m not bullshitting you. I was damn skinny for a long time. And it wasn’t due to a lack of effort or a lack of desire. The problem in my case was that I followed the advice of an industry that’s almost completely ruled by myths, funded by supplement companies, and dominated by savvy marketing. In short, I worked out and ate like a horse for 8 years, and still didn’t see the changes I wanted to see in the mirror, or in how I performed for that matter. That’s what I looked like for my first 8 years of training. And it ain’t that bad, I know. I was lean, athletic, but not at all muscular. And that’s what I wanted. Now, I’ve clearly figured something out. At least give me that. I’ve taken my scrawny, muscle-resistant

body, and transformed it into the body I have today. So what did I figure out? How did I gain 32 pounds of ripped muscle without gaining fat, in only 32 weeks? That should be impossible, right?

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This guy’s gotta be bullshitting me, taking me for a ride, there’s not way that can happen… Well it can. And it’s something I’ve replicated hundreds of times now with guys like YOU. Guys who have believed the myths of the fitness industry for years, but when they found my site, tried my methods, they were able to build their ideal bodies – always within 1 year’s time. You can check their stories out here: How I’ve Helped Hundreds Create Their Own Transformation. But back to you… In this report you’ll learn the 5 fundamental strategies that will help you transform your body by helping you gain lean muscle and burn fat at the same time. There are only a few things that I require from you before we begin… 1. Keep an open mind. The word “strange” is in the title of this report, because it contains a lot of information that will go COMPLETELY AGAINST everything you’ve heard up to this point. But think of it like this… What you’ve done up to this point hasn’t worked, so it’s opposite has to. Keep an open mind. I’ll explain everything within the report. 2. Put this shit into practice!

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Don’t just read this report and discard it. This isn’t a blog post. This isn’t free because it’s not valuable enough to sell. I could easily sell this and you’d probably adhere to it because you paid for it. But I want EVERYONE to have access to this information. But please don’t let it go to waste. After you read one of the strategies, put it into practice. If you don’t put this stuff into practice, there’s really no point of reading it. That is all. Now let’s make some damn muscle.

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Strategy #1

Make sure your testosterone levels are

at their peak.

Testosterone, not calories in vs calories out, will help you build your ideal body. I used to think otherwise, actually, I used to not pay attention to my hormone levels at all because the literature I was exposed to told me that all I had to do was consume more calories than I burned if I wanted to gain muscle. And if I wanted to gain lean muscle, those calories should be lean proteins and whole carbs – NOT TRUE. Naturally enhancing testosterone levels isn’t something that can be covered in a report like this, completely, or even in a blog post. There’s a lot that goes into this important, necessary strategy. As such, we’ll cover this topic a lot more on the site and in future newsletters, but for a little background on what testosterone actually is, and how you can get your body to make more of it, read these two blog posts:

• How to Naturally Enhance Testosterone Levels • How to Lower Cortisol and Estrogen Levels

For now, here are a few tips that will help you get well on your way. 1. Supplement with zinc after your workout. Zinc block aromatase, which is a building block of estrogen. To make sure you’re recovering from your workout, add 25mg of zinc to your post workout shake. 2. Eat a lot of fat. Saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats will not make you fat. In fact, they’ll naturally enhance your testosterone levels.

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Testosterone is created in your balls when cholesterol is converted to the powerful hormone, testosterone. We get cholesterol from natural fats like the ones I’ve already mentioned. It’s important, especially for me, to consume enough of these fats. Without them, your body has no “fuel” to create the testosterone you need to live as healthy and strong as possible. 3. Lower your body fat %. High body fat correlates to low T levels. This is specifically why I’m not going to have you “bulk” to gain lean muscle mass. Bulking leads to gains in fat. Gains in fat lead to lower testosterone levels. Lower testosterone levels lead to an inability to repair muscle tissue. This inability reduces your ability to gain lean muscle. So while bulking is great for gaining mass, studies are showing that it’s not at all optimal for gaining MUSCLE. And MUSCLE is what we want.

The techniques I’ll show you in the newsletter and on the web site and you’re now a part of, will help you gain lean muscle, while lowering your

bodyfat %. As I’ve just shown you, this isn’t just important for aesthetics, but for your hormonal health as well.

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Strategy #2

Backload your carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are important to your gains, be they fat loss or lean muscle gains. What’s important, though, is that you consume your carbohydrates when your insulin sensitivity is at its height – after your workout. To make a long, somewhat boring and sciency narrative more concise and to the point, lean muscle, healthy testosterone levels, and lifting weights improve your body’s ability to absorb carbs as fuel, rather than storing them as body fat – which is what happens to most of the population. You, however, will be consuming most of your carbs after your workout in order to feed your muscles, not your fat cells. For starters, have a post workout shake. Here’s my go to… Put the following in a blender and let this baby blend:

• skim milk (you want to keep fats low when your carbs are high) • 1 cup assorted berries (blue, rasp, and blackberries) • 2 scoops protein powder (I use ISO SMOOTH)

By giving your body carbohydrates within 15 minutes of your workout, you’re ushering these calories to where your blood is concentrating (the muscles you just worked during training). Carbs also spike insulin. Insulin is a carrier hormone that will help you better absorb your food. In this case, our carbs are helping us absorb the protein powder much more

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effectively. And protein is not only anabolic in nature, it will help you repair the muscle tissue you’ve just broken down during your workout. Without this post workout shake you’re essentially letting at least a portion of your workout go to waste. So backload on those carbs. Of course, we’ll be covering this a lot more in the coming weeks. Note: if you’re a really hard gaining, don’t worry about only backloading your carbs. It’s more important that you get fulfill your macronutrient requirements first – i.e. eat enough food, before you worry too much about timing. But still focus the majority of your carbs post workout.

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Strategy #3

Combine your sets.

You’ll see me use a lot of supersets and giant sets. This isn’t merely done to shorten your workout and increase the intensity that you’re training at, it, like a lot of these strategies, is done to help you hormonally. You see, lactic acid is a precursor to growth hormone (GH). If testosterone is the king of hormones for men, then GH is the prince. It’s incredibly important when it comes to keeping your gains lean, and building muscle whilst also burning fat. By combining sets, you’ll create more lactic acid in the muscle, which will increase your growth hormone levels at the most important time – while you’re training. This will help your body recover faster, build more muscle, but also tap into your stored fat cells and use them as fuel – which, in a round about fashion, will also enhance your testosterone levels. An example of what a giant set would look like… Note: Anywhere you see two of the same letter, with different numbers accompanying them, you’re to do the exercises consecutively, with rest only coming after each has been finished. Chest Superset A1. Bench Press – 6 reps A2. Push-ups – failure Rest: 60 seconds Sets: 4 So you’ll do both exercises, rest for 60 seconds, then repeat this set for a total of 4 sets. Sets like this will help you gain lean muscle, not just mass.

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Strategy #4

Lift heavy/for strength and power. Being stronger increases your capacity to gain lean muscle, but also to burn more fat. Aside from the fact that focusing on strength will also help you hormonally, it will also help you mentally. I’ve always been an athlete. Sports, whether it was boxing, basketball, or hockey, were the reason why I first started getting interested in health and fitness. In sports, aesthetics don’t matter, performance does. It just so happens that athletes in sports like boxing, MMA, and football, have the best physiques on the planet. Why? Because they focus on performance improvements and progressions, not how their bodies look. So while I’m going to help you dramatically improve your body composition from an aesthetics standpoint, I’m also going to help you become a stronger, more athletic, powerful, and more confident dude. We gain confidence not only due to an improved physique, but the ability to back up the image we’re giving to the world. To have an image that says “I’m strong, powerful, and confident,” but to not also improve the skills that would back up said image, in my mind, is useless. Here’s a set I want you to try next time you’re in the gym. It’s a set that will help you grow stronger, more powerful, but also leaner and more muscular. A1. Deadlifts – reps 12,8,6,4,6 A2. Chin-ups – Failure Sets: 5 Rest: 60 seconds

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Perform 12 reps of deadlifts, then chin-ups to failure, resting for 60 seconds after completing both. Then perform 8 reps of deadlifts, and so on… Let the load dictate the weight you choose. So aim to fail within proper form at whatever rep you’re doing for that set. I’ll help you get jacked, don’t worry about that. But I’ll also show you how to grow stronger in every sense of the word. More on this will come in the upcoming newsletters. Maybe the most important tip to gaining lean muscle – consistently – whilst also burning fat is Strategy #5.

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Strategy #5

Vary your tempos.

So what does it take for your muscles to actually grow? Our muscles are like any other biological organism. In order for them to evolve (grow) they have to be placed under progressively varying demands. Yes, our muscles adapt to the demands we place upon them. So if we’re always lifting the same weights, using the same rep counts, and using the same tempos (maybe the most important factor), our muscles won’t be given the “goods” they need to grow. So how do we change our tempos? Here are 3 different tempos that coincide with a certain rep count that you can use within your workouts starting today. A couple things to keep in mind: 1. The goal is to fail using the tempo, within the rep count given. 2. The “slow” part of the tempo is always on the eccentric contraction for muscle building, that is the contraction where the muscle lengthens (the way down on a bench press, pull-up, and squat, the way up on a cable lat pull-down). We’ll use the back as an example for the 3 different tempos. A1. Chest supported row – reps: 4-8 ; tempo 4sec eccentric – everything else is full speed with a pause at the top and bottom of the exercise for a 1 second count. A2. Pull-ups – reps: 10-12 ; tempo 3sec eccentric – “ “ “ “ A3. Inverted Row – reps: 20-25 ; tempo as fast as possible throughout the exercise. We’ll use different tempos like these and others, to take your results – muscle gains and fat loss – to new, yet to be seen, levels.

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Parting Thoughts Now that you’re somewhat indoctrinated into the world of getting the best possible results as fast as possible, we can move forward. Not only have you signed up to receive this free report, but you’ve signed up to the Be Legendary Newsletter. And this is where the real value comes. Almost everyday I give you a new piece of the puzzle. Every piece is important, so don’t miss out on anything. We’ll cover:

• How to gain muscle without fat. • How to naturally enhance testosterone levels. • How to eat to gain muscle. • How to eat to lose fat. • How to structure your workouts. • How to create the best program possible. • And so on…

I’ll also give you newsletters that are focused on what is maybe the most important, but never worked on or practiced aspect to accomplishing anything in life, whether its improving your body, your business, or your relationships, and that’s motivation. I’m not just here to show you how to do something and why you should do it. I actually want you to get the best possible results you can possibly get, so from time to time I’ll give you tactics that have helped me stay supremely motivated no matter what’s going on around me. But we’ll save that for the newsletter.

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With that said, there are a few things I’d like for you to do to make sure you’re getting – and using – all of the information I’m going to give you. 1. Make a folder within your email account for the newsletter. Label it “be legendary’. And every time you get a newsletter, make sure you put it in that folder. 2. Re-read newsletters. Everything I’m giving you is with a purpose attached to it. Basically over the series of newsletters you’ll have every question answered for you. So save them, and always go back to them for answers. 3. Make sure it gets to your inbox. Make sure you identify emails coming from me – [email protected] - as “safe”. Make sure they don’t go to your junk mail folder. Other than that, just enjoy the information, and put it into practice! Be Legendary, Chad Howse
