Page 1: 5 safety tips every cheerleading athlete should

World Cup Cheer and Dance

Page 2: 5 safety tips every cheerleading athlete should

As in all types of sports, safety is a priority in cheerleading.  Because it involves stunts and acrobatics, accidents can be a common occurrence if the athletes are not very careful.  Members of the cheer squad may injure themselves if they fail to take certain precautionary measures during practise, competitions, and other similar events.  As such, it is important to follow safety guidelines to avoid any untoward incident where athletes my hurt themselves, or another team member

Page 3: 5 safety tips every cheerleading athlete should

Safety Tip No 1: It is the responsibility of both cheerleaders and coaches to ensure the safety of one another.  They should always practise awareness, communication, and good judgment.  Coaches are in charge of the wellbeing of the team, regardless of their age.  He or she must be always present to supervise all stunts and routines, as well as provide the right equipment such as mats and pads.  Squad members, on the other hand, are required to follow the rules and safety guidelines imposed by their coaches and clubs

Page 4: 5 safety tips every cheerleading athlete should

Safety Tip No 2: According to experts, the most common cheerleading injuries are broken arms and sprained ankles.  As such, cheer athletes are encouraged to wear athletic shoes and practise on safe surfaces to prevent these injuries.  All teams must also have an emergency plan so they will know exactly what to do in case of accidents.

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Safety Tip No 3: Before practising any stunt or cheer routine, all athletes should perform warm up exercises to prepare their bodies for the rigorous physical tasks ahead.  Doing some stretching before the practise can help cheerleaders avoid torn ligaments and pulled muscles, which are extremely painful and can sideline them if their injuries are serious.

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Safety Tip No 4: If a cheer athlete is hurt after doing a particular stunt, they are encouraged to rest and call it a day. It is advisable to stop doing any activity that may aggravate the injury, no matter how light it is.  Also, this is to avoid hurting someone else in their cheerleading team. It is because an athlete that is injured that they cannot perform their best, which can put the safety of their teammates at risk.

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Safety Tip No 5: All members of the cheerleading squad are advised to stay in shape and care for their body. According to experts, athletes are more likely to get hurt when performing stunts and acrobatic routines if they are not in good shape.  As such, all aspiring and current cheer athletes should be strong and have endurance and stamina so they will always be 100% fit.

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