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5 Reasons You Need To Have A Mobile Friendly Website

Mobile phones, the internet and technology in general have all advanced massively over the last couple of decades and they continue to do so. The advancement in technology has meant that anyone with a current mobile phone can search for products and services on their mobile whilst they are on the move. 2015 is going to be a year where mobile searches will again be on the increase, making it more and more important to ensure your website is mobile friendly and shows up when people search. Whether you have a specific simple mobile site designed or make your existing site mobile responsive. If you currently have a website and it isn’t friendly to mobileusers then you are never going to expand your business to its full potential. Continue reading to find out 5 of the main reasons you need to invest in a mobile friendly website.

1) It is important for SEOGoogle has stated numerous times in the past and also fairly recently that having a mobile friendly website is important for SEO and it can provide a direct benefit to your keyword rankingsin the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). If your website isn’t mobile friendly, and someone searching on a mobile clicks on to it, then it is likely they won’t stay on there. This will be because they will more than likely have to zoom in and out to see things and it will just be a frustrating experience for them. This user experience is in turn also going to affect the overall bounce rate of your website, which will again have an impact on where you rank in Google. However, if your website is mobile optimised then the user experience will be much better and in turn your rankings won’t be affected and your potential leads or customers won’t be as likely to go elsewhere.

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2) More of your customers are searching on mobilesAs technology has advanced, smart phones have become more and more popular across the world, meaning more people are searching on the internet for products and services. This means if you don’t have a website that is mobile friendly you are going to be missing out on these customers. In business it is important to get as many leads and enquiries as possible and ensuring your site is mobile optimised is only going to help with this. However, should you invest in a mobile respoonsive or mobile adaptive site? FInd out by reading the following blog article: Mobile Websites: Responsive Vs Adaptive

3) Commercial intent is greaterStatistics have shown that people searching for products and services on mobile devices are much more likely to buy or take action. The website conversion rate from mobiles is much higher,meaning you need a mobile site or one that is mobile friendly to maximise your business potential. Compared to a couple of years ago, the mobile market has now increased dramatically,so make sure you don’t miss out on more potential customers. Ensure you are showing up in mobile search results by investing in mobile marketing. Find out more by reading this article: Mobile Marketing For Small Business

4) Customers are often more localAnother proven fact is that people searching on mobile devices are often more local to your business. Why does this benefit you? You aren’t going to have to travel as far to meet with clients, so it is going to save you valuable time and money. Customers closer to you are also more likely to convert (depending on what type of business you are in) However, the only way to fully take advantage of the greater local mobile searches is to ensure your website appears friendly on their devices. If they have to spend time zooming around and scrolling loads then they are just going to go elsewhere. Meaning, you are losing out on enquires and potential customers, costing your business money and stunting its growth.

5) Mobile search figures will only increaseDue to smart phones being easily accessible and at arm’s length for the majority of the population, it is understandable why there are now so many mobile internet users. As the internet gets bigger, as technology further advances and as more people start using smart phones, the number of people searching for products and services on the move is going to increase. Now is really the time to invest in a mobile website if you haven’t done already.

With the above facts and statements its quite clear that there are millions of potential customers searching for you on the move.

- Are you providing them a user friendly website?- Are they likely to stay on your site?- Do you show up in mobile search results?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, or you are unsure then you need to make sure yourbusiness is ready to go mobile for the coming year. Otherwise you are going to fall behind the rest of the pack and miss out on a huge amount of enquiries, leads and sales.
