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If you're an affiliate marketer and you haven’t jumped on the affiliate content marketing train yet, you might want to hurry down to the station.

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Creating and distributing shareable content to your existing and potential audience is one of the most effective—in strategy, as well as cost—ways to grow customer interaction, traffic and most importantly, sales.

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Affiliate content marketing is using content—blog posts, articles, and videos, just to name a few—to bring people to your offers, where you build a relationship with them and can then give them your sales pitch.

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Good Affiliate Content

Marketing Encompasses

3 Things

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Relevance:You could post a cute puppy video from YouTube and get thousands of views, likes and shares, but should you?

If you’re a puppy food brand, absolutely.

If you sell online income opportunities, probably not.

Thinking about what will be popular with your audience is important, but if it doesn’t complement your brand, it isn’t likely to translate into sales or opt-ins.

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Pumping out tons of content just because you think you should have it is a waste of valuable resources. Be strategic about what you’re creating. It’s better to put out one article a week that provides value to your audience than daily blog posts that don’t.

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Determine how often you’re going to create new content when devising your affiliate content marketing strategy and stick to it. Not only will your fans and followers know when to keep an eye out for something new, but Google will reward you with better rankings on search terms.

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What Affiliate Content Marketing Can Do For You

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1. Builds a Relationship of Trust:

The most important function of affiliate content marketing is to bring people to your website so that you can build a relationship of trust and authority with your existing and potential customers. Consumers are much more likely to buy things from people they know already and feel confident with.

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Increase Awareness:

Not everyone knows who you are or why you’re so great, so educate them! Affiliate content marketing is a great way to introduce yourself as a voice of authority in your niche. You may be an unknown affiliate marketer, but if you can be #1 in providing helpful how-to’s for others, you can close that gap and move up in the ranks.

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3. Build SEO:

Create great content, and you’ll get search traffic. Great content is fresh, useful and keyword-driven. Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to see what users are searching for within your niche and create content related to popular queries.

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4. Deeper Audience Understanding:

When you develop content and do it often, you’ll quickly get a sense for the topics and issues that are the most top-of-mind for your visitors. How? By looking at your analytics. Analytics can be incredibly useful for helping to guide all of your marketing going forward. Learn what’s working, what’s not and what seems to be the most engaging content for your audience. Then use that as a base and expand upon it.

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5. Increase Conversions:That’s what all of this affiliate content marketing was for, right? Once you get people to your website through affiliate content marketing, the possibilities are endless!

If sales are your #1 priority, make sure you have a strong call to action on every article or blog post. If you want subscribers, implement a lightbox requesting email addresses. Make those content pages work for you, and make it easy for first-time visitors to learn what you can do for them (besides providing great content, of course).

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Accelerate Your Affiliate Content Marketing

With My Free eCourse

Learn How To Accelerate Your Affiliate Content Marketing And Increase Its Impact

• Discover how affiliate content marketing can build your business• Learn everything a marketer needs to know about getting started• Learn how you can build your sales and profits through content marketing• Learn how to convert those prospects into subscribers and customers
