Page 1: 5 Essential Tips for Writing an Excellent Subject Line

tips for writingan excellent subject line








Page 2: 5 Essential Tips for Writing an Excellent Subject Line

How to Write

an Excellent Subject Line

Subject line is like the first impression you make. And like with first impression, you do not get a second chance. Your email either appeals to the recipient or not. They find it interesting and open it to learn more or trash it. You have that brief moment, that glance to make things right or to fail miserably. It is good to make good first impressions. You may not want to judge a book by its cover but it certainly is true that most people judge an email by its subject line. Especially if they do not know you and you are a mailbox stranger to them. Use those 5 tips to be better at writing subject lines and get straight to their heart and not straight to their trash.

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Write the subject line first.

Too many people do not know what they want and it shows when they write emails. If you know the subject addressed in the email well you will have no problem crafting a perfect subject line. It is an introduction – a summary to what the email will be about. Do not leave it blank or do not write the subject line last. #1

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Keep you subject line short

Actually it should be short and sweet. As short as it is possible and as informative as it is possible as well. Be precise. This also applies to the rest of the email but since the subject line is the introduction it has to be perfectly clear and short. Our attention span in an office is that of a fruit fly sometimes. #2

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Put the important words at the beginning

Almost 48% of users check their emails on mobile devices, the smallest being the smartphone. Since you don’t know how much of the subject line will be viewable from a smartphone, it’s important to put the most important information at the beginning. This way you guide your recipient better into the subject. #3

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Use logical keywordsVery often people go back to their mailbox searching for certain information or reference material. That is why you should always think ahead and make sure to use the relevant keywords. For sake of future search and filtering. Trust me – you want to be found easily. #4

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Highlight the value proposition

It turns out busy people respond better to “useful” subject lines offering them solutions to some daily problems or things they are working on. That is why it is best to craft subject lines with that fact in mind. Those who are not busy respond well to all that is interesting, peculiar or bizarre. #5

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ABOUT UNMESSan app to help you manage your inbox

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