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Spring/Summer 2013


Special points of interest:

• President’s Letter 3

• District Servant 15

Community Coordinators

• ECLWs 16

• Palanca 17-21

• NECC 21-23

Episcopal Evangelism Office Move

1 2

From the Editor 2

Group Reunion is Cursillo


A business Plan for your Christian Life


Tale of One Music Director


Vocation and Over-Busy-Ness


De Colores 9

New Bishop liaison

appointed 10


Communication 7

Newsnotes 11

Inside this issue

On a Cursillo weekend, everyone works in small groups. Talks are heard, and discussion follows. As the weekend moves along the sharing can become very real and significant. People learn to share and talk about their faith and tell some of their stories freely and easily. This level of sharing continues in the Cursillo Method long after the weekend. People are taught to create small group reunion groups where that sharing continues and deepens as they are supported by the love and prayers of good friends. Furthermore, there are monthly regional meetings known as an Ultreya, where a volunteer gives a short 5 minute lay witness talk. This talk is about why they have been doing for Christ. It is about intentional ministry and its impact. After a witness talk the community can share with the larger group their own experi-ences in ministry that have been touched by the witness. Then follows a Gospel Response by a member of the clergy to bring some theological and Biblical roots to the talk.

Make a Friend, Be a Friend, and Bring a Friend to Christ. Friendship Evangelism works when people are willing to talk about their experience of knowing Jesus. Cursillo helps give Episcopalians a clear voice to speak about their faith and then encouragement to be active in the faith because Christ is counting on us.

From THE FOURTH DAY a regional Cursillo publication for the Diocese of NC The Very Rev. Richard E Simpson+ NE Clergy Representative

Many years ago the Alban Institute suggested that the most effective evangelism is when a friend invites a friend to Church. Friendship Evangelism works because people know you and often see that there is something at work in your life that is desirable. I think that that something is the very Spirit of God dwelling in us, and working to help transform us from the inside out. The only problem is that that same august body of ecclesiastical research said that Episcopalians only invite a friend to Church once every 24 years. No wonder the Church grows so slowly. We are not welcoming. We have bought into the Field of Dreams movie quote..”If you build it, they will come.” We have built our churches, and people are not coming.

We must then think of ways to help our people share their faith stories and be more willing to invite a friend to Church, and be able to talk a little about their own faith story. We really don’t have to reinvent the wheel; there already exists a program that will help our member become friendship evangelists. Let me tell you about Cursillo.

The Cursillo Movement began as a program to re-engage people in their faith, and inspire them to become leaders in the Church. By leaders I mean people who are excited about doing the work of Christ as they are called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish. Leaders are people who take Christ into their local environments and seek to make Christ known there The Cursillo motto is Make a Friend, Be a Friend and Bring a Friend to Christ

Episcopal Evangelism

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The National Episcopal Cursillo office at Conway, South Carolina was closed on April 30. Sue Davis will work from her home in Myrtle Beach, SC. Supplies, printed inventory and historical records will be housed in a storage facility. Each Thursday, Sue will package and ship the items ordered during the previous week from the storage facility. Note: Orders will only be shipped on Thursdays so plan your order requests in a timely fashion.

A limited number of the “Gospel of Mark: A Guide to Apostolic Living” written by Frank E. Wismer III are available until supplies run out at the cost of 20.00 per case, which covers the shipping and handling charges. Call Sue (843.488.2956) to place an order.

The new mailing address is; National Episcopal Cursillo

PO Box 70857

Myrtle Beach, SC 29572

The NEC telephone number is now 843.488.2956 There is no fax number.

From the Editor

Time has a way of flying by even in the best of times but when major changes are taking place in your

life or the life of an organization time flies by even faster! In case you had not noticed this issue of the

4th Day magazine which should have been the spring issue has now become the spring/summer issue.

The changes in the NEC office caused changes in the 4th Day magazine process. Where will it be

printed, where will the bulk mailing permit be issued, what will be the new address and phone number

and how do all these changes get identified in the magazine. Now that the office move is almost com-

plete many of those questions are answered and we can move forward with publishing the 4th Day.

Sorry for those weekends that flew by without the information about the weekend being published in the


I hope you will find this issue worth the wait. There are a number of thought provoking articles. Looking

at developing your Rule of Life as a business plan for Christian Living puts it in a new perspective possi-

bly more meaningful to some people. Reminders of the importance of Group Reunion are always wel-

come to shore up our commitment to Group Reunion. And on the front page, the article that reminds us

that Christian Evangelism (a bad word to some Episcopalians,) is just what Cursillo movement is all

about—Make a friend, be a friend and bring a friend to Christ.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and Peace in May the God of hope fill you with all joy and Peace in May the God of hope fill you with all joy and Peace in May the God of hope fill you with all joy and Peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope abound in hope abound in hope abound in hope Romans 15: 13

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Continued on pg 4 Page 3


The first half of 2013 has been a busy time and a challenge for the committee with raising sufficient funds for the month-to-month operations of the NEC, the closing of the office in Conway, South Carolina, and planning for the 2013 NEC Conference in Schaumburg, Illinois. Before getting into these items, I’ll share some good news.

Just this morning I received a letter from the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Shori appointing the Rt. Rev. Gregory Rickel, Bishop of Olympia, as liaison to the NECC. Bishop Rickel replaces the Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa, who has served as liaison to the NECC since his appointment in 2006. I extend my thanks to Bishop Scarfe for his guidance to and participation in the functions of the NECC. I am excited about Bishop Rickel’s appointment and look forward to serving with him. (Additional information will be forthcoming in a MailChimp release, a website posting, and an article in the next issue of this newsletter.)

Donations and contributions to the NEC continue the decline leading to the curtailment of many of the functions of the NECC (support of ECLW, committee member travel, consulting services, etc.). Current obligations are being met on a month-to-month basis. I wish to thank each of the Cursillistas and diocesan secretariats who continue to support the ministry and strongly encourage other Cursillistas and secretariats to lend their support. Contributions and donations can be made online:

The NEC office in Conway, South Carolina, was officially closed on April 30 and Sue Davis began performing the office administrator functions from her home in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The wireline telephone service (facsimile, toll free, and

voice) was replaced with cellular or mobile phone service with the same telephone number (843.488.2956). My thanks to Sue, her husband, son, Judy Hood, Fr. Rick Simpson, and other members of the transition committee who completed this project as planned and on time.

Dee Settelmeyer, NEC president-elect, has been selected to work with Fr. Rick in developing and implementing the plan for handling the NEC office administrative and supply functions coincident with Sue’s retirement in April 2014.

Arrangements for the 2013 NEC Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Schaumberg are being finalized. Betsy Neal, site coordinator, is meeting with the hotel management on June 14 to review meeting room assignments and hotel-provided services. My thanks are to Betsy for a job well done. The conference committee headed up by Calvin Hefner, Southcentral District Layman Representative, has secured an outstanding slate of workshop presenters.

Information about the conference is provided in the pamphlet included with this newsletter. The pamphlet and registration form are also available on the website. Register by July 15 and save $50.00 on your registration fee. I am pleased with the direction of the National Episcopal Cursillo and appreciate the support of each person involved in the ministry of Cursillo.

Your servant in Christ,

Charles Hood NEC President

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Ted Ederer

Ted Ederer

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Group Reunion is Cursillo!

Cursillo – when you see or hear the word Cursillo

what comes to mind? Is it a long, tiring, spirit-filled,

comfortable/uncomfortable, three day weekend of

talks, banners, music, food, posters and sharing? Do

you focus on that weekend and all that goes with it?

If so, I suggest that perhaps the message of that

weekend was lost.

Cursillo is NOT the Three-day weekend. Cursillo IS

about those Group Reunions where two to five

friends gather weekly to share and be accountable

about how they are intentionally spending time with

God, studying, and planning individually and together

how to be the hands, face, and mouths of God in our

every day lives as we live out our Baptismal

Covenant to serve Christ. The goal is to bring the

world to Christ by empowering adult Christian

leaders through the use of Group Reunion and

Ultreya to make a friend, be a friend, and bring that

friend to Christ.

Way too often we get caught up in the Three Day

weekend. Probably because it is fun, we

may actually see lives transformed before

our eyes and it is only for three days. We

forget the true purpose of the Three day

weekend…..the empowerment of

Christians to go into the world, equipped

to witness to the wonder of being the

Church. It is an opportunity to experience a life of

Grace, to be reminded of the basics we learned in

Sunday School, and to learn a tool that has been

proven to keep us focused as we live our Baptismal

Covenant to serve Christ. Group Reunion and

Ultreya is the tool that sets Cursillo apart from other

movements and methods. Jesus said, “…Where two

or three are gathered together in my name, there am

I in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20)”. All of us

have friends, but Group Reunion is where we meet

as friends to converse about Jesus and His place in

our lives. It is where we share and are lovingly held

accountable about our life of Piety, Study, and


Group Reunion is where, through Piety, that is, recognizing that without God I can do nothing,

and that after making a commitment to God in the

form of a Rule of Life, I share how I am doing,

without risk of judgment, with an opportunity for

encouragement, and affirmation. It is perhaps the

one time during the week that I actually take the

time to recognize a moment in which I was most

aware of Christ. Sometimes it is the realization

that I was so busy that I did not take time to see

Christ in anything, and to recommit to be more

aware in the coming week.

Group Reunion is where I am reminded that “thy

word is a lamp unto my feet” and that regular

Study to understand better the gift from God I am held accountable to strive toward Bible reading,

Bible study, study groups and other methods of

expanding my understanding. It is in Group

Reunion that I am gently encouraged to study,

offered opportunities to consider and given the

opportunity to share what I have learned.

Group Reunion is about intentional Action. It is about being fishers of people. It is a time to share

where I have been intentional in

serving and witnessing for the Lord,

to share where I followed my plan to

serve and/or witness, to share where

perhaps I have not seen what I had

hoped to see, but reminded that we

are about planting seeds and

allowing time for the harvest. It is

about sharing those unexpected opportunities

that the Lord places in our daily lives and what I

did about those opportunities. It is about stating

aloud my plan for serving and witnessing in the

coming week. Action can be intentional as a

group also. Do we, as a group, have a specific

plan to serve or to witness together? If so, how

are we doing?

Group Reunion is a time for intercessory prayer,

Praying together as a group, for each other,

family members, friends, is powerful and

rewarding. The three day weekend prepares and

Continued pg 5

“...It just may be

the best hour you

spend each


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teaches, Ultreya encourages, but Group Reunion–

following and living out the guidelines set forth on the

Group Reunion card is Cursillo. It just maybe the best

hour you spend each week! Ultreya

From the newsletter of the Cursillo movement in the

Diocese of Arizona by Jane Kaiser St. Stephen’s


Many of us live our spiritual lives one day at a time. We

react to what happens or ignore what happens. We

assume our Lord will make paths clear and open doors

for us, throw opportunities to serve and to learn our way,

and if it is convenient, to pursue and it is something we

are interested in, we pursue.

In the Cursillo movement, we are asked to be

accountable for our lives. We try to remember anything

we have done the prior week that would remotely

resemble study and remotely resemble action to bring

others closer to Christ. We stagnate in using the same

spiritual aids over and over with mediocre results.

Sometime our moments closest to Christ are good

golf shots. If we remember to pray, our thoughts

drift. We have no idea what we will do tomorrow

to show our love for Christ, to worship God, or to

study, or to help our fellow man. We have no ink-

ling where we will be in our faith five years from

now. We are broken and fragmented in so many

areas of our being.

What would happen if we were to make a business plan

for our spiritual lives, following a corporate model? Can

we strategically plan for a Christian life? Here is a

business plan for your Christian life.

Review your Christian life now.

1. Your prayer life:

How often do you pray? How long do you pray?

Time yourself. How long before your mind

begins to drift? Some have said they don’t mind

the mental drift. They see it as God’s inter-

vention. What do you pray about? Write it

down. There are many approaches to

prayer – such as centering, corporate, sung

or said aloud. What approaches have your


Are you satisfied with your prayer life? If

not, what would you change? Should you

seek out a prayer retreat, not just wait for

someone to invite you to one? Should you

read about prayer?

2. Study

Do you read spiritual books? Do you keep a

journal of what you read and what you

learned from each book? Who are your

favorite spiritual authors? What authors do

you avoid? How much do you read? What

counts as a book for study for you? What

type of spiritual books do you enjoy reading?

There are books about the Old Testament,

the New Testament, geography and biblical

history, theology, Jesus, Christian life today,

prayer, salvation, family life, sermons, books

about liturgy and worship, poetry, and


Have you done EFM? Do you attend a Bible

study? A Sunday school

class? Other adult educa-

tion? Do you keep a spiritual

book to read on your bedside

table or beside your chair, in

addition to the current popu-

lar novel? Bible reading:

How much time do you spend reading your

bible? Journal: Do you keep a spiritual jour-

nal? When do you write in it and how much

do you write? What do you write?

3. Action

What do you do for others? Do you do these

“good deeds” on your own? With others?

Do you participate in “good deeds”

organized by your church or civic club?

Do you find it easier to write a check? How

about the flip side? The opposite of love is

not hate. It is indifference. When and to

whom are you most likely to show

Page 5

What would happen if we

were to make a business

plan for our spiritual lives,

following a corporate




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4. Worship

How often do you attend a church service

of any kind? Do you pay attention? Do

you go early to quiet you frenetic mind?

Have you read through the prayers that

are said in corporate worship so you know

what is being said? We are lucky

Episcopalians to have such beautiful

expressive prayers. We have the Book of

Common Prayer we can read anytime we

want. Do you have your own copy?

Define Goals

I want to be a better Christian. Sorry. That’s

not good enough. How would you describe a

“good” Christian?

I want to be a more spiritual person. I want a

deeper connection with God. How can you

GET a deeper connection in clear concise


Doing the review in Step 1 well and writing

down what you have discovered about

yourself may make it easier to set goals.

Talking with a spiritual director might help.

Doing this spiritual business plan with your

reunion group might help. Studying the Bible

might help.

Be specific. For example, I will walk away

from gossip. I will no longer make snide

remarks, even if I think I am amazingly witty.

I will do one good thing once a month or once

a week. I will seek peace by ______ and

when I will do this. I will write it in my

spiritual journal. Otherwise, I will never

remember I did it. I will show patience when

I ______ and write it in my spiritual journal –

see above. I will give thanks. Breaking

bread together is one way to give thanks, so I

will get with other like minded Christians. I

will pray more (what do you mean?) I will

open my eyes to the love of Christ around me

and write it down when I see it.

Make a plan for accomplishing your goals.

In clear concise unambiguous terms, you spell out

how you will work toward your goals in Prayer,

Study, Action, and Worship. Call on a spiritual

director, but don’t expect her to lead you by the nose.

You have to do the work.

List obstacles

Here are some that might come up.

Obstacle: Belief is all that counts. Everyone who

says Yes, I believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of

God will live an eternal life with Him. Works don’t

matter so why bother? If all it takes is to say “yes”

why would we want to do more?

Response: Because “doing right” is the grateful

response to a loving God.

Obstacle: On the flip side, how can I avoid the

human temptation of making an idol of


Response: God has always found ways to humble

me when I get too big for my britches. Read more

Flannery O’Conner. As you think of more obstacles,

write them in your spiritual journal. Obstacles to

your progress WILL appear.

Determine how you will measure your progress.

Would it help your measuring if you had one or more

friends who were doing this, to whom you were

accountable? Keeping a food diary often works for

those who are trying to slim down. Should you start

keeping a spiritual diary? Should you give yourself

gold stars? A reward for every ten gold stars?

And one final question to think about: What would

Jesus have me do?

From VIVENCIA a newsletter of the Cursillo

community in the diocese of Alabama by June Mays,

St. Mary’s on the Highlands

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Jesus communicated directly with the crowds in many different situation, with people going away and discussing what he had said—sometimes praising God, and others plotting against him and his message.

Jesus spoke in parables so that the message required personal interpretation and contained many different layers. As we explore the scriptures, and discuss them with others, additional insights emerge and deepen our understanding of Jesus’ teaching. With his disciples Jesus had a relationship through ongoing verbal and social interaction. Questions were asked, and explanations given.

There is a clear parallel when we consider the importance of our 4th day reunion groups. These are an opportunity for group members to be in relationship where we can share aspects of our Christian journey, as we seek to share the gospel with others through actions and words. There is also an opportunity to share the challenges we face in our daily lives, and in our ministry roles, and to celebrate the daily blessings we receive.

Such support networks are not available for the majority of people in our society; the lonely, the confused, and those who have lost hope. These are the people Jesus targeted with his healing and teaching.

How do we go about changing people’s lives? It is through interaction; over morning tea, lunch, or a parish picnic. These activities are people-intensive to ensure everyone is included. Many churches undertake such ministry well, with regular activities and well-organized events. In these ways the church is able to help individuals and families be reconnected with each other and the community.

We experience the richness of our church community in the groups we belong to and the relationships we enjoy. Outreach (Apostolic Action) is an opportunity for us as members of the Cursillo family to seek ways of extending this gift of Christian relationship to others.

From KIWI CURSILLO the magazine for New Zealand

Anglican Cursillo by Ivan Jones, Christchurch

Diocesan Spiritual Director

My most memorable experience as a music

director occurred in 1994, when I was

serving on a team for the Walk to Emmaus

in Central Alabama

During team formation, one of the speakers

requested that we sing Bill Gaither’s gospel

hymn “Because he Lives” before her talk on

Sunday morning. I did not know that

particular hymn and it was not in the

songbook designated for the weekend. I

would have to go to some trouble to find it,

and learn it, and put chords with it, learn to

play it, etc. And so I tried to steer the

speaker to a song in the book. But she

would not be moved. And I eventually gave

in, reluctantly. I confess, I probably

grumbled to myself about the extra trouble it

would be.

When the pilgrims arrived for the Emmaus

weekend, we learned that one of them was

expecting her first grandchild. After dinner

on Saturday night, she received word that

her daughter had gone into labor. Everyone

hated for her to miss the rest of the weekend

(especially since the best was yet to come!)

but it took her less than a minute to discern

where she belonged. She left in a hurry,

amid a flurry of good wishes for her daughter

and the baby.

The next morning, just in time for the first

talk, the new grandmother arrived back in

the conference room. She was still wearing

the clothes she had worn the night before –

she had not even taken time to change – but

her eyes were full of joy as she proudly

showed us a picture of her new grandson.

Everyone took their place and then I invited

them to stand with me and sing the

speaker’s song, that Bill Gaither song that

was chosen months before.

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When we began the second verse, my eyes filled with

tears, even as I laughed out loud. As the new

grandmother passed around her grandson’s photo, we

sang “How sweet to hold a newborn baby, and feel the

pride and joy he gives…” It was the perfect song.

A Methodist music director might

have chosen than song

spontaneously but I had needed help

months in advance to make that

choice, and over my own reluctance

– to help that woman celebrate in

community that previous moment in her life. At that

moment I knew grace.

All these years later, I still think of that song, and I

marvel at our loving God – at the depth of God’s loving

care for us. God’s attentiveness to us. The words

from Psalm 139 flood my heart: “Lord you have

searched me, and known me. You know my sitting

down and my rising up. You discern my thoughts from

afar.” How well God knows us! You discern my going

out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my

ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it

completely, O God. “

How constant and persistent are the gentle promptings

of God’s spirit! “You hem me in – behind and before;

you have laid your hand upon me.”

What sort of wonderful God knows how to plan such

events and bring them about, giving us a sense of

God’s abiding presence! “Such knowledge is too

wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.”

How often do we resist the efforts of another who is

prompted by the Holy Spirit!

I think of my own reluctance, and wonder at its source.

Was it laziness on my part? Is it self-righteousness

that gets in the way of our yielding to the

Spirit’s leading through another person? Is it our

pride that whispers that surely if the Holy Spirit were

going to speak about a particular issue or need, the

Holy Spirit would tell ME what is going on?

In the end God’s plan happened. Through

the speaker’s insistence, and despite my

reluctance, God’s will prevailed. And it is

that sure knowledge of the steadfast and

abiding nature of God’s loving-kindness that

has stuck with me, through the years.

From VIVENCIA newsletter of the Cursillo

Community in the Diocese of Alabama by-

Margaret Fleming, All Saints, Montgomery

I’ve been mulling over the whole business

of vocation and over-busyness- absolutely

connected in my experience! When I

respond to God’s call on my life, there

seems to be a tendency to over-respond.

When I feel that God has called me to some

task, it’s natural that I should feel that the

task is worth doing, and so I give it my all.

And then – and only then- I discover that

there’s still lots more that could be done.

Dissatisfaction and exhaustion follow.

Perhaps I need to remember these three


Firstly, God is calling me primarily to be. My

subsequent “doing” emerges from my

being. I am called to be a child of God;

living in Christ’s light, responding to God’s

glory, breathing in the power of the Spirit.

As I become a person soaked in goodness

it will become clear what “doing” is an

appropriate response.

Secondly, God didn’t make only me! And

God hasn’t called only me! There is the

whole Body of Christ, of which I am but one

member. Together and between us we can

achieve so much more than me working in

desperate isolation.

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Thirdly, God’s call to me is to the whole of me.

This means that God’s call should be reflected in

all of my life. I am a called person when I am

doing priest stuff, husband stuff, father stuff,

grandfather stuff, neighbor stuff, and so on. If I

do too much of any one of those then there will

not be enough time for the others.

Jesus is our model. He “emptied himself taking

the form of a slave” Phillippians 2:7. This

brought to mind a picture which I found helpful,

Imagine a coke can. If you turn it upside down

all the coke will pour out, but the can will retain

its shape. If, on the other hand, you apply a

suction pump to the opening in the top and suck

like mad, all the coke will come out and also the

air and the can will collapse into crumpled heap.

Perhaps we could view God’s call to us as a call

to be emptied but not sucked out to the point of


To sum all this up:

God calls us to be his, through and


We don’t have to do all Gods work by


God’s people empty themselves in his


God’s calling may lead to particular

tasks, but God’s call is about all of our

life, all of our being

As Cursillistas, we are called to Change our

Environment for Christ. Who we are becoming

does as much to change our environment as the

‘good works’ which arise from our becoming.

Maybe Advent is a good time to look at the

balance of our lives and make some course

corrections. And remember in this season of

busyness, Jesus calls us to empty ourselves,

not be sucked dry.

From KIWI CURSILLO magazine of the New

Zealand Anglican Cursiilo by an Advent address

by the Rev. Rory Redmayne, National Spiritual


De Colores is a Spanish

expression which means in colours. If there are sad moments in life, there are also others when we see

everything in color. This is the case of a person who

discovers that he or she is loved by the very person

that he or she loves. For lovers, everyday life loses its

sadness, the sun shines, life is beautiful, and we see

it through rose-colored spectacles.

In the same way, the realization that we are being

loved by God in a way that is unparalleled and

unconditional, creates in our inner self, a feeling which

is like an incredible rainbow. After this experience, life

is not the same; we have a new vision of the world,

we act differently and we discover, in the Christian

community, the many faces of Christ.

Indeed, as the prism decomposes white light in

a scale of various colours,

so do those who are around

us. Everyone of us has a

different colour, each one

reflects an aspect of Christ.

The " De Colores " calls forth

this joy caused by the

discovery of God’s love and the presence of Christ in

ourselves and in others.

It comes from a song!

However we must say that if we have come to use

that expression, it is rather by coincidence, because

of a song titled " De Colores ! " which was very

popular at the time of the first Cursillo on the island of

Majorca (a beautiful island in the Mediterranean sea

where spring is a real enchantment of colours).

That song, borrowed from the Mexican folklore,

expresses the joy of living and exalts the beauties of

creation. It was readily adopted by the first cursillistas

as a reflection of their inner feelings. Its popularity

carried over from one Cursillo to another and it ended

up becoming the theme song of the Movement, even

though it was never officially recognized as such.

From FORWARD newsletter of the San Diego

Cursillo community. Author unknown.


Each one of us has a

different color

Each one reflects an

aspect of Christ.

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Continued page 11


Bishop Greg Rickel Appointed

Bishop Liaison of Cursillo

The Rt. Rev. Gregory Rickel, Bishop of Olympia, was appointed as bishop liaison

to the Episcopal Cursillo ministry by the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Shori,

Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church on June 5, 2013. He replaced the Rt.

Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa, who has served as bishop liaison since 2006.

Bishop Rickel attended Cursillo #41 in Arkansas and served as head spiritual

director on two teams before accepting a call as rector of St. James Episcopal

Church in Austin, Texas. He has been active in the Cursillo ministry since

becoming Bishop of Olympia in September 2007. “I am very honored to serve as

Bishop Liaison for Cursillo in these upcoming years,” said Bishop Rickel.

Bishop Schori said in her appointment letter said “I give thanks for the ministry of

Cursillo in deepening the faith and relationship of Episcopalians with God in

Christ. I made my Cursillo more than 20 years ago in Oregon, and understand the importance of focusing

one’s love of God as an agent of transformation in the world. I pray that Cursillo may continue to

encourage and nurture faithful living as a disciple of Jesus.”

Bishop Rickel was elected the eighth bishop of the Diocese of Olympia on May 12, 2007, ordained

bishop on Sept. 15, 2007 and installed on Sept. 16, 2007, at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. Rickel has

served the wider church as a stewardship consultant for the Stewardship Office of the Episcopal Church

and for the Episcopal Network for Stewardship. He also served on the Resolution B004 Mission Funding

Task Force and as an Episcopal representative to the Earth Charter meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. He

is a trainer for the Climate Project. He has received training from the National Organization for Victim

Assistance and has worked on disaster debriefing for the Arkansas Attorney General Office.

At the time of his election, Rickel was the rector of St. James’ Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas.

Previously he served as the vicar of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Conway, Ark. He was ordained

deacon in July 1996 and priest in January 1997. Before ordination to the priesthood he was a hospital

administrator in Arkansas and Texas. Bishop Rickel embraces radical hospitality that welcomes all, no

matter where they find themselves on their journey of faith. He envisions a church that is a safe and

authentic community in which to explore God’s infinite goodness and grace as revealed in the life and

continuing revelation of Jesus Christ. As Bishop of Olympia he has articulated a vision with three main

mission foci: congregational development, concentration on those 35 years of age and under, and

stewardship of all creation.

Bishop Rickel was born June 27, 1963 in Omaha, Neb., and has been married to Marti, a psychiatric

nurse practitioner, since 1984. They have one child, Austin. You may follow Bishop Rickel's blog

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National Episcopal Cursillo



NECC Meeting February 2013 Phoenix, Arizona


The National Episcopal Cursillo Committee (NECC) met at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Phoenix, Arizona, on February 5 -10, 2013. Cursillistas from the greater Phoenix metropolitan area served as hosts and provided sleeping accommodations, meals, and transportation. Carol Williams, Western District Lay Woman Representative, served as liaison and coordinator for the meeting.

The Executive Committee arrived Tuesday afternoon (February 5) to discuss the agenda for the four-day meeting. Charles Hood, president, Dee Settelmeyer, president elect, Pat Steele, vice president, and Matthew Finnigan, secretary were present.

Following the Executive Committee meeting, a conference call was held with Dave Millar, Treasurer, Missi Doyle, Finance Committee Chair, and Steve McKenney, Southcentral Lay Man Representative. Items discussed included the first quarter financial reports (net income of $6,600), development of a “cash flow” report for financial reporting, the need for an upgrade of QuickBooks (last software update in 2009), and the possibility of changing the reporting period from October 1 thru September 30 to January 1 thru December 31. Note: Since the meeting a cash flow report has been produced from QuickBooks and an upgrade of QuickBooks to an online version has begun.

During the next four 12-hour days, the committee was involved in general committee sessions (22%), sub-committee activity (27%), worship (17%), meals (16%) and local community activities (14%). The various

subcommittees (Cursillo Leaders Development – CLD), Communications, and Publications – PubSub) met and continued work on the NECC goals for 2012-13. These goals included:

* Start a path that will restore the financial health of the NEC

* Begin translating the NEC Library into Spanish.

* Publish the NEC Library study guides written by Fr. Rick Simpson and develop a plan to introduce them to the diocesan secretariats.

* Fully develop and implement a strategy for constant contact with all diocesan secretariats and bishops within the Episcopal Cursillo ministry

On Wednesday morning, new committee members met with the Executive Committee and reviewed the re-sponsibilities and duties of the NECC Representatives. A draft copy of the NECC Representative Manual was used as reference during the orientation. The new members then met with the committee chair of the subcommittee that they were assigned for further orientation. The committee members attending the new member orientation included:

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New members whose terms expire in October 2015

The Rev. Eddie Alleyne, Diocese of Long Island, Northeast Clergy Representative

Calvin Hefner, North Carolina, Southeast Lay Man Representative

The Rev. Don Seils, Diocese of Colorado, Northcentral Clergy Representative

Steve McKinney, Diocese of Dallas, Southcentral Lay Man Representative

Carol Williams, Diocese of Arizona, Western Lay Woman Representative

New members filling unexpired terms

The Rev. Linda Baker Pineo, Diocese of Western North Carolina, Southeast Clergy Representative (term expires October 2013)

Harriet Duff, Diocese of Kansas, Southcentral Lay Woman Representative

After lunch Wednesday, the full committee met in an opening session. Members present or arriving during the afternoon not mentioned above included:

The Rev. Peter Snow, Diocese of Olympia, Western District Clergy Representative

Valarie Crosdale, Diocese of Long Island, Northeast District Lay Woman Representative

Alan Rogers, Diocese of Massachusetts, Northeast District Lay Man Representative

Janet Jendron, Diocese of Upper South Carolina, Southeast District Lay Woman Representative

The Rev. Peisha Roumas, Diocese of West Missouri, Southcentral District Clergy Representative

After opening remarks, an Ultreya format was followed to serve as an ice breaker and start the team forma-tion process. Following brief introductions and Group Reunion, Charles gave the witness talk. Pat provided a scheduled lay response which was followed by several non-scheduled responses. Fr. Peter gave the clergy response.

Following the Ultreya, each of the representatives gave a verbal report on the status of the Cursillo ministry in the dioceses that they represent. The reports were sparse with little or no contact made with a number of the dioceses. The lack of current contact information appears to be a limiting factor in obtaining information for many diocesan ministries. A lengthy discussion followed with suggestions on ways to gather contact Information. Personal contact, either by phone or in person, was recognized as the best way to establish a working relationship.

The afternoon session closed with Holy Eucharist.

Carol and her husband Frank served as hosts for the evening meal at their residence in Tempe. Following a cocktail hour, Carol served a wonderful meal of roast chicken and all the trimmings. Activities for the evening

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concluded with a discussion of John Ortberg’s If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat. The book created lots of discussion centered on Orberg’s premise that nothing happens unless one is willing to take a risk and venture out. This is the situation faced by the Cursillistas if Cursillo is to be an effective on-going ministry.

The committee met with The Right Rev. Kirk Steven Smith, Bishop of Arizona, on Thursday afternoon at the Trinity Cathedral In downtown Phoenix. After Bishop Smith welcomed us to Arizona, he stressing the importance of using Social Media to maintain contact and communicate with others. He recommended Elizabeth Dresher’s Tweet If You Heart Jesus: Practicing Church in the Digital Reformation as required reading for the NECC. You can follow him on Facebook (kirk smith), Twitter (@azbishop), or Blogspot (

When asked “how do you engage a bishop in the process of reestablishing Cursillo within a diocese,’ he responded, “You don’t.” He said that the ministry must start at the parish level with laity and clergy involvement in the process. Using Arizona as an example, he said that as the movement was being estarted, they found to their surprise that the methods of Cursillo had not ceased at many of the parishes. People still met in small groups and followed the methods of an active movement. The movement restarted from the “grass roots” level as opposed as a top down action.

He mentioned The Fly in the Ointment: Why Denominations Aren’t Helping Their Congregations and How They Can by J. Russell Crabtree as a reference for the NECC in understanding their relationship with the diocesan Cursillo ministries.

Following the meeting with Bishop Smith, the committee toured the cathedral and attended a Holy Eucharist service with laying-on-of-hands and anointing. The Spanish language congregation from the Cathedral hosted the dinner for the NECC and those people attending the earlier Holy Eucharist service.

Friday was back to a full day of subcommittee meetings and the first of two general sessions to discuss and approve motions and reports. A summary of the motions and reports by subcommittees follows:

Publications Subcommittee: Dee said that one of the NEC Library booklets had been translated into Spanish using Google Cronin, a free translation service. Clergy volunteers are reviewing the translation for theological accuracy. If the review is positive, all books in the library will be translated by the end of the year. She also said that revisions of The Clergy Talk Workbook and the Servant Community booklet were near completion and work has been started on the Lay Talk Workbook. The subcommittee has a June target date for completion. No motions were sub-mitted by this subcommittee.

Communications Subcommittee Pat said that the subcommittee is involved with developing promotional material for NEC, fund raising, and the 2013 NEC Conference. This will involve updates to the website, MailChimp releases, and pamphlets. In addition, the subcommittee will be involved in the development of a web based TV channel that can be used to provide training and promotional videos. The two motions submitted by the subcommittee and approved by the NECC include:

Motion No 1: The Communications Sub-Committee asks that the NECC approve a limited “test” of establishing its own web TV channel. Working name of the channel would be “NEC TV”. Financial impact would be cost neutral, video production would be done on a volunteer basis, and video posting at this scale is free due to the posting company inserting their own ads. Note: a detailed proposal was presented by the Rev. Don Seils and will be available as an attachment to the minutes of the NECC meeting.

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Motion No 2: The Communications Sub-Committee asks that the NECC approve a proposal to provide Cursillo resources and promotional materials in online storage for use by Cursillo ministries. This material will include pictures and videos. The financial impact is cost neutral as storage “in the Cloud” is free.

Cursillo Leaders Development: Matthew presented a NEC Representative 2012 – 2013 Commitment form for each NECC representative to sign that outlines duties and responsibilities. Activities included gathering information, developing personal contact with represented dioceses included both the Secretariat leader and the Bishop’s administrative assistant, developing a list of 3-day weekends, and establishing a relationship with the regional coordinator for ECLW and servant community.

After much discussion, agreement was reached to approve and use the form.

Other Motions: Approval was given to proceed with the publishing and distribution of a pamphlet that would be used to solicit donations to the Friends of Cursillo. (Note: The pamphlet was mailed to a 1783 Cursillistas on February 27.)

Approval was given to make available to Secretariats The Gospel of Mark: A Guide to Apostolic Living in case lots for the cost of shipping. (Note: Cost of shipping is $20.00 per case.)

Following Holy Eucharist and lunch on Saturday, the committee met with Secretariat members of the Arizona Episcopal Cursillo. Talk was lively and best practices type practices were discussed. Following the meeting, NECC members participated with in an Ultreya and pot luck dinner.

Next Meeting of NECC: The committee plans to meet June 19 – 23 at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Lansing, Michigan.

Contributions Update

Diocesan contribution

This fiscal Year to date

Diocesan Contributions


Friends of Cursillo

This fiscal Year to date


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This year’s National Episcopal Cursillo Conference will be held at the

Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, Illinois October 24—27, 2013

The keynote speaker is the Rt. Rev. Larry R. Maze, retired bishop of

Arkansas. He will speak on “The Dialog between Jungian Psychology

and Christian Spirituality.” More information is available in the packet

included with this issue of the 4th Day.

Read through the conference packet in this issue of the Magazine and

discover the interesting workshops. Pllan on registering for conference.

There is a $50 reduction in fee if paid before July 15 so take advantage of


DISTRICT SERVANT COMMUNITY COORDINATORS Northcentral District Southeast District Judith Stark (2012) Jean Stafford (2011) 10121 S. Springfield 2980 Crestline Drive Chicago, IL 60655 Macon, GA 31204-1236 H: 773-233-7949 H: 478-477-8706 E: [email protected] [email protected]

Northeast District Southcentral District Dorrette Headley Jim Swaney 129 Bench 61st. St. #1 15718 E. 40th Terrace S., Arverne New York 11692 Independence, MO 64055

H: 347-230-4361 H. 816-350-3417

E: [email protected] E. [email protected]

Western District Vacant Contact District Representative if interested in serving

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Episcopal Cursillo Leaders Workshops (ECLW)

Northcentral District

Missi Kern, District Coordinator

5177 S. Pagosa St. Centennial CO 80015

H: 303-617-2177 [email protected]

Northeast District

Ronnie Barhite, District Coordinator (2010)

227 W. Oak Orchard St. Medina, NY 14103

H: 585-798-3753

E:[email protected]

Southcentral District

Linda England

1101 S. Joyce St. #2309 Arlington VA


816-830-4423 [email protected]

September 27 and 28 Diocese of Texas at

St. Martin’s in Houston

National ECLW Coordinator:

Nina-Jo Moore

763 Jimmy Billings Rd. Vilas, NC 28692 H: 828-297-5079 E: [email protected]

Southeast District Jan Millar (2012)

606 Mirawood Trail NE Concord, NC 28025

H 704-782-1318 [email protected]

Western District

Ted Ederer (2013)

10503 NE 53rd St. Kirkland WA 98033-7422

425-827-1404 [email protected]

The purpose of the ECLW is fourfold:

1. To deepen the commitment to Christ and living of a life in Christ among the Cursillo leaders in the


2. To clarify the purpose and method of the

Cursillo movement as it seeks to work within

the Episcopal Church to fulfill the Great

Commandment to love God and one another

and the Great Commission to go and make

disciples of all nations.

3. To help grow new leaders for the Cursillo

movement so that it may continue to be an effective

instrument in the mission of the Episcopal Church to

“restore all people to unity with God and each other

in Christ.” (BCP 855)

4. To help diocesan Cursillo communities assess how

they live out the Cursillo method and encourage

them to explore how to do it more effectively.

The ECLW is intended for any Cursillistas

who are called to make Cursillo a major

focus of their ministry in the Church. We

encourage dioceses to identify future as

well as current leaders and to send them

to an ECLW even if it means helping to

finance their participation. Some dioceses

require attendance at an ECLW as a

prerequisite for serving on their

Secretariat. Investing in the work of

growing leaders is the best investment a

diocesan Cursillo community can make in

its own future and in the growth of the

Kingdom of God.

Would your Diocesan Cursillo Movement benefit from holding an ECLW?

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Palanca Coordinators & Palanca Requests

received by May 20, 2013 See also our web site,

Please note that we do not have dates for all weekends that may be scheduled. We can only print what we

receive. Please send your palanca information to [email protected] and to

[email protected]

Northeast District


Province 1

Connecticut: Send to: JoAnn Cromwell, 22 7th St.,

Newington, CT, 06111-3309, [email protected]

Maine: Send to: Vicky Lesmerises, 4 Grove St. Camden

ME 04843 [email protected]

Massachusetts: Send to: Kathy Jeffrey, 9 Revere Rd, Tewksbury MA 01876-3207,

[email protected]

Rhode Island: Send to: Marcia Butler C/O Diocese of Rhode Island, 275 N. Main Street, Providence RI 02903

Vermont: Send to: Betty Packer, 1120 Village Grove, Williston VT 05495

Province 2

Albany: Send to: Debbie Fish 6054 Schoharie Turnpike Delanson, NY 12053, [email protected]

Central New York: 5/2/2013 Send to: Barb Craner, 300 Orchard Street Fayetteville, NY 13066

[email protected]

Long Island: Send to: Deborah Bartholomew, 849 East

37 St. , Brooklyn NY 11210 [email protected]

Newark: Send to: The Rev. Eric Soldwedel

[email protected]

New Jersey: Send to: Jim McConnell, 14 Windsor Court,

Sayreville, NJ 08872 [email protected]

Western New York: Send to: Linda Makson 2419

Krotz Road Warsaw, NY 14569 [email protected]

New York: Send To: Dianne Zimmerman 2501 Summit Terrace, Linden N.J. 07036

[email protected]

Province 3

Easton: Send to: Joyce Smithson, 21020 Haven Road, Rock Hall MD 21661.

Maryland: Send to: Elizabeth (Liz) Brodell, PO Box 536, Williamsport, MD 21795

[email protected]

Pennsylvania: Send to: Sherrie Tatman, 1101 Raymond Road, Swarthmore, PA 19081,

[email protected]

Southern Virginia: Send to: Julee Herbert

[email protected]

Southeast District

July 11 Mississippi

Upper South Carolina

August 8 North Carolina

September 12 Alabama

October 2 Florida (m)

October 10 Florida (w)


17 Louisiana

November 7 Georgia

Province 4

Alabama 9/12, 10/10 Send to Hank Poellnitz, III, 701 Crest Lane, Homewood, AL 35209

[email protected]

Atlanta: Send to: Jean Stafford, 2980 Crestline Dr., Macon, GA 31204

[email protected]

Central Florida: 11/4 (sp) 10/4 Send to Mari Parsons, 625 E.Chapman Rd. Oveida, FL 32765

[email protected]

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Central Gulf Coast Send to: Teresa Jefford

[email protected]

East Carolina: 4/24, Send to: Denise Wheeler, 138 Tiger Woods Dr. , New Bern, NC 28560

[email protected]

East Tennessee: Send to: Sandra Phibbs 2635 Berringer Station Lane Knoxville, TN 37932

[email protected]

Florida: 10/2 (men), 10/10 (women) 2014 3/20

(men), 3/27 (women), 10/2 (men), 10/9 (Women),

2015 3/12 (men), 3/19 (women), 10/8 (men) 10/15

(women) Send to: Carlos Delgado, 1122 NW 12th Ave,

Gainesville FL 32601-4114, [email protected]

Georgia: 10/7 Send to: Susan Gonzales 233 Silver Brook Circle Pooler, GA 31322

[email protected]

Kentucky: Send to: Herb Meister, 7110 Glen Arbor

Road, Louisville, KY 40222 [email protected]

Louisiana 10/17 Send to: Kay Starns, Cursillo Louisi-ana Palanca c/o Solomon Episcopal Conference Cen-

ter, 54296 Highway 445, Loranger, LA 70446

CursilloLouisiana [email protected]

Mississippi: 7/11 Send to: Ken Ruckstuhlk

[email protected]

North Carolina 8/8 Send to: Tom Ham 903 Country Club Drive, Reidsville, NC 27320

South Carolina: Send to:Jim Gray 1930 Old Georgetown Rd. Manning, South Carolina 29102

[email protected]

Southeast Florida: Send to: Claudette Wray, 1861 Via Bellessa, Wellington, Fl. 33411,

Jamaica Send to Sonia M Reid, Anglican Cursillo Movement, Jamaica Diocese of Jamaica and Cayman

Islands Church House 2 Caledonia Avenue Cross

Roads Kingston 5 Jamaica [email protected]

Southwest Florida: Send to: Bette Armon, 5948 Beech Street, Zephyrhills FL 33542,

[email protected]

Tennessee: Send to: Brea Cox, Church of the Good Shepherd c/o TEC Cursillo, 1420 Wilson Pike, Brent-

wood TN 37027 [email protected]

Upper South Carolina: 7/11 Send to: Ralph L.Coleman, 1353 Sanford Dr.,Columbia, SC 29206

[email protected] Western North Carolina: Send to:Cynthia Drake, 503 Claremont Drive, Flat Rock, NC 28731 [email protected]

Northcentral District


Province 5

Chicago: Send to: Nancy Nix, 4515 Franklin Ave., Western Springs IL 60558

[email protected]

Eau Claire: Send to: Janet Sterken, 100 Avon Rd

#95, Sparta WI 54656 [email protected]

Fond du Lac: Send to: Lisa Alexander, 15420 Brandenburg Avenue, Merrill WI 54452,

[email protected]

Indianapolis: Send to: Peggy Miller, 115 Painted Hills Martinsville IN 46151,

[email protected]

Michigan/East Michigan: Send to: Charles Reagan, 4574 Crutchfield, Saganaw, MI, 48603

[email protected]

Northern Indiana: Send to: Laurie Thompson, 30357 Meadowbrook North, Elkhart, IN 46514,

[email protected]

Springfield: Send to: Peggy Graham, 335 Ellison,

Carlinville IL 62626 [email protected]

Western Michigan: Send to: Cathy Fries 275 West 23rd St., Holland, MI 49423

[email protected]

Province 6

Colorado: Send to: John Mitchell, 835 Sabeta Drive, Ridgeway, CO 81432

[email protected]

Iowa: Send to: Robin Sade, POB 2179, Davenport, IA 52809-2179,

[email protected]

Minnesota: Send to: Jerry Harris, 835 Sabeta Drive, Ridgeway, CO 81432


Nebraska: Send to: Lyndle Lewis

[email protected]

Wyoming: Send to Doreen Chavez, PO Box 253,

Ft. Whasakie WY 82514, [email protected]

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Southcentral District


June 20 Texas

August 8 Texas

28 Dallas/Fort Worth

October 10 Dallas/Fort Worth (sp)

West Texas

24 Texas

November 7 Dallas/ Fort Worth

West Texas

Province 7

Arkansas: Send to: Gretchen House 707 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock AR 72227

[email protected]

Dallas/Fort Worth 8/25, 10/10 (sp), 11/ 7 Send to: Palanca c/o Center for Renewal,

10290 Monroe Suite 101, Dallas, Tx. 75229

[email protected]

Kansas/West Missouri: Send to Lorraine Forrest 511 NW North Shore Dr. Lake Wauko-

mis, MO 64151 [email protected]

Northwest Texas: Send to: Patti Nabors, 2502 Allendate Rd. Big Springs. Tx 78720

[email protected]

Oklahoma: Send to Gretchen “Biel” Johnson

[email protected]

Rio Grande: No contact

Texas: 6/20, 8/8, 10/24 Send to: Susan Hunter 11 Roseland Drive Baytown, Texas

77510 work 281 422 2207 home 281 422 9429

[email protected]

West Texas: 10/10, 11/7 Send to: Patrick

Duffield [email protected]

Western Louisiana: Send to: Melinda Zolzer, 193 Northwood Lane, Nachitoches, LA 71457–

7843 [email protected]


Western District


October 10 Olympia

October 17 San Diego

Province 8

Arizona: 5/16/2013 Send to Sue Gruenberg

[email protected]

Eastern Oregon: Send to: Riki Strong, 21980 Butler

Market Rd., Bend OR 97701

[email protected]

El Camino Real-Monterey: Send to: Tamara Santos, 2907 Granite Creek Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066,

[email protected]

El Camino Real - Santa Clara: Send to: Isabelle

Wright, [email protected]

Hawaii: Island of Hawaii: Send to: Cathy Sugiyama, P.O. Box 3028, Kailua Kona, HI, 96745-3028;

[email protected]

Los Angeles: Send to: Sherry Wright 21718 San Leandro, Mission Viejo CA 92692

[email protected]

Los Angeles Spanish weekends: Send to Jose Rene Lopez, 801 N. Culver Ave. Compton, CA

90220-2215 [email protected]

Central Coast (Los Angeles): Send to: Jody Spindel, 217 El Pasillo, Newbury Park CA 91320

[email protected]

Northern California: Send to: Maria Acuna-Feldman 915 802 7419 [email protected]

Olympia: Send to: Ann Morgan 299 Mackenzie Drive Camano Island, Washington 98282

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Oregon: Send to: Dana Jester 454 S. 14th St. St.

Helens, OR 97051 [email protected]

San Diego: 10/17, 2013 Send to:Eileen Pierce 9361 Starcrest Drive, Santee, CA 92071

[email protected]

San Joaquin: Northern and Southeast: Send to: Vicki Swinford, 805 W. Janelle Ct., Ridgecrest, CA

93555 [email protected]

Spokane Send to: Jeanne Devenport 6111 S. Summerwood St. Spokane WA 99224 or

email to [email protected]

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Foreign Palanca

Bahamas: Send to:Cursillo Palanca P.O. Box N-3539 .

Nassau, Bahamas [email protected]

Barbados: Send to: Gillian Robinson

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Belize: Franicis Wilson, Anglican Diocesan Office, PO

Box 535, Belize City Belize, [email protected]

Cuba: Send to: Antoinette Capaz, 7702 N.W. 42 Ave.,

Gainesville, FL, 32606 or e-mail to [email protected]

Cuernavaca Mexico: Send to: Sra. Flor Garcia, Apartado Postal 4-538, Chapultepec Cuernavaca,

Morelos 62431 Mexico

Dominican Republic: Send to: Bob and Ellen Snow, DMG 13388,7990 15th Street East, Sarasota, Fla.34243.

Jamaica Send to S Reid at [email protected]

Kenya: Send to: Dr. Dan Ojai

[email protected]

Mexico: Send to Nancy Howard, Av. San Jeronimo 117, San Angel, 01000 Mexico D.F.

Puerto Rico:Send to Esther Vila, Box 7368, Mayaguez PR 00681


Adelaide: Send to: Janet Marshall, 14 Ironbark Ave.,

Craigmore, South Australia [email protected]

North Queensland, Send to: Beverly Fernance, 27 Chiquita Ave., Rasmussen Qld. 4815, Australia

[email protected]

North Territory: Send to: Marian Ah Toy,

[email protected]

South Australia: Mrs. Pat Went

[email protected]

Tasmania: Send to: Donna Moss , P.O. Box 483, North Hobart, Tasmania 7002, Australia,

[email protected]


Victoria, British Columbia: Send to: Mark Benewith, Palanca Director, Diocese of British Columbia, 1424

Leask Rd., Nanaimo, BC, V9X1P8, [email protected]

Canada: Send to: Anglican Cursillo Movement (Diocese of NS and PEI); P.O. Box 41086; Dartmouth,

Nova Scotia B2Y 4P7 CANADA,

Ontario Send to: Margaret Watsa, Box A7 Argyle Beach, RR#, Harrow Ontario Canada N0R 1G0

Ottawa: Send to: Ottawa Anglican Cursillo, 71 Bronson Ave, Ottawa Ontario K1R 6G6.

Quebec Send to: Diocese of Gatineau-Hull

Western Newfoundland: Send to: Ms. Yvonne Young, PO.Box 127, Mt. Moriah, NF AOL 1J0,


New Zealand

Christchurch: Send to:Roy & Claire Bickers 119 Hackthorne Road, Cashmere,

Christchurch 8022, New Zealand

[email protected]

Wellington: Send to: Peter Totman, Chester Road,

Carleton NZ, [email protected]

Waikato: Send to: Jesse McElroy 135 Golf Rd. Taumaruni, King Country, NZ,

[email protected]

United Kingdom (UK)

Blackburn: Send to: Tony Ellwood, 3 Dublin Drive, Cypress Point, Lythan St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8

4KJ England, [email protected]

Bradford: Send to: Hillery Carroll, Lower Burnt Hill, Black Lane Ends, Colne, Lancashire BB8 7ER

Bristol: Send to Chris Newton Evans, The Rectory, Rectory Close Stanton St., Quinton Wilts, England

SN146DT, [email protected]

Chester: Send to: Catherine Shambrook, 16 New Street, Elworth, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 9JF, UK

Coventry: Send to: Keith Haywood, The Vines, 5 Church Road, Lawford, Rugby Cv23 9L0

Cumbria: Send to: Patricia Irwin, 31 Blackwell Road, Carlisle, UK CA2 4AB

Cymru Bangor: Send to: Janet Tattersall, 118 Fford Naddyn, Glan Conway, Clwyd, UK

Derby: Send to: Alan Randle, 44 Evershill Lane, Morton, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 6HA UK

Durham: Send to: Eileen Matthews

[email protected]

Exeter: Send to: Rev. & Mrs. Elain Harewood, 19 Swains Road, Badleigh, Salkerton, Devon, UK

Gloucester:Send to:The Rev. W. Vane, 95 Chelten-ham Road, Gloucester GL7 2JB UK

Leeds: Send to: Prem Gunga, 12 Greenfield View, Kippax, Leeds LS 25 7PR, West Yorkshire, England

Page 20

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Leicester: Send to: Nanette Grundy, 136 Conway Drive, Shepshed, Loughborough Leicestershire LE12

9PN England; [email protected]

Lichfield: Send to: Chris Lawlor, Glenealy , Moss Road, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford, Salop UK TF2


Lincoln: Send to: Barbara Preston, 21 McMillan Avenue, North Hykeham, Lincoln, UK LN6 9SA

London: Send to: Sheila Coules, 14 Mayfields, Wembly UK, HA9 9PR;

[email protected]

Salisbury: Send to: Trevor Hogarth, 665 Dorchester Road, Upwey, Weymouth, Dorset UK

Northcentral District

Pat Steele (2013-2014)

Vice President, Communications Chair, Executive,

Finance, Conference

10644 Bennett Lowell MI 49331-9444

H: 616.897.8777 C. 616.901.8424

E. [email protected]

[email protected]

Chicago, Minnesota, Springfield, Nebraska, Northern

Ohio, South Dakota, Western Michigan

The Rev. Donald Seils (2014-2015)

Communications Subcommittee

5749 N. Stetson Ct. Parker,CO. 80134-5830

H. 303.841.0631 C. 303.523.1315 F. 303.841.0631

E: [email protected]

Indianapolis, North Dakota, Southern Ohio,

Fond du Lac, Northern Michigan, Quincy,

Michigan/Eastern Michigan

Dee Settelmeyer (2012-2013)

President Elect /Publications Chair, Executive,

Transistion, Finance

56708 E. Prentice Pl Strasburg CO 80136-9604

H: 303-622-6264 C: 303-905-6053

E:[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Iowa, Eau Claire, Milwaukee, Colorado, Northern

Indiana, Montana, Wyoming

Northeast District

The Rev Eddie Alleyne (2013-2015)

Cursillo Leaders Development chair

331 Hawthorne St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225


E. [email protected]

Bethlehem, Central New York, Connecticut,

Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, West Virginia ,

Northwest Pennsylvania, Virginia , Western New


Valerie Crosdale (2012-2013)

Publications Subcommittee

670 E 42nd St. Brooklyn NY 11203-6503


E: [email protected]

Albany, Armed Forces, Central Pennsylvania,

Easton, New York, Newark, Pittsburgh, Southern

Virginia, Southwestern Virginia, Washington DC

Alan Rogers (2013-2014)

Publications Subcommittee

3 Huckleberry Drive Orleans, MA 02653-4939

508.240.3146 E: [email protected]

Long Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Rochester,

New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont,

Western Massachusetts, Belize, Barbados

Southwark: Send to: Molly Osborne, 2 Imperial Garde, Cedar Ave., Mitcham, Surrey CR4 1ER,

UK 32 or Crown Drive, Inverness, IV2 3QG,


Southwell: Send to: Martin Tyack, 52 Davies Road West Bridgeport, Nottingham UK NG2 5JA

[email protected]

St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich: Send to: Tracy Dove, 47 St. Wendred’s Way, Exning, Newmarket,

Suffolk, UK CB8 7HJ

Wakefield: Send to: Lynne Germain, 19 Central Ave. South Elmsall, W Yorks WF9 2HH, UK

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National Episcopal Cursillo® Committee 2012

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Steve McKenney (2014-15) Cursillo Leaders Development, Finance 8505 Edgemere Rd #304 Dallas TX 75225 214.691.5384 [email protected] Dallas/Fort Worth, Northwest Texas, West Texas, Rio Grande, Mexico

The Rev. Peisha Roumas (2012-2013)

Publications Subcommittee

913 E. 100th Terrace Kansas City MO 64131-3372

C: 816-507-8099 E.

[email protected]

Western Louisiana, British Anglican Cursillo, Western

Kansas, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic

Harriet Duff (2013-14) Communications, Conference 11914 Slater Overland Park KS 66213 913.963.5434 [email protected] Kansas/West Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Scotland, Honduras

Western Carol Willliams (2014-2015) Cursillo Leaders Development co-chair, Conference co-chair 642 E. Wesleyan Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 H: 480-966-7779 C: 480-966-7779 [email protected]

Alaska, Australia, Eastern Oregon, Hawaii, Idaho, New Zealand, Oregon, Olympia

Matthew Finnigan (2012-2013) Secretary, Cursillo Leaders Development (chair), Executive, Finance 7715 Pacific Hwy E. Milton WA 98354-9635 H: 425-643-3861 W: 800-551-0511 [email protected] [email protected] Arizona, El Camino Real, Northern California, Spokane, Navajolands, Belize

The Rev. Peter D. Snow (2013-2014) Cursillo Leaders Development, Spiritual Direction-NECC (chair) 927 36th Ave. Seattle, Washington 98122 H: 206-329-7312 W: 206-319-3784 E: [email protected] California, Los Angeles, Nevada, San Diego, San Joaquin, Utah


Calvin E. Hefner (2014-2015)

Conference (chair), Publications

5518 Lancelot Dr. Charlotte NC 28270-0422 E: [email protected] East Carolina, Mississippi, Upper South Carolina, Western North Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, Atlanta, Georgia, Western North Carolina

The Rev. Linda Pineo (2012-2013)

Cursillo Leaders Development, Spiritual Direction –

NECC 3404 Doral Lane Woodstock, GA 30189


E: [email protected]

Central Gulf Coast, East Tennessee, Kentucky,

North Carolina, West Tennessee, Lexington, South


Janet Jendron (2013-2014)

Communications Subcommittee

623 Timberlake Dr. Chapin, SC 29036

H; 803-941-7089 C 803-446-2566

E: [email protected]

Florida, Central Florida, Southeast Florida,

Southwest Florida, Cuba, Tennessee,

Page 22


Charles D. Hood (2008-2013)

NECC President

46 Lorca Way, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909-4482

H: 501-922-4800,h W: 501-922-1411

E. [email protected]

Dave Millar, Treasurer

606 Mirawood Trail NE Concord NC 28025-3185

H: 704-782-1318, W: 704-427-6921

C: 704-796-0536

E: [email protected]

Sue Davis, NEC Office Administrator

P.O. Box 70657 Myrtle Beach SC 29572

W: 843-488-2956 W: toll free, 1-877-ULTREYA

E: [email protected]

The Rev. Alan Scarfe Bishop Liaison

225 37th St. Des Moines IA 50312-4305

W: 515-277-6170

E: [email protected]

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Editor 4th Day Magazine Esther Bell 203 McClure Gonzales, TX 78629

H: 830/672-3853; C: 830-660-6028 E:[email protected]

National ECLW Coordinator Nina-Jo Moore 763 Jimmy Billings Rd., Vilas, NC 28692

H: 828-297-5079 E. [email protected]

Conference Servant Comm. Coordinator Thom Neal

630 Galway Lane Columbia SC 29209

H, 803-783-6588 W: 803-931-0028 C: 803-466-4718 E: [email protected]

Conference Site Coordinator Betsy Neal 630 Galway Lane Columbia SC 29209 803.783.6588 E: [email protected]

Coordinator NECC Veterans Doug VanDemark 908 Jonathan Drive Plainfield IN 46168 317.710.3578 [email protected] The Rev. Denzil Hinds Consultation Servant Community Coordinator PO Box 130189 Springfield Gardens NY 11413 718.778.6485 E: NECconsultation_chair

Missi Doyle Finance Committee Coordinator

PO Box 461930 Aurora CO 80046 303.617.3177

E:[email protected]

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