Page 1: ^4S^s^Sti2^ - · Umbrellas covored, 'repaire d an made to initr Ogiajns and Melodeons to Rent i ON J[ONT£I£A INSTALMENTS. lyiusical Instruments of Every Description:

• * "raf tte.Efilnjf season we tare again made special arrangements, which, togetherJfA"—* • - •'->l»ipox^tlaJ«e«a amJ-oofTiiraetice to Bl f t -^VB OABH, will —

._,_ attoWmCe tbaf ire bare lobked to their iulereet, as well as pure, and

.toaellitijein LOWER than any other bouse In this city.

I f BaQJBS, direct from the Importer^ at 20, 30,'st, 38 cents per lb

Iby Un Invoice price, at 40, 60, CO, 70, 80 cents, best.

^Valencia Raisins, 12i Cts lb.' lb. Best Citron i35c. lb.i G O O D S , under special rrangcmeuls, lower (bun ever

t*new Trend PIIDNE8 at 14 cents per }bVthanbfacturero' prices

i J, UTTER, BUTTER, BUTTER,Bcadq larlere for best Orange County Butter, at wholesale and rolail Being Urn directagents Cor these Dairies we will cell at lint coat, thereby making only a email commissionfroM ^producer We arealBodealers In

WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS* _ "Wliolcsalo ani l R e t a i l .

Come to this old and reliable Finn, and satisfy yourself "as to Oiir goods No in-ducement except PNE LpW 1'IilCE 5>i tho best of GroctrlLS

W^NSTOCK & KAUFMANN,t°" V ltVOki 1 9 3 Burnet Street .

/ US TJitaor Groor's Hall.


Music Store,Masonic Hall, - - -

STEXWWAY'SJ.. & 0. FISCHER, and otner T

" " " ' Celebrated Organs.wjw^f^yrpm jajv ai • e>aaaapssBj *y « ^ / s WJH%V*.VI ^trigcaillOvPRINfJE (t db'S\SWEET-TONED ORGANS AND MELODEONS •>

U m b r e l l a s .A large and varied assortment of m\ own

iilii lie

Furs, Satchels, Trunks, CanesUmbrellas covored, 'repaired and made to


Ogiajns and Melodeons to Renti ON J[ONT£I£A INSTALMENTS.

lyiusical Instruments of Every Description:JTIOHOS, Accordeoni, Gu'tors, Concertinas, Flules, Ilarmomcons, Piccolos, Tamborlncs,Flsgedleta, Bones, Banjos, Drums, Fifes, Tfinngles, Pitch Pipes, Tuning Forks, lew'sHarps, Muaio Bgxes, Violin Strings, Quilar Strings, Banjo Strings.

J3HBE>T MUSIC—The Largest Collection" ,77 ~~ ever kept in this'City,•Sonsey's .Cheap Iffusieal Publications, LitoltT,g Chfap Classical

Music, Hitchcock's Dime and Half Dime Music.blQ *??]?]& of.*2*# ietaripUoa, for Sunday, Publia and private Schools,

pianos, Org-ans and MeiodeonH Tnnicct bjtan experienced. Tuner from. Neve Yiorli.

Frisbie J s Fischer's General Jttnsic Store,Masonic H4II, New Brunswick, N. J. '

jots dawly1 '




J o" ft C CTCUIIDT'C. t>a ft Cs^o i c n ^ n i , Os1ST O . 4 K I WT Q- B L O C It 4

r fF^r.^ Trimming for Ladies' S^cques.

^enJf&Futnishing Gopd , Shirts, Umbrellas, Gloves,""* ' Ktc. Agents (or

Singer Imprjoved Sewing Machines & Needles''i'u11" far all Sewing Machines.


STILL at the FRONT.Oysters in Every Style.., INCREASED


0 0 0 OiO ' 0 0 O! 0 ' —0 00c0

• • 8 -oCOCO'



o 0o 0








: ItK








Rtrpcctfully informt her numerous Cuilomcri and the public in general that, thd him recently fitted up, in addition to ftcr commodious

J M t o L r t . .Q^ttaen's Refreshment Booms,: THREE URGE ROOMS,

-JV *Ae aooqmmohatian^if LADIES and PRiyAfJS PARTIES, which arereached, by a private entrance, thus obviating Hie neotsslty'a/ pasting through

She ho* tteured the lentotttqf, a FIBST-OLASS BAKER and ORNA

SuqoesSpis to ^4S^s^Sti2^1 1 - 1


I * 1 1 1 I « »

Fine Watch-es, Clocks, Jewelrv, Silver/ and P,1 J I ,1 1 *1 I I , II , / 1 , 1 ,11

IN ALL THEiR VAttlETIES, S T A N D ' ' ' "' J "' " '" ' 'B1AW, , , . 1 1

I 11 1


j . METZRATH,A large and complete stock of FURNITURE constantly on hand I would, respect

'ully Invite attention to lay stock of

Parlor and Bed Room Furniture,?1iltb I am polling at low prfcea Call anif fexanHne ' 'whlc

NO. 27~ALBANTNew Brunswick, N. J, Jell \j

J. W, COOK," no T cntnion sniEfeT.



STOVES,^Sbeetlron, Tin and Copper Ware,Hot Air i uniacob, iUnrsn w o i^itimord I left ti-

er 8, lMuinbmg, ban und Steam Fitting,

, 2 King Block,New Brunswick, M J


Bracket Shrive Bureau fops Hearths, FloorTll.cs, Uuollng Slate, me

would call tbe attrntlon of Architects,lers aud housekeeper to mv (A\ H \rnii(r «) 1'ittent Hot Air Hun^o ilmtnillfurilolWuter llirough Hit. building Ucnl

J, ItOOBt and Warm tlie Holisi), wilh tlionanio-fW Ktiy ot ihciK^ L'CnuliljiUKanbi.0JULll[ILr^tlQ|] ID tl l lBtl l ) , lind LVLI)Ol!l ghll lg LI]tire sallsfactlon ju

A OHAN&EofBASE.Headquarters

ron HUE

F A I I I T _&ROOHRIES.Isaac L. Martin

BigA learo to Inform tho nubile that lie hasREMOVhD-to Ills

- "NEW" STOBEf "

.iljomfng tin old stand, where tyltli Increasedaccoiiituodatluuti, lie I unalilLd to mcot iho denmmls made by a largely lucnast.d trade

Groceries of Ois Finest Quality.BEST TEAS AND OOFrEES IN


No. 77 Church. Street(Above George) yd«£U

Attachment Notice.NOTICE Is liercbj gh en that on the IIRecnth

day of Siptembor, 187S an attachuielitIssued out uf the Circuit Court of tho countyof Middlesex, returnable on tlio flftli day ofOctober, 1875, against the estate rlglita anderodlta, inonuys*and eireclil, good aud cliatto|slauds and teucinouLs of lluury 13 Willy andKobel't L Wltly, partnera In trade an II 13Witty & Uom|iauy, at the suit of Jonathan E11111, for the euni of oiglit hundred dollars

O I I A K L E S » 11U.L, Olork.Q R LIND AY, AtturnoyOctober 30 1B76 00U!



OKKAT DAHOAINS IN DOLLS TOYS QA IFBSWISS HANl'D GOODS l'ANOY 11AMKEIH »0KKUOXK8 itmiMONNAIFS and otlior Hollcto Ooodiat j rices to suU the ttmua. A|l gooda marked down

A liberal dlsoount to Falra and Hunday schools «


Building: Lot,In (lie Tillage of Adana- (four mlloa south of

this oily, on Pennsylvania Raltaoad), situated,

near t in Depot. •'' v ' •""


or axebangad for tlty jiropertr or gooda,»\ 1' M ' j l n Jill ,11 1 1 I .rijrf f \ 1 At,I J

Practical ¥atctuns,ker,Munul'aoturer: ot Joiroir^.

a JJE.VC1UJT.. uaaiO.Uianii.Kanr BruugiJewelry1 ntade" to Tirder ^Vatches, Clocks.

Jcvrolry ana Mu le B o m neatly rci aired andwurrauted Monogralos and Engraving neatlydono at Bhort notice

Vl-ua <jlolU Kiuga-^teue tour'a uetfeepersons ruatdlng out of the city can ordor

goods made ami lake them away tlie same "'" • ' / • :

Adlournod Slicrlfl'a gnlo.rN Chancery of Now "Jersey—ijetwtenihgHome Insurance Companr of Newark.

Now Jorsoy, Complainant*, atlc"EI>erH Hall;admiDlstmtor, etc, til Jacob V,, Martin, deceaaed, aud als , Defendants.,—FJ Fa , etc , 01foreclo ure Dated Sent 18 187S 1 1

I he salo under the above Btated writ elandsadjourned to ^

TUESDAY, January 26, i'sVo, '

ats o'clock p m , pi (hoCourt Ilouao, Ju tbeLily of New BrunBwlok, Now Jorsoy.

MeCartcr, Coult it Keen, Solicitors of'tornplainints deSOtd


CK'y Siirvbyor

1 II II , 1 1

•uo l?it

S ' B i W U I d / I l i i* i< i

6ivil Engineer,i ( m o ,7 iu{ T i n)

(Reilay ^Qrim^teafmBMIdin11 PAT«H«O|r fTRHBT.



Jfew Bfunawick.A UGUbTU8 D A T F I E L D ,



Office, l4l!George street, Orovoi'fl'Buliaing.ifff-lT

>» J>runawicfc{"City lota aad ftrma sorrerod lad J lotted, Uod areaa

aft'auUtod, alio contents of all forms or larhooaluidultfs!|iaj!alildoiit,dlTi<l«t i f u l putlUoied oilOnulne ada ttbpograpiiloai laapi TUna rurblilioil loiUrlng out and omauiiaUiu; frotidAs, etc,

mylB ly' i '' * t 'JOHN HILLH0U8E '

A<ljouraed SlicrlO'* Sale.

IN Chancery of Now J e n o j , — Bolxi'onTlie ITomc Insirrauce CQinpan> of New

ark New Jersoy, tombliitoa its, add Eblr IIHall, administrator ot Jacob L Uaruo, dqceanod, ai.d als., Defcndaota —Fl Jba , etc , Dnforeclosure Hated Blpt 13,1875 ~

Tlij. julo under the above slated writ alandadjourned to

1 Ul SDAY, January &. 1976

at" o'clock h m , at liio Court rioutrlty of Now lirutiHWIck New Jcrscv

11 M LUl'AKOUS Late BherlO.McCartor, Coult & Kcun, Sollelfors of Com

A<Uournc<t 8ho>ltTs Sale.

IN Chancoryof NewJcraey.-'Bciwoen JosephLotkwood, Coaiplalnant and Ann rlua

dordoii et at , DrfmrluntB —*l Fa , e t t , onforeclosure la u6d ScptcraborlS, 1870

T io salo under the ahove BialLd writ standsadjourned to

1OESUAY, January 115, 1676,

at 3 o stock p m , at tke Coort House, In thecity of New Brunswick, New Jersoy

M M LUl'ARDUB, Late SheriffSbufcr A Uurand, Hollctlor ef llemiilaiiiantdLSl td

Ackjournod bhofiil'8 Male.

IN Chancery of New Jersoy -. Bolweou McRecBwlft aud al ,- Complainants, and Jacob

F Schenclcand a l l , DcfciidUhtS"—II l a , etc (on foreclosure. Bated July 23, 1675

l l i t s^lc under the aqote stated writ Btandslidjoumed ,to

I TUESDAY, January 25, 1875, iat i o'clock n m., at tlie Court Bouse, In tut1

£tty of Mew Brunswick. New JoraojM M LUKAUDUB, Late Shorlfl. "

A K Cogswell, Solicitor of CoimilahuuilB.doSOtd

TVf 1DDLESKX CO0NTY StTRllO-1TJL dATK I) OlfKIOK.-Ul.on tht .ppllf.tloB,ort llubolh Unrnott, tdinlnlstratrlll bl Thorn.,,lat«orihtBaldcouBtrorUiadUBU,iI«i«aaeil I

L William Jtalltjr, Jr , BltrrO|T«t»l>r tbfc aald county,or Mlddlessz. do b e W order Ud dlrMl tlia aald idmlalslratrlx to e va pabltD H6t1e* to thi eneltors, ortlio said doceaaed to brine In their Isbts mmaads uiiltilaluis,^ndor oath or aflmnallOB, uslnst the aald eatats within nine moatba irnnthB one vf tbla order,by sotting up a copr of ths ord»r trlthln twnntj d4ja•her Iho dau tueof In flre of the moat pliMa plattaIn said county for laa Bpaoe of two moatba, ana alsoby advfirtlslna; tbe same for thallko s»ao» of tlmo Inthe Tixsa, ov or the le-vrspapera prlneed. In thla BtaltAnd If any creditor shall neglect to eailblt hla Ofekerdebt, douiand or claim ultjiln slid piriol ornfn,utoolhs, after publlo Aotloa: glvea aai ifuresatd, aqahcreditor shall 60 foravar barred of hlq,or her .aotlonagainst the aald admlalatratrlx. 1

OlTin nailer ny lianil lala SIHh Jay qf AUmat, IBIS'

aoST iimd

COUNTY SUft-E F 5 S " t e. . Jainos Dellart, admloiatrstor'ofj WllllamA'TTTl"

murt, lkte of tho said county of HUMlesel deeeSsed. T

I. Wljllsm aellw, Jr., Borrojats ol Ue Bali aoantyor HlddlHBi, do^erebr order Sao; i lnet ths aald Mnlnlatrator to jlyopubllo nptliB to the credlloraof tbe

- ^ — - - •- j w —r —1 . ""~ai ~ " —"^ ^ . ^ 1 ^ 'tax, dofcerebr oraor and, vireet ths aiir tojlTppublljnptliBtothecrodltori<ol, to brinj In their debts, delnkaitier oath or afflrmallon t i ' ' "

Ute vltbla nine moatba frutn the aby eettlnjr op a oopy of tba order wlafter tho aalS ba|Bof, In Sto of lb* n

ltoraof thedelrikadi andt j ia aatdiesorthls order

lh twenty dayst bu>|lo ij««i

TSTOTIGE.fTheJaUCommitieodf loeDpara t ( Jroi-

holder?, at a tneeddg bold I) the (Jourt I^puae

Monday aftornooji No», 18, adopted the jbl

l i l t l l i * ' " ' V > V "M

1 V$'i ts&li1

-Ireland,— - —1 aid Scotkud.

D TJ A.T T Sispuofl for £1 and upwitlds, p jablc inanj partKuglnnd, Iriluad and SLOlland Also

Passage Tickets -to

or from Europeby all the Ural-class Lines of'Steainiuiii >. atlowest rales

for 4o(c3 pf sailing and rates of pasBace, orsending money to the Old Country, npjilj to

Edwin .Elberson & Co,


KH / I


GOT. George_smd Ohiireb1 Streets,- i

. 1H0TA.JJEHE.|AT ' '




A T ' I t 'BDVOED PHIOEB.Also a ine ataorlmoat of the Birmingham

Otulcal (Johpanr Spdolaolcs, manufactured at



uAuJS8&r8AWJKWELBY aifd 18 K.

, RIN08MADET0 ,• > IM1OEDEB ,' I

All work ozeculcil promptly and in a wemanlike mannor by

.Wfttchmaker,(Lale with Ellas Bilker).


•I 1 j.,,nl .fttofflr'tosritiBi-.• »orth,l!aatr 7,» • « , 11»


-1p.m. t mi I i | iMlllalone Harllugon Orijg.toin.

—DuUburgh, Hopewell, WoodyDleTilnlllOIta-OL , [ |

JO IB a* m.lJ

u i,j 111

Eugatod and Rocky Ata, 11

T — X T - i 7 " u T n 1 j H I ,

DEPARTWiei«,T^~ ^ ~ " . II

Black Cashmere Silks,WILL OFJER OK AND AFTKB HOY, 8,, i

300 P I E d B S ^ ' X ^ S S TITAN COST

GOOD qUALrmsATln msiiAlso, OOIiORtD 8LLK3 »l, | 1 and II a

Laiiies' Soils and Over Dresses.ALAfiQEi©TOPO\i,B DHE88RS 1H ALL

Tim M1ADIN8 PO1'ULA.BMAT1£BI1LB t i l l ,•duo, noy an so, »ia,»n aia, »ia.»i»^o.


WALKING JACKKTB at | S 110, l i t , t>% l i t , 11°


"M>il Sacqaes at $J00 and $11,0.BLACK 8 ILK SUITS *C « » . | » a*4 (TO.BLAOK BILE DUXS9 W U H OAaffLS IIAUi.

OVJiU DHK38, |65 TOE TUB BU1TBAMK, WITH ll&AUS; « . « ^ " " - «

OAMliL-SlUIUSUIW, oomnlote, aqd BLACKOASUMMU5 BOIT*, atlSO \

I I I T B I ^ D 1H ,THEBHrti9T STYLESAUo,M18ali3'aiiilJlOX8"6UiT3, lrom two years

old upward, at egjlafly low nrloes t

All th. Faahlomtl. Styl««nd Shades 0




ELF.OAtTT and IUJItNSE BTOOK of L A D W aoiCH1LUKKN a UNUKl' (J031 and





I1OUT WAltM OVlfSBOlia In n^ ? " I M * *" th" •"""">. A 1

oat rarlotPOPULAl

Out) 113 aid l>OMh3TIU3 AT LUWJiU3 ATLUVJ£UPUICrS 1 1 AM KV1B

Broadway, cor. ?Oth S(re6t,N.Y,Only ouo bluck. woat of Fourtli ivonuo

Grand Street, cor, Cl.ry.siie, N.YI Ouo bluot oast of Bowery |

lElPZlGER HALL,No. 235 Peace Street. •

ADOLFH STARS - ' Proprietor,


Newark Lager Beer on Draught,ransH AIMS 0061..

F1EEE LUNCH from 9 to 13 o'olook n; m,L1QU0HS OJt )il 8 i (JUALI1V constuntly ohand , _ ^ auSO Ij

New Music Store,Mrs. Garland

wiahosjq announce (Jiat ahu lias opamtd a nowMusic Store at


NO. 01 CHURCH STREET,lor tb« salo of

Pianos, Organs, SheetMusic and Books,

MnslcftI Instruments, Trimmings, Eto.

l^IAN^S, and OROANS Tor talo on instaU.meilis anff'ror RENr

I CS8ON8 given on Vlano"by ALFBKP 6OAKLAND ooT Oni

COAL.My tho/ Onnr.6 or I tho Ton.


GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED' I i I "S 11 n , •

Ht^vjBtraw.'Salt,Grass Se^ds and Fertlliierki i t i i >T

< i Wholesale and KelalL I , ,

il ^nl . i l , UIWIIIU lllilT win in xjihMir'

\-*MHUfi<H~v siiiifi f tin jt.n ,»riii([ rl> >'a •!.. ^ f i ' I I ' i WII IUI t

J3«fa«rU 46»W)l»ii,itili)Q<^t»yaJiHlltibortly be appointed to a •OVUIOD Jo tbe"••-vice of !*• gulflmore juil.CUilo.Kallroad'

tlOBSl' U^,. Jec, per it»,' ,

.'." "lOaiaW «Mitten, blnd-qiartors . ...10c <tMutton, u»t-4liangm .w,, 185,, "

jetrttoafFruJtay ete , tod ire- ntlarantec t»give. Uian xitlafiicUoai itat lout monjyi(b»,p,

Itls'lrae/tli,—. .,io"mui lUtd"thb<BlAfak'miiv4aaiiMIarj'wtth am 1 outfit coatide $661, lias juflt*• " '"- 1 • 1 ~ ~ wHb a nuggej pi t6\ * "- - 'I«I

WH.Sli;CEIITSP£(.t!!IARL1CalI'arf(i-tJalilm«tiorl«td«k."-> 1 " u 1 <.

^ t m V : r tfrtAaKlMaL'1^ ••N«tr Bronsfrlck Trftnpfer Co

BaW the vxelustn priTUeielo obeek Bag,at hotala on prtnte ceideaseatg points#OHrtBm and West. ,

at flfpaW78 flbiijch streetb i W *° t' rt*<>1** ' t r o ,B I"j *{§iPaaaengere cflaVeyfed to mi/ part bf the oltj,

or BaJlsdlor bjleartof orders aeapore

The1 *oor will llncf a KreatailTailtage Iv burljurtheV 1 1 1 1 1 »

OY SI E ItS• " I , I I ' M l


—'tho best In the city—at 1

James W. iHlousell's,'83 fiHlJBtJH BT, COB-


Si ,

Change of Base!1 1 v I 'M 1 ;_ JI /11 i /

JOHNA. FLAGGi i i t . < j 11

{formerly Northrop7)),

1 1 jii


Plain a«d Fancy <?ake Bakery,CONFECTIOJNEB,Y, ' AND

Ice Gream: Saloon.

Oyster and Dining Roomsand BTTPfSBS FCfJS-


Meals at all Hours.1

'business and to tlnr>wants^ oftlu public he liopis tomont ashore of t b l Kawlni

Wine and Lager Beer* SAIAQ

Ai)e, cor. Sale St

RI11NE AND OTnKR WINES.Also Imp'oriad aqd

CHARLES J0STEN, Prop'rj»u!8-ly 1 i , ^

SCHOOL.Rutgers tioilBgi?Granimar School.


Hdv JJJBAHAM TUDUI BOB Ai IL, Bcctor2 i 1 > T KL ' l ] iYAM '>cU '" l lP!i

1 1 M


. P .

IuBnranoe BrokerI I u II I •• U . 1 '

"OOHtmtBtilORBB OT DBSPtt'1 i 1 * i

for NewTork and Penuwynlila, and N0TAH1PUBLIC 1 1 1 '

Ko.156 George Street.

1 " J • ' i l ' l l 11IJ U '

l; Jliisic Store,Mill D > J 1 I ) | I I I

23 Albany Street,Whuro'can lie round oyorr Article ldtho mni\cat lineSOLE AGENTS IN THIS OITr *01TllE CELBpitATED ElftEST GAD1.E


Haiiies. Bros. PiaiaoB1 1 , A N P I ' l l


OBABUSa W>t u bm I n 11 h 1. j * \ ,

H i ' IT/ II 1

4]IVII'liV'Ail . 'iDhla 1

^ 1 1 ' I T >

Ijt ijf l^frTi Wn^"liir1ffl^r^il •flrT^i*Tn*'jR ^ 1BlinJ III. Illl Ill HHlii'lntl l.|f lull ,llll/i) ,HM.j '-

eie.| n, ••,!, j!From 180 Buroti, -*i 1 IJ »l

rCominbcerBoTi&igfaDd hare W n 'to HKS peerage Tin DbkeTdf Rifch-'

men**t« Been tanfle Uukeof «>rdon.n J; Toe Roes boy dlacoyeredat'Naaliaa, M,H , fiirnrdbf to-be-ti.jB?eiille liar of tbemoat plMoomeoal kind. Ue tud-ius.nngrfrom bU IpareuWSiresldtDfle ,at,,^Uford,N 11

I I | I J | 1 ^ | | - - | ' *

A CIIKIT T-One Heller gave a stow i fEllzsbetb ao3 offered aa prizes a ehnimo—MWiauHfMl, lifelike, natural, already frattied,'abd Budh & oneiaa you wouldil*»Vg 1B, yourptlrldri il OtaledKetau wppl Ijt^md ,gq( pn,eof iLUese i^liromos,"! 't.-iyae abpeit twoInches square, frame, picture and all, cutoat of tme piece of papeV,'tracb ao-'kre(tasted on/the tope of bandknchlet. baocee,01' BUCU asxMme. on plecwjpJiPpiAUn, *f£ are,tpm 9 9 and u W bv thenaphMl flhUJlrm for

larks TUe Chief, seefqg tbVcjWdl. . „ _. affaire, ordered tbe aUbwrnan lo'payback tbetnobiy t6 those who bad come andgetouttjr tqwn aa. qnicklyaaha wwlfl-,-UicM tbe performer thought besf to do at



(orro^m a m i i J

Fine Stock oAt Reduced

And aollelu tbe^abllo t»


Hla assortment, wbieh is w large aa any InNew Brunswick. I oall parlionlar attention to

my1 stool consisting al '1 1 j

Painted, Chestnut, Walnut and'

Whloli I am aelllnfe at a VEBY LOW PRICE

IbaTo'oOnBtaatlT on band10 01 • r ^



01 my own make,

Titomed In the bast manner and warranted aarepoeaented.

rleaae aall and examine tbe atook ol Pqrai-ture In our spaotoua sbowrooma.


Commissioners' SaleOF

REAL ESTATE.Pursuant taan order of the Orphan*' Oeurt

of tho county of MlddleseXjniade uu Um ubtb

oomin)6slontra In partition, will sell at public\ mdue, on

TUESDAY 5th Say of OCTOBER,A. D 1875 at ivtb 0 clockp "tnl, at the CoartUQuaoinJSowBruna|vir(Ck,ln tbe aa(d county,al| 1I10 laud and, real estate wbercof AtnbrosoSmofllcy lately1'dletl seized, situdlM In itketownalilp of Jflseataway, eounty ot Middlesexand Stale of New Jersey, ileBcrlbcd as follows

tot No' 2, ktioat ono mile from Nt* MarhtOD tlio it>ad lesidlifff from Hftrrla},laueito NowBrunswick, and adjolulngland of IsaacBmalley

acres of land on 'the road leading {from

mile from the Homestead t no; 5,'conttuDiiiE i »-ioa acrta, .more or

(CBS JjpLiigpn tba aforcsaldjoad,L0IJS9 4. cobtalnlug J^ll 101) acres, ad]ola

tni lMda"nd\lr or Ute PUlonGlarkeod'sLot. N916 qonmnj ahout II ftffcs,f;Jajnd,ad-

lolnlng Lot No i, dlsacrlbod irrr?~i"rL6tB'Nds i,!,'i aad V above mentioned

ba|njr,thej>i<unis,ea;coBToyiid to aald AmbroseSmaller, deceased, by deed of lsaao Smallerand wife, dated April 8,1800, Moortod la Middjpsox ClorVa oflloe, In Book, Jill qf Eeoda,uaoo 151, aud Lot No 1, above mentioned.bling the samo premises' conveyed to aald; th s o premlseB coAmbrose BiUiaUoj byi two dceda of ^Baac.VaaDeventcr and others, llrat dated JtarchXioW,r c o r d d n l d u l f k lUi ni'Bootv»iofrecorded in add Work s olUoe, _Ue«0a, na«e W| raonA datad JU . . _ _ „ ,185C, recorded In Book 75, page 7.

Conditfoifs made knbWti ondaV of saleu lJatadiTul- ~



i Commlssloncre

The aale uader the above stated order Btandadioumed to I U K S D A Y , OCTOBER US, 1676at two o'ctuok p tn , at tho Court House InUIL city of Now Brunswick, New Jarsejr, , ,


oc7Slw n rCoGm7ssioner«Ibe above aalei 'stabda [adjourned to

>VEDNt§DAY, DKCEllUER 1, 1S75, at tillaamo time aud place ' J

New Brunswick, Oct 28,1870. 1ABHA^IAM 8MALLBY,LEWIS APr^EuTh


-IMWB** 8TOBER,1 II C9pm|ss/onet|

alo stands adjourned to WEI C9pm|ss/onet|

, The above salo stands adjourned to WEDNKSDATf, HiB 8,1870, at tho same hour-fendplace 1 j yi 1 L )

Nnff Brunswick, Dec 3,187*.ABftAlIArfSMAfcL'EY.


d t c H A ™ A" ^SSffittioncrB

J f

pw » ounif ".'ii» 1 I 1 Ii 1 |ini 1 11' in!; , 1

Only $1.50 per Annum.1

Itoontains a catefuUy nlstttHirtwumaI I 1 1 ni )u, 11

larly thjat whicfTriiaies to ourin 1 ITIIIII Pnwiin TII I- 1 imnid

1 City and Onmty: It'al* '

*i l»l

Ill I 1 1

1 l<

IJ i./r,Jl. ju ,

Page 2: ^4S^s^Sti2^ - · Umbrellas covored, 'repaire d an made to initr Ogiajns and Melodeons to Rent i ON J[ONT£I£A INSTALMENTS. lyiusical Instruments of Every Description:

' *~,J'-J fr^frncrt

counly U $1.70 per annum:DAIIA—VWttiiSoftfts M « l * Wfctasemd

' . 5 j r

NBW BRDHBWIOtf; N. J . : •

A. moat clrcumstauUal' little''fraa'd'ta 1bb(

boyvwilb a dojen names, who' has beenfound np In Maw riaropshtte, a'njJ-~•-•»•'-

ROM. ^ He -gate sueli a mixed .account,«(L

bit '1lte,'iisJ beed at 'so many placbsyha*such (lira but natural recolloctlAris' or' Pblla-'delpuX'1i|a«"to unkeuipi, aim ySt a ^remly so. ifftlc underooatb tiie dirt, (bat lieba» beau tfeted by raUroail men and selectmen1 fend privntd-tltlzens, and baa bad nis

elegrapned all AVer tbe tonntryi Hi! Is poV, tiiajrley How,'

i l l l i tby Hie, w j , , ,uowerer, but a well-known little villain J)tten, from a Yankee 'factory, i Apparentlye^cryt!odyU BttlljDn'lKeiookout for the lit-t)e Pliilailelpblan',', Ibis boy was u'ne rfbeby a nar conductor, n u 0 Inslstod op makinglilriitbe loot Charley, and many other: poo,file wBoiil bo cnliodtn discovered BStrlfcing

TOiWnoe Tliejympatbyfelt Jur^tUq're«TOiWiinoe. - Tlie.jympatby.feltHoss; family/nd^jbo^ Interest felt lriptbofate pf£ tfie|i(fet|bo£r bas bcori, 'we may Jay,

\world-wide ; atid as a'brie'Wuch of'naturemakes the whole .world kin, so wherevertbep §tt|areat8/1jjpr8Jbe linage, of Char-

andpg on.'ihelr Uea'rl

lueir eyes are constantly wanderingd i

and lueir eyes are c t y gJfter'Hbe^llttlo fellow andvdlscovwin/r'iilafeatures In every little anonymous wan-derer. It is • WituraV' but ' Very foolish.There is scarcely a hope that the boy can

.ever befound4-tbftt'fo'UV'iljVo. The men

fiiriuer oijjeo't to be gained1 By keepingiltn.All the money,that wpuld. be oflered had

. been, anV'the service ot" the poor'little fel-low, could, hardly (je ,fern.u.ncrativo tothose who held him. There Is no doubtlu our' niltia' that If. OUarl'oy /ftoss hod;

_not_been_knied-soon-aftor__fals_capture.h&\»bu1d have beefl returned for tbo ransom.,It could • very easily have,.been.,arranged by;the criminals. If tbe correspondence sup-!

' jiosed (p, have'jDecn ,|ield,iylth Iliem ju.tbejPL'iiadefpliia newspapers was gonuine, andjnot tbo worli:of

' seems to show thatso,tbi

uie boartlesa rascal, it.ic people who kept It

1 turning the boy—for J^ra they could not]- -deliver.. Tlie refusal ttyjpnfesii 'of the aci

complice who was convicted in Philadelphiaalso points .to Ibe 'same fact. It is more

'' than probable, it Is utmost certain, that tho"~~ hue and cry raised by the press immediately

af,fer Ibe abduction, and tbq thorough search;made, frightened Uje villalus who tobbi-hlm]and that they killed htm to avoid capthrci

..They were men who .would, only, be deterredfrom murder, by the fear' of .detection, andthey have doubtless dropped; the 'toy Intthe water with stones about hlii), and

' ^urieif altortaln. eVldcnc^pJViheir g:"forever."1 What jufltfceUeavonjneTosou

• Budi 'men! toes'' speedily shown byiilhelf' awful.dealb on Lo'ng;" Island while.en^iiger)

, in:.. another crime; wHa thoroughly, abanj-'' -obnijif rifloUii/J, they. Were fa pn»r"<»<J1b}' tfwlf

liardlbood when deathslarpd them In tboface; how inefficient aud almost 'worthless

• our, police,'are, is .-'shbw.ii.B .iho fact! liiist'•theaemcp, bnviogaccoiilptlshed" this worst! of'.ylilajqles.and'l|iaden','lt;;.<;puld';'go,0$%•their lifeof lawlessness unhindered aud onjy•'• uB.:trought lip by' ihe'mnskii"bf,-'^.' iwlj/ftte


rjureh. Tfie edifice wasndtoBtillstaDaaig/attdM•e»r»;Jeory,iletbodliit Uiurcb.. and

____ ja was signed by iiaat gra j" 6, 1609, 4n,*mieof'*«maDdsr»4nUapprab«iwoni•'-x pr©o)f I AdispgtebfnHDSaaDlenami'tt|)Ot Jhi

>y tbe Rev. Thomas Warn.rirtrt doty tbat.iras given, ,b4o)e w }fotffravelipg )|)rougb Dorcliester circuit, in tbe

ljtreerChurolir*akingiph«»-dpnmr'iliir sea-blon. In tbe following year, in companywith William W S

prftqH I Aidtspgtelbfi*• tbe"

1 Tbes« were among t&V 'early days ofMerSoulBta lu tbis- eondtryi WesleVandjWtaltfleld, during tbclr Tlsitt 1Q toBrJca,[bad founded uu societies, tuu flucjetff of,tbc cburcb tiling left tu Hut labors, o£«,.par-'ty of fmmtgrants froin Ireland, vrko 'Jiadbeen meinbcre of Jttr. Wesley's .suciewes Jqtbe Okl World. '-It was as lite as 1766 that.these few followers were formed Intoclass IoMn»vmiUm by X'hlllp Eiuburyr whhad igatned ionie knowledge of rtliglaVwork from local preacAlpg in Ii eland. I .bis labor*, lie was .soon greatly assiBted byOa'pt."Tbonl"aa Webb, an olllcer of theJJritisb^qay,«a<ttenedjlp.»X.<«i,ynwhiJbad received a license from Wesley In 1701)In 1709, Webb pjeacbed with marked suc-cess on Long-Maud, and in Now. Jersey,Delaware and. Philadelphia. • lniObls sameyear tbe first chapel was dedicated In Johnstreet; in.N.t, cltyJVahd ty^ye- - '-"~Vl-f i t *• M t h d i s t chfirst ' Methodist chiirciwas erected. In <17J1., . . .pointed FrenoiBAlbury. superintendent ofthe i American ^''toeletlea.^-WJth s -'flih

became '"intimately arfd-'neoted, Mr. ,As!)«y..continued ,-,Ui,-tblacapacity for a short time, " — —"-'

Two hundred American residents in Ber-pin held a meelint; uu 'Monddy to expresstheir abhorrence of tbo Urcmeriuveu crime,


ter^Jd'otfnneotlob with Tbomassen's cshno,f in" (B?*Sfa1nTon~'Rlver*aT

, has mbvjid;<Hlt, carrying_ irAfibpfS, (gills aDd manu-

factories. " "A poitlon of the village isQoodcd and several "dwellings have beendeurtM: fTwo Iraudred ,«nd fifty, feet oftbe?\ipper»milldam dyko Uai been1 oaf-flea»way. „ , , "ii3Ski F . Miissellman-df Indiana,, accord-ing loTHMSUhlf-ian-eporrof tbeHrristecs ofSinltbsOfl College in^:tbatSlale, "appears toSinltbi6fl C l g , ppha** :been; .indulguig -In: some, very cheap

Af iU $5000 I

America; and In the same year, .after aunaMm^J*!°M<>u^/:'Mtn» ; Amdrlcan•Amdrlcan •fn Boslou, 1

ceedlug this the life of jSjsbop Asburv coutainVinlt t l* i|lsto>jt 0*,' thgrp<b]ji1Bsli,aud.growth of, jlethqdism lu tblscouulry, and1

during several years1 of khatiabor^HenryBoehm was'his' active. ,co-laborer, fhi,Blsliop chose Jilm as hla traveling companion.ln the Spring.of 1808, and conlinutd|ulffl;in-tbat'4)ositipn:untiig8j8ft Thf>3 his'fay of-ftDelr - joupigys tojgetjijf;is}fep(of0with ' Huveuture and_ hardsuipB." FutlicrjBoeh^ pjteu iu.l lsTaTer years nalli|ded to

im.pbnaot'rp^ri6d"bf (iMlifoysfor ba'Was tbo,representative of. the cburcb. He crossultbe Allegheny Mountain^ many, times inhours. - He visited lodiana, and went 36

U6n ^ p fremarked.: "I.wiis-bls .traveling compan1

ion anil bosom'friend. 1 oncosAw hihorse run away and was very much fright(:ned, and <larednot"run tp him for fear myhgrae.w iiJcV frighten blB.. .1 stood sUIl andprayed most earrietily". The horse' sooijstopped.". ,Subsequontlj;hq. was.appoiuudby Btaliop Ajbury pri;8imuB:>ldcrJ it tieSchuylklll dfsulct. . . "

father Boebm continued for many yearsto preach'as a circuit Minister,'and he becatiie 6ii«i"of 'tbo most cmln'orit niet of thechurch in tbo early quutir of- tlmuuniuryAmong bis co-laborers, and iutimate acqualntances were tho, Kev. Drs. Willie,'ObVudler.jind.abllere, GoV.-Doisett'of 1X1aware, Harry Ennuis, Jesse Leo and WllHam Colbert.; 'In 1842 bis >bors us a circult mililstec camu to a,close. At that (uno

U tministers, and ftatibned':on' Staten Island,being In the Newark Conference, Where hocontinued to preach for many ywrs i Inrecent-jeare1' he was-* retired; on ' the- llstf ofmperannuated" clergymen; preacbjng veryildbtn, except" •otf-Wme ^gpeclai occasions.mong these th;e njqst note™rt(iy,pei''as the Centennial, celebration of

lug of-'f Nd T

^twshonldbavSs.trcnd of dscovof Gbariey. Bosses. ,::if' he* w'ere '.aitve""ne

• tbo.sJoliipBtrcet rMethodlatehufcU'Ndw Tfork'city/ WlHch lo6K Jp!»cf(1.1868.. Jn.April o/.last.year^e'pfpjcli "

in Jersey CHy.'",! pn'.X|ec. i2'dl"'ihiB'year

rwouldb.»yebeen.;;longiagoit>^'yi'tely:-rij-turucd to his parents. ,,It is cruel:', to'thejn

_1 toibe Inventing lioSxts,.:oil;'toiJi4^Bdffirtogi ' lf t b t k i b ' liit'tl'Vai'fe'and

n Jersey Ctiyr p ^ e d ^ p drffils year Upreached in ' the'village church at Richin6ndrStaTiBtftJ«l«D<lr-wbefl'ibe;Contractcd aBevere cold, which ia said to have haBtcnodbis death. t •-.

ione's self to be taken in y- toiegr>pbing'.bno's1 wild, lmagttilnfes "abouti tbem.i) We do not ?air iff/,any man.i'lias.tile^ i a r 4 l h o o S t r t t ^ a * b o ^ s e h a r l o y R | 8

7 ;Bhoot him-on. the spot; b'ut'.we.llo say'lle" ougbt to make hlinself qulto auro first, and;, tlien if .to is gulled privately write desqrlp-

tlons and send photographs to the parenti.31r^Boss has rj|QdoubtrS[)Out avfprtune al-ready in telegraphing and in traveling,! and

Uoougbv'no)^4fes^!¥9»lJ9^taU^^rands:from one end of- the country to the

- other; abdlse. suppose he can hardly con*! tent bio pirental InfltlucU onougU to decline

tp.jphe'y '(jjese f(>oluib. balls, Jtiiqiigli, 00vlnced of their folly. •• ' '• •• -' ' '

York Jul-tlco of the1 Court of ComfrioD Pleas, and ly.asalgnmont Equity Justice of the BUproi IO

" bourtj-who' Wai' ;recontly'.;'iilvolye(lj-in1 *'serloiu scandal :wlth !a- woman,'ja"in

again :oil'the-bench.',:lt will be remebored tbatbe peauadedliis wife of his ownadultery;1' Induced her lo get a divorce,

. , , .wWci.aHo did- tbo decree of the SupremeCourt of hlsiswn State fprbiddlngbluilto

" marry again,, and then took a ybung-"feirl [toEurope ana, her clrcumrt«na»lstory, iis^ied her1; "fibr'W now s»idi to !be

M oeaiu. ( . • - .<-«. . a j . . . ,^On. JuneS8i_l"8Wi "the! JOOth birthday ofl B b scelebrated, at the Irip

AnAl^jffichVloVnehoity/,Manj prominent raonibera-of1" tlmhurchwire present;' '•'. A' hymn'wrlUon c i

pressly-fof the occasion?WBS'Bung,'entitledf'Qod.of our Patrltttth;Frlend.fl i FatherBoelimepoko at Bijmtt length1,1 referring (otbo wonderful progress of tbe Gospel In tillscountry civilizatidri.Vtle 4ad^prep'ared!<hls'adarcss InmanUBcrlpt, but )vaa,uni|)|q,tfl road it entirein a standing position, and requested, oni. fif

ppresent toido sp; /In this, heeaveidcsclriptio'nw TOw •Yo'rk'and vicl|iity^ first j;islted, thla_part of thejouutry'iwbeni he "was^a:yiArog map. Ifoalso reviewed tbo;history of the MethodistChurch, deploripg the separation whiciUiad1ikrtt»l««:^twews1h«,V,«l)(irst(MSa.fMboNorth and South. The Rev. Dr. Porter httbatmecitiagcpresontediFathEnBoelrm withan-.envelope containing {800. In tho re*spouse wMcli..w,aB.-roado *

Fh Bb

marriage, IUCV say's" hesince he left Now York.. '. IF'?..* i. : .


^ its

1»on ill eHe Is "mich

,......, ,.,.^Tus, that honored and Impartial judge tbothe is, and guilty technically of' no crli ic,ttattf yet his aasociatos pwji lt,jo^beuiBelVceand their calling1 to Investigate tbo_cbar -cs

t against him, and It true to refuse to,at 10'elate with him and have blm-punlsbed by 1 iwIf possible. 1 As the case stadda It Is a ijgrace to the name of Judge.

Steamer after stoamor arrives at NYork, >brlDg>ag| orapgcs^^Bomej fromBoutiern ' States and' Bom"" from Ou ii,Porto.Rlco and Jnniulca, until .the frlill ir-en are at •nils' W In Attempting todispose of. the,ui., Aqd .besides tlio.lenn-sblpa, ejcl) br1bglngvfrr)m four hundred Ione thousand barrels, and occasionally imany as 1(006 tidattreil1 barrels, thero 11quite ft pumbar, q(,jiahoonera la tbe tr do

• each wllb Iti^quoYo. The oouMquenae) Isthat the mwUat M greatly overstocked, dnd

1 th» choicest frultiui going a-begglnso p

,' I,'riio'iaieof theiOUlJclriieic'and'iuiegii ny**«s * * i . . a>m - H . . . ^ . . • j _ J^^(* l tt ' j . . i_M. j



man, at Father Boebm's rcqueat.lilt "wistated .that he desired, In ase ,bo did i

levoted to tho etiucation of young men":;he mlnljtry, „',"^-;'".:7,^.,;.'^.',,;.„ ,

The deathiof Fatber.Boe.lim sevehi.a' linkbinding HBe? "-.'presenV ohtrtbes =-of J thoMethodist denomination with those of 'prlmltlvo btato;uhe/A«heri • t!'

Methodist cnuionly 10 traveling preachers, becoming tbocompanion aiuj ep.laborer of <ho first blibopof the Cburcb who wasofddinaillB America,he has lived to Bee the faith he loyed and)abored: to,,advance |>ec«mp tbo largest Conomination in point of membership in tillscountry,,. TSppfxj BMhni,Vfuu,oral ;wJJl ttfkttplace from the JVoodrowi"ia) ' Ohurch," ''.on,; Staton";

D o c : s i . 1 ••'••

-Wodpruot ace,why Mr. .Hqi)H9rj phojifdM wondBred at" lbr till ropeaWeffiirU} to



the raid 't«in,'Buccef#-1 1' i ~ ui '

LUI. M l,' Senator Morton's proposal to hunt for thebloody Bhirt ln Mississippi feemt1 to Havesettled'two tulngs-Mbe if election 0,1 Ml-Lamar to tbe JJ, 4 iSqoaUTEnd ,tbo impeach-taent at 6ov, Ajnes,and Jiieut,,0ov. ps,xi»-

Pranclsco yes-taken plate be-lerday that a i g l t Q j m f taken place be

Wtteif the=8(8t»-lroops«ad revoMitionisui taBowrfc, ?0 mUvs,sou(b of'tlie bonndsry Hue,and tbat tbe former were defeated", with 10H

After su))scri!

jiir. llussellmttii. ropiidlalud*'It became aue. 1M/ a--<, ,.-.••

y p,000 Inf ^

(. t> ( . . . .. . _I lnrvarO RtfllUievio Wl l l idrnw.' Tbe hot-fireball fllDngitbe. alumni line haBprovcd;itioot8evcre for the Harvard- under-graduates, and she XyiircaBt her vote In thecpiilnE 'ppnviinfion o,n! jaii.' & \o reuiaiti'Jnthe association.i AB is well :know;i, (lieexact contrary course ihas for,days beepimniin(.ut ^but mnmwbile, both here and

ladilalcs bave been quleth

they oppose anything that squints at awithdrawal or 'at anything 'elBO Ibuti flgbtlop: 11 out iu Ibe good old fushlqu, and w|lbwhich \liey have been el\ir'e66lug tbemsolvcsin a verydlatlnct protest, H both grutifymgaud healthy, and pretty conclusive proofthey may he aln ays sufely truitul to see tqtt'tbht no harm comes to the u<>od name ofour oldest university Onoof Mum—one oftbo 'u8 nieu who sign the letter cl»owbcri.—is, wo think, Mr Lortug, thff cnptnin andstt-pko of the famous four who rowed O*ford H(l tells Ihcyoungs'crs pretty plainly'that they will never amount to much tillthey do iin more baril w(ii U, nud that thtjdo not yet know how to Bit a shell '1 liuletter of another 1B vor'y cuti rlMniu j , and hofrees himself nioet happll} when he nays tbuttbo model 11 Harvard undirgrarlunto hnK Incomr so imbnod with lira " C1LCI,IT( idea 'tlfat ho sctms to Uiinlr tbal be can (.housebetu<K.n liouac aud difibonor Her 4uu*remammg in the nseonalion is not to inter-fere ui'h her ruco wilhYali! 01 nuy olliciprivate match she may care to mike Bythus ncllng us her, fncuds hoped she wouldshe will puther rivals, who feared for tholife of tbo ossdciatiou, ngaiu i t their cose,aud Ibe prcpurntln IB to meet the l^iigluliand Irish Lrews will go fortvaid with reuewed energy lu lu is now thi only Innlltutiou whleb has uilbdrawu from Uie asso-ciatiou, aud it does uot look, as though unyother is likely to — H a aid

Uftr KlillltloilM IVlllL IlFlll'O.It appcura that Mml^:r_rqster has once

moie presented to tbo lex ean Guverumeula iiropositimi that tbe regular troops of tbeLusted BuiUjS bo permitted to follon maniudtra ai ross Ibe boundary l h e refusalo t V.Ufi'ClQSt.tuxur'U.t, tfi cogHldei tbla is verynatural Whatever clsu tluTalixiculi miybe—po6r,' dcfenseloaa or deprosBed—ho inalways proud 'Ibe rxecutlveDepartmentj f rtiiejMcxfcan l(ejn)bjic has no powet logrant such a request without the leave of

Singress And If the Congress were tq hekedUd sanutlou the step, a'atormr of

tiio popular protest would inatnully ailse Fiir\k any one who understands the Mexicanicy character -It would be>d|l|luult to imagluo

4&<Ul<gn<'bHc l u ^ i j c h ' ^ l l ^ that Its a t !'7ens-should consent to any surrender of tbe

)partio(e n f lla(, teterolgnty tt

BUSINESS CARDS,beginningedit

salutes andMrs. Moulton bas

D U I T ASD' WXSK1T.OFXICE NO. 2» 'ALBANY obild, 8 yearsqld,.

was probablyupsetting of a kettle

and tbe trepaiaUou, MasonicTHURSDAY EVE'U.D

known better by tbe name~of' Father In Dank, Enbber and BUel 8Uoir« T ietosEnirl.wl in Urst-olu. itrle *BII,er-will bo pushed forwai^

"Boehni, OSS -Ttt6Mty-«fternoon- at tho lor wlilcb n liberal price wlll-tn paid.

Address " JAME»," TJM«8 oflice • 90 2tTbe Fresident Basl»dered a small militaryresidence of blsdaughler-ln-law, near Rlcti-

,4ft»««eJ<»Friday, JDe(] 31; at 2 o'clock.i Pu'rthebeneAlofllie TO LET-

Ctr.) ^ A »r. (i i r tWheslerjk'WUJon'e Sewing Machine",

by nt

Bade a p a K f t frraMed bepouilble Company or longaud "" '

Ill all the large cltieBjuuf towns of the

An appeal''to thei Govenioi; ,for actionigainst Disirlcl Attorney Brltton of Brook-.

a was signed by ii-aat grand jur-* d U b Qtiarles Waggoner,

hi hQti les Waggoner, a

rom his home at EightJ 18, ran awayand Olrard ave-

lnto cAttody by the Jiyesterday and sent home.

William Wolf, a jfalfauraot, w e Q t j

louse, and found Wollblood. Police Surgeon4

fnoned and dressed V "severe "wound 00Jpflloted, jt is supposed, by a

tl»tand*Aof hlTwrW \ \ \of bdd Fellows «f this. suggested tbat each

ild.aSi^lnfft-o/iinidiia ofyn. tongomenls to have the order pnp-

erly represenled at the Centennial Exblbirtlpn. Tbe delegates met at Trenton 'Wed-nesday, and the Bubject was discussed Areport will 1 be made to, the\Qrand (CentralCorxmlttee'of theQrsiAlLbdgBof tlii) (lujtcdStates, in Plfllade'lphlaV- r *^T



ifflreni netring tbe-dlsturbano«rentered4he


«\r V o r k m aV W F t o t m i i o Ifewr

—Flour, BHptirfluoSJaloand Western, ti.SB(34.05,'extra-State, etc:. [email protected], citytrade and family brands, $6 25@8; Boulh-cru Bhipplng extras, $B.60@>8 7(i. 'liyeflour, [email protected]. Corn meal—Western, $8.66@390 £ H h t fl"H100 11 *[email protected].©2.66.

t , $11)8., *2.25v'©

.. PiipviBiONfl—Pork, V bbl., mess, $20.50©2(5.76 i1 prime ime8s,-t;[email protected],'liLara,12{c' gmoked hams 14@>15c Dressed

i p , ,12{c.' gmoked hams, 14@>15c. Dressedb o g B , 8 J @ > 9 } ( i ^ •' r £ . / H - i , > H l ' . J IT. .

GBAIK—Wheat, $147@>1.21, -ln'siorb;red Winter [email protected], and [email protected]; white, [email protected].•'.' Diits•t7(S47ic. for Btatq uilied, and 49@S0c. forwhltc'Ststg.jJGStjR «8®ft4ciff-v'-'- - ' - •Q . . j x e d ,65@0qc. fdr ne"w yellow, dB@68Jjc. fornew yellow^ Delaware,' -. anrPpld vmlied, at7 07 0 ^ .'VHa*SXfl KOu

GROOEIHES — Coffee —Maracaibo, 17}@10fe:j a

' " - ' ~ I l " <»

Java, ^ogi27c.;0 f j a a Rio, 10}@>20}c,lua." <»B7ic i Molasses—

n d , i p i @ 1 0 | t forfor soft,white, and 8t®fi|»

L ' S H l i d b

4>ugara' -»-^«i

QHrfATtY,- 9J@10»cyejlov, N, t , nd 8t®fi|» fotyejov,

LIV'K STOCK—Holiday beeves were held»t lSjc V 1b, and a couple <Jf car loads ofdecent Xcxaus at 7{a, to dress 05 lbs j




pgs Iiislitntio|S|XT Albany Street.5 „ _ _

•»Tntetrntcomnrenewrtlui Flllll'flll >VI1K1M0N1H

Interest crtdited on the 1st day of Januaryftiul July of eoxh year

I»I)rVIIAi1I, Tress


Savings BankXo. 131 QKOItatS SlSi&ET,

NE\»7 BRUNSWICK. N> J-Open Dally during business hours and on

Monday mill "aturiluy Evonttigs from 1 lo 8DupusltH received from ten cents to tlious

auds of dollar*.Intercut allowed on Dcposlta from tho

Pint of tviry Month.Interest credited on tbe F1HST days of6.NUA"-YAl»liHJUV - ,

AllTHUKG OO1LBY, Treasurerno!4 lyilaw

SIIKIUF1< 'fa bALIi—lu Chanueryor New in»y.—HMr tn l i \Nl AB H1AA1M

und MtlWlt M A LOUlLLVOlf uln lulslralun ilJoliu It blan p, d et usi. 1 Cum] Mnunte tin 1 U\]tRLJ-y BIUKAvetUi a ul , Uehuilsuts — n >»TiBuodNO\ a 1S7S

Uy\lrtuei. *ne atwYe4tated writ to mo illrocto 1I trill exiwsu to aale at public tu due ou

1UL3DAY H UllUAllY 1 )«70

at a oclock p jn atllieBhorllTsO^nui lulliocllyofNew Diuuawlck, New Jeidtv

AIllberollowILKa«soilUd tract df pare 1 ot Inu.l

would be a short and easy- termination ofall dlllloulties, If our troops were intrustedwith keeping peace on tho Mexican borderIt United StatefWKildiers could chase tbemarauderB into Moxlcau territory, insteadof halting on thu river bank, whilo tiio cow.-dtdiy ''grcasera)' shout back their derlBlimfrom thu other side of tbo stream, weshould sooit'BCo a dUTctuntsialnof tilingsou tbo boundary

tiov' A C u r l o u i ( t tory .Tildcn has respited Lodicia and

Tlicy WCK. convicted prlncl,-evfdenCit of llHry Davis, a

pAlKrt 'Fredciiburg, the Utlca luurderere,Jor.35"days, nncMhoy will^gfobibly^feceivcpardon or codimutatlon" "TLelF/storj1 Is acurious "obc " The Victlm'^vas TilioTWo"Davis, aud accoidinfi to the cyidcnco at t(iotrial,'tbo, two jFre6\c*burgs rouidered bunw Hb an axe "pally upon thomarried dauglitcr of Albert Fredeubitrg aiida Blstcr-iu-law of tbo murdered: miin.' Tliegirl said she was forced by tile Pi«dcnburgsto bold u. light while they ctmmittcd t(iomurdtr On Friday last, a week beforethoiixecutlon was to toko place, tbo girltonfeMCd that sho lied. In tor evacuee,tbat Albert Frcdenburg, her father, badbad, up coqnectiun wl h tho tragedy furtherthan at accessory after the foot, and thattbo murderer was Frcdenburg's wife,Codlcla,' 'her1 W p rriddcr Goy, Tlldlnwill now ptobably pardon Albert Fredi IIuurg,_au<T will very, likely commute theBcnicuco of Lodlcla, Ills wlfe^the latter | isfor toasons not made public.

On Monday, Dec '27. a'naalLltEWFOUNpLAND DOG, with very black cutly lintr mswors to tbu Hamu of l Jack " A suitable rerani will be paid lor bis loturn to EDWAIp1A1BBY,'ootuer)Eiistou. avenue o>W Wanluni;DU atrcot rIf unlawfully kept h^ any porson, after tho

publication of this notion, such pon;ou vlll bedetlt with ttcdordlnit to Uw. soil* '

There Is.a d|sappojnlod carpet bagger iuHouston, Texas' Bo ^cnt into a wnrdmeetlntr the olncprntght to press bis claimsfor a judicial upmlqatlnu. y Uiiclo Jim Foiter, a colored politician, was in the chairWhen tbo aspirant arose and begau ts stalehis desires, Uncle Jim blandly requesfodhim to "set down " "Why, Undo Urn,"aald (be, astonished spenlter, (• wljat hqvo

Ijl.niajjiBt tuot 1 an] a, good popubllcsn "Oufoioraer, Bali,1'replied the PresidentXou uln'tbeen hero long '-miff togltrde'um(il*it'ii your •£¥ (« bay jjetf down,ib " Tho blighted nmn " sct down,," ami

juMlwideJcrJpiHed^ bring tho, chcumBtauce to the attention oc fleuntor Mortonas a clour cese M Intimidation " I

geVJilmself Into Hhe11 courts again.

pship, lost hl%Ibbsti)Ms, fxaintdHtloU

dp % , C

curses on all hands snd now seems to hii Jno way oitbsr o( keepin

b I / b i l l k, y

TSu<:(!c?lu'uI1 mon, Ithis own..iplxlllgrTSu<:(!c?luuI1 mon, It m

said, have no time 'for cbortablng'grud ;csbut an ppenlug wos bikde throi nh

coop built, and lhe estlmates'of thotoots n iged frumit-» 113,200.

obitlnata refuul to lake tbe d0otori|,:fins."Cine,

^ „-,„,, ™ . of Frriilt ruli rgl«W», i i D i W i . No. 1 Falenon l)l«4

"DIED. < 'COEKIOAN—Ia lersoyOlly on WeilooaJl; 1)«,2»

Owen Corrlgan agod 2 jeini ^V~Th« mlttlvvs »od Jrlojidi of. tbe ratullr m r a -•pooUulljr Intilrf t . «ltond-Ufa funuml, »ltlioutfurther BOtloo, ftt 8.80 a. m., Friday, Dee. 81, TroUithe tate rosldenoe- ol the decfaAed, Blihop etrMt,near Qeorge, and a( f)f. Peter'a Cliurch at 9 o*olock,

HULL—iDtbleeltr ia Wedneiri'ly Dnj. M AlbertV Bradley only cUlfd ol Henry A 'and Kate t) null,

^e I B yeara, fi months and It days.lo Blftind the rinerll, to-atrvijr (Fr|Ja;) at II 30

a. in., Atouitbo realdenoe of hla parents, Wo, 82 Bay-ard atreot.AHUV— In tbll dtr on ThuradaT Dee SO Oath*rlno, dautfhttT of J< dwar(l and Urldinlt QarrVi JUcix}1 )0»r

iajr* Tho relatlTeiraud Irlends of tho family are t!»-sjoalfully inviiud to etUod the funeral, from thoparenta1 realdeuce, oorner of Kaaton *v nuo afadWaah. nglon fltrcdt lo uiorrow (Friday) stUroooa,at 8 o'clock. •

Lost or Stolen.


m no ga4 fa , „*„ )toll you ibatVn • s '

can Ua*iTour bSib • • > -ilrcsieil splcudldly

lorNow-YearoallsatMr-lr tt Zl»»EE»it) s,

Ifo'lOphiirch Btreyt,for,I ( t60 i«n|s, or for^l at honit

I'm going to bave my bolrefQ ' dreaenil jfoe't me tjiere

AUCTIONi 1 1 i

At A, V, PROVOBT^ Auction Itoom, Odd'ellow'svllall, Mellonatreei, on

FrIUiiy AUcrnoori, Dec. 31, 'ul 9 o'clock abarp,


'•/> S*EsUbUibedlSB9.

«»» D B O A D W A Y ,

SEAL/SAGQOES,,.and LADIES'time. Also a full and virliJ lino oFUR IKIMMINOS, 8LH01I liOUC< and OAtlNL

i )< ft Vll ' I

No. 33 Ghurch Street,Now offers to his nuraerouB patrons and the

^public In geusral an uuu|iually large

Of uupirlor ma1 c aud quality at


Gentlemen's Furnishing Good'vuilcly, at reduced prices

The DepartmentIs rtplete with all tho, novelties in SEASON

AUI,B GOODS, which will be made up lo, f.orJatlu a* piipcrlor nufiuti In tbU

* f ) H h H l l '. pp f•* f)ep*HihHll s lvt Ibero n k ma

tLilnl reQudlun fiom fonnti" J -prlUs >Gnt us a lull

Do not f*U to ornmlne 0111 «tj'ltn and |iricc«lu Shirts All tho illtTcrout dlj ka und qu iltlkA pLrlict lit l'UICl SuAWDOWN de-Vdaw

titato of N«w J(.I'HL> Iktfiuiili K oil lroiich Htit-aJI rvot Iront tne corner or I mm street TOIIIIIIIKeast, tlimce nortU Hi feut lo the nil > tliulco tautil feit aloug the allty thin cu eoutli iXt fttl toJireucbstnU Uieni.0 wiut alu g litticli ttlrttt Ifiet to tueolsco of li|{lu]ilu^ IHIUI IVMHCNO U II

HII all tlid luioro\u

together with all anil Blngul&r Ilio ilghla lilxiprWIfcifuivliomlitiuiiUiita uiil aj>purleanii(Jcu tltutu-unto itoJoiigiiig ot.lo uywi t l i

), lvDA CiAltK Solkll

rtUISon 2Tt 11*75

l auywiw ajijttrtulniiiH.lvDWAUU J. KUUIKIB SheriffSlkllur

K U T B S A L E — N o w J . i w yKj Mi|r<.uiuL art —Nlt l lOHS U IILllDLl iiidola PU Mills vi IlrNIAMlH \f UAdlllLINh.UefxlldBIit — m Cs Ward Oil Ifcr 1 la 0.

l)j virtue ol mo »bo»B-4l41«l writ I 1110 JlnclcJ 1will bx ioeo to Bule, at uublio vtjudut. ou

]8 1670,

ru , t the Court llouno, In the city

— the di fondant a right, illlo aud interest in allluoao certain tracts or. parcels of land auo prou Ltcuntrelnsnerpartte larly* ilescrlbed situate, JjlmrsnlbernirllrtuotcwnsblporWoodtrldKx Jn tint-cuuauor Middlesex sad Ula oor Now Jerney tbe llrst trsitbulUM],eDd buntidedasrollu^a Jlegiui u^ata willowtreu on the north s)de of tno road k.u 111 y rrum Urourlyh to Bahway 1 rrviA thuiiod rumilog norlll B diirru Lwest, t chains SI llnka, Uitnce south lOh du,n aeast, 8 chains 63 links, tueuuijiorlb %X dewus west11 cbauislT lluks, tlionee norLh 04 ducreoa wist 4chains41 links, tueuos north SIX drgrees wusL ISoliSlns 16 links, thenoo north 7a£ dLgrOtis WLSI, 111cUMniSDlliik,, then™ soudt l.uegreo 10 uiluult!westfllfchalDaST links tbence south 68^. dpLrcoewest S chalna OS links thonofl south I deirnid ID uiluutoa west la chains 43 Hubs,. Uieooe south 8SJ- de•reoa eust, 4 chains auinka, Lhoece south i deerwiwest, 40 chains »»links thence sou h ta dei,rwsia«IB chain. 87 llnka, tbeliou sdutlt fik devrtia weit, IU^baluA S9 llaLB theuee1 sontb &t) desreca cast, 1(chains thouoe north 4 degrees esst,'lscuitlna Co linksthonwiiortbiKdeiirwteast, it oli.lni 80 links tojbe plsce of btglnnlnif coutalnlny 189 acres, wort, eiltse, *)i I M of wlflSb «ro Incfuded In tin! AfOressI 1road, bounded norm by lauds of Jonathan Pai no andBob n o Vail, east b/iioUort O V.I! and Jo.uhaiukaon. .SOUUj liyJos Clackson, liuiben Urakoaidlohabod Oralg vcet by Ichabod Craig Moo Uarksonand the read running by lehabod (A-aUf a houao

^Uo seceud trsct n«ftby wuvoyid b lng p lot of sslliiieadovHhUieiJi«rltanwr«»tiii adoxs llcglnnlng ma I l s b and iwrlur of. Mil. Sol or s lol, II Su|o »|i i k

llehalnaSollnkiiteaslako, theuca vest a1°°hal«a'l"lllinks u a auka, ihegee south 6 ciiMns25 UnLa to tlplaoa uf kednuliig, containing % »or.s or land, and njJoining HUfs Sppe. s |anj on the south IklanclitouMundy . 0 the wast and Wenry Camnboll on the ealt,•udHlli.iiortlu.tlv pajrto a lot or laud of i «cr 9cunrsroi to Jereujlali tioper bji deod dated 8011 12

Togetber with all and alagutarjlo rigbts UUrlks,tUoges, beredlUmenu aiuTanputenances thureuuluguglngwrJn anywise apiertarnlnganywise

« • • «, « T Mg Dated WOT, 8 1S79

DUS, SlicrlirEwdelO

SHEWIFF'S SALKOlro*l( Oonrt - M Jl

lly tlrtuo of tlietbovo-BUinJ nrtt to mo dlrccleI will u p o u to sals at nubile vouiluo on

alao'clookp in atthoShorlfraaillce InlhocllydlNewllruuswlok, New Jereny

All that certain tract or parcel of land ami iirtnn." ? ? ' ! " » * ° e fua I™'"*1" "•• c l | y ol New linn awlok, lntliowuiily of Mlddlcaeiai'l Ulate of NXi°™ff>,»»? W b l^ilinnortot county lu ealil StaleHcglhmni at a liolnt Id tiio north easterly lino corner or Eaalou avenue, dJalaut do feet on a aivrm olfflWii ?'«'£*• •»*>• miuu'e. «a! Jrmn a aloneklfpnlM In the aooih wealerlr line of sulil Paslon•'eai ie , thmoM rutlliuig .long Ilio uortli eaiiorblIutfjMIutroarenueilortliM degrees and 10 bltn»'e»*csl'<WifeH , Iheuca fl) norlli 8 ileftnne andIB ri lau es"woot, M fool, thence [3] nortli fa dogreia

1 feel | thence f»l north.west, OM feel to uloaoulh

in of t h . Delawan and Hsritau DSnsl(tun soutb -wwtedy line or said eaua

MMfMtnhenee aloli^lUe »Si3-J* *.v'_....*i^ Baal 81W feet

e tunas-to uiakefiiase n. Ejjil ITie,"

J. M. HAGER'S A. Bloodgood, Jr.,UT «!• * • Ja, MiM U J m A XB

Allegory and Tableaux,-wl|U)fe«jvui under UU ilrrLlcion by ov8O0 , f p ]

BcBorvcd Seata u u be Hecured on aud atterworiilii(f Deo 27 at^-riible It nsclier1**.Mwini(|iJH«4lldliig p

uj^ at 7i((|inJH«4lldliig.n open at 6 4D o'clock t c

DSC. 3T.AOmiBHlon. 95 ceutB (uo KtBorvtd BnU) Doors

qt>en ut I o'clock, cpuuucurtji tt 3 '* Tlii L\brttW U tho PU? tor stla 'at Friable 4riaclior a aud in tbe Hall Price 1U centsJUISH atSXJSVUHrJl IlttOKAWt Flanlat.\Ate\iifiiyfi SOUH1 I'lauos ut? UBMI oxjulimh'tsly at

luefle outurlBliiuieutii. Tiio luHtrninuiit ftHed ou tlilaOCCUBIOD it) kindly furnished by thtir ugeuta, Mtietriablo i. rjqc^icr, frui pf chargu'

^tivAllbbarr Lmbrarfcs tliu llintury or our Conntr>tratnAia aboriginaL ])nrladtind (llaouverf ' by CQIIIIII-bl!s to tbfe ptLHLiit iiitrttiudntf boiiffn, ttioruni.8,D l t i Dialoguou, ticmvM, Otiuraclers, tp1 rcfidorU.of, ptci;H^< Wfltoric'ul valuolotVfcry Anifirlvuii rltizbu wlio- 1<I intflfoatwl lu theutluuratlou of tUu Ceiitwinittl Uhtliduy of ouP.Na-tlonal IuflipoTnlente • Tim Trliolo irtfl'eoJiiprlM aKiiiuJ Horlm of IiiiuK lie tuna nrid Muaniiu lab-

t x . ITTl.lltttfly tlgfaUfd wltli "rUrlooB coloreU c»l-ii Ughf, eto ^ *_ , > deject


may stlirirt round at tbe old stand,

No. 3 Hiram Street,.wberti he keeps a lull gssortment of eTerythrugtbat comes out of 1I16 Wa.ter. e ' *Oysters, Hard LUams, Soft Olanis, Lob ters,

<Jraba, accllQpsjlndJlsh of all kinds refeeFlrowPrlucisa^Bay ^

oftheButcii « » ."



jyionday., December

An Entertainmente28 PVERY

- Opera House.Great Drainatic^EveiJt of The Sea&oiiHarrison's Union SquareCouibiuufloii

Tuesd*jDBve'R, Jan. 4, 1876,l \ i l i 1) pn-cnttd (he great p luj , In £QIOIITtiblijiix, ul'tho -

TWO ORPHANS!Ailnptcd fiom tliL Froncli ol M P Eimvy1 byHurt Jacl HUH I u i , wliidi hiifl uchttLVvtl Lh<uiti&t pro no nil t til SUCLLSM of uny drama eve,produced In Aintrltti. I lit rl^ht to productthis rein«rku.l>(rt play I as luui [ urchisftc) fromMcflars. 8!iuok Jb-1'alnicr of tliu Union SquarThtairf, N V

THElian boon pronounced ly tlie unanimous \oiccof tliu press Utnl public tu be the mcJst Kautlful pluy ever steit

A Oast cf Unequaiad Bxoellcnc*.>aw CoBlumeH Original MUB C, Sctucrj

from O'o Uuiuii Stiuuro 11iuatro( H Y , of tntriciUe incdiiinical tlluuta

LOnU Rrncrvdll .cat- -H Llld 50 tdUB WXtni

•Sale of rid*.r\ct. fluwtB v,l\[ Tje In IhursdiiyDec UU ut C L Wtlld PlmriiiULy -Uc-S 01

Live l e u and live IssuesCOL. A.v7. JONES

will dohvtr a

PUBLIC ADDRESSni)Oti tlfc nil nbiarbiisg topu of the

BIBLE'ljffOUR I?]tE& SCHOOLSIn tbe Oiera House, Now Diunswlck,

ADMISS-ION' H ? r r GEtf (S Gallery i 'ecius No extra* cliai^c o rLBel-Tcd sca<d

Tickets for aulo at 1" rlsblo & Flaclicr s MusicStow „„ „ ac|!»3wallw

yAPPYlHOUflHTJust now peyjile of all olassia

.aroL"'8olqoUng. thuir IIOMDAY-

I'HL^ENTS Tor their friends and

somu \MtU largL lit arts but 8tnull

purdci aro pcrplflxoJ bocanic

Uioy cannot, \t/]\U; the nioniiy at

tiioEr d.flpocal aupplj yltt* to all

diKLrvliiff tli«m

To relioro ulHlma cmbirraesod,

as well as to foalur und encourogo

ihq Hint honored citntom of mal

IiiiE preieiiU, I'ETPU WAHD, nf

No 13 Ctuireh ntrcot liaa decided

to mako SAVLEP1NG HI l)U(

1IONH lu ovary dtpurtniLnl oTJila

ostabiialuiiout^eulil rodttctlou» tn

coiitiuuo until.&i\pr,tho holidays, •

Tills is no bogus nnnounctjiifoiit

to catoli tradu Ilia publfo II1*L

fnvltjcd to exanuiie ]nq sto.c)t;t»nl

tho prloca aflcod, whkli aro but

JiftU rormer r i lo i- Among tho goods thus sacrldceil

andaftUitbta for presents to richi)iid poor( young and old, may liomcnllouod DrOBfl boodfl, Shawls,Cloth tfacqub* and all kinds ofready made godtls, as well ua Alargo atoclc of fancy Goodi too

S i hiuimorouRtpfneiAtoM t .


To Teaohers. >

fticnorui ar n..m«l

- . . J "lilm f«ll!I n U t o i tl a pr grew f t IIOLI n it ub

[HuJorlm • --• - * • '-a. KnitII

6,000 MXJCRA ,

Egg Isiaiifl Oystei sA.t Nos Sindlu Hiram sttect^ at low pneeB

Lurge oYBters opined, fresh from Amboy, oilbis beds irorf-tiy, at W ceiifc p«r quarl^attbe<Jd sUltd , C o « e one, oonie ail , wsgon

mces totl ersons . a ,MM

lent three lluies u wl'ek Xo*tTiitake ordots

tW All goods sold out of ht« waeon withs name ou It will be warranted HtESH•ta4 4m

$1OOO REWARDWliercaH, It lp boli(.veu tlmt Dr CIIAKLC8

DUNHAM \\B.B waylaid and murdorcd on theuigbto f TliuraJtj, December 9,1675, a rewardor Oiie TlioiiBiod Doltura ($1,000) will bo paidfOrBUClvinfaruifttlqiraB will secure the arrestlint COUVIOUQU of tin* porjibtrutQr oi the crime..deHi-lm'••'• —•" i,EWIli STOUT.

, : • * • : *

Wholosale and Retail dealer. In itU .kindB.oFKDIT8 and VKQETABhES In llleir season.

Agent for Bojrdcnlo'wn Fruit Farm MlucM e a t , • ' • .•"***', < r j i . - - ; * * < - v . - ' * • ' - ' , - . . - • • » ;---•-••

- KtyQoo^s.ddliV^rea todll partsof the city,f r«o of charge. . . e .', U'JOi


f»RE8ENTS,ry aLean at <rt>OJCeB, 7 Cluucli slriwt nlelinjijl .


Happy New YearTO



s ir\ihwhere jou will n.ul a, 1 Altai mid LI TUAN

, aoeoi tnitnt of' T {

Novelties hrfo Holidays.NEW STOCK',


Our Goods Uncquulcd._,, ,> Qju Stylog .hfe B/st,

Keep thcHP Fncts in' Your Mind'!

L^'Iiispectlorl and comparison Invitedmber, we Bell thu GIIEAI'EBT an

giv*. tilt b i i t sathructloli ol miy IIOIIBIIn Hie Slate.

Ihno aud jiionpj by soiug direct t

JAMES McM-AM'Sliuii;—

197 Biirnet Street(UNDiilt OIlHEUa UiLL).


Look! Look!ron

SLIPPERS,In uroiit variety, nt

HART'lS.Call and cxamho

People's Boot & Shoe Store

A'orthwosC Corner Hiram and DmnUStreet*, New ifnrM«<ricA, '

dc32-daw ~


Estate anil Sioct Broker.ANU

Odd P.llowa' Ball, N.ll.on Blr«t.



Ua. on hand som« ol tba

Best Proper^ in | the CityPol* tnrettrnont

All kind, of OOO/IB retoirid to be .old «?P fkala Hale orPubllo Auotlof '

,Beal',ari.>Htook bought arid .old,Money Loaned on BtaaonAlt terms.

No'OofnttlMlon daibandef until ISIM artoooranmaltd,

A«ot!ilri tale.ittilBilod to l»"eltr or iFausg« Uik.ti and d n i u i t l d t o at

th« mnwlry |anl.1>la

<f < -. "-

J loceliulvtrolniiatblrrli!h.lV^r4i"iitiiVT:

I r


Orders promptly atteoded toj


the Wuat style, ttevrmi, Cl»iiri will bu earned 011 as ber


bu earned op ai lieretofc''• owu Material cut and madtf to


iOrders left t\ PROf SOHNiBWilBB',

(leor^c street, ar/d at injr

ReBldeuco, 33 Albany BtraJbt,

will be promptly ittendea to .' •'"HttMyvvUiidelJl j



or and ' Excelalar C'fa(b«aCl^euner akid Bepalrer.

f Sdp

Asiortnent of Second-hand Olotbilx.Neok.tles,-Collars, 8to.( Bta. , -'•* «

»1 > H U 'One Door lrom corner ot Hiram .treet.



E2\FenceH iReset and PalnMd. All work naat-

l y d o n e m d . W a r r a n t e d . ••-. • - , ; • .,• . • • •;••

Addres N. »'. M., New Brunswick P. O.uiyliMy : ^

ProprietorOLB ^1&.ND, ' . •

C0S;'OENNISandHISAUSiT&:TheWill be coptkiuect

lug^ lor nmn aild LyrBfi C BC/lllCK *uiL) ly

Titus' Express andv ' Passenger Co. Po»»enf!8r» nr Baggage called Tor In any par

of tho cur, at Bbort noticeAlto, llsggaga cheeked to all points.

OBlce-noil ly


F.-' Mussihah,Steam Dyer & Scourer,

New Jruuaiylclc, N. J.

The Havana FiWe-Cent Cigar

manuructured at No M Hi mm street, «nd alloilier kinds of Clours doinc^llc and Importedp

OBBWXNO TO-B&COOB by the 1b and in packages

A Weimar assortment ofPlpcs and Tobaccolioxt n aud otber artlclos In our line,



H i e undersigned takes pleasureIn auuouiiLliig the fact lliut tio bas 'now uu baud tin. largest and bust

'Stock 'of TurkoytV Clifcicotiii <audUuaka IQ ljQ.£uuud lu t,liU-ijLtj

HouBekeo^cru arc roqueted tocall and>-Beo^hislmmeiuifaiiispUyii «.of thoHo necessaries,

Uu baa.made arrangements tokeoVuji'his stock'until after tboHolldayu, und hlsjirteua \\IA Ue solow that all cao buy

Don't bo afraid of tbe rusb. aabio (,or[)B af aiintanttiwlll protoiptly Bttuud to all ordora.



1 TBABioormBB,Wholeralo and Retail.



WHERE NOW?r i0 q ; - - -


i i

WHAT FOR?To buy Ildoti and Shoes for tha'children Canyou do better there r Yes Wbat makes youtliluk s o t Wby, I h.vo irlcd tbera, and 1 tellyou in tliLse tuuei wlieu mo;neyan6:vr6rkiaritHO scarce hud liurd to (ret, it stuiljj* ovfiJTiaa-nlu litind who baa a family ta buysboal, (or. tolook around uud seo where bo eao do tbo beat,und I Hud tbe lltllu boot and shoe store 'roundtho comer (next to Ballard1. QrooerA Is t i npliioo t« buy goodi, i TtorajUI kinds,liioludluic tbo very lutcst st>l«s of Men's,Women's Misses and Clilldron t

Boots/Sloes, Daiters, Slippers,'Etc GlTe~ulnia call oxamlno tbe goods andsee If the aljmo is not true au]0 daw

FACTORYBoot and hoif Store,


Hiratn ancj, D ^




KEVA1IUN0 done neatly and qulokly. 1'

I \

Page 3: ^4S^s^Sti2^ - · Umbrellas covored, 'repaire d an made to initr Ogiajns and Melodeons to Rent i ON J[ONT£I£A INSTALMENTS. lyiusical Instruments of Every Description:

r* / %/;>•*.*&£$ . ^ ^ 5 -J 'i^V^JJfa-^^JMH

N. J.:


Temperature op the iT>»tfcwfROOT < BOSS' DHD8 STOBS. 7 PEAOB 8T.Temperature op t

A? ROOT < BOSS' DHD8 STOBS.b . 1815. 7 A.M. 11 * »

'—Saturday being a legal holiday all noliautf»gd«fcojituat day should be attendebe attended

/xjgf l jrf Council, M». 40, O. U. A. M.Witt hoW" Its usual weekly meeting thisawanrag," at ¥.80 i/dock.

° pf Oyer and Termlntr wlbe IJJ' tastes to-morrow to finish up 1»business1"oi the calendar larihls term,.

e!?pj,by (be1 l#lea of St. Peter's Utaurch iGreer's Hall. It la In progress e?ery even-

ing. „ .

—' 0PjerK> at asulngton Hall on Saturday* This ends Part I." ~ZS~'(New Year) afternoon, dancing to begin altwo o'clock., —'Don't fail to wltnesiJhB grand centen-nial allegbrr and tableaux by the culldrosof to* public srhoolf, at the Opera. House,Hiteeventng,'—fne ladles, next year, will have an op-

portunity of securing a Centennial husbandby using ibu privileges granted them duringleap year

—6n a capias from tbe Court AndrewBobni aud James McGowau were commit-ted to Jail to await trial on Indictments forassault and battery.

-!Tue fair held by the ladles- «f tho Liber-ty-street Church lost neck yielded $787.30.The disbursements "amounted to $210,08,leaving tbp-net proceeds $507. C8.

—About five o'clock yesterday afternoonTMward Kafferty was arrested in Georeestreet by Ofllcer Hobotham for drunkenness,and was sent to ]ail for 10 days.

—Don't forget the variety troupe atAbbott's, corner of Nclleon and Albanystreet^ on Friday aud Saturday evenings.Let the jovial and'jolly take notice,

—The drawing off of, the water from the, canri .yes(erday cppBldcrably Inconvenienced

wulcli are suppliedwith water .therefrom for the steam boilers.

-Vtlie term ot the public; schools just,, closed commenced a week eorllor thantiaual, In consequence of which It has beendecided that the commencement of thonext term will be a week later, or the secondInstead of the drat week In January.

-—A ChrlstmaB tree festival was given inthe Christ Cburch Sunday-school on Tuesday evening to the younger children, whohad a 'happy time, and their pleasurecrowned at tho close of the entertainmentwith a beautiful present off the tree.

—At tbe meeting of the Historical Club''- -ijjjiecnttte Committee last evening, held for

> special "business, JfrTG. W."~Athertou wan! elected chairman and Dr. Charles H,-Yoot

bees secretary j)ro tem. in <ue absence oftbe corresponding'eecretsry. The commit-tee then adjourned,

dentlr Induced the Delaware and KaritauCanal Company to change its mind1 in ref-erence to closing navigation tor the season,as the capal Was refilled with water duringlast night, and several boats were admittedat tbe lower lock and were being towedthrough tbe canal to-day.

„—The city Water Works have been'stopped'for 12 days to see how long thereserve supply in tbe reservoirs would last

, the city tu a case of great emergency. Mr." Ovfatt, the superintendent, thinks that they

will bold sufficient water to supply the cityfor }uree. weeks under ordinary ejrcuin-

-gtanceX - - - '—The exhibition by the children of tbe

public schools, under the direction of Mr.J, M. Hager, ought to bring out a largeaudience at the Opera 'Bouse to-night.Quite a large number of Beats have bemsecured already, and those who dcslro good;posltlons - must not defer selecting themi until tbe doors open to-night.

" —Tile new° play of "Pique," by Mr.' AugusUn Daly, is attracting immense au-


! By Invitation werwere?n>Mot.sit the re-•--rsalo'fturrJntertalum&titaiiRgiveu 1>y

ftypllrpf tbe public tcb/Mji this eveningand to-morrow 'afternoon,*" If Is impossible*lo convey t y meafee of '"pen the effect pro-duood by the manJies, tallies"*, lecltatloas,pod songs, of more than 800 young ladlesand gentlemen1 dressed In' costumes | repre-Bentlng Indians,fi th

f toarrtors' 'andhi l ik '_ Ilko'

the followlug programmei '"''• '"1. The prtaln-rises and flljows tbe In:

dlasa surryundfn^th^i^ process and wor-shiping tbe rising sun. "The'soothaayafpredicts tne'coming ofvColutobus. • A war-rlor Is sent to'ican tlie ocean, Jvho soon re-_turns and reports tbat godl riding on bilgebirds are on the sea, and in a momentColumbus, surrounded by bis Bailors,marches upon tbe scene.'1 •• <>••-*,,

i. Tableaux showing the landing of thepilgrims, " William Fenn making a' treaty

i|~" Capture-iMaj. Andre," follow In quick succession.

S. Welcome to Washington as be crosatsthe Assinpluk Creek arTren'ton by, 100flower girls. •

Part II, openB with the entrance of meGoddess of liberty, with ber attendants,Truth and Justice, and followed Itf the or-iginal thirteen States. New Jersey repre-sented by a talented yomur CIIBS, makes theaddress for the thirteen. • , ,

2. Song and CUorus—"ViveLJAmcrlca.1

8. Twenly-four now Stalesf'follow&d 6Colorado) join the group. Speech of Ohio.

4. Solo aud Chorus—"The Flag of theFree '

6. Song-of Truth aud Justice. Entrancer the German and Irishman, who producelaughable scene. >0 Seinl-ohorus—" Hod, White and Blue.'7,. A negro appears, who Is toon claimed

by South Csrolina, bot, after some quarreling, he IB spirited away towards Canada byMassachusetts-^ This leads to tho secessionof the Southern States, who leave, creatinginteuBc-excitement. Kf

8. Solo—"Tho First Gun Is Fired.", Aahleau which ends Fart II.

Fart I1L opens with a tableau representig the Goddess of Liberty lamenting her

situation, Truth and Justice consoling her.1. Song—" Tho Btsr-Bpangled Banner.1!2. The^Goddcss calls on War, who ap-

Our Couiltry is InDanger." ThU IB fol-Hed by tbe militia, who march In singing

he chorus " We are Coming," followed byBoltlo Cry of Freedom," "Tramp,

Tramp," etc. Tho Sbutbdrn Slates appearnd entice Tennessee, North Carolina aud

VrkansaB lo unite with them. Virginia Ins-ates, Now York appeals. Song tb Virginia.Mrglnla joins the South. Defiance of Southlarolina, Solo and chorus, "Tbe Realm ofhe West." Re-enter liebel States pursued byIVar. Song, "Prayer ubarnis." Lee'slurrender. Bong and chorus, " 'Tis Jblinny3omcs Marching nolne." News of Lin-

nssaBslnatlon. Apjpeal of Illinois.3ong and chorus,"1' A Hundred Years Ago."Final address of the "Goddess of Liberty."xftuid tableaux, embracing all tho pupilsrrunged in various irroupn.T|Je whole performance 13 4£jlliautly.

—The mildness of tho weather has evl" HgEtod with various colored calcium lights,id presents a seme of this kind never sur-

iaBsed in our Opera Ilouso. We would ad-ise our friends wJio visit the entertainment

,. Dtber theatres can boast of as strong a cast as| the Fifth Avenue now has. New Bruns-i wickers going to New York for amusement, / should oot fUil to see this excellent play.

—The Carpet Mills were closed "to-day atnoon* and will thus remain until Monday,ao as to give an opportunity to take account

i of stock. At tbe rate these mills have beenran during tbe last six months the average

' production has reached 1,600 yards per day,and thu same Bold as fast as received^jjjrihelTewTbrk agents7~Messre. Arnold,Constable & Co. Mr. Short, tho superin-tendent of tho mills, expects that theircapacity anotb'er year will be BO much lu-

' creased las to make the production per dlcmlargely iq excess of even \juat It is now.'

—Weather gauges, recording the direc-tion of tbe wind, the amount of snow and

1 rain-fall of each day, were erected on tbepump house of, the City Water Works thisipornlng, under the direction of Prof. Cookadd Superintendent Ovlalt." Similar gauges

, havebeen placed on the College Farm. Tho1 records of those on the pump-houso are to

be kept by Mr. 8. 6. Drown, tbe ongmeer,and are to be submitted to Mr. Ovlatt everymorning for tbe day preceding, Mr. Do-Hart keeps those on the College Farm, andthey are both to be compared at statedperiods. Mr, Oviall baa also bad an ar-rangement placed at tbe dam of Lawrence'sBrook, so as to record the amount of water

' rennlrig over tbe dam, and tbo amount lie-low tbe dam, tho object of tbla being Jo See

* each day how much water 1B wasted, andbow much Is used. By tbla moaus It can

- be. ascertained 34 hours beforehand howmuch i^ater-powcr can be obtained, and thussave any unnecessary waste of steam powtr.

- ' / • >4 Timelv Gift. ,About 1*' wook ago Mr, L, L. Hyatt,

' President of iue.New'Jonwy Rubber Coiu-y, presented Olty Missionary B. E. Weir

' l Upy, p y

,' wltba Wagon-load o'f unsaleable rubber booU. and shoes, ifor distribution among tbe dly"'•'foox:;iu>'.Welr"lfan.ferred them tq HV..' 5 , H, Van Tleet, Orerseef of the Poor, by' whom they were distributed as the donpr',' intended they should be. Mauy of thorn* were vary, goody and,but (lightly damaged,'•' -aMhoUgb sufflpumt to.make tbem-pntalesblo.

"The Overseer bad' about 800 .applloa-'tlons biore 'than ha could sppply, and all

ti£*i»8kmi^Jfosr t»amps*peii»d1 T«W.—*,««, - , -

rest, but were'Uii •* '( i • A i

I!B evening to cut this, programme out, aswill very materially assist them in under-

.andlug. the performance.

Common Council.A special meeting o r Common Councilas held last evening. - Present—President

)eHart, Aldennon Conovor, Cronk, loslee,lannlng, Oliver and Van Anglen.

The minutes of tbe special meetings ofov. i and 22 aud ' Dec.' 9 were read aud

•apjuoved. 1 _> 'n i l L S KBFJkRItBD.

John S!^& E. Stewart, $22.60; JamesW. Housell, $20, George Applogale,$ 104i;James Van Duyn, $20.


Stephen il. DeHart, $11.08; WilliamH. Diian, $1.20; C. A. Whitlock, $2 ; A.

GordoD, $40.60; Holdingsfeld & Blue,$12 2S; Charles A. Oliver, $34.


that William Hutton bo appointed a specialpollcoman without pay.- Referred.


From George W. Barker, Superintendentof New York Division of the PennsylvaniaRailroad, 1 asking permission of CommonCouncil to erect a tank on tbe easterly Bideof Now street, 120 feet from said street:The company desired to h'avo sufllcient land(about two feet) of New street for theproper foundation. The Superintendent oftbo Water Work's agreed 'with Mr. Barkerthat it was necessary to take -water at thatplace, so as to avoid annoyance to tho pub-lic and inconvenience caused to the railroadcompany in taking Water by cast-boundtrains. By tho moans referred lo a supplyof .water can be obtained with the requlsitodispatch. The,communication alBo Btatcdthat tbe railroad company's water works InEast'Brunswickore now In such a condi-tion that the company must depend entireIy upon this city for water • The-CBBiuTiP'nicatlon was referred to tbo Committee onStreets.


By AW. Oliver:—Tbat Samuel Ackonbe appoluted spe-

cial policeman- without pay. -Referred toPollca-Committee.

By Aid. Van Anglen:—That the Committee on Gas and Lamps

be authorized to placo a lamp post on Col-lege avenue, between riamlltou and Minestreets. Referred to Gas and Lamp Com-mittee,

By Aid. Mulford:—•That the Committee on Pumps bo au-

thorized to have the bells rung for 1C min-utes on Friday night, coiumcuclnK at 12'o'clock. Adopted.

The Finance Committee offered tbreoresolutions which were adopted, as follows.

—That, tbe Finance Committee be author-ized to borrow $0,000, In anticipation, oftaxes- The totsl amount called for in thethree resolutions was $16,000.

By Finance Committee;—Tbat the City Treasurer be authorized

to m o w all notes maturing In January,Adopted.


The Police Commlttou reported favorableto the nppo)nttnont,. of 8»mu61 Acken,Charles A, Whitlock and William Huttonas special policemen without pay. On mo-tion the report Wai adopted.

The Board then adjourned. ' !

- —The salo of seats for tbe representa-tion pf tbo drams,of tba "Two Orphan*.'!began tc-dsy, at C, O. Wells' Pbarinaqy,

pear the rtikoad-ap4>mU> «tJatlur; 718 between ''Tbe diitanoe (otfto bouse, by go

i l d I b t h b f X U Mr,Xn-periiusand Mr. John-Kline Jailer-,

Ing along tbe railroad, Is about thrbe-foXu-UiSl t u ' l t i b th t i k 'The Soc , ' "HOUSE" BLANKS.

Such as— > j , , - 1 • , ,"This House For Sale."

H " . I"Rooms to let," * — " .For saje. at Tai Tooa 'Offl'<ie, Va Albany

let* ..tu'snlt is by the turnpike. 'The Soci k HB HHI ' s irj

W9*oni,-NoT.."o to X)«o. 89,tor wasted to catch' the six o'clock traink f ' i i d t fBdwsrf ? ; Roberts being Sherjfl and Mr

JCbe'average?»as boon over'4«, or

dfrom New York for' this city, and so turrted along the jailroad to save a4 m,|i$ tim

Railroad jiaues underl

^ yneath the -Pennsylvania-Railroad, a short

d—•The Committee of Cxjmmon

UOItUTIVE^ whom was referred the remonstrances oit h l d i H l t t l « i J h eproperty.holdera in Hu-anl-«treetagaln«iJ,he

f x K t o r U i e r e d/lb^iUriorlUoPtojecutororMld^loiei o

neah the y ,diitance to the south of p>e depot, >nd aswas dark, tbe .Doctor.did' not see that thispaces between tbe tieepers on tbe Pennsyl.vanut Railroad at this point were sot. filledin, and lie thereby made a mlnfeo adil 'fella dlBtanee ot>nearly 92 feet to tbe track oltbeBasloa and'Amboy Railroad. In'thidesoenr Us %-Wi o n e in-contacl-wlth1- tbfsleepers of Jno Pennsylvania Railroad, which,where tl>ey croBs tbe tunnel, are made 01Iron. The blow "fractured bis cliloJtBijcked out three or four upper teeth amuusebed l T'S«ial uf thi) luwdtras also severely bruised about the body bj

the falL After tbe shook of the accidejilhad'passed off tbe Doctor arose4tb his feelunaided, clambered up the steep embank-ment to the Fennsylvsnta Bailroad tractand returned to th;, depot in. t|me to getaboard the train wEich left New York forthis city at six s'clock. He had mean-while placed the broken bones ofi biB jaw'In position ss well as possible. Be wasassisted to his residence, Mo. 70 Albanystreet (Dr. Morroflh's), and has sinoo beeunder Dr. Morrogh's care. The fracture Islocated near the chin, and Is longltudim

lib the loner jaw. Dr. Morrogn .has re-set tho jaw, and thlnkB that lie can alsosave the lower teeth, 40 tbat they will notfall out. He does, not think that any phe other Injuries will prove serious.-

It !B said that the place where tho ac-cident occurred hi such a daugcrous spohat accidents frequently occur there.

The Bible in the Schools.As this is just now' one of the questions

agitating tho public mind, and one in whichall classes are deeply interested, wo takeilcasure in being able to &uuounc.e a public

Col. A. W. Jones. All who were permltted to listen to his former lecture In thiscity on bis experiences In Kansas wereligbly delighted with the Colonel as a lee-urcr. It haa been by special request of

mo of our prominent men that tbu Iceturer bos chosen this subject. It mnysafely be assumed that Co). Joucs will d<>aImpartially with tho question."*" T|ie lecturowill be delivered Jan. 12, lu the Opera

louse—on, judging from the fact that theVaseinUy Room was crowded on thelormir occasion, it woe though? that thosoooms would not be- sufficiently larc;o to nc-soniinodatc all who might desire to be

tboroforn^wUIscd to secure the Opera House,'As many of our readers are aware, Col.

[ones'1 eyesight lias recently become sc-lously affected, rendering il impossible forilm to continue In buBiucBs pursuits; hence,ie has chosen the lecture field—for which,,11 will admit, he is eminently qualified.rVo feel quite certain that our citizens |tcurally will not only manifest their Interest

tho subject of the lecture, but also theiriprcclutiou of the lecturer, by turning outn masse.

Court of Quarter Sessions,WKDNSSDAY, Deo. 20,

Mr. G. B. Adraln, in an elaborate nrgivcut, moved that tho vcidict of the jury U

the case of Nicholas Kennedy be set asideand a new trial granted, becauso the juryhad not rendered a verdict in accordance

cvfifcnce. Hie Cfourt'ronBfed iojrant the motion, and announced thatNicholas Kennedy would not be sentenced

utll next week.District Attornoy Schcnck introduced the

:ase ot the State v. Andrew Bowne, indict-for assault and battery on Horace Btona-

:er ofTraepeol Plains on Nov. 13,, J, K. Rice represented the defendant

counsel. The case was tried by jury,id-lbe-verdlct "Was guilty as charged inie indictment. He was sentenced to pay,fine of $20, costs remitted, and standtonnuttcd until the fine is paid. *Augustus Tico was tried on an Indictment

)r assault aud battery, alleged to havecen committed on Kuty M. Tico on Nov.

She Is his brother's wife. The coun-sel for prisoner was Mr. J. K. Bice. Thecase was tried by jury and the verdict wasguilty.

The same defendant was then tried on nuIndictment of aBsault and battery with in-tent to kill, alleged to have been committed nn Matthias TIce ou Nov. 11. Thecase was on trial al tue hour of adjourn-ment, ' '

An Impudent Tramp.A few evenings sgo a tramp was passing

tho rcsldeuce of one of our well to docitizens, weary of foot and cold andhungry, when he nollccu, inside a comfort-able fire. The door of tbo house being leftopen for tbe accommodation of young menhoarding therein, aud ho onu being In theroom where the flrc was, Mr. Tramp,having, vlowed the sltualien^walkcdju andsat himself doun. No one dlsturblng_hlmho proceeded to take o£f his boots andstockings, laying them oalde to dry, and,feeling quite at home, commenced to roll up

pants. Vpstalis at this time waslady of tbe bouse, who, hesrlug

strange noises, came down to know Whatcaused them. She stretched her neck overthe 'banisters to look Into tho room, whimBUO beheld, to her amazeinout, the tramp luthe attitude described above. She imme-diately ran upstairs ngaln, afraid even tomake un alarm. Shortly after this a gen-tleman boarder arrived and was making hisway to tbe room, when, seeing tbe tramp,ho pushed to bis bedroom and, procuring apistol, threntened tq shoot tho Intruder Ifbe did notial once make himself scarce.Tho tramp, however, only smiled and. didnot depart until he had slowly readjustedhis boots, stockings and pants. Moral:Keep your doors looked nt night.

Concerning Qarldnd.A molsdoon has been placed In Garland's

cell, at his request, j n d ho relievos the mon-otony of prison life by playing on It when-ever ha desires.' His custodians considerhim childish, of an Imbecile mentally, &!•thbugU he appears perfectly sane. Mr.JplTorjefterlas , who lias been his" nurse

ifnoeHhk hferrlbfo tragedy) still' attendsbtm,uv|»H|njl bin;, dally, In bis oellj whichthe nuns b u so arranged with f—"

- ' l '

p p y Jatseesment. of beneflu by, the commissionersappointed for the purpose, tbe assessmentbeing f6r tbe widening of said street, metlast. Monday pi tbe office of the CommlgJsinners'of Streets and'Sewers and bid'sconference wlth1the p ^ ^BAldTtreet, the result at Which waj that itwas decided to sustain the Ogrnmiajdoners'sssessmsnt, and « report to that effect Iwlllhn 6nhtnU»»1. -J»t theCommon Opunoll next Mouday^en]ng.

—The Pennsylvania Railroad Company]£y« this city annually bfer *4,oOCyfor

water,'ot which It uses aft he rate 61aooul85,000 gallons, per day, ot oyw_lt2,500,000gallon's per year. If Common Couacll p*er-mils the erection of a tank near New Btreet,

tbe oompauy dt^Ires, from OT^OOOJto80,000 gallons 'additional'will'be" usedlally, netting this city fromj 1^000 tajJjjOOOper year In'addition to tbeT'suni"noWJ'psW.It js, probable that the tank will Werectedwltbin two weeks from tbe time permission

granted, which will notloubt be at the reg-lor meeting of Common Qour.cll naxt Mbn-ay, The Commlttco on Streets visljed theiroposed site this afternoon.

• fuid tbe C-rinjuiy ft. burld,,^»7"

IV] OTICEl. hereby given that au ativUcatlon 11 1 1» mado to the next u u l o u of tlia Irf^fanUiBle uf Wtw JUIBUJ tu nulLutUe IUL W I U uf

n Freeliolilew .of tUo.oounty of MldiU^ex toe prweuftoU'bridge br build i ii«w one overnfver, at Wuhluglou.

CUoien 1uujr tbe pSouth nfi .

WaihlngloD, South Elver, S. J., Nor, Jl, 1874.uoM-daw

VJOTICE la hereby given tbat application mil ber f made to the X^gfel»ture at Its uvxt -MMlou torigulttte-thit atuouut of toll which eliall be ciiMftoiX

' " • - - - j^j j Hlate, 'XS.' • ' / j

v.z37 CHURGH-ST,

F a t h e r lleainevMey'M P r o p o a

• i l l o n .Hev. Patrick Heuncwey of St. Patrick's

{oinau Catholic Church, Ocean avenue,ersey City Heights, la tbe principal 'o£ alarochlal school, containing over GODlupils. He. hss struggled hard ngaiustrurious obBtacleB and has at length decided,>n|occouut,of the.strlngeucyjof tbe times, to;ive up their control to, the Bourd ofeducation. In a letter to thu Board he

UfeJlffiM*JwJias taught thoso00 children without ex{>ensc to tbe city ;hat the public schools iu tbe neighborhood>re not large enough to accommodate the100 pupils if they were turned out; that Uic school houses were of sufficient capacityie expense to tbe tcl)y of maintaining the

pupils woulS reach at least $15,000 a year,and lie therefore submits the fallowing pro-positions He Will place the school Under iuc

ilo charge, direction and regulation of theBoard and Its Superintendent, will ask do*cut for his school room or furniture; williccp tho class rooms In perfect Older, willtarnish two male teachers, to act as prluci-iul and assistant over the larger boys, theint to receive a salary of only $800, audhe latter $000; will provide competentfemale teachers for tho girls aud smallerjoys, the salary of tue- principal to be $400,im^the nuakliinhs $gfiO each, a lUa he .sub-.|ect to "examination ~as " condiiTalis au-nittcd under tho rules.of tbe Board.

No religious Instruction shallbe glvcu Inihc schools'except tbo rcadln'g bf tue"Bib!ein tbe morning and the recitation of theIjordV Prayer. Tho Board may providetho books now in use in the r-ublic schoolsout of tho public appropriation, or, if ho be>crmittcd to retain tue books now in use,ic will furnish them at his own expense.£ the Board appoint him head of thecliools, be agrees to servo without pay, ando be subject in all cases to the authority Superintendent and tho Board of !Edu-

itiou. Ho Bubmlts that his proposition,accepted, will,effect a large saving to

.he taxpayers, since under his pluu thoixpemu of educating 000 children willie less than $4,000-, wlille, It the cb -'ren were placed m the public schouU( tho district, their education would costhe city at least $15,000, net to mention

tho cost of additional BCUOOI room. Hoconcludes by remarking" that such, a .planHYhrSJ ov s pmCi'tcil Ooci fcgu? sclcforaeuC ofa very difficult question, would give satls-

ictlon to a large class of citizens,' andtould commend Itself to all fair-|arndc(tten TThe proposition has been referred toEspecial committee of tho Board, conslst-ig of the President (Mr. Lyon) and[essrs Chapman, McQrath, Thomas andswell, who will report on it at tho next*leetlqg of tho Board.Tho Tribune report says FathorTIcn-

lessey only wishes to substitute the Douaylilife t'or the Klng.James Version.


For Holiday Presents!The public are lurlted to Imped

our selection of' Qoodn suitablefar HOLIDAY PRESENTS \Vehove a very Ikrgo stock of IRONand WOODEN TOYS, SKATES,BLKDS, HOBBY HORSES, Wag-6h», Am»leaT«' Tool Che Is, and a

,h.08t 9l'otirarBortIclBB to dillglit theyoung people.

For children of a larger grow thwo have nlc# presonts ir OllllOry,Bullalo Robes, Sleigli Belli, isle ,as Krell as a large and general oj-

j sortment of Hf rdtrure goods.

Also an immense assortment oi 'Ilouso fur-nishing Goods, Farming Implements, Wheel

l l u ' and Blacksmiths' Materlaln, etc.

castor- gloves, allPatertonBlock \

on v i—Genuine French ,

zes, at Usher's, No. 1 Paterton.Block. \

The largest stock add the lowest pricesany clothing house In tho State. O.,

'ouover, 83 Cburch street. " 'l''

—Dp not fall to see tbe "JEconomy1'irt, $18 per, at Fisher's, No. 1

'utoreon Block.

A flno shirt. WamBiitta muslin andply liuen bosoms,, at Fisher's, $18 pariKcn.

Largo assortment of combs and brushes,icludlng genuine English tooth. brushed,t Van Deanen's drug store.

—Tbe "Economy" Bblrlal at Fisher's,8 i>cr dozep.

The cheapest ready-made clothing house


209 BURNET ST.Nearly opposite Post Ofllce.

<lo21 daw

NEW Bmnrawior, N. J]

Grand ExhibitioN



37 Ohujpoh St r

ooNsisriHa or


Fancy Ink Stands,

Work Boxes.


Optician anil OcnllBt, will b» at JPUNSON'Si/uiibiui* miu ubiiiioh nui u« uu ofjiiaoxjci i

|U.U(ROAD UOTBL, New Brunawielf, N. J.,from Tuesday, JAB.-i , (<i Friday, Ja)l. 7,-18ie

Rev . Dr. W. II . Campbell ,Prosident el Ratgers Oollegg, Maw Unw

, wlok, N. 1.N Prol . 'Ooorve H . Cook,

il Kotger» College, Men" Briimwlok, t). J,Or, J o h n s o n Letson,

Bx-WoT, 1'arKerFreehold, N. J.

1 htvo no Tedlira or Ageuta. ', de!4-daw

Middlesex OrphansSEtTKMBH TIBU,187B.

On tlift ippllwtlfla of Jtpioi Dtillart, •duiiDlatra-''torof WUIlum A Wilmort, doooMwl, for BQ ordarto•e 1 UnJs to pay debt* —Hula to rftiew causa

' Tho mid admlnialratorhflTfDgflihlbttM, oaoatb, *lust »nd trueaoc-ount of tho iwrrwnnl tmute of tho aaldUtfoeiiftd,' and Of' th« debtk s i fltr h$ can dlsoovur Uiou w e , br wlilob It «npoftr« ftbat tho paraonal twUto oftb« tald deoowed Is lUMUffldcat KjpayhUdtbU, thero-foro, on Application of tlie Mid uluilulsLrktur uttltiirftirththBt thfl»>td WlHUinA W U L O i d U i ln«f*»fis^nrcAfl<fotniCyoraiil ot this Gonrt to thb iiKmlava:

It 1> ordetvd by tlie Ouart, Iliat all borAll Inter-eitud In ibe roat eatate or aald deooaaod do appearbelore mia Oo«H on TUioJUAY , tbu 8KVKNT11day or.PKCKUUKB, IMS, at ton o'dolk In theforenoon, at tlie Oourt IIOUM, In thfa oonntyfto showeaufto, ir any thoy have, why the said real estate otthe aald deoused, ur no uiL h thereof as ibsll be no-

it oMebla aud oxpaoaw ytt uu-

Jn, CWk.ool.8t»

ld deotuwd, up nooeuary farths-payiqMitp(Ud1ihyuldllotboB6ld

J 1 W1U.IAWB•gatod S»glemhet M 1616 ' -


SH^RIof'"K«ir JoWoy.Between 0HUISTOPIIE

MBYHU, GimpUUiuit, and JAHKB UUSUOPvt uU M., Defftdflnto.-*1.. F». Iiauwt Nov. 311S76.

iiy virtUB of itUo abpyo-atatcd wr t, lo wo directed,I Will oxpOflO to aalo at public venduc, ou

, . . TUEBDAJf.l^aUAl^A, VU6,

nt 1 oVlock']i. m", at fho^hotiff1! Oiflce. in Ih'o city ofNow Uruuivvidt New ftney ;nt 1 oVlock]i. m, at fNow Uruuivvidt, New ftney ;

All tbow oerula thro* traoii or parctiU of laud audpruiilus Jio(eiaaftir paxUcuUrly dworibed, altuato,1) ing Hid Wln^ in'tbo towUBbip of 'VlBcatanay (for-warly. po* In tUo towo«bli(,«f iUtltau), lu tbt cuuuty of M i d d W uujl State of Now Jerioj .

'ihe first boliig all tbat certain tract ofl b d d f l b i

Children's Underwcnr of every dcscrlplion at prices tlial defy competition.































W uboliig certain tr

l>rcinl«Li bouudud as folbwa, via.;•tone planted In tbo ll f l d l t

laud audmlug at u

New Brunswick'burcb street.

IB Q. Conover's, i8Il

The best collar over mule Is tho Elm-ood. It fits better and looks bettor thanny other. For sale at Mrs. F. Walllng'B,o. 105 Nollson street, between Ftttersond C h h t td Church streets. jyl9-0m

—Just received at Fisher's, No, 1 Pater-m Block, a full line of flno shirts, $14 per>zcn. i .

Beautiful toilet Bets of tbe latest designs,nxlucod prices, at John B . Van Deursch's

Irug store. 24-0tnegoman & Co., druggists. New York,

re Introducing Into this country Eppley'solebratcd Medicated Whisky, for tho curef consumption and nil pulmonury diseases,HI advertisement. Bold by all druggists.rlc« $1 per bottle. oc21-3mdaw

HXROIIANTS and others who use tigsould do well to examine our prices. i

Join the 1'rocossloii I If you have ft cotlith• a cold Join the crowd) that are Uurrrlnglloo drug atoru for " Halo's Honor, of Hare-rand and Tor." It la agreeable, qulokftoire and absolutely lntalllbls, • gold tby all

I'fks's Toothaobe'OroiH ours In 1 i

Mogant cologne f'and'Agcaulne; tojlot'aters, at Van. DeurJenVflrbg if1-- "" "

lough, nw imy dlrganSTr«nd,lt dim II

, ; Begin:•tone planted In tho lluo of land Uto of Rlohird Meirill, c}equiiBt>a balug tli« corpttr of Jtuul cguveyml toAkxuiUor Puuu, tiieuce ruimlutf IOUUI U (Ugrtoavfoit, 8i cb&liiB aud 21 linlta tu a n^ouo, thoaco wjulhJl dogro«8 went, 2$ chtiuujatH, US UnkB to n stoue;tlieuco south 07 dogrets etst, 13 chaiua io a atulcetbanoo Much HOjtf dogr«4a west, 8 ohshia to tlio HarJ-tsuUl.ari thoRLOdown ths Bjune north 87 iletn-oeioast, U ahalui; thouce wuth WJ degreca cast, ISchniuB \ theuoe north 81 degrpep funt, a cktipfi and 00Muk« to lUudoluh'a bog motidsw; tfionto north .tO

WLitt, la cbalui sad 01 Ilulu, Uienca uortUcost. S ohalna and 10 llnki to the conior

- --,- ^^doluh'J ui4>Mia Alexander Datau'al iod; Uienoo u6rth^3 dtgrfcob WCBI, U chdius and78 Jluki to a BtoM; theiica north fli^ degrow t u t ,

" a and 16 Unki to a aUma; tlitiute north 31 andjurtbi degnwa wait, C Lbalua and 40Hulcs;

hniM north 17 and H degree* vest, 6 diaiiia ami 0allnka to tho i>laoa ol beglnningi ooiitaiulu 1|M .ailraaaUd 95-100tha o{ nu aore, be tlie ttuiu iiiow or low:boimded uortU and west by said Merrill1* aud tbuKpFT-vtVarra, tou^i by eaJd rlvur, aud uut by Alex-

, — tract or parcel of land con&lata of allthog« uerUW tracla or iwrcelf or lahd which in)herein dcaortued together " ona lot or tract of laud.B«gluM)tig at a atnke staudUig on tlm lluo of latidforuiorly or John Ulcki, bvuitf the oomcr of Iotantiiuban 6, 3 and S of aaf(1 drviuoii; and from then, erunning along theJluea of lota No. 6 and 10, aa tbunoodle pointed lu V&&, aoutb 6i dogroes aud 43 ciiii-utea woat, 8L cbalna and B links, oroaatug ibe vtvIMWKI mad to itaritau lUvci^t thence [3] aowu tbeuatue tbq ao\eral course* thereof at nearly low watermark tonalake.ataiidlngquahobank of mild river,."'"" t l l 0 a o u t l l w w ^ ooruu,. u f ft ] o t o ( >Btl(1 o f 1 0 U d .

Hrlyof tholiolra/of William Edgar,stake iTalao dlataiit 6 chalxia and l>7j of uorth'aa Aegreoa' and 19 mluqtca

eaat from a atoue plautcd on tho oornor of tbe farmformorlj of John UiDkit &nd onatlltch Uuk [3] fromaald atake on aald river north 89 degrcoa 13 mln-utft eut , 0 cllatm and 07 UnVa to -tbe plane of l ivgldolng; opntatuUiff, after dottaotlug OMOOtUa of auaci>o tho pfojMted roadfc 13 anoT 07-109 acres; wbioli ttract* or land ao dosarllMd togotlier aro a part-of theVan Horn ffarra, aud are laid oat and dHorlbed ou acertain inuj> ot aald pretniiea flled lo tbe'aonioAf tho comity,5f Uldflleaoz aa lota numben 0aud 11 :aatd tract la bounded 014 the north by landalate otVi. Braltfi, od tbo woat by the lUVitwi Wver,•outherlyjittdfaalarly by ilanOa of I>r. bmlth audDonula Uondou, , /

Alao Uio third .not, befog that oertaiu other lotalttiato In thejuld townalitp, oounty and Btate, oiipo-

t«MO the land! ol Jolul UloEa'and lot 0 on uld map,

jlo(llnorUii9desrHaJ>ulliutel<iut tor b t U (nnuoilltll d Dorbestiiuj

more or leaa.Whlo uld landa











We are receiving our greSt Invoices

teducejtock to make room for tuemv W

montu we suall offer Extraorc


Enormous reductions In Ribbons.17

5-Inch Basb Ribbons, 25c. yard. u7-Inch black gros-grain Sosu Ribbons, 60c

yard.d-Incu all silk groa-graln Sash Ribbons,

09c yard.7-lncb all Bilk gros-Rraln Sasb Ribbons,

75c yard.8-Incb all Bilk gros-graln Bash Ribbons

86c. yard.

The above ribbons can Mo had in all tinnewest shades.

All Bilk gros-grain Ribbons, !every shade,at-O, 10, 10, 19 and 21c.


Culldrcn's Striped Wool HoBe at 4, 6, 7,and 10c. tip.

, Indies' yestn, good quality, 89c.Ijtdles' Merino Vests, •'' fashioned," a(

60c. and up. ,Youth's and Gents' itndervcsts

Drawers at 20c , 80c.'and up.

Dress Trimmings.Great redactions Iq this department.

200 pieces of finest Guipure Laces from 20c,yardu]

600 piecesup.

• Yak Laces from 10c yari

1000 pieces of Beaded and t'laln Gimps Inevery width, 10c. yard up. ,

000 pieces of block Silk and Bead Fringesfrom l»c. yard up.

Worsted Fringes In all colors.

Wo have an Immense Btock of tho alwvigoods, and are closing them out at less thiImporters' prices.

HQSIERY.We are offering extraordinary Induce

monts In this department, as will bo foundou examination.

Ladies'and Gents' 1-2 Hose and Hoseal8 c , 9 c , and extra heavy at 10c. am12c. a pair. Striped at 10, 10, 2Bc.pair up. _ _._














For the Million,

EXAMINEBargains in Hamburg

FELT SKIRTS.10,000 Embossed Felt Skirts "at C9c, 09cHandsomely trlnimej Felt Skirts at J1.00,

7Cc and $1.

CblMren's Felt Skirts, neatly Irlmmod, al45c.




Corsets.French Woven in white and oolorcd

marked down to 4Sc. each.20-bone haod-mado Corsets In white and

colored st 85c. each.Our skoleton-flttlng hand-made 40 bono

Corset at 76e. cannot be found al_any otherestablishmeinr ~ "

. Our'Corsels are all warranted pure irhalo-bonc. "

Sweeping Be'duction(S

Every Department*

rpppp oooPO O IPO 0 8

p PQ o•ppr ooo


8 Ho 6,-B V S J | Iooo see x HKI


n K KigJt UBB, 8



-07 Church St..NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. ' '


Holiday Goods, and we are competed to

redn6e stock by reducing prices, and for th*

nary Inducements in every department. ]

HATS!The largest stock In the Btate *

Best Felt JIats, every shape aud color,at 45 cents.

Best. French Felt Uati, In [every shapeand color, at 75 cents.

W I,S 6 S

FEATHERS.JuBt received another large lot of Wings

in <yery color at 2c. each.61 Ooque Vlume Wings In

every cotor at 25 cents.One case One colored Birds at 00c.

in all colors to match.Tips



Kid'000 dozen In black, 2, 3 and 4 Buttons,

it»l«pnlr.-1,000 dozen of our, "Duchess," In drab

ind brown, at 70c u pair.Our " Uoulovard" 2 Buttons, in every

solor, $1 pair, tho bestdlove In the marketIt the price,

FURS.We manufacture all our own Furs and* „

can warrant every article, even the cheap-est, to give satisfaction, In every respect.No misrepresentations. Every articlemarked in plain i figures. An examinationwill prove our prices the cheapest in theBtate.

_, .i' Seal Skin Cops, ?&>-»p. .. „Seal Sets, Muff and JBoiTat $7, »10,

IS, up. •Real Mink Sets, Mn£f and Boa, at $9,

10, $12," up.French i y u x Bets, Muff and Boa, at

*4.B0, ( 6 and $8. *French Mink Sets, $fi.G0, $6.Children's Furs at remarkably low-prlrcs.Children's Conoy Caps at 40e. - -

Children's Coney Hoods neatly trimmedit 75c. and 8fio.

Children's Sots, Muff and Boa, at 7Sc.ot.


Bargains in Ladies' Sill: Ties.

Gents' Furnishing Goods.Gentlemen will find it to their direct ad-

ronlago to Inspect this department.

•..Gents' Dress Shirts'at 75, 85a"upT 7"



Large variety in Ruchingt, LinenTollari and Cuffs, Collarettes, etc.

N O T I O N S .This department, which Is acknowledged

ie largest in the State, Is always repleta1th the newest "novelties.

Sweeping Reductions


Every Department

7 o00Oo 888

p p 8 8



CHWSTOBE,1 „ . ii( J



New Yorfc


Page 4: ^4S^s^Sti2^ - · Umbrellas covored, 'repaire d an made to initr Ogiajns and Melodeons to Rent i ON J[ONT£I£A INSTALMENTS. lyiusical Instruments of Every Description:

. x— Wm.Gloucester— That. Mather .Hudson—Leon Abbett.,HnQterdou—Fred. .Mercer—Jonatban H. BlaclSrtil."Middlesex—Levi D. Jarrard..Monmoulh-rWm. H.(!Morris—Jonn 1Ooean—John S..Passaio-Jobn fitopper. ' . . T 7 . . . T . . . .1>T7Salem—J. Plummer.. • -AX, . ; . :1879

Warren—-TVm. Silvertborse. . . . . . ^ . . 1879


ubllcans In-italle.: Z


Atlantic—Leonard 11. Ashley.

PemaTlTBfala. Ballremd llERIFF'S (TALE.

, 1AJ,FEfeD,-W 30NKS u t i l . D i

25 CHURCHisy'vlrtns of thrtbovo-ataiea-wrll, to m tlreeted, IlMr«n-aoo. Doyton..! ,-'1378

Jj^rlfngfbn—VJartdn £,'77lor»e..>.„.'. llgTCsmdeu—W'Ttt.J. «Se' TUESDAY, JAJiUA^I 4. JB10

atao'clock n, in. at tlie Court HajaiLin {lie'ipltr of NfifMrfnaVck, 'New Jersey.

B , ..froinrMeVlwk to Altoons

.M Tr M. 5KfiPhUburKl'<Hll}-'e»iapt Sundiv1.i

A t DRY WOODS n tract or panel of land'and promises J

hewUatlei'UBrtlculwIydesttnMd, situate, lylnranduing la tbe,, orWoprfbrWlM, 1« the enntr1

eflflddltisu sad Bute ol « w JMttr: Seguunaf at» poat on the line of tbe WoOotolteKthe north eastjunior t|(Jaads or /nland I he south east eornBr of


, y. r-

O. T. Cowenhoren, Bpllcltor oft ; " ' 1 ' '* '

».i4 F. II. P.Ctflo Express, diUjJor UerriabP b C l l d d h ^ t l U •4 F. II. P.Ctflo Express, diUjJor Uerr

PitUbarx, Cleveland, endthe^est.wlP U O I h r t g h - •

PiiUbur«,qreiUln«, fan


—ft Fa , etc "tin'Mia malted itiedr euely

mtt,nnka t o f l»" "• Oil lineIfaj, btUfctMS*!! n n

d b hOB. 4.62, CKt, 11.66 A. M.;


conveyed, tbenoa south aeveatr Mvaa drgreae a&athlr'y mlnutel sail, eleven HishnfaM Tlli'-ntM'UMtij t M l t > J

LORD &, TAYLOR,for New fork only, HUD-d B M; 6.26

».»>, B.M, 7.18, aoo,1.86 A. M:;'U.66 8.0J


riicil' Sherlir. Si«1ty. ' "f / -o f I'Ne#" i'er»ey.'»ii''B«t*«Mi1.49,4;60,8.06, 6.95 7.86, and 8.00 P, MJ

Sunday traina S.Od, *.6«, 6.»s, 10.85, jL M.

.86, ».6o V.; and >.IK> CM.

,11.06 A. M. i 8 CO. «.day trains, 10.86 A.

for Wrtt CTM>»Mi>rJ-«UP8a^10.« A.M.: T7«8, l 08 , 6.89, 6.U5, 8.8», 9.4610.80. Sunday trains, 0 09, .£.118, ».46, 10.81

H. i yFor E»Bt Millstone, 18.86, 4.111, 0.38 P. M. 'For Ltfnib'arttdl.'ahd'Fltttiliiljioil'ltett'A


w.ntenue-Jineon f»>t)to aatakii^ittt to the lloe of landa^i^S^.iJwL^iituh.aatdlaitnientionediiol«u'lylDg"t

Vo? lafl. Bob b U g ^y inlnutf a weak to the plsce

And ataoa right of way In and over thetired Court llouaVi In the,

Special Inducemeiits PuTchasers. ine insp aforcsnid aa iojaM0; ln'&rMilT/IlindSOS»,snd m,,m, ,S)1d a!p%iy«aa18i9;"jn'i»t.

^ trsei « 4 d « 6 i r i i r t B«Uroad at 4.10 P.M.

For I'ljii]ip»bu--< and BeWidure, 10.46 A. Mand 8188 ?. M. '

wn, Burlington and Oamden, 8,8

Adjourned SHerlOTk Salu. u aerranu ana; tenanta at all ttmea Irecrjjpasi, on foot or with bore*.!, oxen,

rlagea'wbatabever, being7 JhV wtmHbi>U<i(lwayiUiladBT'ObBTWvditiO 4n*~>

blUjet uxii)iti»l».,'iO,«fondaDiiB.-,i'iforeclosure. Dated Oc(. 4,18*6n d e ' l b t i o e ' B l t e d ' w r i t ' i d

adjtin'rued to


keep tho leadii|g styles anfl 5 sizes, and ?

' ' ' ' ' " ; ' ' ' ; ' ' ' " } " " ! • ; ' • ' ' ' '

hureof being UBid oi part payment f*r

with 1.11 und Bin,ulAr tiie,rlgliU, Ub-arUea,OB, ber<HliUuiDtiUaBd>j>purteiianoea UtercuntanijtirlQ«hyrivlall»pMJiibrBliig.!;j, \n:>\ " '

KLraaiiimnc A-Kraia!Datod Out. M^lBiB. ^ —

h^9: triWsfif-for Freehold, 8.38 A. M. ;*».«S and 6.29 P. M,For Prinpewn,.J,«8,.».e» A,., M.j.. 1.42, ,8.28f or West j iniiy it. R., 1 48 P. M. •


sell them at factory prieea.

yFor Farmlngdaio and

y p , v J c y i. ,. , .Jt. M LUPAHDUS, tat*' Sheriff. •'l

Rclloj-AUrimsteady SulldWrs of ijomplulu-»0dwiUrl7by>lVlt2)>['.4iiKt>id,iitap.,,:,' , t , j . , ..Also all IIIOBO cerjuln IS other Iota of Una t i tLeave New Vork for New Broniwloi, 7.W, 8.0

.8.0(1; 8.10' r i i ^ i r . ^ J f i 1 • j * t

FULLER, ;330 W a t e r Street:

nd bvlng ivcWulty. coontyhnd Btate aforesaid, ant' — ' d l i f l b d h" i r i

oialion of'WiS'iclry W Nowl d S ltinn kiJd niake'l biaskik>rU.ti(»cl'or liTidi Jio

by XaravotieLstreet,.ousterlv'blrnriUngton »'i

bl lots-tilAlso all


y , ,te:; and Siyijuel-C»rllWi./;t al ,qtanta. _ Fl: J a . , btc. oil frireqfoauVeJ

,JANnAByUie BberlirJi O

oHoy: " ', b t c . o i lD a t e d O c t o b e r 4 , 1 8 7 5 . - I " •••h>\..,-. \r •,-.-. , . , . i

York ami China'-saii&.tt^wc.


TUBSDAT, -January 14; 1H7C,

MWSRBfl L»7,and;7li3,.721), 780 .50 Ion ;

, »cltt>r of OomplnmKiitij.

roakep-blockortraptofland: boundr

Publisfiia n^very aiid.71>.-oasaiuiinup,po,ijtt l b B l d i t t

lliWr own'agen^si fn China jmji ^a'paii, ;

i i ' ' ti!''

j . Wlnant, J_ p £ u » n t d t u i i £ ( > uw>

thews, Samuel Taylor, John W.Cavileer..Camden—AIden C. iSeovel, Oliver C.

Lund\ft)Ahat<iMM<nriWM:Oy\f)AtM,MnriWM:Cape May— Wm. T. Stevens.Cbrland- - Isulali W. Richroan, Ofior

StanAfljra,, DRyld.podd,ohieU, <SV K. C. Kiw

) / J J « ChlJ/". Harrison, JStkanah Drake, Alarcut/>. Michards, Philip W. Cross.. Gloucester—TbbmajrB. Lodge, C. Moore.

Hudson—Wm. 4 , Lewis, Tiioa J. Hannou, 4 Difkirsapibpi,Hemy Jtyagtigam,


Buntcrdon — James Bird, .Wm. W.Swuyzd. ., . . . l

Jluroor^EuochH; Drattej-'-'iA^'iHariBrewer, Jtobert.L. Ifufc/ihisQn. , ",,

Campbell, Daniel Z. Martin. ' 'v' ;11 ' '"•'••':•- •"iM6nlm(Jtitlii-iIaiiif8llj^Rue/ O. D . lion'

drlckson,. Wm. V. Conoyer.. : • : •• •'• >."•'Morris—James C. Youngblood, E.D

Ilalseyttj%\'~" " "'—m--•-•u<>=EpferjWii{1.i. E]npBo/<«i >alc —John \y._ Griggs, .lohn San

dcrson, Jos. L. C&AM

•V.'"\':VV"-\'l AV/T riVi'.ri'.Wi'f "A AW-.Iu the matter oTtho appllcatlou of Jdhn \V,

K. Campbell, Guardian oClieurgu S. Cainpbel« iiiiuor,'.M iry;iC4Va<r\pbp\l,.'Jl.t tUQr, und Jonlo 8. Uampbell, a minor, uud Hueau It. Cam.bell, widow,.on order to Hell: -

Pursuant to on ahlarof tbe Orphans* Courtof the' couuty of MiddleBox, uiadc ou the 21 iday of October, A. I). 1ST6, tliu subscribers

" - ' — • - wm'sdlta-publl!

••' • at' 2o'clock p;'m";uiihitQilKJI(>teWii.iW^oliiyofNeKl Brunswick tlio IfonovfufdBMrilii'tl'rl. Brunswick, .tluii.lollo;ryal estate, situate in tbe county

,, and State of flm. Jiiraev; wliflre.9', lately aled selicd,.ttud moro 'purllfularly dcdcrlbud aa follows, lo'wlt1: .'-• :: -

; ~'ltt.MAU tbat.cortalu n'ouae atid<l6f of grouui^aituutei.lyingiandrbein^-iju tne.etty oJ"iMu!i

- lirj^uwt'.'k, couuty of dinldlei>ux.iiuO), qtate. ofNew Jersey, begluning "on the' northerly Bidtl1

of Albany street, at thu south^WtiHterly coruer

'llardQiiheivb. i ttujy oBcu^ed ^j^ftlrs. Jultaa dllev; tneiiOB runuidg westerlyjffViy'itreet OT leet li luuhea to|a

lot formerly of John Keeder's; now or lute ha-i tbo bclrB.of OorueliuB Vr'-- x ( — : -

r. My and i i 'night. 8u'nd'ayJ'7A0i-8Jliriin(


'.T.ThUtiB b ' """"•'" 'boy leavetlVpUtt. ,r,Cranbury,r Q w,.S Sv a,, nu;^

' Jamesb'urK, 0 Hi, '8'4o a.1 In.)BpOtBWOC-a, H \1t IIW a, \a.<ioof a<wy, ui,

, 'Arrive at South, Ainboy.JW, 10 .tn.j 6.4'» ; o « p , » : ' • ' ' • • . • • • • " . •'• "••>•''••••• ' • " • ' • • • : ' ' • • • / •

Leave.South Amboy «..a6, 8 20,4 85 p. ni." • u 00^ o « a: m.; ra yu,

„,'* 00, UUTa. ni.; M'SO/Oraubury.7 10,# IVa. nl.; U7, 0 SO p. inArrive a A i g g a t t o 7J10, Jjas a. nT; VSd

Cf.p . m.' 'tot further lnfonnat;on see lime table's, whio

'can be had at the Ticket Office.FttAHK THOMSON, • 0 . M. BOTO, Jr.,

fVima*a1oonnnnnoB o ,

. ' i l l I M i n i .n-.a :\t''l i S i : | i i « . . • . : . ; I . " • . ' . ; ,to 'be lonud the largest pxa unobi

s of Cornelius Vau Ncsiklongi tha;liiie at \lii>t \iiuS'iHobev.wpffttWv^W)to'k i t tb

oribi?ltaUib iaffimldMIe JL»of Mrn; LudloW'ti lbt;?tb«tip

l l f t f l a b b• -itioutherfy^alotij; tba 8arae;,l.jl'foet.(-fi>arylaobbaWore or less to tiie place,of bogiunrngi'beingtb« saiuQ - rtiuilBtia convoyed to David JT

I id h f l b b i^t C

;fioyVb".1fa^bouudcil aa follow a, to wit': I Bog ifbuuLh bide of AlbaiiA *ti ' ' '

J- "WueduUd.MW'P

i ' Jiuu formerly ot'tbu tiulii Abfujiiiii. T - n . _ , _ . - ,•ISVo {U:"Waf llufW- 'iWiM 1irl)i;li?i(|

— Church street; Ihonce wesllJfiy'eSongltbe"!

and* parallel will) Albany street aforesaid,feet, to a lot .of John Vuu Nulse; thence north

•-.','. erlyjtt Oiig'tue.' line pAtb,e'wid,l!ICh1Vv».V W .lUd fetlt to Albany street -afureuuld; theuco;along said Albany lllrVet, ouetorly, 4D feet totha place of begUiniug, bring the same pteniises conveyed to David F. Campbell in bnt llfu-

,-.,tiBio, lJVi.IIo•sei llL y •,;by ui&'ilood -dittd.•,.«otobSlMh, A3HJ }'d re#n|ea tnglid-

dlesex Couuty Clerk's Olncc, in. BboV 101 olDeeds, page ioa,'elct_

TeTms tuudu known on tho day of sale by r""•••SENT. B.BPABJStt, !

k . 4.Commissioners! •

C.'I-ndloif.Pj-Qc.lor...•!!,!,', •>' ja»veui ter l,l!»7ji,. .. : no3-dlawlp(

t n C l i u n c c r y o f IVew Joretey . |

BY •<HftoSil8 aMeorilsiWdWliftioa liiritttetlbirl'oi Uliancory of flew Jersey ou the . lttlh-dsy of

October, A.U. lKTr, inacauae-delH " " -•- '"-wblcb HowardJlIBurrJa. (;BullHan *ucl fSeia>eB%ofol.llllun, ill?iJbM.™i6u'»iiUi6rrt!MV <""" BOfsaldOourt.Ia' "

and.tda hlIV-:

.„. , p

idlng thvrclui Inn t auu Uary'Ci a matter uf oitr*

e to aalo, at. I'ub.

i»wi lit,-iiTilroToanty-DrM.d^lMBr»nd-aUiVT.r-«»jw-T)ori

TH^FI l lST LOT.Bltuato, lying and being ID tttu city of New ]

" ' Kj«outiJtjj)fM^ddliMUK, lori^erly^--

atreet, at tho Junction ur inioraeoi on' of tin

Uo6w1Ui B r i n ; o i l t o . i t i i l f i « t y h l i n 1 W t i .to in allat called Norlll »luijri; Uj.nM,flupe n»M,»l|»yon > u»r>Uel line with Altmnynnwt elgnty feellloBruvra atmet; theuoo nortnany alung tliu nut aldei at.Brown «tr««t nlnuty-nlua loftt and »lx luobes lu the-pltoe or .IjeKlnnlng; boundod norttierly by Albmy• roel, out by Wean WUIIama' lot,: wutbcrly jbyS l i ll aul weaHrly by Brown . tr«t , beUij luo



»i lit,» 7; Thiliu



j1B16, and reoordtxi'ln'bookMl ur dvttda,<O#da for BomorMt oonnty_*_

. ... THE 8K00ND LOT, j1 mtnato, lying and Umg In thu olty of New DrtiW

wjck, ID tlio county oi Mlddfoatii, iorworly boititir^tit,and Bute o( How Jenny i Betjluukpfc OB, iba auii

- ' " ' turuplka road \auvt cal' — VowiiaApl.« Wi u

wolitwIy'aJong'tlia turupfke alxty leat; llienou aou•rl> at rigbt anglfi tram the turnpike Mvunty-ieifool to tliu nortlt west 'corner or John Alikcn'a I t ;tboooa north eaaterly alonir hit north Una twcDty-u attboooa nortfeet toblapSoik-hls Ili

alonor all nortU Un twDlycorner; tbeiiee aooth iMt' Ui»oo>briu<aWOo jl;«-

einilloWreBt of tlitfaef-mli .Mary V. rtUi»M,%«(dw *r Jiihn HulI.raiA'and Utui(*Uoll,-wlJw* of KdifaM^Bui; docAtu^a, a*' Woanta lif

btrflnUfom auurf; and atio iiieludlnir lh« eitale i adIntoreat of tbfi dafendaDli.'KlteiifKt-r 11. Bwlnney mdJobn f. Drmarsit and Jaiiiea Uoinaroat, Jr.. aa tin*anU by the rlgbt^orMUrlMjr,' t» UWlljWW parU ol

, J» will befaadHt ieS portion! ailnthaJadgmentoftlieaulMcrllii.rmay twiuoatio liftInlamtoitneptrtlaa, of which liotloj will be |

suitable rbr^Men, YonlhBv and Boya', at prtoithat defj competttloiu ;

Great attentiott IB paid t o t t-stomer Work,which in laahionnbly oat by th most '

QenUemeo'B FurniBhing.uoods of all kinds. ,

erv imen/ti


' OR SEVEN DOLLARS A•''yr&AR>'i#Jlb1$A&6M]> -

Our"JOBBING OKKICE, after a great outlay,V now one of the most;completely furniahed in tbe Stale, BO;that we oali execute every kind of w,orkin the highem style of the art. W taint air. .inspection of ottr sampieB 'anp

"Mjts is read byjalraoat everyiamily in New BrunBwioT-an a necesBar'i'ailjunol to Iho^uifort ol a houeehsld.

.(; piviSe'rSihavi a large arid claily milrcasing circulation anilhy all claK«en'of tiKgcominmiity. : '-,., f ,,'.'..,. -.,-., \ , . - '. '

fORTUREfof (100,000, SfiO.OOO, $30,000, S2'>,000, *":01000,115,000,

thor Mimller BuniB, are paid tn fu| jthtj-^Vy-Lottory, which la oonductcd by aw&fh ct-inOila-I and duly K-galt-tod by tbe. WyoullntT L' flsbv

.-'. liennltir drawings Kith and 80Tii of oaqh inqntl.r>B the year, 'ftckoU «l eaoU. fl for »5;';B Tdr 120.iaarirtB the year. flckoU »l eabU. fl for »5;;BT(ir 120.

(Tirculara witU full luftfruiotlou filnllwl fn-e. A I* I /KN



By virtue of "an order of the'orphaua' Tonrt of thecounty of Mlddlnai, limdo on thu 12thjljy I ot'Ooto-Tjer.'A. 1>. 187n, tbo snWorlbor, aainlnistnitor/ etc.,of Kdwaru Uuuu, deo>»«d, will sell ol l'ubllo VIIU.

H ) i i % ' • " ' - • i L < ' ' ! •''A. D..1876, at thttlyyjr or 2 o'clock Iu the afternoon;at the City Hoter, lii'flio city of. New Bruuswiuk, ifailrt all the following.described l d

l i h th id E J r u DiuttHalnuV«unidUy teb AoW- litunswroa auu

Afthircouuty, all the followuiguescniircmiflca of wl4*?h tbo Bald Edwaru l)idied Bttlzud, vlt.tri AU ,ho follgVljc acBcribetl lots or iiarcpli»fj.lam4,,•Bltlite. lylugaiutiviliiR Iu tl»e city of (fo+vyrnua-wlclt,'iu the county of MlddlcBox uud Stuti

odflnoatook befuro -riurcbaalnK elWwliii-e-. ftu-topbby fairideallsKa>tn etIII malhlalu tbo [iaiii tbeFabl lo.asI t Irartioon herolofor. hsainwed nr

.no old reliable . ' • . ^

Public Noticeliberohyg.Tdn th&t;in accj-idiflioel-wtth a rcao.lutloti naaaeii by the Board qt Freeholders ol-"•ldjesex cpmiW-aUtaluBt rogplar ,meetiijg,

oWmiXafimtfi'MiftttiV'W liiltipriils (^

lens auch labor, material orbeen ordered by the ai

l or supnll^fi>uaUlUaVappropriate CommitteB

^ J!ajJrtI

Harper'e Ma azint .

•fil«rlt a>orthepoblloinlnd.—lUottoaaiobe'.' Jr U-ywh

iTaa coirwto» tl«b h U M l va.iX.85

tbat'aaakeptpaoo ,wltb, I f . I n M i M t t t . U nabould causo llsooniJuctora to regard It with Jilatlnnhle«tonpl««apy.'j:Tha'MagiilnaihMldoni*'good'and notevil alllhedsya of Its lire.—[Brooklyn Kagl<»t'.'"i!|

Bomo of the tiioat popular of modern novel*, have flratappeared aa aerUla ID thlff Magazine. In all.reanectsIt la an excellent perlodlcUr>inI follydeaervea lla grpat

PostagefPreo to all Subscribers in the V.

»4.00'lttoluileflpilepairinontof U. fi. pOitage by tiepnblUherB.'

Bubsorlptlona to HAKPKH'S MAOAZIXIC,WIXKLT md&ZAK, to oneaddrpii fbr'oiu* year, #10 001 or, tWu

IT^.^^e^^^^0^™1^- ° 'r1

An Extra Copy of either tbe MAOAtmg, WixKiaTiorAXiavlll be auuplied trntla tor every Club of

BubaoribL-ra at 4.00 each. In one remltUaH-Ci/j or, r.OoplN for $80.00, without extra copy; postage froq.

WP«lth oT iDfonnBllon whlob UniUUtea this parli 11

tbo m atfUDlll Mtn UiKFRft't UAatxmi. TbU Burial of over We „

uipari glrea a ooiupnheoitv* ruvlaw of IVogr M i irlog the « D ury no* oloiio-f.ln every dfpartmont «(oar national Hie. "

privir«f ee, hemlltamsnts aua a| pubelosulng or Iu any wiao at iiortslnt

3EUT8 BberiAloltmtfr

VSyr BOOK FOR T H B I,OOOOOC ImraenieHBccos! 40,OOOofthoGenol le

runuliig iflutli twuiity-flvo fnet to tbe coruer of 'lotliUUlbcr fcjrly-foiir [4J] 0« suld atroet; thoiico[v*Sfl one buudrcd foet j tbenco uorth. M' fft'rfly*foet; tbcuco cast oue bundrod feot to the j>]ace|oxbt-gianlug, bolug lot lmniber. forty-tbree {43] on-*liart'bf laudkaowu aa lUcb nou 1 B M lo-rTtf ( r

AIBO all that cortaiu 1 o BO an lot of Wi tUdU o"city bf Now Bnmawic iu tbo couuty of Mlldlot-px.aptlBtato of New Jersey au 1 ts loteuuiut'bofforty^hrpB [*ai ai forty f r [-Ufoil JStnj ofUod knowu as lUobnio a Mtn WB Uogluulng buJoUu^treet, fifty foet fr tl o tuniDr, C JLfuurt(6w-Jt nnd John Btreot a d tic o ftuiuiiiu/ti6utlfifty feet ou aold atrcct th Ufwycst o 1 Ureafeet:- theuco uorth fifty fo 4 , tl tiaL oue h iufit-Id feet to tho i>luc(. of be?inldi4ff j < I

ICoudltioua luado know on da> or nuloWIIUAM BO\IAN

O'tAdinlulHtrator, etc jjffclwa 1 Uui fa IIOOPUOOctobc " "" r ^ r ' " — '

Adiulnlror,tober aa, llfW. ^ i (J-onwt

' ' • • :

McCrelis Bros-,,NO. 16 aonUBBBT flTHDnjl

(uearNellfion), • •.; . " ; ;

txave recently flniab'i'd a Urge and compiodiobibutldiutc for. the mauufacturu and oxbibitloa ofUurriagoa'of evtiry ,duaori[)tton.^ Tliey keoptft-tine astort'meut'6f vehlcltja1 cooBtautly on handIn tkolr'Kepoaitory., Asthcaeareot their own,makeT'aud f f tbebes t ni ate rial, tlieirext^lleiite-f d f b e b e s t aterial; tlieirexcolleneeiH always Ktiuranteod. 'Vehicles ol all dosorlp-Uobslare'nidde'td'^de'p t abort!notice' l^o'

i f itde'p at abort!notice.'

iU o s a r e e d ^ ^pairing of orery varioty la. donewith neatneasand despatch, as Well us'lnT* Bubntantial man

!fa>raAldat'lreif80uable'(lj;nl1es.v '•'• "'.<>••'>' •«LJiCKaiHTUpl(3liaaVlT the <» a

moat appmrod and wuikmmill . . . . . . , . , . , . .-Having enguged Mr. AHHAUAM COOK, who

•for- the past ali'.voars---lifla.'ibeen, in' tbe enlr

Oaijmto , .(ally solloit ilie.patronage

^ ' E ' ' '•' OANIBL MoOREI/lB

ror jmrtlixiMt MU8 -J A DUOLLISQKIt, ^Poric mo n m m (t-orinstiy Mrs. w i l lO Ulna ) *-~-i~

1 Theo. Dies8nreitei''8o r tils i 1 i )


f . Oonwa>*H talons*Aalc ourOriK»rfurlt..'l ItY IT ila83^i»

lU'ClBTd !0 KLlOiST OIL OIIKOHb*nUIU*IJI Os nannuxl sis I I I for II Novslll a

Furniture [Store( I T . '•. [ | i l i |

And first-class Upholslcrmg Fslablish-rrient, corner of


Manufacturer and Ueukr i 1 arior ai 1 Ul rary r ulapi'M(U-f>4iBtm|(M and (J) i rs of myown utsjto ami triuiii til u tUe heal ai d latest

made Mlin lo i illows and lib)aired. Uo-tovcrc and

hot fcrlug dol o Iu

SHERIFF'S BALK —iIn ChttiitoryofMow Jersey.—tauten THh Hi W I1KUN9

WIUKBUILUINOAHULUAN AdKOUlAl ION OFNKW UBUNSWIOK!*!* Cou l a l i t i anilKLlZaBETU UAUKll et al D feoisuU.-« I VaOD foreclosure.* lasnotl N v 0 lbT

By virtue of the stiove-alated writ to mo directedI^llOTpMfOTala atTOWIo Jem US.-M

. . 9 MlstVphl^-at laVhernTa'oinM, In tbeetty olNew Brunswisk, N«* araey

All tliat eertala lot of Ian anil premises slluste lyt and belai In tin olty of Now ilruLiwkk II ILo

oounty-of Middlesex su I Blsla of Now rsiv. anlleslffitatad and numtiurotl BB I ta I umbi rB luu au 1[40 on a eertala nsu'or the | ro[ rty foru erly koowtr

~ . ••";-•,,» s d Iwcns at s (Hil H Ilane U v * Wofl «iui uerolsl

IVrOvbi IMJVU(aa IUIIIIIUII I Ufw Off J l»u I viiiaiwtiv |Ma4e»|IfllUJoUn street 160 foot I ore or Irss. lo tno solwest corner .of lot-nun har 18ft the oe oaatwanslbns-The lino of loOtmntbera IKrand l s« lo Uis soiwesterly Corner ofloLi un Bor IH7 to leul to the 1westerly Corner oflot-i nn bcr IH7 to leul to Ibe 1of lot number U l ; theuoa sou 1 erly slonir t e linn

H f l l l l IB

sn <JIiro os of ev ryOUltOMO CO PMIa Pa




and get aapistblng that Till lulug yonID ho Hjrabty ver alN> a month a Ire

t 9 - INVKN 'OUS UNION 11Qrvenwlch Blruet; H«w Xork.-

357 35Uroitatloas and Dialogues, with a. caoleo vsrlsly1 of

oilier n slur (800 p i j Ib Jle LlooutlonUU I

'"V SilOtuSli&'iui' HaUonajacoool vflifcull n and Oratory, 1418 Uisalnut' stuet, Pullaifel11 la, Pa ^CeiaK.1

A Great Offer HWe wllUdurlni the II0UUA.V4 dlipyse of 1TO

FIAHOHaad OIJJAMJ or iraMttaa W Has, luclbdloir WAThlta at IOKSE oos taan mm o»fut» offcred Jdanlhty fnalalluianll nmlvod ruwlig qotlIt Ui aHmunfht Harranted for 0 y«an. Dccp)jU4au\,lnatraiueuta at axtruin ly lotv prtces Jur oapb

rooms i 1 Broadwayi New Yoik. 1dall» 4WP JIUIUUK WATltliB i. EOM8



iorses , Cattle anQ Ponltry.ha Muscle CoosB 11 ILK DAILYM

inirToniy lt»llan p^r Ton less'

i any Similar Itool.Bead ror parlleorars

\S. n. CURTIS, General ig,


.. •'•tAi'JBriaisalo .Quil'fhe'. times!'

,c6'FtefeS"sre"itoiin roosted1 IrMh'dsilK • TeM'd'OHi-'iUfbyithO'Cheatt package' and Pound.

r f piocs AlVode )ujrdOoHiealioUbythO


toilly ftlfjded t o M j

lioUbythOCheatt pakageand;rRflnrtr8f priocs.^ AlVorders Br(i.)iunO'ed to.., M, jf.MbSfi?* 6t)., Wejiriitere,''anJ si'Vi'soy1 Btroot,'oppo8ito WaShihe-


A THTBD AND BORDWIUlt!BfbtU(!Blstsgcnira«rntidJOH)H

81ON' H Q L L O W A ' S * CO., riiiUdeli.lila;:l>u.l i: i

ally'by tha trnxtloat fire oily. 'It la iiloiunnl' to tils t*»l«,

Prl« II per.

[ii tigToal, V4,itct'l '11,- and.jt ' il.lili.1.. i_iLI

•wratorly by Jilcwd »t'r«-t. ' - - - — , • ••• - ,. •.1 "Abo all liiOdy eorUl-i 8Gothor lota or/Jd'td' »IUi»tBand btlntf fit tilt) qUy oI-jNew.tiruuuwlclt, Iu the and SUUi &'oh nalttl-paVtIcblarly'kbo-ili fttid;(diii-

;llDgiU»hoa.ap"n,t|he ULU w a i i M o r e ^ ' " "number Ofl iWoflUnu-lf ib , In pa....06T. Wi, eO&.Cllfi-iilid fiaT.tainon)el1afioand UI2, In liarcel 40 and 6Ui,-fl{/2. CUU 0.cul fi,iindljf8; 074,'flT5,'G-8,'I'»»'hnd.UUO,

Ji m. di ; 085jG8fl'iiotl 03tV in'^ar^BuJ^bltt.-BalilImt nicntwued 1)0. lo^l IVIIIK t O K ^ i . l ^ m 1 br^'tract; bound«d,nurtiiJrly:VBenl5i1 ati^^oaaWitSydoli'Rn iivonue'ln j)'aH and In, by JolB ,(16tt.,C{i,GW nud C0I, noutharly by liay eleect kr ' ^" lJ"tiicurd » t r t« t . - : i ' ' •••*' j * ••- •' . '•.• ' .- . . . . „ . . .

iiff w | t h . a l l nn4 flnguliir <lw r lghta , l l bp r t lo^e, hui'udr a m e n t a anil aiipUrtebanctJi. t hu r i i da io

Kb wllfU- FritOBERTd, Sheriff. * -(irComWatuant .-r-


fN Ciiiiiocrv- oi NeWj.TcreQy.-r-UBtjvecp. TlieOAI Life luaujrapco Coujpa«y of Niifrpinpla\uaht&1, dnfT'lVllUattt •Tli6iii»U

By virtue 6ftlw ftbpvt^Ut-Kl.wTlt,,^, W» dlnpted.I.will expose to sale at public vondue. ou -" '•-" ' : f TUK8DAT,ViNUA»y'U,!lM«,'/. -

All tbnwitwo -jei-.talu lot», pl«ai Qr;MKCbhi qf, landBituato Iu tbe city of Vertli Amboy, Iii the o6HHty ofMiddleBeiuudJ^td ofiNevr, Jorwy.i.oa U*. opUi -Bldp ol the cross road thaj leaai or.runa from t£*l)]yUw»yTfeLWoebI1urtb>mlx 'l>atI W*k>dfcrldge lothe old r«Ad, fram.1th«'fonuer.,pbwe,to KewPrVO*-wlck, at Kliiaoj'o'ctiriier, 10 lbs dty of Mrtli^ublwy

The llrat tract: Ik-gluulng al * atone out be ailiith •aide of tUitcroBBroaJ(itUaauorUi.,:-ttjt < ' " ' 'Iwi^.pt Jqhu Arnold; tbeppc rutmiugn "

A'.T. HciixMca^ttoUiiatol Hoy, 10, Ia7a.


SIHEKIEIT'S iSALKrrr-In. gitaiicory-, 1 New . Jersey. —. Between KltKDKlUUJC

b,YUEK; Co'iiiiilMlitrit, un'd;S'ASIUKfr0rtKI,TgNi pti ot nl« Uoli-iidanw^KI. SbVun foreclosure, laslied

By virtue of tho.above.SUited .writ, to ule iTlrectod, 1will expose to sale at public yenduo, on ; '

' l|DMJ)jlYJJANyABYyijTi[ ' 'at 2 O'clock p. in., at the SliorKTo OOlco.'lii the cfty1 ofNow Hrmmwldk, New'Jornby:' ,:•'•: i'-ii= • J •.. .• .„ A\l that tfaot,<fr pariicLoi land and promlsea liertjlnvafler'littrHoulHriy <JeBcrlbB0^6lt»iato, lyiKg'BiJ'lbtti'f JBth»)(iitT af Wev Urunswlgk, I(iyii6 cuunw yf. .MJUule--wxandtitatour'Nuw Jorsi-y, coBBlaUiiV or'lhirUHia(If)1 lot*, b-apla -ari'parAcla,-.liooWaiautUU9t^l)'>l>!)'vdUl>oo ft c*Ttatp*«iBu'illod tp ttin Ukrk'a utllcu 01 tho;M-Ihl^oihit^om.ddltfBtfxI-iHtlUwl^'A'niiiliof c-j Uilit

111 11 .Wwrd or tim,citv ot tf-r-'iuUie jtflm; 'm thu coiin

d i f T t l..; m thu coiiniy yfMrddioiiix, felt tUAUitalli

tin'fitorly lUdoiofTnjatoliay,i}iiuii1.rviiuiVjcljf of AbrtiliaiiiBuyiiouj, Esq., aua by him cupveyed wltli otiiur prop?frty Vu .InlniU-Lurlrul-i- <Jr»»i.ui, by daed- dfttad Juno,

, surveyed at.d tllvideil iiitu iota am-parcels Miiy81, lb3S,"tva lotajmuibtTpil thercoo l t r f "li'-w" " "hundred-aud twenty-one (1,621), lli


i\r6a* llfl^i.drt-d aft i


OFFERJ l V h t h l f l

- ^ . - . B n d twonty-four . .tiVetitj- llyo j^l friS), llfieeuhiiji-

thliiy-ono•• (1,M1),''flit-Sou bnndf• " "• ~4uhimdr.j4fina.thli;--

'/. cet-Lofn parcel liui

tblrtyUvfo ol-<• _ . .a tTAititl.ld.

. And ftlao all tb\o lan-l.tprinng tbo atreota olid ave-nticB'tuljiiiuln^antl iHlront oF'naiu:abovfliiiainiU<lots10 Hiomljdl .91'-Buch Btruets' abd avuuues, tho eamoto b'u tipbue-i In ntrectriund ftVeimwA aciJortliug'tJlial-J

F . ¥ . Pttfchinann h Bro.36S BTBBBT, N. ,T.

OFF! It AT U l l L A l t i El DULt D I klfJrS


FOIt notlDAI lRLBPmtAlargelino of 8ILVKK AUIltIL I Hub f r

glf a at cloarat Hi. roa8TrKI,I1O81l\ t l NAIKtNRIVO IVo «l (I

u| a d U i i i n KNIVbSaal u l l iKvrry dencr i tl n nt HIUVW I H I H ) WAltC

K N l \ & FOlfe S1OON (.AblOIIH, UVSKI rsahu> tneiry ra /ay arlfel a nV % try I r pri B 1 rlplI latoil g arant *cdi-»la t l LM.II AND AMU 1OAV V'l01 KS

BltOf^tS aiKOTAOlVB I IKlIASfihS OlKUA DLAS^VI rth (tc ' al low at 1 aalh e i r c s.

Vraalllau 4 ebbl I rcu lei onl IVilAn I pcttl f ur Bl c« la » If I -\ tio"1 8wnp

IND UKAtlltJll l"3\CllOMANOV t i h l IH VU B l ^ h l M l 1 M l_LYL_Uull Boul^hsrulluir M_1I Ul«

Unldo Bbowlng^ ho r tucr sex nagain tbe 1 vosnd an"-*! on f atn tantl 400 I 16II18

_LYL_Uull Boul^hsrulluir M UUnldo Bbowlng^ ho r tucr sex nagain tbe 1 vosnd an"-*! on f a

tantly 400 nag s I y i la 1608 lftl 81 Pbtla.1 lllila. 1 a

an 1 Mar l«£11 el H! BO

II v uoaUVhV <o O

d a n

hort Cutto Wealth.

II wUh every or r 1

Cla ctafor AIM MaiSD I Vvi nlo /kfcntu ad ILa i ufliwtM i r t In

imap (or tbd.Ufq'Of/Uie.-litUiUt;; gonorally,, s« JHtroeU KIUI avi'uuos, a'ccordiiix to trtld fliu'V; hiidiia

ln ojien accurtllugly ; ana,vili.c)i-B#id VtifsOf ;lati(.fil jioaui 'Ul ]July iO,4-fli '$<M I rt-CRidcd J*l,,^« MitV* «W*? u f

MiacbLu^j'ofMidilKi^. in^^yflofd^^

At,alliiP,lils wljDdt. 81iU. -D; if id t

lils wljy, lo'.Aun Atvveq

i 3D, Olliif ___bf cnl<oBAtdO rg W tifuy^Lti itA a Car t by d W1>1 0 « 1 r caitl d I tu LlM .y u Ml flux 1* b k iii < l i

0 d


ii,' by'deWl

lf, U6- oft lr Uuaband 'to

C a r l h y d l i BlKI Ap 8fJ ^I r c o i - t l d l tb M<,rk.flpu)c ol tllv cuu

f b 1c 1U d l l l a HI)

BlKI ApHu)c l tl

g tl r» l t h , e l l e l a b g l | r t i c rlgl to, lib rtles,r lH s,l r [Mln ntfl a d S[ puMK uhoosthur 41oto

*lf**-f"WWi'Sl«nil«.*W But NO B dtorIt t Oct Jll. 1 diotw

I as —,11) h\t\ / IUIULIA i l LINO lW

^ a a u wl 8 11 b, 1 ji76.t l t l in dl r

UK H(Llit* li

ub I4AMU M a H 1STS,


c 1J: y lOCkotHl —„

My liriu t utx UU.1 writ,il t)xp<>»6 t iile a t 1 ub I4 un loo, aa

IU* DV\at ,1 p cl -jk j at tl q ht-rltf a Olllco In, th« city olil v ] l twl 1> N w r rn j

AlU » 1 I ntari i f l t , tli anl luUruat.ln aHinu a r n r itriota or lantl i the city f No'Dr Bwick -Al d 1 BCX to uiy dw iraoy knpA I » L mi ns 1 In t \l 8 V JO 11 au 12 «

d n nil ° I ccrfe n p U nl i lth«CI TktVk h« Jure y 0 tiled .

t In Ib Fit t\\i \furti of tl

. . - l-SH-JOTf,,,.. ..rt?:q;QJ9qlc>p.|n,,>ttheUpurt,.IJo^p, inllibcit/ otNow UmMfr.bk,__NiW Jerstiy.^;' ;..'v','

£^4 '4,.;anta.

^pHoitorot, poinplallf

Siierla*8 Stilb; '

_ ^i-c^hiyri!Natforiil^BW[kitj6(

Murtln ut.afa'.'l Del'ts.n^ants.—Fl.-'Fa;, ei!e., ob1

ijX^.bfl^fr 'J.oder .t^q,ajioTe;ptAted|Wi^t; tttiw8"

ot»o>a6d*«WB%l«H«««)p«rJfScity ofNeivTWunswli*, Now Jerso;.

•,.Jo"ra.T. Blnl, BolioIl.Qnut fJoujplal:delC-ti - • .. •.. . . . .

TN Clittiiiiery'brNew Joreoy;— Detiveon.Hnios1... ,Uol>lu4' Atluriniatnitrix, Complainant, ana^mcr^iputhljd.ala.VDijfiiliilaiits.—Fl'-Fu.ffLcli on'forobioauru.l X)m(i(*<Aug.i81*i' 7'>. ' .

....IjiOflalu.unilw'tijeabovu Btatoil, writ staudshdibuniiid tp ' ''. ; , ••n.-,,. ..M..;.-I.^ ,

al2'o'cli'cii'ii..m.,"at iiio'Ocnirt1 nbUae-^ih 'the"citwofNcw BruuBwickv'Now JorB>y-i,,.,^.i :v. i

II. -M, L U f AUDUS, Late Bherlir.. :C. T..CttHfurtipj(euu^Rllffor>ot Complalli-

nt ' uestt-wi

dr»d-,vm .tTOty-eK,i< ,52oj>•^n«ij :V>»>«£i aM S H E R I F F ' S S A I i E . - ^ l n : Chancery} S l r ^ - l i ^ i m ^ ^ i ^ n y S S » \ U ^ i l 'HI «f•'»«« Jorsey^Jlet»eea.r,IIA)H.E3 STONEi8flc?» KiuSrJd.lS"?." ( M » 0 k W u S i l S r O T l SmWlpMi; .nllTuWAItD iftlUKALEW ot nr. et

, e d U iveuiber4, ISJft. .

'Uy rlrtueiol'th wrlV toimoidtcotod,-V ' ' i

;«aj fnmi:aorth.vAnil»y,-t<i .\V<>Mliild«a,-i.sout|ljlu ..:part by Hie Cunietary Aaaoclallon, aufl wast by tno -tint tiict lierbliidosorlbodlbMnrtuJaamoprom'sea; ;«uvayaA.,tp the sal4 M.prttz Pinner by.IaaajO...'AokBu'aiid1 wlf B--byTlBt!ortflte-d-/um Vi Hrtd,-aml-ro»—oordod Jli.Uio odke of Uifi q|er)( '"'.MW'i^iaRffiWl*.on tlio day of IB —, In book -^— orfletida,l»g« I— ,'snd- bubo; tue.sanuf pBuntae»iSlb(o>,wsr«cwiveyodtosaldAckonby Joliu'll. Insles and Wll-isin'ln»le»,'UMllMl<rfloelaattolllaiid' teatamantDt Qau«Iflalse,1do1a)aBbd, •l« )dertj>eai^ <*sl|V*snil.ary 14, lSs,'iuffffioordtSlTli UTs' aaffWerWi h»f,

AIBO all that certain larm; and • vlanlatlw KlUM.

cll°8of 1'ortU Amboy,1ln the. county and' qtate affji-aald, an4 Is bulled ana:bounded'as foUo1rs/'to''«it:

t a -JWfrom tue"1vTliage''of11

"Witbv T tJio irodd "lcfttliuituxm: ttlciice oortli-sixlniiiiiite»vvVflBii'tirgIit (8) chlitn*'

ta Voat^ Mthenu0, nqrt! '

[4} cbaiuB and forfy-threa (43)



at 2 o'clock p.'m-'at the 6ourt'iiiouBo, In (he oltyNow BriijiawHck,««WjJa3T»ey: .ri Jj h , . . . .•!.

, AH ttiBt cfrtalu lutof lauu.iind prcti'lBes situate,,Ins nhilftieia'Tailwof.y V.l; Now Urn-in wick, Jnvt

g&Jf°«ri ili?*Stfcr^"llhiy'tJr' NbiffibVlnS;' kt i

louthi/rly from tno imenuwtlon or 'tuo aaitl wt-aitiHnelirN(flllbtri(i^tT»lUi-ihtri5ouiljBrlj4ftjp-oi^>liiHtroev: aid thomn-j-ulining wutfirly at right fangl'-}.(iom-fJMliobBlri^i.oi'i-niy^Jiiil-Wt^oadi t i i lociii-a

yiix J i^V^d M w » u | ( p l w B ,In.) to » corner or lot ol Wl Ithui DovW; iti «urly ulon? th« llnu of'Boolo)-'* lot and i-urallel wlttl qilratcourao aeveuty-Uvo fix-Cuud ttiruu iiichva [71It'S I fl to TTolUoil'alroifc'; llitmW ulUfr'tWvrestet-lj)lne Dr,NtjllwiaflU-if8t-twynty-fltjq t«Bt;iwo,

r Inchw CTff iV.'Sf% In."] to i t e JblKtW'tit(;! n n£,'\tdnbtXia atuwqprumiiifii//cpn^t!ysaid Kdward lJuckklow by Jolin liuckalow, tirtcilUJrr 1'ou'c Bucka]ow1idfrfe»«wdJ;bwfrin{[ ilatu Muy 1, A.

T gdtUet-Wltli'nitaiid't-inBiAar1 Wa"rlriTlioih*bi'iTt;Olt»Oi«»t44^JijiimrU

MJ U •ff'-ou t>>^<r r crt f l *-

city f h IT a? k u cI L, n l r tou ii eu a d tll r rl j of Atir 1 in H

t v f11 frost

rlj of A rvyid ulth IIHi i n l i l l


i n l•dr 1 1

u Glli Mut •

II t nnl i l l l l l l1 1 t« a 11

M r%


r adat U by 11 cpu

[ rlj to a ucs U rimeo 2fl 1 tt, Burvoy (n

IF t y I 1 «, b> ljafllf

fygoT ' with |i apUl ^ulnrtho r ghtn, llbortloB,• t i g 8 te In e to a I »p|l t " " '- g jr r lnaBywl ie j i iK—- '

r ghts, libertiea oca tl r ( i l

f ri I n1) II i l

Btrrt I. 07cw Y rkI l l l l O f

n W Ocl HO 1S7IS

rtu gl^UlAliDCJb SlerfT


.NIP and TUCK(Chro n)

U E A D Q U A R T I R 85 A 1)7 Vr t ^ 8 1 N 1Au Ortanli-ill n f r

Importing Teasand solllsg llroct to eontuinorn f r ono s all i ruftt.BnUyTlraticli Kolall ttloros 'lies llfll Oil Ihr I iofuflfrrautiliesiiniseiiudlnpurelaacraufl «, U 4ir A poulidB of Tes. The con tinlij has i aw ready for

(iflWStrs a-jlionUia thrfno cStlillHl N i r ANDTUOU, a new lti roe i onu 1) pleturc slio^lnb nliroly sllcinlali bctnoen. baby ai J t l . pet Ipi .for ibpoascul nurs-dDir It Is s o ' lUrr ajlHB fo 1 Uiatno o«serli>Hori oan lell tbo sldry- aoVell as thii sll i| Idtills of the artist, l i f t bslllo IB Just M| snd 1 otan ttnnat ba soon to ba hp| reolatol How raa ly rord.llvjry st ; |

\77, Burnet Street,

SI1LKI11 '& bAI K —In Clinut i f,o r i . c Icrs r—II t e n 11!F NEW DRUN1

Wl)K S A M M I t lWSi.111 1 I O 1 U l l l a i l t ia I l I M L l l S I JU1, 1O11N M I AUlilH.IV .

x. t t nl J) f uduuls.—I l l a ou ( rixl s ire Iss r I ] pi I 187

a \ l - t ol tl « alwt htal lwrl t lo tub lireoUI M I I U X I BO I KUl t t Illq t 1 u

AWI'AUy .11, 1870,

al2oclotkk t 11 II o clt

&l aiidllial<s

us\rUkw lorBe

at tl C rt JioT» vr nt j

All tl B two rtal lr s p i an pis ofj r Is B I fl r i a - l l la l> I m.rllH. 1ly! R a ul bah (. 1 tbe L ly jof MLW 11 |usiI » o I) of Ml 1 1 » i a 1 Hlala f N w JerseyII iili II g ii r •••< •>" ' "» '" " • M 1 ' t " T aldo, ofLI | t i l ua> e at tl e dlsjit o or a fce| soutliv, Hterly r 1 u i oi fl out. Bald mo nu dn' bri la atUio.lHl rs oUui of Ibo Ul ls 'o^ lli|e betwirji l l icIs Unl A V All lusou an 1 Iloi y K HonTwIllJllridgstoli a\ei s and running tb.« oe «lbng Idvll uAto aval o Boulli 4% decrees •Antf &.17 foot and .ill&a» the w M H g l • - ' - - • - •souM ta degrees uaalA D Altl a Blandu tuna; "h46M '

ei die laF U l

1 en ei die lar 1 JJVlpuslou allac oFUiglullIng ciiudilni


'. bhglea to I1VU galou ave (naXU leiA to tho rear lli|o' oftl In o aloilK aald rtor Ki o

«feotauiWluchu« thsveelou a cm e 1 "JO fiet fo thu

U l d t t H O O U W

IMlllloutlssombeosl' " Olslallcs or 841

a Indnf ^ S ^ O e e S V ,said inoi uinlt beluit au ih« snUraeeWon M Uu litvlslo i II e het»ee I tun lat da of A I> AttI sou^dudIlbnry K< How wltb Uvlugalou nvanne Kn I rm

i "A WMr&s'Wait, at teet 1 thdiiaa uortli ayi dorest I tlieijoe'sti right talai to, UvI il f el to tlio jKm of Deglnbll it.

tave4i lhj

uoIU 1«



'•p **

aQtHMVlNCUlPit LSI St. llllf

•rtlBaalTmlliMlterled oil li

i3fSS3esi"tLl° ™°1' ''TUtJltell

lpQt S

ur.ln any wlao apj

.8-THOSO, ^(jtlcUor. ( *

By virtue of. thoAbpvo-aUtcdi-writ, to mq djrcctft]

al 2 o ciSck pV .A;, at tha Shprltf'a' Offi-*,; \a the city;J4u* Jliyu-iBwlok, NewJ-T^-y : . . . ... ..,, ...,•

All hat curtain lot, ptvc«'or'parccl of land attnato illinucUy-ofMtMiiktinBwtolcj.luthaco]kuDiiwlolci.lDitha cotinty o,r$l|dtMo-

Now Jerii'y, and-Oouoded and do, IbitW'io Biy^TliBtWrUln houia

hep ft, idt'Ute'Mf *Uoiwy'>Viu.^Aradilfa;id>>wt4edjth • runnluff caaUrly alonif Church ilrttet ilfiy.-tmjfcotto'tUtirclirnW'urJobtinA'Ck^an^^ftoutlii-rlyuJong ibaaald Ackt-rinan'a line unahiujilreda d f*<<iity fifof W^he 'Fre i ioTtor ra^chM /UiencL *«aUi-ly alonjf ^tisAM " ~L* ' " * " "oel o another coruer o( tha „ . „ , »„ „.„«-. . . . , ,«,

awrtl j" thence northerly along lliu lino 6t -the -UlilYon Ar->dalen,''*iJoceaaeai-onii liHii'dred ami twoiitji•tot t Church Btrutit af. rosnld a^J.uliwi ,ot beglnnlriwhich laid lot- or land ai.d proinlBiiii V«re 'oobr«y«d IDanl aVilsi^JLuak'-.^iaauB'aiai!: ItiM, * l . . . l . i . m ; H^llUyii"r

uu r} oubr«y«d I.dewtvau', ;byt;41>ralininiBcUuylbrr,

mntyMor,LMl,.dlwixl. by. Oetid daiix

b II 7 of (jLtHla, puge.C*&, and wiir«ik\fturwardi'o\»iiedI y h uuul O. Ckwk, jind a lW bis deouui} .vrurb ebldu lopnvtiy-ia by Ppter'P.' Bnnyob,'luii.faui.tor[iiobOuU >l(i of^sUWofMldSamtisliO Cook to ail

-|(u4W,ialdlK|tlntiltatal liwaluet.caat;of,

i, Cook, to ail'-• * • * J ) , 1 " * "


firl ir ues, hurudlUuaenta and aiipurtononcea IhertifciitaUouKiin[orlB-uiywiMap(>cf-4ljil0-f. yj. . «i J . '

i-'Q:*W.-J.vVkl.&r?viS5#!i?'141iUakJTOt.'iMJISJB, .'

wcat, ttve (u) ohatua and thirty (I ,ll,c U6o oh Mlltlilu Moougood's lafcl ;'Jtneitkreo (3) degroos snd thirty (80) mlnutee ta

u r u t r v a OBBt. OUO (1) vi44a A . n u u awaa,^-**Ui n Btaio ; tlieuc-o BOUUJ lbrty-t«ra;(18Jfour (4) chulua pud iiiuoty-dght (98) lit]. | ^ ' . . . ' • _ • I . J^J u'Afl t ' I B T I A_^"I.L1 [ h _> I

wiSnty-fourlU) Ifuka t o a largeWio o>lh»rUbkadlns«l#l*th-

to t fi

BOUtU tmuty-fojir.(^Vd!griiw»««tyq»Vjra5 nbalnaaudteu (10) links; tlieuoo Boutb tweaty-aeveu (3i>_doaroili'ftesWUVs (0) onsa'is'aiid;'ai«Bitfr-JlMf(7«) "Ill5j..'oa,sl«ko; llwW.soutb.tblrtyjseyenJTO de,_...grsosv

thirty-eeytin, (a7i de?_.„ , , Jgltf t»reo><W)'fi»,ksto,a(nost | thence soijtU Wrtl.-foui.M degree, west,BTX (01 ohaluB aud aeveu if) Unla fc tne> Ufabe of be-gjtming, containing onehnndredsind«df>e(lfl?X»oroiof land, be the same more or less, - -7-' BxecpWIg out dlllrtabow foilf (4yacre< ee Und,

southerly .by the rosd leading pagood's! and wiWBrly'oir MatfldJo1

;, Toaethor wlt)i aUauAsbsgularihe.privileges,' htroditaifints airl'ippu'nutoibelougiug opin;ayyl*/ise al ^-^

. M, M,~LU> K i Q K V S l i>KnWAiin Q,J^Ut'ao

V, Solicitor.!



l)tftTiil»iit.^ri.-r».,ctc:,-In case.' ' petaVDetober

' ily virine-or tlioabirtjitifooVin'lt;'tt> Ueaireoted,X wlU expose, to pale at pitb)joteuu.UBUon ;i,, j[u;f

TUK8DA*. KEBBpAfiV t lB7ai k ^ t i

ale. VB.WILCIAMB.DnHlf,~:,-In case.' ' petaVDetober

in.tbP:oity oriNorf 'DrutmvTlefc.wmH-f f>(iMJ4dlnax ,and State pi Ntsw JtsrHoy: UegluulnRat a, point onhe dldalon lUiiftwU-Miv Vttni'DlUatiliVBaHtiaiatM


,at«uijcai:tiio, northerJr • . U n M j W isatd arrow head being; one hundred andfeet alxilriohes fionlthe ftinnillUoarcorner of Mrs. A. Duubar'S 1teaeetion'of the northerl^'l


it Kudllot of Hrtl'Uorll8anj-tuijnoo:runnui» neatly\ right auglra wllh Washington streitOfly feel,lOreor leBSA'taadot^ornftlr 0/ Frauds Thorne,

aowof McUCoiligstr; thenee along his Una easterlyInd'petUleli wltn. WsjahiiMltiuvrstiaatAinnnrelght

i" i.-
