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Page 1: 4GW and Grand Strategy

© 2005 Chet Richards •

Conflict in the Years AheadChet RichardsJ. Addams & Partners, Inc.

Page 2: 4GW and Grand Strategy

Why I’ve called you all together here today

• Patterns, conflict and human nature

• Historical pattern, or why all the fuss about “OODA loops”?

• Moral conflict and guerrilla warfare

• The three “generations of war” – can there be a fourth?

• Collecting up the bits and pieces

– Wars of the future

– A closer look at insurgency and 4GW



– Shih

Page 3: 4GW and Grand Strategy

Charts from Patterns of Conflict and Strategic Game are copyrighted by the Estate of John R. Boyd.

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• National goal

Improve our fitness, as an organic whole, to shape and cope with an ever-changing environment.

• Grand strategy

Shape pursuit of national goal so that we not only amplify our spirit and strength (while undermining and isolating our adversaries) but also influence the uncommitted or potential adversaries so that they are drawn toward our philosophy and are empathetic toward our success.

• Strategic aim

Diminish adversary’s capacity while improving our capacity to adapt as an organic whole, so that our adversary cannot cope—while we can cope—with events/efforts as they unfold.

• Strategy

Penetrate adversary’s moral-mental-physical being to dissolve his moral fiber, disorient his mental images, disrupt his operations, and overload his system, as well as subvert, shatter, seize, or otherwise subdue those moral-mental-physical bastions, connections, or activities that he depends upon, in order to destroy internal harmony, produce paralysis, and collapse adversary’s will to resist.

• Grand tactics

Operate inside adversary’s observation-orientation-decision-action loops, or get inside his mind-time-space, to create tangles of threatening and/or non-threatening events/efforts as well as repeatedly generate mismatches between those events/efforts adversary observes, or imagines, and those he must react to, to survive;


Enmesh adversary in an amorphous, menacing, and unpredictable world of uncertainty, doubt, mistrust, confusion, disorder, fear, panic, chaos ... and/or fold adversary back inside himself;


Maneuver adversary beyond his moral-mental-physical capacity to adapt or endure so that he can neither divine our intentions nor focus his efforts to cope with the unfolding strategic design or related decisive strokes as they penetrate, splinter, isolate or envelop, and overwhelm him.

• Tactics

Observe-orient-decide-act more inconspicuously, more quickly, and with more irregularity as basis to keep or gain initiative as well as shape and shift main effort: to repeatedly and unexpectedly penetrate vulnerabilities and weaknesses exposed by that effort or other effort(s) that tie-up, divert, or drain-away adversary attention (and strength) elsewhere.


Positive (constructive)


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• National goal

Improve our fitness, as an organic whole, to shape and cope with an ever-changing environment.

• Grand strategy

Shape pursuit of national goal so that we not only amplify our spirit and strength (while undermining and isolating our adversaries) but also influence the uncommitted or potential adversaries so that they are drawn toward our philosophy and are empathetic toward our success.

• Strategic aim

Diminish adversary’s capacity while improving our capacity to adapt as an organic whole, so that our adversary cannot cope—while we can cope—with events/efforts as they unfold.

• Strategy

Penetrate adversary’s moral-mental-physical being to dissolve his moral fiber, disorient his mental images, disrupt his operations, and overload his system, as well as subvert, shatter, seize, or otherwise subdue those moral-mental-physical bastions, connections, or activities that he depends upon, in order to destroy internal harmony, produce paralysis, and collapse adversary’s will to resist.

• Grand tactics

Operate inside adversary’s observation-orientation-decision-action loops, or get inside his mind-time-space, to create tangles of threatening and/or non-threatening events/efforts as well as repeatedly generate mismatches between those events/efforts adversary observes, or imagines, and those he must react to, to survive;


Enmesh adversary in an amorphous, menacing, and unpredictable world of uncertainty, doubt, mistrust, confusion, disorder, fear, panic, chaos ... and/or fold adversary back inside himself;


Maneuver adversary beyond his moral-mental-physical capacity to adapt or endure so that he can neither divine our intentions nor focus his efforts to cope with the unfolding strategic design or related decisive strokes as they penetrate, splinter, isolate or envelop, and overwhelm him.

• Tactics

Observe-orient-decide-act more inconspicuously, more quickly, and with more irregularity as basis to keep or gain initiative as well as shape and shift main effort: to repeatedly and unexpectedly penetrate vulnerabilities and weaknesses exposed by that effort or other effort(s) that tie-up, divert, or drain-away adversary attention (and strength) elsewhere.

Negative (destructive) elements

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Why grand strategy?

• Support national goal.

• Pump-up our resolve, drain-away adversary resolve, and attract the uncommitted.

• End conflict on favorable terms.

• Ensure that conflict and peace terms do not provide seeds for (unfavorable) future conflict.

• Harmonize constructive purpose of national vision with destructive nature of strategy, grand tactics, and tactics.


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• Physically we can isolate adversaries by severing their communications with outside world as well as by severing their internal communications to one another. We can accomplish this by cutting them off from their allies and the uncommitted via diplomatic, psychological, and other efforts. To cut them off from one another we should penetrate their system by being unpredictable, otherwise they can counter our efforts.

• Mentally we can isolate our adversaries by presenting them with ambiguous, deceptive, or novel situations, as well as by operating at a tempo or rhythm they can neither make out nor keep up with. Operating inside their O-O-D-A loops will accomplish just this by disorienting or twisting their mental images so that they can neither appreciate nor cope with what's really going on.

• Morally our adversaries isolate themselves when they visibly improve their well being to the detriment of others (i.e. their allies, the uncommitted, etc.) by violating codes of conduct or behavior patterns that they profess to uphold or others expect them to uphold.

SG 47

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• Need fighter that can both lose energy and gain energy more quickly while outturning an adversary.

• In other words, suggests a fighter that can pick and choose engagement opportunities—yet has fast transient (“buttonhook”) characteristics that can be used to either force an overshoot by an attacker or stay inside a hard turning defender.


Boyd’s study of strategy began as a fighter pilot and an instructor at the

USAF Fighter Weapons School.

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Idea expansion

• Idea of fast transients suggests that, in order to win, we should operate at a faster tempo or rhythm than our adversaries—or, better yet, get inside adversary’s observation-orientation-decision-action time cycle or loop.

• Why? Such activity will make us appear ambiguous (unpredictable) thereby generate confusion and disorder among our adversaries—since our adversaries will be unable to generate mental images or pictures that agree with the menacing as well as faster transient rhythm or patterns they are competing against.


In other words, “faster tempo or rhythm” is not synonymous with “get inside adversary’s observation-orientation-decision-action” loop.

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Human nature


• Survive, survive on own terms, or improve our capacity for independent action.

The competition for limited resources to satisfy these desires may force one to:

• Diminish adversary’s capacity for independent action, or deny him the opportunity to survive on his own terms, or make it impossible for him to survive at all.


• Life is conflict, survival, and conquest.


Point of Patterns of Conflict:

IF you find yourself in this situation, make sure you are the one who wins.

Point of Patterns of Conflict:

IF you find yourself in this situation, make sure you are the one who wins.

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In addressing any questions about conflict, survival, and conquest one is naturally led to the

Theory of evolution by natural selectionand

the conduct of war

since both treat conflict, survival, and conquest in a very fundamental way. In this regard, many sources (a few on natural selection and many on war) are reviewed; many points of view are exposed.



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• In examining these many points of view one is bombarded with the notion that:

– It is advantageous to possess a variety of responses that can be applied rapidly to gain sustenance, avoid danger, and diminish adversary’s capacity for independent action.

– The simpler organisms—those that make-up man as well as man working with other men in a higher level context—must cooperate or, better yet, harmonize their activities in their endeavors to survive as an organic synthesis.

– To shape and adapt to change one cannot be passive; instead one must take the initiative.

• Put more simply and directly: the above comments leave one with the impression that variety/rapidity/harmony/initiative (and their interaction) seem to be key qualities that permit one to shape and adapt to an ever-changing environment.

• With this impression in mind together with our notion of getting inside an adversary’s O-O-D-A loop we will proceed in our historical investigation.


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Why I’ve called you all together here today

• Patterns, conflict and human nature

• Historical pattern, or why all the fuss about “OODA loops”?

• Moral conflict and guerrilla warfare

• The three “generations of war” – can there be a fourth?

• Collecting up the bits and pieces

– Wars of the future

– A closer look at insurgency and 4GW



– Shih

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Historical patternSun Tzu The Art of War c. 400 B.C.


• Harmony and trust

• Justice and well being

• Inscrutability and enigma

• Deception and subversion

• Rapidity and fluidity

• Dispersion and concentration

• Surprise and shock


• Probe enemy’s organization and dispositions to unmask his strengths, weaknesses, patterns of movement and intentions.

• “Shape” enemy’s perception of world to manipulate his plans and actions.

• Attack enemy’s plans as best policy. Next best disrupt his alliances. Next best attack his army. Attack cities only when there is no alternative.

• Employ cheng and ch'i maneuvers to quickly and unexpectedly hurl strength against weaknesses.

Desired outcome

• Subdue enemy without fighting

• Avoid protracted war


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Historical pattern

Early commanders

• Alexander

• Hannibal

• Belisarius

• Genghis Khan

• Tamerlane


• Early commanders seem consistent with ideas of Sun Tzu

• Western commanders more directly concerned with winning the battle

• Eastern commanders closer to Sun Tzu in attempting to shatter adversary prior to battle

* Cheng/ch'i maneuver schemes were employed by early commanders to expose adversary vulnerabilities and weaknesses (a la cheng) for exploitation and decisive stroke (via ch'i).



Cheng and ch'i*

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© 2005 Chet Richards •

Historical pattern

Keeping in mind the ideas of Sun Tzu and our comments about early commanders, let’s take a look at an early tactical theme and some battle (grand tactical) situations to gain a feel for the different ways that the cheng/ch'i game has been (and can be) played.


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Tactical theme (from about 300 B.C. to 1400 A.D.)

• Light troops (equipped with bows, javelins, light swords, etc.) perform reconnaissance, screening, and swirling hit-and-run actions to:

– Unmask enemy dispositions and activities.

– Cloud/distort own dispositions and activities.

– Confuse, disorder enemy operations.

• Heavy troops (equipped with lances, bows, swords, etc.) protected by armor and shields:

– Charge and smash thinned-out/scattered or disordered/bunched-up enemy formations generated by interaction with light troops; or

– Menace enemy formations to hold them in tight, or rigid, arrays thereby make them vulnerable to missiles of swirling light troops.

• Light and heavy troops in appropriate combination pursue, envelop, and mop-up isolated remnants of enemy host.


• Employ maneuver action by light troops with thrust action of heavy troops to confuse, break-up, and smash enemy formations.

Historical pattern


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Battle of Arbela*October 1, 331 B.C.

Parmenio Reserve Line




DariusMazeus Bessus

*Also known as the Battle of Gaugamela


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Battle of Arbela* (Phase II)


Reserve Line




Persians FleePersians Flee


The heavy thrust, set up by all the other action on this page. Although outnumbered overall, at this point, Alexander manufactured a temporary but decisive advantage.

Version 1.210 March 2005

Version 1.4 May 2005

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Historical patternGenghis Khan and the Mongols

Key asymmetries

• Superior mobility

• Superior communications

• Superior intelligence

• Superior leadership


• Widely separated strategic maneuvers, with appropriate stratagems, baited retreats, hard-hitting tactical thrusts, and swirling envelopments to uncover and exploit adversary vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

in conjunction with

• Clever and calculated use of propaganda and terror to play upon adversary’s doubts, fears, and superstitions in order to undermine his resolve and destroy his will to resist.


Conquest, as basis to create, preserve, and

expand Mongol nation


keep this in mind

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Mongol strategic maneuver (1219-1220)







Aral Sea

Genghis Khan

Chagatai Jochi


500 miles

Oxus River

(Modern Uzbekistan)


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Technology and the art of war

• The legacy of Napoleon, Clausewitz, and Jomini’s tactical regularity and the continued use of large stereotyped formations for tactical assault, together with the mobilization of large armies and massing of enormous supplies through a narrow logistics network, “telegraphed” any punch hence minimized the possibility of exploiting ambiguity, deception, and mobility to generate surprise for a decisive edge.

• In this sense, technology was being used as a crude club that generated frightful and debilitating casualties on all sides during the:

– American Civil War (1861-65)

– Austro-Prussian War (1866)

– Franco-Prussian War (1870)

– Boer War (1899-1902)

– Russo-Japanese War (1904-05)

– World War I (1914-18)


• Evolution of tactics did not keep pace with increased weapons lethality developed and produced by 19th century technology.

? Raises question ?

• Why were the 19th century and early 20th century commanders unable to evolve better tactics to avoid over a half century of debilitating casualties?


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World War I


• Offensives conducted on wide frontages—emphasizing few, rather than many, harmonious yet independent thrusts.

• Evenness of advance maintained to protect flanks and provide artillery support as advance makes headway.

• Reserves thrown in whenever attack held-up—against regions or points of strong resistance.


• Defense organized into depth of successive belts of fortified terrain.

• Massed artillery and machine-gun fire designed to arrest and pin down attacker.

• Counter-attack to win back lost ground.


Stagnation and enormous attrition since advances made generally as expected along paths of hardened resistance because of dependence upon railroads and choice of tactics of trying to reduce strong points by massed firepower and infantry.


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Schlieffen strategic maneuver







August 4 – September 8, 1914


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World War Ia way out


• Infiltration tactics

• Guerrilla tactics

• Capt. Andre Laffargue

• Gen. von Hutier?

• Gen. Ludendorff

• T.E. Lawrence

• Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck

Idea Authors

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World War Iinfiltration tactics

Key points

• Fire at all levels by artillery, mortars, and machine-guns is exploited to hold adversary attention and pin him down hence—

• Fire together with gas and smoke (as well as fog and mist) represent an immediate and ominous threat to capture adversary attention, force heads down and dramatically obscure view, thereby cloak infiltrators movements.

• Dispersed and irregular character of moving swarms (as opposed to well defined line abreast formations) permit infiltrators to blend against irregular and changing terrain features as they push forward.

• Taken together, the captured attention, the obscured view, and the indistinct character of moving dispersed/irregular swarms deny adversary the opportunity to picture what is taking place.


• Infiltration teams appear to suddenly loom-up out of nowhere to blow thru, around, and behind disoriented defenders.


Note: This is the essence of maneuver warfare/3GW. Good discussions in Bruce Gudmundsson, Stormtroop Tactics, and Stephen Biddle, Military Power.



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Looming up(asymmetric fast transients)

OODA “loops” in action

The Asian soldier is a master of the approach march. His tradition is to attack out of nowhere—to suddenly appear where he is least expected.

John Poole, Phantom Soldier, 139

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Creation of the Blitzkrieg

Envelopment(Leuctra, Cannae)

Flying Columns(Mongols)

Tank Attack withMotorized Vehicles

(J.F.C. Fuller)


Blitzkrieg(Heinz Guderian)

• Narrow thrusts

• Armored recce

• Commanders forward

• Extensive communications net

• Air in lieu of (or with) artillery


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3 Panzer Corps from Army Group A






Maginot Line

English Channel & North Sea


Ardennes Forest


Army Group B

The decisive role was to given to Army Group A

Maj Gen F. W. von Mellenthin

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• Intelligence—signal, photo, agent … reconnaissance (air and ground)—and patrol actions probe and test adversary before and during combat operations to uncover as well as shape changing patterns of strengths, weaknesses, moves, and intentions.

• Adversary patterns, and associated changes, are weighed against friendly situation to expose attractive, or appropriate, alternatives that exploit adversary vulnerabilities and weaknesses, hence help shape mission commitment and influence command intent.

• Mission assigned. Schwerpunkt (focus of main effort) established before and shifted during combat operations to bypass adversary strength and strike at weakness. Nebenpunkte (other related or supporting efforts) employed to tie-up, focus, or drain-away adversary attention and strength (elsewhere).

• Special seizure/disruption teams infiltrate (by air or other means) enemy rear areas where, with agents already in place, they: seize bridges and road crossings, sever communications, incapacitate or blow-up power stations, seize or blow-up fuel dumps … as well as sow confusion/disorder via “false messages and fake orders”.

• Indirect and direct air firepower efforts together with (any needed) sudden/brief preliminary artillery fires are focused in appropriate areas to impede (or channel) adversary movement, disrupt communications, suppress forward defensive fires, obscure the advance, and divert attention.

• Armored reconnaissance or stormtrooper teams, leading armored columns, advance rapidly from least expected regions and infiltrate adversary front to find paths of least resistance.

• Armored assault teams of tanks, infantry, anti-tank guns, and combat engineers as well as other specialists, together with close artillery and air support, quickly open breaches (via frontal/flank fire and movement combinations) into adversary rear along paths of least resistance uncovered by armored reconnaissance or stormtroopers.

• When breakthrough occurs, relatively independent mobile/armored teams led by armored recce with air support (recce, fire, and airlift when necessary), blow-through to penetrate at high speed deep into adversary interior. Object is to cut lines of communication, disrupt movement, paralyze command and envelop adversary forces and resources.

• Motorized or foot infantry further back supported by artillery and armor pour-in to collapse isolated pockets of resistance, widen the breaches and secure the encirclement or captured terrain against possible counter-attack.


• Conquer an entire region in the quickest possible time by gaining initial surprise and exploiting the fast tempo/fluidity-of-action of armored teams, with air support, as basis to repeatedly penetrate, splinter, envelop, and roll-up/wipe-out disconnected remnants of adversary organism in order to confuse, disorder, and finally shatter his will or capacity to resist.


Note: maneuver warfare does not mean leaving intact and motivated enemy forces in your rear.

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Which lead to:

Essence of blitzkrieg

Employ a Nebenpunkte/Schwerpunkt maneuver philosophy to generate ambiguity, realize deception, exploit superior mobility, and focus violence as basis to quickly:

• Create many opportunities to penetrate weaknesses in the form of any moral or mental inadequacies as well as any gaps or exposed flanks that open into adversary’s vulnerable rear and interior, hence-

• Create and exploit opportunities to repeatedly penetrate adversary organism, at all levels (tactical, grand tactical, and strategic) and in many ways, in order to splinter, envelop, and roll-up/wipe-out isolated remnants, thereby generate confusion and disorder, hence -

• Create and exploit opportunities to disrupt his system for communication, command, and support, as well as undermine or seize those connections or centers that he depends upon, thus shake his will or capacity to decisively commit his back-up echelons, operational reserves, and/or strategic reserves, thereby magnify adversary’s confusion and disorder and convince him to give up.


Create grand tactical success then exploit and expand it into strategic success for a decisive victory.


Blitzers, by being able to infiltrate or penetrate or get inside adversary’s system, generate many moral-mental-physical non—cooperative (or isolated) centers of gravity, as well as undermine or seize those centers of gravity adversary depends upon, in order to magnify friction, produce paralysis, and bring about adversary collapse.


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Categories of conflict

Now looking back and reflecting upon the panorama of military history we can imagine three kinds of human conflict:

– Attrition warfare—as practiced by the Emperor Napoleon, by all sides during the 19th century and during World War I, by the Allies during World War II, and by present-day nuclear planners.

– Maneuver conflict—as practiced by the Mongols, General Bonaparte, Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, Union General Ulysses S. Grant, Hitler’s Generals (in particular Manstein, Guderian, Balck, Rommel) and the Americans under Generals Patton and MacArthur.

– [we’ll come back to this bullet later]

With these comments in mind let’s look into the essentials of each.


Note: Boyd did not use the term “maneuver warfare” in his briefings.

Note: Boyd did not use the term “maneuver warfare” in his briefings.

Version 1.210 March 2005

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Essence of attrition warfare

• Destructive force:

Weapons (mechanical, chemical, biological, nuclear, etc.) that kill, maim, and/or otherwise generate widespread destruction.

• Protection:

Ability to minimize the concentrated and explosive expression of destructive force by taking cover behind natural or manmade obstacles, by dispersion of people and resources, and by being obscure using camouflage, smoke, etc., together with cover and dispersion.

• Mobility:

Speed or rapidity to focus destructive force or move away from adversary’s destructive focus.

• Frightful and debilitating attrition via widespread destruction as basis to:

– Break enemy’s will to resist

– Seize and hold terrain objectives


Compel enemy to surrender and sue for peace

Create and exploit Payoff


Note – moral purpose

Attrition – destruction – is the means, not the end.

Note: “speed”

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Observations regarding maneuver

• Ambiguity, deception, novelty, mobility, and violence (or threat thereof) are used to generate surprise and shock.

• Fire and movement are used in combination, like cheng/ch'i or Nebenpunkte/Schwerpunkt, to tie-up, divert, or drain-away adversary attention and strength in order to expose as well as menace and exploit vulnerabilities or weaknesses elsewhere.

• Indications of success tend to be qualitative and are related to the widespread onset of confusion and disorder, frequent envelopments, high prisoner counts, or any other phenomenon that suggests inability to adapt to change.


It’s the interpretation that’s important, not the quantitative data themselves. Unlike attrition warfare, one does not typically reinforce failure.

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Essence of maneuver conflict

Create, exploit, and magnify

• Ambiguity:

Alternative or competing impressions of events as they may or may not be.

• Deception:

An impression of events as they are not.

• Novelty:

Impressions associated with events/ideas that are unfamiliar or have not been experienced before.

• Fast transient maneuvers:

Irregular and rapid/abrupt shift from one maneuver event/state to another.

• Effort (cheng/ch'i or Nebenpunkte/Schwerpunkt):

An expenditure of energy or an irruption of violence—focused into, or thru, features that permit an organic whole to exist.


• Disorientation:

Mismatch between events one observes or imagines and events (or efforts) he must react or adapt to.

• Disruption:

State of being split-apart, broken-up, or torn asunder.

• Overload:

A welter of threatening events/efforts beyond one’s mental or physical capacity to adapt or endure.


Generate many non-cooperative centers of gravity, as well as disorient, disrupt, or overload those that adversary depends upon, in order to magnify friction, shatter cohesion, produce paralysis, and bring about his collapse;

or equivalently,

Uncover, create, and exploit many vulnerabilities and weaknesses, hence many opportunities, to pull adversary apart and isolate remnants for mop-up or absorption.


Note: High tempo, not (necessarily) high speed.

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It is true that the Russian can besuperb in defense and recklessin mass attacks, but when facedby surprise and unforeseensituations he is an easy prey topanic. Field Marshal von Manstein proved in this operation* that Russian mass attacks should be met by maneuver, not by rigid defense.

Panzer Battles,Major General F. W. von Mellenthin,

p. 254

* The Kharkov Counterstroke – February 1943

why this is called “maneuver” conflict

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• Probe and test adversary to unmask strengths, weaknesses, maneuvers, and intentions.

• Employ a variety of measures that interweave menace-uncertainty-mistrust with tangles of ambiguity-deception-novelty as basis to sever adversary’s moral ties and disorient ...

• Select initiative (or response) that is least expected.

• Establish focus of main effort together with other effort and pursue directions that permit many happenings, offer many branches, and threaten alternative objectives.

• Move along paths of least resistance (to reinforce and exploit success).

• Exploit, rather than disrupt or destroy, those differences, frictions, and obsessions of adversary organism that interfere with his ability to cope ...

• Subvert, disorient, disrupt, overload, or seize adversary’s vulnerable, yet critical, connections, centers, and activities ... in order to dismember organism and isolate remnants for wrap-up or absorption.

• Generate uncertainty, confusion, disorder, panic, chaos ... to shatter cohesion, produce paralysis and bring about collapse.

• Become an extraordinary commander.

Second impression


• Observe, orient, decide and act more inconspicuously, more quickly, and with more irregularity ...

or put another way

• Operate inside adversary’s observation-orientation-decision action loops or get inside his mind-time-space.

… permits one to


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This is the OODA loop





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A scheme like this would be a “stage model.” The drawbacks of such models are well known – see for example, Gary Klein’s Sources of Power, pp. 127-128.





This is not the OODA loop

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An OODA “loop” with power

“Interaction permits vitality and growth, while isolation leads to decay and disintegration.” Strategic Game, 29.

“Orientation is the Schwerpunkt.” Organic Design, 16.

“Emphasize implicit over explicit in order to gain a favorable mismatch in friction and time (ours lower than any adversary’s).” Organic Design, 22.

Observe Decide Act


ImplicitGuidance& Control

ImplicitGuidance& Control

















NewInformation Previous


Analyses &Synthesis

J. R. Boyd, “the Essence of Winning and Losing,” 1995.

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What OODA “loop” speedreally means

Observe Decide ActOrient

ImplicitGuidance& Control

Know what to do

And be able to do it





ImplicitGuidance& Control






Quickly understand

what’s going on






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German operational philosophy


• The German operational philosophy based upon a common outlook and freedom-of-action, and realized through their concepts of mission and Schwerpunkt, emphasized implicit over explicit communication.

which suggests

• The secret of the German command and control system lies in what’s unstated or not communicated to one another—to exploit lower-level initiative yet realize higher-level intent, thereby diminish friction and reduce time, hence gain both quickness and security.


• The Germans were able to repeatedly operate inside their adversary’s observation-orientation-decision-action loops.

or as stated by General Blumentritt,

• “The entire operational and tactical leadership method hinged upon ... rapid, concise assessment of situations ... quick decision and quick execution, on the principle: ‘each minute ahead of the enemy is an advantage.’”


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I. (Individual) Fingerspitzengefühl

III. Schwerpunkt

IV. Auftrag

II. Einheit

Idealized schematicThe FESA climate

Common outlook

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4GW organizational climateHammes

• aggressive, well trained subordinates who have a network of trust

• hard, realistic unit training that ensures those who can thrive in the chaos of war are in leadership positions and enough time together to learn how each member of the team will react in a crisis

• forward thinking commander who provides clear, understandable, actionable guidance

• freedom at all levels to take the initiative (even to deviate from the plan) as long as it conforms with the commander’s overall intent

F, E




* which requires F by the commander, too, of course

In other words, Hammes’ thesis is that the same climate that enables maneuver warfare will be required for 4GW

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Why I’ve called you all together here today

• Patterns, conflict and human nature

• Historical pattern, or why all the fuss about “OODA loops”?

• Moral conflict and guerrilla warfare

• The three “generations of war” – can there be a fourth?

• Collecting up the bits and pieces

– Wars of the future

– A closer look at insurgency and 4GW



– Shih

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Categories of conflict

Now looking back and reflecting upon the panorama of military history we can imagine three kinds of human conflict:

– Attrition warfare—as practiced by the Emperor Napoleon, by all sides during the 19th century and during World War I, by the Allies during World War II, and by present-day nuclear planners.

– Maneuver conflict—as practiced by the Mongols, General Bonaparte, Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, Union General Ulysses S. Grant, Hitler’s Generals (in particular Manstein, Guderian, Balck, Rommel) and the Americans under Generals Patton and MacArthur.

– Moral conflict—as practiced by the Mongols, most guerrilla leaders, a very few counter-guerrillas (such as Magsaysay) and certain others from Sun Tzu to the present.

With these comments in mind let’s look into the essentials of each.


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Observations related to moral conflictGen. Hermann Balck


• No fixed recipes for organization, communications, tactics, leadership, etc.

• Wide freedom for subordinates to exercise imagination and initiative—yet harmonize within intent of superior commanders.

• Heavy reliance upon moral (human values) instead of material superiority as basis for cohesion and ultimate success.

• Commanders must create a bond and breadth of experience based upon trust—not mistrust—for cohesion.

How is this atmosphere achieved?

• By example leaders (at all levels) must demonstrate requisite physical energy, mental agility, and moral authority, to inspire subordinates to enthusiastically cooperate and take initiatives within superiors intent.

What is the price?

• Courage to share danger and discomfort at the front.

• Willingness to support and promote (unconventional or difficult) subordinates that accept danger, demonstrate initiative, take risks, and come-up with new ways toward mission accomplishment.

• Dedication and resolve to face-up to and master uncomfortable circumstances that fly in the face of the traditional solution.


• Internal simplicity that permits rapid adaptability.


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Essence of moral conflict

Create, exploit, and magnify

• Menace:

Impressions of danger to one’s well being and survival.

• Uncertainty:

Impressions, or atmosphere, generated by events that appear ambiguous, erratic, centers of gravity, as well as subvert contradictory, unfamiliar, chaotic, etc.

• Mistrust:

Atmosphere of doubt and suspicion that loosens human bonds among members of an organic whole or between organic wholes.


• Surface, fear, anxiety, and alienation in order to generate many non-cooperative centers of gravity, as well as subvert those that adversary depends upon, thereby magnify internal friction.


In other words, pump up these

In order to breed these



Destroy moral bonds that permit an organic whole to exist

Page 49: 4GW and Grand Strategy


• In addressing this question we find that the counterweights to menace and uncertainty are not at all obvious unless we start with mistrust and work in reverse order. Proceeding in this way we note that:

– The presence of mistrust implies that there is a rupture or loosening of the human bonds or connections that permit individuals to work as an organic whole harmony with one another. This suggests that harmony itself represents an appropriate counterweight to mistrust.

– In dealing with uncertainty, adaptability seems to be the right counterweight. Otherwise, how can one adjust to the unforeseen or unpredictable nature of uncertainty?

– Finally, with respect to menace one cannot be passive. Instead, initiative is needed otherwise menace may obliterate the benefits associated with harmony and adaptability. Intuitively, this suggests that initiative is the right counterweight here.

• Using these ideas, together with the previous ideas already uncovered, we can modify and enrich the essence of moral conflict as follows:


JRB comment: the counterweight to “uncertainty” cannot be “certainty.”

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Essence of moral conflict

Negative factors

• Menace:

Impressions of danger to one’s well being and survival

• Uncertainty:

Impressions, or atmosphere, generated by events that appear ambiguous, erratic, contradictory, unfamiliar, chaotic, etc.

• Mistrust:

Atmosphere of doubt and suspicion that loosens human bonds among members of an organic whole or between organic wholes


• Initiative:

Internal drive to think and take action without being urged

• Adaptability:

Power to adjust or change in order to cope with new or unforeseen circumstances

• Harmony:

Interaction of apparently disconnected events or entities in a connected way


Pump-up friction via negative factors to breed fear, anxiety, and alienation in order to generate many non-cooperative centers of gravity, as well as subvert those that adversary depends upon, thereby sever moral bonds that permit adversary to exist as an organic whole.


build-up and play counterweights against negative factors to diminish internal friction, as well as surface courage, confidence, and esprit, thereby make possible the human interactions needed to create moral bonds that permit us, as an organic whole, to shape and adapt to change.


May use a variety of tools:

• physical – movement or firepower

• mental – e.g., ambiguity via more rapid OODA loops

• or moral – propaganda, subversion & covert action, etc.

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Prism of Conflict




Any actual conflict

Note: This is my interpretation - as far as I know, Boyd never used it.

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Now that we’ve looked at the capabilities required to wage blitzkrieg, and added the moral dimension,let’s turn to

guerrilla warfare.

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World War I Guerrilla Warfare(a la T.E. Lawrence)


• Gain support of population. Must “arrange the minds” of friend, foe and neutral alike. Must “get inside their minds”.

• Must “be an idea or thing invulnerable, without front or back, drifting about like a gas” (inconspicuousness and fluidity-of action). Must be an “attack-in-depth”.

• Tactics “should be tip-and-run, not pushes but strokes” with “use of the smallest force in the quickest time at the farthest place”.

• Should be a war of detachment (avoiding contact and presenting a threat everywhere) using mobility/fluidity-of-action and environmental background (vast unknown desert) as basis for “never affording a target” and “never on the defensive except by accident and in error”.


• Disintegrate existing regime’s ability to govern.64

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© 2005 Chet Richards •


• Infiltration tactics a la Ludendorff seem to be similar in nature to irregular or guerrilla tactics a la Lawrence.

• Why? Both stress clouded/distorted signatures, mobility and cohesion of small units as basis to insert an amorphous yet focused effort into or thru adversary weaknesses.


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Major advances between World Wars I and II

Soviet revolutionary strategy

• Lenin, and after him Stalin, exploited the idea of crises and vanguards—that arise out of Marxian contradictions within capitalism—to lay-out Soviet revolutionary strategy.

• Result:

– A scheme that emphasizes moral/psychological factors as basis to destroy a regime from within.

Lightning war (blitzkrieg)

• Infiltration tactics of 1918 were mated with:

– Tank

– Motorized Artillery

– Tactical Aircraft

– Motor Transport

– Better Communications

• Result:

– Blitzkrieg to generate a breakthrough by piercing a region with multiple narrow thrusts using armor, motorized infantry, and follow-up infantry divisions supported by tactical aircraft.

Guerrilla war

• Mao Tse-Tung synthesized Sun Tzu’s ideas, classic guerrilla strategy and tactics, and Napoleonic style mobile operations under an umbrella of Soviet revolutionary ideas to create a powerful way for waging modern (guerrilla) war.

• Result:

– Modern guerrilla warfare has become an overall political, economic, social and military framework for “total war”.


– J.F.C. Fuller

– Heinz Guderian


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Blitzkrieg and guerrilla strategy

Infiltration and isolation

• Blitz and guerrillas infiltrate a nation or regime at all levels to soften and shatter the moral fiber of the political, economic and social structure. Simultaneously, via diplomatic, psychological, and various sub-rosa or other activities, they strip-away potential allies thereby isolate intended victim(s) for forthcoming blows. To carry out this program, a la Sun Tzu, blitz, and guerrillas:

– Probe and test adversary, and any allies that may rally to his side, in order to unmask strengths, weaknesses, maneuvers, and intentions.

– Exploit critical differences of opinion, internal contradictions, frictions, obsessions, etc., in order to foment mistrust, sow discord and shape both adversary’s and allies’ perception of the world thereby:

• Create atmosphere of “mental confusion, contradiction of feeling, indecisiveness, panic”...

• Manipulate or undermine adversary’s plans and actions.

• Make it difficult, if not impossible, for allies to aid adversary during his time of trial.


• Force capitulation when combined with external political, economic, and military pressures


• Weaken foe to minimize his resistance against military blows that will follow.



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Modern guerrilla campaign


• Capitalize on corruption, injustice, incompetence, etc., (or their appearances) as basis to generate atmosphere of mistrust and discord in order to sever moral bonds that bind people to existing regime.


• Share existing burdens with people and work with them to root out and punish corruption, remove injustice, eliminate grievances, etc., as basis to form moral bonds between people and guerrillas in order to bind people to guerrilla philosophy and ideals.


• Shape and exploit crises environment that permits guerrilla vanguards or cadres to pure-up guerrilla resolve, attract the uncommitted, and drain-away adversary resolve as foundation to replace existing regime with guerrilla regime.


• Guerrillas, by being able to penetrate the very essence of their adversary’s moral-mental-physical being, generate many moral-mental-physical non-cooperative (or isolated) centers of gravity, as well as subvert or seize those centers of gravity that adversary regime must depend upon, in order to magnify friction, produce paralysis, and bring about collapse.


• Guerrillas shape or influence moral-mental-physical atmosphere so that potential adversaries, as well as the uncommitted, are drawn toward guerrilla philosophy and are empathetic toward guerrilla success. 91


Are al-Qa’ida or the Iraqi insurgents accomplishing or even trying to accomplish these?

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• Guerrillas must establish implicit connections or bonds with people and countryside.

In other words

• Guerrillas must be able to blend into the emotional-cultural-intellectual environment of people until they become one with the people.

In this sense

• People feelings and thoughts must be guerrilla feeling and thoughts while guerrilla feelings and thoughts become people feelings and thoughts; people aspirations must be guerrilla aspirations while guerrilla aspirations become people aspirations; people goals must be guerrilla goals while guerrilla goals become people goals.


• Guerrillas become indistinguishable from people while government is isolated from people.


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Guerrilla results















• American Colonies

• Spain

• Russia

• German East Africa

• Arabia

• China

• Russia

• Yugoslavia

• Indochina

• Algeria

• Cuba

• South Vietnam













* Regime exercised particular care not to inflict casualties and to protect population.


• Philippines

• South Africa

• Greece

• Philippines*

• Malaya*

• Philippines

• South Africa

• Greece

• Philippines*

• Malaya*







Guerrilla war is the war of the broad masses of an economically backward country standing up against a powerfully equipped and well trained army of aggression.

Vo Nguyen GiapPeople’s War People’s Army

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Blitz and guerrilla theme


• Avoid battles—instead penetrate adversary to subvert, disrupt, or seize those connections, centers, and activities that provide cohesion (e.g., psychological/moral bonds, communications, lines of communication, command and supply centers ...)

• Exploit ambiguity, deception, superior mobility, and sudden violence to generate initial surprise and shock followed by surprise and shock again, again, again ...

• Roll-up/wipe-out the isolated units or remnants created by the subversion, surprise, shock, disruption, and seizure.


• Exploit subversion, surprise, shock, disruption, and seizure to generate confusion, disorder, panic, etc., thereby shatter cohesion, paralyze effort, and bring about adversary collapse.


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Counter-guerrilla campaign Action

• Undermine guerrilla cause and destroy their cohesion by demonstrating integrity and competence of government to represent and serve needs of people—rather than exploit and impoverish them for the benefit of a greedy elite.*

• Take political initiative to root out and visibly punish corruption. Select new leaders with recognized competence as well as popular appeal. Ensure that they deliver justice, eliminate grievances and connect government with grass roots.*

• Infiltrate guerrilla movement as well as employ population for intelligence about guerrilla plans, operations, and organization.

• Seal-off guerrilla regions from outside world by diplomatic, psychological, and various other activities that strip-away potential allies as well as by disrupting or straddling communications that connect these regions with outside world.

• Deploy administrative talent, police, and counter-guerrilla teams into affected localities and regions to: inhibit guerrilla communication, coordination and movement; minimize guerrilla contact with local inhabitants; isolate their ruling cadres; and destroy their infrastructure.

• Exploit presence of above teams to build-up local government as well as recruit militia for local and regional security in order to protect people from the persuasion and coercion efforts of the guerrilla cadres and their fighting units.

• Use special teams in a complementary effort to penetrate guerrilla controlled regions. Employ (guerrillas’ own) tactics of reconnaissance, infiltration, surprise hit-and-run, and sudden ambush to: keep roving bands off-balance, make base areas untenable, and disrupt communication with outside world.

• Expand these complementary security/penetration efforts into affected region after affected region in order to undermine, collapse, and replace guerrilla influence with government influence and control.

• Visibly link these efforts with local political/economic/social reform in order to connect central government with hopes and needs of people, thereby gain their support and confirm government legitimacy.


• Break guerrillas’ moral-mental-physical hold over the population, destroy their cohesion, and bring about their collapse via political initiative that demonstrates moral legitimacy and vitality of government and by relentless military operations that emphasize stealth/fast-tempo/fluidity-of-action and cohesion of overall effort.


* If you cannot realize such a political program, you might consider changing sides!


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Counter-guerrilla campaign Action

• Undermine guerrilla cause and destroy their cohesion by demonstrating integrity and competence of government to represent and serve needs of people—rather than exploit and impoverish them for the benefit of a greedy elite.*

• Take political initiative to root out and visibly punish corruption. Select new leaders with recognized competence as well as popular appeal. Ensure that they deliver justice, eliminate grievances and connect government with grass roots.*

• Infiltrate guerrilla movement as well as employ population for intelligence about guerrilla plans, operations, and organization.

• Seal-off guerrilla regions from outside world by diplomatic, psychological, and various other activities that strip-away potential allies as well as by disrupting or straddling communications that connect these regions with outside world.

• Deploy administrative talent, police, and counter-guerrilla teams into affected localities and regions to: inhibit guerrilla communication, coordination and movement; minimize guerrilla contact with local inhabitants; isolate their ruling cadres; and destroy their infrastructure.

• Exploit presence of above teams to build-up local government as well as recruit militia for local and regional security in order to protect people from the persuasion and coercion efforts of the guerrilla cadres and their fighting units.

• Use special teams in a complementary effort to penetrate guerrilla controlled regions. Employ (guerrillas’ own) tactics of reconnaissance, infiltration, surprise hit-and-run, and sudden ambush to: keep roving bands off-balance, make base areas untenable, and disrupt communication with outside world.

• Expand these complementary security/penetration efforts into affected region after affected region in order to undermine, collapse, and replace guerrilla influence with government influence and control.

• Visibly link these efforts with local political/economic/social reform in order to connect central government with hopes and needs of people, thereby gain their support and confirm government legitimacy.


• Break guerrillas’ moral-mental-physical hold over the population, destroy their cohesion, and bring about their collapse via political initiative that demonstrates moral legitimacy and vitality of government and by relentless military operations that emphasize stealth/fast-tempo/fluidity-of-action and cohesion of overall effort.


* If you cannot realize such a political program, you might consider changing sides!


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Blitz/3GW Guerrilla

Penetrate Enemy forces Target society

Isolate Non-cooperative CoGs (e.g., penetrated units, fighting units from logistics, etc.)

Government from people

Subdue/Subvert Isolated remnants Isolated elements of target society

Reorient Blitz forces, for next objective Subverted elements

Reharmonize Blitz forces (e.g., shift Schwerpunkt)

Elements of society under guerrilla control

Content High mental High moral

Blitz vs. guerrilla

• Same basic themes (PISRR), collapse rather than overpower enemy

• Same emphasis on cheng/ch’i

• Differences include:

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Why I’ve called you all together here today

• Patterns, conflict and human nature

• Historical pattern, or why all the fuss about “OODA loops”?

• Moral conflict and guerrilla warfare

• The three “generations of war” – can there be a fourth?

• Collecting up the bits and pieces

– Wars of the future

– A closer look at insurgency and 4GW



– Shih

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Another scheme –the generations of war

• 1GW: smoothbore weapons; line and column; rigid discipline with top down control. Training & élan could often close with and defeat enemy before absorbing debilitating casualties

• 2GW: rifled weapons, automatic weapons, indirect fire artillery; tactics still basically linear (esp. on defense), but firepower replaced manpower as predominant element. Attempts to use “élan” to overcome firepower were now suicidal

• 3GW: same weapons; but: non-linear tactics (infiltration/pull; surfaces & gaps); time rather than place as basis of operational art; emphasis on collapsing enemy rather than closing with and destroying him (AKA blitzkrieg, maneuver warfare, modern system)

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1 & 2 GW

Battle of AntietamSeptember 17, 1862

Note the linear tactics. Roughly 23,000 Americans were killed, wounded, missing, or captured. The National Park Service estimates that about 7,600 men died during the battle or later from wounds.

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Clausewitz’s Trinity*:State vs. State


The State


Other state

1, 2, 3GW/Blitz/MW

*simplified – see On War, Book I, Ch. I, Sec 28.

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Clausewitz’s Trinity:Insurgency


The State



Allies of

The State

penetrate & isolate

penetrate & isolate

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3GW restores maneuver







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© 2005 Chet Richards •

Now, come with me into the fourth generation!

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4GW, according to Lind

What defines 4GW:

• The loss of the state's monopoly on war and on the first loyalty of its citizens and the rise of non-state entities that command people’s primary loyalty and that wage war. These entities may be gangs, religions, races and ethnic groups within races, localities, tribes, business enterprises, ideologies—the variety is almost limitless.

• A return to a world of cultures, not, merely states, in conflict; and

• The manifestation of both developments—the decline of the state and the rise of alternate, often cultural, primary loyalties—not only “over there,” but in America itself.

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4GW, according to Lind

The goal of 4GW is largely moral:

Fourth Generation war focuses on the moral level, where it works to convince all parties, neutrals as well as belligerents, that the cause for which a Fourth Generation entity is fighting is morally superior. It turns its state enemies inward against themselves on the moral level, making the political calculations of the mental level irrelevant.

“What if we combined terrorism, high technology, and the following additional elements?

• A non-national or transnational base, such as an ideology or religion

• A direct attack on the enemy’s culture … • Highly sophisticated psychological warfare, especially

through manipulation of the media, particularly television news …”

“The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation,” Lind, et. al., 1989

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4GW, according to Lind

• Therefore, in Lind’s view, 4GW could conceivably involve engagements between organized forces using techniques that we would call maneuver warfare (3GW) or industrial age warfare (2GW) if:

– one opponent is something other than the military force of a state and

– the purpose is to collapse the state enemy morally, that is to erode their resolve and weaken or dissolve the bonds that hold them together as a nation

• That said, Lind’s descriptions of actually fighting 4GW usually involve some evolved form of insurgency (as we shall see.)

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“Collapse a state morally”

– Moral strength: Mental capacity to overcome menace, uncertainty, and mistrust.

– Moral victory: Triumph of courage, confidence, and esprit (de corps) over fear, anxiety, and alienation when confronted by menace, uncertainty, and mistrust.

– Moral defeat: Triumph of fear, anxiety, and alienation over courage, confidence, and esprit when confronted by menace, uncertainty, and mistrust.

– Moral values: Human values that permit one to carry on in the face of menace, uncertainty, and mistrust.

– Moral authority: Person or body that can give one the courage, confidence, and esprit to overcome menace, uncertainty, and mistrust.


When this happens, you just give up and quit.

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“Fighting” 4GWLind

• You can use either the de-escalation model or the “Hama”* (annihilation) model. If you fall in between, you’re doomed.

• The de-escalation model: stresses the moral level, understands the power of weakness, integrates troops with the local population, draws on that integration for good cultural intelligence.

• In fighting 4GW, “less is more.”  Try to keep your physical presence small, if possible so small that you are invisible.  If you can’t do that, then keep your footprint small in time – get in and get out, fast. 

• Finally, if you have to take the least desirable route, invading and occupying another state, you must do everything you can to preserve that state at the same time you are defeating it.  As we see in Iraq, if you destroy the state itself, there is a good chance nobody will be able to recreate it.

From “FMFM 1-A,” On War # 101, January 25, 2005

*Syrian dictator Hafez al-Assad quelled an insurrection in the city of Hama by leveling part of it with an artillery barrage on January 30, 1982. Estimates of the death toll run from 10,000 to 40,000.

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Still “fighting” 4GWLind

• Other important pieces:

– 4GW is often light infantry/Jaeger (hunter) warfare

– “Out G-ing the G” – get better at guerrilla warfare than the guerrilla (quoting COL David Hackworth, USA, Ret.)

– Most important supporting weapon is cash

– “Force protection” is the enemy of “force integration” (with the local population)

– HUMINT is the only “int” worth discussing

From “FMFM 1-A,” On War # 101, January 25, 2005

Contrary to what a number of writers on 4GW have said, Fourth Generation war is not merely a new name for insurgency or guerilla warfare. What is at stake in 4GW is not who rules the state, but the fate of the state itself.—”Are Iraq’s Insurgents Losing?” April 5, 2005

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Fourth Generation WarfareHammes

• It uses all available networks – political, economic, social and military – to convince the enemy’s political decision makers that their strategic goals are either unachievable or too costly for the perceived benefit.

• Note: Neither Lind nor van Creveld totally agree with the objective

– Lind – focus is on moral level, so calculation of benefit is not dominant or sometimes even relevant

– van Creveld – “interests” or “policies” are not the primary cause of war

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Fourth Generation WarfareHammes

• It is an evolved form of insurgency (208)

– practical people solving specific problems in order to defeat more powerful enemies (3)

– But, Lind: “Contrary to what a number of writers on 4GW have said, Fourth Generation war is not merely a new name for insurgency or guerilla warfare.”

• Networks will be employed to carry specific messages to our policy makers and to those who can influence the policy makers (208)

– Networks are exceptionally resilient and difficult to destroy. (183)

• Clausewitzian “decisive battles” and even 3GW maneuver campaigns are irrelevant (208) at least until Mao’s Phase III against a state government

• Too much central control can destroy the effectiveness of a 4GW force (209)

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Fourth Generation WarfareHammes

• A state will not give up its right to exist as a result of 4GW techniques

– a final (Mao Phase III) conventional campaign will be required (211)

– can achieve less drastic goals with 4GW

• Successful 4GW organizations focus on the movement’s long term political viability, rather than near-term tactical effectiveness. (222)

– see themselves not as military organizations but as webs

– unified by ideas

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Fourth Generation WarfareHammes

• Types of 4GW threat (260)

– terrorist/insurgent movements

– states that are “moving rapidly to 4GW.”

• Forces properly restructured for 4GW can easily defeat residual 2GW/3GW threats (260-266)

– arrive early in conflict

– need fewer “heavy” force, more “medium weight” with lots of infantry & military police, intel (particularly HUMINT), civil affairs

– must bring to bear full set of economic, social & military capabilities of western states

– start with Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) and add these capabilities, along with more special operations forces

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4GW – non-trinitarian warfarevan Creveld

Martin van Creveld doesn’t use the term “4GW” but has stated that the concept is basically the same as “non-trinitarian” warfare, as described in The Transformation of War (1991.)

– The state as we know it (government separate from ruler) became the dominant form of political organization in Europe only in 1648

– In many parts of the world, states were only established in the 19th & 20th centuries through colonization/ decolonization

– Some parts of the world never developed functioning states at all

– Even where states were established, other organizations are coming to the fore and beginning to wage war not involving governments, people, and armies.

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Why societies go to warvan Creveld

• States

– interests; policy (Politik): cost/benefit calculations, often disguised, implied, or backfilled

• Non-States (and sometimes states)

– grievances, objectives, glory of individuals/status in tribe

– obtaining the spoils of war: booty, slaves, territory, women, which override and complicate any pursuit of tribal/community “policy”

– obtaining prisoners for religious or culinary reasons (150)

– doctrinal differences

– other “will of God” reasons

– justice: avenge perceived wrongs; community honor (e.g., Trojan War)

– assist an ally (WW I and to some extent WWII)

• Everybody

– existence, either as a group (insurgency) or as a state

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Predictionsvan Creveld

• The side with the more rational interests will lose (149)

• Wars will be waged by groups we today call “terrorists”

– tribes, religious groups, commercial groups, criminal groups, insurgencies, etc.

– their home territories will not be continuous, impenetrable, or very large; no clear line on a map

– leadership will be along personal & charismatic lines

• Role of women in non-trinitarian warfare (4GW, but not 2/3GW!) will approach that of men, as it historically has in guerrilla warfare (180)

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War through the agesvan Creveld

“It is not true that war is simply a means to an end, nor do people necessarily fightin order to attain this objectiveor that. In fact, the opposite isoften true: people very oftentake up one objective or anotherprecisely in order thatthey may fight.” (226)

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• Guerrilla or insurgency-based warfare

– Defeat enemy politically

– Not on battlefield but through years of LIC

• Incorporates notion of “war within the context of everything else”

– Military tactics subordinated to economic, political, and social pain inflicted upon opponent

– Focus is enemy’s “societal will to wage war” (Blueprint, 20)

• Could be precluded by a sufficiently large Sys Admin force (Blueprint, 17)

• Inside Core states, reduces to a law enforcement problem (Blueprint, 122)

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• Problems with 4GW:

– Suggests a world in perpetual war with an “unredeemable and inexhaustible” supply of savages (Blueprint, 21 – citing Robert D. Kaplan)

– Prior to 9/11, 4GW theorists “were fixated on China” (Blueprint, 21 – citing Hammes’ observation that China is our most likely opponent among nation states and uses 4GW principles)

– Envisions long, drawn out conflict with al-Qa’ida or its successor (Blueprint, 88 – citing Kaplan)

• 4GW techniques possible in conflict between Core states, but hard to see the payoff (Blueprint, 126-129)

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• Discounts religion as a strong cause of the 9/11 attacks (Map, 285; Blueprint, 87)

• “We seek to do unto al-Qa’ida what they did unto us: trigger a System Perturbation …” (Map, 285)

• But, system perturbation is risky

– Outcome of perturbation, itself

– Effect on rest of region (and by implication, the Gap as a whole) (Map, 290)

– “Rule-Set Reset” can be a dangerous time because “the cure may be worse than the disease” (Blueprint, xviii)

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• Doesn’t really consider the subject – focuses on war with certain radical Islamic groups.

• Follows Lind and Hafez al-Assad, should military force become necessary.

• Because we are so bad at grand strategy, we are only left with one military option:

– “The piles of dead will include as many or more civilians as combatants because our enemies wear no uniforms. Killing in large numbers is not enough to defeat our Muslim foes. With killing must come a Sherman-like razing of infrastructure. Roads and irrigation systems; bridges, power plants, and crops in the field; fertilizer plants and grain mills … As noted, such actions will yield large civilian casualties, displaced populations, and refugee flows.” (241-242)

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4GW: One pattern, a la Clausewitz





The State

Supporting country

Target country, (sometimes for bases & sanctuary rather than for a take over)






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States & non-states wage war

States & non-states wage war

1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

The “generations of war” modelFrom the viewpoint of Core states and nuclear powers

New commo & trans networks

3 GW

Precursor activities – going back to Alexander & Sun Tzu

(and before)

maneuver concepts

Peace of Westphalia

State-vs-state— only “legal” form

of war

state vs. state

2 GW

Highly irregular / partisan /guerrilla warfare;

terrorism; criminal organizations, etc.

Nuclear Weapons

ProliferateFall of USSR


4 GW

Page 91: 4GW and Grand Strategy

Blitz/3GW Guerrilla 4GW???

Penetrate Enemy forces Own society Society of supporting country

Isolate Non-cooperative CoGs (e.g., penetrated units)

Government from people Non-cooperative centers of gravity (e.g., institutions, organizations)

Subdue/Subvert Isolated remnants Isolated elements of society Enough NCoGs to cause supporting country moral collapse & withdrawal

Reorient Blitz forces, for next objective Subverted elements 4GW forces: for example, expand guerrilla or convert to 3GW in target country

Reharmonize Blitz forces (e.g., shift Schwerpunkt)

Elements of society under guerrilla control

4GW forces: for example to continue fight in target country, or to exploit new base areas

Content High mental High moral Moral vs. supporting country;

All vs. target country

Blitz vs. guerrilla vs. 4GW

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© 2005 Chet Richards •

Now, let’s collect up the bits and pieces.

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Main issue: role of military force

• Is ancient wisdom now obsolete: Whoever relies on the Tao in governing men doesn’t try to force issues or defeat enemies by force of arms. For every force there is a counterforce. Violence, even well intentioned always rebounds upon oneself. Tao Te Ching, 30

• Is Iraq really experiencing 4GW, or just classical insurgency? In particular, what is the objective of the transnational element?

• What is the evidence that we know how to rebuild states that we have invaded? In particular, under what conditions will the presence of an occupying force (a Sys Admin) in and of itself catalyze an insurgency?

• When it comes to Sys Admin, is larger better (Barnett), or should we minimize our footprint on the ground (Lind)?

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Type “Likelihood” Severity Type of conflict

Core-Core nuclear exchange

Very low Unimaginably high MAD, then ???

Core-Gap nuclear attack

Low High MAD, then obliteration

Core-Core conventional

Very low High 2/3GW

Process politically bankrupt regime

?? Discretionary Low – access

High – insurgency

2/3GW, then some possibility of insurgency

Non-state non-nuclear

Very high Physically low 4GW

Non-state nuclear High, given enough time

Very high Spasm against somebody, then 4GW

How I see it

Now, let’s turn our attention to the types that are significantly more likely, if not downright

certain, because we have strategies to prevent or mitigate the others.

Page 95: 4GW and Grand Strategy

Type “Likelihood” Severity Type of conflict

Process politically bankrupt regime

?? Discretionary Low – access

High – insurgency

2/3GW, then some possibility of insurgency

Non-state non-nuclear

Very high Physically low 4GW

Non-state nuclear High, given enough time

High Spasm against somebody, then 4GW

How I see it

The big question here is: What is the likelihood of a significant


Reduce likelihood by tightly controlling the production and

inventory of warheads and fissile material worldwide.

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• Given sufficient time, insurgency is likely:

– Somalia, Beirut, Vietnam, Ivory Coast, Iraq, Intifada I, etc.

– Military action by the Core may be regarded as “imperialism” or aggression, even if our motives are pure

– Heightened likelihood of insurgency if there are religious or ethnic differences between the invader and the target

• Hypothesis: there would not be an insurgency if we quickly “flood the country” with (effective) Sys Admin types. But

– Even then, because of the reasons noted above, as well as nationalism and local/tribal animosities, insurgency can form

– Are we liberating the oppressed or barging into a “domestic dispute” (e.g., intra-tribal conflict as in Somalia)?

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Fourth generation warfare

• Despite claims to the contrary by some Pentagon brass (some of whom were successful 3GW practitioners), there is a new “generation” of warfare stalking the world

– conducted by organizations other than states, who are becoming increasingly richer, more sophisticated, and able to employ more lethal weapons and better physical/mental/ moral strategies.

– highly motivated by religion & perhaps the baser instincts

– networking is in their DNA (losers have already been selected out)

• No state, including the US, is safe from 4GW

• Main point of contention: How dangerous are these organizations in the grand scheme of things? Barnett sees them as terrorists or insurgents, while Lind, Hammes, & van Creveld regard them as new types of players in the arena of war.

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Fourth generation warfare (II)

• 4GW is not defined by the type of force employed. Any available tool may be used, from whispered threats to web sites to “terrorism” & gangs to guerrilla warfare to conventional forces to nuclear weapons. It does represent “practical people solving specific problems” and then passing along what works and what doesn’t. This “passing along” is the evolutionary engine.

• Guerrilla warfare (“insurgency”), however, is a factor in all forms of 4GW and it can evolve to include any of the others (Mao Phase III, for example.)

• Whether evolved insurgency encompasses all of 4GW is a matter of semantics. So,

– Iraq certainly is 4GW according to Hammes’ definition

– Iraq is questionable according to Lind, because it is mostly guerrilla warfare (i.e., “crisis of state” not the defining quality)

Version 1.4 May 2005

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Fourth generation warfare (III)

• We need to give serious thought to the role of military force in 4GW and grand strategy

– Military forces are maintained to fight other military forces. These are largely missing in 4GW.

– Use of military force against civilians and militarily weak targets makes our 4GW opponents’ jobs easier & destroys morale and capability of our military forces.

– Military forces can take the lead role if 4GW prematurely morphs into classical insurgency or maneuver (or other) warfare. However, the effect will probably be to force the conflict back into 4GW.

– In all forms of warfare of the strong against the weak, getting in (“access”) is the easy part. Gap military forces tend to suppress initiative (Auftragstaktik) and so are very weak.

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OK, integrate. How?

• activist/preemptive approach will often cause more problems than it solves

– be viewed as aggression (Lind)

– good possibility to create another failed state (Lind)

– will destroy any organized force that uses it (van Creveld)

– results are unpredictable• Afghanistan, but also Iraq, Somalia, & Beirut• because of nationalism, tribalism, religion, honor, etc.

– any Sys Admin force large enough to do any good stands a chance of further perturbing the invaded state in unpredictable (and so probably not attractive) ways

• and further inflame nationalism, tribalism, religion, etc.• and present a fat target for insurgents

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Vs. “rogue” states

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Are there alternatives?

• take nothing off the table, so if we feel the need to help things along (e.g., to prevent misuse of nuclear material), use PISRR:

– Penetrate

– Isolate

– Subvert

– Reorient

– Reharmonize

• under this approach, there will often be no need for a large and visible Sys Admin, since most of the people who know how to rebuild and run the system are already there.

• and there will be no need for an all-American “Leviathan” - the USMC and SOF we have will do just fine (detailed recommendations in A Swift, Elusive Sword).

for populations suffering under “big men,” this shouldn’t be that difficult

idea is to preserve existing system, but co-opt it (minus the “big man”) and steer it into the world economy.

also, consider the “Theme for Disintegration & Collapse,” Patterns chart 136.

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Are there alternatives?

• make moral leverage the Schwerpunkt, as the foundation for an effective grand strategy that will:

– pump up our morale

– sap that of the opponents of integration

– attract the uncommitted

– without sowing the seeds of future unfavorable conflict

• beacon to the world or global cop?

“She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.” John Quincy Addams, 1821

“Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all … I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy.” G. Washington, 1796.

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Are there alternatives?

• play for shih (position/force/configuration/advantage/energy – title of Chapter 5 in Sun Tzu.)

1. Employ cheng/ch’i

2. Employ timing and force together

3. Develop favorable situations with great potential

4. Take and maintain the initiative

David Lai, “Learning From the Stones,” p. 2

• pump up the elements on the right side of the “Theme for Vitality and Growth” [Patterns #144]

• work on improving connections with as many “sources of order”/Core states as possible

• continually improve our understanding of how Gap countries actually work – ethnic/tribal, religious, legal, criminal, etc. Version 1.1

16 March 2005

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Are there alternatives?

• recall the ancient wisdom of the Tao te Ching: Violence, even well intentioned always rebounds upon oneself. This represents the distilled wisdom of practical people over thousands of years.

• if you’re must do it anyway, exploit Sun Tzu and those thousands of years of experience:

– best to attack his plans

– next best attack his alliances

– third best alternative, attack his army

– fourth on the list – attack cities

Where we should have started

Where we in fact did start in Iraq

Taking a state whole is superior;

Destroying it is inferior to this.

Sun Tzu (Denma Trans.) Chapter 3

Taking a state whole is superior;

Destroying it is inferior to this.

Sun Tzu (Denma Trans.) Chapter 3

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Could it work?

If we spent half as much time studying this approach as we now do preparing to fight 2GW (and some 3GW) against Core states and vanished empires, we might get somewhere.

The shih of battle do not exceed cheng & ch’i, yet their variations cannot be exhausted. Sun Tzu, Chapter 5

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Could it work?

We integrated:

– The entire Soviet Union(except Belarus?) and

– The entire Warsaw Pact

10 are now members of NATO

and 8 also belong to the EU

into the global system without invading anybody.

(In fact, a proximate cause of the fall of the Soviet system was its successful attempt to invade and remove a “big man,” Hafizullah Amin, in Afghanistan.)

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© 2005 Chet Richards •


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Predictions (II)van Creveld

• Distinctions between war and crime will break down (204) as will the difference between armed forces and civilians (194)

• Battles will be replaced by skirmishes, bombings and massacres

• Intermingling with enemy forces, mixing with the civilian population, and extreme dispersion have become the norm (208) The problem of subversion is likely to be serious (211)

• Much of the task of defending society against non-trinitarian warfare/4GW will fall to private security companies, with a corresponding decrease in the utility, size, and technological complexity (cost) of military forces

• Armies will shrink in size and wither away, to be replaced by police-like security forces on the one hand and armed gangs on the other (not that the difference is always clear, even today) (225)

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Predictions (II)van Creveld

• Distinctions between war and crime will break down (204) as will the difference between armed forces and civilians (194)

• Battles will be replaced by skirmishes, bombings and massacres

• Intermingling with enemy forces, mixing with the civilian population, and extreme dispersion have become the norm (208) The problem of subversion is likely to be serious (211)

• Much of the task of defending society against non-trinitarian warfare/4GW will fall to private security companies, with a corresponding decrease in the utility, size, and technological complexity (cost) of military forces

• Armies will shrink in size and wither away, to be replaced by police-like security forces on the one hand and armed gangs on the other (not that the difference is always clear, even today) (225)

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Predictions (II)van Creveld

• Distinctions between war and crime will break down (204) as will the difference between armed forces and civilians (194)

• Battles will be replaced by skirmishes, bombings and massacres

• Intermingling with enemy forces, mixing with the civilian population, and extreme dispersion have become the norm (208) The problem of subversion is likely to be serious (211)

• Much of the task of defending society against non-trinitarian warfare/4GW will fall to private security companies, with a corresponding decrease in the utility, size, and technological complexity (cost) of military forces

• Armies will shrink in size and wither away, to be replaced by police-like security forces on the one hand and armed gangs on the other (not that the difference is always clear, even today) (225)
