




    ATHENS 2010




    With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,Onder, and of course to my colleagues

    By Price

    LIAPIS PanagiotisWith lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,Onder, and of course to my partners

    By PriceLIAPIS Panagiotis


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    LIAPIS Panagiotis

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    Author LIAPIS PanagiotisTitleAddr K. Varnali 12 15121 Pine AthensTel 210-6149149Mob. 6937097443

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    A few words from the authorMy Friends in this textbook, take theknowledge that until now store it industy Greek manuscripts of Plato,Aristotle and other ancient fotodotonin damp basements monasteries and

    private libraries disekatomyriouchon. We revealed throughmasterfully blended events of economy, religion, Greek history

    and mythology, the confirmations of Medicine and themultidimensional social structures, the Greek discovery ofether for which spoke Platonas and Aristotle, the mineralkrystalyka and electrical properties, their initiatory secretcaves, history, radiation and their effects on human health,MIND CONTROL is the technical control of the mind legendsand myths, travel guides, the history of Russia and Mongolia,Dynasty RURIC, the Greek supremacy, The Secret of theLiving Water, forecasts in recent days, the establishment of the4th Reich, well read, and its organization, methods of

    prevalence of the 4th Reich, Geostrategic, The Secrets of theParthenon, The stolen works of art, naturally leads businesssurvival in difficult times. There are missing from my literarywork of literature, prayer and research on photovoltaictechnology in whose threshold of energy is free. Alsopresented a series of investigations on a series of error eventsfor the signs, and possible manipulation of cosmogony,incidents involving the Nazis and the possible bases in space,President Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeiaslaunched in conjunction with the Worship infernal beings are a

    new mirror through which can be seen the current scene of theenormous progress in the areas of MIND CONTROL, the chipEMV of Bill Gates on bank credit cards, the emerging bankingsystem in relation to economic crashes of America TheSIONISMOS and the New World Order of the 4th Reich, andPEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA in connectionwith the anti-government slogans and reactive walls define a new reality, whichleads to control police forces in Use of Sound for centuries hidden weaponsancient Greeks developed from the Greek National Nuclear epistimoina C. Gkiolva.The creations of the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule) and the sound "Artemis", as are

    sources on the web are presented in detail below in relation to biological warfareaircraft from the US-spray from chemical and microbial air over cities. Trying tominimize the harmful effects that using genetics Industry, extensive fires, buildingnew towns in the concentration camps of D Reich, apply geostrategicimplementation plan new war in the Balkans because of Kosovo, where the project"Blue Ray" at the upcoming mayhem by the end of 01/2010 will chrisimopoiithoun



    new weapons bass Police with physical effects of radiation on the human organismKARKINOUS

    By PriceLIAPIS Panagiotis



    CAUTION - SIGNIFICANT MARKINGS TO READER1. This project is a bottomless MYTHISTORIMA Reality2. Clarifies Developed Fiction3. Any resemblance to actual persons, locations and events are imaginary,purely accidental, not existing in the present reality and past it.

    4. Copyrights on works protected by the current constitution, laws andjurisprudence5. Prohibited the reproduction and distribution of all or part of thedocument without the prior written permission of the author and an awardidentifying figures and in words of the author's remuneration, rights andremuneration of the Greek state, the duration of the contract and theparties.6. The document bears a registered trademark7. The project is only available for private use, prohibited the readingpublic all or part of it.8. The work donate to the library of the Greek state request and compliedwith the legislation providing for the process.9. For Greek citizens: To book not sold through bookstores and other retailoutlets. KNOWLEDGE donors.10. The book takes seeker typing costs and expenses of this mission.11. The Writer LIAPIS Panagiotis receive no remuneration (money)making a work available

    12. The book has no subversive of the system concept, but instead Netconglomerate of all the Greeks of Planet Earth, 120,000,000 Greeks tocreate well-governed society as defined by the democratic, electedParliamentary Antiptosopous People (primary form of power)13. The GREECE Fri all the problems exist because of the scandalousEVNNOIA OF MARY. The Greeks GYIOS DEFKALIONOS OF, THELIGHT, AS NO ONE GREEK even no hope, no justice. Amen.

    Copyright by Panagioti Liapi






    (From Dialogues of Diomidis with Alexander the Great )







    Light on the mystery of the construction of the pyramids?

    The MIT team building experimental model pyramid to verify the theory ofcementIt is a theory that causes indigestion in dominant class of archaeologists.Argues that some of the huge boulders of large pyramids of Egypt mayhave made from synthetic material, the first concrete history. Do not havea say latomithei and have put in place by armies of manufacturers. Such abreakthrough will save millions of tiring worker-hours are supposed to go

    into the construction of the enigmatic buildings on the Plateau of Giza."It may be used less sweat and more brains," said Linn W. Hobbs,professor of materials science at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. "Maybe the ancient Egyptians were not only left usmysterious monuments and mummies. You found cement, 2,000 yearsago to begin to use the Roman building projects they did."

    This is an idea that could change dramatically in the history of science ofengineering. Believed for a long time that the Romans were the first to usecement in building large scale, although such technology is likely to comefrom the Greeks. A team of scientists performing material experiments withpieces of limestone and natural materials association materials should bereadily accessible to the ancient Egyptians. The experiments are designedto show that the boulders on the highest points of the pyramids may havebeen there from a fluid material channeled into wooden molds.

    At MIT, the Hobbs and two colleagues teach a course on materials used

    by humans throughout history. During the years of work, undergraduatestudents have the program rebuild from rubble articles like Samuraiswords, bells of Middle America and yet it enjoys a 18-meter bridgeconstructed of plant fibers such as those manufactured by the Incas. Nowin the laboratory of Hobbs made a model of a pyramid on a small scale, astructure composed of limestone latomimeno and artificial boulders madeof materials like cement and mud from the broken limestone that has beenenriched with kaolinite (mineral derived from weathering of feldspar,hydrated aluminum silicate), silica and natural desert salts like those used

    by ancient Egyptians for mummification.

    The MIT pyramid will contain only about 280 blocks, compared with 2.3million who make up the largest of the pyramids. The material resemblesthe original gel, but eventually becomes hard like rock. Although the



    purpose of the seminar in which the pyramid is constructed to learn thescience of innovation in engineering, the project can demonstrate that theancient, at least theoretically, could have built the blocks of the pyramids ofsimilar material, which could be purchased from dried river beds, desertsand and quarries .. "Too much too swollen and too many publishedresearch based on the idea that every boulder is carved the pyramid and

    not prepared." Manufacturers of Giza koniortopoiousan soft limestone andmixed with water, hardening the material with natural binders, it wasknown that the Egyptians used for the famous blue shiny decorativestatuettes manufactured. Such blocks could have been put in place byworkers pouring wet cement on top of the pyramid, a much less impressivepicture of what is known through Hollywood epic films such as 'TenCommandments' noisy misbehaving half naked with thousands of workersto toil with loops, ropes and rollers to move the giant carved rocks. TheBarsoum, professor of materials engineering, said microscope, theradiographic and chemical analysis zest stone from the pyramids "suggestthat a small but significant percentage of blocks at the highest points of thepyramids were made from concrete." He insisted that it believes that themajority of blocks of the pyramid of Cheops were carved as thearchaeologists claim. But 10 or 20 percent of blocks were probably madefrom some kind of cement, where it was extremely difficult to put in fullsculptured boulders.

    To illuminate the place where they worked, the Egyptians used a system ofshiny plates: they functioned as mirrors, reflecting the rays of the sun.

    From the material it was made concluded that the Egyptians probably didnot know how mirrors are made. The plates should be well-polishedmaterial, for example, bronze. A funeral objects found many bronze piecesthat were used as mirrors. Used were also torches that burn oil, which areremoved upon completion of work.The Pyramids of Giza

    Year Built: 2528 BC



    Of the seven wonders of the world, only the pyramids of Giza are up tothese days. " Although it has damaged much of the white limestone of theshell and the surrounding temples were destroyed completely, the heightand size of these huge buildings still impress visitors. The building isconsidered one of the greatest achievements in history, and so far themethods used by ancient craftsmen for the construction of this issue is

    causing much controversy. Indeed there are more than 80 pyramids inEgypt have been built in a period of about 1000 years, but those of Gizaare the largest and most representative because of the stability of theirconstruction. The Pyramids of Giza were built by three kings of the 4thDynasty, by Khufu (aka Cheops), the Khafre (Chephren), and Menkaure(Mycerinus). The Pyramid of Khufu (2551-2528 BC) is the largest and bestknown as the Great Pyramid. For over 4000 years was the tallest

    construction in the world.




    constellations. The Egyptians builders were able with great precision, thesides of the Great Pyramid to deviate from the north on average threeminutes of a degree. When one side is aligned, the rest is constructedfrom geometric and marked by tattooing on the ground.Recently, there have been several attempts to apodothei importance indiagonal placement of the three pyramids of Giza. It is curious that there

    was a key priority which is based on this placement. The pyramids werebuilt at different times as separate works. Also, the areas surrounding thepyramids are not related, as one would expect. The diagonal placement isa result of the manufacturing process: the pyramids are closely aligned tothe north, and each one is built sideways on the edge of the site and pulledback from earlier monuments to a clear view of the constellations of thenorth.

    Selection and transfer blocksThe boulders used for the base of the Great Pyramid exorrychthikan southof the pyramid with the same methods used for the construction oftrenches around the Sphinx. The manufacturers felt that the quality of thelimestone was too poor for the shell of the pyramids and so good qualitylimestone found in the quarries on the opposite bank of the river, Tura, aport at the edge of the site. On average, the limestone used, weighing atotal of 2.5 tonnes, although the magnitude of construction is reduced tothe top. In addition, blocks of granite transported from Aswan, to

    emphasize the external area of landfill and to give the impression that theinterior hallways are impenetrable, so as to deter would-be robbers.Granite used in the bottom area of the casing of the pyramid of Khafre, aswell as the pyramid of Menkaure.

    Ramps and constructionOne of the questions open to many different aspects, the method ofelevation of the building blocks of the pyramid. Many different views forlifting and moving the blocks have been made and more converge on the

    following terms: to use some kind of ramp. But in the case of Giza, there isno evidence of any use ramps. The debris and compact mud used to fillquarries (after extraction) may be the remnants of them. Entries from otherlocations indicate that a number of different ramps used. Differentsolutions were given for the transfer of blocks as the work progressed.Approximately 96% of the volume of the pyramid is two-thirds of the lowerand the production of lower levels of several small ramps must be ensuredthat blocks the flow of high levels of work done. At the top of the pyramid,the flow rate was lower because of the difficulty in lifting. At the top

    anymore, there was great improvement in the way of lifting and handling.Each block of stone carvers, when he was already moving in the rightplace, so that fits in next to him. The housing blocks are located so closeso it is difficult to see someone jointed together. Mortar of plaster used tofill gaps that may exist and should also help as a lubricant material to



    facilitate placement of ogkolithon.Ta extreme angular parts were thoseplaced first to ensure that each level was misaligned. The diagonal

    distances were measured to verify that the structure is squared.

    Internal layout of the pyramidsThe pyramid of Khufu is a unique interior complexity. There are threeinterior rooms, the lower was the foundation beneath the pyramid, whilethe other two rooms are located in the main body of the pyramid. TheKing's room is entirely lined with red granite from Aswan and contains asarcophagus of the same material. Above this area there are five differentrooms, which housed a huge granite beams, designed to vent the pyramidthe weight through the roof of the room of the tomb of the Grand Gallery,which leads to the room of the King. Architects efyivran differentmechanisms to seal the entrance corridor of the pyramid, but later thievestunnel built around them.The interior rooms of the pyramid of Khafre and Menkaure are belowground level and the excavation was the foundation. The pyramid ofKhafre contains only two simple rooms and the pyramid of Menkaure issmaller but more complex areas and paths where one is decorated.

    Finishing the pyramidWhile the edges of the shell carved to apply where they were placed, theouter surface of the stone was not lined up to finish the construction of thepyramid. The final investment was from top to bottom. While the workersdescended below the construction of ramps aposynarmologountan. Manygranite countertops in the lower level of Menkaure not invested when the


    building was abandoned.Apart from the tunnel, the bandit, the pyramids of Giza remained intactuntil the Middle Ages, when systematically used as a source for mining.Good quality limestone was needed for construction work in Cairo and itturned out easier to make the extraction of the pyramids. A small portion ofthe overlap of the peak of the pyramid of Khafre has been left intact.

    Continuous observation and excavations continue to provide newinformation on manufacturing methods and the people who built thesemonuments of great value.Pyramid of KhufuConstruction period: 23 yearsBase Length: 230,33 mHeight: 146,59 mSlope the sides: 51 50 '40 "Deviation from the north: 0 3 '6 "Volume: 2.600.000m Number of blocks: 2300000Average weight stone block: 2,5 tnWeight Granite Roof: 50 - 80 tnWorkforce from 20,000 to 30,000Giza, you can visit the great pyramids belonging to King Cheops, the sonof King Chephren - in which there is even a sarcophagus - and KingMikerino and smaller pyramids and tombs of other members of the royal

    family, nobles and senior officers kings. Many Egyptologist believe that toraise the blocks to build the pyramids, used ropes and ramps. The buildingmaterials were transported from areas Aswan, Sinai, cake and Lebanon,through the Nile. Each pyramid has a mortuary, a valley temple and acauseway leading to the pyramid. Next to the pyramids of King Cheopsand King Cherfen pits where there were boats from cedar, possibly placedthere to carry the Kings in the afterlife.

    The Pyramid of King Cheops

    The first pyramid at Giza was built between 2589 - 2566 BC was KingCheops. It is only the 7 wonders of the ancient world still survives. Initialheight was 147 meters and 230 meters wide. But today, due to physicaldamage and human intervention, a height 137 meters and width 227meters. Of particular interest are the side lines of the pyramid, which isaccurate, indicating the four points of the compass: north, south, east andwest. Approximately two million blocks were used for construction. Eachboulder was weighing over two tonnes. The entrance to the pyramid on thenorth side, while inside there are a number of chambers, corridors and

    galleries. The mortuary is of red granite and is located in the center of thepyramid. The sarcophagus of King is located in such a way that is alignedwith the four points of the compass. Probably the sarcophagus to be builtinto the room after the entrance of the cabin is only one millimeter widerthan the width of the sarcophagi.



    The Pyramid of Chephren

    King Chephren was the son of King Cheops. Between the 2558 and 2532,ordered to construct his pyramid beside that of his father. The complexconsists of the Chephren Pyramid, the Sphinx, the mortuary temple and

    the Valley. It is the only pyramid that keeps track of the smooth outersurface of stone on top. Initial height was 143 feet, but because of erosion,now has a height of 136 meters and its width is estimated at 215 meters.Build with blocks of limestone and red granite. Inside there is thesarcophagus of the king of black granite.

    The Pyramid of King MIKERINOAccording to historical findings, King Mikerino was the son of KingChephren and grandson of King Cheops. The pyramid is the smallest ofthe three great pyramids of Giza. Initial height was 65.5 feet, but now hasdropped to 62 meters and a width of 150 meters. As with the pyramid ofhis father, built with blocks of limestone and red granite. The layout of theinterior of the pyramid Mikerino is complex, with many corridors and




    The Sphinx

    The Sphinx is also one of the

    landmarks of Egypt. It is made fromlimestone and is the head of aPharaoh - who wears the royal jewels -and the body of a lion. TheEgyptologist argue that it representsthe Chephren, due to its location andits similarity to this King. Created inposition to guard the complex Chefren.Built in 2558 BC to 2535 BC Has a

    total height of 20 feet, the face has awidth of 6 meters and the body has alength of 57 meters. Extensive erosionand degradation of the Sphinx is dueto poor quality of the stone, the



    physical damage, smog and the weather.Nile found an ancient Egyptian temple entrance

    Archaeologists discovered a vestibule (or covered entrance) from anancient Egyptian temple beneath the surface of the Nile River. Accordingto experts one day lead to the entrance to the Temple of the god of fertilityKnoum, who was head of a ram. A team of Egyptian archaeologists, diversfound the vestibule in Aswan investigating in the first underwater test of theNile, which began earlier this year. The Nile has moved this part of thechurch became part of the river, "said Zahi Hawass, Secretary General ofthe Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt.Nowadays, the Nile has many archaeological sites and archaeologists

    believe that the underwater excavations will reveal other major articles.The massive vestibule is too large to move in this excavation, butarchaeologists have moved a boulder a tone that could be from the 22ndDynasty (945-712 BC) 26th dynasty (664-525 BC .). The stone itself couldbe even earlier, however, because as happens with many objects ofEgyptian history, the original materials of the temple of Knoum werereused for the construction of more recent temples.

    The stones found around the vestibule as it already has moved from the

    water, they (most) signs describing the events of antiquity. Theseinscriptions could contain a precise dating of a nearby building known as'counter of the Nile', a platform where ancient officials used to measureseasonal floods and thereby determine taxes.

    "In the 'Counter Nile, one could see the height of the flooding," says vonPilgrim. "And depending on the height of the flood, one could havepredicted how rich would the harvest. Based on this determined the tax."The Temple of Knoum was a religious, political, military, commercial andimportant center of ancient Egypt, added von Pilgrim. "It was a veryimportant building. Had great importance for the whole country."What are Nefelim?

    The Nefelim was an antediluvian race which in the Bible referred to asgiants. It was like * aka Tai, children born of the 'daughters if * humantrafficking "and" Sons of God. " It is crucial to note that out almost at the

    same time with the * declaration of God that would kill the earth with floodand it seems from this relation that the * action on the human race wasone of its basic causes * Sicily caused disaster.We read in Genesis 6:1-7 book1 When men began to increase number * tion on the earth and castdaughters



    2 The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful andmarried as many of them chose.3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not * TAKES lished with man forever,because that is * Tosh Nations. These days it is one hundred and twentyyears. "4 Nefelim was on earth in those days - and after - when the sons of God

    went to the daughters of men and made them children. They were theheroes from ancient times, men renowned.5 The LORD saw how great had become the evil man on earth, and thatany available PCI * pseon of his heart was always just evil.

    The Nefelim was a race of giants that emerged from the sexual union ofthe sons of God (where * angels expelled priate) with the daughters ofmen. Translated from the Hebrew texts, the Nephilim means "fallen." Hewas renowned for their strength, their courage, and a mega capacitythroughout * sins.The origin of Nefelim begins with a story of angels expelled. TheShemhazai (Semchazai), a senior angel, led a schismatic teams * Groupangels who descended to earth to guide people in the law of the street.The guidance UT * the continued for several centuries, but soon theangels began to seek the earthly women. In his eagerness, of the fallenangels guide * like the women in magic and spells, couple * as them andcreated hybrid offspring. The strength was remarkable and enormous

    appetites. Having devoured all stocks * the human race began to consumeand the people themselves. The attack Nefelim * dan people and oppressthem and was the cause of massive destruction on earth.Two essential texts on the history of Nefelim, the Bible and the Dead SeaScrolls, mention several names for them. In various parts presents thedifferent types of these giants. Reported in many food * foot as Enim, or"terror" (Gen.14: 5, Deft.2: 1st), Re * phaim, or "those caused Fade" or"The Dead" (2Sam.23: 13, 1 Chron.1I: 15), Gibborim, or "Giant Heroes" (Job 16:4),

    Zamzummim, or '* At tychontes (Deft.2: 10), Anakim, or "long-necked"(Deft.2 1st, Job 11:22, 14:15) and Awwim or "* In a turn" and "Snakes".These texts also refer else about * gloves, such as Goliath (2 Sam.21: 19),a giant with twelve fingers and twelve hands feet, referred to as one fromthe Rephaim (2 Sam.21: 20 ), and a tall Egyptian (1 Chron.11: 23). Thetext of Numbers 13:26-33 describes Nefelim of Canaan who saw Jesusand later other Jewish spies. Moreover, according to Judaic lore, someonein the Nefelim the Arba, built a city, Kiriath Arba, named from its founderand is now known as the Xe * vrona.

    The viciousness of Nefelim brought with her and a ba * pol toll. In Genesis6:5 refers to * wear life had brought the Nefelim between humans andthemselves: "The Lord saw how great had been the viciousness of man onearth ... "The evil of rebellion had revolutionized both the anger and thesorrow of God. So God E * send the angel Gabriel to ignite a civil war



    among Nefelim.Choose also in Enoch, a righteous man, to inform the fallen angels by *phase that had taken them and their children. God does not leave all thefallen quiet ac * ridiculous, and could not lift their eyes to heaven, and laterwas to alysode * thoun. The end of Nefelim came the war triggered byGabriel, in which the giants eventually wiped each other.

    The headquarters is located in the Nefelim desert Takla McCann in XinJiang province in North China. Takla McCann name in local languagemeans tucked in but not going out. So there is an ancient and giganticpyramid on top of which once stood the Temple of Baal. Lower, then, thisancient pyramid called the White Pyramid, there is an underground citythat is called Mach-Tunney in the language of White Nachrmpen meanstate. The White Adelfotato for which and the elders of Mount Athos knowIt is a point of continuing fascination for the mystic, persistent surprise thephilosopher and continuous embarrassment to the scientist that the mostancient human edifice on the earth's surface continues to be beyond thecomprehension of the most brilliant analytical minds.We explore the nature of protoplasm, to draw practical insights fromanimal structures of DNA and RNA, the use of coherent laser light to breakthe man, workshops to launch into space, yet offers the most ancienttechnology, the pyramids remain visible to us riddles, ancient remnants ofan era which is beyond all recollection, beyond history and beyond allunderstanding. The word pyramid usually brings to mind a picture of our

    huge building rising above a vast sea of sand. These are the pyramids ofEgypt. But pyramids have been discovered in many other parts of theworld. Aside from the equally famous pyramids of Mexico and CentralAmerica in the last hundred years have reported pyramids at variouslocations. Most of them were sighted by pilots flying over uncharted areasduring air missions tous.Ena large complex pyramidal structures with alarge pyramid a height of over 300m and surrounded, miles around, manypyramids with flat peak are all aligned to the true north is the province ofChina Sensei several miles west of the ancient Chinese capital Sianfou, a

    city older than other Asian Pekino.Mia pyramid somewhere in theHimalayas Mountains. Called white pyramid and is described as whitecolor tremolampei. Surrounded by metal or some kind of stone, with a topplate made of material like a precious gem, perhaps the crystal. In thejungles of Cambodia are the ancient ruins of the once great city, which isnow known to Angkor, which was beautiful temples, endless galleries andhuge pyramids. The oral tradition passed on by generations of Cambodian,tells us that it was either work or the Giants-Beyond Eoun, known as theKing of angels. France found a structure resembling a pyramid. It is

    believed that this pyramid was built by the Knights Templar when theyreturned from the Crusades of the 12th and 13th centuries. Below is anunderground pit with astrological symbols carved on the walls.Silmpery Hill, County Ouister, England, is one of many British pineal hillsModular gravel pyramids. It is believed that this hill was constructed before



    4000 years.Church use of small pyramidal or conical tombs and indicatorsfor unknown ceremonies, seems to have been widespread in the WesternHemisphere where, especially in the United States, found many such mini-pyramids. Rumors circulating for several decades indicate that there arepyramids in Alaska, in Florida, within the limits of the well-knownBermuda Triangle and other parts below the Atlantic Ocean Eiriniko.

    These rumors are now dismissed as folklore, may one day receive greaterrecognition.Much mystery surrounds the pyramids. Since the riddle as the hugeEgyptian, and Peruvian magianes pyramids and the unexplainable forcesthat appear to exist in the pyramidal shape. And perhaps the first mysteryof the pyramid is the origin of the word pyramid. The word PYRAMIS notseem to come from the MP (pronounced MEP), the Egyptian word for"four-sided building with triangular sides and square base. Thearchaeologists have accepted the word pyramid as a purely Greek wordwith no known connection with the Egyptian language. Gerald machesuggests a different origin of this word in his book "Ancient Egypt". Themache think that the word pyramid comes from the Greek word FIREwhich means 'fire' and HIT Egyptian word, meaning "ten" or "measure".This argues that this word means the ten initial steps and arches definethe god of fire, the sun in the zodiac world. Since the Great Pyramids ofGiza, among others, seems constructed in accordance with stellarmeasurements, this theory is plausible. Then this word means literally

    "dekamorfo medium heat" which is the clear symbolic form of life. Thedispute about the origin of the word pyramid is small with her raging for thepurpose of the pyramids. The Egyptologist claim that the pyramids weretombs. The perouvianistes other archaeologists do research in CentralAmerica report that served as churches. And some pyramidologoi nowbelieve that the pyramids might be or resonator stores energy.There is no doubt that every culture that built pyramids did this by usingvery advanced mathematical and astronomical calculations and aseemingly unlikely perfect learning the art of masonry. In cultures that are

    separated not only by thousands of miles, but hundreds of years, stonesweighing many tons, elevated and placed in position with perfect accuracy,for the construction of pyramid construction.But questions like "Who built the pyramids?" Or "for more purpose built thepyramids?" Or "acquired by the manufacturers of highly sophisticatedscientific and astronomical knowledge was used to design these hugestructures?" There are still unanswered.Developed dozens of theories, some bizarre, some noticeable, books werewritten, filmed documentaries and films. But the secrets of the pyramids

    are not disclosed and the investigation is still ongoing.The attention of most scientists and researchers have captured the GreatPyramid of Giza, it was the oldest and largest manufacturers of man withthe most perfect mathematical and geometrical analogies.Pistefetai thatThe Great Pyramid represents the height of Egyptian knowledge and that



    is the key to uncovering many secrets.Although scientists, archaeologist, and archaeologists believe that thegreat pyramid built by Cheops between 2686 and 2181 for example toserve as a tomb, many disputes have arisen over when and why built thegreat Pyramida.Mia the oldest dates of the Great Pyramid is given by anArab writer, Abu Zeid el Balkh, which relies on an ancient legend to

    support that the Pyramid was built during the Lyra was in the constellationCancer, is "two times 36 thousand years or so. This date seems to agreewith some determinations of carbon 14 dating of the pyramid, although there are some doubts about the reliability of carbon14 in chronological prosdiorismous.Polloi say that the manufacturers werefrom the previous culture Atlantis, and that built the Pyramid as a way ofkeeping all the known sciences and to build a temple of initiation, and apowerful means to generate energy pedion.Afti view was supported byEdgar Kaiisy whereby a group of people from an advanced civilizationcame to Egypt around 12,000 such The supreme effort of these peoplewas the construction of the pyramid to include in the structure ofknowledge. The choice of this place based on the fact that it is there werefewer natural disasters that began with the destruction of Atlantis and thegreat flood. An expert on ancient religious practices, the Manly P. Hallstated in his book "The secret teachings of all time" that the Great Pyramidwas built by survivors of Atlantis. He says the greatest scientists of theAtlantean civilization saw an impending disaster and to save the

    knowledge of their time migrate to other countries and set up learningcenters, built as temples, with a pyramidal shape. According to Hall, thePyramid shall remain as the visible covenant between Eternal Wisdom andthe world. It is the first building that serves as a place to preserve thesecret truth is sure foundation of all arts and sciences. Many entered thegates of the Great Pyramid and came as a god and became enlightenedby seniority. The drama of "second death" was played in the King'schamber, where the candidate adept symbolically buried in the tomb. Uponcompletion of the secret ritual, the mystic was born again, aware of the

    second birth and a resident of both worlds. This gain enlightenment andawareness of the world.

    The current accumulation of perhaps proves that the great Pyramid ofhiding the secret of a lost art. Does the unknown architects who created allthat survives of the Seven Wonders of the world, knew the universe fardeeper than those that succeeded?The Tompkins in the introduction of his book indicates that many elementsin the construction of the pyramid were random. For example, the perfect

    alignment of bases in the north, or the application of the structure of the 'p'with decimal precision. It also notes that in Plato's dialogue "Timaeus",refers to the main compartment as the structure of the universe. It alsosays that they gave to chance the fact that the angles and sloping surfacesof the pyramid show a greater understanding of trigonometry and the



    shape are accurately implemented the basic proportions of the "GoldenSection". These and many other discoveries that then increase, require anew appraisal of the Great Pyramid and a prosechtikoteri study of history.And the mathematics of the pyramids do not stop here ...1) along side base / 25 inches = 365.2421986677311 (deviation fromactual value of 0.08 seconds per year. 25 inches = 63.5 cm and a kyvito =

    25 inches because the archaeologists who made the measurements wereEnglish)2) the width of the chamber of the king to the square root of p = 365.24 ...3) the perimeter of the base is so many inches and the days a century(36,549)4) length + height cabin width by King = p5) or as symbols or geographically, and found the following symbols:a) the number aktonovolos p (cycle)b) The natural number e (natural logarithms)c) the golden number phi (harmonic constant ratio, see human body)d) the number c (gamma basis functions which describe many naturalphenomena)e) The imaginary unit i (based on the complex numbers)f) the number of module 1g) the number of Chaos 0h) the symbol exists in the Indian scriptures 3P (Vishnu the preserver)i) the equation e ^ Epsilon (places of great) +1 = 0 (given by the Swiss

    Leonheart Euler, and the kompiouterlakia stick ...)Many researchers believe that the pyramids (including the Sphinx), builtaround 2800 BC and the dynasties of the Pharaohs. But is not it? Probablynot, because lots of discoveries and revelations, we are suggesting thatthe pyramids are older than you think.First to say that no text of the Egyptians, there is nothing on the method ofconstruction of the pyramids. The Egyptians - assuming it was themanufacturers, would not or could not explain how construction of thepyramids? My personal opinion is that they could not explain, since the

    pyramids of Egypt existed. Mention a few historians and researchers tellus with certainty the actual time of construction of the pyramids andpotential manufacturers of:The Arab historian Abu Bachli translating the inscriptions inside the GreatPyramid, concludes that they were constructed at a time when theconstellation Lyra was in the constellation Cancer, is around 73,000 BC,the time of the god Uranus. So far, the theories remain open.The Imp Balousi places the construction of the pyramid, 25000, age of thegod Saturn, the god Hermes, the architect. It is not known the worship of

    the Egyptians to the Greek god (and let's remember the MercuryTrismegisto).Also, Herodotus wrote that the pyramids were built before 11,000 andfinally, the Arabic Al Masood writes that built the Great Sourint (Sirius) to10,000.



    The great pyramid of Cheops - which is the greatest of all - consists of2,300,000 blocks of stone weighing from 3 to 18 tons. The cut, but theboulder is made with iron tools and the Egyptians after the 2800 bronzewas so they could cut the stones. The archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, whodiscovered the palace of Knossos on Crete, said that discoveries foundbeneath the palace to assure the use of iron from 10,000 BC by Kourites

    Crete.Also, still remains an enigma, the number of the workforce. The Cheopsreigned for 22 years and 11 months just under the historic built thepyramid to "reign there after his death, the world of the dead." Assumingthat workers worked 7 days a week and cut 100 blocks a day (!), Then thecutting of 2,300,000 units will be needed at least 62 years of uninterruptedwork. Cheops ie to prevent the grave, should be cut three times in blocksthree times as many workers!One explanation that I think the likelihood is not the stones were cut butwere manufactured locally, in large molds. But that requires excellentknowledge of geometry and chemistry, which at the time of construction ofthe pyramids, had just e-llines.The Greeks were the manufacturers of monuments, as reported, and mostof the "unknown" Multi ancient texts. Known is the case of Thales talk tohim, when he asked the Egyptians to measure the height of the pyramidbecause they could not!Let me add that the name "Egypt" is Greek, derived from the words +

    Aegean Aegean backstroke ie flat or Aigiis + = supinely Egypt ie flatAigiida. The Egyptians called their country KEM Ham = Black Earth.For some reason, however, won the Greek word.N / A ESTATE OF ARETIS SEMNOTERON, nor confident EstinNo property is semnotero and most certainly by the virtue (ISOCRATIS).Graham Hanckock, Robert Bauval, JAWest, Adrian Gilbert, Colin Wilson,etc. These are astronomers, geologists, historians, researchers, the myths,and the important thing is that they have reached similar conclusions aboutthe age of the Great Pyramid, along different routes. These indeed are

    related to the discovery in 1993, a sealed chamber inside the pyramid.(This car has not yet opened, having lit the parafilologia about what it maycontain. A great book on the subject is " The secret Chamber "of RobertBauval)Briefly mention that the 1993 Robert Bauval published a book "The OrionMystery", which shows a very convincing to someone with knowledge ofastronomy, arguments that the position of the 3 pyramids of Giza arerelated with great accuracy with the stars in the constellation of Orion. Withthe right software to simulated night sky of ancient Egypt and found that

    the pyramid-match Constellation Orion "locked" only dated 10,450 BC Alsonew from both geological and astronomical alignments of the Sphinx to theconstellation of Leo, it is an age for the Sphinx by BC 10900-8700 (At thetime of Leo) These and many other elements (which are available on thelinks below) agree (if one accepts the course) so the date given by Plato



    for the destruction of Poseidon (the last part of Atlantis) in 9600 BC, as thewords of Edward Cayce and Zecharia Sitchin. Because there are manyelements that indicate the specific date of 10,500 BC could assume thatthis is the apparent age of the Great Pyramid was built by colonists ofAtlantis. Of course the above theory, the truth is that it takes too muchpublicity (some even documentaries have been screened by state

    television) has led in recent years stir reactions from classicalarchaeologist. The curious if it was the opposite. How can we accept thescientific establishment for many years to teach everything in humanhistory and prehistory is WRONG? One rational and I think I may bewaiting a sudden BAM, and to reverse the entire worldview of millions ofminds. Even the terrible discoveries of Copernicus, Bruno and Galileo tookcenturies to be accepted and paid for with blood. What can be donegradually in the minds of people to become more open to new theories canhe investigate the truth and not passively accept that reads the officialhistory books, etc. Related links: some interesting books:

    \"The Orion Mystery"

    sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/103-9766868-4377417"The Secret Chamber" one in Greek: "Apotypomata the Gods""Right as you go from Argos to Epidaurus a structure that resembles apyramid and embossed shields depicted the shape of the Argolid shields.This was the fight against Proetus Acrisius the kingdom, and say that the

    match was a draw and we that later reconciled, since neither the one northe other could not achieve decisive victory. They say it first collided armedwith shields and they and their troops. For those who fell on both sidesbecause they were citizens and relatives. was in this Part common grave. "(Translation Papachatzis Nicholas, ed "Publishing Athens). Severalresearchers have given different explanations, others say that thepyramids were frourarcheia, other Beacon (send light signals), butgenerally do not give them special simasia.Mia survey on recently by theAcademic Theoharis on the age pyramid of the Greek, showed that it wasbuiltaround 2720 BC, namely that it is a few years earlier of the Great Cheops.(Around 170) in the pyramid of Cheops, perhaps the most famous, not asingle iota of legend. Why? It makes sense to build a monument of thissize and grandeur and such does not have a text message anywhere?



    Katipou say who, how and why you made this colossal construction? Thesecond thing I remember is the following:In one of the many books I read about this issue states the following.Some scientists, taking the dimensions of the pyramid of Cheops, built ona much smaller scale, in order to experiment. Then noticed that he put inthe pyramid a piece of meat, and rotting that with a lot slower than it would

    normally happen. And also, when they put inside the pyramid with sharpobjects (shaving blades, knives, etc.) are not only not rust, but becameincreasingly sharp. In conclusion, I would say that what we do and wemust continue to do at this site, are not necessarily trying to find answerswhere none is possible, but as pioneers and seekers of knowledge andtruth to ourselves, to looking particularly think. HRS not know that I knownothing. "The name TaygetosAccording to the Philologist, Historical and Author Mr. AnargyroKoutsilieris, the first mention of the name of the Taygetos found in ancienttexts from the Greek Secretariat of the Odyssey "in the Tifgetonperimiketon or Erymanthos. Odyssey (g, 103), Herodotus (iv, 145). Isyhiosto find and type "Tafgetais pylais ye megalais.The etymology of the name "Taygetos" others say it has pelasgian origin,others not Greek, that may be related to the type Tafs "big, long and"Tafsas "megalynas surpluses (as in Isyhios).Solar deities to peaks

    The tops of the mountains are the closest points to the Sun, where peoplebelieve that prayers were heard easily. So many peaks, in antiquity, therewere shrines and altars dedicated to the Sun, which were variousceremonies. The age-old tradition that continues until today, as Christiansbuild churches on top of the tallest mountain in honor of the Prophet Elijah,sometimes overlapping ancient Greek temple. The highest peakMt.Taygetos the ancients used to call or Taleton Taliton and consideredsacred site of the Sun, people were making various sacrifices, which, as

    Pausanias informs us, among others, and sacrificed horses' limbs andTaygetos Taleton Vryson to tolerate. Sun itself are other holy kalousin TEibid Ilio thyousi and horses "(Pausanias C 20, 4). From Pausanias we learnthat even the street from "the Oitylo" to the chamber, the sanctuary of thefurnaces, was erected two bronze statues, one of the Moon, with anickname Pasiphae and the Sun. (Pausanias C 26, 1). Also varioustraditions placed the Residence of the Sun in Tainaro and believed thatthere tended the sacred oxen (Homeric Hymn to Apollo).The custom of bonfires on top of the Taygetos

    On July 19 every year, many pilgrims climb the trails on both sides ofTaygetos to celebrate the small church of Prophet Elias is on the highestpeak of Mt. By dusk begins to prepare for switching two fire that lit thepilgrims at designated areas, one to the side of Laconia, one by the side of



    Messinias.Oi fires kept almost the entire night, lit with candles and incensemisoliomena that brings the worshipers. Frankincense melts and slowly'rolls' for a while, the small openings in the stone circle. Similar fires burnthe villages located on the lower slopes of Mt. Visible but only that of Tseri,which illuminate a specific point on the edge of the village in the gorgeViros.

    Here is the beginning of the cobbled called "Lewton" which leads into thegorge. The fire is related to the specific point is visible from the summit,called "Lewton"? Is it related to the ancient worship of Helios' Sun GF ... 3?The philologist-historian and writer Mr. Anargyros Koutsilieris believes thatthe name is relative to the sun. The researcher and author Mr. MichaelBatsinilas etymology of the "Lewton" or "Lewton" and says: "The firstcomponent is produced by Leo-, indicating that expressed by the secondcomponent belongs or refers to the sun. The second component-the-yearand has roots in the verb istimi and vital tissue. Generally has the effect ofheight, heft, raises, etc.Or is believed that fires up the saw top, were the sparks of the wheels ofthe chariot of Helios - Apollo pulled the horses when they flew into thesky? La-cones (in ancient Greek means rock salt, so the name aloneStone Drift area indicated in the pyramid of Taygetos, according to authorof the article k.Panagioti Hatziioannou "The pyramids of the Greeks". From an old article Free Press

    1. The Pyramids of Giza are astroglyfika monuments, as has been saidalready by renowned researchers and Robert Baubal Graham Hancok,somewhat similar message Voyager. It has nothing to do with thePharaoh. One of the wells leads to a small door. The 10,500 BC and onlythen dawned the constellation of Orion and illuminated the entrance of thealleged (so called by the Egyptologist) fan. Obviously in this entry;; Lightoutput was probably a statue of Isis or Athena just lit it at the time of theconstellation Leo. For the same reason and the sphinx has the head of alion;; marks the sunrise from the constellation of Leo. Based on specific

    French criminologist who has representation (sketching) ruled outpretending to Khafra aigyptiologoi.2 as they say. Around 3000 BC Naxosstonecutters from port Chofo deaf or with the Minoans built the pyramid ofCheops. Cheops himself owes its name to the deaf, as stated by otherhistorians. Around 2500 BC was the dynasty of Naxos in Egypt. One ofthem was Cheops. 3. The Max Nordau says that those who built thepyramid of Cheops were Philistines, that Palestinians and Greeks of Crete.The Temple of Solomon was later again by Greek colonists. Moses usedGreek stonemason who lived permanently in petra Arabia where he was a

    tot Iakhou temple at the foot of Mount Erebus and Eremit in Hebrew. Thechurch has carved Corinthian columns.

    4. It is not excluded with the Naxos stonecutters have been with them andCorinthians in Corinth because there eponymous city of Petra in Arabia.



    Corinth called hammer of Minyans. The Minyans colonized Asia fromancient times. And not only;;. A granite weighing 600 tons moved fromAswan. (If read backwards from right is Naoussa, as well as the Said isJupiter, the den is Athens, the Suez is Zeous;; Zeus).

    5. We had high tech to raise such a project. The Bronze Age this was

    impossible. Not only the copper and diamond and steel do not pierce thegranite. The diamond lenses and burned. So the other known metals.

    6. It therefore appears that they had superior technology today. A cranelifts now up to 400 tons. What lifted 600 tons; One hypothesis isantigravity. We found traces of tubular drills, unidentified metal, pressureexerted on them 400 tons. Some schemes within the walls of ancientmonuments carved like antigravity generators. However the pitch wasimpossible to transfer 600 tons from Aswan (Naoussa) in Giza.

    7. The pyramid had a limestone coating thickness of 3 meters and workedas an antenna input telouriakon cavity flows with a measure. TheParthenon, in contrast, emitted energy received and was curved outwards,forming a pyramid.

    8. It says as more and more scientists, no one higher than the currentculture before the great flood, probably the Ogygia, perhaps the culture of


    9. We believe it is for the Greeks, because the show all the Greek names.Libya = granddaughter of AtlasEgypt = grandson of Atlas, and a descendant of Inachos, king of ArgosIo (Isis later) simulated with Athena the Tritonitida.Pis (from which ppia Peloponnese), king of Arcadia PalantiouSir;; sacred Apis = PisCheops deaf from the port of Naxos

    10. All the Greek cities of mainland Greece and the colonies aregaiodaitika and forming triangles between them. The position of the GreatPyramid determined primarily by 2 triangles. One set of lines spaced andTaenarus Pyramid (Temple of Poseidon, one of the entrances to thepublic) and Pyramid Gordios in Asia Minor. The second connects thepyramid with the highest peak of Mount Ararat (Tartarus if read upsidedown;; one?? T?? Missing the plurality of Greek dialects. Then the lineruns through the city Zakros (Crete), the latter with east of the Greek


    11. The two isosceles triangles with common peak Great Pyramid showsthe triangular gaiodaitiki link the ancient Greek tradition, Giza. Also havethe basis of the golden section (F-1, 6) in relation to Delos from;; which



    identified the location of the Oracle tov Delphi, Dodona, Rhodes and allother points where there are 5 of the 7 Wonders of the World. Sardis(Sarntana;; Sardinia;; Danaeans), Delphi, Siu (Shiva) also form anisosceles triangle.

    12. All the temples of Isis in Egypt is directed to the first appearance of

    Sirius, made in July. But the Parthenon on 25 July (last day of thePanathenaic) accepts the light of Sirius to illuminate the statue of Athena,which coincides with Isis or Io (= East).

    13. The word;; Egypt;; from the Aegean;; supinely colony and theArgonauts after Atlas. Minyans (Min) was the first pharaoh of Egypt.Because of the Greek dialects, Ionic, Doric, wind, etc. There pluralism andso;; that the same word appeared and seems different.Examples: dying;; thnasko, Philip;; Vilippos, vefyra;; bridge, Lacrime??Dakryme;; tears. (The Latin word Lacrime is supposedly a Greek but alsobecause of the diversity used in place of d l).

    14. So analyzing the word EGYPT.Egypt;; tosyt the spygiga, ypgypisai = settlement town of Thessaly, EphyraOrchomenouPypiai;; Minyai.

    Babylon;; vavylyon onpyvan vlouvyan;; Greek Pelasgians fortBabylon = ThessalianPerry;; Peryap = = Minyans PharaohYptaperyar = Orchomenios or Apyfer = EphyraTahiti;; antetait itatet = habitation Ithaca

    15. The Greeks Pelasgians had spread everywhere and pass on theirlanguage, traditions and customs and the general polismo throughout theuniverse. Was knowledgeable of mathematics and astronomy and they

    founded cities in gaiodaitiko way. 16. So Athens and the surroundingtowns form the constellation of the Virgin in honor of Athena. The Greekoracles of Dodona and the top end of the Egyptian Thebes are viewing theEarth in the constellation Argo. If you view the constellation of Argo onEarth on the stern of the Greek city of Canopus in northern Egypt and atDodona we bow to form the constellation of Argo, the Oracle of Delphi,Tanidos of oaseos Siu (Shiva) and Dodona. As the Argonauts were theArgo, named Constellation, and thus the prediction they made in the shapeof the constellation and is not a coincidence because all cities in the world

    of Greek colonies, are gaiodaitika.

    17. The Pyramid is therefore an astronomy book and linked to Greece,because it really is (;) Greek work, probably much older than the switchculture.



    18. Stories, etc. Teachers teach us that in 1200 BC we got letters from theSemites, and;; - The Pyramid 12,000 years ago and back usingmathematical and astronomical conditions and no letters and numberswould not be available science.

    - The city of Larissa, around 12,000 BC in Sumerian (underside;; orkatothallasinon = Minyans Cretan Minos and Minyans =) something weshould be saying.

    - After the Great Pyramid is mathematics and astronomy with theParthenon etc;; need virtue of what We have lifted controls;; to say thatGreek is the world and the pyramids.

    - The inscriptions have been found since 6000;; 7500 BC India with Greekletters, and after the so-called Arabic numerals are Greek, as is clear fromthe table that the letters written as room 8 and 9 as I understand that wepatronize for Simiton.5) In addition, Xi Bai Chinese dictionary, which has 24 Latin letters from alinear description of the Greeks, refutes the theory that we got the lettersfrom the Semites, because China is most ancient.The famous Jewish writer Joseph Girachounta shown that the Arabic andHebrew is an ancient Greek falsified.

    Mrs. Karavas by forming an anagram words back to lexicon of LintelScott;; Konstantinidis and find their meaning,So Melicertes is Heracles, because if you read the end and Child Sigmaoccupying the CSCE, is Hercules. So is the Gilgkames Semele, accordingto the replacement of vowels based on equity, for example a = e, i = u, o, b= f, f = p, etc.

    They generally say the article;;

    Conclusions yours ??.... The lens of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC andchannel NOVA Tuesday 17/9/2002 online for Egypt, whereparakououthisoun who are subscribers of channel opening ofARCHAIOTERIS Sarcophagus WORLD THROUGH discovered in theGreat Pyramid of Cheops. After 4500 years (;) will finally learn what wasbehind the mysterious door, which prevented the entrance to the southernpart of the AITHOUSAS VASILISSAS in the Great Pyramid!Guides viewers to the two-hour program will be the head of thearchaeological research team Dr. Zahi CHAOUAS in charge of the

    Egyptian Antiquities and the Giza Pyramids and permanently explorer ofNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and the American achaiologos Dr. MARKLENER, who also belongs to group NG and expert on the Old Kingdom. Acomplete and specific katasekefasmeno robots with special lenses,cameras, high resolution and a smaller radar - antenna to penetrate the



    ground, will seek a deeper penetration of the pyramid than any otherattempt has pragmatotpoiithei since chtistike. The two-hour programentitled: "Egypt - The opening of hidden rooms" and when that will be useddiakrkeia advanced three-dimensional graphics to represent the evolutionof the plateau of Giza, the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx.

    The mysterious ruined city of Teotihuacan, the whole universe is imprintedon the stone. Although its culture influenced Olmekous, Aztecs, Maya andthroughout Central America, the names of the rulers remain unknown, andtheir graves were never found. The latest scientific research usesophisticated technology to detect theThese ruins remain mysterious. The pre-1500 years was bustling city thesize of ancient Rome and perhaps to 200,000 inhabitants, which hassurvived even a name! The Aztecs, who discovered the deserted town inthe 13th century, wove around their own myth. They believed that the godsencountered here at regular intervals to renew the strength of the world,and named Teotihuacan, which in their language means "place where menbecame gods."

    The strict, almost military precision, symmetry roads and thousands ofresidential units is reminiscent of the chessboard, but the researchers didnot find a shred of palaces, pictures or statues of rulers who could shed alittle system of government. Teotihuacan was the first Republic in the


    Undoubtedly, the center was gifted artists, as witnessed by paintings withbold colors and hitherto unknown meaning. No documents foundcommercial or military, nor any content inscribed column, so the particularculture that has dominated much of modern Mexico between the 3rd and6th century, is still in the dark. Road crossing 2.5 km as the main axis ofthe city. Directed from north to south and slightly to the east and themental projection of the result of a recess of the mountain, Cerro Gordo,

    which was considered a sacred place. The Aztecs called the "Highway ofDeath"-the name is still preserved. On the north side dominated thePyramid of the Moon, on the east rises the imposing Pyramid of the SunSquare, of larger buildings from antiquity. With a height of 65 m,constructed from 'tezontle "- red volcanic rock, red coating, competes insize the pyramid of Cheops and within the archaeologists found tunnelsand caverns, nor a sign of rituals. Recent article on the website of theGerman "Spiegel" reported that the secret of this giant pyramid is probablythe key to the mystery of the city. The building is located right in the center

    of Teotihuacan, which is no coincidence. Measures length of that time wasunknown, the researchers devised the Teotihuacan Measurment Unit(TMU) -83 cm, and continuing counts resulted in a single number thatconsistently dominate throughout the city: 584 TMU-which is the exactnumber of days in the calendar of Venus! "Obviously, the city was built to



    symbolize specific dimensions of space and time," explains SampouroSougkigiama after years of research at Teotihuacan. During the Japanesearchaeologist, "as the capture of the city was an unusual" kosmogramma"and sought to radiation of social power and its exploitation for politicalpurposes." Further measurements showed that the architecture played animportant role numeric combinations and the solar calendar of 365 days

    and the ritual of 260 days upon which the organization of secular andspiritual lives of all great civilizations of Central America. Nowhere,however, the calendar authorities did not comply with such thoroughnessas architecture in this town, 50 km north of the Mexican capital.Teotihuacan was the source of all these cultures, which were developed insuccession until the arrival of the Spaniards? Is raised for the foundation ofmathematics and astronomical observations of neighboring Maya? The80s, S. Sougkigiama with the American J. Kaoutzil and Mexican R.Kamprera identified in the Pyramid "winged snake" (which was worshipedas the god Quetzalcoatl) skeletons of people who quite obviously stretchesdid not die a natural death, placed in groups of symbolic figures. The"Winged Serpent" is a unique mythical creature that gave people the time-diary form, and limited space, this world. The code chimalpopoca-mainsource of current knowledge about the mythology of the Aztecs,Quetzalcoatl descends into groundwater, wrestling with chthonic gods andreturned victorious. The cultural influence of Teotihuacan has spreadthroughout the centuries in Central America and, as mentioned in

    "Nationals Tzeografik" - traces found in ceramics, illustration andarchitecture of many cities in the Mayan-Frigate (Honduras), Tikal and theKaminalgiouchou ( Guatemala) and many ereipiones the Yucatan.According to a report of "Frankfourter Algkemaine, physicists at theNational Autonomous University of Mexico assemble inside the Pyramid ofthe Sun the largest subatomic particle detector, designed to identify burialchambers that may lie within. According to project leader, Dr. ArturoMenkaka "is propatheia identify variations in density pyramid. The cosmicrays penetrate everywhere, and the amount absorbed depends on what is

    encountered in their path. Identifying more than expected myonion-relatedsubatomic particles of electrons produced by the collision of cosmicparticles with air molecules, it would indicate the existence of holes. Whenthe myonia, moving close to light speed, encounter a barrier material, mostof the cross, but some characteristics are absorbed and leave tracesrecorded in the detector. Do you think there is some truth when he saidthat it will soon come a time when the Atlantis will emerge and how to findthe Lost Hall of time under the feet of the Egyptian Sphinx? Now opened abig business with Casey because it goes to the world of metaphysics . I'll

    say a few words to understand and the world. The Casey was anAmerican therapist and had the ability to state aftoupnosis makediagnoses for diseases of its own and other people who came to ask forhelp and he actually gave treatments that were medically bizarre buteffective. (End of a side). The Kefs his entire life giving dictations to people



    experiencing a problem. But he believed in reincarnation, past lives oftendescribe people here on Earth that reached up to 50,000 years ago andwho thus lived in a country of Eden called Atlantis. Of the many promptsgiven for different people, found that about 700 of them had incarnations inAtlantis affecting their current lives. Through these life dictates that Caseyanalyzed fully described the Atlantis, has its place in the Atlantic, the

    islands which were, their names, described the inhabitants of the riots anddescribed the destruction of Atlantis. According to his theory, many entitiesthat had one or more incarnations in Atlantis, you embody back to Earth inthis century and especially in America. Many of the prompts, but foundtrue. In a prompt say made in 1940 Kefs predicted that parts of Atlantis willemerge around 1968-69. Indeed, in 1968 found the submarine Cyclopeanwalls on the island Bimini in the Bahamas. The case of Kefs is shockingand should be analyzed according to the findings of genetics and biology.What these findings say? That primordial memory and consciousness,collective consciousness that becomes a man, that the memory of ourforefathers commonly recorded in the core of human DNA and is inheritedin subsequent generations. The Kefs believe that managed to arouse thecollective memory of its lethargy. I think the discovery of Atlantis Kefs willprove the true prophet20. 'Ara will discover the Hall of time?In many dictates of the Kefs says the Atlantic before the disaster, theymoved their records in Egypt and in two other places to preserve and thatsomeday will be found. Specifically, in a prompt saying that the hall of

    records is located between the Sphinx and River. Another says that theroom is in the passageway between the Sphinx and the Pyramid of thefiles. At this point, however, between the Sphinx and the river, the Nile wasformerly closer to the Sphinx than it is now, not yet found the files.However, indicated that the records preserved in other places, likesomewhere in the Yucatan peninsula but also in itself Atlantis sunk andrecords will be when they investigated this point. Now these are realmemories from the registered information of the human DNA ormisinformation? Nobody knows. I think it has not yet been a problem. Time

    will tell.

    Exhibit / Museum of Atlantis in Athens.21. About what is recorded by Plato for Atlantis in his works, considered tobe accurate and historically true or it is a symbolic story, a social -psychological allegory?I think it is accurate. I will not dwell much on the subject because it hasbeen much discussed, but with a few words to have a geographicaldescription of Plato, the form and shape of Hercules, on some parts of the

    Atlantic and a new continent, in addition to Atlantis, not specified .Furthermore, references to Plato is certainly an element in my research,but not more serious. However I can not imagine that Plato fooled theworld and give an answer to those who say that what Plato says not really.What was Plato? No crook? Let's get it but from another angle. Suppose



    that Plato did not say all this story that we did not know anything aboutAtlantis by the writings of Plato. Will again today looking for the existenceof an antediluvian civilization? There are many signs around the world,many unexplained results and events, reports and myths that we did. JustPlato gave us the name of culture and our orientation. Moreover, as wesaid earlier there were reports of Atlantis by Plato

    22. There are descendants of Atlanta today?Yes, I believe it exists. There are certain breeds that I mention. Are theBasques of Spain, who inhabit the Pyrenees mountains. They differ fromtheir neighbors in appearance and language, and even the Basquelanguage is unique in Western Europe is not an Aryan language. TheCanary islanders, who have little resemblance to any other African tribeand used to mummify their dead. Other tribes are the Berbers of NorthAfrica have influenced dialect the word "Atlas" and a small, relativelyunknown breed, the dogs, who live in southern Mali, West Africa. Theylove it even now Sirius have astronomical knowledge and say thatdescended from the Berbers, but they clearly state that descend from the'Atlantic. Also, I think the tribes descended from the 'Atlantic shouldsygkatalexoume and American Indians and other tribes that do not havemy mind.23. The Greeks?

    I can not answer this issue because there are many intermarriage ... TheGreeks built their own culture and many things may have influences.However, there are influences from the Atlantis in the Aegean, a tradition,mythology ... Do not forget that Zeus was born in a mountain of Crete,Rhea got to save him from Kronos, who lived on an island in the Atlanticand ate their children. For this and Rhea went to Crete where Zeus wasborn, far from Saturn. Also, the cult of the twelve gods of Crete began, thetraditions of Crete, the bull, etc. associated with the traditions of Atlanta.Correlation between the two cultures is but the Greeks built their own

    culture, there were many intermingling .. Maybe the culture is toovershadow the influence of Atlanta and was not able to answer withcertainty whether the Greeks are descendants of Atlanta or not.

    Exhibit / Museum of Atlantis in Athens
