Download pdf - 4 ways to awsome drums


Hi, my name is Niklas J. Blixt and I’m a session drummer. In this presentation I ’m gonna show you in 4 easy steps how to get awesome

sounding drums for you song. Let’s go!

Step One”Send me a demo”

- Take your guitar, piano or any other preferred instrument and star to write your song

- Send an email to [email protected] and tell me a little bit about yourself and your project

-If you have a demo of the song please send me that as well

Step Two”Let’s make a deal”

-I’ll respond to your email with a price offer

-When we’ve agreed upon price it’s time to send over a demo without eventual ”scratch drums”

-This isn't mandatory but if there’s a click track please send that as well, it will help me lock in even better with the song

Step Three”I’ll get a groove going”

-I’ll now record drums based upon what you want

-I’ll then send a ”ruff mix” of your song with my drums

-You’ll be able to give me feedback and suggestions on the ”ruff mix” up to 3 times per song without extra charge

Step Four”Delivery”

-When you're satisfied with my drumming I’ll send you the payment information

-After I’ve received full payment I’ll upload the raw drum files to a server and email you a link to the files

-Now you can down load the files and edit them and mix them to taste

Done! Easy huh?

If you have any questions before we start please visit or send an email to

[email protected]