Page 1: 4 Things to Look for in Customized Tally Books

4 Things to Look for in Customized Tally Books

Customized pipe tally books offer many attractive features for companies. When workers are out in the field, they can refer to the books for important calculations and as a reference for company policies. Make sure you get the highest quality tally books when you decide to customize. Here are four things you should look for in custom company books.

1. Durability Whether your employees are recording figures on a drilling site or detailing the progress of a surveying unit, the elements can take a toll on the log books they use. Make sure the tally books have a durable cover and paper with enough weight to resist tearing. Waterproof tablets are worth considering for these reasons.

2. Quality Printing To make pipe tally books look great, you need quality print options. Full-color entrapment with vinyl backing is a popular choice, but you also have silkscreen options and full color vinyl to consider. Ask to proof your tally books before finalizing the order.

3. Options for Inserts There is no reason to go for a standard booklet if your company needs a special layout for paper and other inserts. Ask about the full customization options when you are getting ready to order your tally books. There are wire-bound and standard options for the binding, while you can make the call on which papers are included in each book.

4. Easy Refills Once you go through the process of designing and ordering your company’s pipe tally books, you should have the opportunity to get fast refills so there is no gap in your employees’ supply. The refill process will include a simple repeat of everything you had included in your custom books – from employee manuals and tables to emergency numbers for company staff.

Custom tally book can add a level of professionalism for any company. Consider the full range of options when placing your order. Please visit or contact us at (800) 219-5331 for more information or inquiries.
