Page 1: 4 THE AMERICAN · 2015. 8. 24. · 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. —, I . | - iii the Vice-President of the Bene Zion

4 THE AMERICAN ISRAE LITE. —, I . | - i i i the Vice-President of the Bene Zion useless now tha n those kitchen and the fiscal year can be no less than It could act in such emergencies as incubators of Terr ain and stench . ECHOES FROM. WASHI NG TON1 IIP A [T]RfiC9fl |SfS6lll6l Temp le Congregation , of which he is a table lows and observance a, of whioh 900,000,000 rubel s. The minister failed the recent atta cks on Jewish working- The law can do no more than

^ _

1 charter member , and one of the most Moses and the prop hets knew nothing , in placing any loan besides the 50,000,- men at variou s points in New Jer sey, threaten puni shment to transgre ssors,

mfln M c _ of Michigan t j ChlP*LEX) "WISE & GO., zealouseupporter s. The orp han Asy- ¦ —•-• 000 in France , which is yet in the and on Jewish merchant s in Louisiana , and its official instrum ents can do no ^ reBomt jon to inquire 'into ^°

Pobu bhsrs and I'RopRtk-roB B. lum for Western New York also tells Tiik history of the Exodus , the de- hands of the ruined bankers , Guinz- It could expose those merchants and better than enforce the law. No gov- oper ation of the anti-Je wish laws of H ^fiffi - N W Cor Fifth and Vine Sts. the tale of Mr. Warner 's charitable dis- parture of Israel from Egypt , it is gen - burg and others in Russia , and must be manufacturers , and they form a more ernment is an appara tus to manufactu re sia on American citizens, which was ^' "^

C6: ' ' position and humane work. In mem- era lly adm itted , contains quite a num- sold now at any price. Lord Vischne- numer ous class than many believe, who, righteousness , virtue, purity , piety, char- j*™6* qq g^




^6 °*

^"dgri AtISAAC M. WISE , . • - - Editor ory 0j bis deceased son, Louis B. W ar- her of ethical princip les, since then and gradski , it will be remembered , a year while accumulatin g fortunes largely .aoter or any . other moral excellency. made ^nan imod8 rep0jt ,t

con"nittee"Cincinniti 0 A liril 14 1892 ner , he donated to this institution five now underl y ing the ethical doctr ine of ago warned the emperor , and told him through. tradei with Jews , refuse to give Its bbjeot 'is to protect the land from m- Ghipman , who made an eloquent Bne^' '—'2—L 1 ! thousand dollars , besides five hundred Judaism , and to a very lar ge ex tent the p lainly if he did not change his brutal employment to any one of the Jewish vasions from abroad and the rights of pay ing fervid trib ute to the char aoteSrjBSCEIPTlOHS PAYABLE II AJJ7AJCE. donflr8 to th e Hebrew Union College, civilized wor ld' s code of ethics. Some policy against the . Jews and Germans , faith. its citizens in foreign lands ; to mahv capacity, indu stry and good oitfcenshipWKCR1FT10N PfllGB, PEE TEIR . . . *

' M 00 and . pthe?f BUma to diff eren t, so- of them are these : God . f ulBl s. bis prom- no Russian loan could be placed in the It could stamp out of existence tain peace and good order at home ; to ' |)[^™e^



POr whfchWtUi DeliQrat . . . . . . . . . 509 0jfl yw and needy individu als. In ises, what he promised the fathers he Euro pean market , and when the em- that unsavory reptile , the " Jew by- protect every man : in the enjoyme nt of . - ."The 1 subjec t of the ' rfsofutio8'ft ilaie 10 EatfllH, OBt Teat 100

hehftlf of manv we agk the sp^ai fulfills to the sons. So a man 's prom ise peror would not listen , the minister trade ," who makes a living by selling his ri ghto ; to pr otect the rig hteous gre at concern to the people Vuf 'rates op \i)VEKTisisn . faVor of Mr. and Mrs. Warner to invite must be sacred and inviolable. Free- begged to be dismissed , but 'the emperor his supposed influence among the Jews against evil-doers, the weak against ' the United Stat es, it seeks to ascert ain theComplimentary iu*oLuiio„h and obimnrie .. »s oo h ^h,. of lheir

one nvm.

dom and equality are the will

of God , commanded him to stay at his post , and for office or money. strong, the poor again st the rich , the Status . of^

American . citi zens of JewishPiirolhalii, Marrlagea , Births, Deaths it , vacili 1 IX) .- . , ,. ,. . ., -n j -r . . . . . mi_ - m. j .. . . . . . . . . - _ ¦_!.*.',. *„ nni i.. t laitn in the empire of Russia V„dredth birthdays , and then appear be- sanctioned factually by the Exodus of the poor man ends in insanity. This , These and many other good things feeble against the mighty , to prot ect. 0jt -zen of the Bepublio i f i y

wta? orter XS? wi(?S8I3Jomi V

,to w fore thei r guests in good health

" wealth , Israel from Egypt; ' this deep yearn- the simultaneous revision of the tariff could a proper Jewish order bring every person 's life, Hmbs, health , honor , home and abroad to the exart toatm &!untu oMered <j ?^uUnu rf.PUTh^

h^ar ?e'

bfAr ili'u happ iness and cheer , to receive the new ing and incessant longing of man and now und er consider ation, and the pro- about , and if Mr. Gros sman will give chastity, property and jus t feelings , in- and pro tection which are the full ri ghtmucin two doiiari i toi• each lnMrtioii , wuhmit [ e&g e Qn life witn gg n> ciftUBe mankind is a law of God- inscribed in posed commercial tr eaty with Germany, his youth and energy to its establish- eluding, if you please, to protect ani, of citizenship under the Constitutionregard to Cuti nmnoer 01 umca pnuj inniu. * * ^ s * o*

^ 111Q OUF LrA&tlfifl With {VivaiOfficers of oonmigatlon o an- requested to tar therein. Once more our congratula- human nature. There is a sovereign seems to point to a change of policy in ment , we pledge him the full and cor- male and trees agai nst cru elty ana wan- , " „„ J T Z '" reign powers .tbialn mind when glvj iijt ih<; lr order ). I ft t iey v ° . . . . ,. ,, • ¦ « . . . . . , , ,. mL i ¦ « i. . ...i. Uur government can make no di n» i« .do not wi«h to hare th ea dv cnhBincut iu«ertf «i tions and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. power , almightine ss, overruling all pow- gt. Petersburg, which may also . effect dial support of this journal. ton destruction. .that is all ; tne state ,. b j _^ nrfln j . rt „ . . .. U10«no-Iu act'ordance Vflth the abti vu, the; - are requested ' , " , , •" ¦. . . , , " ' ' . , . _ ._ !__„- ram i«w uu ohwb or Dirtnpl aoes ofto 10 uoUt y ttw pubiiiht rN wheu giving their Leopold Warner and their family. era of nature and of man , and control- the Russian Jews , and the blockades « ? « — is no person ; has no soul or conscience, lt8 0,ti Zens, nor can it permit such dfe"de^, . *. . . ing them accordi ng to his sovereign against emigrant s in Germany, Austria DR. PARKHVRST AND O THERS, and no ri ght whatever in a free country tinotion to be made by f oreign powers^*t!^SlZ rm2^bi^^tSl At the monthly meeting of the Di- might an d wisdom , which is certa inly »nd Turkey are possibly enforced by anyhow , to make moral s, reli gion , piety, .'JJ * %S ^ SL^f "oe °f. a P«aonuni(o

Rrm chii»eStEwSeh" Pa,d ^^ " ' rectors ot the Russian Eefugees' Relief the object of thos e narrative s of miracles RUBBiall request. New York has a sensation. One of righteousness , Consequently, the offi-

gr&nd rf tfae i^t^'Jy " &»

-¦ Society, in Cincinnati , a member , by re- overruling not only the stubborn will ., - , ¦ it8 preachers , in his holy zeal for the cers of the law in New York as elsewhere oeiv€ Bnd the ri ghts he shall eniov?

S^m* & .">ir^

a!mSI'0' 't,> ma ' quest of some very kind ladies , moved and hu ge power of Phar aoh , but also STATUS OF A ME RICAN JE WS IN j^rdand his horror , of wickedness arid can only brin g to. pun ishment eviK qtber ci)un|tries;. '¦ that the Board appropriate a certain the forces of nature in land or sea, on R USSIA. vice, accuses the municipal and-state doers , the tr ansgresBorr of the,

ZrTrTXlmZ^^:^: - orm owr fcr the purpose of pur - earth or in heaven , overrulin g the ele- —~ off i cers of neglect of duty and dis- Can by no means be held responsible or . ^E^saSg ^Scan^adTertlie n «a4 l.i p«WIii»r i .t)r iutli« tb»t the> chasinc new kitchen and table utensils mental , and the person al gods of Egypt . " * , . "¦ • m

i . K * , obedience to the law. In his " pul pit accountable for the existence of vices, or °ena of Jewish faith Wh.t «L.»wUe^»rti.. att .All8HICA ,M9RA KUTK . th

° pMBOver day6 to 8upp ly thus Thi s world is under the sway of a luihed thi s week pontam an account of ^. ^ Dji Pftrkhur gt dft . eW0rime s not proved by due process , ^y think ,, of #)se;: iayra and ord *


°u3^* moral government , a univer sal justice , ft6P8 DelDg * fD 7 on«''e8S

n0UnceB and exhorts the public officers of law. Any government stepp ing over nances as part of;the ;doraesti cpolicy fort» retnr mfnnleM forwarded lor examination at warda The Board neeatived the mo- justice in heaven and on earth , which m ref erence to ^the aeoriva ton

of jrew York city, oharees to their ac- these limita become more or less-des- the government . . or the Russian J ews, - ;..eOl reoueat ot th.pabllah te. _

^^ . ^


^ ^ hw. of Amerxcans of J ewish laith of ^ M and .

rf .

potio and corrU ptive, as *,. see ckarl y S/^^^'gfg" toNE WS ITEM S. to dispose of the funds entrusted to it ever feeble he may be, and calls to weaty -rights y .^

e ** g(j

V* populou s metropolis , and thre atens in . all countries and in all ages, even f & {ih 6r; .-^As ; betweW-Ru sai^sM

Wo would bo much obliged to those ot ou .r for any such extraordinar y purpose: In account - the evil-doer , however great ^

nmen v - . V M Wj _ ime * , " me; them with the wr ath io come. Things outside of Russia and the ante-revom" the United States they are simpl y inad.

'-.SSSt ^lS&yf ilSdSireohroni Ld^the


the debate on this matter mentio n was and invincible his might may appear. Wmg . *™™ «°™ . «; thi s matter , out we

kind mafee ood and takicg tion states where the government made m«sible, f they^are ^signed to control ' !

^^o^ SfuSS'^ciC* re made of the relig ious scrup les of those None can escape his desert , The senti- ^e no idea that even »f the resolution ¦

for Bermonfl ,* eoiBlly for that or makes rel igion, morals , piety, chara c- th e conduct and-to define the rightB of

^^ a^-c^oYl^iUra ^00 ,0

peop le, which .ought to: be taken into meat of honor , it was maintained , has •«* ^ j^T*? ¦ ***. J g^J ' class of the populac e which being satt Wr, et0j l with , or without the church Vas E^Ufo ffi ^S^r^Pp "^ lS ^ '^lm etLi^n to consider ation , as quite a number of found no adequate expression in the W1 ™,

. . '. th mft -0 - t ated with or sick, of religious th emes of even in our country with its blue laws, commerce , or for any other purpose tec.Baitlmorei-Bcforo Monday noon to "Dm- them would starve before they would Mosaic code, i. c. it was main ta ined by l<>? ° ® Par ¦>' *¦, . ° 18 ln e .. ¦} " * . the chur ch ; and that portion of society black lajvs, yellow laws, prohibition ognized by .civilized nations) but when'

C,S-°^L :K„ 3 ^th water eat food cooked and served in vessels in one ywho : knows very little about it,


^befor ? the people as the enemy .^ BU8p6|5ta -ery man in offlce; of law B; Sunday and holiday laws, every J? : ™#»^.:a*> >eot' > "j1^':^


M°nday U0°U U > m K- was handled , pthe * of the Board; presupposition that the persons to «a.>owever unnatural or pr eposterous ^^. ^ .. ^^ pe

r80nal freedom , makes ' law breakers; ¦Svffi ^Sf

^ " r

»,otil«viHe.-Bef bre.M«aday noon to 106 E. however ,' thoug ht that individuals of whom it is given are strictl y honor able su an

* tance may seem. can , and the number of that class is begets contempt of law, and is therefore such action may extend to and em'

ctoSr Sio^Say no this kind are rather rare among those

and pervaded with that sentiment. In ;Vrh ere

no^^st room for ques- .

Wel]i then , the discussion of corruptive and'requir es despotic -:meae- bra ^ fordgnerVofthe Bame belfef.ahd .::

^ ;. . . : ^ .«p,w.pev^^.,Bo^7«,.7i« . refugee g( the women excepted , who are the-Exodus , however , this is . .expressed V°n

-wh |

j "^f 5 Tm «^b; top ics, like all other negative ures to: enforce it. , \ Lyn ch; justice, °f ^ThSfid oniof A ; ;;

^^ S'fen^ "0^ *^* ^^&T ^"* EStSib ^ SS be^ss

'ia i^^^:^^«*f r;

J ^^^^^ m^^ itzens

in;^respect , if^ not foStvHan AMtOMlo .T' ix.-Beiord Frida y Eve. table matters ; but if there are many, it f-gypt that , the fcgyptian s should know _ , _ _ • ; . _ . ._ . . . : , ; , . . ¦ ¦. . offers an agreeable diversion- to, those factu rer s of virtue - prove sufficiently certainty, are at least natural, . Tbi i: to "Alamo.": . ¦ . . ' ¦' ¦

becomes the dut y of the Board rather that he is God, "th at :I will be honored ol ;"J e, . :-f^BSia

°; '.;. *u i60 : . wh0 ^ tired of rommoa chur ch telk , what a state ' rn 'os't not do. : The business laws of Eussia regardin g Jews engagedHAitRY E WKtLii Genera t A«nt to count eract tha u to uphold this and by ..Pharaoh and , all his host'V God ^ft w- ra ^'S' muob gratification to soreh eads/ and' of the state is ju sticeand Equity. > in


^ial pur suita ^re

of a "¦ .. ., hakr y E. WEILI. , General Agent. „ ' ¦;.. '¦- i- .' - .j " r i-»- -v v,im..»i> ...t. ?« v,i u^i, l«j t,«^«» Jewi sh faith is admitted to any portion , ; .* , , ' ¦• ¦ ¦¦ ' «¦ ¦ ' . . . . rri. ¦ i ¦ ' »¦ - ¦¦ ¦¦ " ¦*

¦ ¦ -'¦• "i ' t . acter which is inimical tofair and freeThk J ewish Public at ion Society has among those unfortunates. It aeemi- ed. AH attnbut w of^ God^ laid down in

ment „ Hus8ia plainly mformed the Wh; >."¦»•"¦ • . •Dr.'. 'P arkhutBt lisd ness, piety,. purit y;mor ality and xeligion other peoplea of the empire. They re-sent ^ : circular letter to all the Jewish that both par ties werei right ; we ought the-Mo aaic code; asis admitted by pro- . ., '. ' . .. ? T -Ld States as f large , very large congregations whom he in all f orms Bre in the f irst place the stm ^

v ministers of the country asking them:. 'to to respect the reUgious Bcrup les uf our phets and rabbi s, are mad e known to ^


a^./ .w. , - '.

D1 - u ^ l !/ edifi^with

those particular lessons of duty-

of par ents to their IchUdre n, of «uits ^ v 3 ^^P4' the: 0 to be

" make an appeal in behalf of th^^ society neighbor s^especially of those vrho claim man for Kis guidance; upon thepa th; of back as 1879 that she would accept no ; ; educators to 'their pup ils, arid of preach- resorto ^: to,

^pre scribe r^ulation r, *° ¦ "Pr ™ /^"" " ; - ' . . - , \. - . - -. :¦ ¦/. - , - - . ¦ - ,*

¦ ' ¦ . ¦. . lift, . . . ¦» ¦ .. a j, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ „T^„,i/i .U-- '¦' .t'j .i construction of any existb g or future ¦" * " • ,. . - , ¦ . V ¦ . , . " ¦ .. ¦ ; ^.J , ^¦ ¦¦ -W *-° tvme ot residen ce and riiember shinin their discourse on the 7th : day of our special protection ; and again , we life, : Ab is God, so. should man striT C . t;.^

.'^ite .^.- -| ei_ Perha ps: nobod y in. that chur ch ers^prie its, rabbi * or whatever titles, the bf local guilda which-would pr acticall y,' Paasoyer The objects of the society- ought not encoura ge superstition of any .to^^ be or' become, to this man possesses

j: .^- exemA; _ ir{ ^the tegtric- doubt««l . ^e sincerity ' of the iear hed teachers of opngregations may. assume, exclude American Jews from enjoyin garei ineritoripus and worthy of a liberal Wnd. The question , is, wheth er this the . tsapacity / he-being created in the . J

.. - . - ^p . . . , T .:i !

doctor , who^ ia a truly Christian man to their f lock s, and if they are earnest of the benefit of the treaty provisions bfrsupport. change of kitchen and table vessels for imageof M; Honor is one 7orG6uV "on

purpose : to air men : coming within * ?tn' *h«»J


*** :B uBBia if:they :Vl V .: . . . .. :» ;. . "

v.. ¦. ¦;¦-. th e Passover . days is -a : 'superstition , attributes , -. % must be a^attribute of W; ^at

the^mmistrat ion then m


^. ^ .^.;£ their resch. The state can afford no- Stat ^

PK S^St?




niH f; Da. Ja stroV. Rabbinical dictionary, .Those imm^^

which was noticed last week, may be sider it a super stition. Some of th em fons are incorporated in the history of "is oru ^i .qec sion as nnat, a. ,, ««. zeai0UB pastor 's metho cls of doing busi- quirmg -a Bebular educatiob. \ Theiistate tion by; inquiries directed to th e execu-obtained ; at: f 2.00 a part ; in the book- may know ;even tbat this change of ves- the Exodus ; sucb as-the doctrine of n0J" ?' jhe

Went, administrations ^ acoU8ed

" ^h0 man of mo- is realistic, the chuTcn is ideal istic: If tiye branoh pf the Governmen t^ : v ;: , ¦

store of Messrs, Robert Clark &¦ Co. , Bels for Passover , rests upon an over- Providence , the; prescience arid preordi- protestod agamst U, u rt of

<x)ward ly -^

./ . BenBaUori Biism^ in the put there are many evil-doerB in New-Ybrk ; ,-:v^

e =f &« %n. .i

tes special olauBtt .;of C1ncinna ti, Ben,^any . part o Uation

of ^ajesty .on high ;, but

^^^ SoTu >^ '&* *«* %-Public nptor

iety,'mali- ».^ ^ ^ : t^S ^SSSiiSSSSicountry . Five part s of .thi s dictionary Rabbinical .expounders of the law of those mentioned are sufficient to build ¦?

^^^^^^^ oibuii 'lander , . and what not This: Other cities, as pe'rh aps DK Parkhurst :• " This treaty, stipulation beS ¦, up .: to the end of Ckelk ar e out. Mosesiwhichpronibit seatingor drinking a fair system of ethics upon. . Pen Ul?- «o peopw ever smne g; nn rou8ed jhe offended doctor to the very and his defendin g colleagues iii the pui- civilized nation a- would -seem to hm

^Students , of :Shemitic philology on Passover any leavened^bread or bev- ' ' : ' ' : -- [ ; ; +. ; ¦; - ;, - . ;: humanity anoV went un whipped ot jus- highto f the heroic. He condescended pit may suppose, the faul t lies noVin the ^¦W?* i^M

'*WW&yand orRabbinical literature especially erage. . Like other , extension s-and ex- The reports from Argentine in re- *"*' ; ¦ ' ¦- . V , "\ ; ¦" . to: Uie roh ': of ; a detective, Ventures state ^in the law or its executors ; tte

Srist 'other1 cWzens^f She^of *£'will find this dictionary a very import- pensions of this kind , as for instance , gard to ihe Bar bn Eirsch colonies are / A NEW JEWISH . ORDER. " deathi and danger- defyin g into the blame must be - attact eoVtoithe preach- high cont racting parties; but what claim;'ant and labor saving work. ^nj <\$ yt the law baa been stretched of a .contradictory ^ nature. On the one -. —

' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " : haunU of vice and the lions' den of ers , priests , rabbi ^•—- . ¦- . ' " **' - . ¦ ~ . . to an extent which appears ridiculous to hand it is reported , that the ag^nt of In a sermon preached recently by crime , and gathers the testimon y for sionarie s and such other servants of the ¦;™Wrd ;.t^ ;\Wuri ty :a'no]-pro feion!V4.' . - - .:Gboroe W. Opns retired April 7,1892, the common observer. There might the association , Dr. Adolph Roth , ac- Rabbi Rudol ph Gro ssman in Temple the court of justice , to convince the church. They meddle - iii- everybody 's ^e . 'condi tion of . their submitting j<> ;:from the Police Commission of Cfaatta- be a taste , of . leavened food or complishes great things. He purohased Beth-El, New : York City, he suggested worst skeptic even that there exist in business and . will, not attend to their ing. 'and whc^ari^^tn regSato:-nooga, Tenn., with the name arid fame drink in the vesselfl of com- lar ge tracts of land in EntreRio s, near the formation of a union by the IKt y of New York such 'purli eus of vice, crim e own. They talk and mix. in politics, in in force: concerning commer ce; is the .of . an honorable , efficient and success- mon use, therefore you must have the frontiers of Uruguay and pr epares -New York -,: irre spective of doctrinal and beastl y degredatiQn , ancl saloons affairs of the state , in: . science, histor y, quesUori. ;.ftil officer of the munici pality, which hei others for the Passover days. The law quite energetically for a Jarge number lines, for "the conservation of the Jewish which sell all sorts of forbidden drinks; philosophy, in matter s of charity, educa- \. ."i*^e'^^fWy . a*i>rotectwtt l .«V, , r ;

' served well for three successive years in of Mos es makes no provision for the of immigrants. On the other han d, we name and of Jewish interests," an or- on Sunday, and many dance houses , t ion , public schools, all sorts of thin gs, ^ 5 OToteciion^^ be a^rded 'this responsible position , the last four- matter , arid no chemical anal ysis of such are informed that Col. Goldsmid comes ganization for which he thinks there is gamblin g houses , theater s, gaities , etc., and do not atte nd to their own busin ess to an American citizen of Jewi ali faith?. 'teen months of which as chairman of plates or pots has been made. The not a minute too soon , as every thin g much need. under the very eyes of the New York of saving souls, preaching religionthe commisaion. We congratulate whole matter appears childish , Or even in the colonies is in a chaotic and un- While we fully agree with Mr. Gross- police, which would make your hair p roving mor als, and caring for the neg- sian Jew as to commerce part of the- .every man who after years of public foolish, but it is no superstition , as no satisfactory state , bordering on insur- man as to the need for an organizati on stand on end. And now the doctor is leeted , the : poverty-stricken in spirit 'lawB and

^ordinances ' .to

^be submitted ;

office retires an hones t man withou t fears of demons, evil spirits , Satanic in- rection of the - colonists , excited by oi this kind , we see no reason why it the lion of the day, the observed of all They are dilletanta in every departmen t „ * ^blame or suspicion attached to his fluence , any evil omen , or any bad con- anarchistic elements that slipped in , so should be merel y a N.ew York institu- observers , a household word amon g the and strangers in their own houses. merce V These are probiems .of serious :name , so we do also congratulate George aequences at all are connected with that deputies from there arrived in St. tion ; pn the contrary, there is every good, pure and .pious , and especiall y the They ought to be called to account fjr concern to the American Jews , who, asW ; 0chB- this observance. It. is simply a piece of Petersburg and Paris , to appeal to reason why it should be a national one. object of admiration of those preachers the prevailing vices in Christ endom; for m?n of commercial pursuits , feel that ;

* t, „

' , t Q u u , u inherited reli gious scruple , from .which Baron Hir sch i'or redress. A letter to True , there are a number of quaai se- who, after trying all sorts of su-jects to it is their business to save souls,

'the tiem ^nT as

' tW^cifoerTtot

' ' ¦Hev Ur. 1i.iu.-son last babbath per- credulou8 people can not easily emanci . this effect from an Argentine settler cret societies , composed exclusivel y of edify, instruct or amuae their flocks , very thing which they do not do. . . ' they should stand abroad as they 'do atformed a solemn duty of love and grat- pat e themselves. Therefore we must ' also was published late in one of the J ews, which claim to have some such ob- have never hit upon so fertil e and popu- We are minn g-to-leave-tcrthe- church- borne , on au exact equalit y with other- -itude in the lemp le Bene Israel , Cm- be tolerant enough not to upbraid or New York jargon papers. However , ject in view, but their history proves lar a gold mine as did Dr. Parkhurst and her servants the soul-savin g tunc- child ren of the Republi c. -cmnatsi. Being the tenth anniversary defame those who are subject to such both accounts may be true , in part at conclusively that they exist for pur ely with this very first stroke of genius. tion and they ought to do this work - "Tbe " committee aw certi iin that nday(7aA ^ .V) of the death of th e first flcru plea. But for all that, we can not leaat. There ma'y be dissatisfaction in charitable purposes , mai n l y to their own One might say it does not take much but pr otes t loudly and emphaticall y ^"T^ ^Upn ""itW^ ' "{' ¦'

T^^eZTTol TJl ^^.opport ih™ , and as- one part of the land-new settlers are members and their families. // work to find all .kinds of vices , and against a soul-saving sta te, Jera , ^J ^i^X l^l^Tti ™ m- ¦ ?' u I \

m P er Petuatlon of BUch hflrdl y eyer pleased-and great ac- These societies can not possibl y do crimes in a city, where two millions law , jud ges, police, constable and health the treat y and an un 'viendl y act towardot Dr. fhilipson s teachers in the col- BOrup ieg) which we know to be childish tivi ty in another par t , as Ar- anything for the protection of the J ew- and more of people tra mp the streets , officeis , against which as against any th e Unit ed States on the part of Uiteeia^ .lege, this gentleman pre ached an and usele8B. Consequentl y the Board gentine is very large , and the settle- iBh name or ri ghts , because there is a and among them the scum and scoria other evil mav God protect our mnntrv TLhpy are not V™? Me d to believe tha i

eloquen t memoria l sermon on that wa8 right in telling those peop le in so ments are far apart from one another, clog tied to their feet in the shape of of almost all nations on earth as We maintain sta te and government or ft?tS t"iSAt^Z havIS JS^ t »»£SSd m^S»

— J r w-rd. : "We do not obj ect at all We expect , however , that Col. Goldsmid the endowment , life insurance , which it is the case in New York rlt y . ,t can the purpose of justice ?nd ^ecUoT. ^ SX^ ^ Sj' -tne most prominent , ana most active yMlr reh gi0U3 scrupl es; but we do will straighten matte rs up in a short takes all of their strength to dra g, and be accomplished there , one should We sustain public schools under th « «,

' of the Executive Branch Of. the Govern - „pioneer , in the field of American Juda- not feel it a (luty t0 flpend the people.s timft . - have nQ Qne ,eft fof th &g fa Londo J gover nment for the ^ent ot the United States . ;

¦ism. The congregation was large and mnr nv pniTiiR ter l tn n« fnr <nir .>, <¦ nnr i t> j *i. j i j • -r. „, t, , , v kuyerumeni .or tne "This much is due to the commercia l .enthusiastic , Ll of them personal ^e which we

^cons der cW dish and

Emi6raU °n fr0m " ta bl°°k- h fi, h Z 7F * A

™\ v , !f '' " "T °l " W«° f ™^ <^™- W. sup- gnSj .^ ^*

- '.

friends and admirers of the deceased P

f W


We „ ? ]

&nd ed in Palestine , Austria and Ger- benefits have brought into th e orders a metropot ts of the same n» anyw here port places of worshi p and congr ega- of the American Jews. , their appre? .naainr inH much cratifiiid With th. t \ ' MM many - The real cause of this is un- majority of members who feel that by a in Christendom. It is no slur on tional bodies to save souls both men- hen sions may be ill-founded , and Russia.LTemn address of Dr Philipson

^t ^r a burden without adequate known preVftilin g . diBeR8ea among the liberal dispensation of material chari ty Ch ristian ity to mainfain , that the most tallyand physicall y, in the congr egation 5»a not, mftke

, e

T "f nm> *'™ .solemn address of Dr. Ph tH pson. rf

emigran ts are certainly not the cause, they

all that a community can rea- trans gressors

of the ten commandments first , and always outside there of. V X£frj£ft&'£££

M k ab » Mb s Lkoi -oi n W a meh of ?T I I I L 0a ihe other hand - we hear tbat «D em" B°nably a"k ° S member8 ' aIld their are ln ProPor tlon » Christendo m , the kin d is one congregation to the dut iful it is well to know what the fact is, andR „ . ' v

' , , , ' , o j ' , t " 18 remuneratlv0 - ln0B6 igration fever has seized upon the 7ote ia alwa*a Biron 8 enough to prevent heathe n Chinese and the semi-barba rl- priest. The loss of any soul is chare- to ascertain the position of our ownft. - n i l w X ¦

*t -a i f W WfWte th 'eir religi°UB aDd M°raI masses in Russia , upon Jew s Germ an s any money being appropriated for other an Hindoos not excepted. . And it is able to the priesthood ; they are first Government in the premises. ''their Golden Wedd ing m the midst of sentimen ts in small and insignificant . „ • f t • • " T u pur poses no slur on New York Ph iladelohia ««j fn«mn ? » i 7 « , . Let us see if the Constitution of the

their offspring, kinsmen and numerous observances which make them neither UM " d,BBenter8 ' aSMnBt whlch pUrAP°BeB- _- . °° ™r 0° .

Wew Xor k' ™™ e f"1

; and foremost responsible to God for United state8 i wWch provides for xnak- .fri«nH» ,„j Ll mi™« rn ln norih » wi.h u!!

which make them neither Bar ()n H irE (jh ftnd hia ad utant A new offler , however , from which Brooklyn , Chicago, or any other city of His children . There is no °place for ine trea to and defines them to be thelit wisInTe

' hourih Z e

T- T ™W - dtauB »h ™d tested loudl y already last year and had -U- charity work were ri gidly barr ed magnitude to maintain that each has them in politics, governm ent , commerce supreme ^oFthe lanVis wr itten on

'£ Till *n,i 10 1 S4o Z Anrn 10 -^ "l.gtoufl

and moral capac- thepopulace cautioneda gain8tffii fttion from its inception ,, woul d be entirel y its f ull proportion of evildoers and or any other reali stic sphere ; thei rs is waste paper , or whether Ameri can*he dates April 'MS*- and April 10 lty. Experience proves this abundantl y,

free from these drawbacks and could tr ansgressors of the Decalogue in pro- the idealisti c realm. No moral censer- °nl? °t«** Btyle °J

f dth ' T/ft18112, between which hal f a century ot it requires no logical evidence. Iteli g- h '

ArKentine than can devote all of its energies to higher aims, portion to its Christian born population, ship in our pr ogram protection of such suprem e 1«" , Th

, rtr^S.tS :


;t°TTh°nieS aDd 0b8e

Te8 "* a" JXrJTi^St^; " -« -* }^ «- — -

Hence it h no «¦«*,,¦ - L Z, in to realm SSKSffiS ? "" / •k . iT * T?T n

g ' y Se" &Dy r gl°US PUr ' ment is on foot in St. Pet ersburg to teachin S our Christian fellow-citizens it tak es no particular heroism to find in as is the state in its 'domain for the sake Rwlvtdb,, th. Senate and House of Sep-beloved by many hated by none. Ihe poae or moral end. They are mean s to fa emigration to Asiatic Russia what Judai "m reftllT is> and how lhtle New York in lar 8e numbers 8 - ecim*"> of justice , liberty and equali ty rewtatives of the United State o f An a ^ISBAEute adds its congratu lations and reach a pr0 per end , as important and eBD,ciall_ too Nor th.eaBIer n Siberia It i* diff^8 f™m Christianit y in its code of all sorts of vices, crimes , degraded . , * *' ''* Congress aumbhd . That the Pres-deMbest wishes for Mr. and Mrs . Leopold venerable as thev are efficient in pffect- especially w "tn eastern bibena. It

Aa Vl^aA ir,,- -J ,„ „/ „,, ,,. . of the United States is dire cted t o w -W „m«r tA iKp n,>m«rn ,.a H« ,.in™

V u

&ey "* e^cl™ m eH ect seems that the cause of the blockade is of morality and ethics. and debased individuals of all kinds , JE WISH PU BLICA TIONS OCIFTY form Coneress whether by the laws andswld n^n them bv rlt ^ rZ




^™- When any of m Ru8flia „ ,t It could be the defender of our civil plenty of devils in human shape, as 'W N S OC I E n . ^SSSSSSSctlia ^^showered upon tnem by reiat.ves and theBe ceremoniea or observances have the immigrat ion from that ter in rights whenever infringed upon in the Henry Ward Beecher frequentl y de- At its last meetin g at Phila delphia °erning Jews/any America n citizen

£iTtv ^Aaron 's'^ZLT tLT ***»»» > l** *~"eb- this county will at any rat e be quite slightest degree. There is need for this picted them in* his sermons. the public ation committee of he Je *f ,'«« *¦«*«* * " ""If iXof Re ^ . Dr. Aaron s eloquent words densome becaus e useless, and . nugatory ,, . ' . * e e q e

however Hnle we be incIined when the worst cases of that kind ish Publi catio n Societv deoidJl ta I residence and business in sa.d LopWspoken on this cbarming occasion. Mrs because they are made a sort of excuse "* U *' <°™

1! . to admit i, As an instance we may cite are found, placed before jud ge and jury, te* * JTZ e o j t ^t^l^t^^Warner » one of Buffalo s noblest for the neg,ect of the main duties. The last cable dispatches fro m Russia the fact , and gloss it as we will it re- convicted and exposed to the public ish life in London , written forT e U «S U.irt ,-Sa. betwefn the Um^ladies , a true mother in Israel , a ven ta- This seems certainl y to be the case with perhaps develop another cause of the mains a fact , that by the accepted in tor- gaze , especial ly to the sensation and by Mr. Zingwill. '

Mr. Zingwill beside States and said%mpire , and wh?|h^ble Vn ntSN . the diadem of her family, all expansions and extensions of Mosaic momentary change. The emperor 's pretation of the treaty of 1832 between scandal devourin g masses, they prove bein g a well known contribu to ' t^

tlT Baid laWB and re8ulati ?nB M6

^sede!the pride of her friends , the mornin g laws. Most of them, or pel-haps all , minister of financ e.LordVi sohnegrad ski, the United States and Russia , the Jew- not that these poisonous plants thrive Jewish press , is the author of " The tne <3oTernment of



Jf j ^M fait h -star of her husband. may have had the intent ion to be ben- iajiopeles sly insane , perhap s dead by ish-Americ 'an is not permitted to enjoy luxuriantly in New York because the BaohW a Club ," and " The Bow Str eet are con eroed° tL" brovisions of said

Mr. Leopold Warner is a prominent eficial in their time and place—many this time. Cause ther eof is the fright- the ri ghts nomin all y granted to all law is inadequ ate or its executors in pry3n

ry ' " and £ ^°in f auth |0'' of " The treaty permitting sojourn and residence ,

man and citizen , who is wherever some- were ori ginally scholastic niceties or ful condition of the emperor 's finances. Americans. This matter has been any position are corru pt , negligent , or tende ^to "issue hi'b^k h f* '" 1? of-inhabitants of the Unite d State s m .

thing good and generous is to be accorh- altogether sophistic—but are not now Last year 's deficit amounted to 300,000,- brou ght to the attention of the National incapaci tated ; or else one must con- biennial convention in Jun e ™ all parts whateoever of tbe terr .tori^

.-plished ; he is there with heart and soul , and here. Where they have lost their 000 rubles. This year 's shorta ge can Government again and again, but has al- demn , decry and defame all govern- Arrange ments were also made for


B?ia' in ort ,er to a,ttenwith his purse and his personal services significance , they are dead and must be no less, beside s which the f amine ways been lightly passed over because ments and their official instruments all P^ting to press the second volume of & ftI™'

ca. ;as an adviser and co-laborer. He is be decentl y buried. None of those past cost the state treasury no less tha n that there was ao one at Washington (whose Over Christendom , as at least all large it'is expected^'il h'

the , JeWB "" w.nion The Wa shington Hebre w c°°^j -,now and has been for a number of years Biblical presu mptions are more clearly sum, so that the deficit at the end of duty it was to fight Israe l's battle. cities are infested with the same in the fall

w,u be reaay for delivery tion held its «mua l^meeting an_ .dflnt ; , .

as officers : My o-ing, 01.,
