  • 7/28/2019 4 Ply Vee Neck Vest in Sizes 2


    4 Ply Vee Neck Vest in Sizes 2 - 6

    This pattern is for a basic 4 ply Vee Neck Vest in three sizes from 2 to 6 years old knitted on2.75mm and 3.25mm needles .

    Knitting Instructions for a 4 Ply Vee Neck Vest


    Size. 2 4 6

    Fits bust cm 56 61 66

    Ins 22 24 26


    This is an snug-fitting garment

    MATERIALS - 4 Ply Baby Wool

    Quantity.gms 100 125


    Quantities are approximate as they vary between knitters


    1 pair each 2.75mm (UK 12, USA 2) and 3.25mm (UK 10, USA 3) or sizes needed to givecorrect tension.


    Knitters Needle forsewing seams.


    On 3.25mm needles, 28 sts and 36 rows to 10 cm in width over stocking stitch.


  • 7/28/2019 4 Ply Vee Neck Vest in Sizes 2


    Please check your tension carefully. If less stitches use smaller needles, if more stitches usebigger needles.


    K=knit; P=purl; tog=together; st=stitch; beg=beginning; alt=alternate; rep=repeat; patt=pattern;cm=centimetres; in=inches; mm=millimetres.


    **Using 2.75mm Needles, cast on 83 (89, 95) sts.

    1st row: K2, *P1, K1, rep from * to last st, K1.

    2nd row: K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.

    Rep 1st and 2nd rows until work measures 2cm ending with a 2nd row.

    Change to 3.25mm needles and work in stocking stitch until work measures 23 (25, 28) cmending with a p row.**

    Shape Armholes

    Cast off 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows.

    Dec 1 st at each end of every row until 55 (59, 63) sts rem. Cont straight in stocking stitch untilarmhole measures 13 (14, 15) from commencement of armhole shaping.

    Shape Shoulders

    Cast off 6 (7, 8) sts at beg of next 4 rows. Cast off remaining sts.


    Work as for Back from ** to **

    Shape Armhole

    Cast off 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows.

    Divide for NeckNext row: K 2tog, k 31, k 2tog, turn.

    Next row: P to last 2 sts, p 2tog.

    Continue working on these 32 (34, 36) sts. Dec 1 st at the armhole edge on next 6 rows. ATTHE SAME TIME dec 1 sts at the neck edge on the next and every foll 3 rd row until 12 (14, 16)sts rem.

    Cont straight until armhole measures the same as back to shoulder shaping.

    Shape Shoulder

    Cast off 6 (7, 8) sts at armhole edge on next and foll alt row.

    Slip centre st onto s stitch holder and rejoin yarn to remaining sts. Work left side to match the

    right side.


    Do not press.

    Join right shoulder seam.


    Pick up and knit 127 (133, 139) sts around the neck.

    1st row: K1, *p1, k1 rep from * to 5 centre sts, k 2tog, p1, k2 tog, (p1, k1) to last 2 sts, k1.

  • 7/28/2019 4 Ply Vee Neck Vest in Sizes 2


    2nd row: K2, *p1, k1 rep from * to 5 centre sts, p 2tog, k1, p 2tog, continue in p1, k1 rib to last 2sts, k2.

    Repeat the last two rows 3 times. Cast off rib-wise.

    Join left shoulder seam.


    Pick up and knit 117 (123, 129) sts and work 6 rows in k1, p1 rib. Cast off loosely.

    Sew side seams to finish your 4 ply Vee Neck Vest.
