
1. Writetastic Solutions Award Finalist & Multi-bestselling Author, Cherry-Ann Carew, Coach, Editor and Founder of Writetastic Solutions is passionate about helping Authors bring out their creative expression to write, publish, market and monetize their books to become Authorpreneurs. Contact: [email protected] 2. 4 Crucial Tips For Effective Authorpreneurship Success Productivity Propels Success 3. Being an Authorpreneur is challenging. As a matter of fact, it could be one of the hardest things to do. Why? There are a lot of distractions and pitfalls that can stall productivity. It takes self-discipline, because you most likely work from home, hence, there is no one to hold you accountable. You are your own boss! 4. This can be a double edged sword... On one hand its great to have freedom from the 9 to 5 maze to set your own schedule. Conversely, that freedom can work against you. 5. If, for example, you want to watch the telly, you can. If you want to access Facebook and YouTube all day long, you can. The result is you will not get any work done because you lack discipline. 6. Learning how to properly manage your time and remain disciplined is vital to the success of any business. This is especially true for Authorpreneurs, because they spend a lot of time on the Internet researching and, or, using online tools and applications. 7. Every day you should have a schedule to follow: Tip 1: Follow A Daily Schedule Map out your project(s). Break down to do over a week, a month, quarterly, or whatever time line you need to finish in order of priority. Break them down further into daily tasks, allotting a time frame for each one. Each evening, go through your schedule so you will have an awareness of tasks to do the following day to reach your end goal. 8. When you have a clear plan it makes it a lot easier to manage your time. Schedules help with prioritizing important tasks that when followed, allow you to complete projects. It also makes it easier for you to see what time slots are available should you need to deal with unexpected events. 9. You may no longer be tied to someone elses watch and only answer to yourself, but, when your tasks are not done your business and, of course, earnings will suffer as a consequence. If you are an early riser and feel productive, it makes sense that you capitalize on this time. If youre nocturnal and work best during the evenings and night, or 9 to 5 better suits you, do the same No one size fits all. However, treat your business for what it is, a business. Tip #2: Work Within Your Productive Zone 10. In order to be successful and productive you must separate home and family from business, even though both coexist. Have an office area set up that is used only for your work activities. Having a separate space to work is vital for productivity and success. Tip #3: Separate Family Life From Business Life 11. Tip #4: Set Specific Times To Check Email And Other Data 12. One of the biggest pitfalls to productivity is checking email and other accounts constantly. These include: Email Social mediums e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Book rankings Affiliate commissions 13. These types of distractions are easy to fall victim to, since the majority of work are typically done on a computer and it is tempting. Limiting those activities to certain times a day is the best way to remain focused on important tasks. 14. It does take a lot of discipline to be an Authorpreneur and to remain as productive as needed to run a successful book business. These tips will help you to take action, stay organized and efficient so that you can follow your dream to reach the highest possible level of success. Bottom Line Take Action 15. Tips Brought To You Courtesy of Writetastic Solutions Contact: [email protected] 16. Computer On Desk image courtesy of gameanna at Internet Sign image courtesy of Victor Habbick at Freedom From Maze Shows Liberty image courtesy of Stuart Miles at