Page 1: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Sunday Worship 9:00 & 10:30 am

395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Saturday Worship 6pm

The Rev. Robert M. Mountenay, Pastor

395 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ 07470


Director of Music

Church Secretary

Church Office Email

Phone: (973) 694-8316

Phone: (973) 694-2036

Caroline Parody

Laurie Crowley

[email protected]

Church Council

Robert Andersen …………….. (973) 831-0326

Edward Cleaver …………….. (201) 337-5411

Laura Dec …………….. (973) 835-2348

Lisa Fabian …………….. (973) 835-4148

Richard Kremen …………….. (973) 831-1590

William Mains …………….. (973) 628-9658

Karen Sajban …………….. (973) 208-0477

Leonard Smith …………….. (973) 305-4903

Pat Spardel …………….. (973) 694-8219

Lori VanDerStad …………….. (862) 203-9549

Barbara Westerberg …………….. (973) 696-1471

Hannah Wantula …………….. (973) 616-8330

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

3 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

4 Thomas, Apostle

5 7 pm Adult Evening

6 11am PrimeTimers



9 9:30am Bookworms 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

10 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

11 9 am Gardening 10am HHM Sorting





16 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

17 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

18 9 am Gardening 10am HHM Sorting

19 1pm Knitting




Mary Magdalene,


23 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

25 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

31 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

25 9 am Gardening 10am HHM Sorting



26 10:15am Atrium Hymn Sing


28 29 30 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

July 2016

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9 am Gardening 10am HHM Sorting

2 7 pm Adult Evening 7:30 pm Worship Meeting

3 11am PrimeTimers

4 5

6 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

7 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

8 9 am Gardening 10am HHM Sorting

9 7:30 pm Council Meeting




13 9:30am Bookworms 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

14 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

15 9 am Gardening 10am HHM Sorting

16 7 pm CEC Meeting 1pm Knitting




20 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

21 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

22 9 am Gardening 10am HHM Sorting

23 10:15am Atrium Hymn Sing


Bartholomew, Apostle



27 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

28 9:30am Worship with Holy Communion

29 9 am Gardening 10am HHM Sorting

The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist



TIPS Deadline!

August 2016

Page 4: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Serve the Lord with Gladness

Date Altar Guild Ushers Acolytes Reader Communion Assistants

Coffee Hosts

July 3 7 Pentecost

Alice Huizinga Mary Laverack

Dave Taranto Chris Taranto

Hailey Oosterwyk Adam O’Mealy

Jeff O’Sullivan n/a n/a

July 10 8 Pentecost

Lori VanDerStad

Lisa Fabian

Craig Beyer Rick Beyer

Tricia Kellstrom

Tiffany Kellstrom

Ilona Oosterwyk n/a n/a

July 17 9 Pentecost

Terri Loftus

Le Eckert

Marnie Sperling Lindsay Sperling

Patrick Loftus

Colin Loftus

Kathryn Jones-Smith

n/a n/a

July 24 10 Pentecost

Eileen Anderson

Ilona Oosterwyk

Tom Sajban Bill Monsees

Andrew Gaffney

Oliva Gaffney

Linda O’Sullivan n/a n/a

July 31 11 Pentecost

Valerie McGrath

Dolores Monsees

Thom Winters Jeff Riotto

Hailey Oosterwyk

Justin Oosterwyk

Robin Koegel n/a n/a

Worship Assistant Schedule July 2016

Page 5: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Serve the Lord with Gladness

Date Altar Guild Ushers Acolytes Reader Communion Assistants

Coffee Hosts

August 7 12 Pentecost

Debbie Andersen Karen Sajban

Bob Bartelt Lois Clapp

Stevie Lynn Fabian Grace Kowalski

TBD n/a n/a

August 14 13 Pentecost

Nancy Farina Debra Tanis

Christian Wantula Rich Wantula

Erik Lawson Nathaniel Corbett

Lori VanDerStad n/a n/a

August 21 14 Pentecost

Alice Huizinga Mary Laverack

Dave Taranto Chris Taranto

Linsday Sperling Matthew Stevens

Anne Loffredo n/a n/a

August 28 15 Pentecost

Mary Laverack Lisa Fabian

Craig Beyer Rick Beyer


Christine Opalka n/a n/a

Worship Assistant Schedule August 2016

Page 6: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

From the Pastor


2017 marks two significant anniversaries in the life of St. Timothy. First,

on the international front, Lutherans around the world are observing

2017 as the 500th year of the Lutheran Church. On October 31, 1517,

Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses upon the door of the Castle Church

in Wittenberg, Germany. While Lutherans join all Christians in

regarding that Pentecost nearly 2,000 years ago, as recorded in Acts 1,

as the true birth of the Church, 1517 certainly marks the beginning of a

reforming movement within the Church catholic, of which we are part.

Traditionally, Reformation Day (usually the Sunday before October 31)

has been observed as a sort of Lutheran Independence Day.

Generations of Lutherans celebrated their separation from the Roman

Catholic Church and their particularity among Christian groups. In an

increasingly secular world, and following nearly two generations of

ecumenical dialogue, it seems inappropriate for us to focus on the

divisions within the Body of Christ.

At its core, the Lutheran movement sought to reform within the Church

catholic, rather than establish a new church. Although the publication

of the 95 Theses (each one a statement for debate regarding the sale of

indulgences) eventually led to division in the church, many of the

innovations of the Lutheran reformation were eventually adopted by

the Roman Church. Throughout the world, Lutherans are inviting

ecumenical partners to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the 95 Theses

as an opportunity for dialogue and reconciliation. I’m hoping that we at

St. Timothy may join in such an observance and have already begun

dialogue with a local Catholic parish.

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The other anniversary in 2017 is one that hits even closer to home. St.

Timothy will celebrate its 60th anniversary on September 29, the feast

of St. Michael and All Angels. September 29 falls on a Friday next year,

so I suspect that we’ll celebrate our anniversary on either September

23, the Sunday before, or October 1, the following Sunday. Better yet,

we’ll probably want to devote more than a single Sunday to the

celebration of God’s goodness. Between Lutheranism’s 500th and St.

Timothy’s 50th, we should be able to find numerous opportunities to

celebrate our heritage.

It’s appropriate that we begin planning our observance of both

anniversaries well in advance of next autumn. If you’d like to be part of

the planning committee, please let me know as soon as possible.

In Jesus’ name,

Pastor Robin Mountenay

Laurie’s regular office hours will

change for the summer months,

July and August, as follows:

Monday – Wednesday

9am – 1pm

Pastor plans to maintain his regular

office hours (M,T,W,F 9-12)

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7/3 Clayton Davidson

7/5 Alisa DeRose Corbett

7/5 Marcia Schloesser

7/8 Carl Johnson

7/9 Johanna Wilbert

7/9 Patricia Winters

7/10 Pamela Evanchik

7/12 Diana DiBernardo

7/14 Irma Enders

7/14 Lisa Jane Langschultz

7/14 Brielle Roman

7/15 Ed Schloesser

7/16 Robert Tiefenbacher

7/17 Kate Benjamin

7/20 Steven Suther

7/20 James Koppenal

7/21 Charles J. Riotto

7/22 Carin Wantula

7/25 Pastor Mountenay

7/25 Debra Mountenay

7/25 Irene Schulze

7/26 Anne Loffredo

7/26 Cindy Gaffney

7/27 Nancy Farina

7/27 Robert Carlsen

7/28 Gunner Vogt

7/31 Carol Neilson

8/1 Etta Ebersbach

8/1 Elinor Schroeder

8/2 Carly June Beyer

8/2 Michael Ferro

8/3 John Suther

8/3 Danlyn Milito

8/5 Barbara Koegel

8/5 Sandra DeRose

8/7 Kathleen Gormley

8/7 Thomas Sajban

8/8 Kaila Hope Mary Gabel

8/10 Frederic Dittmer

8/12 Dorothy Lutu

8/12 Thomas Winters

8/12 Roberta Rapisardi

8/13 Travis Brassel

8/14 Kevin Goskowski

8/15 Betsy Mountenay

8/15 Lois Clapp

8/17 Nancy Konnerth

8/18 Charles D. Riotto

8/18 Valerie McGrath

819 Karen Sajban

8/21 Janis Neilson

8/23 Matt Englesbe

8/25 Corinne Dermond

8/27 Stuart Anderson

8/28 Riitta Englesbe

8/28 Christine Opalka

8/29 Monica Schneider

8/30 Jaclyn Sajban

7/1 Brian & Colleen Borchert

7/9 Bill & Monica Mains

7/10 Ed & Marcia Schloesser

7/10 Joseph & Christine Opalka

7/12 Loretta & Bob Kratky

7/16 Bill & Dolores Monsees

7/24 Bob & Mary Tiefenbacher

7/25 Conrad & Dawn Brassel

7/29 Joseph & Eileen Smith

7/30 Nathan & Keriann Ekland

7/31 Joel & Elsie McKenzie

8/1 Carol & Douglas Gabel

8/2 Robert & Roberta Jankiewicz

8/9 Peter & Barbara Johanson

8/18 Pastor & Debra Mountenay

8/20 Russ & Gloria Everett

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Since May 15, 2016, gifts were given to the General Memorial Fund in memory of: Judy Suther to the Organ Restoration Fund in memory of: Marianne Nelson, dear friend of Etta Ebersbach and to the Memorial Garden Fund in memory of: Judy Suther Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month.

No Memorial Garden pavers were purchased this month, so our paver total stands at 106. The price of a paver is $300.00. Checks may be made to St. Timothy Memorial Fund, with the words “Memorial Garden” on the memo line. Pavers may be engraved with the names of deceased loved ones, or left blank for future engraving. Paver application sheets are available in the narthex. Please see Pat Winters or Judy Suther for further information or

assistance. The Memorial Garden is self-supporting; gifts are welcome at all times!

We also welcome contributions to the fund for restoration and enhancement of our Church organ. The work is on-going and should be completed very soon. Checks may be made to St. Timothy Memorial Fund, with the words “Organ Repair” on the memo line.

We are grateful to all who have given to the St. Timothy Memorial Funds – the General Memorial Fund, the Music Fund, the George Laubscher Monday Morning Fund, the Memorial Garden Fund, the Eternal Light Candle Fund, and the Flanders and Schleer Scholarship Loan Funds – and for the faithful loan repayments.

Page 10: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

I have just finished reading My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout. I found this

book to be full of pieces of wisdom. In my article today I'll share some. But first

we'll start with your journaling thought.

The wonderful thing about being human is we can choose how we act at any given

moment. I choose to…

Don’t know what to give a friend or relative for an occasion? Give one of your

favorite old books with a personalized, heartfelt note inside about what the book

meant to you and that you hope it will be as meaningful to the person you are

giving it to.

The shadow rule: When your shadow is shorter than you are, stay out of the sun.

This is when its rays are strongest.

Chances are you won't be in an active shooter situation but remember in a mall or

other public place check out where all the exits are. Don't forget there is usually

another exit through the kitchen in a restaurant. Best bet is to run. If you hide in a

closet or bathroom either lock the door if possible or block it with something.

Pour a half of cup of Hydrogen peroxide down a smelly bathroom sink or drain to

clears away hair, etc. Pour a half of a cup of baking soda followed by one cup of

warmed vinegar down kitchen sink drain. Wait 20 minutes, then fill sink nearly full.

Pick up stopper and the rush of cold water will flush away baking soda and food

particles caught in drain.

"There are elements that determine paths taken, and we can seldom find them or

point to them….” In hindsight can you remember a few that may have set you on a

particular path. by Elizabeth Strout

"It interests me how we find ways to feel superior to another person, another group

of people. It happens everywhere, and all the time. Whatever we call it, I think it is

the lowest of who we are, this need to find someone else to put down." by

Elizabeth Strout

"God lives in us, and we live in God. So when we pray it is not an "I-Thou" but an "I-

I" relationship. The Spirit prays in us and we pray in the Spirit. God lives and moves

in us and we live and move in God." When God says No by Daniel Lanahan, O.F.M.

More “Make Life Easy” next Tips

Make Life Easy

Page 11: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Adult Evening Class ~ July 5th & August 2nd

The Adult Evening class continues Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus J. Borg. We will read Chapter 3 (pages 46 through 68) for our July Meeting. and Chapter 4 (pages 69 through 95) for our August Meeting. Art DeRose supplies us with questions to spur our thinking. Please join us in the parlor on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

Carol, Art, Sandy, Dolores,

Le, Pat, Nancy, and Barbara

Bookworms ~ July 9 & August 13

We meet at Barnes & Noble on the 2nd Saturday each month.

Our next meeting dates are July 9th & August 13th at 9:30 am.

Here is our reading schedule for the coming months:

July ~ The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E.Reichert August ~ All the Light we Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Coleen, Pat, Nancy, Le, Dolores,

Carolyn, Elsie and Barbara

Wayne Interfaith Network

The WIN Food pantry received a large donations from Boy

and Girl Scout Troops and the Jewish Federation Food Drive

and is currently well stocked.

Monetary donations are greatly appreciated to purchase

supermarket gift cards for clients to buy dairy products and


The Back to School letter will be mailed to 58 children on August 1st permistting them

to select Back to School shoes and a $50 Kohl’s gift card to purchase a new outfit.

Thank you for your generosity.

Wayne Interfaith Network P.O. Box 3341, Wayne, N.J. 07470-3341

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July 6, 2016 – 11 am

Bring a brown bag lunch and we’ll supply the rest. We meet the 1st Wednesday of every month!

Join together for the Prime Timers Fourth of July picnic. We’ll have hamburgers, hot dogs, salad, and some patriotic music.

The fun starts at 11 a.m.

Other exciting Prime Timers events:

Date Presenter September 7: Memoirs with Helene Zablocki October 5: Assemblyman Scott Rumana November: WAFA House Huma Hassan

Debi Cool will introduce us to chair yoga at our August gathering. Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support. Chair Yoga is one of the gentlest forms of yoga available.

Complicated maneuvers and complex movements are not present in chair yoga.

Our chair yoga will begin at 11 a.m.

Our chair yoga will begin at 11 a.m.

PRIME TIMERS CHAIR YOGA August 3, 2016 - 11 am

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Gardening Group

Mondays • 9am – 12 Noon

Can you give an hour, or two, or

three on Monday mornings to keep

the gardens looking well-tended?

Come when you can, leave when you




Sunday September 11th marks 15 years since the tragic attacks on the World

Trade Center. These attacks impacted our congregation in very personal ways with family members and friends taken from us.

On this 15th anniversary, we will take time to thank all first responders for the work they do. If you are, or a member of your family is a first responder, please advise Laurie in the church office - 973 694 8316.

We will be sending out more details over the summer months.

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Navajo Lutheran Mission ● Campbell Soup Labels

The Campbell Soup Label program will be discontinued on July 31, 2016. Here at the Mission we receive labels from all over the country, and many more are mailed directly to the program headquarters earmarked for the Mission’s benefit. Over the years, the piles of carefully clopped labels have added up to at least 8 new vehicles, tables, chairs, school supplies, and much, much more.

Labels received and recorded prior to July 31st can still count toward valuable resources for the Mission and School.

The Campbell Soup Label program has been a God-send to Navajo Lutheran Mission. The benefits to the Navajo people are more than can be numbered. Please accept our sincere gratitude for the many dedicated individuals and congregations who have participated. We look forward to the new pathway of relationship and support that we can develop in the future.

All Personnel Surveys

are due back to the

Mutual Ministry Committee by

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Angels Circle

The ladies have finished working on the “Star Hugs

Pillows” for Bosnia. The final count was 86 pillows.

The Angels will meet on June 8th and 22

nd. We will

be taking the summer off. Kits will be available for

anyone who wishes to sew at home.

Enjoy the summer,

Barbara Kaplan

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Heart ‘n Hands Mission It is already the middle of June and summer is almost here. Summer can be difficult for the children of the families we serve who don’t have the opportunity to go to summer camps or participate in community recreation programs. A simple children’s story book or a coloring book and crayons

can help pass the time on long hot summer days and nights. We will collect these items through August, and distribute them as quickly as possible. You can place donations in our basket at the top of the stairs, and thank you for helping to put a bit more sunshine into the lives of our young friends in need.

Nathan Eklund returns to St. Timothy, bringing some friends and playing his cool jazz to accompany a barbeque dinner catered by Bourbon BBQ of Wyckoff, all to benefit the Mission. The doors will open at 6:30 pm, dinner will be served at 7:00, and the concert begins at 7:30. The night will include a silent auction, and you can bid on a variety of baskets, a round of golf and a week on the Outer Banks. Tickets will be available after worship services through the summer, and can be reserved by calling the church office, selecting Mailbox 6, and leaving a message with your ticket order. Tickets are $35.00 for adults and children age 13 and over.

Children under 12 can enjoy pizza, a movie and snacks with Hannah and Christian Wantula for only $10.00. Make it a date night and bring the whole family!

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The Property Committee is seeking

some help in accomplishing some

small projects around the church.

Some may take about an hour,

some a little longer. You, your

family, or a small group can sign

up on the bulletin board by the

elevator. Supplies and equipment will be available. Work may be done at

any time that works into your schedule. Your help would be greatly

appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Bill Mains at

973.628.9658 or talk to any member of the Property Committee. Thanks for

your help.

Outside work:

1. Re-caulk the three older windows at the rear of Fellowship Hall.

2. Add mulch to the garden area in front of the parking area. Wood mulch

is available back by the shed.

3. Sand and repaint the metal railings by the back door and the front


4. Repaint the lower section of the rear wall of Fellowship Hall.

5. Sand and repaint the vent on the inside of boiler room at the rear of

Fellowship Hall.

6. Removal and relocating the stones on the grassy area by Valley Road.

7. Trim and prune the embankment by the entrance roadway.

Inside work:

1. Clean the refrigerators in the kitchen.

2. Clean the white cabinet doors and drawers in the kitchen.

3. Remove the water stained ceiling tiles in the Office and in the


4. Wash the downstairs windows, inside and/or outside.

5. Repair the lower wall by the back doorway. Repaint the area.

6. Organize and clean the cabinets in Fellowship Hall, against the

kitchen wall.

7. Clean the inside of the elevator and use a stainless steel cleaner to

finish it.

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Page 18: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Dear St Timothy

As we go to press, FPPC is in transition. Below please find the announcement from Board president Jim Adreano.

Dear Congregation Leaders and Volunteer Coordinators: This is to advise you that Family Promise of Passaic County is temporarily suspending operations.

WHAT THIS MEANS Effective immediately we will not be accepting new families into the program, pending further

decisions as to the direction of the program. We currently have one family in the program, who will remain with us until the end of their

normal guest period. Therefore, for congregations who are scheduled to host/support over the next few weeks, it is business as usual for now. And to all who received Cathy’s request for assistance during the week of July 3, that request still stands!

WHY? Our stated mission is to help families regain independence and self-sufficiency. However, we have found it increasingly difficult to identify and attract families who meet this

definition. An increasing number of our guest families are victims of generational poverty who have little chance of attaining self-sufficiency over the short term.

Our program is not easy. Those who are not serious about attaining self-sufficiency are seeking other options.

Passaic County is opening a new shelter in Paterson for homeless families. This provides additional options for homeless families who want to stay together. Our niche of “keeping families together” is no longer unique. We expect that this will further reduce demand for our services.

NEXT STEPS We continue to believe that there remains a need to support homeless families. However, in

Passaic County, our current model may not be the best way to meet that need.…

Thanks so much for your continued support of Family Promise -Jim

Pastor, and I will be attending a meeting to help decide on the future direction of this ministry. In the meantime, St Timothy has agreed to the use of our facility for the week of July 3-10. While we have not assumed responsibility to staff the volunteers needed for this week if anyone would like to help please contact me. Until we hear otherwise we shall begin recruitment for our scheduled week of August 28th in July. Updates will be announced during services.

Thanks to all who have supported this ministry with their time, talents, gifts and prayers.

In His name, Cliff Konnerth Family Promise Coordinator for St Timothy

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Honor that Man Father’s Day, June 19th

We have collected $285.00. This donation will go to the Fisher House Foundation.

In honor of our Pastor Robin Mountenay

In honor of Art DeRose

The Stevens Family: In honor of Warren Pompanin

Robin Koegel: In memory of John Koegel, Jack Weaver,

Charles Koegel, Peter Kebless, Robert Wodall

Debbie Andersen: In honor of Robert Andersen and Steve Pardalis

Barbara and Richard Westerberg: In honor of all fathers

Leona Eckert: In memory of Frank W. Eckert, Emory Louis Martin, Fred Eckert,

In honor of Mark, Keith, and Robert Eckert

Kathryn Jones-Smith: In honor of Leonard Smith and Brian Stoffer

In memory of Ken Jones, LeRoy F. Smith, Sr.

The Spardels: In honor of all fathers

Carol Cook: In memory of Paul Cook, Sr.; William Cook, Sr.; Albert Wolf, Sr.

Eileen Anderson: In memory of Sidney Anderson, Axel Arvila

In honor of Stuart & Erik Anderson

Marie Beyer: In memory of Carl E. Halye, Sr.

In honor of Craig J. Beyer, Sr.; Jack Beyer

The Monsees Family: In memory of our fathers William C. Monsees, Thomas E.

Smith and Pastor Robert E. Davidson; In honor of our sons William D.

Monsees, Paul A. Monsees, Robert E. Davidson, Daniel Cranmer

Alice Huizinga: In memory of my father, Bernard Mohring

The Davidson Family: In honor of Bill Monsees, Bob Davidson;

In memory of Bob Davidson, Sr.

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On September 25th, we will join with the congregation

of Immaculate Heart of Mary to provide a hot,

nourishing meal for the guests of Eva’s Kitchen in

Paterson. Will you consider making a batch of stew!

The stew should be put into throw-away aluminum

containers and brought to the church either Saturday

night or Sunday before 10:00 a.m. At 10:00 the

stews from St. Timothy are loaded up for transport to Eva’s Kitchen.

More information and the recipe will be at Sleep Late Sunday and in the September issue of


Thank you! Eileen Smith


As we move closer to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the Virginia Synod of the ELCA has encouraged pastors and laity to read Luther’s writings with the help of reading guides written by the Rev. Dr. Paul Hinlicky. These guides are available on the site. A new guide is produced each month and covers the Catechism and other writings of Luther. If you wish to join in this endeavor, the guides can be accessed by going to: and clicking on “Extras” on the home page. Or one may go to the link: If you are unable to access the link, please let me know and I will get a copy to you. Eileen Smith

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Summertime Youth Service Opportunity!

Cost: approx. $235 Schedule: Sunday - Team Building, Preparations, Rachel Kurtz Concert and overnight @ Cross Roads Monday -Drive to Detroit, Orientation, Neighborhood Tour Tuesday- Servant Projects, Detroit Tour Wednesday- Servant Projects, Play, Visit Neighbors Thursday- Servant Projects, Play, Reflection Time Friday- Drive Home!

Thanks from the Coffee Hour

Thank you to all of the coffee servers for their service this year.

Thanks also to all parishioners for your contributions.

We will be back in September!

If anyone would like to be part of our team, contact either

Nancy Farina (973-882-5171; [email protected])

or Pat Spardel (973-694-8219; [email protected])

New Jersey Synod Sr. High Servant Trip Serving, Smiling, Helping and Hoping in the Motor City Detroit Hope 2016

When: August 21-26, 2016 Who: 9th-12th graders & adult leaders

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Post-Graduate Degree

Christopher Gaffney, M.D. graduated from Columbia University

College of Physicians and Surgeons on May 18, 2016. Christopher has been accepted into a residency program at Weill Cornell in New York City where he will specialize in urology.

Margaret (Maggie) Miller (formerly Dermond) graduated from

Rochester Institute of Technology on May 20, 2016. Maggie will continue teaching pre-engineering at Passaic County Technical Institute where she has been recognized as an “exemplary teacher.”


Clayton Davidson graduated Cum Laude on May 15, 2016 with a

Bachelor of Science degree from the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, where he majored in Accounting and Management. Clayton worked as a facilitator, supervisor, and trainer of the Outdoor Recreation Services Challenge Course and developed a Facilitator’s Handbook. He has accepted a job as a Risk Analyst for Crowe Horwath LLP a large public accounting, consulting and technology firm.

Corrine Dermond graduated from Portland Community College in March

of 2016 with an Associate of Applied Science. Her major was architectural drafting and design. Corrine is presently seeking employment.

Eric Dermond graduated from New Jersey Institute of Technology on May

17, 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, His major was concrete industry management. Eric is a trainer at The Genius of Flexibility, New York City.

Sarah Konnerth graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northeastern

University on May 6, 2016 with a bachelor of science in human services and minors in political science and sociology. Sarah future plan is to attend law school to study criminal law. During her gap year, she will be working in Boston as a paralegal for the United States Attorney's Office in their Major Crimes Unit.

Page 23: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Sarah Riotto graduated from The College of New Jersey, Career and

Community Studies Program, on May 19, 2016. Sarah is seeking employment in an office setting. High School

Carly Beyer will graduate from Boonton High School on June 20, 2016.

She is a member of the National Honor Society and recently received the Girl Scout Gold Award. Carly will be attending Penn State University where she will study architecture.

Kyle Lindstrom will graduate from Wayne Hills High School on June 23,

2026. Kyle earned a varsity letter in discus and shot put and is in the process of completing his Eagle Scout award. Kyle will be attending Drexel University pursuing a career in the film industry.

Jaclyn Sajban will graduate from West Milford High School on June 20,

2016. Jaclyn is an honor roll student and has participated in Relay for Life, Empty Bowls, and Play for the Cure fundraisers. She is a two-year varsity player in field hockey and was a team captain this past fall with recognition on the all-county team. She is a three-year varsity player in lacrosse. Jaclyn was awarded the Coach’s Award in both field hockey and lacrosse. Jaclyn will be attending SUNY Cortland in Cortland, NY; studying exercise science & playing field hockey.

Ryan DeRose Travia will graduate from Paramus Catholic High School on

June 9, 2016. Ryan was awarded an academic scholarship and received an honors certificate in music and drama. Ryan has acted in both dramatic roles and musicals, including the role Marcellus Washburn in The Music Man. He will be attending Seton Hall University.

Briana Venturelli will be graduating from Wayne Hills High School on

June 23, 2016. She will be attending Montclair State University and currently is undeclared of her major. She loves working with children, which is signified by working at Apple Montessori! Briana, a very talented artist, received the award of " Artist of the Week" at Wayne Hills High School where Briana did very well academically.

Tyler Zimmerman will graduate from Wayne Valley High School on June

23, 2016. Tyler will be pursuing a career in underwater welding.

Page 24: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Youth Report

Godspeed Wantulas!!!

Hannah, and Christian (along with dad Rich) are

off to Bosnia and Herzegovia June 22nd through

July 3rd with the Synods International Servant

Trip. We offer them our prayers and support for

a mission full of love and service.

The youth are still taking Flocking orders. For the

middle/end of July. You will read elsewhere in TIPs that Family Promise has

suspended operations so our designated beneficiary may have to be changed. The

youth are considering possible options and will announce when the Family Promise

situation is clarified.

Busy Hannah and Christian also kicked off

an expanded youth program with a Youth

and Family fun event on Saturday June 11th.

Much fun was had with more than a dozen

St Timmers joining together in a balloon

tennis tournament and squirt gun cup races.

And of course along with Christian

fellowship was the obligatory pizza and ice


Keep your eyes on the Youth Bulletin

Board for more youth activities

including our Tent City homeless


To God alone the Glory,

- Cliff

Page 25: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Friday, July 1 Jeremiah 51:47-58 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 Psalm 66:1-9 Saturday, July 2 Zechariah 14:10-21 Luke 9:1-6 Psalm 66:1-9 Sunday, July 3 Isaiah 66:10-14 Galatians 6:7-16 Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Monday, July 4 Jeremiah 6:10-19 Acts 19:21-27 Psalm 119:73-80 Tuesday, July 5 Jeremiah 8:4-13 Acts 19:28-41 Psalm 119:73-80 Wednesday, July 6 Joshua 23:1-16 Luke 10:13-16 Psalm 119:73-80 Thursday, July 7 Genesis 41:14-36 James 2:14-26 Psalm 25:1-10 Friday, July 8 Genesis 41:37-49 Acts 7:9-16 Psalm 25:1-10 Saturday, July 9 Leviticus 19:1-4, 32-37 John 3:16-21 Psalm 25:1-10 Sunday, July 10 Deuteronomy 30:9-14 Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 Monday, July 11 Job 24:1-8 James 2:1-7 Psalm 25:11-20 Tuesday, July 12 Proverbs 19:1-17 1 John 3:11-17 Psalm 25:11-20 Wednesday, July 13 Ecclesiastes 9:13-18 Matthew 25:31-46 Psalm 25:11-20 Thursday, July 14 Genesis 12:10-20 Hebrews 5:1-6 Psalm 15 Friday, July 15 Genesis 13:1-18 Ephesians 3:14-21 Psalm 15 Saturday, July 16 Genesis 14:1-16 Luke 8:4-10 Psalm 15 Sunday, July 17 Genesis 18:1-10a Colossians 1:15-28 Luke 10:38-42 Monday, July 18 Exodus 18:1-12 Colossians 1:27—2:7 Psalm 119:97-104 Tuesday, July 19 Proverbs 9:1-18 1 John 2:1-6 Psalm 119:97-104 Wednesday, July 20 Deuteronomy 12:1-12 John 6:41-51 Psalm 119:97-104 Thursday, July 21 Esther 2:19—3:6 Acts 1:15-20 Psalm 138 Friday, July 22 Esther 3:7-15 Acts 2:22-36 Psalm 138 Saturday, July 23 Esther 4:1-17 Luke 8:22-25 Psalm 138 Sunday, July 24 Genesis 18:20-32 Colossians 2:6-15 Luke 11:1-13 Monday, July 25 Esther 5:1-14 Colossians 2:16—3:1 Psalm 55:16-23 Tuesday, July 26 Esther 6:1—7:6 Romans 9:30 —10:4 Psalm 55:16-23 Wednesday, July 27 Esther 7:7—8:17 Matthew 5:43-48 Psalm 55:16-23 Thursday, July 28 Proverbs 23:1-11 Romans 11:33-36 Psalm 49:1-12 Friday, July 29 Proverbs 24:1-12 Ephesians 4:17-24 Psalm 49:1-12 Saturday, July 30 Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 Mark 10:17-22 Psalm 49:1-12 Sunday, July 31 Eccl. 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23 Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21


Page 26: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

Monday, August 1 Ecclesiastes 2:1-17 Colossians 3:18— 4:1 Psalm 127 Tuesday, August 2 Ecclesiastes 3:16— 4:8 Colossians 4:2-6 Psalm 127 Wednesday, August 3 Ecclesiastes 12:1-8, 13-14 Luke 12:22-31 Psalm 127 Thursday, August 4 Job 21:1-16 Romans 9:1-9 Psalm 33:12-22 Friday, August 5 Ecclesiastes 6:1-6 Acts 7:1-8 Psalm 33:12-22 Saturday, August 6 Genesis 11:27-32 Matthew 6:19-24 Psalm 33:12-22 Sunday, August 7 Genesis 15:1-6 Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 Luke 12:32-40 Monday, August 8 2 Chronicles 33:1-17 Hebrews 11:1-7 Psalm 89:1-18 Tuesday, August 9 2 Chronicles 34:22-33 Hebrews 11:17-28 Psalm 89:1-18 Wednesday, August 10 Jeremiah 33:14-26 Luke 12:41-48 Psalm 89:1-18 Thursday, August 11 Joshua 7:1, 10-26 Hebrews 10:26-31 Psalm 82 Friday, August 12 1 Samuel 5:1-12 Hebrews 10:32-39 Psalm 82 Saturday, August 13 1 Samuel 6:1-16 Matthew 24:15-27 Psalm 82 Sunday, August 14 Jeremiah 23:23-29 Hebrews 11:29—12:2 Luke 12:49-56 Monday, August 15 Jeremiah 23:30-40 1 John 4:1-6 Psalm 32 Tuesday, August 16 Jeremiah 25:15-29 Acts 7:44-53 Psalm 32 Wednesday, August 17 Jeremiah 25:30-38 Luke 19:45-48 Psalm 32 Thursday, August 18 Numbers 15:32-41 Hebrews 12:3-17 Psalm 103:1-8 Friday, August 19 2 Chronicles 8:12-15 Acts 17:1-9 Psalm 103:1-8 Saturday, August 20 Nehemiah 13:15-22 Luke 6:1-5 Psalm 103:1-8 Sunday, August 21 Isaiah 58:9b-14 Hebrews 12:18-29 Luke 13:10-17 Monday, August 22 Ezekiel 20:1-17 Hebrews 3:7— 4:11 Psalm 109:21-31 Tuesday, August23 Ezekiel 20:18-32 Revelation 3:7-13 Psalm 109:21-31 Wednesday, August 24 Ezekiel 20:33-44 Luke 6:6-11 Psalm 109:21-31 Thursday, August 25 Proverbs 15:13-17 1 Peter 3:8-12 Psalm 112 Friday, August 26 Proverbs 18:6-12 1 Peter 4:7-11 Psalm 112 Saturday, August 27 Proverbs 21:1-4, 24-26 Matthew 20:20-28 Psalm 112 Sunday, August 28 Proverbs 25:6-7 Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 Luke 14:1, 7-14 Monday, August 29 2 Chronicles 12:1-12 Hebrews 13:7-21 Psalm 119:65-72 Tuesday, August 30 Isaiah 2:12-17 Titus 1:1-9 Psalm 119:65-72 Wednesday, August 31 Isaiah 57:14-21 Luke 14:15-24 Psalm 119:65-72


Page 27: 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 · Sienna Willow Eckert, granddaughter of Le and Frank Eckert There have been no Memorial purchases during this month. No Memorial Garden

St. Timothy Business & Service Directory





Evalyn Johnson’s Granddaughter:

Tastefully Simple

Laura Dec, Consultant

[email protected]

Simplified Lifestyles through

Convenient & Unique Gourmet Foods

(973) 835-2348 ID# 0059231


Kim Gambino


20% off

St. Tim


St. Tim’s Business/Service Listing

contact Laurie Crowley at 973-694-8316

or email at [email protected]