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360 AssessmentMeasures the behaviors and competencies shown by an individual while achieving goalsA 360feedback survey is a way to gain insights into how several people view employee or Manager. Feedback is gathered from direct reports, peers, immediate managers and managers manager, and others whom the person works with. For leaders or managers in a company, 360 feedback survey gives critical feedback in addition to other work evaluation methods. Comes from all sources around the employee #

Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment


Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment : Key FeaturesEmployee Development Develops the managerial, leadership, technical and soft skills. Performance Management Process Helps is analyzing a balanced view of a manager or leaders performance. Training needs Assesses the training needs and also help the individual and organization to develop the required skillsOrganizational assessment Gives a wide-range view on how employees view the organization. Managers and employees at all levels can share what they see as successes or failures at the company. Customer/client satisfaction Helps to gather feedback on company and individuals performance from customers or clients.


Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment Competencies:Demonstration Levels on a scale of 1-5 : 1 Not Demonstrated, 2 - Partially Demonstrated, 3 - Demonstrated as required4 - Significantly above standard 5- ExceededNA Do not have the opportunity to observe Leadership competences

Strategic thinking Decision making Leading change Develop others

Core competencies

Building an effective working relationship Customer focused Result focused Innovation


Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment Individual/Manager level

The feedback can be used:Gain a better understanding of skills to developSeek mentorship or coaching to bridge the performance gaps. Address the area of improvement and enable to deliver the required result Enhance strengths to improve performance


Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment - Organizational levelThe feedback can be used:Make sure that all managers and employees are aware of major organizational goals. Set individual SMART goals as per the organizational goals so that they are attainable Make sure that managers have adequate organizational support to achieve goalsFoster a performance oriented culture#

Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment Radha Strength:Assertive & Co-operativeHardworking Good Domain KnowledgeLEADERSHIP STYLE Apply and adapt past experiences to solve problems Decide and implement quickly based on his own experienceAct as traditional leaders who respect the hierarchy, achieving within the systemDepends more on the hierarchy and not ready to take risks Organized and planned

POTENTIAL PITFALLSDecide too quickly and pressure others to do so tooDo not see the need for changing things that he believe are already workingOverlook the interpersonal niceties in getting the job doneDecisions are overtaken by emotions SUGGESTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT Interpersonal SkillsMake a special effort to show appreciation to others Need to take time away from work to reflect on and identify the feelings and values of team membersTake risks in protecting team Learn to lead the team as a role model by managing, engaging and motivation teamAccept and adopt to changeTotal Average:3.2#

Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment Outcome Core Competency#

Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment Outcome Leadership Competency#

Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Competency Assessment #

Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Organization Competency Assessment Overall Percentage#

Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.360 Assessment Leadership Traits

Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing.Standard Bearers: establish the ethical framework within an organization. Being a standard bearer creates trust and openness in your employees, who in turn, fulfill your visions. Developers help others learn through teaching, training, and coaching. Integrators orchestrate the many activities that take place throughout an organization by providing a view of the future and the ability to obtain it. Success can only be achieved when there is a unity of effort. Integrators have a sixth sense about where problems will occur and make their presence felt during critical times. They know that their employees do their best when they are left to work within a vision-based framework. Honest Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all their actions. Competent Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings. Forward-looking Set goals and have a vision of the future. Inspiring Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary. Intelligent Read, study, and seek challenging assignments. Fair-minded Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others. Broad-minded Seek out diversity. Courageous Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress. Straightforward Use sound judgment to make a good decisions at the right time. Imaginative Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative! Communication/People Skills : Communicate with team effectively to promote a common understanding and pass along necessary information. Keep your people informed. Listening. They must be able to not only communicate but also connect with subordinates. Effective leadership depends on relationships and bonds with the people you wish to lead. They must trust you. They must respect you. Otherwise, they will be reluctant to follow.

Decision MakingOne of the most important aspects of leadership is decision making. If we are going to lead the charge, obviously we need to know where to lead it. Leaders must quickly evaluate goals and plans, respond to new situations and new information, process data quickly and make sound judgment calls. It is crucial that leaders be able to make the best decisions concerning the direction of the operation.Leading By ExampleDo not be the hypocrite who tells everyone to work hard and push for the best results just before ducking out early to get in a few rounds of golf. If you work people hard and then they find you surfing the web half the day, they will not respect you, trust you or even like you.Leading by example means getting in there and doing things exactly the way you want others to do them. You set the example; you set the tone.Be ResponsibleBeing responsible means taking ownership for everything within your control. Delegate Authority and ResponsibilityWhen people are personally invested in the outcome of the operation, their efforts to see it to success will increase.Integrity is the integration of outward actions and inner values. A person of integrity is the same on the outside and on the inside. Such an individual can be trusted because he or she never veers from inner values, even when it might be expeditious to do so. A leader must have the trust of followers and therefore must display integrity.

Honest dealings, predictable reactions, well-controlled emotions, and an absence of tantrums and harsh outbursts are all signs of integrity. A leader who is centered in integrity will be more approachable by followers.

Dedication means spending whatever time or energy is necessary to accomplish the task at hand. A leader inspires dedication by example, doing whatever it takes to complete the next step toward the vision. By setting an excellent example, leaders can show followers that there are no nine-to-five jobs on the team, only opportunities to achieve something great.

Magnanimity means giving credit where it is due. A magnanimous leader ensures that credit for successes is spread as widely as possible throughout the company. Conversely, a good leader takes personal responsibility for failures. This sort of reverse magnanimity helps other people feel good about themselves and draws the team closer together. To spread the fame and take the blame is a hallmark of effective leadership.

Leaders with humility recognize that they are no better or worse than other members of the team. A humble leader is not self-effacing but rather tries to elevate everyone. Leaders with humility also understand that their status does not make them a god. Mahatma Gandhi is a role model for Indian leaders, and he pursued a follower-centric leadership role.

Openness means being able to listen to new ideas, even if they do not conform to the usual way of thinking. Good leaders are able to suspend judgment while listening to others ideas, as well as accept new ways of doing things that someone else thought of. Openness builds mutual respect and trust between leaders and followers, and it also keeps the team well supplied with new ideas that can further its vision.

Creativity is the ability to think differently, to get outside of the box that constrains solutions. Creativity gives leaders the ability to see things that others have not seen and thus lead followers in new directions. The most important question that a leader can ask is, What if ? Possibly the worst thing a leader can say is, I know this is a dumb question ...

Fairness means dealing with others consistently and justly. A leader must check all the facts and hear everyone out before passing judgment. He or she must avoid leaping to conclusions based on incomplete evidence. When people feel they that are being treated fairly, they reward a leader with loyalty and dedication.

Assertiveness is not the same as aggressiveness. Rather, it is the ability to clearly state what one expects so that there will be no misunderstandings. A leader must be assertive to get the desired results. Along with assertiveness comes the responsibility to clearly understand what followers expect from their leader.

Many leaders have difficulty striking the right amount of assertiveness, according to a study in the February 2007 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, published by the APA (American Psychological Association). It seems that being underassertive or overassertive may be the most common weakness among aspiring leaders.

A sense of humor is vital to relieve tension and boredom, as well as to defuse hostility. Effective leaders know how to use humor to energize followers. Humor is a form of power that provides some control over the work environment. And simply put, humor fosters good camaraderie.


Copyright 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.Areas of Improvement across Managers Strategic thinking & Decision Making Innovation & Change management Conflict-Resolution & Risk taking AbilitiesEffective and transparent Communication Time & People management Skills Coaching and Mentoring Skills


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