



Plum is a wonderful juicy fruit which belongs botanically to the family of Rosaceae This fruit belongs to the genus: Prunus domestica, which also includes peaches, nectarine and almonds.  It is one of the few fruits that come in a panorama of colors.  The plant which bears this fruit is a small shrub which is widely grown all across the world especially in China, United States, Japan and Europe. The plum fruit differs in colour and size according to their region of origin. And the plant bears plum fruits mostly during the months between May and September.  Each plum weighs around 50 grams and measures about 5 to 6 cm. (Image 1) The pulp is juicy and varies widely from yellow, crimson, light blue or light green in color depending on the cultivar type. The skins of plum can be red, purple, black, and red, green. There is a large stone like seed placed in the centre of the fruit.  Common cultivars of plum are cherry plum, blackthorn plum and damson. Plum has a sweet, tart taste and a very pleasant aroma.  Dried plum is known as prunes


The nutritional facts of plum in 66 grams of the fruit are as follow: protein (0.52g),  carbohydrate (56.23g), fat (0.69g), calories (40 cal), fiber (1.98g), sugar (12.55g),  vitamin A (213.18 IU), Thiamin (0.03 mg), riboflavin (0.06mg), niacin (0.33mg), vitamin C (6.27 mg), vitamin E (057 mg), pantothenic acid (0.12mg), calcium (2.64mg), Iron (4.62 mg), phosphorous (6.60 mg), potassium (113.52 mg) and including  copper, magnesium,  selenium and zinc.

ANTI INFLAMMATORY Vitamin C in plum helps the body to

develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation and free radicals

ANTIDIABETES Lower blood sugar According to the Dietitians of Canada,

plums rank low on the glycemic index, which means eating them can help you control your blood sugar and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

ANTI OXIDANT Antioxidants like vitamin C, Zea-xanthin,

lutein, cryptoxanthin, are health promoting compounds and as scavenger against free radicals which are responsible for many diseases.  The ample amount of vitamin C helps to fight infections and increases the resistance power of the body.

ANXIETY:  Regular consumption of plums help in

reducing anxiety. Studies have provided supporting evidence regarding the anxiolytic effects and antioxidant properties of chlorogenic acids present in plums, which help in curing anxiety-related behaviors and damage caused by oxidative stress.

ANTI CANCER In new research, it has been observed

that consumption of plums have anti-cancerous effects and prevents the growth of carcinogenic cells.  The dietary fiber of plums is beneficial in protection against gastro and respiratory cancers.

ANTI BACTERIAL Black plums have many medicinal

values like the bark, seeds and leaves are used in treatment of diabetes; leaves are used for strengthening of teeth because of antibacterial properties,  barks are also good for throat problems.

BLOOD CLOTTING:  Plums and prunes contain vitamin

K which helps in normal clotting of the blood and promotes bone health. Deficiency of vitamin K in the body can result in excessive blood loss and other health concerns such as weak bones


Researchers from Florida State and Oklahoma State universities tested two groups of postmenopausal women over the span of 12 months for bone density. One group ate 100 grams of prunes per day (about 10 prunes); the other ate 100 grams of dried apples. Both groups took calcium and vitamin D supplements.

CELLULAR HEALTH:  Plums contains essential iron

and copper which assists in the formation of red blood cells and facilitates blood purification and healthy circulation. The copper in plums acts as an antioxidant and is essential for nerve health and aids in the formation of collagen. Consumption of copper-rich plums also helps in the absorption of iron and prevents various diseases such as anemia and osteoarthritis.

GOOD FOR HEART Plums help to reduced cholesterol by

inhibiting LDL oxidation in human and beneficial for heart diseases. It is also effective to cardiovascular problems due to presence of potassium that helps to maintain body fluid levels

GOOD FOR VISION Regular eating of plums is good for

vision and macular degeneration. Fresh yellow plum contains vitamin A and beta carotene good for eyesight and skin


In a study one group ate prunes, the other group ate dried apples and both took calcium and vitamin D supplements. The prune group had substantially higher bone mineral density in the spine and forearms. (Florida State and Oklahoma State Universities)

IMPROVE HEALTH Eating plums helps in the production

and absorption of iron thus good for blood circulation and overall health of the body.


Plums are full of antioxidants that have been shown to slow the development of Alzheimer’s disease. (The University of Harvard Health Research)  They also contain anthocyanin and quercetin, beneficial for preventing brain cell breakdown.

IMMUNE SYSTEM:  Plums are beneficial in strengthening

the immune defense of the body due to the presence of high vitamin C content. It promotes the body’s resistance against various infections and inflammations. Research has shown that oriental plums have immunostimulatory constituents that encourage the production of nitric oxide in the body, impede the metastasis of tumor cells, and are valuable in preventing various diseases.

IMPROVE TEETH Plum has adequate amount of Iron,

Potassium and fluoride.  Iron is good in the formation of RBC; Potassium helps to regulate heart beat and blood pressure while Fluoride is beneficial for strengthening of teeth.

IMPROVE METABOLISM The presence of niacin, vitamin B-6, and

patothenic acid is good in the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat

INFLUENZA:  Japanese plums are effective against the

infection caused by influenza A virus. Studies have shown that concentrated juice of Japanese plums contains lectin-like molecules which help in inhibiting and treating the infections caused by human influenza A virus.


Dried plums—a.k.a. prunes—are a tried-and-true way to help your bowel do its work (each prune has one gram of fibre). Eat them as is, or make a batch of softened prunes to keep in the fridge to have with granola and yogurt: Soak a few handfuls of prunes in freshly boiled water, cool and store in a covered jar in the fridge


This is very beneficial when dieting. A small plum contains only 30 calories.

MACULAR DEGENERATION:  Plums contains vitamin A and beta-

carotene, which are beneficial in maintaining healthy eye sight and preventing age-related macular degeneration. The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin present in plums reside in the macular tissues of the retina and provide protection against the damage caused by UV radiation.

MENOPAUSAL WOMEN. A study conducted at University of

Florida and Oklahoma had shown that dried plums are good for bone health, increase bone density thus effective in case of osteoporosis and fractures. It is especially effective with menopausal women.

NERVOUS SYSTEM:  Plums contains vitamin B-6, which helps

in the transmission of nerve signals and aids in the smooth functioning of the nervous system. Plums also help in the normal growth of the brain and assist in the formation of mood influencing hormones. Tryptophan, an amino acid present in plums, helps in the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays an important role in the sleep, appetite and concentration.

OBESITY:  Plum extracts are valuable for treating obesity

and other complications associated with obesity. Studies have shown that consumption of stone fruits such as plums helps in fighting metabolic syndrome, due to the presence of bioactive compounds. The flavonoids and phenolic components such as anthocyanins, chlorogenic acids, quercetin, and catechins present in plums exert anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects on the different bodily cells, including the fat cells, and they also help in preventing obesity-related problems such as cholesterol disorders, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

OSTEOPOROSIS:  Consumption of dried plums exerts anabolic and

anti-resorptive actions, which aid in maintaining healthy bones. Flavonoids such as caffeic acid and rutin that are both present in plums help in inhibiting the deterioration of bone tissues and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Polyphenols, along with the potassium content present in dried plums, encourage the formation of bones, enhances bone density and prevents bone loss caused by ovarian hormone deficiency.Research has demonstrated that regular consumption of dried plums helps in the restoration of bone density that has already been lost due to aging.


Plum extracts can kill aggressive breast cancer cells; the surrounding healthy cells were not harmed by the treatment.

WEIGHT LOSS : Research conducted by the University

of Liverpool suggests that intake of prunes as part of a weight control diet can improve weight loss.