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Unit 11


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•Consultation- discussion/asking for an expert opinion

•Confrontation - facing off due to conflict or clash of opinions

•Concession - yielding to a request to end an argument

•Compromise - agreeing to parts of the terms

•Consensus - unanimous agreement


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•To back (up) – to support

•The team usually backs him (up).

•To back up - to make a copy

•IT staff need to back up the data before the close of business.


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How to Be Persuasive

•These phrases are useful when trying to be persuasive

•Come on,

•Let’s face it,

•The thing is,

•To be honest,

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Useful Phrases

•I couldn’t agree more - I totally agree

•I’m not convinced - I disagree

•I take/see your point

•I can understand what you are saying - I can understand where you are coming from

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Useful Phrases•The best of both worlds

•We should just wait and see

•We shouldn’t make a decision just yet

•Where do you go from here?

•What should we do now?

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Make up Your Mind

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•You are all in the meeting to discuss and make a decision about the computer games shop

•What are your options? List pros & cons of each

•Move, expand, other alternatives you may think of

•Be sure to incorporate key expressions in the discussion

•What is your final decision? Why?