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320 W. GARVEY AVE. MONTEREY PARK 91754 (626)573-0427

“We are a diverse faith

community that strives to

conform ourselves into the

image of Christ in

and through the power

of the Holy Spirit, and

nourished by The Word,

Sacraments and Tradition

to give glory to

God and to be a light

unto the nations.”


MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM

(English) Sunday 7:00 AM (English)

9:00 AM (Spanish) 11:00 AM (English)

2:00 PM (Indonesian) Mon.-Sat. Daily Mass:

8:30 AM Perpetual Help Novena Mass

Wednesday 6:30 PM Friday 7:00 PM (Spanish)

Reconciliation Fridays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Saturdays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Fr. Joseph Magdaong Pastor

Fr. Ali Kanissius Fr. Rajan Sengol

Associate Pastors

Armando & Irene Estrada Deacon Couple

Alicia Vazquez Office Manager

Dale Ann Torbey Secretary / Bookkeeper

Debbie Cilio School Principal (626) 573-1716



Monday - Friday

9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Closed for lunch

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.


11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Think of what it's like to wait a long time. Can you imagine

what it would be like to wait for centuries? No one person

lives that long, of course. But for the Israelites, they had

heard the stories from generation to generation. They had

been conquered time and time again, and now "the peo-

ple were filled with expectation, and all were asking in

their hearts whether John might be the Christ." They had

been waiting for a Messiah, one who did miraculous

deeds and said profound things; someone aglow with the glory of God. We all know

what it's like to hope and be disappointed. But what if your hopes were fulfilled?

That day at the Jordan River, an audience had gathered. Among the crowd for baptism

was an unknown man. Perhaps he was dirty from weeks in the desert. His hands had the

calloused palms of a tradesman, a carpenter. He and John the Baptist may have em-

braced with the familiarity of the cousins they were. This man wades into the Jordan for a

good, solid dunking. As he rises from the water, the One who breathed life into Adam

gasps for air like any other man.

But then "heaven was opened." The clouds in the sky part miles above. "And the Holy

Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove." An apparition with substance sails

through the sky. It exudes gentleness and power all at once. "And a voice came from

heaven, 'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.'" Can you imagine the

sight? For the crowd, there is no doubting what they have seen, who they have seen.

Can you imagine this encounter with our God who keeps His promises? What are you

waiting for?

Day of Meditation

and Planning for

your New Year

Please join us on

Saturday, January 26


9 a.m. in Room 1

Bring your thoughts and desire and

together we will set your intentions for

the new year.

Light breakfast and lunch will be


The flame of the Paschal candle symbolizes the eternal presence of

Christ, light of the world in the midst of his people; he who is the Second

Person of the Trinity, the Alpha and Omega. The Paschal candle is

sometimes referred to as the "Easter candle" or the "Christ candle."

The cost of this years Paschal candle will be $800.00. Please contact the parish office if you would like to make a dona-tion towards the purchase in honor of a

family member(s) or loved one.

Holy Infant Jesus of Prague

Feast Day Sunday, January 20th, 2019

A light breakfast will be served in the

Gathering Place

after the 7am Mass.

A Novena will take place in the Church after the

8:30 am daily from January 14th - 19th.

You're welcome to bring any pictures of the

Infant Jesus for a blessing.

PARISH CENSUS We are preparing to update all of our parishioners information. In an attempt to record the most accu-rate information possible, we need your assis-tance. In the coming weeks we will be asking you to fill out a Census Update information question-naire during Mass. We realize that this task may take a few minutes of your time, but the updated information you provide will be invaluable to us. Please know how much your assistance is appreciated in this project.

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La liturgia de la Iglesia concluye la Navidad con esta Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor.

En su bautismo Jesús, pone el punto de partida para su misión ministerial. El Padre del

cielo lo acompaña de manera especial. Se narra que se abrieron los cielos y que el

Espíritu Santo bajó sobre él y se manifestó en forma de paloma...del cielo vino una

voz: "Tú eres mi Hijo, hoy te he dado la vida" (Lucas 3, 21-22). En aquel tiempo, las per-

sonas que escuchaban la predicación de Juan y de Jesús tenían que elegir seguir a

Jesús o seguir a Juan. Momentos de tensión surgieron. Ahora, la Iglesia nos invita a

ver que el bautismo es un segundo nacimiento donde se abre la puerta para entrar

a formar parte de la de familia de Dios.

¿Has tenido la oportunidad de reflexionar lo que significa el bautismo? ¿Cuánta importancia le das al ser hijo o

hija de Dios? El Papa Francisco nos dice lo siguiente acerca del Bautismo: "En el Bautismo somos consagrados

por el Espíritu Santo. La palabra "cristiano" significa esto, significa consagrado como Jesús, en el Espíritu con el

cual ha sido consagrado Jesús en toda su existencia terrena. Él es el "Cristo", ungido, consagrado, los bautizados

somos "cristianos", es decir, consagrados, ungidos. Entonces, queridos padres, queridos padrinos y madrinas, si

quieren que sus hijos se hagan verdaderos cristianos, ayúdenlos a crecer "consagrados" en el Espíritu Santo, es

decir, en el calor del amor de Dios, en la luz de su Palabra. Por esto, no se olviden de invocar siempre al Espíritu

Santo, todos los días". (Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor, Capilla Sixtina, domingo 11 de enero de 2015). ¿Qué te im-

presiona del mensaje del Papa?


Los invita a orar, alabar, glorificar al Señor y darle gracias por todos Los beneficios recibidos cada dia de nuestra vida. Nos reunimos los Miercoles de 7pm a 9pm en el salon parroquial de nuestra Iglesia San Esteban Martir.

Todos son bienvenidos.

“Luz del Espiritu Santo”

Las declaraciones de

donación para el año fiscal

2018 serán enviadas por cor-

reo a todos los feligreses que

estan registrados en la iglesia.

Gracias por su apoyo continuo.



La llama del cirio pascual simboliza la

presencia eterna de Cristo, luz del mundo en

medio de su pueblo; el que es el segundo

Persona de la Trinidad, el Alfa y Omega. los

La vela pascual a veces se conoce como la

"vela de Pascua" o la "vela de Cristo".

El costo de la vela Pascual de este año será de

$800.00. Por favor, de contactar a la oficina

parroquia si desea hacer una donación para la

compra de la vela en honor de un miembro(s)

de su familia o un ser querido.

CENSO PARROQUIAL Nos estamos preparando para actualizar toda la infor-mación de nuestros feligreses. En un intento por registrar la información más precisa, necesitamos su ayuda. En las próximas semanas le pediremos que complete un cuestion-ario de información de Actualización del Censo durante la Misa.

Nos damos cuenta de que esta tarea puede tomar algunos minutos de su tiempo, pero la información actualizada que nos proporcione será invaluable para nosotros. Por favor, sepa cuánto se aprecia su ayuda en este proyecto.

¿Sabe Usted? Una de las respuestas más comunes a las historias

de las víctimas que sufrieron abuso y sufrieron en

silencio por años es, “¿Por qué esperó tanto?”

Muchos niños esperan porque no tienen a nadie

en quien confiar para hablar sobre lo que les está

sucediendo. Muchas víctimas se sienten avergonzadas y

culpables. Tome medidas para convertirse en un adulto con-

fiable para los niños. Dígales que escuchará sin juicio ni casti-

go, a pesar de que tengan miedo de hablar de algo. Para

obtener una copia del artículo completo de VIRTUS®, “Safe

Adults: What to Say and Do”

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WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2018 5:00 pm Loreto Ortega (D) Mary Chung (D)

SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2018 7:00 am Romeo M. Abad (D) Gaudencio Cabudol (D)

9:00 am Manuel Compean (D) Jose Antonio Compean (D) Timoteo Valdez (D) 11:00 am Dale & Stephanie Uyeda (D) Carlos Ornelas (L) Augie & Annamae Koch (L) MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2018 8:30 am Mireya Aguiar (D)

TUESDAY, JANURAY 15, 2019 8:30 am Roberto Aguiar (D) Juan Rabago (D) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2019 8:30 am Katherine Andrade (D) 6:30 pm St. Stephen Parishioners THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2019 8:30 am Monica Lugo (L)

FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2019 8:30 am St. Stephen Parishioners 7:00 pm Javier Valdez and Family (L)

SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 2019 8:30 am Matthew Valdez - In Thanksgiving

December 22nd & 23rd $6,877.13

Wednesday Novena Mass $164.00

Friday Evening Mass $27.00

Online Giving $325.00

Christmas $9,054.45

December 29th & 30th $5,247.14

Second Collection $1,124.55

Wednesday Novena Mass $84.00

Friday Evening Mass $34.45

Online Giving $430.00

Thank you for your commitment to your parish.

The Legion of Mary meet

every Wednesday

at 7:00 pm in Room 2

following the 6:30

Novena Mass

Please Pray For….. Frances Salaises, Kitty Carlucci, Ana Nunez, Maria Gonzalez, Rita Thoms, Elizabeth Dodge, Virginia Medina, Rudy Barraza, Kathy Garcia, Helen Lawrence, Judy Backer, Mayo & Teresa Ycedo, Al & Susan Acosta, Ray Fratino, Florence Kreslake, Francisco Paniagua, Anna Barellano, Carlos Godinez, Bertha Marquez, Kim Chacon, Larry Hernandez, Will Martinez, Janine Lugo, George Gomez, Luis Hernandez, Pio Rongavilla, Patricia McAvoy, Lung Family, Tam Family, Monica Mendoza, Emilia Rodriguez, Monica Hernandez, Daniel Perez, David Perez, Jose Maria De La Roca-Velazquez, Peggy A. Jasso, Larry Siefker, Susana Arriola, Arnold Vega, Carlos Alberto Ornelas, Angie Ter-razas, Marilyn Teraza, Romie Platt, Elizabeth, Matthew Valdez, Susan Lopez, Mary Hernandez and Family, Alicia Valdez, Moises Ramiez, Yoli Aguilar, Lauren Chacon, Leo Sanchez, Salvador Huerta, Eddie Ortega, Bob Wongso, Patricia Sanchez, Lisa Dittmer, Roland Martinez, David Perez, Victor Alfara

To insure that the prayer list is accurate, please contact the par-ish office on a monthly basses if you would like for your name to remain on the list.

Did You Know?

Strive to be a ‘safe adult’ in a child’s life

One of the most common responses to stories

from abuse victims who suffered in silence for

years is, “Why did you wait so long?” For many

children, they wait because they have no one

they trust to talk to about what’s happening to them.

Many victims feel ashamed and guilty. Take steps to be-

come a trusted adult to the children in your life. Tell them

you will listen without judgment or punishment, even if they

are scared to talk about something. For a copy of the

complete VIRTUS® article, “Safe Adults: What to Say and


Divine Mercy Devotions & Prayers

Every Friday after the 8:30 am Mass

in the church.

La Pieta Prayer Group meeting

Every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month

at 2:30 p.m. in room 2

Join Fr. Rajan for Bible Study on the

1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Church

after the Novena Mass.

All are welcome


January 12th & 13th

This weekends second collection will be for the

needs of the parish.

Thank you for your continued support.
