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    2. Executive summary

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    3. Table of Contents

    4. Introduction

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    In this report there are various key issues

    which need to be addressed. Y&Y need to be

    doing further research on the statements

    being made by Enrico Catalani before taking

    on any offers or business relationships.

    There needs to be some proven links

    between the positive influences his brand

    will bring towards other products otherwise

    his statements would be invalid and couldbring a negative persona towards the

    company. There needs to be some

    evaluation that the statements are accurate.

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    5. Background to the research

    I am the Senior Consultant working for

    Hyperthinking which is charge of the project

    at hand. We are an Australian based

    marketing research company which has

    undertaken tasks like this before.

    Y&Y is a department store which offers a

    variety of choice in the latest national,

    international and exclusive to Y&Y brands.Ranging from products such as womens,

    mens, and childrens fashion, also

    accessories, cosmetics, home wares,

    furniture, electrical goods and much more.

    Y&Y is known for their approach to the store

    within store and pride themselves on the

    visual merchandising displays. Over

    Australia there turnover is excess of $2

    billion annually from a stretch of their 52

    Australian based operations which are

    located in metropolitan and regional areasand are each tailor made specifically to suit

    the area it serves.

    The situation at hand now is because of an

    offer which has been made to Y&Y regarding

    an important Italian fashion designer, Enrico

    Catalani. Catalani wants to branch out into

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    Australia market grounds and is offering the

    Y&Y stores exclusive distribution of the

    range. Catalani is stating claims that any

    sort of introduction to the company will

    positively affect the retailers performance.

    Specifically, Catalani makes three claims:

    1. The more visible products from the range

    which is on display in Y&Y will positively

    influence the sales of the product like theychoose to display with. It will positively

    influence the product category. (For

    example shorts, socks, underwear etc.)

    2. The more visible products from the range

    which is on display in Y&Y will positively

    influence the sales of the actual core goods

    which is on display in Y&Y. So if an Enrico

    Catalani shirt is displayed with different

    brand name trousers the trousers will also

    increase sales because they are being

    displayed in conjunction with such anexclusive brand name.

    3. The more visible products from the range

    will positively influence sales of the goods

    within the whole retail environment over all.

    After considering the above scenario and

    before agreeing to the contract at hand, the

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    marketing manager at Y&Y Retail Stores,

    intends to conduct thorough research

    investigation as at the moment he is unsure

    whether the claims are either true or will be

    positive in this circumstance.

    6. The management decision problem

    The management decision problem revolves

    around the statements and promises made

    by the Italian designer Enrico Catalani that

    would influence not only all the 52

    Australian Y&Y stores directly but overall

    the whole Australian experiences and

    perception of Y&Y. Even though the

    statements sound simple they do also raisea few eyebrows as to how true these claims

    can be. Makes management question

    problems such as:

    - What makes Enrico Catalani so positive

    that this would have the same impact in the

    past and what made him come to this


    - Just because he claims to say his

    distribution has been distributed does it

    mean that it has worked positive?

    - What can we do at management to prove

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    and feel comfortable with the claims made

    by Enrico Catalani?

    - What guarantee do we have that it will

    work in Australia?

    - What will happen if we go ahead and this

    has a negative impact on the business?

    - After considering the pros and cons

    should we accept the offer?

    After considering all the problems at hand itis clears that the marketing team needs to

    conduct thorough research before making

    any final decisions.

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    7. The research problem (problem

    definition) and key objectives

    Enrico Catalani strongly urges that if his

    brand was to be released in the spread of 52

    Y&Y stores across Australia that not only

    would it directly impact the sales of hisbrand but also have a big impact on the

    other products that are modelled with the


    Keeping this in mind, the Marketing Team

    put together with Dr Mark Smith, the

    Marketing Manager, have been gathered tomeasure the accuracy of the claims. Dr Mark

    Smith has hired a senior consultant from

    Hyperthinking to assist them in the process.

    They will all work together to conduct

    various studies into the matter whether it is

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    DOT POINT 1)After further research into the Y&Y case

    study at hand we have gathered that the

    type of research that needs to be

    undertaken is the Quantitative descriptive

    research.Although Qualitive and Quantitative are very

    tightly linked - the strength pulling towards

    assessing the research with Quantitative

    had a stronger pull. (NARESH/MALHOTRA)

    While Qualitative Research contributes

    helpful observations and understandings of

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    whatever the actual problem backdrop is,

    Quantitative research investigates to

    quantify the data which has a vast effect in

    this case.

    Quantitative research gives us the

    opportunity to research a broader study

    which overall would enhance the

    generalisation of the results gathered. It can

    give us a greater equality and certainty ofthe results. It is a good way to summarise

    the under study by establishing the few

    variables and resulting in procedures to

    ensure validity and reliability. U using

    standards means that the research can be

    replicated, and then analysed and compared

    with similar studies. Kruger (2003) confirms

    that 'quantitative methods allow us to

    summarize vast sources of information and

    facilitate comparisons across categories and

    over time'. Another underlined reason whythis type of research is preferred is because

    if there is any personal bias it can and will

    be avoided by researchers as they will be

    keeping a distance from participating

    subjects and employing subjects unknown to


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    In Y&Ys case its going to be easier to

    complete Quantitative Research as when

    the data is collated because of the fact its

    based all with numbers it will be a lot easier

    to place together in any forms of charts and

    compare. It will overall be easier and

    simpler to read and assess the answers.

    The use of quantitative research is on any

    sport news shows for example the AFL FootyShow. Its used most because their

    researches have to analyse the match and

    come up with the percentages of things

    such as possession and shots on target etc.

    Quantitative research allows the researcher

    to measure and analyse data. The

    relationship between an independent and

    dependent variable is studied in detail. This

    is advantageous because the researcher is

    more objective about the findings of the

    research. Quantitative research can be usedto test hypotheses in experiments because

    of its ability to measure data using statistics.

    Shao (2002) discusses how the research

    aims to determine relationships and

    differences among large samples to target

    population by using mathematical and

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    statistical measures and techniques.

    Structured research is all about designing

    the right questions with a choice of specific

    response so when the results are handed

    back we can assess and measure/analyse

    mathematically. In this stage we must stress

    the need for the understanding of Qualitive

    and Quantitative hand in hand. (MALHOTRA)

    When there is a new problem that needs tobe addressed in a marketing research

    manner, quantitative is undertaken to

    explain the findings obtained from

    qualitative research. Hence the misuse of

    the findings when they are used and

    regarded as conclusive and therefore not

    doing their correct job. When people use

    these findings for generalisation to the

    population of interest there has been misuse

    of the findings. After considering these

    factors it is important to view bothQuantitative and Qualitative research as

    working hand in hand rather than as any

    sort of competition with one another.

    Descriptive research would work well with

    quantitative research because after

    research has shown casual research in this

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    situation does not make clarification into the

    topic. As we are aiming to describe the

    results for a specific trend of fashion rather

    than assert true causality in an

    experimental sense, we can see how to falls

    underneath the broad circle of descriptive

    research. We must keep in mind that even

    though we will be doing research into the

    target market it is still considered a snapshot of the whole entire market place at a

    specific point in time.

    One could conclude that retail is suffering

    due to online sales eg : ASOS , Zara , H&M

    and other sellers offering reasonably prices

    shipping. Therefor it is important for Y&Y to

    keep up to date with the different labels

    coming out into the market place.

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    Dot point 2: Type of information

    The decided approach to this research is

    quantitative survey which has an emphasis

    on numbers. Keeping in mind data numbers

    doesnt tell enough about anything until you

    transform them into valuable information.Data can have different forms therefor you

    must read what has been collated in the

    surveys and make out the results. The

    information we can gather from a survey will

    give us an understanding of the clientelesreactions to the offer put on the table.

    We must gather the type of information

    required relevant to the case, e.g. gender,

    age, employment, wage/income etc. Claims

    need to be means tested against the data to

    prove and justify the claims made by theItalian designer. There needs to be some

    sort of data statistics to prove the decision

    e.g. mean, median, mode etc.

    Lots of surveys have a similar flaw which is

    sample size e.g. a survey of 1000 people

    could be wrong if you imply the population

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    of Australia for example we can't survey 26

    million people but could try and possibly

    survey 1 million to get better results. Costs

    would be high and data still could have

    errors and be misleading statistical data is

    only as good as its analysis.

    Dot point 3: Method of Data

    We have decided to choose Quantitative

    research over the other option, Qualitative

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    option. It wasnt had for us to come to this

    decision as the facts were all in front of us.

    As stated in SHAW qualitative basically

    gives us an insight of the reasons into and

    explains the understanding of the problem

    setting while quantitative seeks to actually

    quantify the data.

    With our research for Enrico Catalani, the

    information we are looking to find is going tobe in numbers and give us a mathematical

    look into the data. Therefor we need to use

    quantitative research to support us. Let's

    say you need to make observations about a

    carrot. Some qualitative observations would

    be: it's orange, it's rough, it's pointy, it's

    firm. Some quantitative observations would

    be: its 14 centimetres long, it has a

    circumference of 5 centimetres at the top.

    This way with our data it will be more

    structured and easier to assess whether thecustomers will respond positively or




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    A survey had more easy assessable traits

    then other data collection opportunities. We

    have decided to run with Survey as our

    method of data for this task.

    Considering we have an offer put on the

    table and not guaranteed a time frame we

    need to consider what the fasts yet most

    reliability method of collecting the needed

    data would be. According to Narash Asurvey is simple to administer so we would

    be able to manage the results as they came

    in. As we would make our questions on the

    survey limited to subjective alternatives the

    results would be reliable.

    Disadvantages dont fall far behind though.

    If we dont make the survey easy to answer

    then some respondents may be unable or

    unwilling to answer the desired questions

    stated. There are no personal or sensitive

    issues coming out of our surveys so this is aplus. We must take into account that we do

    not want to over structure the response

    questions as this could results in the

    questions being answered with little validity

    and the loss of true benefits and feelings.

    There is also the option we didnt choose

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    which personal interviews. We decided not

    to go with this one for the obvious reasons

    being that people really have to go out of

    their way to attend these. It is looked down

    upon compared to other methods because

    of the basic fact people are to busy and

    believe they have limited time to do

    something that isnt beneficial directly at

    them.Internet surveys are a bonus because of the

    ease in modifying. if people sit the surveys

    and we realise that the questions are vague

    or we can ask more then it gives an

    opportunity to add to it as we go. The

    negative in this is people may not take it

    serious enough and not answer truthfully.


    As stated in Shao there are other types of

    ways we can achieve results via quantitative

    data such as personal interview, telephone

    surveys and mail surveys.


    When it comes to qualitative research we

    have different ways to assess the data we

    need to reach.

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    We could conduct big focus groups with

    either an online option or a come in to

    person assessment.

    We could use a room with one-way mirrors

    and video recording mechanisms to allow

    researchers to view over and over the

    process to look into every detail of every

    discussion mentioned. It does give us the

    opportunity to assess everything fromtone/facial expression/behaviour. Because of

    the openness in these gatherings it

    motivates participants to be honest and

    direct but its important to make the

    environment comfortable and relaxing for

    people to open up. This could also be a

    disadvantage as people may not speak out

    as often as others and there could be a few

    people over powering the conversation. Also

    if people feel peer pressured into agreeing

    with others the researchers may not get thecorrect evidence they need. Another point is

    the fact that this sort of data findings is

    prone to bias. Since each session has a

    conductor that pushes the conversation into

    specific areas the performance of the group

    is made up the bias of the moderator. A

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    false sense of security is sent across to

    the marketing managers in return.

    Depth interviews are basically similar toindividual interviews with each person.

    Honesty and personal opinions are voiced

    freely. This is a better way at assessing

    beliefs and attitudes towards certain areas

    without the influence of group dynamics. As

    stated earlier people get shy and hold back

    in front of a group.

    As the subject at hand with the fashion

    designer is not a sensitive issue there is no

    need for the privacy issue to be addressed.

    A major disadvantage of this type ofinterview is that because the interview is

    one on one there is no way for the

    participants to bounce ideas of everyone

    else and in result from this they may feel

    trapped and alone therefor their comfort

    level will drop down. Cost and time wise it

    isnt efficient.

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    Dot point 4: Sampling techniqueThe Target Market can be defined as themain customers of the business who wouldbe likely to purchase the items. Our TargetMarket are people who are interested inmaking purchases and are not just window

    shopping. People who have money to spendare the ones we keep an eye on. We areaiming targeting the affluent and luxurymarket of consumers Australia-wide whofollow couture fashion and celebrity stylesand trends and who have the disposableincome to do so or something to that effect.

    Since Y&Y are currently considering taking

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    Catalani on board as his first point ofdistribution in Australia, the fashiondesigner does not have a Target Market as

    yet in Australia. Given that Australia isknown for its growth as a fashion destinationthere will be room for his collection andadaption which should be based on ourclimate and seasons. Catalani will becompeting in a tough market so style quality

    price design and distribution and marketingwill be very important to its successSampling is an important part of theresearch. (SHAO) As it is not cost and timeefficient to go around to each individualperson and get their opinion on EnricoCaltivatis offer instead we must play aroundwith a sample of different elements torepresent the target population. We mustcome up with a sampling process sosampling experience is less complex.The sampling frame is the actual list of eachindividual group or member of the target

    population we want to assess. In the case athand the target population should be thosewho already shop at Y&Y. We could excesstheir details via memberships and previouspurchases.

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    Dot point 5: Plan of data analysis

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    Limitations and caveats

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    Conclusion and recommendations
