
30 million people entered nation between 1865 and 1920 ((why did immigrants leave-211) ((student examples?) 1 week (1900); relatively inexpensive trip across Atlantic in steerage Large area below ships deck, little privacy, crowded conditions and poor facilities Once in America, often times information was mistaken (Godfather!) birds of passage- young, mostly single males who worked then returned home (1/3) Often worked for low wages 70% came through Ellis Island, New York East coast- Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston West Coast- San Francisco or Seattle (Japanese/Chinese) first federal laws passed banning _____ Immigrants Ohio (Canton) republican; Front Porch Campaign (Marcus Hanna) Popular; influential over Congress Spanish-American War Promoted business High tariff Assassinated by Leon Czolgosz, in Buffalo September 3, 1901. Czolgosz trial is OVER on September 26 th, sentenced to death Executed on October 29 th ! New York (Vice President) Republican Theodore Roosevelt takes office in 1901
