
MD 2010

Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?

A map of the worldA map of the worldA map of the worldA map of the world

A TimelineA TimelineA TimelineA Timeline

Tudor Kings and QueensTudor Kings and QueensTudor Kings and QueensTudor Kings and Queens

Map of Europe in Tudor TimesMap of Europe in Tudor TimesMap of Europe in Tudor TimesMap of Europe in Tudor Times

Map of Tudor EnglandMap of Tudor EnglandMap of Tudor EnglandMap of Tudor England

Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?Why did the Tudors Explore?


A map of the world made during Tudor Times

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1666: The Great Fire of London

1850sFlorence Nightingale

790-1060s The Viking Age

1485-1603 The Tudors

200 200










55 BC - 400 AD Roman Britain

TIMELINE1000 - 1450 AD The Middle Ages

1961First Man in Space


The Future

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1400 1500 1600 1900 20001700 1800

Now1485-1603The Tudors

King Henry VII1485-1509

Queen Elizabeth I1558-1603

King Henry VIII1509-1547

Edward VI1547-1553

Mary I1553-1558

Lady Jane Grey reigned for just 9 days in 1553.

Tudor Kings and Queens

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This is what people thought Europe looked like at that time.

Can you find Tudor England?

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This is a map of Tudor England.

Why did the Tudors Why did the Tudors Why did the Tudors Why did the Tudors explore outside Europe?explore outside Europe?explore outside Europe?explore outside Europe?

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The Tudors explored outside Europe because…The Tudors explored outside Europe because…The Tudors explored outside Europe because…The Tudors explored outside Europe because…The Tudors explored outside Europe because…The Tudors explored outside Europe because…The Tudors explored outside Europe because…The Tudors explored outside Europe because…

• Some people were curious and wanted to travel toplaces that no other British people had been to before.It was exciting to travel to new places.

• Some people wanted to find new and better places to live because they thought Britain and Europe were becoming too overcrowded or they wanted to start again in what they thought would be a better place.Sample Slide

• It was hard for people during Tudor times. Catholic kings and queens didn’t like the Protestants and Protestant kings and queens didn’t like the Catholics. If the people refused to change their religion, they could be imprisoned or killed so, some people wanted to find another place to practise their religion without being persecuted

• Others wanted to take their religion to the people of far away places to teach them about their Christian beliefs.

The Tudors also explored outside Europe because…The Tudors also explored outside Europe because…The Tudors also explored outside Europe because…The Tudors also explored outside Europe because…The Tudors also explored outside Europe because…The Tudors also explored outside Europe because…The Tudors also explored outside Europe because…The Tudors also explored outside Europe because…

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There was another reason to explore.

Something that would make many people rich.What was it?What was it?What was it?What was it?

1400 1500 1600 1900 20001700 1800


The Tudors

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The main reason that people were exploring was tradetradetradetrade. What does ‘tradetradetradetrade’ mean?


buying and selling goods to make a profit

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The explorer Richard Chancellor returned from his voyage with news that the Russians were willing to tradetradetradetrade with the English.

Soon English cloth was being tradedtradedtradedtraded for Russian furs, animal hides and tallow.

Tallow was used in those days to make candles.Sa

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Ralph Fitch was the first English merchantmerchantmerchantmerchant to reach India in the far East.

A merchantmerchantmerchantmerchant is a person who buys and sells goods.

He sent word back to England of beautiful jewels, silks and satins and rich spices.Sample Slide

Rich people wanted things that couldn’t be found in their own country.

They wanted silks, porcelain, jewels and diamonds from China and the lands known as the East Indies.

They also wanted the spices that the explorers brought back from the ‘Spice Islands’ (the Moluccas) in South-East Asia.

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This map shows where the Spice Islands (the Moluccas) are.

Why were spices so important to the people of Tudor England?

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People in Tudor England, relied on spices from the Spice Islands in the east. These islands are now called the Moluccas.

What did people in What did people in What did people in What did people in Tudor times use Tudor times use Tudor times use Tudor times use spices for?spices for?spices for?spices for?



Can you think of any Can you think of any Can you think of any Can you think of any spices we use today?spices we use today?spices we use today?spices we use today?

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During Tudor times, huge amounts of spices were used to preserve and flavour meat which had been dried and salted to stop it rotting.

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Today, we keep food fresh in fridges and freezers. In Tudor times, meat had to be preserved by rubbing it in salt.

The salt drew out the moisture which was the main cause of meat going rotten. Sa

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The salted joints of meat were hung up in the larder until they were needed.

Then they had to be soaked to get rid of the saltiness.

After that, the meat was cooked with spices to improve theflavour. Sa

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Spices were also used to makemedicines – nutmeg was believed to cure the plague.

In Tudor times not many people bathed so they used perfumes to mask their smell – spices were used to make perfume.Sample Slide

In Tudor times, some spices were worth more than their weight in gold. This was because it was dangerous and difficult to bring them back to England. Also Tudor ships were small so they could only bring back small amounts.

Of course, only the rich afford the new spices.

Tudor Spicescubebsmacenutmeg,gingergalangal

Grains of ParadiseSample Slide

Unit 19:What were the effects of Tudor exploration?Section 2: Why did the Tudors explore outside Europe?

Objectives:Children should learn:

•to locate the Tudor period in relation to other periods of British history

•reasons for Tudor exploration

Activities:Use a time line to establish the chronological periods between the present and the Tudor period. Discuss with the children why

people explore the world and space today. List the reasons why people explore the world today on a flip chart or white board.

Establish with the children that the Tudors were looking for new countries in which to trade wool and other goods and to bring back expensive items, eg spices and furs to sell at home. People were also looking for a place where they could practise their

religion in freedom. Explain that the Tudors were looking for new lands in which to settle. List the reasons why the Tudors

explored the world in a different colour on the flip chart or white board.

Ask the children to write paragraphs in the chosen colours to show reasons for exploration in Tudor times and today. Using a

Venn diagram, discuss the reasons that are the same and the ones that are different.

Outcomes:Children:•locate the Tudor period correctly on a time line

•record reasons for Tudor exploration

•identify similarities and differences between exploration in the Tudor period and the present

Notes:This activity places the unit in a chronological framework and builds on children's knowledge of exploration today. There are a number of overlapping reasons for exploration in the present and in Tudor times, eg looking for resources,

personal reasons, the future over-population of the planet. The Venn diagram draws attention to this and links to

Mathematics Ma4, Handling data. The use of two colours in writing will help in constructing discrete paragraphs.