Download pdf - 3 Testing

  • 8/8/2019 3 Testing






    Submitted to Submitted by-

    Lect. Jiteshwar Anand Surendra

    MCA 4th SEM



  • 8/8/2019 3 Testing



    It is declared by me that this assignment is purely my effort and I had done my

    assignment of my own. I accept that I had taken the help of internet and books of

    modern programming tools and technique but I had used my own language while

    answering the questions of homework 1. I had tried my best to make my

    assignment unique from other student.



  • 8/8/2019 3 Testing


    Part A

    Q1 Windows Paint Help Index contains more than 200 terms from airbrush

    tool to zooming in or out. Will you test that each of these takes you to correct

    help topics? How will you approach the same task if the number of indexed

    items was large?


    Paint is the tool provided by Microsoft used for the

    drawing the picture. All the tools contains the hepl

    index. It also contains the help index. In this index

    there are near about 200 items from airbrush tool to

    zooming in or out. All the terms has the explanation.

    If we click on any item we can see the help about that

    topic. The help index looked like this picture.

    At the time of testing this help index we click on the

    tool that we want to test. In the search option we can

    find the topic or tool. For example if we want to usethe borders. Then we click on the borders option.

    Then we get the following options:

    Then we get the all steps after clicking on any option

    to use this. If there is a large numbers of a term then

    we use the search option.

  • 8/8/2019 3 Testing


    Q2 Is it possible that automation of testing process delays the time taken in

    testing; in what situation is it possible? In what situations is it beneficial not to

    automate the testing process?


    Automated software testing is the best way to increase the effectiveness,

    efficiency and coverage of your software testing. Once automated tests are created

    they can easily be repeated and they can be extended to perform tasks impossible

    with manual testing.

    One must keep following popular requirements when thinking of test automation:

    Platform and OS independence

    Data driven capability (Input Data, Output Data, Meta Data)

    Customizable Reporting (DB Access, crystal reports)

    Easy debugging and logging

    Version control friendly minimum or zero binary files

    Extensible & Customizable (Open APIs to be able to integrate with other


    Common Driver (For example, in the Java development ecosystem, that

    means Ant or Maven and the popular IDEs). This enables tests to integrate

    with the developers' workflows.

    Supports unattended test runs for integration with build processes and batchruns. Continuous Integration servers require this.

    Email Notifications (Automated notification on failure or threshold levels).

    These may be the test runner or tooling that executes it.

    Support distributed execution environment (distributed test bed)

    Distributed application support (distributed SUT)

    There are two general approaches to test automation:

    1. Code-driven testing. The public (usually) interfaces to classes, modules, or

    libraries are tested with a variety of input arguments to validate that the

    results that are returned are correct.

    2. Graphical user interface testing. A testing framework generates user

    interface events such as keystrokes and mouse clicks, and observes the

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    changes that result in the user interface, to validate that the observable

    behavior of the program is correct.

    Automated do the following:

    Improves Accuracy

    Reliable: Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are

    run, thereby eliminating human error

    Repeatable: You can test how the software reacts under repeated execution

    of the same operations.

    Programmable: You can program sophisticated tests that bring out hidden

    information from the application. Comprehensive: You can build a suite of tests that covers every feature in

    your application.

    Reusable: You can reuse tests on different versions of an application, even

    if the user interfaces changes.

    Better Quality Software: Because you can run more tests in less time with

    fewer resources.

    Fast: Automated Tools run tests significantly faster than human users.

    Cost Reduction: As the number of resources for regression test are reduced.

  • 8/8/2019 3 Testing


    Q3 Analyze trade-offs between security features and vulnerability bugs?


    Security is the main feature of the software. Every person wants security of their

    system so that the data can be

    hidden from others. And the

    hacker cannot hack the system

    or the software. In other words

    we can say that every one want

    to keep

    his data private os the security

    is the special feature of the


    The software is tested in all the

    way as much as possible. The

    software is tested as follow:

    Test to pass Test to fail

    Test to pass is the way to test the software in which we test it at the minimum


    But in the test to fail we attempt to fail it. We test it as much as possible. So that a

    hacker cannot hack the data. The vulnerability bug is the bug in which the security

    is weak. In this condition the systems information assurance is low. A hacker

    would assuming that every feature has security vulnerability

  • 8/8/2019 3 Testing


    Part B

    Q4 Do we test the software again once the bugs have been removed? If yes

    why. Write in detail about various issues related to testing after the bug



    If we test the software then we test it again if the bugs have been removed.

    Sometimes it happens that when the all the bugs are removed by the tester then the

    product or the software launch in the market. And he customer starts to use it but

    after sometime the customer faces the bugs in that software. Then the company has

    to get it back from the customer. And the company has to pay to that customer.

    In this case we test the software after the complete testing. This is a big loss to the

    software company.

    In this way after the bug removal we have to test the software again. There may be

    another problem the specification can be changed then some part of the software

    have to change then the testing is done again.

    Q5 If you are using software for the first time & you are asked to perform

    Beta testing of that software then how would you approach the task of

    performing Beta Testing software. Show the usage of your approach for


    I) Gaming Software (A Game)

    II) A Word Processor.


  • 8/8/2019 3 Testing


    I) Gaming Software (A Game):

    If we are testing the software we will test the basic features of the game. In

    the game software testing we test it with the playing of the game. We test

    firstly the graphics of the game. We test that the game has suitable graphics.

    We test the shortcuts of the game. are they working or not. We test it to

    pass. In the test to fail we test it as the hacker. We test that is there any cheat

    code or not.

    In the testing the game we test that

    cheat code can create or not. If

    there is not any cheat code then it

    is bug free.

    II) A Word Processor. :

    We test the word processor in the following way:

    Is the paste, cut, copy is

    working or not?

    Is the word is getting bold or


    Look that the all shortcuts of

    bold word, italic word,

    underline option is working? Note that the size of the word

    is working?

  • 8/8/2019 3 Testing


    Q6: Does documentation affect the overall quality of the product? What are

    the different components of the documentation?


    This documentation describes the product that is being developed. System

    documentation describes the product from the point of view of the engineers

    developing and maintaining the system; user documentation provides a product

    description that is oriented towards system users.

    System documentation includes all of the documents describing the system itself

    from the requirements specification to the final acceptance test plan. Documents

    describing the design, implementation and testing of a system are essential if the

    program is to be understood and maintained.

    The documentation is the most important for the software quality. The

    documentation affects the quality. Because we know the quality target. So we try

    to get it. we do the efforts in this direction.

    Q7: Is it possible to perform grey box testing with website testing? Justify

    your answer with relevant example.


    Grey box testing is a software

    testing technique that uses a

    combination of black box testing

    and white box testing. Gray box

    testing is not black box testing,because the tester does know

    some of the internal workings of

    the software under test. In grey

    box testing, the tester applies a

    limited number of test cases to

    the internal workings of the

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    software under test. In the remaining part of the grey box testing, one takes a black

    box approach in applying inputs to the software under test and observing the


    In this type of testing the website is test with the mixture of the black and the white

    box testing. We check some code and give them some attention to the ook o the


    For example We check the text is bold or check the