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3 Secretsto Communicating

 with Your Angels

by Melissa Kitto

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3 Secrets to Communicating with Your Angels

by Melissa Kitto and Richard Lassiter

Published by the Balanced Living Institute, LLC

4070 Governor Almond Rd.

Locust Grove, VA 22508

© 2009, Balanced Living Institute, LLC

All Rights Reserved.


 About the Authors:

Melissa Kitto began communicating directly with her Spiritual

Guidance at will at age twelve in her native New Zealand. She

 became an Americana Leadership Collegesm Certied Spiritual

Consultant at age sixteen. Since then she has taught people inNew Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland and the

United States how to clearly communicate with their angels.

Melissa is known as the “Angel Guidance Coach” because

she is one of the world’s most skilled angelic communication

practitioners and an authority on the practical use of spiritual


Richard Lassiter is one of the world’s most skilled and respectedspiritual educators. He has over 30 years experience instructing

 Americana Leadership College courses. He has presented

 workshops and courses in USA, Canada, United Kingdom,

New Zealand and the Caribbean. Richard has a nely-tuned

clairaudient gift. In his programs, he channels the messages

from Spirit that his audience most needs to hear at the time.

Through his entertaining and motivating style, he will help you

unfold your own psychic abilities and have unshakable trust in

 yourself. You will never need to rely on anyone else for answers when you BECOME YOUR OWN BEST PSYCHIC!

In 2003 Melissa and Richard formed the Balanced Living Institute as a means of sharing their

combined skills with people who are sincerely interested in living their true life’s purpose.

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Ema il BLI@Ba la ncedLiv ingInst

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Table of Contents

 Angels Really Exist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Melissa’s Personal Angel Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Communication with Angels is very Practical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

 Angel Communication Secret #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

 Angel Communication Secret #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Developing your Psychic Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

 Angel Communication Secret #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

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Angels Really Exist.

Everyone has Angels! Including you. They are also known as Spirit Guides, Holy Spirit, Ascended

Masters, Archetypes, etc. All these terms refer to the same thing: Master Souls who have evolved

 beyond the earth experience. As part of their continuing evolution, they are helping people here on

the earth plane. Everyone deserves the joy that comes from working directly with their team of wise,master souls. This report will provide you with some keys that will assist you on your journey to a closer

relationship with your helpers!

80% of the US population believe in angels. Although Pacic and European countries have not been

surveyed, I would guess that a similarly high number of people in other countries also believe in

angels. Regrettably, only a tiny percentage of these people EVER establish a consistent, direct, two-way 

communication with these master souls.

If the vast majority of people believe they have angels, and know this help is available to them – why 

aren’t more people connecting with this higher source of wisdom? There seem to be a few reasons.

Perhaps you can relate to one or two of these.

1: People’s religious beliefs or childhood programming have led people to believe they don’t have

the ability to communicate directly with high souls. They have been taught that only a priest can

communicate directly, or that God only talks to you when HE wants to.

2: A person is using prayer in the wrong way. They only pray when they desperately want

something and this prayer is more like a hope or wish for what they want to magically occur

in their life. It’s like presenting their wants list to a master soul and believing that something

outside of themselves has the power to create what they want.

The truth is, the power to create the life you want can only come from

within you.

3: A person is receiving hundreds of hunches and ideas each day from their guidance but doesn’t

pay any attention to the incredible wisdom they are receiving. Usually they don’t realize that

communicating with their angels is such a simple, natural everyday occurrence.

4: A person doesn’t want to communicate with Spirit and is fearful of anything they can’t see or


If you can relate to any of the above, or want to begin a connection with your Angels but just don’t know

 where to start – Don’t worry! That’s perfectly normal, and reading this report will be the rst step to

opening up a whole new consciousness in your life. The power of Spirit has always been there and once

 you learn how to open up your awareness to it, you will be amazed at the profound experiences you can

have. Experiences that will guide you through any challenge you might encounter.

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Ema il BLI@Ba la nced LivingInst

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Melissa’s Personal Angel Experience

 When I was thirteen years old I was really excited to be learning new ideas about angels, my life purpose

and learning some spiritual truths of what life is all about. One day I had a sleep-over with two of my 

friends. We were sitting up talking in the middle of the night as teenagers do. In my excitement, I

starting telling my friends what I knew about angels. They were interested at rst. After a while theirreligious programming kicked in, and they became a little fearful and started telling me the ideas I had

 were sinful and wrong. I began to doubt myself too- because what did I know really?

Just at that moment when I began to doubt myself, I saw a large ball of white light ash across the

room. It literally moved diagonally across the room in front of me, and then lingered in the corner for

about 10 seconds. All three of us saw it, and were speechless.

Later I realized that was one of my angels revealing herself to me. It was the conrmation I needed

 just at that moment when I was starting to doubt myself. I paid attention to that conrmation, and

continued on with my spiritual exploration. The spiritual exploration awakened my inner psychic gifts

and helped me develop a close relationship with my spiritual guides so I can consult them at any time,


 As a result of the process I have been through I can now see angels in other people’s auras. I can receive

daily advice and suggestions from my angels on any challenge I’m facing - no matter how big or how 


I can “check in” at any time of the day or night and receive immediate answers to questions I ask. I’ll

let you in on a little secret here. You don’t have to be in a meditative state with your eyes closed to get

answers. I can talk to my angels while I’m driving on a busy freeway, or in a shopping mall crowded

 with people at Christmas time.

It’s such an incredibly helpful, practical tool to be able to work with your guides on an everyday basis.

If you aren’t using the immense help, wisdom, guidance and support that is available to you at all times

- you are missing out on so much. The guidance is there for you - why not learn to use it? You are not

alone in this life. The companionship and wisdom your angels will share with you can make a huge

difference in the quality of your life. It has in mine.

I meet so many people who are struggling to nd their life purpose, who are indecisive, stuck and not

sure how to make the changes in their life they so desperately seek. They simply don’t realize that their

guides can help them with all of those challenges. In fact, their guides have been trying to help them

their entire lives - and they haven’t paid any attention.

They are missing out on the joy and satisfaction for life that they could be feeling, if they knew how to

communicate directly with their angels. It is your angel’s sincerest desire to help you become the master

of your life and enjoy the essence of inner freedom.

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Ema il BLI@Ba la nced LivingInst

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Communication with Angels is very Practical

 You may have attended a class where you “meet your Spirit Guide” through Creative Visualization.

 Visualization is great - but it’s just not the easiest way to communicate. There’s a much simpler, more

direct, practical communication that will seamlessly t in with what you already do in your daily life.

Let’s be realistic. I can’t take the time to conjure up a creative visualization when I am in a meeting with

my children’s teacher, in front of my boss, or trying to discern what route will take me around a trafc

 jam. I need a means of communicating with Spirit that will work right now in the situation I am in.

 Working with your Spirit Guides is more helpful and practical than you might have realized. I can’t

imagine not consulting with my guides when I need to:

• Make decisions (big or small).

• Create a piece of writing.

• Organize my schedule for the week.

• Understand what I’m learning from my experiences each day and how I can improve.

• Determine the best timing to take action or when it’s best to wait.

• Knowing what to say and when to say it in difcult, high-pressure situations.

• How to advise a child.

• Determine whether someone is telling me the truth.

 Are you beginning to see how your guides can help you through the challenges and problems you might

 be facing at this time? The areas of life that are stressful right now can become smooth and natural

 because you will have the tools to know exactly what to do to improve, when to do it and how to do it.

 You won’t need to experience doubt any more because you will have the big picture of your life.

In this report, we plan to tell you exactly what will be helpful to you that you can apply immediately in

 your life - and nothing you don’t need to know. Sound good to you? I thought so.

So let’s dive right in to the 3 Secret steps you can take immediately to Communicate Directly with your


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Ema il BLI@Ba la nced LivingInst

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Angel Communication Secret #1

Pay attention when you experience chills/goose bumps. This physical sensation is a

clue that your guidance are communicating with you.

Have you ever felt a shiver run down your spine? Or goose bumps on your skin when you’re not really 


Everyone has felt that sensation from time to time. Some people feel it more than others. Many people

feel chills at a time when they feel balanced, in harmony and in their true feelings. The Bible calls this

sensation “the quickening of the esh”.

 You feel chills when your angels come close to you. Your angels have a high vibration of energy at all

times. When that very high vibration of energy comes close to you, you feel that extra charge as chills,

goose bumps or shivers. Some people may even feel it as a heat or a sensation of wind brushing over

their skin. I’m feeling chills on my back on the right side as I write this!

 Your guides are always with you and assisting you. They’ll send you that quick charge of energy when

they want to communicate something with you. It might be a conrmation that you’re on the right track 

doing the right thing at the right time. It might be a little push in the right direction as you get ideas and

inspirations for opportunities you want to be involved with.

It might be your angels giving you a safe, secure feeling and reminding you that you are never alone.

Often, chills can occur when you are having a very positive, meaningful experience like listening to a

 beautiful piece of music, being in nature, or the joy of being with your children.

If you haven’t been paying attention at times when you feel chills - start being aware of it as you go

through your day. You’ll probably nd that it will start happening more often; simply because your

angels know you are paying attention. When you feel the chills next time, take a minute to discern what

message your guides want to communicate to you at that time. Often, it is a conrmation of something

that was happening around you, that you were talking or thinking about. So take note of what is

occurring the moment the chills happen.

Sometimes when you feel chills, it might seem to be at a very insignicant moment in time. You might

 wonder to yourself, “What could possibly be the signicance of this?” In this case, your angels are

communicating with you because that moment is really not as insignicant as you thought. Take a

moment to discern for yourself what the chills mean at the time it happens. No one can do that for

 you - because no one is living your life. You’ll probably hear a word, an idea a feeling or a vision in your

mind as you discern - that is also your guides communicating with you! They will help you discern the

meaning too.

By discerning your chills, you have a tool that you can use to help you be aware of the messages of your

angels. No matter where you go, or who you are with, you always have your physical body! The chills

sensation on your body is your barometer to recognize the high energy of your helpers and when it

is close to you. It can be a practical tool to help you conrm that you are on the right track with your

decisions and actions.

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Angel Communication Secret #2

Your Guidance Communicate with you through your Four Spiritual Gifts

Each person has a sixth sense, known as intuition, ESP, psychic ability. As a child you naturally used,

and nurtured this ability until you were trained out of it by adults who didn’t know any better.

This sixth sense comes through four spiritual gifts or communication avenues. In the Bible, Chapter

12 of I Corinthians, there is reference made to the gifts of the Spirit. These abilities are as natural as

 breathing! Everyone has all four gifts. It’s important to remember that you will probably relate to all

four in some way. However each person has their own personal communication style, and works with

the four gifts in their particular order. For example, my gift order is Visionary, Prophetic, Intuitive,

Feeling. That means that the gift of Vision is my strength, my rst gift. I work out of that part most of 

the time. But, I can use my feeling part too. It just isn’t as strong and doesn’t come as naturally as my 

rst gift.

Here’s a brief description of your four spiritual gifts. There’s much more to learn about these gifts as

 you continue on your spiritual path.


The Psychic Gift of Clairaudience.

This part of you is factual and direct. Hearing is all-important to your intuitive part, and your intuitive

part picks up the messages of your angels as words, sounds or music. Your Intuitive part is your

leadership part. It has true concern for people and loves a sense of fairness.

Intuitives think a lot, and have an active creative mind. They are very quick to size up and understand

a situation, because thoughts come in quickly. They sometimes nd it hard to understand why others

don’t comprehend so quickly and can tend to get impatient with others.


The Psychic Gift of Clairvoyance

 Your Visionary part thrives on having a sense of balance and harmony. Seeing is all important.

 Visionaries can see pictures and images in their mind. They think in pictures. Their sense of inner

organization makes them great at planning and organizing projects. They carry a vision in their mind

and are able to break things down into simple steps.

 Visionaries have the gift of empathy. They can help others nd solutions to their problems while still

remaining emotionally detached. This makes them excellent teachers, counselors etc. Visionaries have a

tendency to be inexible when they expect things to turn out exactly as they pictured it in their mind.

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The Psychic Gift of Trance

 Your Prophetic part has an inner knowing of what the future holds. Prophetics can sense trends in the

energy and have many ideas and inspirations when they tune into the universal energy of Spirit that isall around us. They are creative, and their strong inner knowing makes them great executives for they 

can sense exactly when to move in and lead, and when to step back and allow others to grow.

The Prophetic person senses life through an inner knowing. They don’t know how they know, they just

know. Because they already know what will happen, they can have a tendency to not follow through and

to leave projects unnished because they already know how it turns out. They need to nd the inner

discipline to live in the present, not the future.

FEELINGThe Psychic Gift of Healing

 Your Feeling part is pure sensitivity. A Feeling type person perceives life through feelings. They love

people and are like a charged up battery of fun and enthusiasm. They are detailed oriented and like to

 work in a methodical, step-by-step way. They are more comfortable following than leading, because

they like to know where their responsibility begins and ends.

They can feel what others around them are feeling, and if they are not discerning can take on everyone

else’s burdens. Feelers need to develop their discernment and inner authority so they don’t take oneveryone else’s problems. Feelers like to work with their hands, and have natural healing abilities.

Remember, you have all four of these psychic gifts. You can develop all four of them. The gift that

comes rst in your personal gift order, is the main way that your guidance communicate with you. They 

can work with the other three gifts also, but you will be most successful when you use your rst gift

 because that is your inner communication.

If you work primarily out of the gift of Intuition your guidance will communicate with you most often

through thoughts, words and music. Sometimes intuitives will hear someone calling their name, but no

one is there.

If you work primarily from the gift of Vision, your guidance will communicate with you most often

through visions, pictures and dreams. Visionaries have symbolic dreams in full colour.

If you work primarily from the gift of Prophecy, your guidance will communicate with you most often

through knowings, ideas and gut instinct. Prophetics also dream a lot and often these dreams actually 

come true.

If you work primarily from the gift of Feeling, your guidance will communicate with you most often

through feelings, sensations and hunches. Things either feel right or they don’t to a Feeler.

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My dad was an Intuitive. My mother is a Visionary. I have two sisters, one Feeler and the other is

Prophetic. I can’t imagine growing up and NOT knowing about my family member’s gifts. We have very 

different ways of looking at and expressing life. Knowing that Dad was not interested in all the details of

 where I was going and what I would be doing; that he only wanted to know I would be in good company

safe and home on time saved me a lot of explaining and him a lot of frustration.

It was great fun observing and appreciating our differences. We had a dimension of understanding

in the family that made life more interesting, entertaining and often, down right humorous.

Understanding the spiritual gifts is a wonderful bit of understanding to have.

My partner, Richard, is a school teacher. He uses his guidance to determine each of his student’s rst

gift. Armed with this knowledge, he can better communicate with his students. He knows not to give the

Prophetics and Intuitives too many details; just give them the big picture of what they need to do and

they will gure out the rest for themselves. He gives the Visionaries a clear picture and makes sure the

Feelers have all the details they need to feel secure. He is an Intuitive. He knows to turn the patience on

 when his feeler students want to explain something to him because Feelers are going to give him all the

details THEY need to assure they are communicating the feeling of their idea.

Have you ever been talking to a friend who never looks at you when you talk to them? This friend is

probably an Intuitive. Intuitives listen. They are more likely to point their ears toward you than to look 

at you when they are really interested in what you are saying.

Because Visionaries do communicate in pictures they will look at every little expression. But this can be

deceiving because any little word or phrase can send a Visionary off on their own little movie in their

mind’s eye. During this “movie” they can miss everything you say until the movie is over. Some people

call this daydreaming.

If you don’t know what your rst gift is, you may tend to copy the patterns of the parent you most

related to. My mother is a visionary so I had a pretty good role model for my rst gift. Richard, anIntuitive, didn’t have it that easy. His father was a Visionary and his mother is a Feeler. In a lot of 

situations, Richard will demonstrate strong Visionary and Feeler tendencies because of his parent’s

inuence. He didn’t have a consistent Intuitive role model during his early life. When he learned he

 was an Intuitive it freed him to follow more of his natural tendencies. It was like he had been given

permission to be himself.

The key is to use the right gift at the right time. Each of our gifts have strengths. The direct energy of the

Intuitive gift is not appropriate when a person is in need of healing. This is when the Feeling gift and

it’s healing powers needs to be brought to the front, no matter what your rst gift may be. When it is

time to organize a schedule, it is time to use your gift of Vision to assure all the pieces are in their properorder and timing. Your gift of Prophecy is the best tool you have for sensing what is coming in your

future and for keeping tabs on your big picture.

 You are a soul with a physical body, not a physical body with a soul. You do not have a soul, you are a

soul. Your physical body has 5 physical senses. Your soul, the real you, has 4 Spiritual Gifts of Intuition,

 Vision, Prophecy and Feeling. One of the most practical things I have done for myself is learn to fully 

develop and use my spiritual gifts in daily living. It has added a rich, exciting dimension to my life.

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Developing your Psychic Communication

 Your guides communicate with you through your sixth sense - your psychic sensitivity. Actually, it could

 be said that you have nine senses. You have the ve physical senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling

and touch. In addition you have four psychic senses. These are psychic seeing (Vision), psychic hearing

(Intuition, psychic knowings (Prophecy) and psychic feelings. (Feeling) The more you develop your ownpsychic sensitivity the stronger your communication with your angels will become.

You can develop your psychic ability.

Everyone has had mystical experiences at some time in their life. I’m amazed at how many people tell

me stories of wonderful mystical visions or dreams they have had. Then proceed to tell me I’m the rst

person they’ve ever admitted this to because everyone else thinks they’re crazy. If everyone would just

open up and share, they would realize that it is quite normal to have these experiences!

If they stopped thinking they were crazy they would probably have more mystical experiences. It is

normal to have doubts.

Richard’s First Mystical Experience.

 I was born into a Methodist family in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. My values were deeply rooted 

in traditional Christianity. As a boy, I studied the Bible and often entertained the idea of becoming a


 Along with the strong values my early religious training gave me, it also gave me some strong fears of

doing the wrong thing spiritually.

When I learned to work with my guidance and the doors to my spiritual sensitivity, doors opened 

 I always knew were there. Doors my religious training couldn’t or wouldn’t open. As my spiritual 

understanding and communication with my guidance expanded, some of my fears of doing other than

God’s will began getting more and more of my attention.

 I did not want to do the wrong thing. What did I trust? Who was I to trust? Was this desire pure or

coming from some part of me that wanted an easy out from the work-a-day world? Were these ideas

mine, my guidance, God’s, against God? What do I do?!!

 I was driving home late one Sunday evening in my VW Beetle. For some reason, as I headed down

interstate 64 toward my home in Williamsburg, I began singing a song to my Guidance. I was just 

 passing the exit to Bottom’s Bridge when I stopped singing and started listening to the song. Then it 

hit me...... I have no radio!

 Suddenly, I was moving up, out of my car, right through the roof and into the night air above the car.

 My assent stopped at about 500 feet. The car kept going down the interstate, its headlights looking

like two glowing ngers searching down the road. There was a wispy rope of light holding me to the

car like a magic kite string. To my right and left were these owing gures; my Spiritual Guidance.

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We were moving forward through the air side by side.

 Looking back, I nd it interesting that I was not afraid. As a matter of fact, I was feeling very

 peaceful inside. I recall looking down as the car went under an overpass. I was concerned about what

the bridge was going to do to that rope connection. I was just going along with it all. I watched inamazement as the silvery cord passed right through the bridge, still attached asthe car reapeared 

after passing under the bridge.

 I asked, “Am I dead?” I was assured I was not. “Who’s driving my car?” I was told not to be concerned

about that. They denitely had my 100% attention. As we ew along, these angels shared some things

with me about my life. The one on my right did most of the talking while the others provided me with

a feeling I can only describe as absolute security. I expressed my fears and particularly my concern

about doing God’s will. “It is God’s will that you follow your desires,” the one said. “What if my desires

are wrong?” I asked. “You must sort these things out for yourself. Start with you and work out from

there. No matter what, everything will be all right,” was the reply.

Their voices were not coming through my ears; I heard them in my heart. After a while I was asked if 

they could do anything else for me. I had no more questions at the time.

The next thing I knew, I was back in the driver’s seat heading down 64. I pulled off the road to pull 

myself together. I was experiencing the best feeling I had ever had; a feeling of freedom to give my

ideas a chance and not to fear making mistakes. A feeling of never being alone. The feeling of spiritual 

 freedom. A feeling I have never lost.

 I am not the smartest or most enlightened person I know. I am a soul who trusts his ideas and 

Guidance. That trust has given me the opportunity to try out the ideas that come to me and to gainwisdom from my experiences - the ones that work and the ones that don’t. Trusting myself has opened 

greater avenues of trust to all things. I trust that whoever runs this beautiful universe did a very wise

thing by giving us freewill and the right to grow through experience.

“No matter what, everything is going to be all right.” 

Everything really is going to be alright. There is no need to fear being psychic. Its a normal, natural part

of human experience. If you have suppressed your sensitivity, talked yourself out of it or denied it, you

are probably feeling some dissatisfaction with your life right now. Trust your hunches, feelings, ideas

and visions 100%. Never talk yourself out of it or tell yourself you’re weird. Never second guess yourself.

 As you open your psychic awareness you open the door to clearer communication with

 your angels.

Don’t close that door by not trusting your hunches. Your angels are waiting on the other

side of that door with the wisdom that can make your life the wonderful adventure you

 were born to live.

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Ema il BLI@Ba la nced LivingInst

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Angel Communication Secret #3

Your Spirit Guides will never impose on your Free Will.

a.k.a How to Ask the RIGHT questions.

This is the secret principle that will help you avoid the immense confusion and frustration that many people feel when they try to communicate with their angels.

If you don’t fully grasp the principle that your angels never tell you what you should do, you’ll feel

a hidden wall between you and your guidance. You may feel that your angels won’t answer your

questions. The truth is, if you don’t know the best way to approach your guidance and ask the RIGHT

questions in the RIGHT way - they won’t answer you!

They will always offer their suggestions and opinions. They will denitely guide you along your path.

But, your guidance will NOT tell you what you want, or what you should be doing with your life! It is

 your opportunity to decide what you want. Once you do that, then your Guidance can move into action

helping you create the life you desire.

The secret principle is to understand that your guidance respects your free will 100%. They have

mastered the art of helping you without ever imposing on you or telling you what to do. YOU are the

decision-maker. Not your angels.

If you are asking your guidance questions like “Should I do xyz?” “What should I do next?” You are

probably feeling mighty frustrated right now. Since your guides won’t make decisions for you, they 

can’t answer questions like that. So, you’ll either be met with dead silence, or open your energy up to

receiving answers from souls in the environment that do want to tell you what to do. These souls are in

limbo or confusion. They are denitely not master souls. If you ever feel imposed upon, or have feelingsof doom and gloom or hear that you MUST do something - please know for certain that is NOT your

guidance. Cleanse immediately.

 When working with your guidance, rst you need to know what you want. Everyone knows what they 

 want deep down inside - we have just been trained so well to limit ourselves that we deny what we want

through excuses and limitations.

Take the time to meditate, relax and ask yourself, “If I had all the money I could ever need, and all the

time I could ever need, what would I be doing with my life?” The answer to that question is the answer

to what you REALLY want. It’s OK to want! It’s part of your spiritual purpose this lifetime to fulll

those wants. Your wants drive you to accomplish your spiritual mission. You will feel mighty dissatised

through your life if you don’t.

Once you know what you want, then your guidance can really step in and help you. They can help you

know what would be the best rst step toward reaching your goal. They can help you know the best

timing to move into action. They can help you make choices and decisions based on the most effective

path toward reaching your goal. They can help you regroup and know what you are getting out of each

opportunity you become involved in.

 Your guidance will give you opinions and suggestions, but never commands. They are like a board of 

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directors that you can consult when you need support, guidance and backing. Don’t expect them to do it

for you. Your angels are here to help you evolve to their level of experience. Their contract with you is to

help you become a do-it-yourself-kit.

Don’t expect anything outside of yourself to tell you what you want and need. Not even your angels. Youare here on Planet Earth to do for yourself and to expand your self-leadership and to have fun doing it.

Matter of fact, if you aren’t having fun, you are doing it wrong.

Team up with your angels and work with your own team of personal life coaches that are cheering you

on and supporting you throughout your life!

A Quick Recap

 Angels Really Exist.

Communication with Angels is very Practical.

Pay attention when you experience chills / goose bumps. That is when your angels are

communicating to you.

Your guides communicate with you through your Four Spiritual Gifts.

The more you develop your psychic awareness, the clearer your communication with yourself,

others and your Spirit Guides becomes.

Your guides will never impose on your free will.

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Ema il BLI@Ba la nced LivingInst

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How to Develop a Direct, Two-Way Communication

with Your Angels in just 80 minutes


Imagine having a difcult decision to make and receiving instant clarity and answers from a higher source of 

 wisdom – your angels. Imagine being guided every day to live your unique life purpose, knowing for certain

that you are in the right place at the right time.

Just imagine what impact this would have on your life. You’ll make decisions with condence for your business,

 your nances, your relationships and your spiritual development – and eliminate self-doubt and fear.

In your 80 minute Communicate With Angels Private Session you

 will learn how to receive answers to any question you ask of your

angels, receive immediate clarity and know for certain what answer

 you are receiving. There will not be any doubt in your mind.

 Your rst step is to sign up for your session on our coaching page

(below). Next, I’ll check with my angels if it is spiritually benecial

for both us to do the individual session. Then, we will contact you to

schedule your session in person, or by video Skype for long-distance

sessions. Never used Skype? Don’t worry, it’s simple to use and you

can pick up a web cam at any ofce supply store.

If you’re ready to get clarity and guidance from your angels, sign up now for yourCommunicate With Angels Private Session.

I have to warn you not to wait to take advantage of this unique offer. Demand for these individual sessions is

extremely high … and I only do a small handful of these every week. So I recommend you reserve your spot

today while there is still room in my busy schedule.

 Yes, Melissa, I’m ready to communicate with my angels!

Please sign me up to get my Communicate With Angels Private


 With love and backing,

