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3 Effective Ways for Small Business Owners to Attract Attention

Tags: Creative Advertising, social media

You couldn’t be prouder of your small business. After years of studying the tenet of business administration, you became fully confident in your ability to oversee a successful enterprise. As it turns out, that confidence paid off. With a fantastic store space and a world-class staff, your fledging business has done fairly well for itself. However, despite all your success, you can’t help but feel that things could be better. Considering all the unique products and services your business offers, your establishment should be seeing a lot more foot traffic. Fortunately, attracting attention from first-time customers is much easier than you may think.

Creative Advertising

When opening a new business, advertising should be job one. For starters, strategically placed signs function as effective attention-grabbers in both small towns and major metropolitan areas. In addition to billboards and signs that are pasted onto buildings, sleek window-based signs can easily pique the interest of individuals who are unfamiliar with your business.

Entrepreneurs in the market for a highly-rated sign producer should enlist the services of Banana Banner. With a reputation for producing signs, banners and car wraps for a wide array of businesses, Banana Banner can be an invaluable ally in drumming up new business.

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Advertise in Local Publications

There’s no question that print media has taken a nosedive in recent years. Because of the rapidly increasing popularity of digital platforms, print publications have been folding left and right. However, in many small towns, local newspapers and alternative newsweeklies continue to thrive. Although digital media is great for staying current with both national and international stories, newspapers remain the best source for local happenings. So if your business is based in a small community, don’t hesitate to purchase ad space in local publications. Even in this day and age, a well-placed print ad can go a long way.

Be Active on Social Media Platforms

In the digital age, no business can afford to stay away from social media. Popular platforms like Facebook and Twitter are great tools for keeping both current and prospective customers abreast of what’s happening with your business. More importantly, social media can help entrepreneurs attract new business. Every time a post from your account receives a Facebook share or a re-tweet on Twitter, hundreds – possibly thousands – of people who are unfamiliar with your business are likely to see it.

Despite being very exciting, opening a small business can present entrepreneurs with a number of challenges – the most notable of them being promotion. Getting the attention of people who have never set foot in your establishment often seems like an uphill battle. However, after putting the previously discussed tips into practice, budding entrepreneurs should see an increase in new business – not to mention profits.
