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PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEST 6º EP CEIP LA PALOMA 1st TERM Surname: Name: Group: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (10 points, 0.25 each questions):

Write whatever you want or need in each questions or answers but write the right answer in CAPITAL LETTERS in the ANSWER TABLE that you can find at the end of the exam. Always use BLUE or BLACK PEN to answer them.

1. What are the three stages of a training session?

a) Warm up, Main Activity and Cool Down. b) Cardiovascular warm up, Stretching, Joint mobility and Explosive Movement c) General part and Specific part d) No one of the previous ones.

2. Why must you do a warm up? a) To prevent injuries. b) To improve performance c) To prepare psychologically for the event. d) All the previous answers.

3. Describe all the ways a warm up helps you: a) It avoids injuries in the locomotor system and the respiratory system. b) It improves performance. c) It improves motivation and concentration. d) All the previous answers.

4. How to warm up? For example: a) 5 minutes starting up (Running) b) 5 minutes stretching, 5 minutes joint mobility c) 10 minutes specific parts d) All the previous answers.

5. Should everybody warm up in the same way? a) No way. A warm up is always a warm up b) Warm up is always necessary so, warm up c) Of course not, because a Warm up depends on the age, sport, weather… d) Yes, we should do just the Cardiovascular warm up and the Stretching part

6. Why is Cool Down important after physical exercises? a) Returns the body it is normal temperature b) To prevent stiffness and soreness c) To return the pulse to its resting rate d) All the previous answers.

7. What are the three stages of a Warm up? a) Warm up, Main Activity and Cool Down. b) Cardiovascular warm up, Stretching, Joint mobility and Explosive Movement c) General part and Specific part d) No one of the previous ones.

8. Which of the following is NOT a precaution to avoid injury

a) Warm up b) Using safety equipment c) Risk assessment d) Chewing gum

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9. We are in winter; the temperature is so low, which one is the perfect order in a Warm Up?

a) Stretching, Joint mobility, Cardiovascular warm up and Explosive Movement b) Cardiovascular warm up, Joint mobility, Stretching and Explosive Movement c) Explosive Movement, Joint mobility, Stretching and Cardiovascular warm up d) It´s up to you

10. A gradual increase in intensity in physical activity (pulse raiser), a joint mobility exercise, stretching and a sport related activity is the…

a) Warm Up

b) Cool Down or Chill Out

c) Fitness

d) Physical Condition

11. An easy exercise that will allow the body to gradually transition from an exertional state to a resting or near-resting state is the…

a) Warm Up

b) Cool Down or Chill Out

c) Fitness

d) Physical Condition

12. What are the parts of an effective Cool Down?

a) Gentle exercise: jogging or walking

b) Stretching: static stretching and PNF stretching is usually best

c) Re-fuel: both, fluid and food are important

d) All the previous answers. 13. Which are the main components of the basic fitness?

a) Frequency, Intensity and Time b) Strength, Speed, Stamina and Flexibility c) Power, Agility, Balance and Co-ordination d) All previous answers.

14. Which is the correct list of types of strength

a) Elastic, Maximum and Endurance b) Dynamic, explosive and static c) Static, explosive and active d) Dynamic, endurance and power

15. What types of endurance are there?

a) Elastic, Maximum and Endurance b) Aerobic and Anaerobic c) Speed Endurance speed, Strength Endurance and Flexibility d) Active and Passive

16. How is speed influenced?

a) Mobility b) Technique c) Strength and Endurance d) All previous answers.

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17. What types of speed are there?

a) Elastic, Maximum and Endurance b) Dynamic, explosive and static c) Reaction, Acceleration and Sprinting d) Dynamic, endurance and power

18. What types of flexibility exercises are NOT there?

a) Static, Ballistic and Dynamic

b) Joint mobility and Explosive Movement

c) Active and Passive

d) Isometric and and Assisted

19. Which of the following shows the 3 types of stretching a) Passive, Static, Explosive b) Passive, Dynamic, Active c) Passive, Explosive, Dynamic d) Active, Static, Stationary

20. Which of the following is NOT a type of AEROBIC respiration

a) Cycling b) Swimming c) Shot Put d) Marathon

21. Which of the following is NOT an effect of the ageing process a) Heart and Lungs less efficient b) Joints become more flexible c) Bones get lighter d) Body fat increases

22. Which of the following is an aerobic activity: a) Javelin b) 5000m c) 100m d) High jump

23. One benefit of a cool down is: a) Reduces the chances of injury during activity b) Reduces the risk of muscle stiffness after exercise c) Increases lactic acid d) Increases heart rate

24. Lactic acid occurs when an Athlete’s body is: a) Digesting a large meal b) Working aerobically c) Working anaerobically d) Sitting still for a long period of time

25. Which of the following is the most important component of fitness when dribbling a ball around a defender in hockey? a) Reaction Time b) Cardiovascular Endurance c) Strength d) Agility

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26. Which of the following is the definition of fitness a) Using skills well to play sport b) Being able to keep going and have energy left c) Ability to meet the demands of the environment d) Physical social and mental well-being

27. To train anaerobically, an athlete would need to work between: a) Between 40-60% of max heart rate b) More than 80% of max heart rate c) Less than 80% of max heart rate d) Between 60-80% of max heart rate

28. We are in the Cool Down so we are going to stretch each muscle…

a) 10 seconds b) 15 seconds c) 30 seconds d) There aren´t stretch exercises in the Cool Down

29. The next muscles are in the arm: a) Pectorals, Abdominals / Abs and Trapezius b) Biceps, Triceps and Deltoids / Delts c) Quadriceps and Hamstring d) Soleus, Gastrocnemius and Tibialis Anterior

30. The next muscles are in the chest / trunk: a) Pectorals, Abdominals / Abs and Trapezius b) Biceps, Triceps and Deltoids / Delts c) Quadriceps and Hamstring d) Soleus, Gastrocnemius and Tibialis Anterior


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30

Right Wrong Mark

*Multiple Choice Equation: (Nº of Rights) x 0´25 = Mark.

Write whatever you want or need in each questions or answers but write the right answer

in CAPITAL LETTERS in the ANSWER TABLE that you can find at the end of the exam. Always use BLUE or BLACK PEN to answer them.


1 A 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 C

6 D 7 B 8 D 9 B 10 A

11 B 12 D 13 B 14 A 15 B

16 D 17 C 18 B 19 B 20 C

21 B 22 B 23 B 24 C 25 D

26 B 27 D 28 C 29 B 30 A

Right Wrong Mark

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