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25 Amazing

Mobile PhoneStatisticsAnd Facts

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89% of all smartphone users use theirs consistently throughout the day


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9 out of every 10 smart phone owners use their phones every single day

Source: Anson

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Source: Anson Alex

iPhone users download the mostapps out of any OS group

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Source: Anson Alex

Android users downloadapproximately 36apps per month

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Source: Anson Alex

More Android users are below theage of 34 than iPhone users

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Source: Anson Alex

4 out 5 people have acellphone worldwide

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Source: AnsonAlex

The majority of people from the agesbetween 18 to 34 have smartphones

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Source: Gartner and Digital Trend

Both Android and Windows 7 Phone operating systems are expected to overcome Apple's

iOS operating system by 2016

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Source: Forbes

13% of all internet traffic isreceived from a mobile phone

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Source: Communities Dominate

As of 2013, approximate 4.3 billion people will own a cellphone

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Source: Communities Dominate

The mobile phone industry is worth $1.45 trillion

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Source: Google Mobile Planet via SmartInsights

Mobile web traffic is very hot –it increased 27% in 2012 alone

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Source: AnchorMobile

70% of all mobile searches result in action (buying, calling) within one hour

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Source: Microsoft Tag Via SmartInsights

About ½ of all local searches aredone via mobile phone

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Source: Communities Dominate

The use of search engines via mobile devices has grown over 500% since the year 2011

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Source: AnchorMobile

Mobile coupons get 10 times the redemption rate of a traditional clip-out coupon

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Source: AnchorMobile

The average text message is answered within 90 seconds of being sent out

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Source: National Retail Federation Via Digby

Last year's Cyber Monday generated over $750 million in sales through mobile devices

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Source: AnchorMobile

Mentioning your location in mobile ads can increase your reply rate by a stunning 200%

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Source: Communities Dominate

There are about 6.7 BILLION mobile accounts in existence

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Source: Communities Dominate

60% of all people who are alive on this planet right now have a mobile account and own at least one phone

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Source: Communities Dominate

83% of all phones currently in use have cameras in them

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Source: Communities Dominate

There are 5 cellphones for every DVD player in existence

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Source: Communities Dominate

The average person looks at their phone's news alerts 6 times per day

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Source: Communities Dominate

100% of all phones have text messaging built into them

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