Download odp - 24/6/10-My Final Choice


When numbing the skin, are different types of creams or techniques better for numbing and are some faster than others and/or last longer than others?

Finally! I have decided on my topic. It is all about numbing and pain in humans. My log today is all about how I am planning to test this science experiment because if it may sound hard if I say it to someone, in this case, I can refer to my Learning Journal.

How Am I Going To Test This?

To test this I will be using needles, my mum and 5 different types of creams or techniques that are known to create a numbing effect known as anaesthetic. Over a week, I will apply 5 different numbing effects on my mum's arm, each day will be different. After each application, I will then stick a needle into my mother's arm. We will see which application works best at numbing or decreasing pain, which one works the fastest at numbing mum's arm and which one lasts the longest. The creams/techniques will be ice, heat pack, EMLA cream, Voltaren cream and Arnica cream.


The following is an example of what I will do for each cream/technique.I will apply the first technique, which is ice. I will hold the ice on mum's arm for 5 minutes exactly and then stick a clean needle in the specified location of my mother's arm. We have an accurate pain scale with which mum will rate her pain. (Repeat x3)


I know, you are thinking, 'But for this to be a fair test, it has to be done 3 times for each cream/technique!' That's why, I am starting next week and going through the holidays to make sure that each week, over 3 weeks, my mum will get the 5 creams/techniques once a day apart from Saturday/Sunday. This will make sure each cream/technique is applied 3 times, making it a fair test.


I'm so excited to announce that in exactly 3 days I will be starting my science fair project! Wish me luck!
