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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFor the completion of this work, I am thankful to Almighty Allah, whose grace and mercy blessed me with good health and enthusiasm .It was sheer boon of Allah that I got loving, inspiring and talented teacher who provided me the intellectual guidance, moral support and all-round help for the fulfillment of my assignments. I offer my humblest thanks from my heart to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), who isforever a torch of guidance and knowledge for humanity as a whole. I am very th

    ankful to Professor Dr. Rasool Jan, Vice Chancellor University of Malakand, whose personal interest in the establishment of labs, encouraging attitude, unfailing patience and strong commitment made it possible to conduct this project on a venue too young for such kind of activities. I am grateful to Mr. Muhammad SalaamMuslim Chairman Department of Computer Science & IT, for his sincere guidance,continuous co-operation and useful suggestions. I deem it utmost pleasure to avail this opportunity to express my heartiest gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Fakhr Uddin, lecturer department of Computer Science & IT, University of Malakand. His skillful guidance, technical approach, art of making useful suggestions and inspiring attitude which helped me to undertake and accomplish this manuscript.ii

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    I am also thankful to all the teachers of Computer Science & IT Department, University of Malakand. I extend my heartiest gratitude to my ever co-operative andsincere teacher; Mr. Muhammad Zahid Khan (doing phd in UK). I extend words of acknowledgment to my respected colleagues, Faisal Nawaz Khan, Muzzamil Khan, AttaUr Rehman,Ali Shah, Abdul Samad Khan, Abdul Ahad, Irfan ul Haq, Khalid Imran, Kushdil, Sajjid, Arshad khan, Kashif Khan. I am also thankful to my brother Dr.Jamil Ahmad whose sincere whishes accompanied me all the time. Finally I am very mu

    ch grateful to my parents, kins whose sincere praying accompanied me all my career. It was in fact their moral and financial support that gave me the confidencefor taking this work. To err is human, to forgive is divine.

    Israr Ahmad


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    Project Name: Objectives:

    Online Reservation System for Hotel White Palace To Develop Software That will facilitate The online Room reservation for Hotel White Palace

    System Developed by: Supervised By:

    Mr. Israr Ahmad Mr. Fakhr Uddin(Lecturer in department of Computer Science University of Malakand)

    Duration: Software Used

    One Month.

    PHP, My SQL Html, CSS Java Script, ASP Macromedia Dream weaver Ms FrontPage, Macromedia Flash MX Adobe Photoshop.

    System Used: Operating System:

    Pentium IV, 1.8GHZ, 512MB of RAM Windows XP 2006 SP2 Professional edition


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    My most beloved Parents, brothers and sisters whose prayers and supports enabledme to complete my BCS degree with the successful completion of this project.


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    APPROVAL CERTIFICATEIt is certified that thesis submitted by Mr. Israr Ahmad is up to the standard and we hereby approve it for acceptance as a partial fulfillment for the award ofBachelors Degree(Hons) in Computer Science.

    Internal Examiner & Supervisor:

    Mr. Fakhr Uddin Lecturer in Department Of Computer Science & IT, University Of Malakand, NWFP, Pakistan.

    External Examiner:

    Chairman:Chairman, Department Of Computer Science &IT, University Of Malakand, Pakistan.


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    Introduction to Organization

    CHAPTER # 1

    In This Chapter

    Introduction Objectives Present Departments Structure

    Requirements of Organization Project Definition

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    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Organization


    1.1 Introduction

    White Palace was built in 1941 By the 1st King of Swat valley (Mian Gul Abdul Wadood) Later the palace was converted into a tourist resort hotel. The Hotel is located at 7000 feet above sea level on Marghazar Hill Swat valley offers beautiful views and good service and good food. Hotel White Palace has a rich historical background built in 1941 as the summer resort for the King of Swat, Hotel White Palace is the place which was desired & admired by Artisan, Scholar, Kingand Queens. The resort is located in SWAT Valley. The Chinese pilgrims in the 5th & 6th century called it the Valley of Hanging Chains. At one time, SWAT, represented the famous GANDHARA CIVILIZATION. Hotel White Palace, built in 1941 by King Wadood as a summer house, was a proud host to Queen Elizabeth as a guest.Enjoy a relaxing vacation - angling for Swat river trout & local tours to Archaeological sites. For the more active, try golf, hunting or skiing. During th

    e season, savior apples, apricot, pears etc. within resort compound. Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain stayed at White Palace for three days, as she

    discovered the deep traditions & history which surround the Swat Valley. Even the marble used in the palace have the significance, coming from the same quarry that supplied the Taj Mahal. The longer you stay, the richer your experiencewill become as you discover all that the Swat Valley has offer.

    1.2 ObjectivesObjectives of the Hotel White Palace: To provide guests with a place to stay fora certain amount of time for a certain amount of money and to direct his/her working staff in a positive and professional manner. Making sure staff are gettingpaid and well cared for. 1 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Organization

    To promote international, regional and domestic tourism . The objective of Hotels in Galicia is to offer you the most complete source of hotelaccommodation possible in this beautiful region of green or Swat

    The management Of White Palace Believe in an exceptional workface to provideworld-class services to their customers. They want to ensure that not only theysatisfy their customer but also delight them.

    1.3 Present Departments Structure:



    Human Resource Executive

    Administration officer

    Administration Super-visor

    Reservation Officers

    Office Assistance

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    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Organization

    1.4 Detail Requirements of the Organization.Following are some of the requirements that the organization expecting from thiscomputerize system Initial Requirements: a) Maintain Reservations 1.1) Create a

    reservation: obtain a reservation no. and enter all reservation details 2.2) Update a reservation: change any reservation details except reservation number 3.3) continue a reservation: continue a complex reservation of more than one inputscreen 4.4) accept a reservation: finalize a reservation b) Confirm reservation1.1) massage to client confirming the reservation details c) Reports 1.1) room type report: Lists room types and availability 2.2) reservation report: Lists arrival date and reservation number for the reservations billing name and address Room data used relates to room type, price and description in English.

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    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Organization

    Any one can make reservation for room type. The system confirms a reservation inEnglish. To computerize reservation process of the Hotel White Palace To facilitate the administration in handling the reservation . To eradicate the discrepan

    cies in the manual system. Keeping Record of the reservation form. Make able thecustomers to reserve rooms online. A website that gives day to day information.

    1.5 Project DefinitionOverview: This online reservation system is part of an accommodation system of hotel White Palace. This section provides an overview of requested system. The detailed functionality of Hotel White Palace reservation system together with thenavigation to reach it within the hotel system will be described in requirementssection. The Online reservation system supports the following functions relatedto the letting of hotel rooms: 1- maintain reservations 2- confirm reservationRoom data used related to room type, price and description and anyone can make aonline reservation for rooms. The system confirms a reservation in English, It

    also possible to cancel reservation. So the main function of reservation processis to request for rooms. Below is the detailed process of reservation process.A) Determine the room and rate availability B) Create the reservation record C)Confirm the reservation record 4 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 1 D) Maintain the reservation record E) Produce reservation reports.

    Introduction to Organization

    .the system has been designed in a powerful RDBMS tool called mySQL Server and PHP which manages the huge database very efficiently and provide high performance. The system can be run stand alone and network environment without the hazard o

    f making changes to the code of the program. The software is very user friendlyand no need of expert person for its operation, but everyone can easily run thesoftware and can get the result.

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    Present System

    CHAPTER # 2

    In This Chapter

    Present System Reservation Procedure

    Drawbacks in the PresentSystem

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    Present System



    The current reservation system of Hotel White Palace is a manual system. In order to make a computer based online Reservation system, we first check the currentsystem so that we get to know about the flaws and shortcomings in this system.This study will help us to design such a computerized online system of reservation which would be free of all the flaws, now present in this manual system of the Hotel and will facilitate both the customers as well as the administrative staff of the Hotel White Palace. The present manual system of reservation Process is only to determine Basic Room Availability. That is to say, the reservation clerk can only tell the potential guest that a room is reserved for him/her. However, the reservation clerk can not tell the customers the type of the room and rate. At last, in the case of present manual system all the record is kept in document form. There is no system for proper record storage and sorting the informati

    on provided by the customers. All this is done manually and every now and then,there is a chance of getting erratic information. The manual system is thus no guarantee.

    2.3 The reservation procedureReservation process consists of the following steps: Guests can communicate their reservation inquiries in person, over the telephone, via mail, through facsimile, telex, e-mail Moreover, reservation inquiries can be made through a Central Reservation System or an Intersell Agency. While getting a reservation inquiry, the reservation agent obtain the following guest-related information: a) b) c) d)e) f) g) h) Guests name, address and telephone number Company or travel agency name Date of arrival and departure Type and number of rooms requested Desired room rate Number of people in the group, if applicable Method of payment and/or gua

    rantee Any other special requests

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    Present System

    2.4 Drawbacks in the present systemDuring the system study, many drawbacks have been observed as following: ctor Chances of loss of data Chances of errors Redundancy Inconsistency Wastage

    of stationery Wastage of man power Wastage of efforts To search the data quicklyis difficult More labor to human. No backup facilities.

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    Proposed System

    CHAPTER # 3

    In This Chapter

    Proposed System Objectives of the Proposed System Features of the Proposed Syste


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    Chapter 3

    Proposed System

    CHAPTER 3 3.1 PROPOSED SYSTEMAfter the detailed study of current system, it is good to propose a new system.As computer is one of the leading technologies now a day, so we proposed a compu

    ter-based system, which fulfill all the requirements of the organization easilyand will be the solution to the problem faced by manual system. The computerization of a system means to change it from manual to a computer-based system. To audiometer the work and to provide efficiency, accuracy, timelessness, security and economy. A computer-based system is a tool, which can help the management to exercise an Effective and timely decision-making.

    3.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEMBefore designing any computer-based system, it is necessary to establish the objectives that proposed system should satisfy. The relative important of each objective also needs to establish. An effective system is proposed with the following features The proposed system is replacement of the existing system, which is c

    onventional.The proposed system should be more efficient and useful than the existing manual system. It should minimize the time involved in processing and ret

    rieval of information. It should be error free and provide accurate information. The new computer-based system should have the capacity to store and manipulatedata entered into it. The proposed system should comprehensive database, which provides access, insertion, updation and deletion on each file and facilitate online queries and data promoting at where cursor is placed. The new system shouldbe simple so that its structure, operation and procedure should be maintained easily. 8 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace Swat

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    Chapter 3

    Proposed System

    3.4 Project FeasibilityDefinitionFeasibility study is a test of a system proposal according to its workability, i

    mpact on the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources. The data collected during the preliminary investigation determine the project feasibility i.e. whether the system will be beneficial to the organization.

    It focuses on three major questions: What are the users demonstrable needs and how does a candidate system meet them? What resources are available for a given candidate system? Is the problem worthsolving? What are the likely impacts of the system on the organization? Operational feasibility Operational feasibility depicts whether a system will work successfully whenever developed & installed. There is sufficient support for the newsystem from management. ii) The current method is not acceptable to the user. Souser may welcome a change that will bring more operational & useful system. The

    proposed system will not cause any poor result in any section.The accessibility of information will not be lost are delayed. Performance will neither be slow

    nor insecure in any system. Technical feasibility Technical feasibility is concerned with the technology The necessary technology requirement IBM PIV along witha laser Printer, double drive, a mouse and at least 40 GB hard disk. The proposed equipment has the technical capability to hold the data required to use the new system. System can be expanded whenever required. There are technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data security. Financial and Economic Feasibility It is also known as cost/benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and saving that are expected from a present system andcompare them with cost. 11 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace Swat

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    Chapter 3

    Proposed System

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    Description of The Tools

    CHAPTER # 4

    In This Chapter Introduction of the Tools

    HTML PHP Scripts Dreamweaver 8 MySQL CSS Adobe Flash Mx Adobe Photoshop Apache web server

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    CHAPTER 4 4.1 IntroductionThe system is developed to the users point of view using hardware and software components that required supporting the system is designed. Program functional spe

    cifications are to describe all functions performed by each program. Database dictionary, single sources that define the names and contain all data elements inthe system are also included. For this purpose we use ASP as background for thedatabase connectivity and HTML as front end for the forms and JavaScript for theprogramming. The selection of the software for the designing the application isimportant and it depends upon the requirement. After analysis various languages, and tools are selected which are discussed as follows.

    4.2 HTMLThe explosive growth of the World Wide Web is relatively unprecedented, althoughit resembles the desktop publishing revolution of the early and mid-1980s. As personal computers became more common in homes and offices, people began to learn

    to use them for document creation and page programmer. Although early word processing programs were not terribly intuitive and often required memorizing bizarre codes, people still picked them up fairly easily and managed to create their own in-house publications. Suddenly, the same kind of growth is being seen as folks rush to create and publish pages of a different sort. To do this, they need to learn to use something called the Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML).

    History of HTMLHTML developed a few years ago as a subset of SGML (Structure Generalized Mark-up Language), which is a higher-level mark-up language that has long been a favorite of the Department of Defense. Like HTML, it describes formatting and hypertext links, and it defines different components of a document. HTML is definitelythe simpler of the two, and although they are related, there are few browsers th

    at support both. 12 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    Because HTML was conceived for transmission over the Internet (in the form of Web pages) it is much simpler than SGML, which is more of an application-orienteddocument format. While it

    s true that many programs can load, edit, create, and

    save files in the SGML format (just as many programs can create and save programs in the Microsoft Word format), SGML is not exactly ideal for transmission across the Internet to many different types of computers, users, and browser applications. HTML is more suited to this task. Designed with these considerations in mind, HTML lets user, the designer, create pages that user are reasonable, sure can be read by the entire population on the Web. Even users who are unable to view user graphics, for instance, can experience the bulk of what user are communicating, if user design, user HTML pages properly. At the same time, HTML has a simple enough format (at least currently) that typical computer users can generateHTML documents without the benefit of a special application. Creating a WordPerfect-format document would be rather difficult by hand (including all of the required text size, font, page break, column, margin, and other information), even

    if it weren

    t a "proprietary"that is, nonpublicdocument format. HTML is a public standard, and simple enough that user can get through a book like this one and have a very strong ability to create HTML documents from scratch. This simplicityis part of a trade-off, as HTML-format documents don

    t offer nearly the precision of control or depth of formatting options that a WordPerfect- or Adobe PageMaker-formatted document would.

    4.3 Hypertext PreprocessorPHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was originally designed for web development, to produce dynamic web pages. It can be embedded into HTML and generally runs on a web server, which needs to be configured to process PHP code and create web page content from it. It can be deployed on most web servers and on almost every operating system and plat

    form free of charge. PHP is installed on over 20 million websites and 1 millionweb servers. 13 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    PHP was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has been in continuousdevelopment ever since. The main implementation of PHP is now produced by The PHP Group and serves as the de facto standard for PHP as there is no formal specif

    ication. PHP is free software released under the PHP License, which is incompatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL) because of restrictions on the useof the term PHP. PHP has evolved to include a command line interface capabilityand can also be used in standalone graphical applications.

    4.4 ScriptsA script is a series of sentences placed one below the other in the form of a paragraph. each sentence tells the CPU what it should be doing at that moment in time, the sentences will be written in the syntax (grammar) of the scripting language of choice thus the paragraph created (which clubs together all the sentences) will be the script. A script for example: Assign a value to a variable: A variable is a named storage location that can hold data Instruct the Web Server to

    send something: Such as the value of a variable, to a browser.Combine commandsinto procedures: A procedure is named sequence of commands and statements that a

    cts as a unit. Executing a script sends the series of commands to a script engine, which interprets and relays them to the computers CPU. Scripts are written inlanguages that have specific

    JavaScriptJavaScript is a new scripting language that is being developed by Netscape. WithJavaScript programmer can easily create interactive web pages. Many people believe that JavaScript is Java because of the similar names. This is not true though. What is needed in order to run scripts written in JavaScript? Programmers need a JavaScript-enabled browser. Of course programmers need a basic understandingof HTML before programming in java script.

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    4.5 Dreamweaver:Adobe Dreamweaver (formerly Macromedia Dreamweaver) is a web development application originally created by Macromedia, and is now developed by Adobe Systems, wh

    ich acquired Macromedia in 2005. Dreamweaver is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems. Recent versions have incorporated support for web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, and various server-side scripting languages and frameworks including ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP.

    4.6 MySQLMySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that has more than 6 million installations. MySQL stands for "My Structured Query Language". The program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The project has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL is ownedand sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now a s

    ubsidiary of Sun Microsystems. As of 2009 Oracle Corporation began the process of acquiring Sun Microsystems. MySQL is often used in free software projects thatrequire a full-featured database management system, such as WordPress, phpBB and other software built on the LAMP software stack. It is also used in very high-scale World Wide Web products including Wikipedia, Google and Facebook.

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    Features As of April 2009, MySQL offers MySQL 5.1 in two different variants: theMySQL Community Server and Enterprise Server. They have a common code base andinclude the following features:

    A broad subset of ANSI SQL 99, as well as extensions Cross-platform support Stored procedures Triggers Cursors Updatable Views True Varchar support INFORMATION_SCHEMA Strict mode X/Open XA distributed transaction processing (DTP) support; two phase commit as part of this, using Oracle

    s InnoDB engine Independent storage engines (MyISAM for read speed, InnoDB for transactions and referential integrity, MySQL Archive for storing historical data in little space) Transactions with the InnoDB, BDB and Cluster storage engines; savepoints with InnoDB SSL support Query caching Sub-SELECTs (i.e. nested SELECTs) Replication support (i.e. Master-Master Replication & Master-Slave Replication) with one master per slave, many slaves per master, no automatic support for multiple masters per slave.

    Full-text indexing and searching using MyISAM engine Embedded database library Partial Unicode support (UTF-8 and UCS-2 encoded strings are limited to the BMP)Partial ACID compliance (full compliance only when using the non-default storageengines InnoDB, BDB and Cluster) 16

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    Shared-nothing clustering through MySQL Cluster

    4.7 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)CSS is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation semantics (thatis, the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can be applied to any kind of XML document, including SVG and XUL. CSS isdesigned primarily to enable the separation of document content (written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation, including elements such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content (such as by allowing for tablelessweb design). CSS can also allow the same markup page to be presented in differe

    nt styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice(when read out by a speech-based browser or screen reader) and on Braille-based, tactile devices. While the author of a document typically links that documentto a CSS style sheet, readers can use a different style sheet, perhaps one on their own computer, to override the one the author has specified. CSS specifies apriority scheme to determine which style rules apply if more than one rule matches against a particular element. In this so-called cascade, priorities or weights are calculated and assigned to rules, so that the results are predictable.

    Use of CSSPrior to CSS, nearly all of the presentational attributes of HTML documents werecontained within the HTML markup; all font colors, background styles, element alignments, borders and sizes had to be explicitly described, often repeatedly, w

    ithin the HTML. CSS allows authors to move much of that information to a separate style sheet resulting in considerably simpler HTML markup.

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    Headings (h1 elements), sub-headings (h2), sub-sub-headings (h3), etc., are defined structurally using HTML. In print and on the screen, choice of font, size, color and emphasis for these elements is presentational. Prior to CSS, document a

    uthors who wanted to assign such typographic characteristics to, say, all h2 headings had to use the HTML font and other presentational elements for each occurrence of that heading type. The additional presentational markup in the HTML madedocuments more complex, and generally more difficult to maintain. In CSS, presentation is separated from structure. In print, CSS can define color, font, textalignment, size, borders, spacing, layout and many other typographic characteristics. It can do so independently for on-screen and printed views. CSS also defines non-visual styles such as the speed and emphasis with which text is read outby aural text readers. The W3C now considers the advantages of CSS for definingall aspects of the presentation of HTML pages to be superior to other methods. It has therefore deprecated the use of all the original presentational HTML markup.

    4.8 Adobe Flash MxAdobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) is a multimedia platform originally acquired by Macromedia and currently developed and distributed by Adobe Systems. Since its introduction in 1996, Flash has become a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages. Flash is commonly used to create animation,advertisements, and various web page Flash components, to integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications. Flash can manipulate vector and raster graphics, and supports bidirectional streaming of audio and video. It contains a scripting language called ActionScript. Several software products, systems, and devices are able to create or display Flash content,including Adobe Flash Player, which is available free for most common web browsers, some mobile phones and for other electronic devices (using Flash Lite). The

    Adobe Flash Professional multimedia authoring program is used to create contentfor the Adobe Engagement Platform, such as web applications, games and movies,and content for mobile phones and other embedded devices. 18 Online ReservationSystem of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    Files in the SWF format, traditionally called "ShockWave Flash" movies, "Flash movies" or "Flash games", usually have a .swf file extension and may be an objectof a web page, strictly "played" in a standalone Flash Player, or incorporated

    into a Projector, a selfexecuting Flash movie (with the .exe extension in Microsoft Windows or .hqx for Macintosh). Flash Video files[spec 1] have a .flv file extension and are either used from within .swf files or played through a flv-aware player, such as VLC, or QuickTime and Windows Media Player with external codecs added.

    4.8 Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop, or simply Photoshop, is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. It is the current market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation software, and is the flagship product of Adobe Systems. It has been described as "an industry standard for graphics professionals" and was one of the early "killer applications" on the Macintosh, later also for MS

    Windows. Adobe

    s 2005 "Creative Suite" rebranding led to Adobe Photoshop 8

    s renaming to Adobe Photoshop CS. Thus, Adobe Photoshop CS4 is the 11th major release of Adobe hotoshop. The CS rebranding also resulted in Adobe offering numeroussoftware packages containing multiple Adobe programs for a reduced price. AdobePhotoshop is included in most of Adobe

    s Creative Suite offerings. Photoshop

    s popularity, combined with its high retail price, makes Photoshop

    s piracy rate relatively high. Adobe countered by including SafeCast DRM starting with Adobe Photoshop CS.

    4.9 Apache web serverThe Apache HTTP Server is a web server for Unix-like systems, Microsoft Windows,Novell NetWare, Mac OS X and other operating systems. Apache is notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web. When first released

    , Apache was the only viable open source alternative to the Netscape Communications Corporation web server (currently known as Sun Java System Web 19 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 4

    Description of the tools

    Server). It has since evolved to rival other Unix-based web servers in terms offunctionality and performance. Since April 1996 Apache has been the most popularHTTP server on the World Wide Web; as of February 2007 Apache served 58% of all

    websites. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developersunder the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation. Released under the ApacheLicense, the Apache HTTP Server is free software.

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    System Design

    CHAPTER # 5

    In This ChapterSDLC Why we choose this model

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    Chapter 5


    CHAPTER 5 3.4 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE (SDLC)The traditional methodology used to develop, maintain and replace information systems. System development life cycle is shown in the following figure.

    Recognition of Problems

    Feasibility Study


    Design Implementation & Maintaince Testing & Debugging

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    Chapter 5



    Recognition of Problems Feasibility Study Analysis Top Level Design Detail Level

    Design Testing Implementation Maintenance Time

    a) Recognition of Problem: To develop preliminary understanding of the problem that has caused a request for a new or enhanced information system. b) Feasibility Study: Feasibility is the study of requirements that leads to pursue the selected approach or I can say that feasibility study is the study of current system,which is to be changed with new system. c) Analysis: Analysis is essentially about identifying and defining business problems, which are worth solving within the sources likely to be available. d) Design: The design process translates requirements into a representation of the software that can be assessed for qualitybefore coding begins. e) Testing: Testing is the process of checking the software for different types of errors, order to remove errors.

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    Chapter 5 f) Implementation and Maintenance:


    Implementation is the process of converting a new or revised system design an operational one. Maintenance is very much important, which means restoring something to its original position.

    3.5 WHY WE CHOSE THIS MODELi) We analyze the requirements in well manner at the beginning of our project through meetings and interviews. ii) It is much flexible, because changes are easily accommodated. iii) When one phase is completed, we dont need to roll back thatphase. iv) Specifications are clear from the scratch.

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    System Design

    CHAPTER # 6

    In This Chapter Introduction

    System Design Logical Design Physical Design Input Design Input Validation Outt Design

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    Chapter 6

    System Design

    CHAPTER 6 DESIGN 5.1 IntroductionIn this chapter we describe the design phase of software development. The designphase may be defined as the process of applying various techniques and principle

    s for the purpose of defining a device, a process or system in sufficient detailto permit its physical realization. Design is the first step in the developmentphase for engineering system. It refers to the technical specification that willbe applied in implementing the candidate system.

    5.2 System designSystem design is the phase where proposed system is actually designed keeping inmind the user requirements. Design is actually the process of analyzing the organization and its environment, developing a database model that accurately reflects the organizations functionality in the real world, and implementation of thatmodel by creating a database requires an appropriate methodology. System designcan be divided into two phases. Logical design Physical design

    5.3 Logical designLogical design describes the detail specification for the proposed/new system. We can say that it describes its own features. Input, output, file (table) and database in a manner that meets the project needs. Logical design is formulated when detailed specifications for the new system are written. Therefore from the new system specification we can know how the inputs, outputs, files, database andprocedures should be designed so that it satisfies the user requirements.

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    Chapter 6

    System Design

    In logical design work with user is done to develop general system design, choose best design, develop system flow charts, identify hardware, software and personal needs and revise estimates etc.

    5.4 Physical designPhysical design is a program written in a programming language that takes input,process it and gives output in the form of reports and also stores the data. Inother words, the logical design is implemented in physical form in this phase.Physical design refers to the practical work, which is described in logical design. It includes application development i.e. software development/user interfaceetc. in physical design we do technical design, plan program modules algorithm,files, databases, I/O forms.

    5.5 Input designThe input design specifies the number in which the user enters the data to the s

    ystem for processing at later stages. Input design can ensure the reliability ofthe system and provide accurate data. The input determines weather the user interacts with the system efficiently or not. The input design can also be explained as link between the user and the world. Input design consists of those steps necessary to put transaction data into usable for processing data entry and activity of submitting the data into computer for processing. A lot of care is required while entering the data. The reason is that invalid input results in invalidoutputs. While designing the input for the Hotel White Palace, I kept the following objectives in mind as guidelines. Reducing the amount of data Avoiding errors in data Avoiding extra steps Keeping process multiple Avoiding delays In my project, input is the information about the customers, general clients communicating through feedback facility. The operators enter this information . 25 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 6 Homogenous data elements

    System Design

    I have take special care in order to make the nature of all the data elements tobe same, so that they all are relevant with the customer information and no irrelevant data is included. This helps in keeping the main focus on the informatio

    n related to customer only. Input forms design The forms used to take the inputsare designed in a simple way. All the logically related items are grouped together or tried to place near each other, so that the user has no difficulty in filling the form. Screen display While displaying the reservation forms on the screen all the data elements included in the forms are well separated from each other, so that the user feels no difficulty in viewing, finding and filling in the required information.

    5.6 INPUT VALIDATIONInput validation is a general term given to methods, aimed at detecting errors in the input. The main thing, which is considered in the input, is that what thechances of errors are. Following are input validation used for designing the adm

    ission system for Hotel White Palace:Empty entry control

    Data Type Validation

    5.7 OUTPUT DESIGNAnother step in designing a system is to design its output according to the requirements of the user .the phase of output design has great importance because inadequate outputs indicate the overall system to be designed poorly. A system isconsidered to be successful or failed on the basis of output design. The term Output means after the completion of physical design what comes out of the computersystem for the user? The output design in project is considered as the backboneof the project. The major form of output is a hard copy from the printer. All managerial decision is actually

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    Chapter 6

    System Design

    made through these reports. Basically the reports in responses to queries and then reports can be printed. I took the following points into consideration whiledesigning the output. Outputs required Required data elements Length of data ele

    ments Who will receive the output How much detail is needed Data type of the data element.

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    Analysis Modeling and DesignIn This Chapter

    CHAPTER # 7

    Logical Database Design

    Entity Relationship Model Relationships Entities Functional Analysis DFD Notations Physical Database Design Entity Relationship Diagram Data Flow Diagram

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design


    6.1 Logical Database Design

    The basic and important step in the database development process is Database Analysis, in which we determine user requirements for data and develop data modelsto spycify those requirement. A conceptual data model is one that Represent datafrom the viewpoint of the user independent of any technology that will be usedto implement the model. For conceptual data modeling there are different techniques. 1. The Entity-relationship Model

    Object relationships among these objects. It is intended primarily for the DBdesign process by allowing the specifications of an enterprise Scheme. This represent the overall logical structure of the DB. An E.R model is a detailed, logical representation of the data for an organization or for a business area. The ERD is notation that is used to conduct the data modeling activity. Using ERD the

    software engineers creates a representation all data objects that are importantfor the system. Representing Data Network that exists for a given system.

    6.2.1 Object-Oriented ModelingThe main concepts and techniques involved in the object-oriented modeling, including objects and Classes, encapsulation of attributes and operations, associations,

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    generalization, and aggregation relationships; cardinalities and other types ofconstraints; polymorphism; and inheritance.

    6.2.2 Key Elements of ERD Entities/Data objects Attributes Relationships

    6.2.3 Entity/Data objectEntity: a person, place, object, event, or concept in the user environment aboutwhich the organization wishes to maintain data. Examples in Reservation are: Person: Customer. Place: Room. Object: item Event: sale Concept: Account Entity Type: a collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics. For example, Customer, Room..In ERD it is represented by rectangle. Each entity type in an E-R model is given a name. Since the name spycify a class, it is singular; we use capital letters in naming an entity type. In an E-R diagram, the nameis replaced inside the box representing the entity:



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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    Entity Instance: A single occurrence of an entity, figure illustrates the distinction between an entity type and one of its two instances. Any entity type is described just once in a database, while many instances of that entity type may be

    represented by data stored in the database. For example, there is one CUSTOMERentity type, but there may be hundreds of instances of this entity type that arestore in that database. For example, CUSTOMER is entity and CUSTOMERid id is itsinstance Entity Instance: A single occurrence of an entity, figure illustrates the distinction between an entity type and one of its two instances. Any entity type is described just once in a database, while many instances of that entity type may be represented by data stored in the database. For example, there is oneCUSTOMER entity type, but there may be hundreds of instances of this entity typethat are store in that database. For example, CUSTOMER is entity and CUSTOMER id id is its instance. STRONG ENTITY TYPE VS WEAK ENTITY TYPE: Strong Entity type:An entity type that exists independently of other entity types, e.g. CUSTOMER.

    SYMBOL Strong Entity type Weak Entity Type:

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    An entity type whose instances depend on some other entity type. A weak entity type has no business meaning and is not needed in the E-R Diagram. In ERD weak entity type is represented by double lined rectangle. SYMBOL Weak entity type Iden

    tifying Owner: The entity on which weak entity depends is called identifying owner or Owner. Identifying Relationship: The relationship between a weak entity type and its owner is called identifying Relationship. Data object A data object is almost any composite information that must understood by software. By composite information we mean that something that has a number of different properties or attributes. ATTRIBUTES Attributes define the properties of a data object and take on one of three different characteristics. They can be used to Name an instance of the data object. Describe the instance. Make a reference to another instance in another table. SYMBOL

    AttributeFor Example, the entity type CUSTOMER has attributes i.e. name, nic, custid etc.

    Composite Attribute:

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    An attribute that can be broken down into component parts, e.g. address, which can be broken into street address, city, state, and postal code, village etc. Thecomponent attributes may appear above or below the composite attribute on ERD a

    s shown in figure.


    Street City Multi-valued Attribute:


    An attribute that may take on more than one value for a given entity instance, e.g. discount may be retail discount, market discount. Multi-valued attribute isrepresented by double line ellipse on ERD.




    Derived attribute: An attribute whose values can be calculated from related attribute values. Identifier: An attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies individual instances of an entity type, e.g. custid, identify each customer uniquely. In ERD identifier attribute is underlined. 6.3 RELATIONSHIPS: A relationship is a logical and meaningful connection or association among one or more data objects. A relationship is association that holds together various components of

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    ERD. A relationship is an association among the instances of one or more entitytypes that is of interest of organization.


    Relationship name

    6.3.1 Terms associated with Relationship: Degree of relationship Modularity of Relationship Cardinality of relationship DEGREE OF RELATIONSHIP: The number of entity types that participate in a relationship is called degree of relationship.UNARY RELATIONSHIP: A relationship between the instances of a single entity typeis called unary relationship .It is also called recursive relationship. BINARYRELATIONSHIP: A relationship between the instances of two different entity typesis called binary relationship.

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    TERNARY RELATIONSHIP: A relationship between the instances of three entity typesis called ternary relationship.


    MODALITY OF RELATIONSHIP: Modality provides an indication of whether or not particular data object must

    participate in the relationship .To specify this information, the data models adds modality to the object relation pair. 6.3.3 CARDINALITY OF RELATIONSHIP: Specify the number of instances of one entity that can be associated with each instance of another entity. MINIMUM CARDINALITY: The minimum number of instances of one that may be associated with each instance of another entity. MAXIMUM CARDINALITY: The maximum number of instances of one entity that may be associated with asingle occurrence of another entity. If the minimum cardinality is zero the par

    ticipant is optional and if the minimum cardinality is one the cardinality is mandatory.

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    Mandatory One

    Mandatory many

    Optional one

    Optional many


    These entities are on next page. .

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design


    This entity type contains all the attributes related to the reservation.

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    CANCELLATION: This entity type contains all the attributes related to the cancelreservation.

    ADMIN: This entity spycify the authorized user to perform different operation ondatabase.

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    6.5 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND MODELING:The functional analysis and modeling focuses on the main functions of the systemand the detailed functionality. The main entity in the functional analysis mode

    ling is flow model. THE FLOW MODEL IS DISCUSSED AS: 1. 2. Information is transformed as it flow through the computer based System. The system accepts input in averity of forms from external world. Apply hardware, software and human elementto transformed input into output, and produces the output in a variety to the external world. Structured analysis began as an information flow modeling technique .A computer based system is represented as information transforms. Overall function of the system may be represented as information transformed. 6.6 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM: As information moves through software, it is modified by a series oftransformations. A DFD is a graphical technique that depicts information flow and transform data replied as data moves from the input to output. DFD is also known as data flow graph .A DFD may be used to represent the system or software atany level of abstraction. Infect DFD may be partitioned into levels that represe

    nt increasing information flow and functional detail. Therefore DFD provides mechanism for functional modeling as well as functional modeling.

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    A DFD is constructed as various degree of detail about the process of the function. At zero level or the first level DFD, also called fundamental system model or a context model, represent the entire software elements as a single bubble wit

    h an input and output data indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows respectively. Level zero DFD expresses the overall system functions as a single transformation .DFD also specifies the external entities that are either feeding data to the system or consumed data by the system.

    Symbol used in DFD Symbol 1. External entity Meaning A source of information that Reside outside the bounds Of the system to be modeled


    A transformation of information

    That resides inside of the bounds of the system to be modeled 3.Data flow A dataobject indicates the

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design direction of the data flow.

    4.Data store

    a repository of data that is to be stored by one or more processes.

    6.7 PHYSICAL DATABASE DESIGN Properties and Domains of Entities and Relationships: We can specify the properties and domains of entities and relationships as below.

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    Reservation: name: It spycify the name of the customer.() companyname: It spycify Companyname of the customer. Address: It spycify the address of customers. City: It specify city of the customers State: It specify the state name of the cust

    omer . Country: It specify the country of the customer. Postalcode: It specify postalcode of the customer city. Telephone: It specify telephone number of the customer. Email: It specify the email of the customer. DArr: It specify the arrival date of the customer. Depdate: It specify the departure date of the customer. numberofguest: It specify the total number of the customers. Numberofrooms: It specifies the total number of the rooms. Numberofnights: It specify the nuber ofnights . Cominfrom: It specify the place from which the customer coming. Airport: It specify the airport pickup facility. Prefferedroom: It specify the type ofroom to be reserved. MOC: It contains mode of communication for contact purpose. Craditcard: It specify type of credit card.

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    Nameofcardholder: It specify the credit card holder name. Cardnumber: It specifythe pincode of the cradit card. Validtill: It specify the credit card valid date.

    ADMIN: Username: It spycify the username of the administrator. Password: It spycify the password of the administrator.

    CANCELLATION: Name: It spycify the name of client which cancel reservation. Email: It spycify the email of the client which cancel reservation. Reasons: It spycify the reasons of cancellations.

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    Chapter 7 6.7.1 6.7.2 Primary key:

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    Primary key is unique identifier which identifies each record in a specific table. following are the primary keys which identifies each relation. Reservation: idof the reservation is our primary key. Admin: id of the administrator is our prima

    ry key. Cancellation: id of the cancellation is our primary key.

    6.8 ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM Here is the associated E-R diagram of our database.





    6.9 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM DFD of Hotel White Palace is on next Page.

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    Chapter 7

    Analysis Modeling and Design

    Context-level DFD for White Palace Hotel Swat.

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    Data Dictionary

    CHAPTER # 8

    In This Chapter

    Data Dictionary

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    Chapter 8

    Date Dictionary


    Data dictionary overview

    Data dictionary in database management system is a file that defines the basic organization of a database; it contains a list of all files in database, the number of records in each file and the names and types of each field. Most databasemanagement system keeps the data dictionary hidden from users to prevent them from accidentally destroying its contents. In any database management system [DBMS], you have many objects tables, indexes, etc and many other things going on. The database needs to keep track of all these things. It does this with the help of something called the data dictionary. The data dictionary is a structure thatstores meta-data, or data about data. Data dictionary is actually the memory ofthe database where he keeps all the activities going on in the database and retrieves that information in the future for further processing. It is actually thedata dictionary, which keeps the information about database objects, its securit

    y and auditing. Data stored as fields and different database files along with their fields name, type and size.

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    Chapter 8

    Date Dictionary

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    Chapter 8

    Date Dictionary

    RESERVATION reservation_id name companyname address city state country postalcode telepone email DArr

    It contains all the description and attributes of the Reservation. It representsreservation no. It represents the name of the customer. It represents Companyname of the customer. It represents the address of customers. It represents city of the customers It represents the state name of the customer . It represents thecountry of the customer. It represents postalcode of the customer city. It represent telephone number of the customer. It represent the email of the customer.It represents the arrival date of the customer.

    Depdate numberofguest

    It represents the departure date of the customer. It represents the total numberof the customers.

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    System Testing

    CHAPTER # 9

    In This Chapter Testing Strategies Developed System Testing System Evaluation Merits of the System System Conversion Developed System Conversion

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    Chapter 9

    system testing



    8.1 Testing StrategiesDevelopment of a software system involves a series of production activities where opportunities for injection of human fallibilities are enormous. Errors may begin to occur at the very inception of the process where the objectives may be erroneously of imperfectly specified, as well as in the later design and development stages. Because of human inability to perform and communicate with perfection, software development is accompanied by a quality assurance activity, SoftwareTesting. Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. The basictesting strategies are as follow Unit testing separately. The

    In the unit testing different modules of the system are tested

    purpose of this testing is to determine that each module is functioning properlyand to locate error in modules. In unit testing we can locate and remove erroreasily. We have tested different modules of our system individually; note that each is working according to the desired specification and requirements. Integration testing

    After the unit testing all the modules are combined and tested at the same time.The purpose of this testing is to determine whether all the modules are interfacing with each other correctly or not. We have tested our system in integrated form which was also working correctly. System testing

    System testing is carried out whether the developed system is working according

    to the desired specification and requirement or not. The system is checked usingthe actual

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    Chapter 9

    system testing

    data values. Also the reports and queries generated by the system are checked against the requirements.

    8.2 Developed system testingAll these testing strategies are adopted during the testing of the developed system the working of the system is almost perfect. The basic testing techniques are as follows 8.2.1 White- Box Testing: White-box testing strategy is actually applied to know the internal workings of a product. Tests are conducted to ensurethat Natural Medicine Information System either works properly, that is, internaloperation performs according to the specification and all internal components are adequately exercised. Following steps were conducted to perform white-box testing strategy. All the independent paths within all the modules were exercised once or more during the time of development and after the development was completed. All logical decisions on their true and false sides were exercised. All loops attheir boundaries and within their operational bounds were executed. Exercising t

    hem one by one ensured the validity of all the internal data structures.

    8.2.2 Black- Box Testing Black-box testing strategy is used to know the specified function that a product has been designed to perform. Tests are conducted to demonstrate that each function is fully operational at the same time errors in each function are searched. For the purpose of carrying out this testing strategy,we involved our end users to operate the software and check its functionality especially in terms of following considerations: Is searching of the patient should be carried out by ID or Name. Do you find it comfortable to retrieve the dateabout any product? Do you feel it easy to edit, add new, refresh or save the data using forms? Dont you feel it easy to generate reports on the basis of different criteria? Are you confronted to any problem in searching the Records? 50 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 9

    system testing

    Is the software is capable to provide correct record retrieve from database?

    After this evaluation process, answers given by the end users helped us positive

    ly to uncover errors and drawbacks in the software, which were successfully removed in the Debugging Phase.

    8.3 System EvaluationWhen the system is implemented successfully, the designer evaluates the system to see whether the objectives of the system are accomplished or not, also developed system is complete or not. There is always need for improvements. All exercise may achieve an immediate goal and arrive at a stage that logically seems an appropriate point for termination of given object. However, a point that appears to be a terminal point for one project may be a good beginning of another. So discussing features of the developed system and the future enhancements carries outevaluation of the system.

    8.4 Merits of the System Efficiency: The system is very efficient than the previous one because it performs all the tasks in lesser time and with no complexity at all. Error Reduction:Errors are reduced in the newly designed system. A number of checks are implemented on fields where required, which help while entering the data. In this way most of the errors at entry time are reduced. User Friendly: System is user friendly. The user feels easy while using the system. Interface of the system is veryinteractive. If the users enter wrong input, proper messages are displayed. Security: The system works by providing a password. In this way it is secured. Unauthorized person cannot access data.

    8.5 System conversion

    After the completion of the testing phase the process of conversion is performed. Conversion is the process of switching over the old system to new system. There are three different methods for the system conversion ensuring proper workingof the system.

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    Chapter 9 8.5.1 Direct Approach

    system testing

    In this approach the old system is immediately replaced by the new developed system. This method requires the careful advanced planning. Failure of the new system will destroy the system. 8.5.2 Parallel approach In this approach we run both

    the new and old system side by side. It means that user continuous to use the old system and simultaneously learn to operate the new system thus if any problemoccur in using the new system, the organization can still fall back on the oldsystem without loss of information. 8.5.3 Pilot Approach In this method a working version of the system is implemented in one portion of the organization. The advantage of this method is that it provide sound basis for the whole system to install.


    Developed System ConversionThe most feasible conversion technique, in this case should be parallel conversi


    approach. Although this implementation approach is more expensive and involve additional work load, the old system will be safe and the procedure followed for the some time until it is conformed that the newly designed is working satisfactorily.

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    System Access and Application Integration

    CHAPTER # 10

    In This Chapter Database Access andApplication Integration

    Control Flow and a SimpleApplication

    Effective ProgrammingTechniques Browser as Database Front End

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    Chapter 10

    Database Access and Application Integration

    CHAPTER 10

    Database Access and Application Integration

    9.1 Database Access and Application Integration This is the fastest-growing areaof the Web. At first, as people were just getting accustomed to HTML and the Web, most sites featured fairly static HTML pages. Even if well designed, the ultimate effect was a very easy to use and splashy catalog with the ability to reference other sites. Database integration changes all of that. Databases allow theuser to search through reams of data far too large to browse through manually, even in summary form. They allow for different views of the same data, creating and utilizing data relationships on the fly. And most importantly, by using "live" data on the Web, the site is always kept up-to-date, accurate, and interesting. The different uses for database interfaces on the Web are as complex and interesting as the Web itself. Customers visiting a well-wired retail site can easilycheck the status of their orders, browse through a customized list of inventory

    items, or request to be notified via e-mail when a product becomes available. Atourist planning a trip to a city may search for available suites at a resort,register online for activities that interest them, or download the menu - and the pages which later show the scenic points of the city are customized to the user

    s interests. The site is now much more useful than its equivalent paper counterpart, since it reflects the data on the site in a manner that is customized toeach particular user. Just like we have applied a medium size database to allowthe students to see their results on line and also the administrator can enter,update, delete students records. Students wanting to see their result in their homes do not want to retrieve documents that describe their result. 9.2 Control Flow and a Sample Application Because of the design of the Web, designing a database interface for the Web is different than traditional procedural or event-driven database applications. The program must be designed to work with pages; a data

    base program is called when a form is

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    Chapter 10 Database Access and Application Integration Submitted or a link is chosen, and must generate a new HTML page to be returned to the user. Gathering Query Information Execution of User

    s Query Adding a Record Modifying a Record

    9.3 Effective Programming TechniquesFollowing are a few programming hints that were applied that make our Web application easier to use and more effective. "Hidden" Input Fields Hidden fields can

    be a great benefit to the database designer. Hidden fields are fields that are included in HTML forms and are submitted with the rest of the user

    s data entry,but the user never sees them and cannot normally change the values. Administrator may use hidden fields to pass information along to later database programs that is not of interest to the user, such as the record IDs of the row being updated, deleted, inserted etc and so on. Use of POST and GET Submission Types When implementing an HTML Form, the form designer may choose whether the user

    s data will be submitted using the "GET" or "POST" methods. According to the HTML 2.0 specification, the "GET" method should be used when submitting the form has no sideeffects on the database (such as queries, or the start of an update), and the "POST" method should be used when submission will change the state of the database (such as add, update, or delete operations). Maintaining Security Implementing

    secure PHP programs is important since the programs can possibly alter data onthe machine itself. However, with database programming, the problem is magnifiedgreatly since the programs work directly with data that can be fairly easily corrupted if the programmer is not careful. An important thing to remember is thatthe user can alter any of the data on a form, even in ways not usually possibleusing a normal Web browser. For example, a radio button may be returned to thePHP script as a value that is not legal and never appeared in any of the choicesto the user. A malicious user 54 Online Reservation System for Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 10 Database Access and Application Integration may change the values of hidden fields at any time. Fields that has a length limitation that the browser normally enforces may be submitted with longer strings. As a database Programmer who is concerned about the integrity of the data, no one can assume that any of the data that comes from the user

    s browser will fit the constraints of the calling page. User Authentication The Web is rapidly advancing in its ability to haveservers automatically recognize and verify which user is accessing an PHP progr

    am, but such automatic solutions to this problem are still too sparsely implemented to be able to be used in a generic environment. However, database programmers may still make use of password fields or HTML

    s almost-official browser authentication to verify users at the beginning of the application, and have the browser keep track of authentication credentials as the user moves through the application. User Preferences If a site already has users who are logging in or registering themselves, then one of the best things that a site can do is track theirinterests and preferences to customize the site for that user. This makes a sitecome "alive" and become more interesting and useful to all of the users, sincethey get information that is customized and appropriate for their interests. Italso makes a site more memorable and more likely to be revisited and passed around through word-ofmouth, which is am important consideration for sites that are

    seeking popularity.

    9.4 Browsers as Database Front EndsCreating a Web interface to a database may do more than just give users outsidea company access to your information - it may also provide an easy, cross-platform solution for in-house use. Once a good, robust gateway is written between theWeb and An existing database server, users can immediately have cross-platformaccess and update ability to that database by using their Web browser as a database client. Almost every hardware platform and operating system has a World WideWeb browser available, which eliminates the need for companys MIS staff to worryabout creating a client for Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX.

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    Linking Documents

    CHAPTER # 11

    In This Chapter

    Links Links in this Project Some Validation Checks

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    Chapter 11

    Linking Documents

    LINKING DOCUMENTS10.1 LinksHTML allows linking to other HTML documents as well as images. clicking on a sec

    tion of text or an image in one web page will open an entire web page or an image. The text or an image that provide such linking is called hypertext, a hyperlink, or a hotspot. The browser distinguishes hyperlinks from normal text. Every hyperlink has the following properties Appear blue in color. the default color setting in a browser for hyperlink text or image. The hyperlink text or image is underlined. When the mouse cursor is placed over it the drop menu appears.

    Links in this project Home About Sensuality Discipline Destination (travel gui) Confidence Packages Home Clicking on this link the main page of the site willappear. About Clicking on this link the page information about hotel introductionand history will open. Sensuality Clicking on this link the page rooms of hotel will open. Discipline Clicking on this link the page tariff and policies will open.

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    Chapter 11

    Linking Documents

    Destination Clicking on this link the page Travel Guide will open. Confidence Clicking on this page services will open. Packages Clicking on this page packages will open.

    10.2 Some validation checks. To validate empty field.

    To validate email address:

    57 Online Reservation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 11

    Linking Documents

    To validate data type.

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    Interface Design

    CHAPTER # 12

    In This Chapter

    Introduction Objectives of front end


    Some Website pages

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    Chapter 12

    User Interface Design

    CHAPTER 12

    11.1 Introduction:

    It is particularly important first to design how the system will look and respond to user before designing the software structure. The most critical and creative aspect of development is to design the user interface. User interface design determines how the system will look for the user from outside. The basic design principles, considered during the user interface design, are the following. Consistency Makes sense robustness User friendly Flexibility and simplicity Efficiency Consistency Consistency is the ability of user to predict that the software isgoing to do in a given situation based on the past experience with the product. It means to provide the sets of behavior in the response to user actions and generalize knowledge about one aspect of the system to other aspects. Guiding user along the right path Good user interface gives user clues about what to do next in a given situation. It is meant to provide clear and obvious ways for the user

    too get something done. User friendly To make the system user friendly, right level and right kind of response should be given to user against each user actionwith and input device. Lack of proper feedback can be a big problem when nothingappears to have happened. In design of my project proper and immediate feedbackis provided at different stages to make the system user friendly.

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    Chapter 12 Flexibility and simplicity

    User Interface Design

    It means that system should be so simple and flexible that user is able to concentrate on getting the task at hand done with a minimum of distraction. My project is made simple by using consistent labeling. The system is also made simple by

    reducing redundancy. Efficiency Efficiency is an important feature in designinguser interface in efficient application minimizes the number of steps requiredto perform in operation and provides users with shortcuts. My system requires minimum options and choices to improve efficiency. User interface design. In application used by the client to access any database engine or to present information to the user is called from end. Many front end tools are available in marked.I have selected macromedia dreamweawer as front end tools to access database, because Dreamweaver is the fastest and easiest way to develop web application forwindows. Forms Forms serves as a window used to customize the interface of application. Controls, graphics, and pictures are added to a form to create a desiredlook. Forms are the foundation for creating interface of an application. Formscan be used to add windows and dialog boxes to application. Form is actually con

    tainer for other controls and objects.

    11.2 Objectives of Front end designFollowing objective guides toward a smart font end design. Avoiding errors in the data Errors rate in system should be very low and also minimum data entry hasto be performed. Keeping the process simple The entry of the data should be simple and each label should be meaningful. Input validation Input validation is a proactive process it happens while data is being entered. It is the process of checking the data entered by the user before that data is saved to the 60 Online Resrvation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 12

    User Interface Design

    database. If an error occurs from the user then should simple display a meaningful error message.

    11.3 Some Website Pages:Home Page of White Palace

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    Chapter 12

    User Interface Design

    About Page

    Packages Page

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    Chapter 12 Reservation Page

    User Interface Design

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    Chapter 12

    User Interface Design

    64 Online Resrvation System of Hotel White Palace

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    Chapter 12

    User Interface Design

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    CHAPTER # 13

    In This Chapter


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    Chapter 13


    CHAPTER 12 Bibliography 1) Web Enable Commercial Application Development UsingHTML, DHTML, JAVASCRIPT, By Ivan Bayross

    2) Internet & World Wide Web , How To ProgramBy Deitel, Deitel & Nieto

    3) HTML + ASPBy Yasir Ali Rasheed 4) PHP + MySQL + CSS By

    5) Macromedia Dream weaver 8By Khristine Annwn

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