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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time August 25, 2019

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Fr. Luis R. Largaespada Pastor

Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S. School Principal

Mrs. Patricia Zapatero Director of Religious Education

Roberto Berrocal Music Director


(Horas de Oficina) Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes

8:00 am-5:00 pm

CHURCH IS OPEN (La iglesia está abierta)

Daily/Diario 9:00 am-7:00 pm

MASS SCHEDULE (Horario de Misas)

SATURDAY VIGIL 5:30 pm (English)

SUNDAY 9:00 am (English, live streaming)

10:30 am (English, live streaming) 12:30 pm (Español, transmisión digital en vivo)

5:30 pm (English) 7:00 pm (Español)

DAILY MASS (Chapel) Misa Diaria (Capilla)

8:00 am (English) 7:00 pm (Español, martes [en la iglesia]

y jueves [en la capilla])


Thursdays/Jueves, 8:30 am-7:00 pm

DAILY ROSARY Rezo del Rosario

7:30 am (Monday-Friday/Lunes a viernes)

RECONCILIATION (Reconciliación)

Saturdays/Sábados 4:30-5:15 pm Before Sunday Masses if a priest is available.

Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un sacerdote disponible.

BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES (Bautizos y Matrimonios)

For information, call the office. Para información, llame a la oficina.

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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C) A Sunday Reflection

The Lord continues on his way to Jerusalem, and his teaching seems to be getting harder. He speaks of the narrow gate, of attempting to enter and not being strong enough. Most disturbing of all is the response of the master of the house to those who knock claiming that they ate and drank with him: “I do not know you” (Lk 13:27).

It is not enough to know about Jesus. We must know Jesus. He invites us to a personal relationship with him, because only by knowing him intimately, following his teaching and carrying the cross with him will we be able to enter through the narrow gate that leads to life.

How many will be saved? Many? Few? St. Paul teaches us that “God wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:4). And it is all a gift. If the way seems difficult, let us remember that, as we hear today in the Letter to the Hebrews, we are to “endure our trials as discipline, for he treats us as sons” (cf. 12:7). Strive to enter through that narrow gate with God’s help, for by ourselves we can do nothing. God bless you.

Fr. Luis Domingo 21o del Tiempo Ordinario (Ciclo C)

Reflexión Dominical El Señor sigue su subida a Jerusalén, y su enseñanza parece ser

cada vez más difícil. Nos habla de la puerta estrecha, de tratar de entrar y no tener fuerza suficiente para ello. Más perturbador aún es la respuesta del dueño de la casa a los que tocan diciendo que han comido y bebido con él: “No sé quiénes son ustedes” (Lc 13,27).

No basta saber de Jesús. Necesitamos conocer a Jesús que nos invita a tener una relación personal con él, porque solo conociéndolo íntimamente, siguiendo sus enseñanzas y llevando la cruz con él podremos entrar por la puerta estrecha que lleva a la vida.

¿Cuántos se salvarán? ¿Muchos? ¿Pocos? San Pablo enseña que Dios “quiere que todos los hombres se salven y lleguen a conocer la verdad” (1Tim 2,4). Y esta salvación es un regalo de Dios. Si el camino parece difícil, recordemos lo que escuchamos hoy en la Carta a los Hebreos: “soporten la corrección, porque Dios nos trata como a hijos” (cf. 12,7). Esforcémonos por entrar por la puerta estrecha con la ayuda de Dios, ya que no podemos hacerlo por nuestras propias fuerzas. Que Dios los bendiga.

P. Luis

Growing in Faith. Firm in Hope. Fervent in Charity. Creciendo en la Fe. Firmes en la

Esperanza. Ardientes en la Caridad

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Around the Parish

Por la parroquia


Lecturas de la semana

Sunday Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30

Monday 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b; Mt 23:13-22

Tuesday Memorial of Saint Monica 1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-3, 4-6; Mt

23:23-26 Wednesday Memorial of Saint Augustine,

Bishop and Doctor of the Church

1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-8, 9-10, 11-12ab; Mt 23:27-32

Thursday Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist

1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a, 12-13, 14 and 17; Mk 6:17-29

Friday 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97: 1 and 2b, 5-6, 10, 11-12; Mt 25:1-13

Saturday 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-8, 9; Mt 25:14-30


Intenciones Misas

Sat/Sab, August 24

5:30 pm Louis and Iris Hidalgo Alfonso Pesant Dora & José Manuel

Machado Sun/Dom, August 25 9:00 am Javier Salazar Nicolás Venturini For the health recovery of Jaime

García Saavedra 10:30 am Our Parish Community 12:30 pm Malvena Sacan Intenciones Mirna Juárez Por las almas del Purgatorio

5:30 pm Demetrio & Sergio Castillo Francisco Granados 7:00 pm Raúl y Hellen Abello Elvia de García Mon/Lun, August 26

8:00 am María Febres María Paola Goitía Tue/Mar, August 27 8:00 am Wilfredo Figueras Wed/Mier, August 28 8:00 am Special Intention Consuelo


Thu/Jue, August 29 8:00 am Rev. Patrick O’Connor

Fri/Vier, August 30 8:00 am Gustavo Salazar Tarsicio Morales Thanksgiving Alejandro Gómez

LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos Zapatero, Jacques Vera, Sister Barbara Makar, Eduardo Gómez, Jean Paul Arias, Pilar Cruz, Fernando Beretta, Dulce Álvarez, Jean Marquez, Ludy Santa Cruz, Leonardo Lugo, María Figarola, Vander Acosta, Eduardo Valdés, Alexandra Valdés, Germán Luis Ortega, Estela Ramírez, Amada Bordas, R. Sastre, Osvaldo Acosta, Luis Ravelo, Germán Caicedo, Raquel Álvarez, Sofía Balcácer Acosta, Andrés González, Mary Wohlmouth, Dennis Oconnel, Marina McGuire-McCabe, Enrique Fundora, Rossina Franco, Juan Fierro, Joaquín Chumaceiro, Albert Sánchez, Milo Fuster, Fr. Julio Álvarez, Melvin Noriega Sr., Cathy Murias, Fernando Becerra, Dr. Joseph Mallet, Samuel Salas, Antonia Marrero, Flora Abbassi, Eugenio Figarela, Alejandro Gómez, Fernando Gutiérrez, Marylen Miró, Louis Collier, Mercy Fernández, Jaime García Saavedra, for the members of our armed forces, their families and all victims of war.

Thanks to all those who participated in the school supplies drive. The Grove Outreach will receive 53 bags and Mission St. Ann will receive 44. May the Lord repay you for your generosity. Gracias a todos los que participaron en la colecta de

útiles escolares. El Grove Outreach y Misión Santa Ana recibirán 53 y 44 mochilas respectivamente. Que el Señor les pague su generosidad.

Fr. Luis and Fr. Gil bless the backpacks the children will use during this school year. El P. Luis y el P. Gil bendicen las mochilas que los niños usarán durante este año escolar.

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Is the Church “Apostolic”? The Bible Answers (I) DID THE EARLY CHURCH HAVE A POPE?

The apostles and the early Church had St. Peter as their head ((Mt 16:18-

19; Lk 22:31; Jn 21:15-17; Acts 1:15-26; Acts 2:14-41; Gal 1:18; Gal 2:1-10).

In fact, St. Peter was the first Pope and all popes are Peter’s successors.

The Church continues to keep the same structure it had in the 1st Century,

formed by bishops, priests and deacons (1Tim 3:1-7; 1Tim 3:8-13; 1 Tim

5:17, 22; Tit 1:5-9; Acts 20:17); something other denominations lack, making

up for this deficiency by establishing new leadership structures.


Jesus established Peter and the other Apostles as the shepherds of the

Church (Mt 18:18; Mt 10:40; Lk 10:16; Acts 20:28; 1Pe 5:1-4), and they, in

turn established other colaborators as seen in 1Tim, 2Tim y Tit (Cfr. 2Tim 2:2;

Tit 1:5; Hb 13:7.17).

The Church firmly believes what is stated in Eph 2:20, where Christ is

named the cornerstone, and next to him, all the apostles, not competing

among themselves, but as the ones who carry on his evangelization work.

Jorge Luis Zarazúa, Diez extendidas dudas (resueltas), Translated from the Spanish original, appearing in,

January 9, 2019. With permission.

¿Es apostólica la Iglesia? La Biblia responde (I) ¿LOS APÓSTOLES TENÍAN A UN PAPA POR DIRIGENTE?

Los apóstoles y la Iglesia primitiva tenían a san Pedro como dirigente (Mt 16,18-19; Lc 22,31-31; Jn 21,15-17; Hch 1,15-26; Hch 2,14-41; Gál 1,18; Gál 2,1-10). De hecho, san Pedro fue el primer Papa, y los Papas son sucesores de Pedro.

La Iglesia sigue conservando la estructura que tenía en el siglo I, conformada por obispos, presbíteros y diáconos (1Tim 3,1-7; 1Tim 3,8-13; 1Tim 5,17, 22; Tit 1,5-9; Hch 20,17); algo de lo que carecen muchos grupos proselitistas, que inventan su propio liderazgo.


Jesucristo estableció a Pedro y los demás Apóstoles como pastores de la Iglesia (Mt 18,18; Mt 10,40; Lc 10,16; Hch 20,28; 1Pe 5,1-4) y ellos fueron estableciendo colaboradores, como se ve especialmente en 1Tim, 2Tim y Tit (Cfr. 2Tim 2,2; Tit 1,5; Hb 13,7.17).

La Iglesia cree firmemente en lo que dice Ef 2, 20, que presenta a Cristo como la Piedra Angular y, junto a Él, a los Apóstoles, no en competencia entre sí, sino como continuadores de su tarea evangelizadora.

Jorge Luis Zarazúa, Diez extendidas dudas (resueltas), Publicado en, 9 de enero, 2019. Con permiso.


Pastor: Fr. Luis R. Largaespada [email protected]

Pastoral Ministry Coordinator: Cristina Fundora [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Leticia Mercado [email protected]

Bulletin: Milagros R. Morales [email protected]


Altar Servers: Juan Alayo [email protected]

Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Cristina Fundora [email protected]

Ushers & Hospitality Ministry: [email protected]

Sacristy: Silvia Santana [email protected]


Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio [email protected]

Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero [email protected]

Pre-Baptismal Classes: Cristina Fundora [email protected]

Fully Engaged: Rolando & Irene Silva [email protected]

Religious Education: Patricia Zapatero [email protected]

RCIA: Cristina Fundora [email protected]

RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán [email protected]


Bereavement: Diana Carmona [email protected]

Health and Wellness: María Socorro Torres-Burgos [email protected]

Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola [email protected]

Ministry to the Sick: Mariana Caballero [email protected]

Respect Life: Elena Maribona [email protected]

St. Hugh Immigration Services: Karlene Punancy [email protected]

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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5


A warm welcome to all new catechists who will be teaching our children in the religious education program. Thank you for your generous response in passing on the faith to future generations. Damos una calurosa bienvenida a los nuevos catequistas que se incorporan a la catequesis semanal. Gracias por su respuesta generosa a compartir la fe con las generaciones futuras.

The Bereavement ministry will meet on Thursday, August 29, at 7:30 pm in the 6th Grade room. The theme this month is “Guilt after loss”. El ministerio de apoyo a los que han sufrido alguna pérdida (Bereavement) se reunirá el jueves 29 de agosto a las 7:30 pm en el salón de 6o Grado. El tema este mes es “El sentimiento de culpa después de una pérdida”.

Two altar servers training sessions have been scheduled for Saturday, August 31, from 9 am to 12 noon. Children who have received First Communion in the past two years are especially invited. Please contact Juan Alayo at [email protected]. Dos sesiones de entrenamiento para monaguillos tendrán lugar el sábado 31 de agosto, de 9 am a 12 del mediodía. Invitamos especialmente a los niños que hayan recibido la Primera Comunión en los últimos dos años. Contactar a Juan Alayo, [email protected].

Registration for CCD and RCIA is ongoing. Please call the office to register. Las inscripciones para la catequesis y RICA continúan. Para inscribirse, llame a la oficina.

An orientation night for CCD parents will be held on Wednesday, September 4, at 6:30 pm in the parish hall. CCD classes start Wednesday, September 11. La noche de orientación para los padres de la catequesis será el miércoles 4 de septiembre a las 6:30 pm en el salón parroquial. Las clases comienzan el miércoles 11 de septiembre.

The annual Mass in honor of Our Lady of Charity will take place Sunday, September 8, at the University of Miami Watsco Center. Doors open at 5 pm. Mass, presided by Archbishop Wenski, starts at 8 pm. Come and honor our Mother on her birthday. La misa anual en honor de nuestra Señora de la Caridad tendrá lugar el domingo 8 de septiembre en el Watsco Center de la Universidad de Miami. Las puertas abren a las 5 pm. El Arzobispo Wenski presidirá la misa que comienza a las 8 pm. Vayamos a honrar a nuestra Madre en su fiesta.

In observance of the anniversary of 9/11, a Blue Mass will be offered on Sunday, September 8, at 10:30 am by the St. Hugh Council of the Knights of Columbus. Please join us in this special memorial. Para conmemorar el aniversario del 9/11 el Consejo de los Caballeros de Colón en St. Hugh ofrecerá una misa el domingo 8 de septiembre a las 10:30 am. Los invitamos a participar en esta conmemoración.

Bible study class starts Monday, September 9, and meets every Monday, from 7-9 pm for ten weeks in the media center. This season’s topic is Exodus: Called to Freedom, and the cost is $35 and includes all materials. For more information contact Karen Bonvecchio, [email protected]. Las clases de Biblia en inglés comienzan el lunes 9 de septiembre y se reunirán por diez semanas, de 7 a 9 pm en la biblioteca. El tópico esta vez es el libro del Éxodo. El costo es $35 y cubre todos los materiales. Para más información, contacte a Karen Bonvecchio, [email protected].

Join Fr. Luis on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Jordan and Egypt, October 17 through 30. For more information, contact Socorro Torres-Burgos at 786-210-1710, or [email protected]. Acompañe al P. Luis en una peregrinación a Tierra Santa, Jordania y Egipto , del 17 al 30 de octubre. Para más información, contacte a Socorro Torres-Burgos, 786-210-1710, o [email protected]..

MINISTRIES Ministerios


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Karen Bonvecchio [email protected]

Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos [email protected]

Emmaus Men: Francisco Díaz [email protected]

Emmaus Women: Daniela Fernández [email protected]

Encuentro en la Palabra: Milagros Contreras [email protected]

Legión de María: Mayra García-Acosta

Marriage Covenant Experience: Joe & Jane Mastrucci [email protected]

Matrimonios en Victoria: Chepe & Simona Serrano [email protected]

Rosario María y Jesús de la Misericordia: Claudia Viso


Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley [email protected] Grove Outreach: Glenn Rivera [email protected] Mindo Medical Mission: Jason Gaetan [email protected] St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett (Call the office)


Music Director: Roberto Berrocal [email protected] Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo [email protected] St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series: Lourdes Figueras [email protected]


Cub Scouts: Vanessa Asturias Noriega [email protected] Girl Scouts: Andrea O’Naghten [email protected] School News: Gloria Pérez [email protected] Young Adults: Sabine Delouche [email protected]

Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas [email protected]

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The Saints /Los Santos SAINT AGATHA YI (1824-1840) — Agatha Yi was

raised as a Christian and, during one of the periodic

persecutions of Korea’s Christians, she was imprisoned

with her father and mother.

Agatha was repeatedly interrogated and tortured, as

the authorities tried to force her to renounce her faith. She

remained steadfast, even after the prison guards lied to

her, telling the young woman that her parents had denied

Christ and been freed.

The torture continued. Agatha’s father, Yi Kwang-

hŏn Augustine, was beheaded on May 24, 1839, and her

mother, Kwon Hŭi Barbara, was executed on September

3, 1839. After nine months of imprisonment, Agatha was

strangled to death on January 9, 1840, at the age of 17.

Saint Agatha Yi—as well as her parents—were canonized with other Korean martyrs

in 1984.

SANTA ÁGUEDA YI (1824-1840) — Águeda Yi fue criada como cristiana y durante una de las persecuciones periódicas contra los cristianos de Corea, fue detenida junto con sus padres.

Águeda fue interrogada y torturada repetidas veces, y las autoridades trataron de obligarla a renunciar a su fe. Pero se mantuvo firme en ella, incluso cuando los guardias le mintieron diciéndole que sus padres habían negado a Cristo y habían sido puestos en libertad.

La tortura continuó. El padre de Águeda, Agustín Yi Kwang-hon, fue decapitado el 24 de mayo de 1839, y su madre, Bárbara Kwon Hui, fue ejecutada el 3 de septiembre del mismo año. Al cabo de nueve meses de prisión, Águeda fue estrangulada el 9 de enero de 1840, a los 17 años de edad.

Santa Águeda Yi y sus padres fueron canonizados en 1984 junto con otros mártires de Corea





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The Pope Speaks / Habla el Papa

Catechesis on the Our Father, March 27, 2019

Today we move on to analyze the second part of the “Lord’s Prayer”, in which we present our needs to God. This

second part begins with a word with the scent of daily life: bread.

Jesus’ prayer begins with a compelling request, which quite resembles a beggar’s plea: “Give us our daily bread!”. This

prayer comes from an evident [fact] that we often forget, which is to say that we are not self-sufficient beings, and

that we need to nourish ourselves every day.

Scripture shows us that for many people the encounter with Jesus is realized by beginning with a request. Jesus does not ask for refined invocations, but rather,

the whole of human existence, with its most concrete and mundane problems, can become prayer.... Jesus never moves indifferently past these requests and

this suffering.

Catequesis sobre el Padre Nuestro, 27 de marzo de 2019

La segunda parte del Padre nuestro, en la que presentamos nuestras necesidades a Dios (…) comienza con una palabra que huele a cotidianidad: el pan.

La oración de Jesús comienza con una petición imperiosa, que se parece mucho a la imploración de un mendigo: «¡Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día!» Esta oración proviene de una evidencia que a menudo olvidamos, es decir, que no somos criaturas autosuficientes y que necesitamos alimentarnos todos los días.

Las Escrituras nos muestran que para tanta gente, el encuentro con Jesús se realiza partiendo de una petición. Jesús no pide invocaciones refinadas, al contrario, toda existencia humana, con sus problemas más concretos y cotidianos, puede convertirse en oración (…)Jesús nunca pasa indiferente ante estas peticiones y estos dolores.

Allow time and some delay; impulse manages

everything badly. St. Hugh

Dese tiempo y permita demoras; el actuar impulsivamente lo maneja todo mal.

San Hugo

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Victor and the Fix it Challenge by Emily Ortega, illustrations by Meg Whalen, eBook from

Victor, a fourth grader at St. Cletus Academy, just wants to skip the next forty days and get right to the fun of Easter. To make things worse, using his tools continually lands him in trouble, even when he’s trying to be helpful! Can Victor learn how to be helpful with his tools by Easter?

This book is part of the “Bernadette” book series.







Those receiving Holy Communion must fast from food and drink for one hour before

receiving (not one hour before Mass). Water and medicine may be taken.


Quienes reciben la Sagrada Comunión deberán abstenerse de comida o bebida una hora antes de

comulgar (no una hora antes de la misa). El agua y las medicinas no rompen el ayuno.


When you raise the kneelers, please do so gently. It will contribute to create a prayerful environment. Also, the legs break easily and need to be replaced



Cuando levante el reclinatorio, le rogamos hacerlo con cuidado. Así

contribuiremos a crear un ambiente de oración. Además las patas se rompen

con mucha facilidad y hay que reemplazarlas con frecuencia.


AN INVITATION Honor your loved ones, living or

deceased, by having Mass offered for them on special occasions. Visit the

office with your intentions.


Honre a sus seres queridos, vivos o difuntos, ofreciendo la misa por ellos en ocasiones especiales. Venga a la

oficina y traiga sus intenciones.

PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE Imagine a gift that gives forever.

That’s exactly what your planned

gift to our endowment can do.

What you give today will strengthen

our parish family by providing

perpetual financial support. For

more information contact the

rectory or call the Office of Planned

Giving at (305) 762-1110.

PLANEANDO PARA EL FUTURO Imagínese un regalo para toda una

vida. Eso es exactamente lo que su

donación planificada a favor de

nuestra dotación de fondos podría

lograr. Lo que usted dé hoy

fortalecerá a nuestra familia

parroquial, proporcionándole un

apoyo financiero perpetuo. Para

más información, llame a la rectoría

o a la Oficina de Donaciones

Planificadas al (305) 762-1110.

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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9

Any parent interested in volunteering at the school or chaperoning a field trip must have a background check clearance. Please note that the background check is only valid for 5 years. If your clearance has expired, you must have your fingerprints taken again. In addition to the fingerprint clearance, you must complete a Virtus training. Virtus is a program which teaches adults how to prevent, recognize and respond to child sexual abuse. Fingerprinting will be done at St. Hugh on Wednesday, August 28, for those who have previously made an appointment with Mrs. Ramallo. A second session of Virtus, in Spanish, will take place Saturday, August 31, at 8:00 am. Please visit to register for a


Parking decals are required. Please see Mrs. Pérez in the school office to obtain yours.

Registration for the after school

program is open. Please remember

to review all of the program

offerings and return your

registration form.

Classes will begin the week

of September 2. Should you have any

questions, contact Mrs. Gloria Perez

at [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram!

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Page 10 St. Hugh

Dropping Off Items During School Hours

We will not allow items such as projects, homework,

P.E. clothes, shoes, book bags, books, uniforms or

iPads to be dropped off for delivery to the students.

This will help keep interruptions in the classroom to a

minimum. When a classroom is interrupted it not only

takes your child off task, but all classmates are

disrupted as well. The only items that will be accepted

are eye glasses, medications, lunch money and/or


Parents, please continue to attend our Sunday Mass and remember to use your blue

envelopes for Mass attendance, even if you donate


Box Tops The school will be participating again in the Box Tops for Education program.

Box Tops may be found on thousands of your favorite products and items that you probably already have at home like Ziploc bags, Kleenex, Pillsbury items and more. Simply clip the coupon on the packaging and drop them off in the church office. The school re-ceives 10¢ for each Box Top. For a list of participating items please visit
