Download pdf - 21 March 2015

Page 1: 21 March 2015

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20CBI is likely to expand

to one more ministry itsprobe in connection withalleged sale of confidentialdocuments to corporategroups.

Sources said the probe islikely to be expanded toone more ministry as thedocuments recovered bythe agency indicate thatsome more ministry offi-cials might be involved.

"However, it is matter ofprobe. A final decision willbe taken soon," an officialsaid.

Meanwhile, the agencyon Friday brought face-to-face Vice President(Finance) Reliance

Industries Limited K VMohanan, CharteredAccountant (CA) RajendraChitale, another arrestedaccused CA KhemchandGandhi and Chitale's part-ner Paresh ChimanlalBuddhadeb.

In connection with leakof confidential documents,CBI has so far arrested sixpersons including anUnder Secretary in theDepartment ofDisinvestment andGrievances Ashok KumarSingh, Assistant in FIPBsection Ram Niwas,Section Officer in theDepartment of EconomicAffairs Lala Ram Sharma,


MUMBAITemperature: 350CPrecipitation:0%Humidity: 53%Wind: 19Km/hr


Arvind Kejriwal sworn-in as NDMCmember

Samsung Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 EdgeIndia Launch Set for Monday

Sonam Kapoor Resumes Prem RatanDhan Payo Shooting in Udaipur P8

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20The Enforcement

Directorate (ED) on Fridayquestioned a former IAFGroup Captain in connectionwith its money launderingprobe in the multi-croreAgustaWestland VVIP


VVIP chopper deal: EDquestions former IAFGroup Captain

LONDON, MARCH 20An undercover investigation

has found Indian andPakistani nationals among agroup of illegal immigrantsbeing smuggled out of theUK, to avoid deportation onlyto re-enter the countrythrough other parts of Europe.


Indians among ille-gal migrants smug-gled out of UK

PANAJI, MARCH 20The BJP-led alliance candi-

dates were leading in majorityof the constituencies in Goazilla panchayat polls, whichare being fought on party lines.The BJP-led alliance won 13


BJP-led allianceleads in Goa zillapanchayat polls

RANGOLI, MARCH 20Anti-graft crusader Anna

Hazare today said a 'jail bharoaandolan' will be started acrossthe country taking up the ques-tions raised by farmers anddemanded a separate KrishiAyog for them.

Addressing the biennial con-ference of the Krishak Mukti Sangram Parishad here,


Anna Hazare says he willlaunch 'Jail Bharo Andolan'

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20Home Minister Rajnath

Singh on Friday instructed theHome Secretary of Jammu andKashmir to actively monitorthe situation after someunidentified men opened fireat the Rajbagh police station inKathua district earlier thismorning. "HM spoke to theDGP of J&K and the heads of other security agencies


Rajnath instructs Home Secretary to'actively monitor' situation in Kathua

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20As two key reform bills on

coal and mines got Parliament'snod, Finance Minister ArunJaitley on Friday attacked theparty saying the politics of"obstructionism" led by theparty has "failed".

"It is an important day forIndian democracy, Parliament

and Indian economy as the politics of obstructionism CONTD. ON PAGE 3

Congress-led politics of obstruc-tionism has 'failed': Arun Jaitley

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20A Parliamentary committee

has recommended that theHome Ministry should per-suade the Jammu and Kashmirgovernment to look into theissue of granting minority


Parliamentary panel rec-ommends minority sta-tus for Kashmiri Pandits

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20The Supreme Court on

Friday asked the Centre toconsider the facilities feasiblein the present scenario thatcould be provided to pilgrimsat 'Ram Janam Bhoomi' sitenear the disputed structure at


SC asks Centre to con-sider facilities at RamJanam Bhoomi site


Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 300CPrecipitation:0%Humidity: 52%Wind: 11Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 330CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity:30% Wind: 8Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 320CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity:59%Wind: 14Km/hr

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20India's well-timed

decision post independ-ence to control anddiversify its Army helpedpreserve its democracy,or it could have ended uplike Pakistan which hasseen three Army coupspost independence.

Yale University profes-sor Steven I Wilkinson,in his book "Army andNation: How India'sFounders Made its ArmySafe for Democracy" -writes that while theIndian Army at the timeof independence wasdominated by few mar-tial groups, diversifica-tion and modifications in

its structure helped thecountry.

"If you inherit animbalanced Army,chances of a coup arehigh," Wilkinson saidspeaking about his bookat the India InternationalCenter Thursday

evening.The author said in

1929, the Army hadoverwhelmingly war-riors from Sikh andGorkha communities,both martial groups.

"In 1947, the Army CONTD. ON PAGE 3J

'India's well-timed diversification ofArmy helped democracy'

CBI likely to expand documentprobe to one more ministry

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20With a significant

number of unskilledIndian workers facingtrouble and legal actionabroad, government onFriday said it has decid-ed not to allow peoplewithout skill certificatesto leave the country foroverseas employment.

Skill DevelopmentMinister Rajiv PratapRudy told the Lok Sabhathat during his meetingwith External Affairs

Minister SushmaSwaraj, he was told thatpeople without neces-sary skills were beingsent abroad.

He also referred to acase of an Indian driverfacing the death row inSaudi Arabia after beinginvolved in an accident.

Replying to a privatemember's resolution ona scheme for develop-ment of technical skillsamongst the youth,Rudy said the govern-

ment has also decidedthat personnel who retirefrom the armed forces atan age of 40 years wouldbe trained as 'trainers' orimparted other skills likeentrepreneurship in thelast years of their serv-ice.

The minister said theNational SkillQ u a l i f i c a t i o nFramework wouldensure that the syllabiimparting training in


JAIPUR, MARCH 2026/11 Mumbai terror

attack accused AjmalKasab's demand forMutton Biryani in jail wasjust a myth and was "con-cocted" to stop an "emo-tional wave" which wasbeing created in favour ofthe militant, claimedUjjwal Nikam, public pros-ecutor in the case.

"Kasab never demandedBiryani and was neverserved by the government.I concocted it just to breakan emotional atmosphere

which was taking shape infavour of Kasab during thetrial of the case," Nikamtold reporters on the side-lines of international con-ference on counter-terror-ism here.

"Media was minutelyobserving his body lan-guage and he was wellaware of it. One day, in thecourt room, he bowed hishead and wiped his eyes.

"Moments later, elec-tronic media broke thenews-- tears in Kasab's


Unskilled workers not to beallowed to take up foreign jobs

Ajmal Kasab never asked for biryani:26/11 Mumbai attack prosecutor

Vol. 1 Issue: 189 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: Email: [email protected]

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20External Affairs Minister

Sushma Swaraj will leaveon a four-day visit toTanzania and South Africaon March 28 during whichshe will hold talks with topleaders of both the coun-tries to enhance bilateralties in a range of areas.

Swaraj will first visitTanzania where she willhold talks with herTanzanian counterpart ondevelopment cooperation,ways to strengthen bilater-al ties and internationalissues of mutual interest.

The volume of annualtrade between India and

Tanzania is around USD2.5 billion. Tanzania'smajor imports from Indiainclude mineral fuels, oils,iron and steel, motor vehi-cles and plastic products,

cotton fabrics and appareland clothing. In the secondleg of the visit, Swaraj willvisit South Africa fromMarch 29-31.


Sushma Swaraj to visit Tanzania, South Africa

JAMMU, MARCH 20In the first terror attack

after Jammu and Kashmirgot a new government onMarch 1, a civilian and threesecurity personnel werekilled on Friday when twoguerrillas stormed a policestation before being gunneddown.

After the seven-hour-longsiege ended, Chief MinisterMufti Muhammad Sayeedblamed "non-state actors" forthe audacious attack on theRajbagh police station inKathua district, just 15 kmfrom the Pakistan border.


Kathua terror attack leaves sixdead, including two LeT terrorists

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20Despite an aggressive

Opposition giving theNDA’s parliamentarymanagers a tough timeduring the first half of thebudget session that con-cluded on Friday, theModi government foundreason to pat itself on theback.

With the exception ofthe contentious LandAcquisition Ordinance, itsucceeded in convertingfive of its six ordinancesinto Acts of Parliament.

On Friday, Parliamentcleared both the Minesand Minerals(Development and

Regulation) AmendmentBill, 2015, and the CoalMines (Special


Coal, mines Bills clearedas govt. has its way

RAE BARELI, MARCH 20 At least 34 passengers of the

Dehradun-Varanasi Janata Expresswere killed and around 150 injuredwhen four coaches derailed nearBachrawan station in Rae Barelidistrict on Friday.

The toll could increase as around60 seriously injured passengershave been admitted to hospitals inLucknow and Rae Bareli.

“The toll has mounted to 34.While 30 persons died in RaeBareli, four were declared brought

dead in Lucknow,” U.P. MinisterManoj Kumar Pandey said.

“There could be more deaths,”said Lucknow DivisionalCommissioner Mahesh Gupta.

One of the coaches that derailedwas a jam-packed general com-partment, railway sources said.They said brake failure could haveled to the derailment around 9.30a.m. on the Lucknow-Rae Bareli-Pratapgarh section — which isaround 50 km from Lucknow —that left two coaches severely man-gled.

34 killed as trainderails in Rae Bareli

33 percent quotafor women inDelhi, union terri-tory policesNEW DELHI, MARCH 20

The union cabinet onFriday gave its approvalfor 33 percent reservationto women in direct recruit-ment to posts ranging fromconstables to sub-inspec-tor in all union territoriesincluding Delhi in a moveaimed at making policemore gender-sensitive.

The cabinet, chaired byPrime Minister NarendraModi, also approved the


NEW DELHITaking strong exception to

most of the private companiesin the country not havinginternal committees to addresssexual harassment cases, theCentre has asked leading busi-ness chambers to submitmonthly compliance report


Firm supplies 'water'instead of mosquitospray, blacklisted

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20Former Pakistani envoy to

United States of America(USA) Hussain Haqqani onFriday said Pakistan wasn'tdoing enough to show theworld that it is serious aboutcurbing terrorist setupsbreeeding on its soil.

"It is time for Pakistan togive up jihadi option forever,only when we do that, wewill have credibility in inter-national community," saidHaqqani.

Terming terror attacks inIndia perpetrated by agents


Haqqani condemns Kathua terror attack, saysPakistan must give up jihadi option forever

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20Bharatiya Janata Party

(BJP) MP Kirti Azad onFriday condemned the terrorattack in Jammu andKashmir's Kathua district,saying there are some ele-ments in Pakistan who donot want the relationship

between New Delhi andIslamabad to move forward.

"There are some elementsin Pakistan, who do not wantIndia-Pakistan relations tobe good. Unfortunately,Pakistan has not been able tostop such elements and may


Terror and talks can't gohand-in-hand: BJP

Page 2: 21 March 2015

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20In a judgment that may have

implications for inter-faith, inter-caste and same-sex relationships, atrial court has said that a relation-ship "which does not have soci-ety's sanction becomes illicit."

The court made the remarkswhile sentencing a woman to lifeimprisonment for the murder ofher husband. Her lover and twoothers were also sentenced for themurder conspiracy. "Any relationbeyond or in violation of suchnorms becomes illicit, if not ille-gal," additional sessions judgeVimal Kumar Yadav said in hisjudgment that redefines "illicitrelationship."

Yadav said relationships whichdon't have society's approval oftenfetch "disastrous results" as "socialsanction is indispensable in a civi-lized society." Absence of societal

approval, he said, "has the poten-tial to ruin, wreck and disfigure anotherwise beautiful relationship."

The court pronounced the fouraccused guilty of murderingNaveen on February 2, 2011. Itheld that Aarti, Naveen's wife, andher lover, Rishi Kumar Bhati, hadconspired to get Naveen killed.

Rishi had hired two contractkillers, Sumit and Praveen, toshoot Naveen.

The judgment seems to justify"restrictions imposed by society"on people, but also accepts that"such violative and transgressional(sic) relations are there since theinception of the civilized socie-

ty..." It states that "forbidden fruitis extremely tempting" but theresult of such relationships is dis-astrous not only for the personsinvolved but also their relationsand society as a whole.

The judge relied on the state-ments of prosecution witnesses,including Naveen's father who wasan eyewitness, and termed the callrecords of Rishi and Aarti "clinch-ing evidence".

All four were convicted underIPC Sections 302 (murder) and120-B (criminal conspiracy). Theconspiracy to kill Naveen "tookbirth with the association of Rishiand Aarti and (was) translated intoreality by Praveen and Sumit withthe assistance of Rishi," the judgesaid. Besides the jail term, Aartiand Rishi have been awarded finesof Rs 20,000 each, and Praveenand Sumit fines of Rs 10,000 each.


NEW DELHI, MARCH 20A 23-year-old boy, who

was grievously injuredafter being hit by a bus,has been awarded a com-pensation of around Rs 7lakh by the MotorAccident Claims Tribunal(MACT) in New Delhi.

MACT PresidingOfficer Sanjeev KumarSingh directed The New India Assurance Company Limited topay Rs 6,71,464 to Delhi resident Dilip Pandey, who sustainedgrievous injuries in the accident in 2013.

"After considering all the documents filed by petitioner (DilipPandey) as a whole, it is clear that respondent number one (thebus driver) was driving the vehicle in a rash and negligent man-ner," the tribunal said.

"I award Rs 6,71,464 as compensation," the tribunal's presi-dent said.

According to the petition, on December 23, 2013, as MrPandey was crossing the road in Shastri Nagar area, a bus, beingdriven in a rash manner, hit him.

Due to the impact, Mr Pandey fell down and sustained griev-ous head injury and other bodily injuries, it said.

Mr Pandey, who was employed in a private firm, hadapproached the tribunal claiming a compensation of Rs 15 lakh.

The driver and the owner of the bus did not file any reply tothe allegations made in the complaint.

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20Delhi Chief Minister Arvind

Kejriwal and two others on Fridaytook oath as member of the NewDelhi Municipal Council.

NDMC chairperson JalajSrivastava administered the oathof membership to Kejriwal, whothen administered the oath toDelhi Cantonment MLA SurinderSingh and Secretary of Directorateof Education Punya SalilaSrivastava at a Council meetinghere.

According to NDMC Act, MLAsfrom New Delhi and DelhiCantonment constituencies auto-matically become members of theNew Delhi Municipal Council.Once the Union Home Ministrynotifies the NDMC of the appoint-ment, the members are officiallysworn in.

Kejriwal congratulated the civicbody for doing good work andassured his support.

"NDMC's has both kinds of

areas under its jurisdictions whereVVIPs live and where commonman lives. I urge you to focusequally on all the areas," he said atthe swearing-in function.

The chief minister was latergiven a presentation on the func-tioning of NDMC, its hierarchy

and brief about its various depart-ments. NDMC area comprises ofthe territory that has beendescribed as Lutyen's Delhi andwhich has historically come to beregarded as the seat of centralauthority in India.

It comprises of important build-

ings like Rashtrapati Bhawan,Parliament House, Supreme Court,North and South Blocks and build-ings abutting Central Vista andalso all the diplomatic missionswhich function as territorial enti-ties under the sovereign jurisdic-tion of their Flag States.

Arvind Kejriwal sworn-inas NDMC member

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20The level of air pollution

in Delhi exceeds the limitsprescribed by the WorldHealth Organisation(WHO), government saidin Rajya Sabha today.

The air quality monitor-ing data for Delhi providedby Central PollutionControl Board indicatesthat the levels of particu-late matter (PM2.5) exceedthe WHO guidelines by a"factor of 7 to 12",Environment MinisterPrakash Javadekar said.

WHO published AirQuality Guidelines forEurope in 1987 and 2000.A global update wasbrought out in 2005 byWHO. India took into

account the norms whilerevisiting and notifying theNational Ambient AirQuality Standards(NAAQS), comprising 12pollutants.

The Minister said "thedata of air quality moni-tored by the Greenpeace infive schools of Delhi areexceeding and are in simi-lar range". He, however,did not name theschools.

Mr Javadekar, whilereplying to questions, saidDelhi government hascome out with a long termand short term measureslast month so as toimprove ambient air quali-ty in the capital.

"The Ministry of

Environment, Forest andClimate Change has askedfor a time targeted imple-mentation plan by March31, 2015," he said.

The Minister further saida comprehensive air quali-ty index would belaunched and monitoringstations will be set up on66 cities having populationof 10 lakh or more.

He said government hastaken various measures tocontain air pollution in thecountry, including supplyof cleaner fuels, stringentsource specific emissionstandards for air pollutingindustries and implementa-tion of revised emissionnorms for gensets andcement plants.

Air Pollution Level in Delhi ExceedsWHO Limits: Government

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20A group of home guards whose

services were terminated after serv-ing on a contractual basis during theCongress government's tenure,Friday met Delhi Chief MinisterArvind Kejriwal and requested himto bring out a comprehensive policyto regularise their employment.

"We are almost 17,500 peoplewho are living a miserable lifedespite having all the elegibilities toserve the country," said KamlaPrasad, president of Delhi HomeGuards Welfare Association, whosubmitted the charter of demands toKejriwal.

The group met the chief minister

at his darbar and Prasad saidKejriwal has assured them to lookinto the matter from all angles.

"We met Kejriwal and requestedhim to roll out a comprehensive pol-icy to regularise home guards, wholost their jobs at one stroke of apen," she said. Last month, the gov-ernment had asked the DirectorGeneral (Home Guards) to preparea road map for deployment of homeguards or marshals in buses in orderto ensure security for passengers,especially women, in tune with a

key poll promise of the AAP."Kejriwal government would

need home guards in ample amountto deploy security in each of the busas he had promised in the manifesto.So, in such a case, our reinstatementis the most viable alternative,"another ex-home guard said.

On March 11, the Supreme Courthad upheld the decisions of HighCourts of Delhi, Punjab andHaryana and Himachal Pradesh thatthe services of home guards in thesethree states cannot be regularised.

Regularise ouremployment:Contractualhome guardsto CM

Court: Relationships without societal sanction are illicit

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20Students of a private college

here are unhappy over a circu-lar which they say bans "shortand sleeveless dresses" and"hugging and holding ofhands" on campus and warns ofdismissal in the event of non-compliance with the directive.

Vivekenanda Institute ofProfessional Studies, a collegeaffiliated to IP university, hasposted the instructions on itsnotice board, students saidwhile slamming the move.

However, a senior collegeofficial has said that she wasnot aware of the issuance ofany such circular.

"Short pants and short dress-es are barred in the campusexcept for special functions.Wearing of sleeveless dressesis barred in the campus," saysthe purported notice, a copy ofwhich has been posted onsocial media.

"Public showing of affection,hugging or holding female/male students or any kind of

unhealthy behaviour or exhibi-tion of affection, etc. Is strictlyprohibited in the campus. Atthe first instance, warning willbe issued... Repeated instancewill result in suspension andpersistent such behaviour willresult in dismissal of students,"reads the said notice.

BJP leader SC Vats is theChairman of the college situat-ed in Pitampura. He was in thenews last month when a teacherof the same college registeredan FIR against him for alleged-ly sexually assaulting her.

Students have expressedstrong criticism of the move

and questioned the drawing upof such guidelines.

"In an institution which iscreating future lawyers andjournalists, it doesn't sound anappropriate thing to be issuingguidelines defining standardsof 'decency'. Usage of state-ments like 'showing public

affection is unhealthy behav-iour' is equally unhealthy," saida student on condition ofanonymity.

Another student said, "If anystudent is indulging in anyinappropriate behaviour, thecollege authorities have theright to warn him or penalisehim/her. But is really wearing asleeveless dress an 'inappropri-ate behaviour' and can evenlead to dismissal? What centu-ry are we living in?"

However, Dr Charu Lata,Director of the college's MassCommunication Department,said she had not seen any suchnotice.

"I have not seen any suchnotice and I am not aware ifany such instructions havebeen issued. I will enquireabout it," she said. Vats was notimmediately available for com-ment.

The college offers courses inLaw, Journalism andInformation Technology toover 3,000 students.

Students unhappy over dressing guidelines issued by college in Delhi

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20A 15-year-old girl was

killed and her minor malefriend, who was drivingthe car, critically injuredwhen their speedingvehicle rammed into atree in south Delhi'sVasant Vihar area here.

The condition of the16-year-old boy, who hasbeen admitted to AIIMS,is said to be critical.

According to police,the incident took placearound 12:30 am whenthe couple, who are saidto be neighbours andstudying in the sameschool were returning totheir home in Air Indiacolony. "The boy lost control over the car near Vasant Kunj D Block which crashed into a roadside tree. The impactwas so strong that the left hand side of the car was totally shattered in the incident and a loud bang was heard in thearea," said a senior police official.

A passerby made a PCR call following which police rushed both of them to the Trauma Centre where the girl wasdeclared brought dead and the boy was recuperating.

Police have registered a case of rash and negligent driving in this connection and further investigations are on.

NEW DELHI, MARCH 20An association of women lawyers on

Friday mentioned in the Supremecourt a petition seeking action againsttwo advocates for making derogatoryremarks on women in a BBC docu-mentary on December 16 gang-rapecase.

A bench headed by Chief Justice HLDattu said it would hear the matternext week.

The Supreme Court WomenLawyers Association in its petitionsought restriction on the entry ofadvocate M L Sharma and A P Singh,who had made derogatory commentson women in the documentary and hadalso appeared for the accused in theDecember 16 gang-rape case, in theapex court premises.

The petition sought protection offundamental rights, guaranteed underthe Constitution, of the female advo-cates practising in the apex court towork with dignity and without anygender bias.

"The present petition is necessitateddue to the ignominy and the directattack on the dignity of women, espe-

cially women lawyers practising inSupreme Court who have suffered dueto the statements made and publicizedby two male lawyers, and specially therespondent no. 1 (Sharma), who regu-larly practices in the Supreme Court,"it said.

The petition said the commentsmade by the two advocates in the BBCdocumentary, "India's Daughter" are"inhumane, scandalous, unjustifiable,biased, outrageous, ill-minded" andare a "direct affront to and in violationof the dignity of women", especiallythose practicing in the Supreme court.

The petition, filed through advocateMahalakshmi Pavani, has madeChairperson of Gender SensitizationCommittee and Registrar of the apexcourt parties and submitted a tran-script of the two lawyers'comments.

It also sought court's direction toSharma and Singh to issue publicapology in media for holding andmaking public views which are"absolutely derogatory to the dignityof women" and refraining from issu-ing such statements in future.

Women lawyers move SC againstDec 16 gang-rape case advocates

Teenager killed in Delhi mishap

Injured 23-Year-Old Road Mishap SurvivorGets Hefty Compensation in Delhi

Page 3: 21 March 2015


Kathua terror..."This was carried out by non-state actors

who are against peace and lifting of theAFSPA (Armed Forces Special PowersAct)," he said. "It is time Pakistan realizedthis as they are also battling these elements.

"Yeh Islam nahi hai. (This is not whatIslam teaches)," he added. "We will not bedeterred in our resolve to usher in permanentpeace in the state by these acts."

The attackers, armed with automaticweapons and grenades and dressed in mili-tary fatigues, barged into the station complexafter killing the lone guard at the main gate ina near repeat of a September 2013 attack inthe same district.

The 6 a.m. strike took everyone by sur-prise. Once the attackers sneaked into thecomplex, on the Jammu-Pathankot highway,they started firing at a building held by theCentral Reserve Police Force (CRPF), killingtwo of its men.

A civilian was also killed. Ten others, over-whelmingly security personnel, were wound-ed and rushed to hospitals.

Inspector General of Police Danish Ranaannounced the death of the two militants,whose nationality was not known. An intelli-gence officer stated they may have crossedinto Kashmir from Pakistan.

The injured included seven CRPF person-nel, a police constable, a civilian and DeputySuperintendent of Police Diwakar Singh,who sustained a bullet wound on his shoul-der, Rana said.

Police, paramilitary and soldiers rushed tothe site but they were cautious as manyCRPF men were inside the building whichthe militants had entered.

Amid covering fire from security forcesfrom the outside, the trapped CRPF person-nel managed to leave the building.

This took time. It was finally around 1.30p.m. that the authorities made the finalassault on the now isolated building, killingthe two attackers.

A thorough search was then made of thebuilding.

As the gun battle between the militants andsecurity forces raged, traffic on the highwaywas halted.

All schools in Kathua were hurriedlyordered shut. All school examinations sched-uled in the district were postponed.

This was the first terror attack in Jammuand Kashmir after a coalition government ofthe Peoples Democratic Party and theBharatiya Janata Party took power on March1.

In the Lok Sabha, Home Minister RajnathSingh said: "We share the grief of the fami-lies of the police officers and the civiliankilled by the terrorists."

Twelve people were killed on September26, 2013 when guerrillas had attackedHiranagar police station also in Kathua dis-trict and then entered an army camp on theJammu-Pathankot highway

Terror all is taking place at their behest," he

added.BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain echoing

similar sentiments said that the governmentwould not let such terrorist activities succeedin Jammu and Kashmir.

" Terrorists will be dealt with strictly andno interference would be there in the path ofdevelopment for the people of Jammu andKashmir," Hussain told ANI.

One policeman was killed while nine oth-ers, including seven CRPF personnel, wereinjured in an attack on the Rajbagh PoliceStation in Jammu and Kashmir's Kathua dis-trict earlier this morning.

Two militants were also shot dead by thesecurity forces in the ensuing gun battle.

Haqqani condemns...from across the border as a deliberate hin-

drance to peace talks, Haqqani told ANI,"Terrorists have always wished to interrupttalks between India and Pakistan through ter-ror attacks. But India and Pakistan mustunderstand that there is no other way than apeaceful bilateral dialogue. No terrorist is afriend of Kashmir, India or Pakistan."

He called upon the Pakistani governmentto up the ante against terror if it wanted toshow the world that it was serious againstmilitancy. "Pakistan government continues tosay that it is trying to eliminate terror andefforts have been started, but they are notenough. Pakistan needs to make it clear to theworld and to India that no jihadi group willhave safe haven in Pakistan anymore," saidHaqqani.

Pakistan itself has suffered in the hands ofterror spawning in its backyard, felt Haqqaniand said it was high time that the people in-charge accepted this. He averred, "Theacceptance and tolerance towards jihadigroups over the past has harmed Pakistanmore than any other country in region."

The former Pakistani envoy to the US con-demned Friday's terror attack in Jammu andKashmir's Kathua and said effort wasrequired from Pakistan to build confidenceand move towards healthier, meaningful dia-logue between the two countries. "Kathuaattack should not only be condemned, butPakistan must extend cooperation in findingout which groups based in Pakistan arebehind it. Only then can the confidence bebuilt which will enable India and Pakistan tomove forward in a comprehensive dialogue,"added Haqqani.

He said the action taken by the Pakistani

administration against terror outfit TTP waswelcomed but it was serving just as a flash inthe pan in the larger scheme of things."Action against Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistanis a positive step, however, it is an inadequatestep," said Haqqani, and added, "UnlessPakistan acts against Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT),Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, JeM, all jihadi groups,wherever they might be operating Pakistanwill continue to be suspected by internation-al community of harbouring terrorists."

Haqqani called Pakistan HighCommissioner in India Abdul Basit's deci-sion to engage with Hurriyat Conferenceleaders from Kashmir 'a diplomatic faux pas'and criticised the move. "It was ill-advised toengage so publicly with groups fromKashmir that newly elected Indian govern-ment did not look upon positively," saidHaqqani.

He called upon both nations to change theirperception of each other and engage in dia-logue with renewed vigour. "There will beoccasions when India will call off talks,Pakistan will ocassionally back away fromtalks due to India's comments. Fundamentalchange is needed. Pakistan must stop lookingat India as existential threat and permanentenemy. And India should stop looking atPakistan through partition prism," saidHaqqani.

33 percent ...move for suitable enabling provisions in

the recruitment rules."This decision will help in augmenting the

representation of the women in the policeforces of all UTs and Delhi Police so as tomake police more gender sensitive," an offi-cial release said, adding the move will alsoinstill confidence among women to enablethem to approach police without hesitationfor seeking protection and assistance.

The reservation will be applicable horizon-tally as well as in categories such as sched-uled caste, scheduled tribe, other backwardclasses and others, it said, adding it will beavailable against all such vacancies existingnow as well as those arising later.

Noting police is the first line of interfacebetween citizens and the law enforcementmachinery, it noted it had been observed thatmany women do not approach it, as they mayhave to confide or report the incident to amale police officer.

"This is particularly so in respect of sexrelated crimes. A skewed police force is amajor practical barrier in effective imple-mentation of legislation intended for the pro-tection of women," it said.

Referring to the brutal December 16, 2012gangrape in Delhi that had created a nation-wide outrage and led to changes in the IndianPenal Code, the Criminal Procedure Codeand the Indian Evidence Act relating towomen, it said one of the notable amend-ments is making it mandatory that the reportof crimes against women as well as theirstatements are collected by women policeofficers or women officers only.

Coal, mines...Provisions) Bill, 2015, two days after the

Select Committees submitted their reports tothe Rajya Sabha.

Referring to the Land Bill cleared by theLok Sabha, Parliamentary Affairs MinisterM. Venkaiah Naidu told journalists that it“will be taken up in the Rajya Sabha duringthe next phase of the budget session.”

Sushma Swaraj...In South Africa, she will co-chair a Joint

Commission meeting between the two coun-tries. She will also participate in meeting offoreign ministers of IBSA (India, Brazil,South Africa).

Swaraj will also visit various sites relatedto Mahatma Gandhi in that country.

"We hope the joint commission meetingwill foster ties between the two countries fur-ther," External Affairs MinistrySpokesperson Syed Akbaruddin said.

The annual trade volume between Indiaand South Africa is around USD 11 billion.

The India-South Africa Joint Commissionat the level of Foreign Ministers was set up in1994 to identify areas of mutually beneficialcooperation.

'India's well...was still dominated by certain martial

groups who made 95 percent of the troops. Itwas still an imbalanced Army, as the Britishrecruited troops from martial roots. Theseofficers were also a closely knit communitycreating more trouble for politicians," hesaid.

He however added that India was still in abetter position in what it inherited, comparedto Pakistan, which had 72 percent of its armyfrom Punjab alone, while there are only 155officers from East Pakistan (nowBangladesh).

"The most represented and the least repre-sented (in Army) - Punjab and Bengal - weretogether in Pakistan," he said.

India on the contrary had 32 percent Sikhsoldiers, 18 percent from Uttar Pradesh, and10 percent from erstwhile Bombay province,which he said was more diversified compar-atively, while still imbalanced.

The author said, however, India dealt withthe issue better than Pakistan.

"India dealt with it better. Pakistan eitherdid not try or did it too late. They could havedone a lot in the 1950s," he said.

"India's political leadership felt the army

needed immediate attention. (Jawaharlal)Nehru and (Vallabhbhai) Patel were thinkingabout it as an issue. In Pakistan there wasvery little thinking about it," he said.

He highlighted that at the time of inde-pendence, both Indian and Pakistani Armieshad a similar background, adding that theIndian Army could have reacted in a similarway as happened in Pakistan had there beenpolitical instability here.

"They were trained in the same way, andthey kept ties even after partition. Had Indiaslipped into political chaos, they (IndianArmy) could have acted similar," he said.

The author also pointed out that despite ofthe fact that Army was dominated by peoplefrom Punjab, it was not until 1961 that thearmy got its first chief from the Punjab regi-ment - General Pran Nath Thapar.

Pakistan, since partition, has seen threemilitary coups and several unsuccessfulattempts.

It began in 1958, when the first Pakistanipresident, Iskander Mirza, who had retired asa major general, dismissed parliament andprime minister Feroz Khan Noon, appointingthe army chief, General Ayub Khan, as thechief martial law administrator. Thirteendays later, Mirza himself was deposed byAyub Khan, who appointed himself the pres-ident and raised himself to field marshal.

In 1977, Pakistani Army chief General Zia-ul-Haq overthrew prime minister Zulfikar AliBhutto, who was later hanged.

In 1999, General Pervez Musharraf over-threw prime minister Nawaz Sharif and andeventually became the president.

CBI likely...Gandhi and Paresh.RIL had said, "The company is ascertain-

ing the facts and will be able to decide acourse of action after his interaction with theauthorities."

Earlier, CBI had said that "first and secondlevel of decision making in the FinanceMinistry were compromised", but now theagency sources said probe may bring intoscanner officials above these levels.

It is alleged that the government servantswere passing on documents related to foreigninvestment policies, which were being float-ed in the ministries, to Gandhi, who in turnpassed them on to big corporate groups for aprice.

Ajmal Kasab...eyes. It was Raksha Bandhan that day, and

panel discussions were started in the mediaon it.

"Some guessed Kasab got emotional inmemory of his sister and some even went onto question whether he was a terrorist or not,"Nikam said.

"This kind of emotional wave and atmos-phere was needed to the stopped. So, afterthat, I gave a statement to the media sayingKasab has demanded Mutton Biryani in thejail," he said.

Nikam said that when he told this to themedia, again panel discussions were startedand the media highlighted that a dreaded ter-rorist was demanding Mutton Biryani in jailwhile "the truth is that Kasab neither askedfor Biryani nor it was served."

Nikam said that he during a session in theongoing conference also disclosed this to theaudience.

Pakistani terrorist Kasab was hanged todeath in November 2012 nearly four yearsafter the November 2008 attack in which hehad killed scores of people.

Unskilled workers...various skills were standardised.He said while government sector has three

crore jobs, the organised sector had one crorejobs to offer.

Referring to skill development, he said 25crore unskilled workers would have to betrained for which government may have tospend nearly Rs 5 lakh crore in the next fiveyears.

Government was looking at managing thisamount from various sources like corporatesocial responsibility.

C R Patil (BJP), who had earlier moved theresolution on the issue, withdrew it after theMinister's reply.

Anna Hazare...Hazare said, he will start the Aandolan at

the end of his three-month countrywide tourfrom April next raising questions on the con-dition of farmers after the Independence.

"I will tour 10 states and address peoplethere. We have to raise the farmers questionsand ask what is the condition of the farmerstoday even after 68 years of achieving theIndependence," he said while addressing theKMSS conference.

"The farmers' condition remains the same.Only the dalals (middlemen) are constructingbuildings. This has to be changed," he assert-ed.

"Fill up the jails and leave no place vacantin the jails. Going to jail for our society andcountry is our ornament," Hazare exhortedthe people.

"Even after 68 years of Independence noland mapping has been done. Land should beclassified and only the agriculturally uselessland should be given to industrialists on leasewith the farmers earning an income fromtheir land," he said.

"There should be a Krishi Ayog for farmersto receive suitable price for their produce.Then there will be no suicide by farmers," he

said."Whichever government, Congress or BJP,

is in power should be a performing govern-ment. The earlier Congress governmentwent, then a new government came at theCentre with the promise of 'acche dinaayenge' for the poor," Hazare said.

"Six months have passed and no 'acche din'we have seen for the common man and farm-ers. Only the rich have seen good days. Sowe had to start this aandolan," Hazare said.

"We are not happy with the role of the gov-ernment in the Land Acquisition Bill.Irrigated land is given to industrialists.Earlier which ever farmer's land is acquiredby government, permission of 80 per cent ofthe people in the village is required. But thisgovernment has removed that. No differencewith the pre-Independence colonial power,"he said.

Congress-led...led by Congress failed today," he said,

adding that the strength of Indian democracyand better sense of the country's lawmakershave prevailed.

Asked about the way ahead for the landbill, against which the opposition stands unit-ed, he said the government will take a viewon it but there was no dejection.

"As far as the land bill is concerned, thegovernment of India, the Council ofMinisters will take a view on it," he said.

"There is no dejection," he said, whenasked if he felt so as the land bill could not bepassed in this part of the budget session.

"Government had four important bills,three of which have been passed in the firstpart of budget session, besides the budget.Many important discussion on issues alsotook place. From government's view, I con-sider this as a very successful session," hesaid.

The Finance Minister said "the sole pur-pose of the opposition led by Congress wasto create obstruction in government function-ing and law-making process in Parliament."

"But the strength of Indian democracy andbetter sense of the country's lawmakers hasprevailed," he said, citing the reason for thepassage of the mining bill and the coal blockallocation law.

Jaitley said government has also intro-duced an important bill in Lok Sabha for tax-ing those possessing foreign assets illegallyand filing criminal cases against them.

"I hope in the second part of the budgetsession, Parliament will hold a meaningfuldiscussion on it," he said.

Rajnath instructs...regarding the terrorist attack in Kathua dis-

trict," the Home Minister's office tweeted."The Union Home Minister has instructed

the Home Secretary to actively monitor thesituation. The MHA is in touch with theagencies of J-K," it added.

According to reports, the militants attackedthe police station at around 6.20 am thismorning, killing one policeman.

Nine other people have also been injuredtill now, including seven from the CRPF, onepoliceman and one civilian.

An encounter is presently going onbetween the Security Forces and the gunmen.

Meanwhile, the Jammu-Pathankot nationalhighway has been closed due to the attack.

VVIP chopper ...helicopter deal. Sources said the agency

questioned the retired officer for about twohours and his statement was recorded underthe Prevention of Money Laundering Act(PMLA).

They said the officer was questioned aboutsome foreign remittances received in hisaccount from suspected accounts of the mid-dlemen who are alleged to have played a rolein swinging 'kickbacks' to the tune of Rs3,600 to crack the deal in favour of the saidItalian firm.

The officer under scanner, sources said, hasfloated a private defence consultancy firm tointeract with foreign vendors across theglobe even as the sources said he "denied anywrongdoing in this VVIP choppers deal"case.

The probe agency, in the same case, hadquestioned an ex-Air Marshal of the IndianAir Force (IAF) yesterday.

The ED had registered a criminal caseunder PMLA last year to probe alleged finan-cial violations in the 12 VVIP choppers dealby India from AgustaWestland.

Indians among...The expose found the migrants trying to

avoid deportation to their home country bybeing smuggled to Italy, where they canmake an asylum claim and then re-enter theUK.

A European Union (EU) asylum loopholemeans that, if then caught in the UK, they arelikely to be returned to Italy rather than theircountry of origin.

An undercover BBC investigation filmed21 illegal immigrants inside a lorry beingtaken on to a ferry and into France.

The illegal immigrants in the lorry wereIndian, Pakistani and Afghani nationals.

Some said they had entered the UK on stu-dent visas, while others came illegally andwere now fleeing possible deportation.

The 1,500 pound smuggling service wasoffered by an east London people smuggler.

"Most people think illegal immigrants aretrying to get into the UK. All the efforts ofthe authorities are focused on preventing

people from coming here illegally. I don'tthink people realise the extent of the trade ofshipping people out of the UK into otherparts of Europe and elsewhere in the world,"John Vine, former independent chief inspec-tor for UK Borders and Immigration, said.

After taking a ferry to France, the smug-glers moved on to Veurne on the Belgian bor-der where many of the immigrants planned tocontinue their journey to other European des-tinations.

The Port of Dover in the UK plans to intro-duce exit checks from April to curb thistrend.

While being smuggled out of the UK costjust 300 pounds, the return journey is pricedat 1,200 pounds as it is considered morerisky.

A Home office spokesperson said the UKoffered sanctuary to those who "genuinelyneed our protection" but took firm action toprevent illegal migration and the "abuse ofour asylum system".

"A joint task force of the National CrimeAgency, Border Force and ImmigrationEnforcement teams is working closely withEuropean investigators to disrupt the organ-ised crime behind illegal migration," shesaid.

BJP-led alliance ...seats, while others emerged winners in 10

seats, out of the 23 results declared so far.The BJP-Maharashtrawadi Gomantak

Party-Goa Vikas Party alliance contested allthe 50 constituencies, while the Congress andthe NCP did not field their candidates.

The Congress legislators have been sup-porting various independent candidates intheir individual capacity.

The final tally would be out by evening.

Parliamentary panel ...status to Kashmiri Pandits keeping in mind

their "pitiable condition"."The committee is of the opinion that the

Ministry of Home Affairs should persuadethe state government to look into the issuekeeping in mind the pitiable condition ofKashmiri Pandits," department related stand-ing committee on Home Affairs said in its184th report.

The committee notes that according to theJammu and Kashmir government, theKashmiri Pandits belong to Hindu religionand as such do not qualify for grant of minor-ity status.

However, the committee feels that the issueof granting minority status needs to be exam-ined by the state government from all angles.

"The committee feels that the state ofJammu and Kashmir has a special status inIndian Constitution. The government ofJammu and Kashmir should look into thedemand of the Kashmiri Pandits for confer-ring on them minority status keeping in mindtheir pitiable condition," the report said.

Due to onset of militancy in Jammu andKashmir in early 1990s, most of theKashmiri Pandit families migrated from theKashmir Valley to Jammu, Delhi and othercities in different states.

There are about 62,000 registered Kashmirimigrant families in the country. About 40,000registered Kashmiri migrant families areresiding in Jammu, about 19,338 registeredKashmiri migrant families are in Delhi andabout 1,995 families are residing in otherstates.

As a result of packages offered to thesefamilies by the government in 2008, onefamily has returned to the Kashmir Valleywhile government jobs have been providedto 1,466 migrant youths and 469 transitaccommodations have been constructed inthe Kashmir Valley.

SC asks ...Ayodhya. The apex court said that the

Centre will file its response within fourweeks after taking note of the basic minimumfacilities that have been sought for pilgrimsin an application filed by BJP leaderSubramanian Swamy.

A bench, comprising Justices AR Dave andAmitava Roy, asked Swamy to make a repre-sentation about the facilities required in atabular form.

The BJP leader submitted that pilgrims,who are devotees of Lord Rama, are deprivedof even basic facilities like drinking waterand toilets and face difficulty due to inade-quate arrangement made by both the Centreand Uttar Pradesh Government.

Additional Solicitor General ManinderSingh said that the Centre would consider theplea made by Swamy.

Swamy had said the status quo orderpassed by the apex court in 1996 was limitedto prohibit building of any structure at thedisputed site.

In his application, he has sought an orderfrom the apex court to "ameliorate the lot ofmillions of Hindu pilgrims who make the pil-grimage to the site of the 'Ram JanamBhoomi' at Ayodhya, to have a 'darshan' andperform 'pooja' in honour of 'Sri Ram LallaVirajman'."

Firm supplies...and said strict action will be taken against

violators.Union Women and Child Development

Minister Maneka Gandhi on Friday said herMinistry has asked the chambers to facilitateproviding details like number of womanemployees working in the companies to it.

Page 4: 21 March 2015



Events in Jammu and Kashmirseemingly appear more surrealthan real, making it difficult to

separate the truth from perceptions.The 2014 elections in Jammu andKashmir had raised expectations of asignificant shift in a progressivedirection as far as the State was con-cerned. The national parties, theCongress and the Bharatiya JanataParty (BJP), had between themsecured over 45 per cent of the vote,an increase of more than 14 per centwhen compared to the 2008 elec-tions. Thus, the perception was thatthis would herald closer cooperationbetween Srinagar and New Delhi.Unfortunately, this does not seem tobe happening — at least not yet.

Skewed mandate

A contributory factor, possibly, hasbeen the skewed nature of voting pat-terns which convey the impression ofa sharp divide — between a predom-inantly Muslim populated KashmirValley and the Hindu majorityJammu region. Votes in the Valleylargely went in favour of the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP), virtuallyshutting out the BJP as Jammu votedoverwhelmingly for the BJP. The seatarithmetic did not provide muchscope for the emergence of a stablegovernment, unless the PDP and theBJP — representing two oppositepoles of the political spectrum —combined forces. This did eventuallyhappen, but only after an extendedand corrosive delay. Moreover, thecontents of the common minimumprogramme of the two parties, whichwas forged after several rounds ofdiscussion, hardly inspire confidenceabout the longevity of their under-standing.

Managing an “unlikely coalition”of this nature, requires both sides toadhere strictly to the rules of “coali-tion dharma”. At the very least, itrequires that neither party under-mines key postulates of the commonminimum programme, and that theytake care not to upset carefully con-trived arrangements in place. At best,there could be some room foremploying a scalpel — but used witha surgeon’s dexterity — rather than a

sledgehammer used by a constructionworker. Consultation and accommo-dation have to be the watchwords. Allthis is presently in short supply.

Breaking the concord

The choice of Mufti MohammadSayeed as Chief Minister for a full

six-year term, did foreclose some ofthese options. Mr. Sayeed promptlyproceeded to violate some of thebasic principles of the understanding.Almost his very first pronouncementwas to credit Pakistan, the HurriyatConference and the militants for thesmooth conduct of the Assemblyelections in the State. This stoked acontroversy that is unlikely to diedown. A little after this, an even moreserious controversy erupted follow-ing the release of Masarat Alam, aKashmiri separatist hardliner and aclose affiliate of the Tehreek-e-Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali ShahGeelani. Hence, not all of NewDelhi’s efforts to pour oil on troubledwaters can disguise the vast differ-ences in approach and attitude thatexist between the two coalition part-ners.

“Militancy in Jammu and Kashmiris at its lowest since the 1980s.Nothing should be allowed to happenthat would lead to a reversal of thissituation ”

Mr. Sayeed is not known to be aconciliator. The Congress realisedthis during the PDP-Congress coali-

tion of 2002-2008. On that occasion,he had only a truncated three- yearterm. His strong views on how tochart Kashmir’s destiny are in sharpcontrast with views held by a majori-ty of the national mainstream.Further, given his animus towards theAbdullah family, which leads theNational Conference, it is only to beexpected that every decision taken bythe Omar Abdullah ministry is likelyto be overturned. All this and morecould certainly have been anticipat-ed.

Hence, Mr. Sayeed’s current state-ments must not be perceived or treat-ed, as an aberration. The truth is thatthe Chief Minister is ambivalent onthe issue of India-Pakistan relations.He is viewed as someone who has asoft spot for the Hurriyat. Hisapproach to militancy and the role of

militants in the Valley has often beenat odds with New Delhi’s percep-tions. Even earlier, as the ChiefMinister, he often demonstrated thathe was not on the same page as NewDelhi on these matters. His elderdaughter, Mehbooba Mufti, had alsopreviously demonstrated a “softness”towards militancy and the militants.

More serious than this, are theimplications of the Chief Minister’sso-called “healing touch”. The roadto hell, it is said, is often paved withgood intentions. The release ofMasarat Alam may be viewed as aminor incident, but can fuel a newwave of unrest, and give fresh grist toresidual anti-national forces withinthe Valley. In turn, it could encouragePakistan to embark on more aggres-sive moves.

Masarat Alam has been activelyinvolved in violent activities forlong. Kashmir’s dangerous decade ofthe 1990s began with a singleinstance of the abduction of RubaiyaSayeed, Mr. Sayeed’s other daughter,in December 1989, and the letting offof some militants in exchange for herrelease. As a result, Kashmir and

India suffered a great deal and it hastaken more than two decades toretrieve the situation.

Replay of the past?

To many, the events of the past fewdays are beginning to look like aneerie replay of what occurred then,and which was to push Kashmiralmost to the brink. In December1989, Mr. Sayeed was the UnionHome Minister when his daughter’sabduction and the release of militantstook place. The circumstances of therelease and the exchange remain con-troversial to this day.

Likewise, Masarat Alam’s releaseremains a matter of controversy. Hisrelease coincided with Mr. Sayeed’sassumption of office, leading imme-diately to a hue and cry. This was fol-lowed by strong statements by theUnion Home Minister that terrorismand violence would be dealt with astrong hand — implicitly blaming thePDP-led government for the release.All this seemed to end in a whimper,following a belated explanation thatthe release had been ordered by theState government during Governor’srule. The belated explanation has,however, not convinced anybody.Rather, it has all the makings of aSherlock Holmes novel.

The short-, medium- and long-termimplications of all this need to becarefully considered. Kashmirremains a highly sensitive region tothis day. The government in NewDelhi headed by the BJP also doesnot possess the kind of levers neededto deal with the ground realities inKashmir, unlike the Congress when itwas in alliance with the PDP. TheCentral government needs to do morethan merely making strong state-ments from time to time in the beliefthat this would check the profligacyof the Jammu and Kashmir ChiefMinister and his cabinet on mattersof security.

Mr. Sayeed is unlikely to bedeterred by the vehement oppositionvoiced by the Lok Sabha to hisactions, or the Prime Minister’s cate-goric disapproval of his controversialremarks. The Chief Minister is a

shrewd leader who realises that hecan possibly tap into a lingering,though currently receding, anti-Indiasentiment among sections ofKashmiris, who continue to remainunhappy with the Centre.

Currently, militancy in Jammu andKashmir is at its lowest since the1980s. Nothing should be allowed tohappen that would lead to a reversalof this situation. No price should beseen as too heavy for this. Measuresneed to be put in place before the sit-uation slips out of control. We do notneed a repeat of what took place dur-ing the tenure of the Janata Dal gov-ernment led by Prime Minister V.P.Singh of which Mr. Sayeed was apart of as the Union Home Minister.

Once the situation stabilises, thehealing measures initiated during theyears 2005-2010, under PrimeMinister Manmohan Singh, shouldbe revived and energised. The reportsprepared by the four working groupsshould be retrieved for early imple-mentation. The round tables shouldbe revived. All this had made consid-erable progress during that period,but withered on the vine due to neg-lect post-2010.

It may be too early, just yet, to con-sider a India-Pakistan entente thatcould result in the setting up of acooperative and consultative mecha-nism to deal with the problems ofpeople on both sides of the Line ofControl (LoC). The Pakistan Armyseems to have once again gainedascendancy and can be expected tobe a spoiler in terms of better India-Pakistan relations. India will need towait for better times. Nevertheless,India must continue to affirm that itfavours a resolution of the Kashmirdispute that does not seek to redrawborders, but will enable easier com-merce, communication and contactbetween the Kashmiri people on bothsides of the LoC.

(M.K. Narayanan is a formerNational Security Advisor and for-

mer Governor of West Bengal.)


When was the last time we sawspontaneous protests andcrowds in their thousands pour-

ing out into the streets to mourn the deathof an Indian Administrative Service (IAS)officer, or for that matter any governmentofficial? In a country where governmentoffices and officers are treated with fearand suspicion, this happens very rarely.

The circumstances in which 2009 batchIAS officer, 36-year-old D.K. Ravi, diedare mysterious and tragic. The outpouringof emotion for the young officer, lastposted as Additional Commissioner ofCommercial Taxes (Enforcement), is tes-timony to the love he earned from thepeople.

It was in Kolar district in Karnataka,known for its fierce caste conflicts andland mafia, that he earned his reputationas being an outstandingly honest andendearing official when he was deputycommissioner between August 2013 andOctober 2014. Anecdotes of how heserved the people and how he crackeddown on the land mafia have filled news-paper pages and television airtime.People’s groups in Kolar even launched astrong protest when he was transferred.

So, when an officer of such high repu-tation, who took on several large lobbiesin his career as well as real estate giantsduring his last posting in the commercialtaxes department, is suddenly found deadin his apartment, there is bound to beshock, confusion and suspicion of foulplay. What the situation demanded andcontinues to demand is a thorough inves-tigation.

The circumstances in which Ravi wasfound dead on March 16 are reminiscentof how the young and upright civil ser-vant Satyendra Dubey, an engineer in theNational Highway Authority of India, andthe Indian Oil Corporation sales execu-tive, S. Manjunath were killed in 2003and 2005, respectively, for exposingorganised crime and corruption.

Irresponsible polity

Unfortunately, the death of Ravi hasturned into a slanging match between themain political parties in Karnataka and

the harbinger of a 24X7 speculation showin the media. The former Director of theCentral Bureau of Investigation, R.K.Raghavan, told this correspondent thatthe prime mistake in the investigationwas how the government and the policedeclared his death as a case of suicideeven before a proper post mortem wasconducted.

Bangalore city police commissionerM.N. Reddi told television crew, just afew hours after the body was found, that“prima facie it appears to be a case of sui-cide”.

This was followed by the State HomeMinister, K.J. George, reiterating to afurious Opposition in the Legislature thatit was a case of suicide and that it wasbecause of “personal reasons”. Thesestatements were made even before theofficer’s body was buried. Chief MinisterSiddaramiah, who claimed that it was“personal reasons that led to Ravi’sdeath”, also claimed in the House that“Ravi was transferred out of Kolarbecause of a request from his father-in-law”. These statements were uncalled for,especially as they were made even beforethe body was buried and an official reporton investigations was released.

It begs the question why the State gov-ernment was in such a hurry to declare thecause of death. Was it not the responsibil-ity of the government to wait for a basicinvestigation to be completed beforemaking such categorical statements on aplatform no less than the floor of thehouse? Least of all, was there not a needto be a little more sensitive to the emo-tions that the officer’s family and hisadmirers were going through?

“Ravi’s immediate family membershave been vociferous in their demand fora CBI probe, but the Home Minister hasruled one out”

For the Opposition, this was a powerfulissue to raise the political pitch. None ofRavi’s admirers would trust Oppositionpoliticians more than they would trust thegovernment, but the latter queued up tomake a point by stalling legislative busi-ness.

Former Chief Minister H.D.Kumaraswamy of the Janata Dal

(Secular) even went to the extent of say-ing that “the ceiling fan from whichRavi’s body was allegedly found hangingwas intact” and asking how it could be a“suicide”. When politicians turn intoinvestigators, the facts of a case are oftenmajor casualties.

Another former Chief Minister,Jagadish Shettar of the Bharatiya JanataParty, seemed convinced that it was “nota case of suicide” and his party decidedthat it would take the matter to New Delhiand “carry on the fight on behalf of thefamily”.

The media’s constant attention on thecase, highlighting every allegation thatwas made by anyone, has only added tothe prevailing confusion. Some televisionchannels even showed graphic videofootage of the officer’s body being low-ered from the fan in his house.

These videos and the beeline that toppoliticians and officials made to his housewithin hours of the incident revealed howmuch evidence could have been lost ordisturbed from the spot. The first priorityfor the police was to secure the area andcollect evidence. Unfortunately, theyseem to have been in a hurry to “concludeand not investigate”, according to a seniorIAS officer.

The Chief Minister has even been quot-ed by a local language daily as havingsaid in an interview that the “officer hadmade several calls to a woman IAS offi-cer before his death” and “police sources”were sharing details with the media aboutcall records and conversations.

Given such fodder, the media seems tohave forgotten that the least that the offi-cer and his family deserve in such cir-cumstances is that the officer’s dignity ispreserved and his and his family’s priva-cy respected.

The irony is that the government is inhaste to declare it a suicide and theOpposition is convinced that it is not.This is exactly why an impartial investi-gation is the least that can be done. Thecounter question posed by many in theState government is how the CBI can betrusted and how one can be sure that theywill not be under political pressure from

the ruling BJP in the Centre.

It may be a valid question, but it is alsoquestionable if there is any investigatingagency in the country that is “politicallyindependent”.

Mr. Raghavan pointed out, when inter-viewed, that “...if they have nothing tohide, there is no reason for the State gov-ernment to resist a CBI probe.” He addedthat it would be important for the investi-gations to rely on forensic analysis andcall records.

While the State police force may havethe resources for a detailed probe, anyinvestigation by the Crime InvestigationDepartment (CID) would still be viewedwith suspicion because of the pre-emp-tive statements made by the city policechief, the Chief Minister and the HomeMinister declaring the death as a case ofsuicide.

Ravi’s immediate family members havebeen vociferous in their demand for a CBIprobe, even as the Home Minister hasruled one out. Several IAS officers inKarnataka have also signed an onlinepetition addressed to the Prime Minister,seeking a CBI probe.

Given the overall context, while a CBIprobe may not be a guarantee to the truth,it seems to be the only way to send out aperception of seriousness and fairness ininvestigations; if not to the public, at leastto the family

The re-election of Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi”Netanyahu after his Likud Party secured the firstplace with 30 out of the 120 seats in the 2015

Israeli legislative elections came as a bit of a surprise.Exit polls pointing to a better showing by the centrist-moderate coalition, the Zionist Union including theLabour Party, turned out to be wrong as the Likudemerged with far more votes than what was expected.While the Likud lacks a majority of its own, it now getsthe right to form the government in coalition with otherparties, and it is clear that Mr. Netanyahu will be PrimeMinister for a fourth term. The Likud victory, belyingexpectations, can be attributed to the polarising cam-paign led by Mr. Netanyahu who took a hyper-racistposition denouncing Israeli Arabs and rejecting, in therun-up to the polls, the statehood demand byPalestinians. The triumph of the right wing also reflectsthe sharp change in attitudes in Israeli society that hasbecome militantly opposed to any gesture of substantivepeace with Palestinians. The silver lining in the electionswas the emergence of the Joint List — a group of leftistand Arab parties — as the third largest grouping with 12seats in the Knesset. Israeli Arabs have a larger and moreinclusive voice in the Knesset than before. Globally, Mr.Netanyahu’s victory must frustrate even Israel’s closestally, the United States, which was unable to dissuade theIsraelis from the brutal bombardment of Gaza in 2014. Ahardliner victory in Israel as the U.S. is battling theIslamic State hardly helps the larger strategic plan ofeasing tensions in West Asia. The U.S. has expresslysupported a two-state solution and it must be worried byMr. Netanyahu’s explicit rejection of Palestine nation-hood during the election campaign. The U.S. could sup-port a UN resolution explicitly defining a Palestinianstate with pre-1967 borders as a response to Mr.Netanyahu’s change of views, but it is perhaps unlikelyto happen. The U.S. is currently engaged in complexnegotiations with Israel’s geopolitical rival Iran towardsa nuclear treaty and would not want to upset its specialrelationship with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu’s allies go farbeyond the White House and the U.S. State Department,with the powerful pro-Israel lobby spread across biparti-san lines in the U.S., especially in the resurgentRepublican party. However, Mr. Netanyahu’s uninhibit-ed Zionist chauvinism might actually work to persuadewestern actors beyond the U.S. to see the Palestinianpoint of view on issues such as illegal Israeli settlementsor the UN according statehood to the PalestinianAuthority.

Status quo in IsraelSaturday | March 21, 2015

Hasty conclusions over a tragic deathSAADDA HAQ

Our team will publish yourthoughts send us your artices at [email protected]

Hitting all the wrong notes in J&K

The choice of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed as Chief Minister fora full six-year term, did foreclose some of these options. Mr.

Sayeed promptly proceeded to violate some of the basicprinciples of the understanding. Almost his very first pro-

nouncement was to credit Pakistan, the Hurriyat Conferenceand the militants for the smooth conduct of the Assembly

elections in the State. This stoked a controversy that isunlikely to die down. A little after this, an even more seriouscontroversy erupted following the release of Masarat Alam,

a Kashmiri separatist hardliner and a close affiliate of theTehreek-e-Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani. Hence, notall of New Delhi’s efforts to pour oil on troubled waters candisguise the vast differences in approach and attitude that

exist between the two coalition partners.

The circumstances inwhich Ravi was founddead on March 16 are

reminiscent of how theyoung and upright civil

servant SatyendraDubey, an engineer inthe National Highway

Authority of India, andthe Indian Oil

Corporation sales exec-utive, S. Manjunath

were killed in 2003 and2005, respectively, for

exposing organisedcrime and corruption.

Page 5: 21 March 2015


PATNA, MARCH 20Days after shocking visuals of par-

ents and helpers, scaling three- tofour-storey exam centres to pass onchits to their wards, emerged, BiharChief Minister Nitish Kumar onFriday directed authorities to takestrict action against those who assist-ed students in cheating.

The Bihar CM further told schoolsto conduct cheating-free exams inBihar.

"Students cannot go forward in lifeon the basis of such exam certificatebut on the basis of their talents,"Kumar said after holding reviewmeeting during the day in which heordered to stop cheating in the ongo-ing matriculation examination in thestate, and action against policemenand magistrates deployed on exami-nation duty if found involved in abet-ting cheating.

He said the pictures of cheating inmatriculation examination were notthe story of the entire state.

"Students from Bihar are talentedand have shown their mantle acrossthe world ... Some photographsshowing cheating cannot dominateon merit of the students," Kumar saidin his Facebook post.

"I urge parents, relatives andfriends who help the students incheating that you are ruining thefuture of the students as well asBihar," Kumar added.

The state government has askedChief Secretary Anjani Kumar Singhand police chief PK Thakur to furthertighten arrangements at examinationcentres.

Bihar's exasperated EducationMinister PK Shahi had on Thursdayadmitted that cheating-free examina-tions were not possible in the state,minus the cooperation of students'parents.

The Patna High Court has convert-ed a report of large-scale cheating inmatriculation examination publishedin an English daily as PIL and direct-ed state police chief to stop copyingimmediately.

Opposition BJP attacked the stategovernment for failing to stop cheat-ing in the matriculation examination.

"The fact is that the state govern-ment has gone into deep slumber as aresult of which the entire systemseems to be crumbling," Leader ofOpposition in Bihar assembly NandKishore Yadav told reporters.

More than 1.4 million students areappearing in the Class 10 board

examination amid widespreadreports of mass copying and cheat-ing.

Shahi admitted to the media thatholding "free and fair exam" was abig challenge for the Bihar govern-ment.

"The government cannot stopcheating in exam," he said. "It is alsothe responsibility of the society toensure a cheating-free exam.

"More than the government, theparents and guardians of studentsshould come forward (to end masscheating)," he said.

The minister expressed the govern-ment's helplessness to hold a cheat-ing-free exam.

"It is not possible to fully stopcheating during exams or hold examswhere students don't go for unfairmeans."

Shahi said the situation in Biharwas so bad that at least four to fivepeople helped every student to cheat.

In the last three days, more than600 students, caught cheating in theboard examination, have beenexpelled, an official said onThursday.

"The students were expelled oncharges of adopting unfair means,"said Lalkeshwar Prasad, chairman ofthe Bihar School Examination Board(BSEB), which is conducting theexamination.

Officials said over 1,000 studentswere caught cheating in examinationin three subjects, including mathe-matics and English, on Tuesday andWednesday.

But only a little more than 600 of

them were expelled.The Board's Special Examination

Cell also said seven parents havebeen arrested for supplying chits totheir wards at Rohtas and Siwan inthe past two days.

Cheating during examinations isrampant in Bihar. Attempts to stop

mass copying often triggers violentprotests.

The images of the mass cheatingalso went viral on the social mediawith several prominent personalitiesincluding former Jammu andKashmir Chief Minister OmarAbdullah posting the pictures.

Pictures of cheating in exams not thestory of entire Bihar: Nitish Kumar

PATNA, MARCH 20Taken to task by the Patna High

Court over large-scale copying inongoing matriculation examinationand widespread criticism, the Bihargovernment on Friday swung intoaction and cancelled examination atfour centres and took seven police-men into custody for aiding in cheat-ing.

A division bench of Chief JusticeL Narasimha Reddy and JusticeVikash Jain took the state govern-ment to task over report of massscale copying in the matriculationexamination. The court convertedreport published in an english dailyinto PIL and directed state policechief to stop copying immediately.

The court issued summons toEducation Department to appearbefore it on next Friday to respondon the subject.

The court instruction came aftersenior lawyer and office bearer ofAam Admi Party (AAP) in the stateBasant Kumar Chaudhary drew itsattention by showing a newspaperreport. Chief Minister Nitish Kumarwasted no time and called a highlevel review meeting with Educationminister P K Shahi, DGP PKThakur, Principal Secretary HomeAmir Subhani and his counterpart inEducation department RK Mahajanin his Secretariat chamber andinstructed them to ensure cheating-free matriculation examination, anofficial statement said.

The CM ordered action againstpolicemen and magistrates deployedon examination duty if foundinvolved in abetting cheating.

Principal Secretary (Education)RK Mahajan accompanied byChairman of Bihar SchoolExamination Board (BSEB)Lalkeshwar Prasad Singh toldreporters in the evening that exami-nation at four centres in the statehave been cancelled on the basis ofreport of mass-scale copying there.

He said lawful action would beinitiated against teachers, policemenand magistrates deployed in thosecentres.

The four centres where exam hasbeen cancelled included Vidya

Niketan Mahnar and St FrancisSchool Mahnar in Vaishali districtwhere visuals showed people scal-ing three to four storey exam centresto pass on chits to their wards.

Mahajan said report has beensought within 24 hour from othercentres across the state where mediahave reported cheating for action.

A report from Saharsa district saidthat eight home guard jawans werecaught red handed aiding examineesin cheating at four centres in the dis-trict. Sub Divisional Officer (SDO),Sadar, Saharsa Rajesh Kumar Singhsaid that seven home guards havebeen taken into custody while onemanaged to ran away by freeing hishand. Scores of chits and moneywere recovered from these homeguards on duty at four centres inSaharsa district, he said.

Besides, two centres at Mahnar inVaishali district,

This examination has been can-celled at at High School SimriBakhtiyarpur in Saharsa and HighSchool in Nawada, PrincipalSecretary Education R K Mahajansaid. A total of 14.26 lakh studentswere appearing for the exams at1,217 centres in the state that startedon March 17. The examinationwould end on March 24.

Mahajan said a total of 766 stu-dents have been expelled in threedays till yesterday after being caughtcheating at different parts of thestate. Three impersonators and 36parents were arrested yesterday inanti-cheating operation across thestate, special cell in Bihar SchoolExamination Board said.

Kumar today appealed to parentsof examinees to stop cheating duringpublic examinations, which, hesaid, was drawing bad name to thestate. "Students cannot go forward inlife on the basis of such exam certifi-cate but on the basis of their talents,"Kumar said after holding reviewmeeting during the day in which heordered to stop cheating in the ongo-ing matriculation examination in thestate and action against policemenand magistrates deployed on exami-nation duty if found involved inabetting cheating.

Nitish govt swings into action tostop cheating in matric exam

PATNA, MARCH 20The Patna High Court on Friday

criticised the Bihar government overthe issue of large-scale copying bystudents in the ongoing matriculationexamination in the state and instructedit to forthwith stop the use of unfairmeans.

A division bench of Chief Justice LNarasimha Reddy and Justice VikashJain converted the report of large-scale cheating in matriculation exami-nation published in an English daily asa PIL and directed state police chief tostop it immediately.

The court also issued summons tothe education department to appearbefore it on next Friday to respond onthe subject. The court direction cameafter senior lawyer and office bearerof Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) BasantKumar Chaudhary drew its attentionshowing the newspaper report.

Soon after Chief Minister NitishKumar held a high level meeting andordered that steps be taken immediate-ly to stop cheating in the matriculationexamination.

Education minister P K Shahi,Director General of Police P KThakur, Principal Secretary to thehome department Amir Subhani andhis counterpart in education depart-ment R K Mahajan attended the meet-ing at Kumar's chamber at the secre-tariat, a statement by the CMO said.The chief minister also ordered actionagainst policemen and magistrates onexamination duty if they were foundinvolved in abetting cheating. Visualsshowing people scaling three to fourstoreyed exam centres to pass on chitsto their wards and in some cases evenpolicemen extending a helping handto them in return for money have goneviral in the social media. The CM'sreview meeting and strict instructionto stop cheating in matriculationexamination came a day afterEducation minister P K Shahi said thegovernment alone cannot ensure 100per cent cheating-free examinations ofthe scale of matriculation exam in thestate in which 14.26 lakh studentswere appearing from 1,217 centres inthe state since March 17.

HC takes govt to task oncheating in matric exam

HYDERABAD, MARCH 20Former President of India A.P.J.

Abdul Kalam on Friday said that acoordinated effort at the nationallevel is the need of the hour formore research and understandingrare diseases in the country. Theformer president also felt that therewas a need to share knowledgeamong patients, doctors andresearchers to effectively tacklerare diseases.

The former president, who wasparticipating in the inaugural of aconference on ‘Raising Awarenesson Rare Diseases’ here on Friday,acknowledged that due to numberof cases being low, Governmentsdo not consider rare diseases as apublic health issue.

“There is a need for a wholeecosystem consisting of doctors, aregistry to record the prevalence ofrare diseases, bio banks, supportgroups, more research on drug dis-covery and of course a regulatoryframework. Each component is

complex and there is a lot of workahead,” Mr. Kalam said.

A majority of ailments like ALS(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis),Muscular Dystrophy, congenitalheart diseases, thalassemia, sicklecell anaemia and many more come

under the category of rare diseases.Experts in the conference pointedout that there was also need to pro-mote development of drugs for rarediseases, which are quite oftenknown as orphan drugs.

Members of Indian Organisation

for Rare Diseases (IORD), whoorganised the conference, said thatat present, India is yet to adopt adefinition for rare diseases. “We donot have a public policy on rarediseases and there are no traineddoctors or diagnostic facilities toidentify the ailments. There are noincentives for pharma sector todevelop drugs for rare diseases andit’s tough to find information onrare diseases for families and evenprofessionals,” said president,IORD, Dr. Ramaiah Muthyala.

Experts in the conference saidthat worldwide, rare diseases affectone in 10 people.

“There are close to 7,000 rarediseases today and many rarecaused by genetic factors.However, we have drugs to man-age only 400 rare diseases. There isalso no awareness and persons withsuch ailments are treated as socialstigma. A lot of work has to bedone in this field,” Dr. Muthyalafelt.

Need to understand rare diseases: Kalam

CHANDIGARH, MARCH 20Following demands from

private airlines the runway ofthe local airport of Indian AirForce (IAF) would soon beavailable round the clock forcivilian flights. At presentcivilian flights are allowedonly for 12 hours from 8 AMas the runway of the IAF isused even though operationsare carried from the CivilTerminal. "Round the clockavailability of Chandigarh air-port of Indian Air Force forcivil aircraft operations isunder consideration," adefence release said here

today. Due to restricted opera-tion hours for civilian flights,various airlines have not beenable to commence internation-al flights to be operated duringlate night hours.

The requirement of addi-tional manpower to increasewatch hours is beingprocessed. Once manpoweraccretion materialises,increase in watch hours tohave 24x7 operations will beinitiated, it added.

However, purely as an inter-im measure, internationalflights can be facilitated asand when such scheduled

flights materialise, thespokesman said. As part of themodernisation of Air Fieldinfrastructure, Chandigarh air-port is being upgradedthrough installation of ILSCat-II for operation of flightsduring low visibility condi-tions. It will be done along-side runway resurfacing and islikely to be operational byJanuary 2017.

Presently, around 15 flightsto various destinations,including Delhi, Mumbai,Bangalore and Srinagar, areoperated by Air India and var-ious private airlines.

Civilian flights to get longer opera-tional hours in Chandigarh

SRINAGAR, MARCH 20Hardline Hurriyat

Conference chairmanSyed Ali Shah Geelanisaid on Friday said hisamalgam would onlysupport a dialogueprocess aimed at resolv-ing Kashmir issue inaccordance with thewishes and aspirationsof the people of thestate.

"Hurriyat will onlyextend support to such adialogue which is aimedat addressing Kashmir

issue in accordance withthe wishes of its peopleand will honour theirsacrifices," Geelani saidin a statement here.

Geelani's statementcomes a day after mod-erate Hurriyat chairmanMirwaiz Umar Farooqexpressed readiness toenter into a dialoguewith the Centre, provid-ed it shows seriousnessto resolve Kashmirissue by revisiting thepolicy of former PrimeMinister A B Vajpayee.

"In principle, HurriyatConference is notagainst dialogue butwants to make it clearthat the talks minusKashmiris will be ameaningless exerciselike in the past. Nothingcould be hoped fromsuch (bilateral) talks infuture as well," Geelanisaid.

He said the resump-tion of dialoguebetween India andPakistan was a result of"international pressure

and are bound to fail"."Since the dialogue

(between the two coun-tries) starts under diplo-matic compulsions, it isnothing but just a timedelaying tactics,"Geelani said.

Referring to the stateGovernor NN Vohra'saddress in the Assemblyon dialogue offer,Geelani said no break-through is expectedfrom the talks, whetherbetween India andPakistan or Delhi and

Srinagar, unless Indiagives up its traditionalapproach and acceptsthe realities ofKashmir.

Geelani said "We arenot the enemies of Indiaor hold any grudgeagainst its inhabitants.We are desirous of astrong India andPakistan and it is onlypossible when Kashmirissue is resolved to pavethe way for peace, pros-perity and developmentin the region."

JAMMU, MARCH 20Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister

Mufti Mohammed Sayeed on Friday saidthat his government would initiate theprocess of scrapping the Armed ForcesSpecial Powers Act (AFSPA) from thestate.

"I can't promise as there is involvementof the Ministry of Defence but we willstart the gradual process of scrapping ofthe AFSPA," Mufti said while addressingthe Jammu and Kashmir Assembly.

Mufti also urged the Indian Army tohold its personnel accountable for actionstaken, recalling the Budgam firing inci-dent of 2014, where the soldiers had firedat a car when it did not halt in time at acheck post, leading to the deaths of twoyouths.

"There must be a standard procedure.The Army must hold its personnelaccountable before the AFSPA isscrapped," he said. "Two youths had beenmistaken as terrorists in Budgam and wereshot by the Army. The reports later con-

firmed that they were innocent," he added.The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act

( AFSPA ) 1958, confers special powersupon armed forces in what the act calls"disturbed areas" in the states ofArunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur,Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland andTripura. It was later extended to Jammuand Kashmir as the Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Actin July 1990.

J&K CM Mufti Mohammed Sayeed promisesto initiate process of scrapping AFSPA

Will support talks if it resolve Kashmirissue as per people's wishes: Geelani

Page 6: 21 March 2015

After unveilingAndroid Auto inJune and distribut-

ing developer APIs inNovember last year,Google on Tuesday hasfinally launched a con-sumer version of theAndroid Auto app onGoogle Play.

The Android Auto app iscompatible with Android5.0 Lollipop and higherdevices, and recentlylaunched Pioneer headunits/ dashboard products,said Google. At present,Android Auto is only sup-ported for users in the US,UK and Australia, andGoogle is looking to addmore partners soon.

Google's Android Autoplatform essentiallybrings Google Now andGoogle Maps to the car'sdashboard.

With the app connectedto cars' dashboard/ headunits, users get turn-by-turn navigation, trafficinformation and more viaGoogle Maps.

Users can send andmake calls, ask forGoogle Now cards via,and play music usingvoice commands, notesthe Google Play listing.

The company has alsohidden a developer modein the Android Auto app.To get to Android Autodeveloper mode, usersneed to tap on the imageheader in the app 10

times.Meanwhile, Google's

Wednesday update cyclefor apps has brought newfeatures for Google Docs,Sheets, Slides, YouTube,Quickoffice, Maps, PlayMusic, and Inbox byGmail.

With the update, GoogleDocs, Sheets, and Slidesapps have got the abilityto go full screen duringscrolling. Now users cannow either double-tap onthe current document oronce on the MaterialDesign-themed pencil atthe bottom-right corner toedit the document.

Alongside, Google hasupdated the Quickofficeapp to limit its functional-ity before finally taking itaway from users.

The app now uses indi-vidual Google Docs,Sheets, Slides apps to editdocuments, and if none ofthe individual apps isinstalled Quickofficenotes that it is no longersupported, and has beenreplaced by Docs, Slides,and Sheets apps, prompt-ing users to downloadthem.

For the YouTube app,the updated version 10.10brings a new 4K videosearch filter, some filteroptions for video upload-ers, as well as somechanges to the video edit-ing interface.

On the other hand,

Google has updated theMaps app to version 9.6,bringing new toggle in theNavigation settings menuthat will allow users tochoose between turn-by-turn voice navigationthrough the device'sspeakers or via aBluetooth connection and

some design tweaks to theapp.

With Google PlayMusic version 5.8.1836R,Google has brought theYouTube music videos inthe app's search results.Users can also see allalbums in My Librarywithout the need to tap on

More.Lastly the Inbox by

Gmail app version 1.4available on Google Playnow reportedly allowsGoogle Apps users withinvites to access the serv-ice. Google hasn't yetannounced anythingregarding the same.

Samsung has started sendinginvites for an event in NewDelhi where the company is

set to launch the new flag-ship GalaxyS 6

a l o n g -side theGalaxy S6Edge.

We already knowthat the South Koreangiant will start sales of theSamsung Galaxy S6 andSamsung Galaxy S6 Edge globallystarting April 10, and is expectedto do so in India as well whileopening pre-orders before thatdate.

Samsung earlier this month offi-cially revealed the pricing of thetwo smartphones in Netherlandswhere the company was takingpre-orders as well. Both smart-phones were listed to ship on April10. The Samsung Galaxy S6 andGalaxy S6 Edge come in 32GB,64GB and 128GB variants. TheSamsung Netherlands websiteonly listed the 32GB variant pric-ing of the Galaxy S6 at EUR 699(approximately Rs. 48,300) andthe Galaxy S6 Edge at EUR 849(approximately Rs. 58,600). There

was no official pricing informationof the other storage variants of the

S a m s u n gG a l a x y

S 6

a n dGalaxyS6 Edge.

The 32GBpricing for boththe Galaxy S6 andGalaxy S6 Edge bySamsung Netherlandsmatched with a previous reportciting Samsung officials, whichalso revealed pricing for the 64GBand 128GB variants. For theGalaxy S6, prices were tipped atEUR 799 (approximately Rs.55,200) for the 64GB variant, andEUR 899 (approximately Rs.62,100) for the 128GB variant.The Galaxy S6 Edge curved screen

variant's 64GB model is said tocost EUR 949 (approximately Rs.65,600), and the 128GB modelEUR 1,049 (approximately Rs.72,500).

For specifications, both theGalaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge

feature a 5.1-inch Quad HD(1440x2560 pixels) Super

Amoled display with apixel density of

577ppi. Theonly differ-

e n c e

b e i n gthe latter sports a dual-edge dis-play. The new Samsung Galaxy S6and Galaxy S6 Edge run Android5.0 Lollipop and are powered byan octa-core (quad-core 2.1GHz+

quad-core 1.5GHz) processor cou-pled with 3GB of RAM(LPDDR4). There is a 16-megapixel rear camera with OIS(optical image stabilisation) andLED flash onboard, apart from a 5-megapixel front camera.

Much like the Samsung GalaxyS5, the new premium Galaxyhandsets also pack fingerprintscanning with an enhanced touch-type fingerprint scanner on thehome button. Additionally, boththe handsets will come pre-installed with upgraded SamsungKnox. The Galaxy S6 is backed bya 2550mAh battery while the

Galaxy S6 Edge comes with2600mAh battery. Both

phones support wire-less charging

built-in, withs u p p o r t

f o r

WPCa n d

PMA stan-dards.

The event could alsosee the announcement for the

Indian market regarding the newmobile payment service calledSamsung Pay, set to rival ApplePay. Samsung Pay is set to debuton the flagship Galaxy S6 and theGalaxy S6 Edge in the US duringsecond half of 2015.

Samsung Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6Edge India Launch Set for Monday

Sony on Thursday unveiled its first'SIM-free' smartphone dubbed theSony Xperia J1 Compact (D5788)

in Japan. The firm will launch the devicewith NTT DoCoMo on April 20. Itwill be up on pre-orders startingMarch 27 with a price of JPY59,184 (approximately Rs.30,000).

The Sony Xperia J1 Compact(D5788) is company's first LTEcommunication "PLAY SIM"device with MVNO (mobile vir-tual network operator) support,that provides voice calls planson NTT DoCoMo tailored toconsumer needs, says Sony.

Coming to the specificationsof the Xperia J1 Compact(D5788), the smartphone runsAndroid 4.4.4 KitKat OS andfeatures a 4.3-inch HD(720x1280 pixels) display. Itpacks a 2.2GHz quad-coreQualcomm Snapdragon 800processor coupled with 2GB ofRAM.

The 16GB of inbuilt storageon Xperia J1 Compact can beexpanded via microSD card(unknown capacity). The deviceboasts of 20.7-megapixel rearcamera with flash just likeXperia Z3, and a 2.2-megapixelfront facing camera.

Connectivity options on thehandset include 4G LTE, GPS/A-GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0,and NFC. With a 2300mAh non-removable battery, the SonyXperia J1 Compact (D5788)weighs 138 grams and measures128x65x9.7mm. This device alsocomes with IPX5/ IPX8 water and dustprotection ratings.

Earlier this week, Sony launched theXperia E4 Dual in India, priced at Rs.12,490. Based on Android 4.4.4 KitKat,the Sony Xperia E4 Dual features a 5-inch IPS LCD display with a qHD(540x960 pixel) display, and is powered

by a 1.3GHz quad-core MediaTekMT6582 processor coupled with 1GB ofRAM. It bears 8GB of inbuilt storage that

is expandable viamicroSD card.

Other specifications of the Xperia E4Dual include a 5-megapixel rear camerawith LED flash, a 2-megapixel front-fac-ing camera, and a 2300mAh battery thatSony claims provides two days of batterylife.

Sony Xperia J1 Compact With20.7-Megapixel Camera, 4.3-

Inch Display Launched


1. The metallurgical process in which a metal isobtained in a fused state is calledA. smelting B. roastingC. calcinations D. froth floatation

2. The molecules of which gas have highest speed?A. H2 at -73oC B. CH4 at 300 KC. N2 at 1,027oC D. O2 at 0oC

3. The oldest rocks in the earth's crust were oncemolten, and came from deep inside the earth. Themolten rock, called magma, spewed out in volcaniceruptions during the earth;s early life and solidifiedinto hard rock's calledA. granite B. basaltC. igneous rocks D. sedimentary rocks

4. The law which states that the amount of gas dis-solved in a liquid is proportional to its partial pres-sure isA. Dalton's law B. Gay Lussac's lawC. Henry's law D. Raoult's law


Answer: 1(A), 2(A), 3(C), 4(C), 5(D)

12:00AM Nisha AurUske Cousins12:30AM MasterChefIndia01:00AM Ye Hai

Mohabbatein01:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir02:00AM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai02:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas03:00AM Tu Mera Hero03:30AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30AM Tere Shehar Mein05:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum05:30AM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins06:00AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir06:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein07:00AM Tu Mera Hero07:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas08:00AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir08:30AM Tere Shehar Mein09:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum09:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein10:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya10:30AM Tu Mera Hero11:00AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas11:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir12:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum12:30PM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai01:00PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein01:30PM Tu Mera Hero02:00PM Star Box Office India

Awards 201405:00PM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas05:30PM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir06:00PM MasterChef India06:30PM Suhani Si Ek Ladki07:00PM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya07:30PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein08:00PM Tu Mera Hero08:30PM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins09:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum09:30PM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai10:00PM Tere Shehar Mein10:30PM MasterChef India11:00PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein11:30PM Tu Mera Hero _________________________

12:00AM Teleshopping02:00AM HelloPratibha03:00AM Neeli Chatri

Waale04:00AM Baba Ramdev Ka Yog05:00AM Narayan Seva Sansthan05:30AM Dera Saccha Sauda06:00AM Jamai Raja06:30AM Glory to God07:00AM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs08:00AM Neeli Chatri Waale09:00AM Kahani Ab Tak09:30AM Exposure Jhalak10:00AM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs11:00AM Jamai Raja01:30PM Service Wali Bahu03:30PM Kumkum Bhagya05:30PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs

06:30PM Service Wali Bahu07:00PM Maharakshak Devi08:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs

: Grand Finale11:00PM Maharakshak Devi __________________________

12:00AM Best ofSavdhaan India01:00AM ComedyClasses

01:30AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra Ki

02:00AM Best of Savdhaan India03:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra Ki03:30AM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si04:00AM Comedy Classes04:30AM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra Ki05:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra Ki05:30AM Comedy Classes06:00AM Best of Savdhaan India07:00AM Best of Savdhaan India08:00AM Best of Savdhaan India09:00AM Best of Savdhaan India10:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra Ki11:00AM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si12:00PM Best of Savdhaan India01:00PM Best of Savdhaan India02:00PM Best of Savdhaan India03:00PM Best Of Savdhaan India:

Delhi Fights Back04:00PM Best of Savdhaan India05:00PM Best of Savdhaan India06:00PM Best of Savdhaan India07:00PM Comedy Classes07:30PM Comedy Classes08:00PM Savdhaan India: India

Fights Back : Punjab Fight BackNow

09:00PM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

10:00PM Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back : U.P Fight Back Now

11:00PM Best of Savdhaan India :Punjab Fight Back Now

__________________________12:00AM V SuperstarPreview12:30AM V

Distractions01:00AM Gumrah02:00AM Sadda Haq02:30AM Swim Team03:00AM Gumrah04:00AM V Distractions04:30AM Million Dollar Girl05:00AM Sadda Haq05:30AM Swim Team06:00AM Gumrah07:00AM V Superstar Preview07:30AM Million Dollar Girl08:00AM Sadda Haq08:30AM Swim Team09:00AM V Distractions09:30AM V Dare 2 Date10:00AM Big Star Entertainment

Awards 2014

10:30AM Swim Team11:00AM V Distractions11:30AM Sadda Haq12:00PM Swim Team12:30PM Million Dollar Girl01:00PM Gumrah02:00PM [V] Gumrah03:00PM Sadda Haq03:30PM Swim Team04:00PM V Superstar Preview04:30PM Big Star Entertainment

Awards 201405:00PM Confessions of an Indian

Teenager05:30PM Million Dollar Girl06:00PM V Distractions06:30PM Sadda Haq07:00PM Gumrah08:00PM Heroes09:00PM Sadda Haq09:30PM V Superstar Preview10:00PM Sadda Haq10:30PM Confessions of an Indian

Teenager11:00PM V Distractions11:30PM Gumrah ____________________________

12:00AM SoundShuffle0 1 : 0 0 A MTeleshopping

06:30AM Morning Music Mocha07:00AM Morning Music Mocha08:00AM Jump Starter09:00AM Morning Music Mania10:30AM Tweet Your Beat11:00AM Bindass Juke Box12:00PM Halla Bol (2)01:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui02:00PM Halla Bol (2)03:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui04:00PM Halla Bol (2)05:00PM Fb Jukebox06:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui07:00PM Love By Chance08:00PM Halla Bol (2)09:00PM Love By Chance10:00PM Halla Bol (2)11:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui ___________________________

12:00AM MeriAashiqui Tum Se Hi1 2 : 3 0 A M

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat01:00AM Teleshopping02:00AM Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi02:30AM Balika Vadhu - Kacchi Umar

Ke Pakke Rishte03:00AM Sasural Simar Ka03:30AM Shastri Sisters04:00AM Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi04:30AM Udann05:00AM Iskcon Aarti05:30AM Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi06:00AM Teleshopping07:00AM Narayan Sewa Sansthan

Trust07:30AM Home Shop 1808:30AM Udann09:30AM Comedy Nights with Kapil11:00AM Farah Ki Dawat12:00PM Fear Factor Khatron Ke

Khiladi Darr Ka BlockbusterReturns

01:00PM Swaragini03:30PM Comedy Nights with Kapil07:00PM Shastri Sisters07:30PM Sasural Simar Ka08:00PM Balika Vadhu - Kacchi

Umar Ke Pakke Rishte08:30PM Udann09:00PM Fear Factor Khatron Ke

Khiladi Darr Ka BlockbusterReturns

10:00PM Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi10:30PM Code Red11:30PM Comedy Nights with Kapil _________________________

12:00AM R. K.Laxman Ki Duniya12:30AM Teleshopping01:00AM Ring Wrong

Ring01:30AM FIR02:00AM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo02:30AM Lapataganj03:00AM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi03:30AM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain04:00AM Saas Bina Sasural04:30AM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge05:00AM FIR05:30AM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo06:00AM Teleshopping07:48AM Filler08:00AM Teleshopping08:24AM Teleshopping08:48AM Filler09:00AM Ring Wrong Ring09:30AM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain10:00AM R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya10:30AM Lapataganj11:00AM Entertainment Ke Liye

Kuch Bhi Karega12:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo12:30PM FIR01:00PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain01:30PM Saas Bina Sasural02:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi02:30PM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge03:00PM Lapataganj03:30PM Ring Wrong Ring04:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo04:30PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain05:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi05:30PM Saas Bina Sasural06:00PM R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya06:30PM Ring Wrong Ring07:00PM Jeannie Aur Juju07:30PM FIR08:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo08:30PM Lapataganj09:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi09:30PM Saas Bina Sasural10:00PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain10:30PM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge11:00PM FIR11:30PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo

TV Channels Schedule TODAY’S STARARIES There's a big world out there beckoning to you, Aries. Why not plan

an adventure to a faraway land? You've been working hard anddeserve a reward. If you can't take time off right now, at least contacta travel agent or do some research online. Surround yourself withpamphlets and images of foreign cities. Even though you know youcan't travel to them now, you know you will get there soon.

TAURUS Today, Taurus, you're likely to undertake some seemingly urgentdecorating projects in order to get your home in tip-top shape. Itcould be that a few minor purchases are all that's needed. But youmay decide you can't live with the color of the bedroom one momentlonger and take matters into your own hands and do the job your-self. You will be exhausted but pleased by the end of the day.

GEMINI If you aren't traveling today, Gemini, you will likely take abig trip soon. It seems that you will be sharing a roomwith someone special. A close friend or significant othermay accompany you. You can look forward to all theromantic possibilities that come with exploring new landstogether. It's bound to be a wonderful trip.

CANCER You're gifted in ways you don't even know about, Cancer.Today you may uncover that gift unexpectedly. Perhaps youdoodle a silly drawing in the margin of a note to a friend.Studying it reveals an idea that would be good for a children'sbook illustration. Perhaps there are other things you could dowith your life. Research other possibilities online.

LEO A trip to a museum or gallery could bring you some inter-esting insights, Leo. Maybe you will ignore the realisticpaintings and photographs that used to interest you andadmire the abstract works instead. They definitely captureyour interest, and by the end of the day you may consid-er taking an art class to learn more about them.

VIRGO Home and technology figure prominently today, Virgo.Perhaps you've just bought the latest gadget and want tospend the day figuring out how it works. You're in your ele-ment! A phone call from a distant friend could interrupt yourproject. You may speak for a long time, but you won't mindthe delay at all. It's wonderful to talk to old friends.

LIBRA If you've wanted to get involved in some type of volunteer organ-ization, today may be when you sign up to support a worthycause. Whether it's an envirnomental charity or a volunteeropportunity, you realize that working to better the planet is animportant element that has been missing in your life. Life glowsall that much brighter with your new altruistic outlook, Libra.

SCORPIO Your career is about to take a turn for the better, Scorpio. Newprofessional possibilities may come your way today. Be receptiveto any invitations or offers. Your advancement may not come inthe most traditional way, so you need to pay close attention. Don'toverlook something that seems beyond your capabilities. Yourreach should always exceed your grasp. Stretch!

SAGITTARIUSAnticipation is often as good as, if not better than, theactual event, Sagittarius. This is what you experiencetoday as you and your partner plan an exciting getaway.It's a busy day, booking hotels and airline tickets, but it'sfun, too. You and your mate are giddy with the excite-ment of it all. This is just what your relationship needs.

CAPRICORN Past issues may rear their ugly heads today, Capricorn. No, itisn't pretty. In fact, it's frustrating to have to deal with this prob-lem again. You will be well served to spend time meditating.You need to address these issues once and for all or they willcontinue to haunt you. You're fortunate to have such closefriends who will support you through this difficult process.

AQUARIUS Romance is in the air, Aquarius, filtering your vision witha rosy light. You're in love with the world today, andyou're most especially in love with your partner. If youdon't already have a partner, you may meet him or hertoday. Since you never know when or where, make sureto look your best throughout the day.

PISCES All sorts of wonderful changes are in the air at home and atwork, Pisces. On the personal front, someone new is likely toenter your life and change it for the better. At work, perhapsa proposal you submitted has been accepted or you landeda deal you've been working on for some time. Enjoy this aus-picious celestial energy!

Google Releases Android Auto App;Updates YouTube, Maps, and Other Apps

Page 7: 21 March 2015


ADELAIDE, MARCH 20Four-time former champions Australia set

up an explosive semifinal clash against title-holders India in the cricket World Cup semi-final after comprehensively beating Pakistanby six wickets in the mega-event's third quar-terfinal here on Friday.

Set a modest target of 214, Australia over-came a tumultuous start to go past the finish-ing line in 33.5 overs after the home pacers,led by Josh Hazlewood (4/35), wrecked thePakistani line-up.

Steve Smith top-scored for the Aussieswith a 69-ball 65 knock, which was studdedwith seven fours, while all-rounder ShaneWatson survived early jitters to carefullycraft an unbeaten 66-ball 64, including sevenfours and a six.

Pakistan had themselves to blame for theWorld Cup ouster as they dropped two easycatches, allowing the hosts to wriggle out ofa precarious position.

Australia's chase was not off to a verysmooth start with opener Aaron Finchdeparting in the third over after contributingjust 2 runs. The David Warner blitzkrieg alsoended pretty quickly after the dasher hadmade 24 off 23 deliveries, including threefours.

In fact, Wahab Riaz was simply outstand-ing in his opening spell of six overs, duringwhich he snared two wickets conceding only24 runs.

The pacer bowled with aggression and pas-sion, unsettling the Aussies with not just hisdeliveries but also with occasional glares andconstant chirps, which irked the batsmen andinvited jeers from the packed crowd.

Riaz could well have pulled off three wick-ets in the opening spell had Rahat Ali held onto a dolly in the 17th over when Watson wason just 4 runs. He eventually finished with

figures of 2/54 from nine overs.Australians were poised rather precarious-

ly at 59 for three after skipper MichaelClarke (8) failed to click.

However, Smith and Watson shared 89runs for the fourth wicket to steer Australiaout of trouble before Glenn Maxwell (44 notout) guided them to victory and a semifinalshowdown with India on March 26 inSydney.

Smith was adjudged LBW off Ehsan Adiland despite being unconvinced by the deci-

sion, the batsman had to trudge off the fieldas Australia had exhausted their lone reviewby that stage.

His fall did raise hopes of a Pakistanrevival but they again let the opportunity slipwhen Sohail Khan dropped Maxwell's mis-cued shot, once again leaving Riaz in agony.

Earlier, Josh Hazlewood stood out with afour-wicket haul as Australia's disciplinedbowlers strangled Pakistan with a thorough-ly commanding performance, skittling themout for 213.

Electing to bat after winning the toss,Pakistan were stifled for runs by the Aussiebowlers and folded without putting up muchof a fight in 49.5 overs.

Hazlewood and Mitchell Starc (2/40) keptit tight to begin with before Mitchell Johnson(1/42) intimidated the Pakistanis with hisferocious pace.

The pressure exerted early on brought thedesired result quite quickly as the in-formSarfraz Ahmed (10) departed after trying tofind his rhythm for 16 deliveries. The opener

struck one four before edging a tough grab toShane Watson in the slip region.

Sarfraz's opening partner Ahmed Shehzaddid not last long either and was also caughtin the slips by Australian captain MichaelClarke off Hazlewood's bowling. The scoreread 24 for two at that stage.

The failure to get a good start hurt Pakistanbadly as the middle order batsmen failed toget going barring Haris Sohail, who notchedup a 57-ball 41 laced with four hits to thefence. The ever-reliant Misbah-ul-Haq couldnot build on the start today and was dis-missed by Glenn Maxwell while attemptinga slog-sweep that was caught by AaronFinch. Misbah's 34 runs came off 59 ballsand included one four and two sixes, bothcoming off Maxwell's bowling. Interestingly,the veteran had earlier been saved by the bailwhich did not come off despite Hazlewoodbreaching his defences to hit the stumps.

The procession back to the pavillion con-tinued when Umar Akmal (20 off 25 balls)was caught by Finch off Maxwell again.

Five down for 126 in less than 30 overs,Pakistan looked in deep trouble when ShahidAfridi raised hopes with some early power-hitting. However, the temperamental all-rounder also went back to pavillion afterplaying one of his now trademark cameos,which entertained while it lasted but did nothelp the team's cause much.

Afridi was dismissed while trying to smackHazlewood out of the park, holing out toAaron Finch after adding 23 runs that cameoff 15 deliveries and included three fours anda lofty six off Johnson.

With the top half letting the team down, thelower order was never expected to hold upfor too long and this is exactly what hap-pened with Hazlewood and Starc cleaning upthe tail.

ICC World Cup, 3rd quarter-final: Australia beatPakistan, set up semi-final clash with India

ADELAIDE, MARCH 20Misbah-ul-Haq and all-rounder

Shahid Afridi bowed out of one-dayinternational cricket with theirdreams unfulfilled on Friday asPakistan crashed out in the WorldCup quarter-finals against Australiain Adelaide.

Both the senior players hadannounced they would retire fromone-day cricket after the World Cupwith skipper Misbah continuing toplay Tests while Afridi will feature inTwenty20 cricket.

Misbah, 40, failed to get a one-dayhundred in his entire career of 162one-day internationals. His final runtally was 5,122 runs -- the most runsby any player in one-dayers without ahundred.

The captain managed 34 inPakistan`s sub-par total of 213 all outagainst Australia at the AdelaideOval.

The co-hosts overhauled the targetin 33.5 overs for a comprehensive

six-wicket victory, earning a place innext Thursday`s semi-final againstdefending champions India inSydney.

Afridi, famous for his 37-ball hun-dred in only his second one-day inter-national made against Sri Lanka in

Nairobi in 1996, fell five wicketsshort of the 400-mark.

Afridi, 35, who scored 8,064 runsin his 398 one-day internationals,could have been the only all-rounderwith over 8,000 one-day runs and400 wickets.

Misbah-ul-Haq, Shahid Afridi bow out in frustrationNEW DELHI, MARCH 20

Cricket fans across the world willget entertainment worth their moneyas hosts Australia take on defendingchampions India in the second semi-final of the ICC World Cup 2015.

Australia comprehensively defeat-ed Pakistan in the third quarter-finalplayed at Adelaide Oval.

India are the only unbeaten team inthe tournament along with NewZealand where they have won sevenmatches in a row. Their bowlers arein great form and Michael Clarke andhis boys would be wary of the formMS Dhoni & Co are in.

On the other hand, Aussies havelost just one match, a nail-biteragainst the Kiwis in the league stage.

Not to forget, India oustedAustralia in the 2011 World Cup,where they registered an emphaticwin against them in the quarter-final.

The second semi-final is scheduled to be played at the Sydney Cricket Ground on March 26.

ICC World Cup 2015: It's Indiavs Australia in 2nd semi-final!


Murray became Britain'smost successful Open Eratennis player when hedefeated Feliciano Lopezand advanced to the semi-finals of BNP ParibasOpen.

With the landmark 6-3,6-4 win against the No.12on Thursday, the Scotmoved ahead of TimHenman as Britain's mostsuccessful male player inthe Open era with 497 sin-gles victories, reportsXinhua.

He is now three victoriesaway from becoming the46th man to reach 500wins in the Era. It was alsoMurray's 10th straight winover Lopez.

"I thought I played agood match. Every time hecame to net I made it verydifficult for him. I passedvery well, and that wasimportant, because itmeant that he spent moretime at the back of the

court," Murray said afterthe win Thursday.

Talking about the reasonfor his perfect 10 againstleft-hander Lopez, Murraysaid, "obviously a little bitof luck, but also, youknow, his game style Ithink matches up quitewell against mine".

With the win, Murray'scareer record against left-ies improved to 63-18. Ofhis 18 losses, 15 havecome against Nadal.

"I don't have as muchtrouble with the lefties justbecause I grew up playingwith one, and that's obvi-ously one of his biggestadvantages," Murray said.

The fourth-seededMurray created 13 breakpoints against Lopez'sfierce left serve and con-verted three of them to pre-vail in one hour and 32minutes. "I think he's beenplaying great this yearsince the Australian Open,where he reached thefinals," said Lopez.

BENGALURU, MARCH 20Ranji Trophy champions

Karnataka retained the Irani Cupby defeating Rest of India by 246runs on the fourth and penulti-mate day here on Friday.

Chasing a victory target of 403,Rest of India were bowled out for156 after opening bowlerAbhimanyu Mithun rippedthrough the top order. The right-armer picked up three wickets inhis first two overs to break theback of the visitors' innings.

Although skipper ManojTiwary (24) and opener JiwanjotSingh (38) added 55 runs for thefourth wicket, once the partner-ship was broken it was just a mat-ter of time before Karnatakacompleted the rout. Jiwanjotuppishly cut H.S. Sharath toAbhishek Reddy who caught onthe second attempt while Tiwarydeparted soon after, playing dis-tantly to seamer Sreenath Arvind.He dragged the ball on to hisstumps.

Thereafter, the Rest of Indiaresistance was rather tepid withonly Kedar Jadhav (56, 48b, 6x4,

3x6) showing some spark ofaggression before he perished,sweeping leg-spinner Shreyas

Gopal to Reddy. Gopal picked upfour wickets to complete a mas-sive win for Karnataka.

Earlier, Karnataka, resuming at341 for 6 piled on the misery forRest of India, setting a target of403. Manish Pandey's brilliantunbeaten 123 (164b. 12x4, 3x6)anchored the innings as henotched his first century of theseason. There was little respitefor Rest of India bowlers amongwhom seamer Shardul Thakur,among the most successfulbowlers this season, picked up allthe four remaining wickets tocome away with a five for 86haul.

Brief scores: Karnataka 244and 422 all out in 110.3 overs(Ravikumar Samarth 81,Abhishek Reddy 31, Karun Nair80, Manish Pandey 123 not out,Vinay Kumar 38; Varun Aaron 2for 131, Pragyan Ojha 2 for 93,Shardul Thakur 5 for 86) beatRest of India 264 and 156 all outin 43.3 overs (Jiwanjot Singh 38,Kedar Jadhav 56; AbhimanyuMithun 3 for 40, Shreyas Gopal 4for 39).

Karnataka thrash Rest of India to retain Irani CupAndy Murray to face Novak Djokovicin BNP Paribas Open semi-final

ICC CricketWorld Cup 2015:West Indies vsNew Zealand –PreviewWELLINGTON, MARCH 20

New Zealand, by their ownadmission, face their first true

test of the World Cup in theirquarter-final against the WestIndies on Saturday after emerg-ing from pool play unbeaten.Never mind that their nail-bitingvictory over Australia was settledwith an ice-cool KaneWilliamson six when NewZealand were down to their lastwicket.

They had the safety net then ofknowing a loss would not knockthem out of the tournament.

Now, for the first time, theyface must-win pressure, withadded home-town expectation

weighing heavily on them to bethe first New Zealand side to liftthe trophy, or to at least make thefinal.

Spinner Dan Vettori, a veteranof five World Cup campaigns,described the quarter-finals as"where it really starts".

Form favours New Zealand.Under Brendon McCullum`s

aggressive leadership, the swingof new-ball bowlers Tim Southeeand Trent Boult and the guile ofVettori have snared the best ofbatsmen.

Energetic fielding has trimmed

run rates and with the bat,McCullum and Williamson at thetop of the order are seldom out ofthe runs.

Victories over Australia,Scotland and Bangladesh wereclose as New Zealand banked ontheir all-or-nothing approach get-ting them through and refused toslow the pace and play for safety.

The unpredictable West Indies,meanwhile, completed pool playwith a three-win, three-lossrecord and only scraped into theplayoffs courtesy of a superiorrun rate over Ireland.

Their high points were scat-tered, with the enigmatic ChrisGayle turning on the power tosmack 215 against Zimbabwewhile his other four innings pro-duced 64 runs in total.

Young skipper Jason Holdertook 4-27 against United ArabEmirates but went for more than10 an over when they werethumped by South Africa whoscored 408-5 and rolled the WestIndies for 151.

But Vettori dismissed the rele-vance of pool form when it cameto the play-offs.

Page 8: 21 March 2015

Moviegoers haveany number ofchoices this

weekend. WhileBollywood offers small-budget films likeHunterrr and DilliwaliZaalim Girlfriend,Hollywood presents filmslike Cinderella and TheSecond Best ExoticMarigold Hotel.

Director HashvardhanKulkarni's film Hunterrr,a film based on the jour-ney of a sex addict playedby actor GulshanDevaiah, has received an'A' certificate from theCensor Board. Gulshanwill be seen wooingactresses Radhika Apte,Sai Tamhankar, VeeraSaxena and Rachel

D'Souza in the film.If fantasy charms you,

then Kenneth Branagh'sCinderella starring LilyJames in the lead roleshould be your pick. Thefilm stars RichardMadden as PrinceCharming, CateBlanchett as LadyTremaine, SophieMcShera as Drizella,Holliday Grainger asAnastasia and HelenaBonham Carter as TheFairy Godmother. Thefilm is a classic rework-ing of the Cinderellastory, where the Prince'sside of the story will bethe focal point of thefilm's plot.

Also on the list ofHollywood releases today

is The Second BestExotic Marigold Hotel,which features RichardGere, Maggie Smith, JudiDench and Dev Patelamong others. The film,which is directed by JohnMadden, is the sequel tothe 2012 sleeper hit TheBest Exotic Marigold

Hotel.Also releasing today is

Robert Schwentke'sInsurgent, the sequel tothe 2014 film Divergent.The film, revolvingaround a post-apocalypticChicago, stars ShaileneWoodley, Ansel Elgort,Theo James, Kate

Winslet and NaomiWatts. Insurgent, basedon the second book in theDivergent trilogy writtenby Veronica Roth, beginswhere the last installmentended, with Tris and Fourescaping after a hostiletakeover from Jeanineand the rest of Erudite.

With less time in hand to getready in the morning, hereare a few non-fussy hair-

styles for working women.

Messy waves: Wash your hair the previous night

and condition it. Do not comb yourhair at all. When you wake up the nextmorning, using your fingers, justscrunch your hair a bit. Do not use acomb, else your waves could straight-en. This is a hairstyle, which is idealfor those who have natural slight curls.

Elongated bob: This hairstyle sits pretty on those

who have straight, short hair.Wash your hair in the morningand apply a conditioner. Onceyou are done with that, wait foryour hair to dry out completely.Using a thick brush, comb yourhair backwards for the air to set-tle in. This will lend a blow-dryeffect on your hair and make itlook voluminous.

Fishtail side braid: If you have long hair, this look will

take only five minutes of your time inthe morning. Divide your hair into twolarge sections, parting in the middle.Pull out a thin strand of hair from theoutside of the left section and pull itover to the right section. Keep alter-nating between right and left. Afteryou reach the bottom, tie it with a rub-ber band. Keep the braid loose andmessy.

High-slung braid: If you have medium or long

straight hair, begin bycombing your hairb a c k -

wards. Tie it up with a rubber band andstart braiding your hair. It could be afishtail braid or a normal one. Whenyou reach the bottom, tie it again witha rubber band. Make sure that the endis not too short.

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Rajesh Mishra (Advt. Manager)

Easy-to-do hairstyles for work

Shah Rukh Khan's love of reading has been inherit-ed by his youngest child, two-year-old sonAbRam. The toddler may be a while away from

actually 'reading' but he certainly knows his way arounda weighty tome. SRK, 49, tweeted a photo of his third-born settling down with a bulky novel, rather than a reg-ular toy or even a gadget: A generation of readers mightchoose to disagree with the actor's 'books not threatenedby Kindle' opinion, but few would fault him on his taste

in authors. Yesterday, he referenced Douglas Adams,now he quotes actor-writer Stephen Fry. In the past, he'squoted poetry.

Apart from a prospective fondness for reading,AbRam has a musical bent. This, however, might proveless satisfactory to his father than the book-love. A whileago, SRK revealed this on Twitter :

Meanwhile, Shah Rukh is currently filming forManeesh Sharma's Fan.

Actress Sonam Kapoor is now fitas a fiddle. The actress, whorecently suffered from a bout

of Swine Flu, was spotted on the setsof her upcoming film Prem RatanDhan Payo in Udaipur's KumbhalgarhFort. The actress reached Udaipur onMarch 17. Sonam looked pretty as sheshot for a song sequence dressed in anembellished pink and orange ghagra-choli. This image was posted onTwitter by Sonam Kapoor Cafe

The film is directed by SoorajBarjatya in which Sonam features withher Sawariyan co-star Salman Khan.Earlier, Salman was spotted shootingfor the film in the same fort with actorAnupam Kher. (Also Read: SalmanKhan Shoots for Prem Ratan DhanPayo at Rajasthan Fort)

Sonam was discharged from the hos-pital on March 7. While shooting inRajkot, Gujarat for Prem Ratan DhanPaayo, the Bollywood fashionista wasdiagnosed with Swine Flu.

The film, which also stars Neil NitinMukesh, Swara Bhaskar and ArmaanKohli, is slated to hit the screens onDiwali.

Sonam Kapoor Resumes Prem RatanDhan Payo Shooting in UdaipurE-commerce company on March 19launched the spring summer

2015 collection of Miss BennettLondon on the second day of theLakme Fashion Week'ssummer/resort edition withBollywood actress ShraddhaKapoor walking the runway for thebrand in a sequined dress.

The brand is one of the few inter-national names that made its pres-ence at the five-day fashion galathat started at The Palladium Hotel.

It offered a mix of ensembles likecrop tops, mini dresses enhancedwith floral, marble and graphicprints mixed with elements liketrack pants and sneakers for the for-ward young women looking for adistinct style statement. (In Pics: AtLakme Fashion Week Shraddha,Vidya, Sonali Shine on the Ramp)

The spring-summer line wasbased on palette of grey, charcoal,black, white, cobalt, royal blue,wine red, pink, neon and shades ofblush. The theme of the collectionwas unapologetically young, fash-ionable and ready-to-wear.

According to Natalie Jolliffe,

brand director and designer of MissBennett London, the collection wasa perfect fusion of elegance, com-fort and style and is perfect for the"coolest girl in the room who canpull off a chic yet playful outfit".

The collection will be exclusivelyavailable on Jabong.

Jolliffe said: "By taking fashion to

the masses, is definite-ly making shopping an enjoyableexperience. We are happy to launchMiss Bennett London as it helps us reach outto our target audience better."

"We are happy to bring the cat-walk trends from London to India,"she added.

Shraddha Kapoor Introduces Miss Bennett'sPlayful Line at Lakme Fashion Week

In the recent past, sever-al popular film celebri-ties have lent support to

small budget cinematicgems. This time, megastarAmitabh Bachchan haswished good luck toDozakh - In Search OfHeaven, which he calls a"sensitive movie".

The Big B took toTwitter to support the film,directed by Hindi novelistand former journalistZaigham Imam.

Dozakh - In Search ofHeaven, which released inselect theatres via PVRDirector's Rare (that sup-ports independent movies),is based on an eponymousbook penned by Imamhimself.

The movie is about aMuslim father and son.The father is a cleric and a

true follower of Islam. Hedoesn't appreciate the factthat his son is friends witha Hindu priest. This resultsin him losing his son andrealising that he needs hisson and not the religion.

The film has received

rave reviews at film festi-vals and features actorsLalit Mohan Tiwari,Nazim Khan, PawanTiwari, Garric Chaudhury,Ruby Saini, Irfaan Rizvi,Jugendra Singh andKhushboo Seth.

Amitabh Bachchan Wishes Small-Budget Film Dozakh Luck

Kriti Sanon PlansBalancing Act inHindi, Southern FilmsActress Kriti Sanon, who made her Bollywood debut with

Heropanti, has also been doing films in south and she said that shehopes to strike a balance between both worlds.

"I think that at the end of the day, you are doing a project. I signed myfirst Hindi and Telugu film simultaneously. I did one more Telugu filmafter 'Heropanti'. I would want to keep a balance between Hindi andsouthern industry," Kriti said here.

"There are some great and talented people all over," she added. Whatabout competition in showbiz? "It's a good thing. I take it in a good way.There is no pressure, but it's a healthy competition as there are a lot of tal-ented people in this industry."

What Shah Rukh Khan's SonAbRam Inherited From Him

Today's Releases: Hunterrr, Cinderella andThe Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel