
Diocese of San Pablo


28 July 2011

HON. ARLENE B. ARCILLASCity MayorCity of Santa Rosa, LagunaDear Mayor Arlene,

The peace and joy brought by the Risen Christ be with us all!

Dear young people, the Church depends on you! She needs your lively faith, your creative charity and the energy of your hope. Your presence renews, rejuvenates and gives new energy to the Church. That is why the World Youth Days are a grace, not only for you, but for the entire people of God. (Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for the 26th World Youth Day)The gathering of young people from all walks of life to celebrate and proclaim the Good News of our Salvation brings about great joy and hope for our church. In this regard, the San Pablo Youth Commission together with the young people of our diocese will be joining the entire Christendom in celebrating the 26th World Youth Days with a 2-part World Youth Day of our own. This will be held on August 20-21, 2011, coinciding with the World Youth Days held in Madrid, Spain.

The first part of the program is a Vicariate-level gathering which will include the participation of all the schools, community and other youth-based groups within their jurisdiction. For the our vicariate, our venue will be at the Dominican College of Sta. Rosa. The second part District Level will culminate for the youth of the diocese to come together at Rosario Square Glorietta, Rosario Complex, San Pedro, Laguna. With the use of technology, the message of the Pope will be aired live at the central venue joining with the Holy Father and the Youth of the world in the Evening Vigil (Madrid).

In line with this, we would like to request from your good office a Sound System Mobile for the Stations of the Light during the Pilgrim Walk and assistance for the security and smooth flow of traffic during the said event. We would like to ask also for accolades which will show your support for our gathering.Your generous contribution would enable us to reach out to the young people of our diocese. In anticipation of your favorable response, we express our heartfelt thanks and assure you of our prayers.

Very truly yours in Christ,


Diocesan Youth DirectorWYD Laguna 2011 Documentation Letter for Mobile Sound System
