
21 Days to Breakthrough

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All scripture quotations are from the KJV, MKJV, NKJV and ISV versions of the Bible.


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Begin A Journey With Purpose:

Getting the most from this book

This is not just a book; it is a guide to a 21 day spiritual breakthrough! This book will help you

get from wherever you are in your journey with God to the next level. Is there something that

you have been praying for and it just hasn’t happened yet? Perhaps a miracle, an answer to

prayer, or even a habit that you have been struggling with for years; God wants to give you

victory! Your problems are God’s opportunities. God loves to collapse impenetrable walls, walk

on top of stormy seas, and flatten mountains into highways so that you can have spiritual



God sent Daniel the breakthrough he needed in 21 days (Daniel 10:13) and God has your

breakthrough waiting for you! This could be the most important 21 days of your life. You can

break any habit in 21 days. You can pray and see God take away disease and sickness through a

21 day fast. Your marriage can be more like heaven than hell in 21 days. Whatever you are

battling, God has prepared the breakthrough and He’s waiting on you to take the first step.

God spoke through the prophet Haggai and I believe this word is for you today! He said:

In the seventh month, on the twenty-first of the month, the word of the Lord

came by Haggai the prophet saying: …be strong…says the Lord; and be strong all

you people of the land, says the Lord and work; for I am with you, says the Lord

of hosts. According to the word that I have covenanted with you when you came

out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear! For thus says the

Lord of Hosts: Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the

sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of

All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of hosts. The

silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, says the Lord of hosts. The glory of this latter

temple shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I

will give peace, says the Lord of hosts (Haggai

I have circled that promise in my Bible and I believe it is for you also. It’s a prophetic word and

in that scripture God promises peace, a greater touch of His glory in your life, His presence, and

financial breakthrough if we are willing to take the challenge. He says, “Be strong, work, don’t

fear and He will be with you.” Are you willing to carve out 21 days of your life, be strong, work

hard, don’t fear and watch God bring your breakthrough?


This book is divided into 21 brief chapters. There is one chapter for each day. So here are three

simple steps that will help transform your life:

1. Read one chapter each day.

2. Take a few minutes to seriously consider and meditate on the topic of that day. How

does this apply to my situation, my life, my relationships, etc.?

3. The last section of each chapter contains the prayer focus. Pray for these items

throughout the day, as well as any others as you are prompted by the Lord.

I strongly encourage you not to rush through this book. It has been saturated with over three

years of prayer, fasting, and research that will help bring your personal breakthrough. I have

shared some of this material at my church for several years at the beginning of each year and

challenged the church to pray and fast. We have seen tremendous miracles in those 21 day

periods. We have seen lost loved ones commit to Christ! We have seen people with diabetes,

cancer, and other sicknesses receive healing! We have seen people in financial distress without

jobs and nearing bankruptcy receive incredible breakthroughs that altered the outcome of their

lives! We have seen marriages restored! Amazing things have happened through this 21-day

challenge and great things will happen to you as well if you complete the challenge!

Over the next 21 days, open your mind, spirit and heart. Open your mind and let God transform

the way you think. Open up your spirit and listen for God’s voice. Open up your heart and let

God work from the inside out. Make a daily appointment in your calendar for the next 21 days

and commit to your breakthrough!

Table of Contents

One-Unity 6

Two-Choices 12

Three-The Supernatural 18

Four-Balance 23

Five-Grace 28

Six-Mankind 33

Seven-Completion 38

Eight-New Beginnings 44

Nine-The Holy Spirit 49

Ten-Responsibility 54

Eleven-Vision 59

Twelve-God’s Structure 64

Thirteen-Adversity 69

Fourteen-Seasons 75

Fifteen-Rest 82

Sixteen-Love 86

Seventeen-Victory 92

Eighteen-Commitment 99

Nineteen-Faith 105

Twenty-Redemption 111

Twenty One-Breakthrough 116

Conclusion 121

Appendix 1 122

Appendix 2 123

One – Unity

Build for your team a feeling of oneness, of dependence on

one another and of strength to be derived by unity.

Vince Lombardi

Gentleman, now we must hang together, or surely we shall

all hang separately.

Benjamin Franklin

Indeed it came to pass when the trumpeters and singers

were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising

and thanking the Lord… the house of the Lord was filled

with a cloud, so that the priests could not continue

ministering because of the cloud; for the

Glory of the Lord filled the house of God.

2 Chronicles 5:13-14 NKJV

Chapter One:

One – Unity

Have you ever wondered why God seems to attach a purpose and meaning to everything?

Colossians 1:16 says, “Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him” (MSG). If you

believe God created everything, then it also makes sense that He wouldn’t waste His time and

energy and create something that is meaningless and without purpose. Birds have a purpose,

plants have a purpose, mankind has a purpose, and yes, even your barking dog has a purpose

(though we may not have figured that one out yet!)

God created a system of values that man calls numbers. Is it a stretch to say that God may even

be fond of numbers and that numbers may even have meaning and purpose? After all, God

named a book in the Bible “Numbers”! Have you ever pondered the meaning of numbers and

that they could have relevance in our lives? For instance, out of all of the gazillions of numbers

which one is the most powerful? Ironically, the answer is in the question. I will ask it again,

which one is most powerful? That’s right! One is God’s most powerful number.

Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30 KJV, emphasis added). That’s the power of

God’s agreement between the Father and the Son. In Acts 2 they were “all with one accord in

one place” (Acts 2:1 KJV, emphasis added). That’s the power of the Holy Spirit as on that day

He moved in a powerful way and 3,000 people got saved! In Genesis it says, “For this reason a

man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh”

(Genesis 2:24 NIV, emphasis added). Do you notice a common thread in these scriptures?

Perhaps the number one represents unity. As a matter of fact, the number one is mentioned in the

Bible 1898 times. Many of those references are mentioned as “one heart,” “one accord,” or “one

voice,” all referring to people coming together in unity.

Think about this. The number one is the only number that when you divide against it, it remains

the same number! For instance, 2,345/1=2,345. Or how about 13,876,402/1=13,876,402. Any

other number doesn’t work like that. If you divide by 2 then the original number is only half as

powerful (now there’s a message in that equation). That is why one is God’s most powerful


We looked at the power of one through the mathematical illustration, but what about the spiritual

implication? God’s most powerful marriage is when the husband and wife are one. God’s most

powerful church is when the pastors, ushers, deacons, the people are one. God desires unity in

relationships, unity in the church, unity in our nation, unity amongst the nations! Even the word

unity, when sounded out, has a message. Unity is U (you) N (and) I – ty (tie). You and I tie

together. Think of a rope. One strand of rope is not very strong but two strands woven together is

twice as strong, three strands even better. Ecclesiastes 4:12 states, “Though one may be

overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken

(NKJV). Imagine thousands and thousands of strands woven together to make a powerful cable. I

remember visiting the Golden Gate Bridge and admiring millions of strands woven together to

support the weight of the bridge and all its traffic. Quite an engineering marvel!

In any rowing competition, the team with the most unity wins. In any symphony, each musical

instrument must stay in perfect rhythm with the rest of the group. In many team sports such as

basketball, football, or baseball, very often the most united (not the most talented) team wins!

Have you ever been blessed with a car that the timing of the engine was out of sync? The engine

sputters and dies and is not as effective as it could be. Or how about the car that has wheels that

are out of alignment? You have to constantly steer to the left, for instance, to keep it from

veering to the right and the wheels have to be replaced all the time. I have personally

experienced all of these car issues as my very first car was slightly beat up!

I had a 1980 Buick Regal two door sedan. I was not a good driver and had been in some

accidents. My passenger door was smashed and dented so that it could not open. My friends had

to either crawl in the window or get in on my side of the car. The frame of the car was out of

alignment due to the accidents so my driver side door would not close. When I drove, I had to

have my window rolled down and hold the door with my left hand! My side mirror had been

clipped and was dangling by one single wire. My back tire on the driver side had a bent rim

which created poor alignment and it looked like it wobbled as I drove. I had so many people

honk at me and tell me, “Your wheel is about to fall off!” I would just say, “Ok thanks,” and

wave at them. To make matters worse, my air conditioner didn’t work and it sounded like a fog

horn on a ship coming into shore. What a mess! I drove around like that for about a year before

the car finally bit the dust. I lived on a busy street and parked it out front. Ironically, late one

night, a drunk driver hit it and destroyed it! Amazingly, he was not even hospitalized! I was an

irresponsible kid that didn’t take great care of my car, but I learned, even back then, about the

power of alignment and how things work so much better when all parts of the car are cared for

properly and regularly maintained.

God places a high premium on unity. As a matter of fact, there are only three places in the Bible

where He “commands” the blessing. In all three places, unity is promoted.

1. In Leviticus 25:21, God commanded the blessing on the seventh year for those who

sowed faithfully for the previous six years (there’s another message for you). If we

faithfully sow into God’s Kingdom, then He will command the blessing on what we

have sowed. Giving promotes unity because people give to what they are passionate

about. When you sow into God’s Kingdom, you are being passionate about what He

is passionate about and you come into alignment with His blessing.

2. In Deuteronomy 28:8, God commanded the blessing on our storehouses, on our land,

and on all that we set our hands to do if we obey His Word and listen to His voice.

The spiritual principle here is that if we listen to God’s voice, obey and act according

to His Word, then He will command the blessing on all the work of our hands.

Working together promotes unity. When you work together with someone, you align

yourself with the goals to finish the tasks that you are working towards. Currently,

Life Spring Church where I pastor, meets in an elementary school and we have the

joy of setting up every Friday night to have church on Sunday. But by working

together with a lot of great people, my wife and I have established some great

relationships with individuals who are helping us with the vision God has given us for

the church.

3. In Psalm 133, God commanded the blessing when “brethren dwell together in unity.”

The spiritual principle is that when God’s children become united together, God

commands the blessing upon them. Dwelling together in peace promotes unity.

The interesting thing about Psalm 133 is that it also describes the anointing of unity and the

power of unity. Verse two states, “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down

Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments” This gives us a picture of the

anointing process of Aaron. Often in the Bible, when a priest was anointed, the prophet would

take a ram’s horn, dip it into a large barrel-like vessel filled anointing oil, and pour it over the

head of the priest. Then the prophet would dip the horn in the oil and pour it over the priest’s

head again and again until he was completely saturated with oil, even down to the hem of his

garments and on his toes. Sometimes this process would require the equivalent of sixteen quarts

of oil. Can you imagine someone being anointed “Old Testament” style in one of our church

services today?

The spiritual principle from this scripture is that God has a special anointing for those who dwell

in unity. I don’t know about you but my home is a lot happier when my wife and I dwell together

in unity. My children are a lot happier and my church is a lot happier when we all live in U-

(you)-N(and)-I-Ty(tie). Notice that the anointing first flows on the head. 1 Corinthians 11:3

states, “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the

woman is man; and the head of Christ is God.” This gives us an understanding of the structure of

the anointing. In a marriage, the anointing flows on the head first. The anointing that flows

through a man will flow through his family. In a church, the anointing that flows through a

pastor will flow through the church. In a relationship with God, the anointing that flowed

through Christ Jesus can flow through us. All of these are true as long as we respect the structure

God has designed and dwell together in unity. I have seen many homes that did not have unity

because the children or the spouses did not respect the structure God has put in place for unity.

While Psalm 133:2 speaks of the anointing of unity, verse three describes the power of unity: “It

is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion.” When I think of this verse, I

imagine rain on a windshield. Have you ever watched rain drops fall on a windshield? They

slowly run down from top to bottom. When they are alone by themselves they travel slowly but

once one drop joins another they travel twice as fast and then those drops join others and form a

stream pouring down the windshield. In the same manner, picture a few drops of dew coalescing

together on a high mountain and then forming puddles and streams which run down the

mountain and joins other dew and streams which form together. Soon the streams turn into

waterfalls, then rivers, lakes and eventually empty into the ocean. One drop of dew may not be

very powerful but when the drops become united with others and grow in number, they become a

powerful force. Jesus said, “Again I say unto you that if two of you agree on earth concerning

anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three

are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:19-20 KJV). When we

come into agreement with one another and into agreement with God, we have created a very

powerful force that floods the enemy and utterly defeats him.

Unity is power. It can be used for good or for evil. In Genesis 11, we see an example of unity for

an evil purpose: “Now the whole earth had one language and one speech… And they said, Come

let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for

ourselves… And the Lord said, Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and

this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them”

(verse, emphasis added). Interesting how God Himself said, “now nothing that they propose to

do will be withheld from them.” That is power that comes from unity!

A great historical example of unity occurred on December 24, 1914 in World War I when the

German troops were fighting against the British troops in France on the Western Front. There

had been fighting, gun fire, grenades blasting and all sorts of hostilities sent from one side to the

other. All of a sudden, the German troops realizing that it was Christmas Eve, began singing

“Silent Night” in their language. Soon after, the British troops listening to the song began singing

the song in English. After singing together for a while, the troops from both sides came out of the

trenches into “no man’s land” and lit candles, sang, and exchanged gifts. From that point on,

historians refer to that day as the “Christmas Truce” of World War I. In one brief moment of

time, weapons were laid down, hostilities forgotten, and unity established to share Christmas


There is a word in the Greek language of the Bible that powerfully describes unity. It is the word

homothumadon. It means having one mind and purpose, a mutual consent, unanimous agreement

to the point that some form of action occurs. For example, have you ever noticed a school of fish

that swim together like a symphony? They all dart to the right and then back to the left together

in one accord because they have the ability to feel one another’s heartbeat. When 120 people got

together, fasted and prayed for ten days, and came together in homothumadon, or in one accord,

the day of Pentecost occurred! Then later in Acts 5:12, “through the hands of Apostles many

signs and wonders were done among the people.” Why did this happen? The latter part of the

verse explains, “and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch.” In a word,

homothumadon! Unity leads to action. It’s one thing to be in unity, but it’s an entirely different

powerful thing when action results from the unity!

Prayer Focus:

Pray that the believers in the Kingdom of God can achieve homothumadon.

Pray that marriages, families, churches, and our nations can achieve homothumadon.

Pray the words of Jesus: “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will

believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me and

I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.

And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We

are one “(John 17:20-22NKJV).

There is no spiritual force, principality, or power that can fight against homothumadon.
