

ThisREGALMASTER#ff ff :trtffi:ffifi|ffi ?f "-il1?""titf,ff::=*'::

and its,{tris,lher successors and assigns ("Mare Owner")'

In con"sideration of the mutual covenants cortained in this Agreement and other good and valuable considera-

tion, the receipt ancl legal sufficiency of which are hereby expiessly acknowledged, TS and Mare Owner hereby

agree as follows:

1. The following terms are defined as:.,Breediig Season" is the time period fi'om February 15 through September I of any given

yeat',.Breeding' is the provision of semen to Mate Owner or Mate Owner's agent fo-r the

pupose of insemination by a licensed veterinarian of the Mare or substitute

mare designated under this Agreement."Live Foal" is a foal that stands and nurses unassisted.,.Maxe" is the mare more fully described in paragraph 2 or the substitute mare provided

for in paragraPh 6.

2. TS as orvner of the stallion REGAL MASTERPIECE ("RIv['), does hereby agree to provide semen from RM

to Mare Owner on the terms and conditions contained herein during the 2018 Breeding Season and, if necessary

the additional Breeding Seasons provided for under paragraph 6. Such semen will be shipped to the location

Jesignated below or oiher location designated in writing by Mare0wner. Mare Owner agrees that the semen

will be used for the sole and express purpose of inseminating the Mare that is more fully described below. Mare

owner aglees to provide a copy of the Mare's AMHA registration to Triumph Stables.



Name of Mare sire

Name of Mare dam

Shipping address

3. A breeding fee of DONATION (,'Breeding Fee") shall be paid by Mare owner to TS upon the execution ofthis contract. Checks are to be made payable [o TRIUMPH STABLES and mailed to Triumph Stables, 9506

South ?00 E-92, Roanoke, IN 46783. This Breeding Fee is non-refundable and TS assumcs no responsibility

ior conception or deliveryof a Live Foal other than providing additional semen as provided for in paragraph.6-

Mare Owner aclatowledges and agrees that the Breeding Fee and semen provided by TS Mare for the potential

registration of one (1) fo-al, subje& to the provisions of this Agreement. A1V birth or-registration of more than

ori" 1f I foal from the'semen provided under this Agreement will be considered an additional breeding and Mare

Ownei agrees to pay an addiiional Breeding Fee of the same amount provided for herein.

4. A non-refundable semen collection and processin g fee of 2?5.00 plus FedEx list prices (Priority Ovemight

service) for the actual shipment will be charged for each shipment of semen.

REGAL MASTERPIECE Breeding Agreement Dated

Airport to airport service is available and fees for such service witl be determined at the time of request' All

shrpping fees are payable in advance or at the time of shipment via credit card. Semen is collected Monday,

Weane*Aay and Eiiday. The collection agent must be notified by 11:00 AM eastem time for Monday, Wednesday

i@ip-ents, Shipping container; are to be retumedpromptly. Collection and shipping fees are subject to

change wittrout notice to accommodate any increases in shipping costs.

5.a Before semen can be shipped, Mare Owner shall provide a report to TS's collection agent, issued by a li-

censed veterinariano that is dated no earlier than 30 days prior to the shipment of semen stating that a licensed

veterinarian has examined the Mare and that the resuli included a negative uterine culture your mare should be

currert on vaccinations TS shall have live semen extracted, preparedfor shipment, and shipped next day deliv--

*w irtne shrpping address specified above. TS only warrantsihat the semen will be live semen at the time ofshipment. Uure Oroner acknbwtedges and agrees th;t TS has the right to substitute fuozet semen from RM, to

the extent that such frozen semen ii available for such use, for live iemen in the event that RM dies or otherwise

becomes unable to provide live semen. Mare Owner is responsible fol having the semen administered to the

Mare by a licensedieterinarian on the day that the sernen is delivered to the address specified above' If Mare

Owner'faits to have the semen administeied to the Mare according to the terms of this paragraph, then the provi-

,ion, fo, shipping additional semen per paragraph 6 shall no longer apply and TS shatl have no further responsi-

bltity for providing semen rmder thisAgreeyent.u. pro"ioea firtha Mare owner ugr""ito fumish upon demand of a licensed veterinarian's certificate ofRhinopneumonitis vaccinations at i,5,7,and9 months of pregnancy ,19qular,8 week deworming ,nutrition ade

a;"y;d rhat the mare was kept off of fescue pasture or hay within 90 days prior to foaling.

6. Should the Mare fail to conceive or a conception does not result in a Live Foal and the Mare owner desires to

(equest a rebre,eding, then the Mare orxner must prwide the following to TS:

a. If the Mare does not produce a live foal:1. A notice sent by cirtified or registered mail within 3 days of the Mare alorting the pregnancy or

the Mare's delivery of a foal that is not a Live Foal that such circumstance has occurred'

2. Within 20 days of the notice and before a request for rebreeding, a statement by a licenst-d-rtl- .

erinarian r"ttiog fortt the details of the Mare's aborting of the pregnancy or the condition of ttre foal

that qualifies it-to ue considered as a foal that is not a Live Foal.

b. If the Mare fails to conceive:'Within 20 days of the determination that the Mare did not conceive and before any regues] forle-breeding, a sLtement by a licensed veterinarian that the veterinarian has determined that the Mare

did not conceive.

If the Mare Owner complies with the notice and/or statement requirements under this paragraph as well as-the

other obligations cuntained in this Agreernent and the informatlon provided in the notice and/or statement has

determine-rl that the foal was not a LIve Foal or that the Mare did not conceive, then TS agrees to provide addi-

tional semen, subject to collection and shipping costs paid by Mare_Owner according to paragraplrl u"l th?

time limits set under this paragraph. TS aiso alees that the Mare Owner may substitute Tolh"t Mare for the

Mare specified in thisA.gre"oiroi in the event ihat semen is requested under this paragraph. lVlare Owner willnotify TS of the narne oi*y substitute Mare and will provide the same inforrnation required under paragraph 2

prior to additional semen being shipped. If the Mare does not produce a Live Foal within three (3) Breeding

3"uro6 or if Mare Ovyner faifi to io:mpty with the requirements of this paragraph or Mare Orvner's other oblig-

ations under this Agreement, then fS riritt be releasedhom any and all obligation to rebreeding and any other

obligations under this Agreement.

T. TS agrees that if TS sells or transfers RM, then TS will assign TS's obligatioas under this Agreement to the

new o1ilner of RM.

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REGAL MASTERPIECE Breeding Agreement Dated

8. Mare Owner agrees that all monies required under this Agreement must be paid in fulI before any foal produced by sernen provided by TS can be registered with theAmsriean Morgan Horse Regisby.

9. All notices or information required under this Agreement shall be sent to the following:

If to TS: Triumph Stables9506 South 700 E-92Roanoke, IN 46783

Q60i. 672-272t

If to Mare Owner:

1 0. This Agreement is govemed by the laws of the Stat€ of Indiana without regard to any conflicts of laws priru

ciples contained therein.

Mare Owner

Title (if applicable)

TS: -John


Title (if applicable)


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