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shakespeaRe in the paRk



a midsummer night’s dreamTwelfth night& The tempest

backyard bard-------------------[

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WhaT aBOUT COVID? • GreenStageisworkingtoensurethesafetyofperformersand


• OurHouseManagerswillannouncethemostuptodateinformationandrecommendations.


Changes to our performances this year:

• Mostperformanceswillbeamplifiedtoallowdistancing

• Audiencemembersareencouragedtowearmasksandgivespacetoneighbors

• Castwillmaskupwhencollectingdonationsaftertheshow.

• Actorswillnotsneakthroughtheaudienceandstealyourfood...sorry.

Thank you for being here today, we're extremely excited to be back performing in the parks!

|SIX FEET, friends!

SIX FEET!________

Emily Huntingford, MJ Daly, and Jordan Kerbs in The Taming of the Shrew. Photo by Jennifer Crooks

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WOW! So good to be here with you again. Itiswithabitoftrepidation,alotofexuberance,andagreatdealofwonderthatweemergeintothisnewseason.Whiletheexperimentsandinnovationofthelastyearareinspiring,theycannotreplacethepowerofliveperformance.Thepowerofasharedexperience,sharedspace,sharedstories.Thisisthepowerofliveart.Theatrechallengesustoconfrontourfoibles,passions,andweaknesses—inshort,ouressence.Itisalightinthedarkness,remindingusofourhumanityasindividualsandacommunity.Itisjustwhatweneedmovingoutofthisstrangeyear.Ineachoftheplaysinourseason,peoplefindthemselvesinaworldwhichforvariousreasonstheynolongerrecognize,navigatingotherworldlyrealmsthroughwhichtheyrediscovereachotherandtheirworld.Aftersomanymonthsofseparationandisolation,wemustdothesame.




— Erin Day

AS YOU LIKE ITThurs - Sun | Aug 6 - Sept 12

Adapted by Scott KaiserDirected by Erin Murray

Lose yourself in our Forest of Arden

Outdoors on Whidbey Island


accessible classical theatre realized for a contemporary audienceISLAND SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL

seattle’s ShakeSpeare in the park company

from the artistic director

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short synopsis of the shows

night’s dreamDirected by Taylor Davis

here’S The Skinny: Youareabouttoexperienceagroovy,faroutstoryfullofgoodvibes,somefoxymamas,andflowerpowerstickingittotheman–canyoudigit?





Backyard BardTWelfth Night & The TempestDirected by ken holmes

aT The beginning Of ThiS year, intheworstpartofofthispandemic,westartedplanningthisseason.Atthetime,wehadnoideawhetheritcouldevenhappen.Evenasvaccinesstartingtoarrive,theideaoftheatrethissummerseemedlikeapipedream.





a MIDsUMMeR NIGhT’s DReaM InswingingAthens,twopairsoflovershaveseveralproblems:LysanderandHermialoveeachother,butDemetriushasbeenpursingher,eventhoughhepromisedhimselftotheheartsickHelena.Further,Hermia’sfatherEgeusinsiststhatshemarryDemetriusandthelawofAthens,asenforcedbyDukeTheseus,supportshim.HermiaandLysanderplantoelopeintothewoodsontheeveofDukeTheseus’weddingtotheAmazonQueenHippolyta.




TwelFth Night ShipwreckedinIllyriaandseparatedfromhertwinbrotherSebastian,Violadisguisesherselfastheboy“Cesario”andgetsajobwithDukeOrsino—whojusthappenstobethemanofherdreams.UnfortunatelyforViola,theDuke’smainemploymentforheristowootheCountessOliviainhisname.



The Tempest Prospero,theDukeofMilan,hasbeenusurpedbyhisbrotherandbanishedbytheKingofNaples.Fortwelveyears,heandhisyoungdaughterhavebeenstrandedonamagicalisland,whereProsperohasperfectedsorceryandenchantedthefairyArielandthecreatureCalibantoservehim.



Director's Notes

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a midsummernight’s dream

directed by Taylor Davis

backyard bardtwelfth night

the tempestadapted and directed by Ken Holmes

Daniel Wood and Amelia Meckler. Photo by Ken Holmes. Rachel Taggart, Marissa Wyll, Marena Kleinpeter, Emily Huntingford. Photo by Ken Holmes.

CAST - in alphabetical order

Emily Huntingford Twelfth Night . . . . . . . . . . . Orsino/Toby/Malvolio Tempest . . . . . . . . . Sebastian/Ferdinand/Caliban

Marena Kleinpeter Twelfth Night . . . . . . .Captain/Andrew/Sebastian Tempest . . . . . . . . . . Miranda/Antonio/Stephano

Rachel Taggart Twelfth Night . . . Valentine/Maria/Olivia/Antonio Tempest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prospero/Boatswain

Marissa Wyll Twelfth Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viola Tempest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arial/Alonso/Trinculo


Sean Morrone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stage Manager

Anamaria Guerzon . . . . . . . . . . Musician/Composer

Elizabeth Power . . . . . . . . . . . . .Costumer Designer

Ari Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costume Assistent

Stacey Bush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fight Choreographer

Natalie Gress, Lindsay Hop . . . . . . House Managers

Heather Bernedette . . . . . . . . Production Manager

CAST - in alphabetical orderMolly Bauckham . . . . . First Fairy/Musician/BouncerJesse Calixto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puck/PhilostrateAnthony Duckett . . . . . .Demetrius/Snout/CobwebJalyn Green . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Quince/Egeus/Etc.Amelia Meckler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Titania/HippolytaCarolyn Marie Monroe . . . . . . . .Hermia/Snug/MothMary Murfin Bayley . . . . . . . . . . . . Theseus/OberonMandy Nelson . . . Helena/Starveling/MustardseedDaniel Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BottomAndrew Yabroff . . . . .Lysander/Flute/Peasblossom


Nicole Vernon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stage Manager

Julia Trimarco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Costumer Designer

Josh Zimmerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music Director

Faith Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Stage Manager

Jennifer Neilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . House Manager

Robert Falk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sound Technitcian

Heather Bernedette . . . . . . . . Production Manager

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Did It (Renton Civic) and as Atticus Finch inTo Kill a Mockingbird (Driftwood Theatre).He also recently directed Goodnight Moon andAround the World in 80 Days for SSR'stheatreforyoungaudiencesandThe Wind in the Willows for Bainbridge Performing Arts'sBainbridgePodAccomplice.ThisperformanceisdedicatedinlovingmemoryofSeanMitchellandMichelleAbad.RestinPowertotwoactorswhomadetheworldabetterplace.

Amelia MecklerHippolyta / TitaniaAmeliahasdonealotoftheater,withalotofcompanies, but also a lot with GreenStage.Over thepast20yearsorso,she’sdirectedandactedandbeenontheboardandonthestaff.Shehasadayjob,butnobodyisreallysurewhatitis–probablysomethingtodowith5G. She’s alsomarried and has a dog, anddedicatesthisperformancetoMomandDadwhoreallywantedtoseeheronstageagain.

Carolyn Marie MonroeHermia / Snug / MothCarolynishonoredanddelightedtoreturntoGreenStage where she was previously seenas Juliet in Romeo and Juliet and Opheliain Hamlet. Other favorite roles around towninclude Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion (SoundTheatre),AnnainBurn This (Theatre22),RosainLydia (StrawberryTheatre),KatherineinHenry V (Wooden-O), Rachel in End Days (SeattlePublic),andMirandainThe Tempest (SeattleShakespeare).Thisfall,Carolynisexcitedtotryoutanewkindofroleasagraduatestudentclinician in Western Washington University’sSpeech-Language Pathology program. Shehopes that thisproductionmakes yousmile.Welcometotheparks!

Anthony DuckettDemetrius / Snout / CobwebThis is Anthony’s tenth collaboration withGreenStageandistickledpinkthatthisyearwe get to bring the action back to a realaudienceinarealpark.PreviousGScredits:ArthurinKing John,TrinculoinThe Tempest,CornwallinKing Lear,DumainandNathanielin Loves Labours Lost, King Louis andRochfortinThe Three Musketeers anddigitalDauphinindigitalHenry V.HardBardcredits:AnselmusinCardenio andfinallyFerdinandinThe Duchess of Malfi.Anthonyhasmadetherounds with some other theater companiesin the Seattle area as well, including Book-It Repertory, Seattle Shakespeare, SoundTheater, Seattle Public, Theater Schmeater,OpenCircleTheater,TheaterSimple,SecondStory Rep, etc… In his spare time Anthonyenjoys fast cars, loud motorcycles, readingfantasy fiction and endless daydreaming.Anthonysendshis love tohisMom,hisDadandhisveryhairychildren,MillieandFinn.

Jalyn GreenPeter Quince / Egeus / Etc.WE'REBACKBABY!It'sgoodtobeback.ThisisJalyn'sfourthtimedoingMidsummer andhissecondtimedoingitwithGreenStagehavingplayedLysanderwaybackin2013.He'salsoappearedwithGreenStage inThe Taming of the Shrew (2012),The Duchess of Malfi (2016HardBard)andbrokehisleg(literally)duringAntony and Cleopatra in 2011. Some of hismorerecentshowsincludeFrost/Nixon andA Christmas Carol (SecondStoryRepertory)Bat-Hamlet andMidsummer (FernShakespeare)God of Carnage (PhoenixTheatre)The Butler

Molly BauckhamFirst Fairy / Musician / BouncerMolly Kaleo Bauckham has been readingand performing Shakespeare since 1988,playing the Celtic harp since 1998, andsinging since childhood. Born in CaliforniaandraisedinCaliforniaandHawaii,Mollynowmakes Seattle, Washington her home. Afterwinning the Hawaii Brown Bags to Stardomstatewide talent competition in 1993, MollycontinuedhertheatricalandmusicalstudiesattheUniversityofOregon.MollyparticularlyenjoyssettingShakespearetomusic;in2010shecomposedasettingof“Blow,Blow,ThouWinter Wind” from As You Like It. She alsocombinedsonnets144and129togetherasatango(“TangodeSonetos”)andmorerecentlycomposedasettingof“OMistressMine”forSofaShakespeare’sTwelfth Night.

Jesse Calixto Puck / PhilostrateJesseisanactorandmusicianwhograduatedwith aBFA in theatre performance from theUniversity of Idaho. He spent spring 2018touring Washington state with the SeattleShakespeareCompany'sEducationalTourof

andTwelfth Night.HeplayedBear/Human in 2017's People's ChoiceGregory Award-winning cast of DEERS atAnnex.Was seen as Pablo in Burien Actor'sTheatre's2019productionofNative Gardens.In early 2021 he played Benvolio/Peter inSeattle Shakespeare Company's Virtual-bilingualproductionofRomeo Y Julieta.ThisishisfirstproductionwithGreenStageandisVERYexcitedtobeplayingPuck!

a midsummer night’s dream cast

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Daniel WoodBottomThis is Daniel’s 10th summer withGreenStage! His favorite GreenStage rolesincludeDonArmadoinLove’s Labour’s Lost,Edgar in King Lear, and Stephano in The Tempest.HealsodirectedThe Merry Wives of Windsor (2016)forGreenStage.Otherfavoriteroles include Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing (SecondStoryRep)and the title rolein Macbeth (Fern Shakespeare Company).He has also had the pleasure to performwith theaters such as Seattle ShakespeareCompany, Wooden O, Book-It Rep, SeattlePublic Theater, Centerstage, Sound TheatreCompany,TheaterSchmeater,AnnexTheatreandmany,manymore.

Mary Murfin BayleyTheseus / OberonMary’s previous GreenStage roles includeBelarius in Cymbeline; Gratiana in The Revenger’s Tragedy; Mistress Quickly,Worcester,andSilenceintheHenrys.Shehasalso enjoyed performing with Theatre9/12,Annex, Seattle Public, Book-It Rep, Arouet,andSeattleOpera.TrainedoriginallyatReedCollege and the HB Studio, she is proud tonowbeSAFDqualifiedinseveralswordstyles,delightedtobebackplayingShakespeare intheparks,andgladyouarehere.

Mandy NelsonHelena / Starveling / MustardseedMandy is a voice and stage actor in hersecond appearance with GreenStage. Shepaysbills and taxeson timeandhasa fouryearoldkid.She’sprettybasic.AllhereffortsarededicatedtoherhusbandBlakebecausetheysharealife,butalsoacar.

Andrew Yabroff Lysander / Flute / PeasblossomAndrew (he/him) Is thrilled make his inperson GreenStage debut. Andrew waspreviously in GreenStage’s Zoom HENRY V astheConstable.OthercreditsincludeZoomreadingofA Midsummer Nights Dream withTheShowMustGoOnlineoutofGlasgow,fourseasonsatIslandShakespeareFestivalwherehe was Puck in Midsummer, Clown in The Winters Tale andmanymore.AndrewhasalsoperformedatJewelTheatreinSantaCruz,CA(ExplorersClub),OregonShakespeareFestivalin Ashland, OR (Taming of the Shrew andKing Lear)andmanyshowswithShakesontheRocks inLosAngles,CA.Youmightalsorecognize Andrew from being a Tour/ActorDirector with Missoula Children’s Theatre.Andrew is represented by Big Fish NW inSeattleandTilmarTalentinLA.HeholdsaBFAinActingwithaminorinShakespeareStudiesfromSouthernOregonUniversity.

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BaCKYaRD BaRD castZoom and interactive theatre (Nexus withDanielle Mohlman, Robot Face, Yarn, andSecret Admirer with Dacha Theatre) andcreated5minuteTYAshowssheperformedinneighborhoodsthroughoutSeattle.

Marena Kleinpeter Marena(she/her)isoverjoyedtobebacktolivetheatreforathirdsummerwithShakespearein the Park! Previous GreenStage credits:Bianca in Taming of the Shrew; Ensemblein 2018 Backyard Bard's Two Gentlemen of Verona,andThe Winter's Tale.Other theatercredits: LG! Theater, Edmonds DriftwoodPlayers, Dacha Theatre works, and UtahShakespeareFestival.

Rachel TaggartRachel (she/her) attended the WesternAustralian Academy of Performing Arts inPerth, Australia and then spent 16 yearstraveling the length and breadth of theU.K.duringherprofessionalcareer.Sincemoving

Anamaria Guerzon (Musician / Composer) Anamaria ishappily returning toGreenStage- this time inperson!Whenshe'snotwritingmusic, she is writing plays and hanging outwith dogs. Her recent credits include: Dust(Director), A Piece of My Heart (Leeanne),andlastyear'svirtualreadingofThe Tempest (Miranda). Thanks to her parents to alwayssupportingher.Enjoytheshow!

Emily HuntingfordEmily(she/her)istrulysoexcitedtobedoinglive Shakespeare in the park again! A loverof classical theatre Emily has worked withGreenStageforthepastthreesummers(The Tempest, Taming of the Shrew,andThe Three Musketeers),workedwithFernShakespeare(Much Ado About Nothing),andDachaTheatreintheirShakespeareDiceSeries(Hamlet, As You Like It,andPride and Prejudice).Duringthe pandemic she has worked on various

to the States, Rachel has enjoyed successasanInternationalTrainerandPresenterforglobalfitnesscompanyLesMills. Interestingtheater work includes: Brabantio/LodovicoinOthello (FernShakespeare),SophieinThe BFG (Newcastle Playhouse), Pimple in She Stoops to Conquer,HermiainA Midsummer Night’s Dream andDolores inTinsel (BristolOld Vic Rep), Lady Anne in Richard III andPetruchio inThe Taming of the Shrew (Illyrianational tours). Next, Rachel will be playingIrene Summers in Armed Betties, a web-seriesbeingfilmedinWA.Rachelisexcitedtobeoutsidewithyou–enjoytheshow!

Marissa WyllMarissa (she/her) is delighted to be backin the parks this summer! Past GreenStageshows:Henry IV part 1, Henry IV part 2,andlastsummer'svirtualreadingofThe Tempest.OtherrecentcreditsincludeMuch Ado About Nothing withTheShatteredGlassProjectandPolka Dots withParachutePlayers.MarissaisagraduateofWesternWashingtonUniversityandthisfallwillbeheadedtoIrelandforherMAinTheatrePracticewithUniversityCollegeDublinandtheGaietySchoolofActing.

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Taylor DavisDirector –Midsummer TaylorisecstatictobeapartofbringingbackLIVEtheatretoSeattle,aswellassharingherlifelongadorationofShakespeare.SheholdsaBFA inMusicalTheatre fromtheUniversityofOklahomaanddirects, choreographs,andperforms in and around Seattle. This showis extra special since her first GreenStageexperiencewasplayingPuck inMidsummer!Select directing credits:9 to 5: The Musical (Twelfth Night Productions), Return to the Forbidden Planet (CenterStage), Nunsense (ValleyCenterStage),Joseph and the… (SFFT),The Christmas Spirit (BAT);Rapunzel Holiday Panto (CenterStage). Thank you Erin for thislovelyopportunity (again),Heather forallyoudo, Josh for your inspiration and insight, thefantasticcast,andthankyou- thepatron–forsupporting local theatre–it is more valuablethanever!

Ken HolmesDirector - Backyard Bard Managing DirectorSince 1993, Ken has been working withGreenStageinmanycapacities.Beforejoiningthecompany,hehadneverevenreadanentireShakespeare play. Happily, and thanks toGreenStage,heisnowproudtosayhehastakenpartinproductionsofall39ofShakespeare’s37plays.Kenhasworkedasanactor,director,prop maker, set designer, graphic designer,photographer,boardmember,artisticdirector,managing director, and…well, pretty mucheverything that needs doingwhen producingtheatre. In the real world, Ken is a graphicdesignerandphotographerand lives inKentwithhis lovelywifeLisa, theirdaughterRuby,andsweetdoggyBella.

Sean MorroneStage Manager - Backyard BardSeanisthrilledtobeworking,forthefirsttime,withGreenstageand ishappythat theater isonceagainreturningtothestage.HeholdsaBFAintheaterfromCornishCollegeoftheArts.InthepasthehasstagemanagedwithKitsapForestTheaterontheirproductionofMamma Mia. He has also stage managed with TheDriftwoodPlayersontheirproductionsofThe Festival of Shorts, Silent Sky, Sabrina Fair andmanyothers.Hewouldliketothankhisfamilyand friends for theircontinualsupportofhispassionfortheater.

Elizabeth PowerCostumer – Backyard BardElizabeth is so happy to switch from maskmakingtocostumemakingaftera longwaitto get back to Shakespeare in the park!Thankyouforjoiningustodaywearethrilledto be here! Favorite past shows include ourrecentHistories,Richard 3 and theHenry’s, Cymbeline andMuch Ado About Nothing.

Julia Trimarco Costume Desginer - Midsummer Julia returns to GreenStage after 2019'sTaming of the ShrewandThe Winter's Tale & Two Gentlemen of Verona in2018.ShehasdesignedcostumeslocallyforJetCityImprov(A Sequence of Wretched Events, Claim of Thrones, Nancy You, Tall Tales),VersatileArts,Eastside Music Theater, ArtsWest, RentonCivic Theatre and Seattle Public Theater.As a member of IATSE Theatrical WardrobeUnion Local 887, Julia has joined costumeand wardrobe crews at Tacoma Arts Live,Seattle Opera, Seattle Rep, and SeattleChildren'sTheatre.Otherlocalcollaborationsinclude Seattle Shakespeare Company,CornishPlayhouse,SeattleGilbert&SullivanSociety, andTaproot TheatreCompany. Juliahas costumed in 8 states including NewYork,wheresheearnedanOff-OffBroadwayReview Award in 2001 forMoonchildren atthe Producer's Club II. She can be foundwandering museums and antique mallslookingforinspiration.

Josh Zimmerman Music Director - MidsummerJoshisgratefulfortheopportunitytoparticipateintheartsduringthisunprecedentedtime.Heperformed the transition and underscoringmusic for GreenStage's Web-presentedversion of this show, and hopes you enjoyhaving live music for your performance. Aseasoned Music Director and musician, hehastourednationallyandinternationally,andmaintainsaprivateteachingstudio.HethanksRaphaelandIsaiahfortheirloveandsupport.He thanks Taylor for everything. Most of allhe thanks you the patron for continuing tosupportlivelocalperformanceart.Thankyou.

Stacey Bush Fight Choreographer - Backyard BardStaceyisamemberoftheSocietyofAmericanFight Directors and the Australian StageCombatAssociation,andhascreatedviolenceforACTTheater:Yen,GreenStage:Taming of the Shrew, SeattleRepertory Theatre: Ibsen in Chicago, Theater Schmeater: She Kills Monsters,MAPTheatre:Year of the Rooster andAnnexTheatre:My Dear Miss Chancellor.She has taught theatrical violence for bothSeattle Children’s Theater’s YAI programand GreenStage’s summer camps. She istheManagingDirectorofPerformers’ Forge,a local performance company focusing onthe exhibition and education of theatricalinterpretations of historical and modernviolence.

Kyle Gerstel Prop DesignerKyleGerstelisa14-year-oldtheatergeekwhocouldn'tbehappiertohavefoundGreenstagein 2021. He recently directed his school'sfirstmusical in over a decade (The AddamsFamily young@part) as well as the onlinemusicalHamleton.Outsideofschool,youcanfind him acting in Youth Theatre Northwestproductions, writing reviews for the TeenTixNewsroom, or making comedy songs onhis ukulele. He hopes you enjoy what theGreenstageteamhascreatedaswetransitionbacktoin-persontheater!

Faith Wilson Assistant Stage Manager - MidsummerFaith is thrilled to be taking a break fromcollegethissummertoworkwithGreenStage.Whilesheusuallyleanstowardsperformingonstage,sheisexcitedaboutthechancetotrybehind-the-scenesworkforthefirsttimeinawhile.Whensheisn’tbusywithschoolorsomekindoftheatricalperformance,Faithspendshertimereading,baking,andspendingtimewith her two cats. She sends thanks to heramazingfamilyforsupportingherandtotheGreenStagefamilyforwelcomingherin.Enjoytheshow!

production team

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Hey you! Yes, I'm talking to you...sittingthereinthepark,watchingabunchofactorstellastory.DidyouknowGreenStageisfundedmainlyfrompeoplejustlikeyou?It'strue!Andyoucanhelptomakesurefutureaudienceshavethesameopportunitytoenjoyfreetheatrebymakingadonationtoday.Thanks!

GreenStagePO Box 24582

Seattle, WA 98124Message Line: 206-748-1551

greenstage staffErin Day - Artistic DirectorKen Holmes - Managing DirectorHeather Bernadette - Production ManagerSarah Stillion - Education DirectorDaniel Wood - Marketing DirectorMeredith Armstrong - Facilities ManagerNatalie Gress

Indigenous Land acknowledgement Thelandonwhichwegatheristheancestral,uncededterritoryoftheDuwamish,Muckleshoot,andOtherCoastSalishNations,past,present,andfuture.Seattlehasalsobeentheusualandaccustomedfishing,hunting,andvillagesitesfornationssuchasSuquamish,Snoqualmie,andTulalip.Theyarethisland’soriginalstorytellers.




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Board of directorsMichelle Conklin - PresidentMichael Heffernan - TreasurerNicole Vernon - SecretaryPeter BurfordKen Holmes Daniel Wood

how much to give? We’llleavethatuptoyou.Whetherit’safewbucksinthehatattheendoftheshow,orabigcheckwithlotsofzeros!Considerthecostofgoingtothemovies,aplayatanindoortheatre,oraconcert.Everythingyouseeonstagecostsmoney,fromactorstopropstotheprogramyouarereadingrightnow.Thanks!

Donate now! Your contribution keeps

shakespeare in the park

free !Scanthecodetodonatefromthecomfortofyourpicnicblanket.

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$5,000 and aboveKing County COVID

ReliefSeattle Parks and

Recreation*Washington State Arts


$1, 000 - $4,9994 CultureCity of Seattle COVID

ReliefMicrosoft Matching FundsSeattle Office of Arts and

CultureAlice Sieger & Peter BurfordJeffrey KraussJeff TaylorJerry Watt, Vreni von Arx


$300 - $999Anonymous (1)Boeing Matching GiftsNordstromGregory BarnesMary BayleyJim CarsonMargaret CurtinKevin DanielsCarl DaVaultEmmett DriscollKathryn DugawMichael FroebeDarcy HarrisonMichael HeffernanJohn McIntyreTiffany MurrayRobert PenhaleCarolyn SchottNona VernonJames WalsethJessica WoodLaVerne WoodsClem and Monica Zipp

Donations received between 1/1/2020 – 6/20/2021 ContributorsThank yOU! To everyone listed here for helping to keep greenStage going during the past year!

* In kind donationsGreenStage makes every effort to publish donation information accurately. This list represents donations made between 1/1/2020 and 6/20/2021. If your name is incorrect or missing, please contact GreenStage at 206-748-1551 or by email at [email protected].

$150 - $299Anonymous (4)Anne AdamsAlison AlcobaHarold & Lynne

ArmstrongMeredith Armstrong

and Erik SwansonVince & Sally BradyShirley and Jim CornishTodd CurrieJeanne DeBaetsSusan FerrellAlan GibbsDennis GlavinDavid GossettSue HartmanSamara HoagSamantha HolsworthJohnson & JohnsonAubrey KayeLinda LombardiElaine MathiesSheri McHenryRon MecklerAndrea MeninErin Mettling Toni PageJocelyn PhillipsMegan PursellKent RadekKate RandallGrace ReamerDavid Reeck and

Marcie SwiftEric and Karen RichterEmily Riesser and Tom

SunderlandKirk RobbinsMalia RumbaughDavid Schmitt and

Anne HellmanJames SouzaNancy StreiffertIsabella SummittRobin Whipple

$50 - $149Anonymous (10)In memory of Frank


Expeditors International of Washington

The Gillis FundSalesforceSylvia Center for the

ArtsGary BauchCourtney BearRena BeharBob BliesnerChristine BogartElsbeth BursellSusan CarrollMeryl CarsonPamela CharlesIrene ChoiDaniel ChristensenElizabeth CoganAlix ComptonRachel Cook Chris Covert-BowldsRob DetznerLaura DuarteHannah DuffPer EnfieldVictoria EnglandHenry FenbertSusan FinneganErin FoyKris FulsaasLawrence GarciaJennie Goldberg and

Peter StekelCatherine GrahamKandice GressMarion HeffernanKen and Lisa HolmesChristina Hughes-

BarredoSuzanne JachimKelly JohnsonLynne KingChris and Cindy

KlassenBernard KoontzAngel KumasakaCecile KummererPatrick LennonHarriet LynchCynthia MarinoHeather J. Martin

Cynthia MayLodi and Regan

McClellanAnne MosesLisa Nicholas and

David KassensMargaret O'MalleyCarmen ParisiKerry and Lisa PetersonMichael RamquistMayuree RaoRoberta ReedBernadette RobertsCynthia RodriguezMichael RuschErika RuschEric and Tera SchreiberRichard SpringerWalter StocklaAlber Gulliam

Fernandes Sucupira

Connie TaylorRichard ThurstonEthan Trooskin-ZollerMeranda TuttleKaren UsseryRoger ValdezDavid VandegriftNicole A VernonJennifer VierlingKatherine WaltonKelly Marie WardHelene WentinkJames Whitingkathleen WhitsonMarsha WilliamsDaniel Wood

$10-$49Anonymous (9)Benevity GoDaddy Nordo Cafe Lois Corinne BauerAndrew BleekerJulia BuckWilson CarpenterJanet CarsonMichael CarterKaitlyn Casimo

Cecilia CordovaMadalyn DalyDavid DoraisLisa DunnBill EatonRichard EvansRobert Falk Margo GoderskySarah HorriganKathy HsiehDavid HsiehAnne HuntingfordKavita JaswalJoan KelleyBob KenneyVirginia KreimerBeth LooserEdyth LurieSharon LynchAnne MaguireKristina MaierScott MannKara McDermottHilary Okrent-GrilleyJulia PaulsenPaulina PrzystupaMichael RasmussenMichelle Rodriguez Patrick RooneyTheresa RoseLuke SaylerGreg and Cynthia

ScheidererGail ScottKyna ShillingAnnie St JohnHarry SternSally StroudJulia Trimarco Elizabeth UmbanhowarSally Van OverCandi VanHornJenny WangSheyna WatkinsRay and Shirley

WeisgerberKaren WennerstromLyam WhiteRose WilliamsDouglas Wills

seattle’s ShakeSpeare in the park company

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theatre twenty-two

PresentsJuly 29th - Aug 7th Thurs - Sun @ 7:00 pm

Volunteer Park | lawn north of the museum

Join Alice on her journey down the pandemic rabbit hole into a topsy turvy world where

rules keep changing and time is fluid and power equals corruption.

T22 brings a contemporary take on the familiar story that combines a dynamite cast with

the iconic characters as well as song, dance, puppetry and whimsical wordplay in an

imaginative and magical production with something for everyone.

w w w. t h e a t r e 2 2 . o r g | 2 0 5 - 2 5 7 - 2 2 0 3

This production is...InnovativeGenre-bendingContemporary Something for Everyone

FREE!Like you’ve never seen it before!