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2021-2022 Pandemic Plan August 2021


Auburn University at Montgomery 1


Introduction .......................................................................................................2

Policies ................................................................................................................ 4

Health and Safety .............................................................................................5

Human Resources.......................................................................................... 8

In The Workplace ...........................................................................................12

Academics ........................................................................................................10

Re-Opening AUM Task Force ....................................................................11

Introduction:The most important step students and employees can take to safeguard one another is to properly wear facemasks (securely covering the nose and mouth) in all buildings. The university recommends everyone have the vaccination. This measure is intended to limit potential community spread of the virus. By utilizing masks, wearers are reducing the risk of transmission to their classmates, professors, colleagues, and university support staff. The university also recommends students and employees closely monitor their personal health. Warhawk Health Services will also continue to offer COVID-19 testing, as well as vaccinations.

AUM’s Task Force has planned for a variety of scenarios, including:

• Zero or minimal disruption due to the pandemic• Moderate disruption• Significant disruption

The guidelines and policies focusing on health and safety, facilities, academics, campus services, and student life have been shaped by recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Alabama Department of Public Health. While this document was drafted based on current conditions, it will be treated as a living document and will be adjusted as local public health conditions, public understanding of the COVID-19 virus, and best practices guiding response to the pandemic evolve.

For the latest information, visit For questions, email [email protected].

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Policies:COVID-19 Campus Health Policy

Responsible Offices: Office of Human Resources Office of Student Affairs

Purpose and ScopeThis policy requires the use of certain measures to reduce transmission of COVID-19 among AUM students, faculty, and staff during the COVID-19 public health emergency. These measures will enable the university to continue its vital missions of teaching, research, and service consistent with relevant public health guidance.

This policy applies to the conduct of all students, faculty, and staff (“Community Members”) while on AUM’s campus, which includes all property owned by AUM or leased for use by AUM.

This policy also applies to contractors, vendors, and visitors in the manner described below.

Effective Date August 16, 2021

This policy may be amended or rescinded by the Chancellor at any time, depending on campus conditions, government directives, public health guidance, and other appropriate considerations. Such changes will be communicated promptly to the campus.

Responsibility The Office of Human Resources and the Office of Student Affairs implements and administers this policy. Supervisors, managers, academic leadership, and faculty (with respect to their students during in-person instruction) must undertake good faith efforts to enforce the requirements described in this policy.

Policy Principles and ProceduresAll restroom facilities will display signs that encourage frequent hand washing as guided by county, state, and federal public health agencies.

Face CoveringsEffective August 2021, Auburn University at Montgomery requires that all students, employees, contractors, and visitors properly wear face coverings (securely covering the mouth and nose) while inside campus buildings or utilizing university transportation.

For purposes of this section, appropriate face coverings shall include face masks or coverings consistent with federal and state public health guidance (e.g., cloth face coverings consistent with CDC guidelines).

Students, employees, and visitors must wear face coverings at all times while in shared indoor spaces, including classrooms and elevators, and when riding in enclosed vehicles with another person in connection with university business and activities (including Warhawk Transit), except in the following circumstances:

• When working alone in a reasonably enclosed or private indoor workspace (e.g., personaloffices, library study spaces);

• When in private rooms and suites in residence halls;• When in the Wellness Center in specifically identified space;• When use of face coverings as described herein is contrary to applicable laws,regulations, or government directives, or with relevant and accepted industry bestpractices;

• When the individual is younger than 3 years old; and

• When the individual has received an exemption.

Requests for exemptions based on disability accommodations must be directed to the Center for Disability Services. All other requests for exemptions must be directed to the Dean of Students (student requests) or the Office of Human Resources (employee requests).

Individual facilities, units, and offices may impose different or more stringent requirements, upon approval of the Chancellor. Facility-specific requirements that differ from those stated in this policy also may be communicated via on-site signage.

Community members must comply with applicable public health isolation and quarantine orders and other governmental directions.

COVID-19 Quarantine versus Isolation:

• Quarantine - Keep someone who was in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 away fromothers.

• Isolation - Keep someone who is sick or tested positive for COVID-19 without symptoms away fromothers.Additional information and guidance can be found on the “AUM – Coronavirus Update” website:

Vendors, Contractors, and VisitorsVendors, contractors, and campus visitors must follow the face covering requirements discussed in this policy.

Vendors, contractors, and campus visitors who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms must comply with their employer’s health protocols (if applicable) and must not engage in any on-campus activities until cleared by an appropriate medical professional.

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InterpretationThe Chief Human Resources Officer and the Dean of Students have the authority to interpret this policy. Supervisors, managers, academic leadership, and faculty (with respect to their students during in-person instruction) must undertake good faith efforts to enforce the requirements described in this policy.

Policies (cont.): Health and Safety:Auburn University at Montgomery’s Warhawk Health Services staff will continue to prioritize the health and well-being of students and employees.

Warhawk Health Services staff will provide the following resources for AUM students, faculty, staff, and dependents:

• Call-in appointments for students and employees• Rapid COVID-19 and PCR testing available; COVID-19 antibody testing is also available• Flu shots• Monitoring of personal protective equipment (PPE) and non-contact thermometer inventories• Identification and monitoring of at-risk populations on campus (which may include student-athletes or students engaged in practicum or internship experiences)

• Coordination of mitigation measures for any students or employees who may test positivefor COVID-19 or fear they have been exposed to someone with the virus

The guidelines offered in this section align with recommendations and best practices identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as the Alabama Department of Public Health.

Do not attend class or report to work if you believe you are ill. AUM’s Office of Human Resources offers guidelines for employees and supervisors related to COVID-19 and absences from work, while students are encouraged to communicate with their professors.

Self-Screening and Other Preventative MeasuresThe university uses the GuideSafe mobile app as a resource for students, faculty, and staff to monitor personal health on a daily basis. The GuideSafe resource is also available on the AUM website under the COVID-19 button. On-campus resident students are advised to have a thermometer available for personal use while living in campus housing.

To avoid transmission of and exposure to COVID-19, students and employees should monitor their health on a daily basis before coming to campus using the following questions:

Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19? • Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?• Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours (exceeding 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit)?• Have you experienced new loss of taste or smell?• Have you experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?

Employees and non-residential students who answer “yes” to any of these daily screening questions must not come to campus (or must immediately leave campus, if on campus), must follow the requirements stated in this policy, and should seek appropriate medical assistance.

In addition, residential students who answer “yes” to any of these daily screening questions must follow instructions from appropriate university officials, including the Dean of Students. Such students may be asked to relocate to an on-campus isolation facility.

Sanctions Employees who violate this policy are subject to discipline in accordance with the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual and the Faculty Handbook.

Students who violate this policy are subject to referral to the disciplinary processes described in the Student Handbook.

Individuals who engage in harassing, discriminatory, bullying, or retaliatory behavior may be subject to investigation and sanction under other applicable AUM policies.

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Employees who answer “yes” must immediately notify the Office of Human Resources.

Students who answer “yes” must immediately notify the Dean of Students. Students also may notify their course instructors regarding expected absences. Community Members must comply with applicable public health isolation and quarantine orders and other governmental directions.

Additional information and guidance can be found on the “AUM – Coronavirus Update” website:

Confirmed Positive COVID-19 Cases Community members who receive a positive COVID-19 test result and are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms must immediately isolate off-campus for a minimum of 10 days.

Residential students may be asked to isolate in an on-campus facility.

Members of the campus community may not return to on-campus activities until they have completed the 10-day minimum isolation period, been symptom-free and fever-free for at least 24 hours, and have been cleared by an appropriated medical professional.

Cases of positive tests among students may necessitate testing of roommates. Positive tests among students and employees will also require contact tracing. Students may be asked to move rooms should circumstances dictate change due to COVID-19 cases and potential transmission.

Telehealth is available if needed and food delivery will be arranged for student residents of campus housing who must self-isolate due to a positive test or suspected exposure to an infected individual.Employees who receive a confirmed positive must contact the Office of Human Resources, while students must contact the Dean of Students.

Auburn University at Montgomery is closely following guidelines set by the Center for Disease Control and Alabama Public Health Department.

COVID-19 Symptomatic But Without Test Confirmation (Awaiting Test Results or Confirmed Negative Test)If you exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 please quarantine until test results are available. If positive, follow previous instruction in this document.

Close Contact with Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

“Close contact” generally refers to being in close physical proximity for an extended period of time (e.g., within 6-feet for 15 minutes within a 24-hour period) to another individual who, during that time, is reasonably believed to be infected with COVID-19 (e.g., recent confirmed positive test and/or symptoms).

Unvaccinated students and employees who have had “close contact” with such an individual must immediately self-quarantine off-campus for 10 days without testing or 7 days and have received a negative test result. Tests for those exposed should be on day 5 or after for valid test results.

After stopping quarantine, continue to watch for symptoms until 14 days after exposure. If you develop symptoms, then immediately isolate and contact your healthcare provider. A person exposed should wait at least 4 days from day of exposure before testing for COVID-19 if asymptomatic. If symptomatic, contact your healthcare provider or Warhawk Health Services for testing.

Health and Safety (cont.):

Those who have had close contact or been exposed and are vaccinated and non-symptomatic must continue their traditional work schedule on campus.

Individuals who have been in close contact with someone who received a positive COVID-19 test are not required to self-quarantine if it has been two weeks or longer after having received their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

If you are fully-vaccinated (two weeks out from completed dose) and are exposed, you do not need to quarantine but should be tested between days 3 - 5.

Contact TracingStudents and employees who contract COVID-19 should cooperate with contact tracing efforts undertaken by AUM and/or public health authorities.

Cleaning Supplies and Face CoveringCleaning supplies remain available for classrooms and employee offices. If supplies are needed, please contact Campus Services.

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Human Resources:Continued on-campus operations and activities will account for local health conditions, guidance from state, federal and local agencies, and institutional capabilities and resources to meet that guidance.

AUM will remain nimble and flexible in adapting to changing circumstances presented by the pandemic, including potential spikes in community transmission and/or confirmed cases within the campus community.

On-Campus StaffingAUMõs return to normal operations supports the full staffing across campus. We encourage all employees to continue monitoring university communications for further updates.

Å Currently, every campus office is open and staffed at normal operation levels to maintain operational effectiveness, including but not limited to assisting visitors, responding to telephone calls and fulfilling service delivery.

ÅContinue to utilize the extensive range of available collaborative tools (e.g., Zoom, WebEx, MicrosoftTeams, Outlook, telephone) offered at AUM to promote social distance.

Å Continue to consider practices that promote innovation and enhance service delivery.

Employees are encouraged to work with their supervisor or department head to identify actions or adjustments to the work environment such as room configuration, or the installation of dividers or plexi- glass shields, that can reduce the spread of viruses such as COVID-19. Qualified employees with a Center for Disease Control (CDC) designated COVID-19 high risk medical condition should contact the Office of Human Resources to discuss their eligibility for reasonable workplace accommodations.

Emergency COVID-19 Adminstrative Leave (ECAL)

Employees who have been exposed and are vaccinated and non-symptomatic are expected to report for work on campus.

Effective August 17, Auburn will modify Emergency COVID-19 Administrative Leave (ECAL) and extend it through the end of the fall semester for eligible employees.

ECAL Time Limits Please note that from August 17 until the end of the semester:

An eligible employee can receive up to two weeks (80 hours) of ECAL. (The amount will be prorated for a part-time or student employee.) An eligible employeeõs available ECAL is contingent on how many hours they have used from Jan. 1 to Aug. 16, 2021. ECAL used from Jan. 1 to Aug. 16, 2021 will deducted from the two weeks (80 hours).

ECAL UsageIf the eligible employee is unable to perform their work remotely and has ECAL available, it can be used for the following reasons:

The employee is required by the university to quarantine.

The employee is impacted by a school or daycare required quarantine due to the pandemic. (ECAL will not be applicable if childcare or on-site learning is available but the employee chooses not to participate.)

Please note that additional documentation may be required:Please use the COVID-19 Leave Request Form to complete the request, which must be approved by the supervisor.Additional Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) documentation may also be required.

The university reserves the right to terminate ECAL at any time. Additional information about leave and the COVID-19 Leave Form will be available online by Aug. 17. Email [email protected] with any questions regarding COVID-19 leave.







ECAL Documentation

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Academics, Tuition & Conferences:Academic InstructionEach course syllabus will include a statement outlining university expectations regarding the use of face masks/personal protective equipment (PPE). Failure to follow these guidelines will result in disciplinary action (in the case of students, the Dean of Students disciplinary process).

• Contingency Planning- Faculty will be expected to have contingency plans in place for each of their courses shouldthe Alabama Department of Public Health, Governor or Chancellor determine that theuniversity discontinue face-to-face instruction in the interest of safety.- Each faculty member will identify a substitute instructor should the primary instructorbecome too ill to continue teaching a course.

Tuition and FeesTuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs online or is otherwise modified for all or any part of the academic year.

Conference ServicesAUM has modified its conference services availability to accommodate internal groups only. All external events will require the approval of the Chancellor.

Re-Opening AUM Task Force:Since April 2020, an 18-member task force has monitored public health conditions and developed a framework that would allow AUM to resume delivery of face-to-face coursework. Members of the task force include:

Carl Stockton ChancellorMrinal VarmaProvostKeri BurnettExecutive Director, University Office of MarketingJoy ClarkAssociate Provost for Undergraduate StudiesRobin ForesterExecutive Assistant to the ChancellorLeon HigdonDean of StudentsJean LeunerDean, College of Nursing & Health SciencesTobias MenseChief Information OfficerBrenda MitchellDirector of Police Operations

Daryl MorrisChief Campus Services OfficerSameer PandeAssociate Provost for Enrollment & Student AffairsScott ParsonsVice Chancellor of Financial & Administrative ServicesMatthew RaglandAssociate Provost for Graduate Studies & Faculty ServicesGlen RayFaculty Senate President-ElectJessie RosaSenior Director of AthleticsRudy TobiasStaff Council PresidentLeslie MeadowsChief Human Resources Officer

Subcommittee MembersNested within the larger task force are subcommittees focusing on processes and policies in the following areas (members are identified):

Academics:Donald Amoroso Professor, Information SystemsCourtney Bagents School of NursingClarissa Chavez Department Chair, PsychologyJoy Clark Associate Provost for Undergraduate StudiesLee Farrow Distinguished Teaching Professor, History & World Languages & Cultures

William Fenn Department Chair, Fine ArtsPhill JohnsonDean, AUM LibraryNeal Kelley Director, Continuing Education & Community Engagement Sameer Pande Associate Provost for Enrollment & Student AffairsMatthew Ragland Associate Provost for Graduate Studies & Faculty Services

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Academics (cont.):Chelsea Ward Department Head, Biology & Environmental ScienceLaura Wildman Director, Early Learning Center

Val Winkelman Professor, Communication & TheatreMrinal VarmaProvost

Campus Services:Doris HallCashier, AUM BookstoreIyisha HamptonDirector, Housing & Residence Life Sandra HargroveProgram Associate, Conference Services Leon HigdonInterim Dean of StudentsChris KelleyAuxiliary Services AssistantBen LeeManager, AUM Bookstore

Daryl MorrisChief Campus Services OfficerScott ParsonsVice Chancellor of Financial & Administrative ServicesMarnika SmithAssociate Director, Housing & Residence LifeEmarilyn StephensSenior Financial Assistant, AUM BookstoreYolanda YorkProgram Manager, Wellness Center

Employees/Workplace Issues:Chanell Davis

Ross DickensDean, College of BusinessTonya DupreeDirector, Talent Management & Retention Grant GarberGeneral CounselIyisha HamptonDirector, Housing & Residence LifeTroy JohnsonExecutive Director, University Office of Communications

Leslie MeadowsChief Human Resources OfficerTobias MenseChief Information OfficerBrenda MitchellDirector of Police OperationsChristopher WhiteAssociate Vice Chancellor & Controller

Facilities:Keri BurnettExecutive Director, Office of University MarketingLeon HigdonDean of StudentsTobias MenseChief Information OfficerBrenda MitchellDirector of Police Operations

Daryl MorrisChief Campus Services Officer Rudy TobiasStaff Council President

Health & Safety:Jean D. LeunerDean and Professor, College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Lindsey Barton, CRNPDirector, Warhawk Health Services

Student Affairs:Keri BurnettExecutive Director, University Marketing Paul FoxDirector, Warhawk Academic Success Center Keenan A. CarterPresident, Student Government Association Daryl MorrisChief Campus Services Officer

Leon HigdonDean of StudentsJessie RosaDirector of AthleticsLynn StallingsDirector, University Honors ProgramRudy TobiasStaff Council President