
Grace of Ch r i s t Pre s by t e r i a n C h u rc hIglesia Presbiteriana Gracia de Cristo

“Love Well Through Drops of Grace”


VOL 122


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Dear Grace of Christ Family,Our Ash Wednesday Service on February 26th will begin the Season of Lent. As we gather together on Sunday mornings in March and April, we will be looking at what it means to “fix your eyes.” Yes, we are to fix our eyes on Jesus and give Him our complete attention while we put our trust in Him who has saved us. We are also to “fix our eyes” in the way that we see those around us. We need to fix our physical eyes and pay attention to those who intersect our lives. We also need the eyes of our heart to fill us with compassion for those who need Christ.

God Sees and Cares for UsSeeing with eyes of compassion can begin with the truth that God has His eyes on us, that He sees us, because we are the “apple of His eye.” “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.” – Psalm 33:18-19

If we ever wonder if God even notices us, or cares about what we are going through, there are plenty of examples in Scripture that remind us that He is the “God who sees us.” It is Hagar, alone in the desert, isolated, filled with

Head Pastor

— Bill Williamson

Fix Your Eyes“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” – Hebrews 12:1-2

sorrow and guilt and shame, who comes to realize that God is not only with her, but that He sees her in the mess, and she gives Him a new name: “You are the God who sees me.” Even more importantly, as she battled her unworthiness, she says: “I have now seen the One who sees me.” – Genesis 16:13

Enlighten the Eyes of My HeartGod’s love is unfailing. He sees us, knows us, and we are able to see and know Him. As Paul wrote, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people.”

– Ephesians 1:18

The gift, of having the eyes of our hearts enlightened, enables us to see others through the eyes of God. As David discovered, God does not look at our outward appearance, but He does look at our hearts. As He transforms us, we are called to see with eyes like His. “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’”

– 1 Samuel 16:7

Lenten Devotional As a help for all of us to fix our eyes on Jesus, and to see others with the eyes of Jesus, there is a Lenten Devotional booklet available to you (for a $3 donation, if you are able). Use it to “fix your eyes” on Jesus throughout the 40 Days of Lent. Use it with your husband or wife, with your family and with your friends to help one another begin to have clearer vision in 2020.

Because of Christ, and in His love,– Pastor Bill


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Safety Committee

Safety CommitteeIn case you don’t know, our church has a Safety Committee that meets on a monthly basis to tackle the many issues that comprise the idea of safety. The committee is composed of members of staff, elders, and congregants. Current members include George Aldous, Doug Bernd, Tammy Nunley, Curtis Rosenkranz, Alex Rule, Linda Sorenson, Dennis Whitcher, and John Yolo.As you might imagine, “safety” is a broad topic. Safety goes beyond first aid, friendly engagement of visitors, and parking lot supervision to emergency protocol – including responding to natural disasters and engaging those who pose a physical threat. You may have noticed some changes that have been initiated over the past year while other changes may have gone undetected.

Church EntrancesLimiting access points to the building on Sunday mornings may have disrupted your church entrance preference, but it allows for better monitoring of who enters and exits the building. Some of our doors have been re-fitted with hardware that allows for easier egress, as well as ability to quickly be secured.

Fire DrillsOur first-ever practice of a fire drill, where we evacuated the building during a Sunday worship service, was done as a safety recommendation that was foundational to several emergency scenarios. We worked with the fire department to help evaluate strengths and weaknesses of our procedures. (FYI - No more hand-shaking and chit-chat when evacuating the building, please! LOL! Save it for the gathering place.)

Safety Committee Report“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” – Ephesians 6:12

Safety ProceduresAs the Safety Committee continues to study and research materials developed by professionals in the various areas of safety, we will continue to meet together to plan, write policies, and develop procedures to recommend to church leadership. There is much work yet to do and we are acutely aware that safety issues and concerns require much more than our committee’s efforts. It necessitates the attention and effort of every congregant.

How You Can Help1) Pray continually! Pray for the LORD’s protection –

spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally over all those who enter the church. Pray for wisdom and guidance for the Safety Committee, staff, pastors, elders, deacons, and our congregants.

2) Listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and respond in obedience. Some may call it a “gut feeling” but often it is actually the Holy Spirit nudging you to lean in and seek His guidance to send up a prayer or take an action.

3) If you see something that strikes you as odd or a possible concern–say something! Tell an usher or pass along your observation to the volunteer working at the Welcome Center so they can notify someone on the Safety Team.

4) Consider what gifts and training you may have that could be useful in some way to the Safety Team. Do you have; first aid and/or CPR training, medical or mental health training and skills, the ability to direct others, a heart for intercessory prayer or physical strength robed in meekness?

Safety Team CandidatesSafety Team candidates don’t need to be willing to respond to every scenario or even be on a set schedule but may have something to contribute on occasion. We’ll be recruiting and vetting people for the Safety Team over the next several months. If you are willing to share your gifts, please check in at the Welcome Center and let us know!

– Linda Sorenson


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

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Thank You Father For All Your BlessingsOur church is grateful to God for all His blessings. We have started another year and our Lord remains the same yesterday and today. Some people may wonder how it is possible that God does not change His love for us, and yet at the same time we continue to have all kinds of afflictions in our lives? On the other hand, why does God ask us to rejoice in all circumstances? Perhaps you are currently experiencing the pain of losing a family member or a serious illness. Maybe you are suffering from a physical or emotional crisis and are struggling to understand the meaning of the words that the apostle Paul shares in the book of Philippians. “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

– Philippians 4:6-7

We need to trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, His desire is to see our faith grow in Him. He wants to see us mature; He wants us to be more like Him. Please, do not get me wrong, what I mean is that God loves us where we are right now (in our comfort zone), but He does not want us to stay there forever. God’s will is to use all kinds of circumstances and situations to keep us close to Him throughout our lives. Again I will say, REJOICE in all circumstances and hard situations, PLEASE REJOICE. Worship TeamOur worship group is improving and strengthening. We have added new young members and new songs of praise. God wants us to worship Him with all kinds of instruments, but He also wants us to worship Him with a grateful heart that is committed to Him. Please continue to pray for our worship services and activities, inside and outside the church, so we may continue bringing the love of Christ to all the people of every nation.

Gracias Padre Por Todas Tus BendicionesNuestra iglesia está agradecida con Dios por todas sus bendiciones. Hemos comenzado otro año y nuestro Señor sigue siendo el mismo ayer y hoy. Quizás algunas personas se pregunten ¿cómo es posible que Dios no cambie su amor por nosotros y, al mismo tiempo, sigamos teniendo todo tipo de aflicciones en nuestras vidas? Por otro lado, ¿por qué Dios nos pide que nos regocijemos en todo momento? Quizás en este momento estés experimentando mucho dolor por la pérdida de un miembro de la familia, debido a alguna enfermedad grave, o puedes tener una crisis física y emocional y no encuentras el significado de las palabras que el apóstol Pablo comparte en el libro de Filipenses.

“Alégrense en el Señor siempre [deléitense, regocíjense en Él]; nuevamente diré, ¡regocíjense! Permitan que su espíritu gentil [su gracia, generosidad, misericordia, tolerancia y paciencia] sean conocidas por todas las personas. El Señor está cerca. No se preocupen ni se angustien por nada, pero en todo [en cada circunstancia y situación] con oración y petición con acción de gracias, continúen haciendo conocer sus peticiones [específicas] a Dios. Y la paz de Dios [esa paz que tranquiliza el corazón, esa paz] que trasciende todo entendimiento, [esa paz que] guarda y cuida y está sobre sus corazones y sus mentes en Cristo Jesús [es suya]. ”

– Filipenses 4:6-7

Necesitamos confiar en nuestro Señor Jesucristo, su deseo es ver crecer nuestra fe en Él, porque quiere vernos madurar; Él quiere que seamos más como Él. Por favor, no me malinterpreten, lo que quiero decir es que Dios nos ama donde estamos ahora (en nuestra zona de comodidad), pero no quiere que nos quedemos allí para siempre. La voluntad de Dios es usar todo tipo de circunstancias y situaciones para mantenernos aproximando y permanecer cerca de Él a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Nuevamente diré, ALEGRESE en todas las circunstancias y situaciones difíciles, POR FAVOR ALEGRESE.

Gracia de Cristo / English En Español


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“They will know that we are Christians by our Love with drops of Grace.”Praise the LORD!Praise God in His sanctuary;Praise Him in His mighty heavens.Praise Him for His mighty acts;Praise Him according to [the abundance of] His greatness.Praise Him with trumpet sound;Praise Him with harp and lyre.Praise Him with tambourine and dancing;Praise Him with stringed instruments and flute.Praise Him with resounding cymbals;Praise Him with loud cymbals.Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the LORD!Praise the LORD! (Hallelujah!) – Psalm 150

Women of PrayerWe want to give the ladies in our community a cordial invitation to join the Women of Prayer each Wed evening at 6pm as we gather together to pray for our church, family, community and for this broken world. Jesus promises that He will be there where two or three are gathered in His name.“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Church ResourcesWe have already started using “The RightNow Media App” and what we find is that it also offers a lot of material in Spanish, and if that were not enough, almost all the material in English offers subtitles in Spanish. We thank God, Pastor Bill and our church for investing in our spiritual growth to better serve our Lord and King and Eternal Father. Here is the web page:

Working for the Kingdom of God,– Pastor Alex Rule

Gracia de Cristo / English En Español

Grupo De Alabanza Nuestro grupo de adoración está mejorando y fortalecién-dose. Hemos agregado nuevos miembros jóvenes y nue-vas canciones de alabanza. Dios quiere que lo adoremos con todo tipo de instrumentos, pero también quiere que lo adoremos con un corazón agradecido y comprometido con Él. Por favor continúe orando por nuestros servicios y activi-dades de adoración; dentro de la Iglesia y afuera en la comu-nidad para continuar llevando el amor de Cristo a todas las personas de todas las naciones.

“Sabrán que somos Cristianos por nuestro Amor Verdadero con Gotas de Gracia”¡Alabado sea el Señor!Alabado sea Dios en su santuario;Alabadle en sus cielos poderosos.Alabadle por sus poderosos actos;Alabadle de acuerdo a [la abundancia de] Su grandeza.Alabadle con trompeta;Alabadle con arpa y lira.Alabadle con pandereta y baile;Alabadle con instrumentos de cuerda y flauta.Alabadle con platillos resonantes;Alabadle con platillos fuertes.¡Que todo lo que respira y cada aliento de vida alaben al Señor!¡Alabado sea el Señor! (¡Aleluya!) – Salmo 150

Mujeres De OracionQueremos darle una cordial invitación para unirse a Mujeres de Oración todos los miércoles a las 6:00 p.m. para que juntos oremos por nuestra iglesia, familia, comunidad y por este mundo tan quebrantado. Jesús prometió que estaría allí donde dos o tres se reunieron en su nombre.“Una vez más, les digo que si dos creyentes en la tierra están de acuerdo [es decir, están de acuerdo, en armonía] sobre cualquier cosa que pidan [dentro de la voluntad de Dios], se hará por ellos por Mi Padre celestial Porque donde están dos o tres reunidos en Mi nombre [reunidos como Mis seguidores], yo estoy allí entre ellos.” – Mateo 18:19-20

Recursos De La IglesiaYa hemos comenzado a usar “RightNow Media App” y lo que encontramos es que también ofrece una gran cantidad de material en español, y si eso no fuera suficiente, casi todo el material en inglés ofrece subtítulos en español. Agradecemos a Dios, al pastor Bill y a nuestra iglesia por invertir en nuestro crecimiento espiritual para servir mejor a nuestro Señor, Rey y Padre Eterno.Aquí está la página web:

Trabajando para el Reino de Dios,– Pastor Alex Rule


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Women's Ministry

MOVIE NIGHT!ON MARCH 5 AT 5:30PM BRING THE ENTIRE FAMILY and join us for the movie “Overcomer” in which Priscilla Shirer has a part. We are providing pizza and ask you to bring a side or dessert to share... but if all you can do is get here, like the loaves and fishes, there will be enough!


3pm | Leave for Redmond Inn in Redmond WA.6pm | Stop for Dinner (on your own)

SAT7am | Check out & leave Hotel

8am | Doors Open9am | Event Begins

11am | Lunch (on your own: recommend Pre-purchase one)12:30pm | Event Resumes

2pm | Break2:45pm | Event Resumes4pm | Event Conclusion

5pm | Stop for Dinner (on your own)8pm | Back at GCP parking lot



$65 | for just an event ticket at the group rate OR

$75 | for transportation, hotel room & event ticket

OPTIONALAdd Lunch for $15 | if you choose not to

pre-purchase lunch, we highly recommended that you pack a lunch. There is nothing close to the church and concessions are EXTREMELY busy.

MABEL SWAN WOMEN’S LUNCHEON Ladies, mark your calendars for our annual Spring Luncheon in the Garden Room March 25 at noon. We can’t think of a better way to welcome spring than by gathering together for lunch and fellowship. Sonny Salsbury will be our guest speaker. RSVP to the church office or on Sundays at the Welcome Center. The cost is $7 due at the time of sign up; Mabel Swan women are our guests and will not be charged (but we still need you to sign up!)




G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Spring Book Fair! March 6-13Spring time is a busy and full time in the preschool! Wow! So much to do and so much to get

done! Our annual Scholastic Book Fair is Friday, March 6th – Friday, March 13th. We will once again be located in the corner of the Garden Room and we will be open on Sunday, March 8th. For all the money spent, our preschool gets a percentage of Scholastic Dollars to buy, not only books, but supplies for our preschool. This is a wonderful event for children and adults of all ages.

Family Book Night! Thur, March 12 at 5:30pmWe will also have a Family Book Night on Thursday, March 12th... pizza, story time, raffle and prizes. Lots of fun in preschool!

I have found stepping in mid-year has been a sprint and I can’t stop until June! (Or maybe this is what it’s always like. I’ll let you know next year if I’m still feeling this way.) I’ve got to keep all the plates spinning at one time and hope none of them fall! I am so thankful for the grace and positive reception I have received, from not only our preschool families, but you as a church body. It is so wonderful to be here again, seeing your lovely smiling faces. Thank you for your continued support of Grace of Christ Preschool. Thank you for donating items for our fundraiser gala and also for attending! We are blessed by this church community.

Loving Our Preschool FamiliesAs many of you may remember, if you have children, the preschool years may often be a blur. Life with little kiddos is hard. My hope is that this church would be a place of love and safety for all of our young families that come into this building every day. Please, if you see a mom or dad or grandparent who may need help in the parking lot, don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. Even a word of encouragement can go a long way! I know it may be hard to believe, but Tyler and I are nearing the end of the preschool years in our house! We have always felt love and encouragement from this church body, and my hope is that you will extend that same love to the preschool families. Thank you!

Grace of Christ Preschool— Jessica VanHorn

Preschool RegistrationRegistration is in full swing! If you, or someone you know, has a preschool aged child, send them our way! We have a rich history in this community, and we strive to contin-ue that. Registration packets can be picked-up in the church office, outside classrooms, or can be found on our website at


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D2 – DONUTS & DISCIPLESHIP4TH AND 5TH GRADE FUN!D2 continues this month as we work on digging deeper into the weekly lessons, spending time together through fellowship and prayer... and of course eating DONUTS! D2 meets weekly following the 9:00am lesson next door in room 209.

VBS, AUGUST 3-7Mark your calendar for VBS on August 3-7!

Children’s Ministry— Monnie Miller

During the month of March, we will be digging into the armor of God. We will get to explore the truths about how we fight evil with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation with God’s word. Bring a friend and join the fun in KidZone Sunday mornings at 9am!

MARCH MEMORY VERSE “Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.” – Ephesians 6:13

MARCH LESSONS AT A GLANCE:THE ARMOR OF GOD March 1: Belt of Truth - We fight evil with the truth.

Acts 5:17-42 March 8: Body Armor of God’s Righteousness - We fight

evil with righteousness. Matthew 23March 15: Shoes of Peace - We fight evil with peace.

Luke 22:47-53, John 18:1-11March 29: Helmet of Salvation - We fight evil with

salvation. Acts 16:25-40

PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 5We will be beginning rehearsal for Palm Sunday soon! Please keep watch for the music and lyrics that will be coming home with your child.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: FAMILY NIGHTMARCH 12, 5:30-8PMGrace Kids, here is an opportunity to bring your parents for a fun evening of books, stories and pizza.March 12th from 5:30-8pm,

come on down to the church and enjoy some family time. Pick out a new book from the book fair to help support our preschool here at Grace of Christ!


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

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High School Retreat 2020High School Retreat was a BLAST to say the least! Our high school students were able to spend the weekend in worship, discipleship and fellowship at Ghormley Meadows Christian Camp. Ghormley hosts an annual high school retreat and a separate middle school retreat where Presbyterian churches from around Central Washington are invited to come and participate in a weekend of fun.

Grace of Christ students are provided the opportunity to meet other Christians their age and then continue those meaningful relationships during years of camp attendance. Every time we take our students up to camp, we watch them turn into new kids in a matter of a weekend. I cannot stress enough how impactful a week or weekend at camp can be for a student, church kids and new Christians alike.

This year, with the support of the congregation, we were able to take ten of our high school students up to camp and they are already counting down until they go back!

Summer Camp FundraisersStudent Ministry is working on some summer camp fundraiser ideas, but if you want to help and sponsor a student’s week at camp, please get in touch with Ali Hildebrand at [email protected] or (509) 834-0405 to find out how you can change a student’s summer.

Student Ministry— Ali Hildebrand


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Family Ministry— Melissa Gray Where has your family lived?

Jeff and Melissa lived in Seattle, Bothell, and Kingston where they started their family. They moved back to their hometown of Yakima in 2007.

What is your family’s favorite way to spend a Fri night together?Order take out and play board games or card games. Clue is a family favorite!

What is your favorite family TV show & Movie?TV: The Goldbergs, Movie: Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back (And Elf at Christmas time.)

Does your family have a favorite band or artist?We have a very eclectic taste in music with a variety of genres and eras represented. From Christian to country, mixed in with some Sinatra. Two of our favorite bands are Twenty One Pilots and Bastille.

What was your favorite and/or worst family vacation?This brought a lots of laughs because one person’s favorite vacation memory was another person’s least favorite and both involved family members getting the flu. (One while tent camping at the beach and another in Hawaii).

We could all agree on one though, and that was our trip to Disneyland with close friends.

Who is the funniest person in your family?Our family likes to joke around and laugh A LOT, so it was rather amusing that two family members each thought they were the funniest in the family. Turns out they both lose out to our youngest, Keaton who can make everyone laugh, sometimes without even trying.

If each family member could be granted one wish what would it be?Jeff: To live long enough to see his great grandchildren someday. Melissa: To be able to travel back in time and revisit the special moments in life. Dallen: To have a book that makes anything written in it come true. Gavin: World Peace. Keaton: To live in a world without disease.

Who is in your family? (Pets included)Jeff, Melissa, Dallen (17), Gavin (15), and Keaton (12), Gracie our Golden Retriever, two cats, Lucy and Cutie, and a talking parakeet named Chirpy (or Phillip if you ask the kids.)

Where were you born and what school did/do you attend?Jeff was born in Yakima and attended Selah HS and WSU. Melissa was born in Puyallup and attended Highland HS and Seattle Pacific University.

Dallen was born in Silverdale and is a Senior at Davis HS. Gavin was born in Seattle and is a Freshman at Davis HS. Keaton was born in Yakima and is a 6th grader at Discovery Lab School.

Grace Family Feature!We gather together once a week for worship and fellowship, but how well do we really know our church family? Asking questions is a great way to learn more about one another, but it takes asking questions that go beyond surface level. Topics that help us learn more about a person’s inner world like their thoughts, hobbies and goals help us strengthen our bond with those around us. I love asking my family these deeper questions and learning more about who they are. Recently our extended family went out to dinner, and while we were waiting for the food to arrive I pulled up a list of questions. One question asked if you could own any car in the world what would it be? This question stumped me because I didn’t have an immediate answer, but surprisingly my dad did; the Pierce Arrow. (I had to look it up). Now this question/answer may not seem extremely informative, but it opened the door to more conversation and fun family discussion. Each month I would like to feature a different family from Grace to help us learn more about one another. To kick off this new series I decided I would sit down with my own family and gather some answers. Check back next month as we get to know another family at Grace.

Meet the Gray Family!


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Family Ministry

March Family DinnerCome dressed in green and ready for lots of fun at our St. Patrick’s themed family dinner on Wed, March 11 at 5:30pm. Baked potatoes and toppings will be provided, please bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share.

If your family was an animal what would it be and why?A dog. We are playful and fun, like our meals to be regular, like to go on walks, enjoy naps, occasionally chase our own tails, but are very loyal and loving.

What I’m Watching On Right Now Media: I am so excited about our new church subscription to Right Now Media! With all the fan-tastic options to choose from it may seem overwhelming to

know where to begin. Life Together by Jack Graham immediately caught my eye, because so much of what I’m doing in Family Ministries is about doing life together. Relationships are essential for our life; our immediate families, church family, and Life Groups are all important factors that God uses in our lives. Check out the short summary below and let me know what you are enjoying on RNM.

Life Together with Jack GrahamFamily life in America is not at all what it once was! And there is a great need today for people everywhere to begin deliberately building healthy relationships that bring blessing now and strength to the next generation.This all-new series from Pastor Jack Graham focuses on the most important and influential relationships in life – between man and woman, parents and children, and the family as a whole. And with his usual straight-up approach, Pastor Graham helps you discover step-by-step how you can build the God-honoring, supportive, and successful marriage and family life God intends!


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News and Up-coming EventsWe welcome some new volunteers!

Loel Labberton – has been serving in various capacities on HMT – greeting, Welcome Center, serving refreshments, and helping with events, and is now adding a leadership role to his service! Recently installed as an Elder, he is replacing Linda Mathews as co-chair on the HMT Board.

Three new faces were recently added to Usher Team Bruce Drollinger Bruce stated that being an usher is an opportunity “to be the hands and feet of the LORD.” Bruce is a retired Firefighter and has served in many capacities through his decades at Grace Church.

Terry Schmalz “I had been thinking of getting more involved in the church and then Doug Bernd asked if I would like be an usher and I said yes. It is a great way to meet people and welcome people and make people want to get involved in the church.” Terry has been attending this church since the early 70’s and has been active in BSF for 15 years.

It is always a joy to celebrate life in the family of God! Last month we rejoiced together in the fun of fellowship and with events of remembrances of the LORD’s grace towards us…

Tailgate Refreshments – We couldn’t help adding a bit of fun after the Annual Meeting as it just so happened to fall on the same day as the Super Bowl! Kudos Refreshment Team to prepare the spread of goodies at the refreshment table after the service!

Baptisms – The Celebration Team helped with orchestrating this special celebration. What a joy to stand as witnesses to the sacrament of baptism and remember our own declaration of faith! (See pictures and details on page 13.)

Ash Wednesday Meal – The Events Team provided the opportunity for us to gather together for a meal as part of our preparation entering into Lent prior to the Ash Wednesday worship service. What a blessing to come together acknowledging the great grace and mercy shown to us through redeeming us with His own life. Lent offers a time of reflection as we anticipate the celebration of His resurrection at Easter!

Hospitality Ministry Team Fellowship & TrainingMarch 17 | 6:30pm | Garden RoomHospitality Ministry volunteers will have a time of fellowship and training on March 17 at 6:30pm in the Garden Room. This is a perfect opportunity to make connections and learn more about how you can serve on HMT. Easter is approaching fast and this is the ideal time to continue our on-going training in addition to having a dash of fun and fellowship by gathering together. Please join us for dessert in the Garden Room. Sign up at the Welcome Center or let the office know via a Connect Card or phone call.

Hospitality Ministry

Linda Sorenson(509) 834-1185

Loel Labberton(425) 922-7929

Tailgate Refreshments After the Annual Meeting

Continued on pg 13


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Prayer Ministry and Baptism Celebrations

Prayer MinistryGod is calling us into relationship with Him. He designed us to be the link to His authority here on earth – to work through us. Prayer connects us to our Heavenly Father. Seeking His will, getting to know His character, trusting that He is who He says He is in the Bible – all important aspects of our relationship with Him. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” – John 10:27

We had a great turn out for our first teaching from Dutch Sheets video series “Intercessory Prayer” based on his book of the same title. We will continue the teaching and the conversation March 18 – yes, Wednesday this month. Please join us – we will provide a light supper. Just let us know you are coming! We recommend you get the Intercessory Prayer book by Sheets and begin reading before the next class. Our Sunday Intercessor Teams are meeting weekly and praying God’s will throughout each service. We are in need of more people to join these teams. The teams consist of 4 people and rotate serving every six weeks. We also are building groups to prayer walk Madison House, Adams Elementary, Davis High School and our own church campus. We want to go where God is calling us!

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”

– 1 John 5:14

Baptisms – February 9

Ellie Mae DolsenBirthdate - May 30, 2011

Parents - Adam and Morgan

Aldo Ridge NormanBirthdate - September 3, 2019

Parents - Mark and April

“Jesus called the children to Him and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” – Luke 18:16

In celebration of their lives and in fond remembrance of their faithful service

Dexter Hanks (Refreshment Team) and Ron McKitrick (Usher Team)

Donnie Ide – “I love meeting people. I like to make people feel very welcomed and know that they are loved.” Although he attended this church growing up, he recently moved back to Yakima from Lynnwood after taking a leave of absence from a teaching position.

Special Event – Pastor Bill’s Official InstallationBetween services on Sunday, March 29 at 10:15am, we will officially install Bill Williamson as Pastor of Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church. Watch for further details in the bulletin and on the website. It should be a time of great fun and joyful celebration so mark your calendars, so you don’t miss out.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Mission Ministry

“Equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors”Grace of Christ is a mission focused church, sharing DROPS OF GRACE locally, nationally and internationally having a global reach. Loving in the name and power of Christ, Grace of Christ truly has a world-wide impact, changing lives for His Kingdom. The Mission Ministry Team (MMT) maintains interaction with and oversees distribution of funds to more than twenty mission partners and organizations.

Come and Meet Joshua Tsavatewa on March 29th

Four Week Day Camp Hosted by Sacred Road Ministries with an average of 40 children attending each day.

Transportation is provided so that children can attend outreach programs including Kids Club and Day Camp.

Pastor Joshua Tsavatewa of Hope Fellowship Church also serves as the Children's Ministry Coordinator

for Sacred Road Ministries.

Sacred Road MinistriesThe Mission Ministry Team (MMT) of Grace of Christ is pleased to announce that Joshua Tsavatewa of Sacred Road Ministries will be introduced at Grace’s 9am and 11am services on March 29th. Sacred Road Ministries is a unified and growing community of believers who have a passion for God, for each other, and for the lost and who are prepared and equipped to serve the Lord by ministering in the community of Native American and the world. Sacred Road is Grace’s newest Ministry Partner.Tsavatewa moved to the reservation in the summer of 2010. He was ordained in June 2019 and is the Assistant Pastor of Hope Fellowship. He also serves as the Children’s Ministry Coordinator for Sacred Road. Hope Fellowship is a church plant of the Presbyterian Church in America. According to Tsavatewa, Hope Fellowship is characterized by: a deep love for the Lord; strong, dynamic faith; commitment to His word; an active, vibrant love for our neighbors; a desire to serve our neighbors for the glory of Christ and His kingdom, a commitment to share His truth and His love in both word and deed regularly and consistently. The reservation is at the base of snow-capped Mount Adams and is the largest Indian Nation in the Northwest.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Mission Ministry

Fellowship of Christian AthletesYakima Valley FCA Update!

Hello friends, Thank you so much for your support and your prayers. God is continuing to move through the platform of coaches and athletes here in the Yakima Valley! We have experienced some incredible stories and I thought that I should share the story of one of our former YVC FCA students who is now at Corban University and is leading his FCA there. His name is Mason Shaw, and over the two years that Mason was here in the Yakima Valley he became like my younger brother. I personally met with Mason and Logan (Another FCA student) regularly to help them plan meetings and to help them catch the vision to share with others. In that time, I grew my ability for discipleship and mentoring, however I also knew I could be the one to mentor these young guys in all areas of life. I enlisted the help of my best friend and her husband. Over time it became the three of us “adults” (I use that word loosely) and Mason. We poured into him, teaching him to cook, to fix things, to be independent and what it looked like to lead with a limp. When Mason finished is time at YVC I wanted him to have the chance to lead at Corban and got in contact with the area director at the college to let him know about this awesome student. Mason is now off and running at Corban,

opitching for the baseball team and in an oactive leadership role with FCA there.

oHere is a small part of how FCA has obeen a part of his story.

“FCA also provided incredible leadership opportunity and experience for me that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I desire to go into ministry after college, whether nonprofit or pastoral, so it has been extremely beneficial being able to work with teams of Jesus lovers of different ages and stages and walk through life together. Getting practical hands on experience planning events will prove useful in the future. I learned to not only lead but also encourage others to do the same, and I was able to be with them every step of the way at times, and then empowering them to take the reins at other times. I was frequently challenged in my faith and understanding and learned to challenge others lovingly. I am so grateful for all of the opportunities that FCA has created for me and how well I have been mentored over the years.”

– Mason Shaw

As we headed into the fall, FCA as a whole stopped to take a look at how we are doing life with our coaches and athletes. What we saw was a need to focus more on the discipleship part and growing coaches and athletes into a deeper relationship with Jesus and His church. We started focusing on building these relationships through coaches’ breakfasts and SALT (Student Athlete Leadership Team) leader mentorship. We are putting more of our time and our effort into the development of the believer and less time on outreach. We will still be doing some outreach events, but we are now shifting to growing deeper in the Word with our coaches and athletes. We do this with the help of our church partnerships and their youth pastors who become mentors to the SALT students. Our focus has also turned to being more intentional with our donor base. If you are a financial champion of FCA, you will be hearing from us in person or through a phone call. We want you to hear more stories just like Mason’s and to hear what God is doing here in the Yakima Valley. If you are interested in partnering with us and mentoring coaches and athletes, we would love to talk to you more about how to get involved! Thank you for your prayers and your continued support of what God is doing.

– Austyn ChenowythFellowship of Christian Athletes

FCA seeks to make disciples through engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to

know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.

Mason ShawCorban University

I am so grateful for all of the opportunities that FCA has created

for me and how well I have been mentored over the years.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Worship Ministry

Stories in Glass The sanctuary of our church is adorned with magnificent stained-glass windows that not only add a great deal of beauty, but also depict stories from the Bible. Entering our church sanctuary on a sunny day is like stepping into a rainbow where beams of light pass through the stained-glass windows and bathe the church in rich colors of red, blue, and green. Even in subdued light, the effect is stunning. The process of coloring glass was probably invented in ancient Egypt, but it was during the Middle Ages that the making of stained-glass windows was developed as an art form. Stained glass windows in churches first appeared in the mid-1100s AD. The windows were not only beautiful but served an educational purpose. During that time, there were very few books and very few people could read, which meant that windows were an important teaching tool, showing events in the Bible to parishioners. Construction was completed on First Presbyterian Church, Yakima, in 1927. The following quote appeared in the Yakima Herald: “In too many churches, the interior is so flooded with light as to leave the room without power to stir the imagination or arouse the emotion. Here, as far as practicable, the amount of light has been cut down, the color of the walls and stone work is subdued, and the timbered ceiling dies off above the shadows; only the windows burn against the quiet of the room and by very contrast enhance its peace.”

The Life of ChristThe east rose window above the choir loft depicts the life of Christ in eight circular scenes surrounding the central rose. The scene at the bottom is Christ’s Triumphal Entry and then moving upward: Gethsemane Prayer, Trials, Bearing the Cross, Crucifixion, Resurrection Morn, Road to Emmaus, and on top The Ascension.

The Story of MosesThe west rose window tells the story of Moses, again beginning at the bottom: Israel in Egypt, Moses in the Bulrushes, Exodus from Egypt, Golden Calf, Spies’ Return, Water from the Rock, the Ten Commandments, and on the top is Moses on Nebo.

Famous Stories From the Bible The windows on the south and north walls of the sanctuary are numbered one to eleven, beginning at the front on the south side, then from front to back on the north side. The story in each window begins with the bottom medallion and proceeds as follows; (1) The Story of Noah, (2) The Prodigal Son, (3) Jesus’ Last Ministry, (4) The Good Samaritan, (5) The Creation, (6) Jesus’ Birth, (7) Jesus’ Youth, (8 & 9) Ministry and Miracles, (10 & 11) Ministry to Women and Children. The lower windows along the outer aisles carry medallions representing symbols of the apostles. All the windows were gifts to the church.

Tent to Tower 1885-1985 Most of the information in this article came from the book “Tent to Tower 1885-1985” by Maurice Helland, which was written to commemorate the centennial of First Presbyterian Church, now Grace of Christ Presbyterian. A fuller description of the windows can be found in that book. The photographs of the windows in the book were taken by Rich Woodruff. How fortunate we are to be able to worship and glorify our God in a sanctuary of such beauty and meaning.

Soli Deo Gloria– Duncan McRayde


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Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

2020 Camp RegistrationRegistration for summer camp 2020 is now open! Don’t miss the opportunity to save money on your child’s camp registration by registering before April 10th. For more information, visit us at:

Summer Staff Hiring We’re hiring! We’ve begun our search for those who God is calling to serve at camp this summer. We have many needs, and a variety of types of positions remain available. If you’re thinking about joining our team, don’t delay, apply today! For more information on summer jobs, visit us at:

Mother Daughter WeekendAttention all moms and their daughters! Registration is now open for our Mom and Daughter Retreat Weekend, the weekend of April 17-19! Plan to spend a weekend created just for moms and their daughters to have fun together, explore, play, laugh, and build life-long memories together, all in God’s beautiful creation! There will be a speaker, worship time, crafts, games, good food, and lots of other fun activities designed for moms and daughters to connect and make memories! Don’t miss out on this amazing time. Register online now:

Online GivingDid you know that you can support the ministry of Ghormley through our website? Please visit our Donate page to see what giving opportunities we currently have, and how to get involved.

Prayer Needs• Pray that God will continue to bless us with groups to

fill our non-summer months, especially in the spring and fall months of this year.

• Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus.

• Please pray for wisdom and God’s favor as we seek to complete several important building projects here at camp this year.

• Please pray for God’s provision as we begin raising funds to renovate our biggest building, Evergreen Lodge.

• Pray that God will lead us to the right staff members who He desires to serve at Ghormley this summer. 509.672.4311


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Sun, March 1 Communion Sunday Each Service Sanctuary Everyone Mon, March 2 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 5:00pm Library CommitteeTue, March 3 Personnel Meeting 9:00am Library CommitteeTue, March 3 Hospitality Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Lounge CommitteeWed, March 4 Scholastic Book Fair (3/4 - 3/12) 8:30am - 1:00pm Garden Room EveryoneThur, March 5 Pizza & Movie Night (see women's page 6) 5:30pm Chapel EveryoneFri, March 6 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Chapel MomsMon, March 9 Edith Ferry Circle Lunch and Meeting 12:00pm Fireside Room WomenMon, March 9 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Library CommitteeTue, March 10 Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:30pm Adult Ed Room CommitteeTue, March 10 Prayer and Healing Service 6:30pm Chapel EveryoneWed, March 11 Preschool Board Meeting 12:15pm KidZone Center BoardWed, March 11 Family Dinner (Potluck!) 5:30pm Gym EveryoneThur, March 12 Scholastic Family Night 5:30pm Garden Room EveryoneMon, March 14 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room KnittersSun, March 15 Deacon's Meeting 12:30pm Lounge DeaconsTue, March 17 Hospitality Dessert and Training 6:30pm Garden Room EveryoneWed, March 18 Intercessory Prayer Teaching 5:30pm Garden Room EveryoneFri, March 20 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Chapel MomsWed, March 25 Women's Spring Luncheon *RSVP by 3/18 12:00pm Garden Room WomenWed, March 25 Preschool Staff Meeting 12:15pm KidZone Center Preschool StaffFri, March 27 MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:00am Adult Ed Room CommitteeSat, March 28 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room KnittersSun, March 29 Pastor Bill Williamson's Installation 10:15am Sanctuary Everyone Service & ReceptionTue, March 31 Session Meeting 6:30pm KidZone Center Elders Sun, April 5 Palm Sunday / One Service 10:00am Sanctuary EveryoneApril 6-10 Preschool Spring Break Thur, April 9 Maundy Thursday Communion 7:00pm Sanctuary Everyone & Tenebrae ServiceFri, April 10 Good Friday - Sanctuary Open for Prayer 12:00 - 2:00pm Sanctuary EveryoneSun, April 12 Easter Sunday! Sunrise Service 6:00am North Lawn Everyone Worship 6:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am and Spanish at 1:00pm


Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100. [email protected]

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church9 South 8th Ave | Yakima, WA 98902 | (509) 248-7940



G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

MON Overeater’s Anonymous 12:00-1:00pm Adult Ed Everyone Trailseekers 2:30pm Gym Trailseekers Al-Anon 5:15pm Adult Ed Everyone Divorce Care 6:30pm Lounge Everyone Bible Study Fellowship 7:00pm Sanctuary Men

TUE SOZO Prayer 9:00-11:30am Prayer Room Make Appointment WOW Women of the Word Bible Study 9:45am Fireside Rm Women Staff Check-In Meeting 10:00am Lounge All Staff WED Men's Prayer Group 12:00-1:00pm Lounge Men Gracia Women of Prayer 5:30pm Adult Ed Women Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal 5:30-7:00pm Sanctuary Gracia Music Team Encounter | Youth Group (Dinner too!) 6:30-8:30pm Gym 6th-12th Grades Gracia Men of Courage 7:00-8:00pm Sanctuary Men

THUR Bible Study Fellowship 9:00am Sanctuary Women SOZO Prayer 5:45pm - 9:15pm Prayer Rm Make Appointment Temple Choir 7:00pm Choir Room Choir

FRI SOZO Prayer 9:00 - 11:30am Prayer Room Make Appointment MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30 - 11:00am Chapel Moms (1st & 3rd Fridays)

SUN Grace Contemporary Worship 9:00am Sanctuary Everyone Grace Traditional Worship (Led by Temple Choir) 11:00am Sanctuary Everyone Gracia de Cristo (Worship in Spanish) 1:00pm Sanctuary Everyone Going Deeper: Genesis 9:30am Adult Ed Adults Golden Circle 10:15am Room 103 Adults Grace Kids 9:00 & 11:00am KidZone Wing 3yrs-5th grade Student reFUEL 9:00am Youth Rm 6th-12th grade

Weekday Events

Sunday Services and Events


March 1 N - S March 8 T - Z March 15 A - F March 22 G - M March 29 N - S

SundayCOOKIES FOR SUNDAY!Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…