
2018astro forbusiness

what tofocus onthis year(by sign)

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


aries • initiative Aries, you are the leader of the zodiac, the youthful, ambitious and enthusiastic one charging ahead and getting things done. What can be said of you? We envy your optimism, your courage, your generosity, and your child-like spirit. Really, is there anything you can’t do?

Of the elements, you are a fire sign, and of the qualities, you are a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs open a new season (“cardinal” comes from the Latin cardo, or “hinge”) – and you do it with a fiery blaze of energy. You swing open the door of a whole new zodiac calendar saying, “Hello! We’re here! Let’s do something wonderful!” This year, Aries, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your strong initiative. You, more than any other sign, have an almost magical ability to inventively, creatively, and resourcefully get things started, get things happening, and get things moving. This is a good year for starting things, Aries, especially for someone as skilled and experienced at it as you. There’s something – okay, there are a few somethings – you’ve been thinking you want to get started. It’s time. Play with the idea a bit. What can you initiate in 2018? Think of it in terms of the noun – initiative – but also the verb – initiate. What does that bring up for you? What does it spark? (And let’s face it, Aries. You’re all about the spark.)

borrow • diplomacy Your opposite sign is Libra, symbolized oh-so-appropriately by a set of scales. It doesn’t get more balanced than these charmers. While you’re blasting ahead, Libra is hanging back… considering, weighing, getting a few opinions, and considering some more. (I was married to a Libra once. He was a great fan of considering.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Libra this year. That would drive you right ‘round the bend. But we are going to borrow a little of their incredible diplomacy. Libras are the peacekeepers of the zodiac, sometimes to their detriment. But oh, are they ever great at interpersonal harmony. Add their diplomacy to your initiative? Get me some smelling salts – you’ll be unstoppable. Have you heard the expression, “Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way”? You could get a lot of people over to your side – helpers, supporters, and champions – if you borrow some of Libra’s extra diplomacy. Don’t worry – they won’t mind. They’ve got plenty.

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


taurus • persistence Taurus, how grounded you are. How practical, independent-yet-dependable, and patient. Rudyard Kipling said, in his poem to his son, John, “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…”. That is you all over – steady and reasonable, and your head remains on your shoulders at all times, regardless of where anybody else’s ends up.

Of the elements, you are an earth sign, and of the qualities, you are a fixed sign. Fixed signs stand firm and stable in the middle of each season – and earth signs lay the strongest foundations of all. While cardinals are off starting stuff, and mutables are off changing stuff, you’re building stuff – patiently, slowly, steadily and most of all – sturdily. This year, Taurus, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your persistence. This will be your superpower in the year to come. While many around you will be bashed around by the intensity of the year – retrogrades, and eclipses, and Uranus, oh my! – you can draw upon your amazing persistence and break through barriers the rest of us think are unbreakable. Put your attention on bringing that perseverance you’re so good at into even more arenas of your business. Keep going, keep growing, and your year will bear so much fruit. This is a good year for persistence, Taurus, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much progress you make.

borrow • passion Your opposite sign is Scorpio, symbolized by the dark, dangerous, mysterious scorpion. Scorpios are fascinating, magnetic, focused and… uh… intense. While you’re steadily working the plan, Scorpio is secretively watching from the shadows, playing her cards close to her chest. (Come to think of it, I was also married to a Scorpio. Oh, my.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Scorpio this year. That might be a smidgen on the extreme side. But we are going to borrow a little of their unbelievable passion. Underneath the smoldering intensity, they’re a pretty passionate lot, and it stands them in good stead. Don’t underestimate what a Scorpio can achieve when they’ve caught the hunger. With all your neurons devoted to being grounded and stable and dependable, it can sometimes feel like passion is frivolous, a luxury. But this year, consider how you can bring some more raw passion to your work. How many more people might you reach? You’re organized and you’re ahead, so you can probably find the time to sneak some passion in there.

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


gemini • enthusiasm Oh, Gemini. We love you. Both of you. You and your energy and your eagerness and your endless darting to and fro. Whatever you do, you do it with art. You make us laugh… when you’re not making us crazy. (OK, even then you make us laugh.)

Of the elements, you are an air sign, and of the qualities, you are a mutable sign. Mutable signs close a season and prepare us for change – and you do it with a breath of fresh air. (Or a hurricane. Depends on the day.) This year, Gemini, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your enthusiasm. This year has a whack of retrogrades, which can drive you nuts. Mercury, your ruler, playing trickster with communication, and then Mars, trying to slow down your big plans. You will ride through them all with your much-envied agility if you make sure to keep your enthusiasm. Bring your keenness, bring your gusto, bring your fervor. You’re brimming with energy. Don’t try to hide it this year. Let your bright, crazy firework lights shine. Remember, you’re the communicator of the zodiac. Get your message out there. You’ll be mesmerizing. Play with the idea. (I know you love to play.) Explore. Your enthusiasm is already world-renowned. This year, make it legendary.

borrow • straightforwardness Your opposite sign is Sagittarius, symbolized by the centaur or the archer. (You can’t get much more straight-shooting than that!) Sagittarians are adventurous, they’re outspoken, they’re wise and they’re honest. (My older brother is a Sagittarius and, I can say from long experience, perhaps a little too honest? Sometimes?) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Sagittarius this year. That’s way too single-minded for a dualistic soul like yours. But we are going to borrow a little of their straightforward superpowers. Sure, they’re argumentative and sometimes a little tactless. But they sure do shoot straight. This year, consider how you might borrow some good old-fashioned Sagittarian straightforwardness. This can do wonders for your business relationships and your brand. On the inside, you’re still the same flexible, adaptable twins you always were. But a booster shot of transparency and candidness can reinforce your solidity, authenticity and dependability to your network. (I know you can do this. You’re adaptable like that.)

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


cancer • intuition Cancer, you are the emotional manager of the zodiac. You’re empathetic, you’re loving, and you’re a hard worker. Maybe a little sensitive sometimes, but you need sensitivity to have attunement. Everyone loves hanging out with you, Cancer. You’re fun and spontaneous and you make us all feel so good.

Of the elements, you are a water sign, and of the qualities, you are a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs open a new season (“cardinal” comes from the Latin cardo, or “hinge”) – and you do it with a flood of clear water. You wash away spring and float us right into summer. This year, Cancer, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your intuition. You have a deep, loud awareness that other signs don’t have, and it can give you so much. Your intuition is supreme, and it will lead you to all manner of good things. Because you feel like such a softie inside, you often don’t realize how powerful you are. (Water is pretty powerful stuff. Tsunamis, you may have noticed, are not made of earth, air, or fire.) 2018 is a very good time to follow your instincts, Cancer, especially if you can set aside your shyness. If you can come out of your shell a little, maybe try a few new things, your intuition will guide you to exactly where you need to go. How can you use your intuition this year? You already do it emotionally and in your relationships and when you’re listening in the right place, it never steers you wrong. Now apply that to business. You’ll be magic.

borrow • determination Your opposite sign is Capricorn, symbolized by the mountain goat. They’re willful, they’re stoic, and they’re shooting for the highest heights. Capricorns are all about the drive and the grit and the resilience. (Oh, and goals. Always with the goals, those goats.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Capricorn this year. That’s a little too earthy for a water baby like you. (All that structure! All that hard work!) But we are going to borrow a little of their determination. As earthy as they are, they sure know how to work a plan and achieve amazing results. Consider how you might add some determination to your 2018. Your emotions are so keenly felt that it can be difficult to stay the course on your plans and goals, and how frustrating is that?! But with a little bit of Capricorn fortitude and tenacity, you’ll be to achieve more than you could have dreamed. (And I know you – you’re a dreamer!) Borrow a bit from Capricorn – they’re gritty enough for all of us combined.

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


leo • drive

Leo, you are a delight. Who can resist the lion? You’re regal, and you’re big-hearted, and around you, every conversation is a performance, every aside a soliloquy. You’re not just in the limelight – you are the limelight, and we’re warmed just being around you.

Of the elements, you are a fire sign, and of the qualities, you are a fixed sign. Fixed signs are all about strength – and fire signs bring the power of a full-on blaze. While cardinals are off starting things, and mutables are off changing things, you’re building things – enthusiastically, optimistically, and with incredible attention. Would that we could all have your motivation. This year, Leo, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your drive. This is a year for you to make things happen. Build. Grow. Build some more. Yes, there will be retrogrades, and they will try to slow you down – but your drive will carry you through. Give all those big dreams of yours the full force of your fire. Have you ever heard the expression, “Set yourself on fire with enthusiasm and people will come from miles to watch you burn”? Yeah, they’re talking about Leos. Don’t hold back this year. Make things happen. Blast forward into the future you’ve been envisioning for so long. You know you can. You have so much drive, Leo. The only question left is, how far will you go?

borrow • collaboration Your opposite sign is Aquarius, symbolized by the water bearer. Why a water bearer? Aquarius was named a loooong time ago, so nobody knows for sure. Astrologers are divided – was he sharing water? Or was he making waves? Knowing what we do about Aquarians, there’s a solid case for either. Now, we’re not going to turn you into an Aquarius this year. You need more fire, more verve. But we are going to borrow a little of their collaborative genius. They can be unemotional, and they’re guarded in a way that would never work for a lion like you. But they sure know how to cooperate, and they reap some pretty great rewards for their troubles. Could you collaborate this year? Even a little? You’re driven, focused, independent, and you’re good at pretty much everything you do. It’s easy to forget that other people can be pretty awesome, too, and they can help you shine. (Even brighter than you already do. Which is, I admit, hard to imagine. But still.)

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


virgo • communication Virgo – would you consider teaching classes on how to be Virgo? You’re organized, you’re reliable, you’re methodical. Your emails don’t have typos. Your pedicures are perfect. When you paint the walls, the tape always comes off in a clean line. Can the rest of us just hang out with you and learn your magic?

Of the elements, you are an earth sign, and of the qualities, you are a mutable sign. Mutable signs close a season and prepare us for change – you close off summer and get us grounded for fall, for harvest, for reaping our rewards. This year, Virgo, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your great communication. You’re very good at it. You forget that sometimes, what with your checking and your rechecking. But you have an amazing voice, and a great way with words, and you have so much good you can communicate to the world. I know you turn inwards sometimes but try, this year, to turn outwards. Speak. We want to hear what you have to say. You spend a lot of time making sure everything is just right, and I would never dream of taking that away from you. But you’ve had years of practice at that. You’re doing well. Very well. This year, give some of that amazing quality of attention to your communication. How can you communicate more, better, deeper this year? With your customers? Your audience? Your peers, colleagues or friends? This year will be very good for you if you put your focus here.

borrow • intuition Your opposite sign is Pisces, symbolized by the fish. Pisceans are elusive, they’re mysterious, they’re deep and they’re wise. (They’re also living in a fantasy land made of sparkles and fairies and moonbeams and utterly out of touch with reality.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Pisces this year. All that water would turn you to mud. But we are going to borrow a little of their intuition. All that time staring at waves and playing imagination games has heightened their instincts, perception, and insight. And you, dear Virgo, might want to borrow some of that. Virgos have a tricky time trusting intuition – it’s not nearly organized enough for your liking, I know. But intuition is a muscle – you strengthen it – and an asset. A strong intuition can relieve you of some of your overwhelm – it makes decisions for you! (Wouldn’t that be a relief?!) So work on building your intuition muscles this year. (And yes, you can make a spreadsheet to organize and track your progress. You don’t have to go all Pisces.)

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


libra • charm

Libra, thank you. Thank you for keeping us on an even keel, for always being the voice of reason. Thank you for your fairness, and for your charisma, which stops all that fairness from driving us up the wall. You’re tactful when we are harsh, diplomatic when we’re artless. Oh, and you’re the most attractive of the signs, too, which makes you even nicer to be around.

Of the elements, you are an air sign, and of the qualities, you are a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs open a new season (“cardinal” comes from the Latin cardo, or “hinge”) – and you do it with the cool breeze of equilibrium. Fall is fun when you’re around. This year, Libra, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your charm. I know you strive to have a fair and balanced viewpoint, and you almost always do. The only person you never give enough credit is yourself. You don’t want to toot your own horn. You want everyone to share in the limelight. This year, I want the world to see how charming you are. Charm can get you far. Charm can open doors, bridge gaps, grease wheels. You’re unique, and you have allure, and you have the capacity to truly fascinate people – to draw them in to your world. (Hint: That’s really good for business.) Can you be willing to step into more charm this year? It’s a little scary, perhaps, but you have it in you. Can you take your share of the spotlight? I promise – people want to see you shine.

borrow • ambition Your opposite sign is Aries, symbolized by the ram. You know, rams? They ram things? Aries is the baby of the zodiac, representing the human stage of birth to age 7. True to form, like young children, they tend to be pretty unstoppable. (They’re also likely to injure themselves, but I digress.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into an Aries this year. That would throw you right off balance. But we are going to borrow a little of their ambition. Sure, it’s easy to have ambition when you’re the first-grader of the zodiac. But I gotta tell you, those Aries sure know how to ruthlessly pursue a goal. (Innocence plus hard-headedness is a surprisingly powerful combination.) Imagine what could happen if you took all of your thoughtful diplomacy, all of your tactful charm, and added a splash of Aries get-up-and-go. What could you achieve? More? Way more? (And now that I’ve said that? You know you have to give it a try, at least. It’s only fair. Ha! Libra joke!)

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


scorpio • bravery Oh, Scorpio. You’re so misunderstood. All that power, all that passion, all that animal magnetism. You represent all the depth, all the rawness, all the shadow that we all possess. But you! You’re the only one brave enough to share it with the world.

Scorpios have three stages of evolution – did you know that? They start as scorpions – harsh, hidden, and dangerous. They ascend to eagles – piercingly observant, soaring, but ready to strike. But then? They become the phoenix. The highest stage of ascension for the Scorpio, the phoenix is above everything – it has absorbed life’s lessons and transforms into raw, pure, beautiful power. Of the elements, you are a water sign, and of the qualities, you are a fixed sign. Fixed signs are strong and powerful – and water signs bring cleansing purification. Cardinals begin, mutables change, but you build and grow and make things real. Always extreme, always a contradiction, your power is seductive. And scary. And scary seductive. This year, Scorpio, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your bravery. Yes, you’re ambitious, and powerful, and passionate. Intensity is just another day at the office for you. But in 2018, I want you to focus on making the brave choice. Are you a phoenix yet? You could be. If you’re brave enough. What would be the brave thing to do? That’s what you want to ask yourself. Take all that passion and become passionately brave. You’ll be surprised.

borrow • groundedness Your opposite sign is Taurus, symbolized by the bull. I realize channeling cattle may be a little prosaic for the likes of you, but hear me out. They’re not just cattle. They’re very sensual, powerful, dedicated cattle. Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Taurus this year. You’d be so bored you’d sting yourself, just to have something interesting to do. But we are going to borrow a little of their groundedness. While you’re passionately smoldering, fixing your gaze on the latest object of obsession, Taurus is grounded like Mountain Pose in yoga. Utterly unshakeable. This year, put some thought into how you can combine all that raw power you’ve got with some nice Taurean groundedness. Step out of the water, onto the earth, and try out your own mountain pose. Cause they’re unshakeable, see? And you’re passionate? Combine them and you’ve got unshakeable passion. You must admit – that’s pretty hot.

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


sagittarius • energy Dear Sagittarius, you were born under a lucky star. You’re idealistic and optimistic and you’re great to be around, and so good things come to you like moths to a flame. When we see someone and think, “I wish I could be just like them”, we’re probably looking at a Sagittarius.

Of the elements, you are a fire sign, and of the qualities, you are a mutable sign. Mutable signs close a season and prepare us for change – you close off the harvest season with vim and vigor and an inimitable zest for life and adventure. This year, Sagittarius, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your energetic nature. You have such good energy. I know you don’t like thinking about energy too much – it’s all very emotional, and you’d rather be out having your adventures. But your energy can take you so far. Energy has two meanings. One, it means the strength and vitality required for sustained tasks. But two, it’s the quality that a person brings around with them. Your energy, in both senses of the word, is unparalleled. This year, spend less of your time on intellectual debates and philosophical discussions. (You’re very good at them, but you’ve done plenty so far.) For 2018, focus on bringing your tremendous energy – both kinds – to your business. If you focus your vitality and dynamism, you can do anything.

borrow • flexibility Your opposite sign is Gemini, symbolized by the twins. Geminis are never one person – always two – and you’re never quite sure which of them you’re going to get today. A little too much duality for you? Yeah, you and everybody else. (My oldest son is a Gemini. Sometimes I want to refer to him in the plural.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Gemini this year. Methinks that’s a little distractable for your tastes. But we are going to borrow a little of their flexibility. While you ground yourself in The Power Of Truth, your Gemini brothers and sisters are wiggling and pivoting and swiveling themselves into all kinds of fun and profit. I know you’re confident, and I know you trust your path, and I know (sigh) you’re usually right. But consider: You have what has been called an indefatigable thirst for adventure. If you were to channel that into some of Gemini’s legendary flexibility, who knows what quests and journeys might await?

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


capricorn • helpfulness I must say, it’s a great time to be a Capricorn. When all the world is topsy- turvy, falling off the path and having a fit of the vapors, there you are – practical, determined, and patient. You’re a bit of a dichotomy, you are. So grounded and so ambitious. But unlike some signs whose ambitions fly them too close to the sun, you bring your world-class patience to the whole

proceedings and never fail to impress us all. Of the elements, you are an earth sign; of the qualities, you are a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs open a new season (“cardinal” comes from the Latin cardo, or “hinge”) – and you do it with a grounded outlook and a steady hand. You lead us, solidly and securely, into a new year. This year, Capricorn, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your helpfulness. You know how helpful you are. You don’t make a fuss of it – you just come in and save the day, again and again and again. But in 2018, when everyone needs help, you have an opportunity to grow your network and your foundation in a way that’s easier than ever before. You have so many useful, practical skills. Bring those skills to others, and you can achieve so much. When you help people, they generally want to help you back. Help enough people and you’ll have a lot of goodwill coming your way this year, and for years to come. Consider how you can prioritize being helpful this year. Whether it’s writing careful tutorials or setting up someone’s webinar software or making a casserole – the helping you do this year will reap rewards for a very long time.

borrow • empathy Your opposite sign is Cancer, symbolized by the crab. Our Cancer friends are enigmatic, highly emotional, ambitious and, uh, sensitive. (Hey, Cancers? I didn’t mean it like that.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Cancer this year. That would be allll very demonstrative for a sensible sort like you. But we are going to borrow a little of their empathy. Cancer people have empathy down. They walk down the street in a rainstorm and know what everyone is feeling before they realize that they, themselves, are wet. Since you’re working on “helpful” this year, combining that with empathy will give you a level-up, strata-jumping turbo-boost. (Let’s face it – it’s a lot easier to be helpful when you know what kind of help someone needs.) When it comes to your business goals, how much simpler will everything be when you can truly understand what your customers and audience are going through? Don’t worry – you’ll be good at this. You’re good at everything else!

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


aquarius • quick study Aquarius, you know, I honestly think it’s you guys who make the world go round. You’re the visionaries, the ones who make sure we keep getting better. I think, if we were to take stock of all the good things that have come to be in the world, we’d find an awful lot of Aquarians at the helm. And who’s surprised? You’re friendly, you’re innovative, you’re communicative, and

you’re direct. It’s not exactly hard to see your vision and help you achieve it. Of the elements, you are an air sign; of the qualities, you are a fixed sign. Fixed signs are all about strength – and air signs combine that strength with the winds of change. You’re ruled by both Saturn and Uranus, which is a unique and powerful combination. Saturn is direct – its motto is “what gets measured gets managed”. And Uranus is about freedom, possibilities, revolution. So basically, you’re going about your business, diligently changing the world. This year, Aquarius, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on being a quick study. There are so many good qualities on your list, but one that people often don’t notice – generally because you’re off inventing insulin or something – is that you learn really fast. Really fast. Like, really. If you focus that laser-fast brain of yours this year, and you put it to learning new things, you’ll be able to bust through barriers at lightning speed. Your goals will come faster and faster as you build the skills you need to help your dreams become a reality. This year? Learn stuff. Then more. And more. Be a sponge. It’s going to come in very handy.

borrow • focus Your opposite sign is Leo, symbolized by the lion. Lions are regal, flamboyant, energetic and proud. (They’re kind of awesome, actually, and my, oh my – don’t they know it.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Leo this year – a bit too much roaring and tossing of the mane. But we are going to borrow a little of their focus. Their primal urge for their place in the sunshine has given them really quite incredible determination, energy, and motivation. Your values make you the envy of the whole zodiac, Aquarius – you really are working to improve the world, even if just your small corner of it. The rest of the signs applaud you. And from a message and platform perspective, borrowing some Leo focus could help you achieve your goals so much faster, and all of those awesome ideals you have will be that much closer to reality. (Having trouble figuring out how to be more like Leo? Easy! Ask them. You’re direct and they love nothing more than talking about themselves. It’s a match made in heaven!)

what to focus on in 2018 (by sign)


pisces • creativity Pisces, you are so many things. You’re artistic and creative and musical. You give money to random strangers. You float in bathtubs and swimming pools and occasionally streams for hours on end. It’s a wonder you get anything done at all.

Of the elements, you are a water sign, and of the qualities, you are a mutable sign. Mutable signs close a season and prepare us for change – and you do it characteristic wishy-washy, fluid aplomb. (Mutable and liquid. No wonder you’re so elusive.) This year, Pisces, of all your many qualities, I want you to focus on your creativity. I want you to focus on finding creative solutions, on making creative work, on bringing the work side and the creative side of yourself together in harmony. I know you’d rather focus on imagination and intuition and empathy, but give yourself a breather. You don’t have to focus on those – you do them in your sleep. There is no upper limit to where your creativity can take you. You don’t have to hold yourself back. You can just keep going and going and going, creating more weird and wonderful things, and it will keep bringing your dreams closer and closer to reality. Say it to yourself. Be creative. Be creative. Be creative. Let that incredible unconscious mind do what it does so well. You have magic in you. Let it out. We want to see what you can do.

borrow • practicality Your opposite sign is Virgo, symbolized by the virgin. (Virgin here means “unmarried”, not “hasn’t had sex”.) Virgos are self-sufficient, self-reliant, they’re service-oriented. (Incidentally? The virgin comes carrying wheat and fire, to feed people and keep them warm. Virgos are freaking useful.) Now, we’re not going to turn you into a Virgo this year. They’re in the air and you’re in the water and there’s a reason for that. But we are going to borrow a little of their practicality. Yes, they’re methodical and nitpicky and sometimes a little clean-freaky. But they’re also really level-headed. (You, on the other hand, have your head cocked to one side so you can see what it’s like to view the world from the perspective of a pine needle. I can see you.) Consider your superpowers, and imagine all that you could be, do, and have… if you added a splash of practical Virgo sensibility. Perhaps your emails might go out on time a little more? Perhaps those big dreams of yours might get a few steps closer to reality? Perhaps you’d stop running out of milk?
