Page 1: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

Inclosure No. 1 to Region Memorandum No. 119, s. 2016

2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) December 8-9, 2016


I. General Guidelines for RFOT 1. The 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) shall be a showcase of

best products and performances as evidence of student learning in the different learning areas;

2. Participants to the 2016 RFOT are division level winners in the different categories, properly indorsed by the coordinators and the Schools Division Superintendent. 2.a. For Special Program in Foreign Language (SPFL), the competition shall be among implementing schools. 2.b. In the case of Special Program in the Arts (SPA), the division with several SPA implementing schools will conduct their division level competition first and the first two winners shall compete in RFOT.

3. A student is only allowed to participate in one (1) event/skill/exhibition during the RFOT except ‘Bayle sa Kalye’ competition.

4. The official number of delegates /contestants per event for each division is shown below:

Event/Area for Skills Exhibition

Contestants Teacher Coach

Division Coordinator

Head of Delegation


Technolympics 18 18 1 37

Sining ng Tanghalan

39 5 1 45

Tagisan ng Talino

5 1 1 7

Foreign Language

10 2 1 13

Total 82 28 4 102

102 per division x 9 divisions = 918 (total participants)

5. Food and materials to be used in the competition shall be taken care

of by each division.

Page 2: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per


Skills Exhibition Entries

1. There shall only be one (1) entry per event per division.

2. All entries in the different events shall have undergone selection or

screening process in the division level.

Regional Level Awards

1. Only top 3 regional record holders shall be declared for each event in the

different skills exhibitions. However, should there be no qualifier based on

the criteria and as recommended by the board of judges, no record holder

shall be declared.

2. The over-all champion in the RFOT shall be the division to earn the least total

points (ranking results) after all events have been competed. Divisions will

earn their points based on ranking (1 point -1st, 2 points -2nd, 3 points -3rd

etc.). Aggregate points shall be coming from the events which all divisions

have participated in (e.g. SPFL and Sining ng Tanghalan are not included in

the over-all results since not all divisions have participants.) Averaging shall

be used in breaking a tie.

3. The top 3 record holders per event shall receive certificates of recognition

and trophies/medals; their respective teacher-coach/trainer/adviser shall be

awarded certificates of recognition.

General Orientation/Briefing

1. There will be general orientation to all heads of delegation or representatives

before the skills exhibition proper. Then, the coaches/trainers of each event

will have their briefing with the event administrator or

facilitator/coordinator/focal person on the mechanics and other details of the

specific skills exhibition. The venue of the orientation will be announced

during the registration of official participants.

2. All clarifications, issues and concerns regarding the RFOT shall be addressed

during the orientation. Any concerns raised during the actual skills exhibition

shall not be entertained unless valid and necessary.

3. Distribution of needed supplies and materials, if applicable to the event,

shall be done at the venue. Hence, participants are enjoined to be at the

venue one (1) hour before the start of the skills exhibition; and

4. Participants are encouraged to visit the venue of the event a day before the

actual skills exhibition for familiarity.

Mechanics in Judging the Skills Exhibition

1. The products and performances of participants in all events shall be judged

by three members of the Board of Judges composed of experts, practitioners,

service providers or professionals.

2. The score of the three judges in every event shall be computed (and recorded

up to three (3) decimal places) to determine the AVERAGE of each

participant/team. The average score shall be the basis for ranking the

products/performances of participants to determine the top 3 record holders;

3. Tabulation, consolidation and review of all results shall be done by a

committee composed of two math specialists.

Page 3: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

4. The final results shall be reviewed by the members of the Board of Judges

before affixing their signatures in the summary sheet;

5. In case of tie, triple tie or quadruple tie, the participant who would finish

with the shortest/fastest time will be declared as the “Record Holder”. In the

event of another tie, the chair of the board of judges will decide; and

6. The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable.

A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016

1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per event and time allotment for the Technolympics are the following:

Areas for Skills Exhibition No of Participants

Time Allotment

Industrial Arts

1. Automotive Servicing 2 4 hrs.

1. Electronics Product Assembly and Servicing

1 4 hrs.

2. Electrical Installation and Maintenance 1 4 hrs.

Home Economics

1. Cookery 2 4 hrs

2. Dressmaking 2 4 hrs.

3. Beauty Care 1 4 hrs.

Agri-Fishery Arts

1. Fish Capture 1 3 hrs.

2. Landscape Installation and Maintenance 2 4 hrs.

3. Agricultural Crops Production 1 3 hrs.

Information and Communication Technologies (I C T)

1. Animation 1 3 hrs.

2. Technical Drafting 1 4 hrs.

3. Computer Systems Servicing 1 3 hrs.

Bazaar Exhibit

1. Products 1

2. Services 1

TOTAL 18 per division

2. Skills Exhibition Proper

2.1. The event coordinators and their secretaries, technical committee and

judges should be at the identified venues sixty (60) minutes ahead of the

event schedule.

2.2. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other things needed at

the venue will be made ready by the event administrator an hour before

the event schedule.

2.3. All participants should be at the designated venue thirty (30) minutes

before the event starts. Late participants without valid reasons shall be


Page 4: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

2.4. The participants will draw lots to determine their respective places and

set up their food and materials at their assigned places. Setting up of

their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during this


2.5. The briefing of participants will be done fifteen (15) minutes before the

scheduled event.

2.6. The event secretary will give the signal for the event to begin. Once the

event has started, the coaches, teachers and delegates are no longer allowed

to talk to the participants to allow them to fully concentrate on their work.

2.7. Only the event administrator, secretary, technical staff, judges, official

photographer, and participants are allowed in the venue.

2.8. No questions shall be entertained during the contest proper except

clarifications and point of order. All clarifications and points of order shall

be raised to the event administrator.

2.9. Should there be any irregularities found during the event, the event

administrator, in consultation with the judges of the specific skill exhibition,

shall refer the matter to the attention of the Technical and Evaluation

Committee for appropriate action.

2.10. Borrowing of materials, tools, and supplies during the event is not


2.11. The working area should be cleaned immediately after every event.

2.12. All outputs shall be endorsed to the Secretariat by the event

administrator to be displayed throughout the duration of the event.

3. Tools and Materials to Bring

The following special materials and equipment are required to be brought by

the participants:

3.1. Industrial Arts

Tools and materials needed in servicing based on the curriculum

guide for Grades 9 to 12

Personal protective equipment

3.2. Home Economics

Personal Protective equipment

3.3. Agri-Fishery Arts

Personal Protective equipment

3.4. ICT

Personal protective equipment

3.5. Bazaar Exhibit

Personal protective equipment

Page 5: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

Bazaar Exhibit

All participating divisions are required to display their best products

and services (performances) before the 2016 RFOT Opening

Program ( specific area shall be designated by the host division.)

However, the division will choose only two entries(one entry for

product and one entry for service) to participate in the search for

the most enterprising award.

Each division shall assign two TLE/TVL students who are not

participating in the skills exhibition to market their

products/services within the exhibit booth area;

All products/services offered or displayed in the Bazaar that are

produced or rendered by the TLE or TVL students (or outputs of

OTOP) as certified by the school head can be offered for sale. No

items other than those certified shall be displayed in the bazaar;

The points earned in the Bazaar Exhibit shall be included in the

computation of over-all Regional Record Holders.

The criteria for judging the Bazaar Exhibits – Most Enterprising Award shall

be based on the following:

Packaging of the product/service ……………………………….30%

Originality and design …………………………………..15%

Visual appeal/impact ……………………...…..……… 15%

Marketability of the product/service…………………………….30%

(Appropriate pricing, taste, etc……)

Communication skills and knowledge on the


Gross Sale of the product/service……………………………. ….10%

Generic criteria for Judging the product/performance

A. Creativity and Innovation…………………………………………. 30%

Originality of Design/Ideas/Graphics/ Presentation/Harmony/Balance ………………………..10%

Combination of Materials …………………….…………. 10% Additional Use ……… …………………………………….. 10% B. Process ………………………………………………………………. 30% Use of appropriate tools, materials & equipment.…...10%

Methods/Workmanship/Hyperlink …………………… 10% Safety Work Habits & Housekeeping …………………. 10%

C. Marketability ………………………………………………………… 20%

Quality/Durability / Taste ……………………………… 5% Purpose/Functionality …………………..……………… 5% Affordability ……………………….……………………….. 5% Visual Appeal ………………….………………………….. 5%

D. Time Management ……………………………………………………10% (Wise use of time/Speed) E. Communication Skills ……………………………………………….10%

Fluency of oral communication ………………….……..5% Flow of thoughts and ideas …………………………… 5%

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(For Tupi NHS and Esperanza NHS only)

1. Quiz Bee

a. Each team shall be composed of five (5) student representatives

including the official participant to the national competition.

b. Questions shall cover all topics of interest related to the foreign

language and shall range from easy, average and difficult.

c. Two questions will be given to each student in every round.

Contestants will be given 10 seconds for questions with choices and

15 seconds for open ended questions.

d. For the Easy round, one (1) point is given for each correct answer;

two (2) for Average, and three (3) for Difficult.

e. In case of a tie, a Clincher question will be given using the sudden

death method.

f. After each round, the team with the most number of scores will be

declared as the record holder in the region.

g. A medal and certificate will be awarded to all winners (1st and 2nd)

2. Oratorical Contest

a. There shall only be one participant per school.

b. The memorized speech shall be related to the theme “Showcasing and

Celebrating Talents in Foreign Language”.

c. The participant shall be given a minimum of 5 minutes and a

maximum of 10 minutes for the delivery.

Criteria for Judging:

Mastery of Piece …………………………………… 25%

Interpretation and Delivery …………………….. 50%

Stage Presence …………………………………….. 15%

Audience Impact ………………………………….. 10%

3. Characters on Parade

a. The contest is open to interested students under the Spanish class of


b. The cosplayer/character shall say something about the character and

the country he/she is representing.

Criteria for Judging:

Authenticity ……………………………………….. 30% Oral Presentation …………………………..……. 30% Stage Presence ……………………..…………….. 20% Audience Impact ………………………..……….. 20% 4. Best Booth

a. All teachers and students should be part of the booth to be judged. b. The tents and booth shall be provided by the host school. c. The booth preparation starts in November 17. d. The booth assigned to a team/school shall be decorated by teachers

and students of the foreign language. Outputs of students and other

Page 7: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

materials used by teachers in the classroom and in instruction shall be included in the booth.

Criteria for Judging: Creativity ………………………………………….. 25% Aesthetic Value ………………………………….. 25% Materials Used ………………………………….. 25 % Promotion of the Foreign Language and Culture …….25 %

5. Cultural Presentation Students (National Representative) shall showcase their talents in singing, acting, speaking or dancing.

Criteria for Judging: Mastery/Delivery ….………………………. ….. 30% Culture Relevance ………………………………...30% Costume ……………………………………………..20& Entertainment Value ……………………………..20%

Note: The contestant who will have accumulated the highest points in all activities in SPFL shall be proclaimed the winner and shall represent the region to the national level.

C. Specific Guidelines for 2016 Regional Sining ng Tanghalan Eligibility and Mechanics: Only 45 delegates per division including the head of the delegation, coaches and student participants is allowed to join. Any participant in excess of the said number will not be entertained. The 2016 Sining Tanghalan shall be participated in by bonafide students of SPA in the different divisions, Senior High School with Arts and Design Track.

1. Areas for Skills Exhibition

Events Art Area

Bayle sa Kalye

(Modern Street Dance Parade)


Likhawitan (OPM Songwriting Exhibition)


Pintahusay (On-the-Spot Painting Exhibition)

Visual Arts

Sineliksi (Short Film Exhibition)

Media Arts

Manik-Aninong Dulaan ( Scriptwriting and Shadow Puppetry Exhibition)

Theater Arts, Creative Writing, Music, Visual Arts

2. Documents for Submission The following documents must be submitted to the Regional Committee by the Division Coordinators or their representatives:

Page 8: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

- Official Entry Form of the RFOT 2016 Sining ng Tanghalan - Certification from the Principal that the teachers are

bonafide staff of the school being represented and designated adviser or coach of the student-participants.

- Certification from the Principal that the student participants are enrollees in the Special Program in the Arts (SPA)

- Additional requirements as stated in each event

3. Mechanics during Skills Exhibition

3.A. Bayle sa Kalye (Modern Street Dance Parade) 3.A.1. The Bayle sa Kalye is a modern/contemporary street dance skills

exhibition. Concept or theme for performance, costume and props must be reflective and relevant to their locality. 3.A.2. The competition shall have two (2) major components:

3.A.2.a. Modern Street Dance Parade – It is the choreographed parade routine performed by each group as they travel from one judging area to the next during the Festival Parade. 3.A.2.b. Dance Exhibition – It is the full presentation of the group’s dance performance where each group is given 5 minutes to present with additional 1 minute for entrance and 1 minute for exit.

3.A.3. A maximum of 25 parade dancers and 1 coach will be allowed per division. 3.A.4. A corresponding one point from each judge’s average score shall be deducted in the event that there is a violation of the allowable time and in any of the mechanics. 3.A.5. The group may use any song of their choice, but the dance routine should be purely transformational in nature which is characterized by the following:

a. Use of dance steps and movements which could be a fusion of two or more dance forms such as classical ballet, contemporary/modern dance, jazz, hip-hop, folkloric, neo-ethnic, and other genre.

b. Use of western or modern staging techniques to transform, widen, stylize and explore the movement possibilities, patterns and formation in the thematic interpretation of a story through dance.

3.A.6. The use of flammable materials such as fireworks or pyrotechniques as part of the performance is not allowed. 3.A.7. Costumes and hand props that may represent their division are encouraged. Props other than hand props are not allowed. (Note: hand props are smaller items meant to be held or carried.)

Criteria for Judging:

Page 9: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

This criteria will be used for both components of the competition. In

case of tie, judges will decide and whatever decision made is final

and irrevocable.

3.B. Likhawitan (OPM Songwriting Exhibition)

3.B.1. The division winner for Best Composer/Composition will be the

official entry to the RIC 2016 Level Skills Exhibition. Only one (1)

song entry is allowed per division.

3.B.2. A maximum of 5 student participants per group/division

accompanied by 1 coach is allowed.

3.B.3 The song must be written in Filipino or English.

3.B.4. The songwriter/s may choose any music genre (ballad, rock,

etc.) for his/her composition.

3.B.5. Song performance must not exceed 10 minutes including

instrument and stage set-up.

3.B.6. Bonafide Participants should submit the following two days

before the event:

Five (5) typewritten lyrics of the song with the title, name of the composer/s and the name of the performer/s

Two (2) Demo CD’s of the original song composition. Submit the above requirements to the Regional SPA

Coordinator, Nida P. Lumunsad. 3.B.7 Song may be performed in solo, duet, group or band.

3.B.8. Performers should bring their own musical instruments such as piano keyboard, guitar, winds, strings or percussion instruments.

Criteria for Judging:

Choreography 30%

(Composition, Creativity and Originality, Style) Performance 30%

(Skills and Technique, Precision, Timing and

Coordination, Showmanship, Mastery)

Production Design 20%

(Costume, Props, Music)

Theme/Concept 20 % Total 100%

Lyrics 25% Melody 25% Originality 15% Arrangement 15% Performance 15% Audience Impact 5% Total 100%

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3.C Pintahusay (On-the-Spot Painting)

3.C.1 Only one student-participant per division is allowed.

3.C.2. Student-participant may be accompanied by one coach;

however, coaches are only allowed to assist the student during

the setting up of materials.

3.C.3. Participants must bring their own paintbrushes, sponges, paint

containers, and paint cleaning materials (newspaper,

washcloths, etc.). Acrylic paint in primary colors (red, blue,

yellow, black, and white) and canvass will be provided by the

contestants themselves.

3.C.4. Participants are not allowed to bring pictures or images for

reference of their entries.

3.C.5. The subject of the painting will be based on the theme which

will be given during the event.

3.C.6. Late submission of outputs will automatically be disqualified.

Criteria for Judging:

3.D. Sineliksik (Short Film Exhibition) The Sineliksik will be a mise en scene film/video competition where all the

elements of the scene are present. Scenes will focus on the storytelling using the rough cuts with minimal or no editing.

1. Entrants may only submit one entry per division.

2. Only a maximum of 2 media arts student participants per division are allowed. Student participants may be accompanied by 1 coach provided that he/she will not assist in the making of the video.

3. Participants are required to bring their own laptop/s with video

editing softwares, digital cameras or video cameras with computer cable for uploading, tripod and other paraphernalia regarding the video shooting and editing. These will be checked during the contest proper.

4. A maximum of 10 shots/cuts will be allowed for editing.

5. Total running time should be 10-15 minutes in length, including front and back credits.

6. Short film entries should be saved in flash drive encoded in MP4, WMV, AVI, or FLV format submitted on the event date. Late submissions will automatically be disqualified.

7. Video should be in Filipino and/or English.

8. Videos should be an original work of the student-participants and shall not infringe on any copyrights or any rights of any third parties.

Artistic Merit (Elements and Principles of Art) 25% Interpretation of the theme 35% Difficulty 15% Originality 25% TOTAL 100%

Page 11: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

9. Music and images presented in the film should be taken during the 2016 RIC.

10. Film/video will be based on the given theme by the judges which will be released on the first day of the RIC.

11. Film should focus on visual language and should NOT include narration, graphics, on-cam or off-cam reporting, short features or documentary feature.

Criteria for Judging:

3.E. Manik-Aninong Dulaan ( Scriptwriting and Shadow Puppetry Mechanics)

The Manik-Aninong Dulaan (shadow play competition) focuses on the interplay of the dramatic elements of theater, the narrative and the storytelling. While this form is not in our culture, it is in the ASEAN culture in general.

3.E.1. There will only be 1 entry per division. 3.E.2. A maximum of 6 student participants per division is allowed. 3.E.3. Participants may be accompanied by 1 coach. However, coaches are

not allowed to assist the student during the setting up of materials and not during the performance proper.

3.E.4. Each entry should only run for 8 minutes of actual performance with additional 2 minutes for set-up and exit.

3.E.5. A corresponding one point from each judge’s average score shall be deducted in the event that there is a violation of the allowable time and any of the mechanics.

3.E.6. Plays must be in Filipino and/or English. 3.E.7. Props (special effects, colored lights, overhead projector, etc.) should

be provided by the participants. 3.E.8. Focus should be on the puppetry, visualization, music and sound


Puppets should be clear enough to be seen onstage.

Puppet theater dimensions should be as follows:

2 meters

Visual language (use of video language in the treatment/choice of slots 40% Storytelling (logical narrative structure/development) 30%

Clarity of film statement (choice of problem, message of the film) 10% Technical Excellence (focus, camera movements, composition) 10% Originality (Predictability of the film) 10% TOTAL 100%


0.5 m height


(covered in black)

1.5 m height

Page 12: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

3.E.9. Theme of the play should revolve around the current social, political,

or cultural issues.

3.E.10. Script should be an original work of the student-participants and

shall not infringe on any copyrights or any rights of any third parties.

3.E.11. Five (5) copies of typewritten scripts with the title, name of the

writer/s and name of performer/s must be submitted before the

start of the event.

Criteria for Judging:

Story (clarity and narrative flow) 25%

Production Design 25%

Characterization and Voice Acting 20%

Technique ( use of puppets, timing and musical scoring) 20% Originality 10% TOTAL 100%

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Sining Tanghalan 2016 Official Entry Form

Division: _______________________ Division Focal Person/Coordinator: __________________________________ Contact #: ___________________________


Bayle sa Kalye (Street Dance Parade)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.


Likhawitan ( OPM Songwriting )Exhibition

27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32.


Pintahusay (On-the-Spot Painting Exhibition)

31. 32.


Sineliksik 33. 34. 35.


Manik-Aninong Dulaan

36. 37. 38. 39.

Page 14: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

40. 41. 42.


Head of the Delegation

Division Focal Person

Signed by:

Division Superintendent

Page 15: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per



A. Photo Essay – is much like a normal essay but done with photos

rather than with words. The photos are placed in a specific order to

tell the progression of events, emotions, and concepts. These images

are made to create series of emotions in the viewer. A photo essay will

often show pictures in deep emotional stages.

The work will be judged according to the following criteria:

a. Creativity – is the original, fresh, and external expression of the

imagination of the maker by using the medium to convey an idea,

message of thought. Compelling Essay evoke laughter, sadness,

anger, pride, wonder or another intense emotion.

b. Storytelling – refers to the Essay’s ability to evoke imagination,

create a feeling, tell a story, or visually illustrate an idea. Images

can better illustrate the story and keep the viewers’ interest with

variety, angles, lighting color, etc.

c. Writing – should be creative using the proper technique and

mechanics. The writing should evoke emotion and wonder of the

reader leaving them to want more by the time they reach the end.

Does the story have a conflict, a climax, and an end?

d. Photography - includes impact, creativity, technical excellence,

composition, lighting, style, color and story telling. The photos

should provide variety, interesting angles, imagination and

properly illustrate the story being told.

(Details of this category will be sent to all the divisions as soon

as the national guidelines have been disseminated)

B. Informance (Pagbibigay ng Impormasyon sa pamamagitan ng

Pagtatanghal – Giving Information through Performance)

A. Mga Kalahok

Bukas and paligsahan sa mga mag-aaral mula sa Baitang 9

o Baitang 10

Ang nararapat lumahok sa paligsahan ay yaong mga nanalo

sa Pandibisyong Tagisan ng Talino sa Filipino 2016

Ang bawat pangkat na kalahok ay binubuo ng apat na

kasapi/mag-aaral at isang tagapayo/tagapagsanay

B. Panuntunan

Ang piyesa ay nagsusulong ng adbokasiya (Advocacy)

tungkol sa pagpapataas ng global na kamalayan sa

kahalagahan ng kultura (Global Awareness)

May halong musical o paawit ng pagtatangahl

Page 16: 2016 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) · A. Specific Guidelines for Technolympics 2016 1. Areas For Skills Exhibition The areas for skills exhibition, number of participants per

Ang pagtatanghal ay hindi bababa sa labinlimang (15)

minuto at hindi lalampas sa dalawampug (20) minute.

C. Pamantayan

Iskrip – 40%

a. Orihinalidad

b. Kaangkupan sa tema

c. Makatotohanan

d. Taglay ang mga elemento ng isang iskrip

Pagtatanghal – 60%

a. Kasuotan

b. Paglalahad ng kultura ng bansa

c. Kilos o galaw ng mga tauhan

d. Tinig/Musikalidad

e. Kasiningan/pagkamalikhain ng pagtatanghal

f. Dating sa mga manonood

g. Walang tagpuan
