Page 1: 2016 - 2017 Annual Review - · Deepak Jain . Head, Creative Recycling Unit . Neetu Dadlani . Designer, Creative Recycling Unit . Ashok . Designer, Creative Recycling

2016 - 2017

Annual Review

Every child deserves the best

As we enter our

25th year!!

Continuing the Journey

Page 2: 2016 - 2017 Annual Review - · Deepak Jain . Head, Creative Recycling Unit . Neetu Dadlani . Designer, Creative Recycling Unit . Ashok . Designer, Creative Recycling

Together we travel on our path of hope

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Table of Content

Message from the President: Dr Vijay Agarwal 5

Message from the Founder: Dr Madhumita Puri 5

Message from the Sr Vice President: Mr OP Manchanda 6

Message from an EC Member: Ms Pragita Pahwa 6

Continuing the Journey 9

1: Community Interventions 11

2. Childhood Education and Experiences 13

3. Skills-for-Work 19

4. Livelihood 23

5. Market Interventions 25

Credibility Alliance Norms Compliance Report 26

Financials 28

Our Donors and Supporters 30

Stories of Change

Ganesh 10

Gaurav 14

Diwakar 18

Vipin, Ram Babu, Ranjeet, Rajesh and Vicky 20

Deepak Jain 24

Page 4: 2016 - 2017 Annual Review - · Deepak Jain . Head, Creative Recycling Unit . Neetu Dadlani . Designer, Creative Recycling Unit . Ashok . Designer, Creative Recycling

Indira Rai Sr Vice President

Dr Satya Prakash Treasurer

Dr Madhumita Puri Secretary Founder

Dr Abha Bhawal Vice President

OP Manchanda Sr Vice President

Dr Vijay Agarwal President

Executive Committee

Aman Rai Member

Dr Vipin Malhotra Member

Pragita Pahwa Member

Page 5: 2016 - 2017 Annual Review - · Deepak Jain . Head, Creative Recycling Unit . Neetu Dadlani . Designer, Creative Recycling Unit . Ashok . Designer, Creative Recycling

Page 5 Message from the President

Dear Friends,

Last year, we presented our work that reflected the journey of change and the impact

that it has created in the lives of over 2500 families of children and adults with

disability. As before, we focus our attention on those from less privileged


Our aim is to “Bridge the Gap” - from working with the very young with a child-centric

approach who have fortunate enough to reach educational services at an appropriate

age, through the turbulent years of adolescence (when learning is crucial); to adults

who have not received any services of education or skill development. This

approach, though difficult to implement is the only way that people with disability will

be seen as rightful and contributing members of our communities.

We strongly believe that sustaining this change would require the evaluation of the

many associated risks, especially the estimation of its effects on resources, effort,

and schedule.

In the year gone by, implementation and its resulting analysis was in full swing. Our

many donors, supporters and clients were privy to this. In the forthcoming year,

which will be the 25th year of this heartfelt effort, our efforts will be to see that none

of this is wasted.

Dr Vijay Agarwal

Dear Friends and Well-wishers, As I reflect on what has happened over the years of our working, I continuously remind myself as to why I started the organization in the first place. I remind myself even more when I am confronted by the struggles, both strategy and financial, that often tempts me to go the way the money flows! To everyone who belies in us, in our work, in our integrity, I take this platform to reiterate: Our work is and will forever be outcome based: in 2 areas, the Individual and Society Individuals: To live as a valued adult in a family, adults are expected to contribute to the extent of their capacity. For this to happen, individuals require equal and appropriate learning opportunities that are grounded in the reality of their abilities. Provision of these opportunities has to be rooted in practical actions and expectations to yield fruitful outcomes. Society: For the entire community to thrive each member must receive a chance to contribute, or else vital resources will be unevenly distributed. Thus, enabling as many as possible persons with disability live fulfilled and functional lives will lead to a higher happiness and well being index, which in turn reduces the vortex of care (health, social benefits, welfare measures etc) required. In our forthcoming time of 25 years, join hands evermore! Dr Madhumita Puri

Message from the Founder

Page 6: 2016 - 2017 Annual Review - · Deepak Jain . Head, Creative Recycling Unit . Neetu Dadlani . Designer, Creative Recycling Unit . Ashok . Designer, Creative Recycling

Sunanda Natarajan Administrative Director

Nan Baboo Jaiswal Chief Production Manager

Sher Singh Master Weaver and Instructor

Rozina Chief Marketing Manager

Suresh Tomar Operations Manager

Project Coordinator Varanasi Program

Deepak Jain Head, Creative Recycling Unit

Neetu Dadlani Designer, Creative Recycling Unit

Ashok Designer, Creative Recycling Unit

Page 7: 2016 - 2017 Annual Review - · Deepak Jain . Head, Creative Recycling Unit . Neetu Dadlani . Designer, Creative Recycling Unit . Ashok . Designer, Creative Recycling

Dear Supporters,

When I joined the Executive Committee, it was with the express purpose of sharing my

extensive experience and expertise in Branding, Sales and Marketing; with a special

emphasis on International markets. As I looked deeper into the projects and their

operations, I found that they were focussed and deeply experiential, having been built

from the ground and steeped in the practical. I found the team members to be

dedicated, sincere to their mission and very hardworking - qualities so rare to find in

organizations today!

The training modules designed for Skill Building and Entrepreneurship through the

flagship program Avacayam, had reached a level of maturity, and the products made a

treasure trove! Armed with these observations, I had no doubt in my mind that the

entire team of the Society for Child Development were poised to expand these

programs to other NGOs and people with disability who were not associated with

other organizations. beneficiaries.

As the programs continue to impact, it will culminate in the need for a worldwide

market, the marketing arm - Trash to Cash - is currently developing a new line of

products for both the domestic and global markets. This attention to dual paths is the

beginning of a new chapter in the history of SfCD - I will personally spearhead this.

Pragita Pahwa

Dear Friends,

The relentless energy continues to amaze me! The year was harsh financially, but the

courage of the team, their determination to succeed by taking small yet critical steps

has been an eye-opener. Creating impact and then making efforts to ensure that the

changes are sustained is definitely easier said than done. This becomes even more

challenging in a scenario where financial insecurities and their inevitable ups and

downs begin to dominate decisions regarding the next course of action.

So too with us, the mission of “No one left behind” as we see it is to create a self-

sustaining model of holistic development that ensures that families can eventually

provide opportunities for their children with disability in mainstream society. For that to

happen, we are in the process of creating successes in all walks of life for the

community to believe that it is a possibility.

Our little steps, in this mammoth task, are in this direction. As before, on my part, I

pledge to ensure that the forward planning based on sound financial stability continues

to be addressed.

OP Manchanda

Message from the Sr Vice-President

Message from Pragita Pahwa, Member

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Achieving our Mission through our Programs

Creating an eco-system for inclusion

At the organizational level, over the past 23 years, SFCD has created models of development that are replicable, scalable and sustainable for people with disabilities who are poor and/or living in areas with deficient educational and skill development facilities. These programs originated from SFCD’s prime strategy of addressing core issues by working closely with stakeholders, bridging gaps in service delivery, working in close co-operation with other NGOs; and conducting skill development programs in the community setting for sustainable livelihoods. I: Working with Families

We believe that the family is at the core of our efforts to resolve the issues that need to be addressed to create a road map for all stages of life - for their own wards and for the larger population in general. The issues include basic education, independent living, social and adult needs, and viable solutions for skill development and sustainable livelihoods.

However, we do realize that the onus cannot rest on the family alone and that there needs to be a larger participation of the Community and the State. The related thrust program areas of SFCD are thus directed, with complementary activities that involve: II: Integration and Inclusion

Developing models for effective transition from childhood to adulthood; Creating an eco-system for inclusion, Involving Community Participation, Skill development

III: Bridging Gaps Disability India Network, Legal Literacy Campaign, Researching avenues for entrepreneurial activities

IV: Strengthening Organizations and Capacity Building Teaching and Training modules for Legal modules, Program analytics

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Childhood Education and


Ensuring education fits the


Nurturing health and

Developing personality

Leaving school

Doorstep or Center based


Direct Livelihoods creation

Direct Employment

Micro-business establishments

Sustained Income Generation




Creating Impact


Education to Employment

Society for Child Development’s Impact endeavor continues to evolve as we spend

more time in understanding what works and what does not - especially when we

reach out to remote and unreached groups of children and adults living with

disability. In addition, we continuously search to understand the paradigm of

reaching those with mental challenges, including mental illness and Intellectual


We analyze our work in two ways - (i) how our inputs pave the way for impact

creation; and (ii) how inputs aggregate change.

In the year 2016 -17, a third dimension has been added:


Paving the way to the 25 years of being around!

Continuing the Journey


Awareness Programs

regarding Capacity and Ability


Interactive sessions regarding

Government schemes







Life skills through

Independent Living training,

social interactions and

leisure activities

Empowering NGOs to build skills and incomes for PwDs on their rolls

Market Interventions 5

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Ganesh, now 23 years of age, was admitted to Prabhat Resource Center a year ago. Diagnosed with a severe

mental illness (but under control with medication). His behavior was restrained; and apart from having

imaginary conversations with his imaginary friends, he was no trouble at all. However, there was very little

that he would do the whole day. He was placed in the Flower Recycling Unit - our experience indicates that

the therapeutic value of this unit is enormous!

It took several months for Ganesh to settle into his new environment. He would come to the center and

merely sit around, not interacting with his peers and not doing any work. As per our policy, we allow a

substantial amount of time for our students and trainees to become used to this new way of spending their

days …. not confined to their room, not spending their entire day sleeping and watching TV. Most resist this

change by withdrawing, and are surprised when those around them let them be. Our understanding is that

this course of action builds trust and allows the person some control over their own actions. Since there is

little or no altercation, previous maladaptive behaviors based on negative cause and effect begin to fade away.

In addition, observing the praise, attention and obvious enjoyment experienced by co-workers tends to

encourage every individual to give it a try.

So too with Ganesh, after months of inactivity and aimless roaming around, he began to take an interest in

his surroundings. One day, he picked up a newspaper and started reading it. Needless to say, all were

surprised, even though his family had informed that he had studied up to the 10th grade (when a terrible

accident happened resulting in his breakdown). This innocuous incident of picking up a newspaper to read

current affairs was the beginning of a new chapter.

Shortly afterwards, we found Ganesh to be responsive to the activities around him - be it in the training

room, during the physical therapy sessions or the Art and Craft classes.

When his family had to attend a wedding in the village (where they could not take Ganesh due to their

concerns regarding the incident that had occurred there), Ganesh spent 15 days at Apne Sahare (our

independent Living Center) where his behavior was exemplary.

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Community Interventions with Families of children with disability and local NGOs

Awareness Programs

regarding Capacity and


Interactive sessions

regarding Government


Families Counseled regarding opportunities for and benefits

of education and employment


Awareness sessions on Rights, Facilities and Responsibilities


Supported by

ASG Foundation 1

Facilitating Services

29 Legal Guardians

22 Aids and Appliances

43 Handicap/ID cards

155 Health Insurance

Legal Guardianship meeting with DC (North) in Alipur HQ

Home visits are conducted to verify

the living conditions of the PwD.

Counseling of parents undertaken

only after report is analyzed to

ensure that the session is realistic and


Awareness program has been conducted in every Saturday of the month with an average of 5 to 10 parents or guardians of the people with disabilities. All these meetings are organized in the premises under Society for Child Development. Information and documents on the Government facilities An approximate 600 people with disabilities and families are benefited through this particular meetings on education, vocational training, employment and medical facilities. Proper guidelines and counseling also have been provided on individual basis. Services provided:

Information and access to facilities for alleviation of difficulties faced by families

Fast-tracking of all applications

Assessment for disability

Awareness of Rights and Privileges

Counseling: Either in a group or in the home

Zones in North Delhi: Narela, Alipur and Model Town

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Being busy

Celebrating Helping each other

Feeling loved Companionship

Prabhat Resource Center consists of the following wings:

Prabhat Special School: for children with

disability Mid-day Meal Program Apne Sahare – Independent Living Center Skill Development Program - Basic Course - Advanced training

Dancing with Joy

Prabhat - The beginning of a whole new day ….. What it is all about?

Learning happily

Learning …...

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Plan and Schedules

At the beginning of the school year, the teaching team consisting of the Special educators, Counselor, Physical trainer and Arts & Craft instructor plan the teaching goals and the schedule of progress reporting. Weekly consultations with the Academic management helps assess the targets achieved and the reasons for any non-achievement. Parents are contributing partners in this mapping, and a monthly meeting apprises them of positive and negative changes. Strategies at such times are redrawn.


Childhood Education and Experiences

Ensuring education fits the child

Nurturing health and Developing personality

Significant gains in physical growth

55629 meals

served Breakfast and Dinner for Residents

Mid-day snack and Lunch for all

80 day scholars and

15 residents

Leaving school

Comparative Improvements over past 12 months

Height gained

Weight gained

Graduating Students have a Roadmap for learning and Developing

Trainees are also laterally admitted from other institutions

Supported by

Donors Give India

Individual Donors

Imtiara Consultants

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In 2017 Gaurav turned 18 years of age - officially an adult! He came to live with us when he was 10.

Abandoned by his only known living relative - an alcoholic father - in a questionable shelter near the

Yamuna, Gaurav is now among many parents!

At first, Gaurav was made to feel secure, he did not disclose verbally of the unspeakable horrors he may

have been subjected to during his early days as a vulnerable little boy in an unknown shelter, but his wariness

and restrained behavior were words enough. He had a pronounced stutter, limited vocabulary, scared

demeanor and a great hesitation in joining activities. We worked through these, settled him in Prabhat

school and Apne Sahare; and helped him to be a little boy again.

Very early, it was apparent that sitting in a classroom and book learning was not something he enjoyed

greatly. Learning to read and write were a chore which he did, albeit reluctantly, but when it came to the

Craft classes, he truly came alive.

Adolescence was another ball game altogether. Anger, rebellion, tears, hostility and finally running away …. we saw it all! He angrily informed us when he was found that he wanted to earn money and secure a future

for himself. We gave him a choice: be an unskilled worker or learn a trade. He made a good choice.

Currently, Gaurav is well on his way to becoming a Tailor.

Then Now

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Apne Sahare: The Independent Living Center Page 15

Total number of


15 per year

Criteria for Admission


At home …..

Family forever

Life skills through Independent Living

training, social interactions and leisure


At Apne Sahare, we have one goal:

Independent living

For this to happen, the following is done

A Family to call their own

School education

Self care skills

Leisure and Recreation

Skill development


Supported by

Give India Donors

CS Agarwal

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Dance Magic

In total 8 Jam sessions were conducted in different special schools across the city from April 2016 to March 2017. Dance Magic is usually

not conducted during the hot summer months and in the month of Diwali and the severe winter month of January. Subir Malik, leader of the

Parikrama music band and company has been supporting this program for the past 15 years.

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Total Participants


Total number of schools


Supported by:

Subir Malik, Parikrama

Logistic support:

ASG Foundation

Life skills through Independent Living

training, social interactions and leisure


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Annual Goody-Bag Picnic

The Annual Picnic was organized on 23 February 2017. All the special schools from Delhi and Delhi NCR were invited

for the picnic. The event was held in the Children’s Park in India Gate (being a central place) with organized games

with prizes for all. A total of 1616 students along with 391 escorts attended. There were 92 volunteers from Rotary

Club of local colleges also actively participate and helped in organizing the same.

A Goody-bag containing Chocolate, toffees, gifts, samosa, fruit, packets of biscuits and juice boxes were presented to

each participating student and their escorts. Larson & Toubro very generously provided biscuits and juice packs for all.

In addition, we received gifts for the Goody bag from Dr Madhu Puri, Vrinda Jain, Veena Jain, Reshmi Gupta, Tanu,

Shalini Jain, and Sharifa Gupta. Hot samosas and Kachoris were relished by all on-the-spot!

No of staff & volunteers present (SFCD): 30

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It was Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! all the way

Children and Youth



31 Special schools Escorted by

391 staff members

Supported by: ASG Foundation

Music support:

Subir Malik, Parikrama

Zone Schools Participants Staff/ Volunteers/


South 13 892 222

East 02 175 58

North 03 120 27

West 05 162 33

Ghaziabad 01 62 12

Central 05 105 18

North West 01 56 10

Faridabad 01 44 11

Total 31 1616 391

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Diwakar has 100% hearing loss and a mild intellectual disability - both of which

he overcomes with his amazing spirit and very strong motivation to succeed.

Place him in any activity and he will be at it, till he completes it. Loves working

with his hands and his creativity is emerging as a powerful force.

Of his past we know little. He was picked up by the Salaam Balak Trust from

the New Delhi Railway station, lost and confused. He spent a couple of years

at the home run by the Trust, and was shifted to Apne Sahare four years ago.

Of his future, we are confident.

Presently, Diwakar is an able team member of the “Creative Recycling Design

Unit” where he is learning to recreate items developed by the designers.

He receives a monthly stipend.

Soon, he will be in full-time employment and will receive a salary.

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Skill Development Center

Basic Course The Basic level training courses are in the following areas:

Flower Recycling

Paper Bags

Diya Painting

Assisting in office work With the underlying purpose of inculcating:

Work habits



Adhering to Routines

Completion of tasks assigned



Supported by

Nuvo Cryscapital

Parvin Sinclair

Donors, Give India

Trainees per year


Age Group


Entry level Graduates of Prabhat Special School

From other Special Schools

Page 20: 2016 - 2017 Annual Review - · Deepak Jain . Head, Creative Recycling Unit . Neetu Dadlani . Designer, Creative Recycling Unit . Ashok . Designer, Creative Recycling


Vipin has two severe disabilities - 80% visual impairment and 90% hearing impairment. Six years ago he joined the flower recycling unit, graduated to making paper and is now a part of the design team, where he makes fashion jewelry, rachis and accessories for bags. Now fully independent, Vipin commutes independently and contributes to his family’s household income.

Ram Babu

Ram Babu was a mixed bag of disability, no skills, anger, frustration and drug abuse. It took many years of convincing that he was of value - to himself, to us, and in time for the rest of the world. Today, RB is skilled in paper machie craft and single handedly (pun intended) is responsible for the new line of paper machie diyas for Diwali. His family is currently looking for a wife for him.


Our little friend, now all grown up, Ranjeet could not go to school and has a severe locomotor disability. Learning to be an able tailor, Ranjeet is

the sole earner in his family.


100% visual impairment. 100% capable

Tailors all the handles of our conference bags.

Vicky Tailoring Unit assistant, Vicky has 90% visual impairment. Our processes are adapted to ensure that he maximizes his capacity. Earns for his family!

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Advanced Training

Trainees in the Advance level course have the

choice of learning a skill of their interest.

Training is offered in the flowing courses:

Rolling Agarbatis


Assisting in Product fabrication


Handmade paper

Candle making

Paper bags

Total number of Trainees


Total earning


Developing capacities by giving opportunities.

Depending on our trainees to deliver

Inclusive set up - so no one feels segregated or special, or more

important than the others around.

Supported by

Nuvo Cryscapital

Individu,al donors

Donors Give India

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Total Reach


Profile of beneficiaries

Persons with disability

Persons living with HIV/AIDS

Financially weak

Poorly educated, no formal schooling


Areas of Intervention




In Rural and Urban areas of Varanasi

Dinesh, Baragaon, Varanasi

Dinesh has post polio paralysis of his lower limbs. He lives in a joint family and works in the shop owned by his 4 brothers and himself. The other brothers have jobs in other establishments and the proceeds of the shop is shared by all. As a result, Dinesh is unable to make enough to take care of his family comprising a young son of 6 years and his wife. The training provided to Dinesh in making eco-pens revealed his entrepreneurial spirit. In less than a month Dinesh had organized his day to ensure that he was rolling at least 200 pens and

making an average of Rs 5000 a month. Dinesh was successful in optimizing his training and is now looking at avenues to sell these pens to shops in the city. In addition to the above, he works with SfCD in counseling other persons with disability in adopting this road to financial stability.

Nilofer, Lallapura, Varanasi Nilofer is 22 years, has never been to school and stays confined most of the time in the

narrow alleyways of Lallapura, a densely populated locality in the middle of Varanasi

city. It is a weaver colony. Nilofer leads a grim life in a 8x8 ft room which contains the

entire household possessions, is often berated by her mother whose husband left her

when Nilofer was born. They subsist on food procured from the local mosque.

When we first met Nilofer, it was her smile that was a lesson for all the trainers. Being in

a Muslim area, Nilofer opted to make fabric buttons and dolls from weaver waste.

She has started earning Rs 2000 per month, with which she began paying for a hand

operated tricycle, thereby fulfilling one of her desires.

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Direct Livelihoods creation

Direct Employment

Micro-business establishments

Total number provided

Direct Employment


Direct Livelihoods Creation


Clusters formed


Total Income Generated

Rs 2,25,00,000

Micro-business established

8 in early stages

In Nari Niketan, Dehradun with women with mental illness

In Ramakrishna Vivekanand Mission, Suryapur, West Bengal with women with hearing impairment and Intellectual disability

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Deepak, Head Design Team The Design team consists of people with hearing impairment ably led by Deepak Jain. With coordinating with the Designer-in-Chief, adapting ideas with the practicalities of the capacity of his team members - Neetu Dadlani, Ashok Kumar, Ravi Saini and Ravi Chakker (Trainees Diwakar and Vipin). When the waste materials comes in from offices, factories and homes, Deepak and his team start ideating and planning for production!

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In a manner of speaking, Market interventions is the last mile connectivity for income generation. Sales are primarily through: 1. Orders from Corporates and Institutions 2. Pop up stalls in offices and local markets Export orders through 1. Orders procured from Trade shows 2. International clients Marketing team led by Rozina Suleman


Market Interventions

Revenue from sales fund some of our projects and programs

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Credibility Alliance Norms Compliance Report: 2016 - 2017


Registered as a nonprofit society under Section 52 0f PWS Act and allotted registration No S-22741 of 1992 under Societies Registration Act XX1 OF 1860 with Delhi Administration, Delhi.

Constitution and Memorandum of the Society is available on request.

Registered u/s 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 with DIT (Exemptions), Delhi u/s 80G, [Reg No DIT (E)/2007-2008/s-1409/2084].

Registered under section 6(1) of The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 (FCRA Reg No 231650941) Visitors are welcome to the addresses given on the “contact us” link on our website on

Executive Committee Meetings in 2016-2017

Details of Board Members: The Executive Committee is same as in 2015-2016 and continues to 2016-2017. Patrons: Maureen and Arnab Gupta, Dr Ashutosh Gupta, Dr Narottam Puri, Dr Parveen Malhotra Members of the committee are:

Name and Address of Auditors: Ankush Gupta & Associates, Chartered Accountants, 212 Shriniketan Society, Plot No 1, Sector 7, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

Name and Address of Main Bankers: ICICI bank, Model Town, Delhi State Bank of India, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi Oriental Bank of Commerce, Kingsway Camp, Delhi Axis Bank, Shakti Nagar, Delhi

05 May 2016 Executive Committee Meeting

31 August 2016 Executive Committee Meeting

08 September 2016 Executive Committee Meeting

20 October 2016 Executive Committee Meeting

19 January 2017 Annual General Meeting

Name Designation Email Qualification

Dr Vijay Agarwal President [email protected] MD (Pediatrics)

Indira Rai Sr V President [email protected] Architect

O P Manchanda Sr V President [email protected] Entrepreneur

Dr Abha Bhawal Vice President [email protected] MD (Pediatrics)

Dr Satya Prakash Treasurer [email protected] MD (Pediatrics)

Dr Madhumita Puri Secretary [email protected] PhD (Psychology)

Aman Rai Member [email protected] Entrepreneur

Pragita Pahwa Member [email protected] Entrepreneur

Vipin Malhotra Legal Advisor [email protected] Lawyer

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Ankush Gupta (Chartered Accountant) is non-voting invitee and he attends the meetings in the capacity of the financial for the Society for Child Development The Board of the society met five times during financial year 2016-2017

Minutes of Board Meetings are documented and circulated

A Board rotation policy exists and is practiced

The Board approves programs, budgets, annual activity reports and audited financial statements

The Board ensures that the organization complies with laws and regulations Accountability and Transparency

No remuneration, sitting fees or any other form of compensation has been paid to any Board member since the establishment of the Society.

Reimbursement against domestic travel expense for a dedicated project has been made to one Board

Member. .

Salary of Head of Organization: Nil

Three Highest Paid Staff Members: Rs 70000, Rs 42500 and Rs 41500 per month

Lowest paid Staff Member: Rs 4000 per month (part time)

Staff Expenditure on Travel: Nil

Total Cost of International Travel for all personnel and Board Members: Nil

Total Cost of national Travel for all personnel and Board Members: Nil


Slab of gross salary (in Rs) plus benefits

paid to staff (per month) Male staff Female staff Total staff

Less than 5000 13 05 18

5,000 – 10,000 35 21 56

10,000 – 25,000 14 00 14

25,000 – 50,000 02 01 03

50,000 – 1,00,000 00 01 01

Greater than 1,00,000 00 00 00

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Balance sheet

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Receipt and Payment

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Thank you Donors, Clients and Supporters

Each donation and every support offered helps, and when it helps us touch the lives of people with disability and their

families, it is more than just what is offered. For this and the power it provides to us the people in SFCD in reaching out

to the many beneficiaries through your generosity, we have only two words to say ….. Thank you

Page 30


We for Hope


Department of Social Welfare


Ramakrishna Vivekanand



ASG Foundation


Department of Environment

Delhi Government



Nuvo Chryscapital

Advisors Pvt Ltd

Imtiara Consultants

Our Individual Donors

Dr Ashutosh Gupta

Dr Bal Sundar

Dr Bindu Diwan

Dr Madhu Puri

Dr Madhumita Puri

Dr Narottam Puri

Dr Praveen K Malhotra

Dr RS Hazuria

Dr Sudha Gupta

Dr Veena Puri

Dr Veena Sharma

Dr Vijay Agarwal

Dr Vinay Agarwal

Mr Aditya Dhambi

Mr Ankush Gupta

Mr Ashish Gaur

Mr Atam Agarwal

Mr Atul Mittal

Mr Barun Mukherjee

Mr CS Aggarwal

Mr Devendra Daga

Mr Harish Bahadur

Mr M Sundaresan

Mr Mahender Aggarwal

Mr Man Mohan

Mr Manish Gupta

Mr Mukesh

Mr O P Manchanda

Mr Ram Chand

Mr Rajender Mehta

Mr Ravi Dutt Sharma

Mr RK Jain

Mr Shrinivasan Ramasway

Mr Siddharth Aggarwal

Mr Siddhartha Puri

Mr Sumeet Gupta

Mr Sunderesham

Ms Anumeha Manilal

Ms Gitika Chauwan

Ms Hema Ramaswamy

Ms Kaveri

Ms Kumkum Arora

Ms Monica Jindal

Ms Neelam Periwal

Ms Nidhi Arora

Ms Pooja Singhal

Ms Pragita Pahwa

Ms Rajshree

Ms Ranjana Jain

Ms Rashmi Jain

Ms Reena Gupta

Ms Reetu Jain

Ms Rekha Singh

Ms Renu Mittal

Ms Reshmi Gupta

Ms Rita Jain

Ms Ritika

Ms Ruby Singh

Ms Ruchi Talsliyam

Ms Ruchita

Ms Sadhna Jain

Ms Shalini Jain

Ms Sharifa Gupta

Ms Shilpika Rai

Ms Sweta

Ms Tanu

Ms Tenzin Mehru

Ms Usha Srinivasan

Ms Veena Jain

Ms Veena Rai

Ms Vrinda Jain

Prof Parvin Sinclair

Larsen & Toubro Limited


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Our Supportive Clients

Agri Alumni Association of Pantnagar

Alkali Manufacturers 'Association of India'

Alok Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

American Wives Association

Anil Kumar Singh Memorial Charitable Trust

Apollo Hospital

Aqua Foundation

Arushi - Chhoti si Asha

Attitude Events Pvt. Ltd.

B.M Anand Foundation

Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology

Bayer Cropscience Limited

Believe India Fair Trade Pvt. Ltd.

byDina Paris


Centre for Chronic Disease Control

Confederation of Indian Industries

Crystal Crop Protection Pvt.Ltd.

Dayal Singh College

Delhi Prakashan Vitran Private Limited

Delhi University

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research

Earthwatch Institute India

Emmanuel Hospital Association

Everything Organik

Exel Telesolution




Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC)


Gargi College

Gifting Nest

Green and Good

Hotel Le Meridian

Hotel Leela Kempinski

Hotel Leela Palace

Hotel Maurya

Hotel Oberoi Intercontinental

I Pas Development Foundation


Imtiara Consultants Pvt Ltd

India Habitat Centre

Jawahar Lal Nehru University

Jaypore E - Commerce Pvt. Ltd.

Kama Ayurveda

Max Bupa


Miranda College, University of Delhi

National Coalition for Education (NCE)

National Foundation for India

National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj

National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)

Navratan Foundation

NAWO North




Niti Ayog




Public Health Foundation of India

Punjab National Bank, Delhi

Ramjas college

Red Loom

Reliance (Navratan Foundation)


Saasforce Consulting Pvt Ltd


Sanjivni Nursing Home

Sardar Patel Vidyalaya

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College

SM Foundation

Space Kriti

Squawkie Talkie

Tatsat Handicraft

TCNS Clothing

TEC India Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

The Book Maker

The India Art Investment Co

The National Trust, Delhi

The White light

Times Foundation

UN Women





Visual Art Gallery

Walmart India

World Bank

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