
Faith, Food and

Fitness, Lesson 2:


Agenda for Lesson 2

Follow up on Lesson 1

Quick intro for the new folks

Romans 12:1 Study

Food truths and falsehoods. c/o Linda

Romans 1-11


Romans 12-16


Pick the image that displays true

and proper worship?







Family Praying

Romans: 12:1 Why we do this.


Therefore, I urge you,

brothers and sisters,

Therefore, I urge you,

brothers and sisters,

in view of God’s mercy,

Therefore, I urge you,

brothers and sisters,

in view of God’s mercy,

to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,

Therefore, I urge you,

brothers and sisters,

in view of God’s mercy,

to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,

holy and pleasing to God-

this is your true and proper worship.

(Romans 12:1, NIV)

Revised vision of worship

Body as a TempleTrue and Proper Worship

PrayerOur tool that involves the least suffering to use, as well as the least preparation.

Music/TeachingCulturally our highest valued form of worship

What did your mother tell you about how to treat things that aren’t yours?ANOTHER WAY TO VIEW YOUR BODY, TAKE 2

“Do you not know that your bodies are

temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,

whom you have received from God?

You are not your own;

you were bought at a price.

Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

(1 Cor. 6:19-20)

Which better honors God?

Therefore, I urge you,

brothers and sisters,

in view of God’s mercy,

to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,

holy and pleasing to God-

Three lines to teach this generation and the next

We are NOT smarter than Nature

We cannot make better food than


We need to eat real, whole food.

Trends in childhood obesity


1 in 2 Americans suffer from a “chronic” disease.

We spend $3,000,000,000,000 in our health care system.

80% of this expenditure was and is preventable.

The Rope Thing

Ten Tidbits

1) Quit your ______________________

2) _______________ ______________ does not mean bland and boring.

3) You can still have a __________ ______________.

4) You can live without _______________ and ______________________.

5) Believe that you will __________________ _______________________.

Ten Tidbits

1) Quit your excuses!

2) _______________ ______________ does not mean bland and boring.

3) You can still have a __________ ______________.

4) You can live without _______________ and ______________________.

5) Believe that you will __________________ _______________________.

Ten Tidbits

1) Quit your excuses!

2) Healthy Food does not mean bland and boring.

3) You can still have a __________ ______________.

4) You can live without _______________ and


5) Believe that you will __________________ _______________________.

Ten Tidbits

1) Quit your excuses!

2) Healthy Food does not mean bland and boring.

3) You can still have a social life.

4) You can live without _______________ and


5) Believe that you will __________________ _______________________.

Ten Tidbits

1) Quit your excuses!

2) Healthy Food does not mean bland and boring.

3) You can still have a social life.

4) You can live without pizza and cake.

5) Believe that you will __________________ _______________________.

Ten Tidbits

1) Quit your excuses!

2) Healthy Food does not mean bland and boring.

3) You can still have a social life.

4) You can live without pizza and cake.

5) Believe that you will see results.

Ten Tidbits

6) Ditch the __________________ and the _______________________ foods.

7) Ditch the refined _________________________________.

8) Give up ________________________ ___________________ mentality.

9) Shop for fresh, local and seasonal ___________________ and ____________________.

10) Don’t get caught _____________________. Instead, plan ahead and be aware of your schedule.

11) Learn to read _____________________.

Ten Tidbits

6) Ditch the boxes and the packaged foods.

7) Ditch the refined _________________________________.

8) Give up ________________________ ___________________ mentality.

9) Shop for fresh, local and seasonal ___________________ and ____________________.

10) Don’t get caught _____________________. Instead, plan ahead and be aware of your schedule.

11) Learn to read _____________________.

Ten Tidbits

6) Ditch the boxes and the packaged foods.

7) Ditch the refined sweeteners

8) Give up ________________________ ___________________ mentality.

9) Shop for fresh, local and seasonal ___________________ and ____________________.

10) Don’t get caught _____________________. Instead, plan ahead and be aware of your schedule.

11) Learn to read _____________________.

Ten Tidbits

6) Ditch the boxes and the packaged foods.

7) Ditch the refined sweeteners

8) Give up low fat mentality.

9) Shop for fresh, local and seasonal ___________________ and ____________________.

10) Don’t get caught _____________________. Instead, plan ahead and be aware of your schedule.

11) Learn to read _____________________.

Ten Tidbits

6) Ditch the boxes and the packaged foods.

7) Ditch the refined sweeteners

8) Give up low fat mentality.

9) Shop for fresh, local and seasonal fruits and veggies.

10) Don’t get caught _____________________. Instead, plan ahead and be aware of your schedule.

11) Learn to read _____________________.

Ten Tidbits

6) Ditch the boxes and the packaged foods.

7) Ditch the refined sweeteners

8) Give up low fat mentality.

9) Shop for fresh, local and seasonal fruits and veggies.

10) Don’t get caught hungry. Instead, plan ahead and be aware of your schedule.

11) Learn to read _____________________.

Ten Tidbits

6) Ditch the boxes and the packaged foods.

7) Ditch the refined sweeteners

8) Give up low fat mentality.

9) Shop for fresh, local and seasonal fruits and veggies.

10) Don’t get caught hungry. Instead, plan ahead and be aware of your schedule.

11) Learn to read the labels.

Linda: to end

80/20 rule

Read from the Daniel Plan

Homework assignment


For next week

Write down the scariest thing that you found in your pantry.

Right down a list of ingredients of exactly one food in your frig. Prepare

to read some out loud next time and see if anyone can guess what it is.

MY father’s foods…straight from the

health insurance company

Guess this food…. Guess this food..