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e.f.NNY l(\le, Tennessee Internship: On site at C.11' ri9ht now

M'j favorite memor'j are the weeKend ac.livilies and meetin9 new people. M'j 9oal is to meet new people and ein,e ,omin9 here I've learned to mana9e mone'j a little better and betome a bit more mature.


'$1. l'eter&bur9, Florida lntern&hip: e.revard Z.Oo, t\armon'j farm&, forever Florida

M'j favorite memor'j if> bein9 introdu,ed to Mr. M,Manmon. M'j 9oal if> to betome eu,,essfu\, more independent, to lOOK on m'j own. '$in,e ,omin9 here, I am more out9oin9 and stron9.

C.OLf. 1<-id9eland, MississippiInternship: Melbourne Vubli, Librar'i

M'j favorite memor'j is meetin9 the do9s, and m'j 9oal& are to fini&h C.11', have a home, and to have a job I will enjo'j. '$in,e ,omin9 here, I have learned to deal with me&&'j people.

'$AMANit\A Lawren,eville, C.eor9ia Internship: Melbourne Vubli, Librar'i

M'j favorite memorie& are feedin9 the turtles with :fodi after an uneventful appointment and wallhin9 1-\arr'j l'otter with two 9ood friend&. M'j 9oal i& to be more independent and sinc.e c.omin9 here, I've 9ained self-esteem and a bit of m'j &Kille.

1<-£e,€.LC.A Wutfield, Ne1>1 :foru1 Internship: e,revard 1..lJo

M1 favorite memor1 at C.ll' 1>1a& l'ie Da1, m1 9oal is to be married 1>1ith l:id& and &inte tomin9 here, m1 &otial sl:ills have improved.

�N Luf\(in, i t-'1-a& Internship: Wuestoff, \2.otl:led9e

M1 favorite memor1 i& ever1thin9 and m1 9oal i& to be more independe.nt and have a better attitude. '$inte tomin9 here. I have


betome a better per.on and more independent.

LObAN fairfa-,. , Vir9inia Internship: Melbourne l'ublit Librar1

M1 favorite memor1 i& pla1in9 Warhamme.r 401( 1>1ith Ne-,. and m1 9oal i& to earn a tolle9e de9ru, learn ho"' to drive, learn ho"' to live independentl1, and to a,quire job e,-,.periente.

iF-€.Y t JI.then&, be.or9ia lntern&hip: €.f'$C. '$tiente lab&

M1 favorite memor1 1>1a& the trip to €.ptot U>t3 1>1ith e,etta, Lizz1, and 11. M1 9oal& are to finish a 4 1ear de9ru, attain an M'$, and learn l'ortu9ue&e. '$inte bein9 here I have learned to tal:e more me time and &et boundaries bet1>1un othe.r people and m1self.

,r,..Lf.)( Mana&&a&, Vir9inia lnte.rn&hip: C.e.ntra\ 1-\umane. �'f

M'j favorite. me.mor'i &o far at C.l'P i& c.ool:in9 m'i favorite. M'j 9oal i& to find a c.are.e.r that I e.njo'j. �inc.e. I've. be.e.n I have. be.e.n more. &odal "'ith othe.r pe.ople..

il-\€.A Albuque.rque., NM lnte.rnship: 'Proje.c.t �pon&e.

M'j favorite. me.mor'i i& movin9 bac.i: to 'Post 14,ad 1-\ou&e., and m'i 9oal i& to i;omple.te. m1 wlle.9e. c.our&e.. �inte. i;omin9 I attuall'f have. a slup &£.he.dule..

,r,..Lf.)(I� e.randon, Florida lnte.rn&hip: �pai;e. C.oa&t €.arl'i lnte.rve.ntion C.e.nte.r

M'j favorite. me.mor'f i& 9oin9 to the. t-'jt- of the. horu pro9ram on Frida'(& and m'i 9oal i& to 9e.t a £.e.rtifitation in €.arl'f C.hildhood

Mf.l,,,r,..N e.ismanl:, Arl:an&as lnte.rnship: Z.Oo, 1-\armon'f Farm&, Florida

M'j favorite. me.mor'i i& 9oin9 to Florida on :fodi' & and m1 birthda'j, and m'i 9oa\ is to be. and be. a lite.nse.d ma&sa9e. the.rapi&t. �ini;e. wmin9, I have. brol:e.n some. bad habit& and I have. 9ro"'n a& a pe.r&on.

L to �: \qle'f C...erland,

Apollo Tolle'f, Franl::\in Hasi::ins

�i£1'1-\AN1£ .O..rlin9ton, Vir9inia (1,piltin9 di6tane,e from Wa6hin9ton. DC.) lnternf>hip: e.revard l'...ount1' 6 Natural \46oune6 Mana9ement Dept.

M1 favorite memor1 of m1 time at C.11' if> the e.eliz.e trip, &pee,ifie,a\11 when �amantha 9ot 1,tu,i: on a t.ip line rope. M1 9oal i& to live independentl1 and to 9et and l:eep a job. �ine,e l>ein9 at C.11' I am more patient, independent, and re&ponf>il>le.

LAU�E.N .0-.then&, C.eor9ia lntern1,hip: Melbourne l'ul>\ie, Lil>rar1 � C.ount1 l'...ommi&f>ioner& Offie,e

M1 favorite memor1 wa1, the time just before the returnin9 student& e,ame l>a,i:. It wa& lil:e 6tru,tured 6ummer !>real:. M1 9oal6 are to 9et a job. l>e 6elf-6uffie,ient, and e,omfortal>le. �ine,e ,omin9 to C.11' I feel lil:e I ,an do more .

.0..L£)( We6tminster, Mar1land Internship: e.revard 'Loo and Melbourne l'ul>lie, Lil>rar1

M1 favorite memor1 are the weel:end a,tivitiu and meetin9 new people. M1 9oal if> to meet new people and f>ine,e e,omin9 here I've learned to mana9ed mone1 a little better and l>e,ome a bit more mature.

'5taff and '5tudents ''t(eepin9 their Tai\s on the Trai\"

Team C.l'P: Aaron, "'de\e, Ne�is, \7enn'(, \7r'(son, £rila, J'oe, t::'.im, Lanle, Lauren, Lenn'(, Megan, 12-ebella, 'bamantha, 'btephanie and Thea.

£vents:\'f 6.el\(O ?\(, z.ebra 7..oom 3\(, "'utism "'"'areness ?\(, 'buper Hero ?\(, 'Pirate 'P\under 2mi\er.