  • 8/11/2019 2014 Membership Application Form


    1 Your details

    Do you wish to receive ACT Now(ACT ALP email bulletin)?Yes No

    2 ACT Now

    Title Mr Mrs Ms Dr Other


    Given name

    Preferred name

    Date of birth

    Address residential


    Electoral enrolment

    Are you enrolled to vote at the above residential address? Yes No

    Electorates Federal Canberra Fraser

    ACT Brindabella Ginninderra Molonglo

    Telephone home






    Membership no.Are you an

    employer? No

    Yes To which employer organisation do you belong?

    The ALP continually develops policies to encourage the widest possible participationof members. The following information is strictly condential and, if provided, willbe used for statistical purposes to assist us to further this aim.

    Do you wish to identify yourself as a member of the following group(s)?

    People from Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island background

    People with a disability

    People from a non-English speaking background

    5 Pledge and signatureI hereby apply for membership of the Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch).I declare that the details in this application are true and correct.

    If I am accepted as a member I hereby undertake to support the platform of theAustralian Labor Party, to vote for and assist the return of endorsed AustralianLabor Party candidates and to abide by the constitution and rules of theAustralian Labor Party.Signature of applicant

    Date / /

    Signature of nominee/witness

    Name (print)

    Of which sub-branch do you wish to become a member?(Please tick one box only. If you do not indicate a preference you will be assigned tsub-branch according to your address)

    The local sub-branch according to your residential address

    ACT Central Branch (silent non-voting membership)

    Another sub-branch (please specify, refer to sub-branch meeting information sheet)

    Have you been a member of the ALP before?

    No Yes Please provide details(e.g. when, where)

    Are you, or have you ever been a member of another party orpolitical organisation?

    No Yes Please provide details(e.g. organisation,period of membership, positions held etc.)

    3 Sub-branch preference

    4 Political background

    Please read and sign the membership pledge and return your renewal and payment in the reply paid envelopeprovided or you may fax it, if paying by credit card only, to 6247 3865.

    Australian Labor PartyACT Branch membership application

    PAGE 1

  • 8/11/2019 2014 Membership Application Form



    Endorsement:This is to certify that this applicant presented themselves to a sub-branchmeeting and was welcomed by resolution of the meeting for which details are listed below.


    Submitted to the branch meeting


    Name (print)


    Amount received $ Method ofpayment

    Received by


    Membershipno.Note: Application and payment must be received by the ACT ALP ofce within14 days of this endorsement for the applicant to receive recognition of this meeting.

    Australian Labor Party ACT Branch GPO Box 3065 Canberra ACT 2601 T 02 6247 4066 F 02 6247 3865 E [email protected]

    Australian Labor PartyACT Branch membership application

    Cash Cheque

    Credit card EFT receipt conrmed

    PAGE 2

    Please tick the appropriate box:

    Please tick (if applicable) A maximum of two categories may be claimed.Type of discount Discount

    Being a member of an afliated union(see reverse of this leaet) $10.00

    Holding a government concession or full-time student card $10.00

    Choosing to automatically renew your membership $10.00(If you tick this box you must also tick and signthe Automatic Renewal section)

    8 Automatic renewalPlease automatically renew my membershipeach year on the 1st of December by credit card deductions.


    Date / /

    6 Fees

    7 Discounts

    Annual income

    1 Year

    Membership Fees (including GST)

    $0 $25,000 $15.00 $25,001 $50,000


    $50,001 $75,000 $160.00

    $75,001 $100,000 $250.00

    $420.00 Over $100,000

    9 Total membership feesMembership Fee Discounts = Total membership fee

    (may not be less than $5)

    ! # ! $ !

    10 Payment detailsMethod of payment:

    a I enclose a cheque money order made payable to: ALP ACT Branch

    b Credit card Bankcard Visa Mastercard

    Card no.

    Expiry date / Amount $

    Name on card

    Signature of card holder

    Date / /

    c Cash (only for payments in person at ACT Branch Ofce,Unit 14, 1st Floor, 222 City Walk, Civic)

    d EFT(please contact ofce for more information)

    2 Years 3 Years











  • 8/11/2019 2014 Membership Application Form


    Personal information

    Please ensure that you fully complete all sections of Your details.

    E nrolment

    ALP Rules require you to be correctly enrolled with the AustralianElectoral Commission at your stated address unless you arenot entitled because you are less than 18 years of age or notan Australian citizen. You must also be correctly enrolled to beeligible for pre-selection voting and nomination rights. If you arenot enrolled at your current address and would like AEC enrolmentforms sent to you or want further information regarding this ruleplease contact the ACT ALP Ofce (see Application form).

    Union membership

    The Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch) Rules require applicants

    to be a nancial member of a trade union, if there is a union thatcovers their occupation, trade or profession that they are eligibleto be a member of. All applicants who are nancial members of aunion that is afliated to the ALP are entitled to a membership feediscount (refer to list of afliated unions overleaf).

    Employer obligations

    The Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch) Rules require memberswho are employers to encourage their employees to join a tradeunion and observe union conditions.

    ACT Now

    ACT Now is the ACT ALP email bulletin sent to memberson a regular basis advising them of all important events andannouncements. All members with access to email are encouragedto subscribe to ACT Now by ticking the ACT Now yes box on theapplication form.

    Sub-branch preference

    The ACT Branch of the Australian Labor Party is made up of anumber of sub-branches around the ACT. To be a fully activemember of the ALP and accrue voting and nominating rights it isnecessary to be a member of one of these sub-branches (refer tolist of sub-branches included with this application pack). Financialmembers of the ACT ALP are entitled to transfer into any one ofthese sub-branches.

    There are three options with regard to sub-branch membershippreference:

    Be a member of your local sub-branch (automaticallydetermined by your residential address).

    Indicate a specic sub-branch where you wish to be a member.(You may join any sub-branch in the ACT of your choosingirrespective of your residential address.)

    Remain a member of the ACT Central Branch.IMPORTANT NOTE: The ACT Central Branch is for people who

    wish to be silent non-participating members and do not wishto be active within the sub-branches. Central Branch memberscannot exercise preselection voting or nomination rights. CentralBranch members do receive all Party-wide information andpublications (unless they specically request not to). CentralBranch members may transfer into a sub-branch at any time.

    !"#$%&'(&) +&,-% .&%$/ACT Branch membership application general information

    PAGE 3

    Political background

    Proscribed organisations

    A person applying to join the Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch)

    may not be a member of any other political party or organisation.In addition, the Partys Annual Conference has proscribed certaingroups and organisations. Ongoing membership of these groupsand organisations prevents a person from joining the AustralianLabor Party (ACT Branch).

    The following groups and organisations are proscribedorganisations for the purposes of membership of the AustralianLabor Party (ACT Branch):

    Right to Life

    International Socialists

    ACT PledgeAll applicants must sign the ACT ALP Pledge in the signa-ture box provided on the application form and must havean ALP member sign as their nominator OR have the formsigned by a witness.


    The yearly membership fee is based on your annual salary/wagecategory. Please tick the appropriate box that corresponds yourannualsalary in the annual fee section.


    individual who:

    is a member of an afliated union (see list of afliated unions).

    holds a government concession or full time student card.

    chooses to automatically renew their membership on expiryusing their credit card. To be eligible for this discount applicantmust tick, sign and date automatic renewal section onapplication form.

    An individual is able to claim a maximum discount of $20 (inrelation to the above categories of discounts) provided theindividual does not pay less than $5 when joining.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Your ALP membership fee is tax deductible.

    Partial year discount

    A 25 per cent discount o ff the annual fee is o ff ered to anyindividual applying for membership in July, August or Septemberand a 50 per cent discount o ff the annual fee is o ff ered to anyindividual applying for membership in October or November. Thediscount for applying for membership in the last half of themembership year is not included in the $20 reduction limit. Themembership fee may not be discounted below $5.

  • 8/11/2019 2014 Membership Application Form

