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    These Microsoft Learning Competency (Learning Competency) guidelines(Guidelines) provide the terms and conditions governing participation in theLearning Competency. Please read these Guidelines carefully. y enrolling in orparticipating in the Learning Competency! Company and each of its participating

    Locations ac"no#ledges and agrees that (a) its participation in the LearningCompetency is su$%ect to the terms and conditions of the Microsoft Partner &et#or"(MPN) program agreement! and ($) Company and each Location has read theseGuidelines and agrees that its participation in the Learning Competency #ill $ecompliant #ith the terms and conditions of the MP& program agreement and themost current version of these Guidelines.

    '. SCOPE. The Microsoft Learning Competency is designed to help providers ofcomprehensive learning solutions for individuals andor organiations deliver*uality training on Microsoft technologies. Participation in the LearningCompetency program is voluntary. +f any of the terms in these Guidelines con,ict#ith the terms in the MP& program agreement or the Microsoft Partner &et#or"

    Mem$ership Guide!these Guidelines #ill control #ith respect to the LearningCompetency.

    -. DEFINITIONS. nless other#ise de/ned herein! the terms in these Guidelines#ill have the same meaning as de/ned terms in the MP& agreement. +n addition0

    -.'.Access Code means the uni*ue code that one (') 1tudent attending theTraining 1ession associated #ith the ML2 can redeem at the speci/edMicrosoft #e$site to o$tain limited3time online access to one (') particularMicrosoft La$ 2nline.

    -.-.Authorized Training Session means the instructor3led training class thatteaches a Microsoft 24cial Course (M2C) title or Microsoft randedCourse#are! conducted $y an MCT! #hich is held at your training facilities.

    -.5.Classroom Device means one (') dedicated! secure computer o#ned orcontrolled $y you! that is located at your training facility #here Training1essions are held.

    -.6.Community Courseare means the third3party instructor3led course#areavaila$le on Course#are Mar"etplace that educates individuals on ho# to use!develop! support! and implement Microsoft services! soft#are! andtechnologies. Community Course#are does not include any Microsoft randedCourse#are or Microsoft 24cial Course titles.

    -.7.Companymeans a current silver or gold level MP& mem$er in goodstanding.

    -.8.Courses means9collectively9Microsoft randed Course#are! M2C! andCommunity Course#are in digital and print formats.

    -.:.Courseare Mar!etplace means arvato distri$ution Gm$;

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    glo$al commerce and ful/llment platform! #here Learning Partners can searchfor! purchase! and o$tain Courses.

    -.=.Learning Partners means9collectively9Company! and Locationsassociated #ith Company under its MP& agreement that currently hold andmaintain an active Learning Competency status under the MP& program.

    2.9. Microso"t #randed Courseare means the Microsoft3$randed!instructor3led course#are licensed from Microsoft that educates individuals onMicrosoft services! soft#are! and technologies.

    2.10. Microso"t Certi$ed Trainer orMCT means an individual #ho iscurrently certi/ed as a Microsoft Certi/ed Trainer under the MicrosoftCerti/cation Program! #ho holds the competency to teach a particularMicrosoft technology! and #ho has the instructional s"ills and technical*uali/cations to deliver instructor3led training using M2C courses and othertraining to information #or"ers! +T professionals! and developers.

    2.11. Microso"t La%s &nlineor ML&means the Microsoft online virtualla$ environment associated #ith a particular M2C title.

    -.'-. Microso"t &'cial Courseor M&Cmeans the student3"it versionof the 24cial Microsoft Learning Product instructor3led course#are "no#n asMicrosoft 24cial Course. To clarify! M2C does not include ;ands3on La$s!ML2s! >irst Loo" Clinics! M1 Press $oo"s! Trainer ?its! or @irtual Anvironmentcomponents.

    2.13. ML& (oucher means the uni*ue code purchased from Course#areMar"etplace that Learning Partners can redeem at the Microsoft #e$site

    speci/ed on the voucher to o$tain one (') Bccess Code. Aach ML2 @oucher isspeci/c to a particular ML2.

    -.'6. Private Training Sessionmeans an instructor3led training class fororganiations! #herein participants are taught a prede/ned learning o$%ective.

    These classes are not advertised or promoted to the general pu$lic! and classattendance is restricted to individuals employed $y or contracted $y theorganiation.

    -.'7. Pu%lic Training Session means an instructor3led open enrollmenttraining class oered and delivered to the general pu$lic. These classes may$e advertised though mar"eting materials or the +nternet! and can include

    1tudents from one (') to many organiations andor individuals not a4liated#ith a particular Company or organiation.

    -.'8. Sel")Directed Learning (ideo Training Sessionmeans a trainingclass that uses Training 1ession @ideos to teach 1tudents in a physicalclassroom setting located at your training facilities. Bn MCT that holds aMicrosoft Certi/cation credential to teach the Microsoft technology taught ineach Training 1ession @ideo must $e present in the classroom the entire time

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    the 1elf3Directed Learning @ideo Training 1ession is ta"ing place.

    -.':. Student means an individual #ho attends a Training 1ession.

    -.'=. Trainermeans an individual #ho has the instructional s"ills andtechnical *uali/cations to deliver instructor3led training on Microsoft


    -.'E. Training Sessionsmeans9collectively9any Buthoried Training1ession! Pu$lic Training 1ession! Private Training 1ession! 1elf3DirectedLearning @ideo Training 1ession! @irtual +nstructor3Led Training 1ession! orcustomied Training 1ession.

    -.-F. Training Session (ideo means a professionally3produced videorecording of an MCT teaching M2C.

    -.-'. (irtual *nvironment means the virtualied environment thatconsists of one or more virtual hard dis" images of Microsoft soft#are titles!

    supporting and con/guration /les! content! sample applications! and othercomponents for use solely #hen providing an Buthoried Training 1ession or a1elf3Directed Learning @ideo Training 1ession teaching a M2C title or Microsoftranded Course#are title.

    -.--. (irtual +nstructor)Led Training Sessionmeans an online! live!instructor3led Training 1ession using Microsoft randed Course#are! #ith1tudents participating in real3time via the +nternet. Training 1ession @ideosmay not $e used for @irtual +nstructor3led Training 1essions.

    5. ENROLLMENT IN LEARNING COMPETENCY. Anrollment in the LearningCompetency is open to all silver or gold level MP& mem$ers and their Locations

    in good standing that (a) specialie in delivering *uality training on Microsoftservices! soft#are! and technologies! and ($) meet all Learning Competencyre*uirements at the Company level. Company must enroll at the 1ilver Learninglevel initially! or if re%oining after $eing removed from the Learning Competency.2nce Company has $een accepted into the Learning Competency! Company mayupgrade to the Gold Learning level if it meets all Gold Learning re*uirements.

    ,-. +nitial *nrollment in the Silver Learning Competency-The follo#ingre*uirements must $e met to enroll in the Learning Competency0

    a. Company must $e an active MP& mem$er in good standing at the 1ilver orGold Certi/ed Partner level.

    $. evie# and comply #ith the terms and conditions in the MP& agreement!the Microsoft Partner &et#or" Mem$ership Guide! these Guidelines! andany o$ligations listed on the Learning Competency #e$site.

    c. se the online Partner Mem$ership Centerto enroll as a Microsoft 1ilverLearning Partner. Complete enrollment details can $e found here.

    d. +f Company has multiple Locations! determine ho# to structure yourorganiation. Bll Locations in a country must align to the same Company.1ee the Microsoft Partner &et#or" Mem$ership Guidefor additionalinformation! and factors to consider #hen structuring your Locations.

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    e. 1u$mit three (5) customer3training references.f. Complete and su$mit one (') learning sales assessment.g. Company must associate at least t#o (-) MCTs. These MCTs may $e full or

    part3time trainers employed $y or under contract #ith Company. @isit theMCT portalfor information a$out MCTs and the MCT program.

    h. 1u$mit a Learning Competency $usiness application. Microsoft #ill

    evaluate each prospective enrollee upon su$mission of the LearningCompetency $usiness application. Company

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    e. Company must associate at least t#o (-) MCTs at the 1ilver and four (6)MCTs at the Gold Learning Competency level. These MCTs may $e full orpart3time trainers employed $y or under contract #ith Company.

    f. Bt least one (') of the MCTs associated #ith Company must currently holdthe Private Cloud Microsoft Certi/ed 1olutions AHpert (MC1A) certi/cationif Company is re3enrolling at the Gold Learning level.

    g. Company must have a Gold Learning Partner $usiness plan on /le andapproved $y Microsoft if re3enrolling at the Gold Learning level.

    h. Purchase all Courses solely from Course#are Mar"etplace.i. Meet all customer satisfaction and training evaluation re*uirements.

    %. Meet the Gold or 1ilver ?P+ targetsfor your level.

    Microsoft may choose not to rene# Company or one or more of its Locations- Manage ?our Account-a. Microsoft Partner &et#or" and Competency Mem$ership$. @isit the 1taying Connectedpage for additional resources

    =-@- or general Microsoft Partner Program in*uiries! M2C! Courses! or

    Microsoft Certi/cation *uestions! please contact a Customer 1erviceepresentative in your region. Contact details can $e found here.

    $. >ind information on #here and ho# to su$mit an order for Courses locatedon Course#are Mar"etplace here.

    This document is provided as3is. +nformation and vie#s eHpressed in thisdocument! including L and other +nternet Je$ site references! may change#ithout notice.

    This document does not provide you #ith any legal rights to any intellectualproperty in any Microsoft product.

    8B.7 Microso"t- All rights reserved- Microsoft is a trademar" of the Microsoftgroup of companies. Bll other trademar"s are property of their respective o#ners.

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