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Korea Foundation


publishes and distributes periodicals, books and audio-visual materials on Korea for worldwide readers and audiences.

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PeriodicalsⅠ. KoreanaⅡ. KOREA FOCUS

BooksⅠ. Selections from Koreana SeriesⅡ. National Treasures of Korea SeriesⅢ. Korea Essentials SeriesⅣ. Korean Culture SeriesⅤ. Korean Cultural Heritage SeriesⅥ. Korean Relics in Overseas Collections SeriesⅦ. Reference Guides on KoreaⅧ. Countries Near and Far-KoreaⅨ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation

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Korea Foundation


0504Korea FoundationPublication & Video content


KoRea FocuS


- Quarterly, 100 pages, 227×280 mm- Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish,

Indonesian- ISSN: 1016-0744

- Monthly, Webzine- Available in English

In an effort to enhance understanding of Korean culture and arts in the international community, the Foundation publishes a quarterly magazine Koreana. Each issue of Koreana features an in-depth look at various aspects of a specific theme on Korean culture and arts, and introduces the lifestyle, natural environment, literary works, and famous figures of Korea.

한국에 대한 이해를 넓히고 한국 문화의 우수성을 널리 알리기 위해 한국국제교류재단이 발행하는 계간지이다.

1987년 창간되었으며, 한국 문화에 관한 다양한 특집기사와 함께 생활양식, 문화유산, 자연환경, 문학작품, 인물 등

을 소개하는 문화예술전문 종합 잡지이다.

KOREA FOCUS is an English-language journal(monthly webzine) that features commentaries and essays on Korea’s current affairs, related to such subjects as the politics, economy, society, and culture of Korea.

코리아 포커스는 한국의 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화에 관한 논문이나 에세이를 소개하는 영문 시사지(월간 웹진)이다.

Individual e-Book editions of “Koreana” and “Korea Focus” can be downloaded from Google Books, Apple i-Books, Amazon, and Readers Hub.Koreana와 Korea Focus 전자책은 Google Books, Apple i-Books, Amazon, Readers Hub에서 다운로드 받으실

수 있습니다.

0504Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅰ. Selections from Koreana Series | 코리아나 선집시리즈


This new English-language series is primarily a compilation of selected articles from previous issues of Koreana, a quarterly magazine on Korea’s culture and arts published by The Korea Foundation.

코리아나 선집 시리즈는 2000년 이후

발간되었던 코리아나 기사들을 주제별로

모은 영문 단행본이다.

Ⅰ. Selections from Koreana Series 코리아나 선집시리즈

Masters of Traditional Korean Handicrafts한국의 전통공예가

- Edited and published by The Korea Foundation- 2009 / 169 pages / 215×265 mm / English - Price: $50 / ₩50,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-32-1

Modern Korean Artists한국의 현대예술가

- Edited and published by The Korea Foundation- 2009 / 224 pages / 215×265 mm / English - Price: $50 / ₩50,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-33-8

This book offers a glimpse of Korea’s foremost handicraft artisans and examples of their masterful works, in such areas as wood, bamboo, fabric, and metal crafts. In addition, the articles provide considerable insight into the cultural traditions and lifestyle of the people of Korea.

대표적인 한국 전통공예가들의 목공예, 죽공예, 섬유공예, 금속공예 작품들이 소개된다. 또한 이 책자에는

전통공예품에 스며있는 한국민들의 전통 문화 및 라이프스타일에 대한 통찰력있는 기사들이 담겨있다.

Modern Korean Artists, a compilation of articles about contemporary artists from the quarterly magazine Koreana, offers an opportunity for readers to better understand and appreciate Korea’s modern arts, related to a variety of genres, ranging from the fine arts to Korean film.

「한국의 현대예술가」는 코리아나(Koreana) 잡지에 소개되었던 현대 예술 작가 관련 기사들을 모은 단행본

으로 순수미술에서 영화에 이르는 다양한 장르에 걸쳐 한국 현대예술을 이해하고 감상할 수 있도록 하였다.

0706Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅰ. Selections from Koreana Series | 코리아나 선집시리즈


Masterpieces of Korean art한국미술 명품선

Korean Journeys : Heartland of Culture and History한국문화기행

- Edited and published by The Korea Foundation- 2010 / 223 pages / 215×265 mm / English - Price: $50 / ₩50,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-36-9

- Edited and published by The Korea Foundation- 2010 / 260 pages / 185×225 mm / English - Price: $25 / ₩25,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-39-0

A collection of 40 articles that feature noteworthy masterpieces of Korea with descriptive text and full-color photographs. The book offers a glimpse of Korea’s art history and its evolution related to such areas as painting, sculpture, metal craft, ceramics, wood/lacquer crafts, and stone pagodas.

이 책은 신석기시대부터 조선시대에 이르기까지 다양한 장르의 대표적 한국 미술 문화재들을 회화, 불교미술, 금속

공예품, 도자기, 목공예 등으로 나눠 40개 기사와 수준 높은 사진자료로 소개하였다.

The book provides practical information about various destinations throughout Korea that reveal the unique lifestyle, cuisine, folklore, history, and cultural heritage, which can only be found in Korea’s outlying regions. The articles are grouped into five chapters based on geographical location, with much attention being paid to identify the unique characteristics of local residents, as well as the area environment, and the cultural traditions of the destinations.

한국 각 지방의 독특한 라이프 스타일, 음식, 풍습, 역사, 문화유산 등을 소개한 한국문화기행서로서 전국을 5개 지

역으로 나눠 주목할 만한 여러 여행지들에서 경험할 수 있는 한국의 다채로운 지방 문화를 조명했다.

0706Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅱ. National Treasures of Korea Series | 한국의 국보시리즈

The Foundation has published books on important historical artifacts. With an abundance of photographic images, the publications are an especially valuable Korean art resource for English-language readers.

재단은 주요 국보급 유물에 관한

영문도록 시리즈를 발간하였다.

이 도록들에는 풍성한 사진 자료가

실려 있어 한국 유물에 관심이 있는

영어권 독자들에게 유용한 자료로

활용되고 있다.

Ⅱ. National Treasures of Korea Series 한국의 국보시리즈

Fragrance of Koreathe ancient Gilt-Bronze incense Burner of Baekje


Eternal Images of Sakyamunitwo Gilt-Bronze Korean national treasures


- 2006 / 144 pages / 227×300 mm / English - Price: $100 / ₩100,000 (H), $20 / ₩20,000 (S)- ISBN: 978-89-86090-23-6 (H), 978-89-86090-24-4 (S)

- 2008 / 136 pages / 227×300 mm / English - Price: $100 / ₩100,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-29-1

Fragrance of Korea is an extensively illustrated English-language catalog featuring the Gilt-Bronze Incense Burner of Baekje. This ancient artifact has been designated a National Treasure of Korea(No. 287) and acclaimed as the consummate metal-craft masterpiece of East Asia for its exquisite detail and elegant beauty. The book includes 110 pages of photographs and illustrations.

백제금동대향로를 심층적으로 소개하는 영문판 도록이다. 백제 금동대향로는 한국 국보 제287호로 선정

되었으며, 정교한 세공 및 우아한 자태로 동아시아 금속공예의 최고 절정으로 찬사받은 바 있다. 본 책자

에는 110쪽 분량의 사진 및 일러스트레이션이 실려 있다.

This English-language catalogue features two gilt-bronze pensive images from the Three Kingdoms period(37 B.C. - 668 A.D.) of Korea, which are Korea’s National Treasure No.78 and No. 83. With an abundance of photos and insightful essays, it provides an in-depth introduction to these ancient masterpieces of Korean Buddhist art.

삼국시대(37 B.C. - 668 A.D.) 작품인 두 개의 국보급 반가사유상(국보 제78호, 83호)을 심층 소개한 영

문판 도록이다. 풍부한 사진과 통찰력 있는 에세이를 통해 한국 고대 불교예술 걸작품에 대한 심도 깊은

이해를 돕는 서적이다.

0908Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅱ. National Treasures of Korea Series | 한국의 국보시리즈


Gold Crowns of Sillatreasures from a Brilliant age


- 2010 / 144 pages / 227×300 mm / English - Price: $100 / ₩100,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-38-3

The book introduces the gold crowns and related articles excavated from five royal tombs: the Great Tomb at Hwangnam, Heavenly Horse Tomb, Gold Crown Tomb, Auspicious Phoenix Tomb, and Gold Bell Tomb. The descriptions are accompanied by numerous photographs and related details. In addition, three insightful essays by art history scholars are included, which explain the gold culture of Silla, significance of Silla gold crowns, and historical background of Silla’s exceptional culture.

신라 천년 고도 경주의 5개 고분(황남대총, 천마총, 금관총, 서봉총, 금령총)에서 출토된 5점의 신라금관과 귀걸이,

목걸이, 허리띠 등 한국 고대의 찬란한 황금 유물들을 수준높은 사진자료로 소개한 영문 도록이다. 외국인 독자들의

이해를 돕기 위해 신라 황금문화와 그 중요성, 역사적 배경 등을 설명한 3개의 소논문도 게재했다.

0908Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series | Korea Essentials시리즈

The Korea Essentials Series is co-published by The Korea Foundation and Seoul Selection to provide international readers with a basic understanding of the arts and culture of Korea. The content of this series is based on the articles and features published in Koreana, The Korea Foundation’s quarterly journal with in-depth coverage of various aspects of Korea’s cultural traditions.

Koreana가 특집으로 다루었던 주제들의

기사들을 기초로 한국문화에 관한 필수적,

실용적인 정보를 보완하여

휴대하기 편리한 문고판으로 구성한

신규 시리즈이다.

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series Korea Essentials시리즈

Korea essentials Series 1

Hangeul : Korea’s Unique Alphabet한글

Korea essentials Series 2

Traditional Painting :Window on the Korean Mind전통회화

- 2010 / 104 pages / 128×180 mm / English - Price: $15 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-91913-69-1

- 2010 / 132 pages / 128×180 mm / English - Price: $15 / ₩9,000 - ISBN: 978-89-91913-74-5

Hangeul, the indigenous writing system of Korea, is an ingenious creation that utilizes forward-thinking, scientific linguistic theory, and principles of Korean traditional culture to express the sounds of the Korean

language. The book examines the unique characteristics of the Hangeul writing system, structure of the alphabet, historical process of its creation, King Sejong the Great, and its widespread influence on Korean society.

한국 문화의 근간이자 자랑스러운 문화자산인 한글을 소개하는 책으로 한글의 과학성과 독창성을 세계 언

어학계의 평가와 함께 일목요연하게 설명하면서, 창제 배경과 과정의 역사적 사건들을 흥미롭게 엮었다.

Korean painting is said to reveal a close connection with nature that parallels the Korean people’s traditional worldview. Koreans have long revered the natural surroundings, which is readily evident in the subjects

and style of Korean paintings. The book provides readers with comprehensive information about the traditions of Korean painting in regard to Buddhist Painting, A Scholar’s Art, Landscape Painting, Genre Painting, Portrait Painting, and Folklore Painting.

한국의 전통그림들은 늘 자연과의 연계성을 보여주며 이는 한국인들의 세계관과 닮아있다. 한국인들은 자

연을 존중하며 살아왔으며 이는 전통회화 속에서도 그대로 살아있다. 한국 회화의 전통을 불화, 문인화,

산수화, 풍속화, 초상화, 민화 등으로 나눠 소개했다.

1110Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series | Korea Essentials시리즈


Korea essentials Series 3

The DMZ : Dividing the Two KoreasDMZ

Korea essentials Series 4

Traditional Food : A Taste of Korean Life전통음식

- 2010 / 104 pages / 128×180 mm / English - Price: $15 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-91913-75-2

- 2010 / 136 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $15 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-91913-76-9

The Demilitarized Zone separates the Korean Peninsula into North and South, where communism and democracy continue to exist in mutual animosity. Nowhere is this more apparent than at the Joint Security Area(JSA) near the so-called “truce village” of Panmunjeom, where South Korean and North Korean soldiers face off against each other. The book includes chapters about the background of the DMZ, the Korean War, Panmunjeom and the JSA, and the natural environment of the DMZ.

DMZ는 냉전의 가장 오래된 산물로서 한반도를 민주주의, 공산주의 두 개의 국가로 갈라놓은 선이며 상호 적대감

은 판문점 JSA에서 서로 마주한 남과 북 병사들에게서 가장 생생하게 느껴진다. 이 책은 DMZ의 형성, 한국전, 판

문점과 JSA, DMZ에서 볼 수 있는 멸종위기의 종들을 살펴보았다.

Nowadays, with healthy lifestyles and the “slow food” movement receiving attention worldwide, Korean cuisine is attracting keen interest as a healthy cuisine, which offers nutritional harmony and balance. The book explores Korea’s 5,000-year-old culinary culture and introduces readers to the historical, cultural, nutritional, and philosophical aspects of this unique cuisine.

세계적으로 웰빙과 “슬로우 푸드”에 대한 관심이 높아지면서, 균형 잡힌 영양을 제공하는 한국 음식이 건강식으로

새롭게 각광 받고 있다. 이 책은 5천 년 역사를 유지해 온 한국 고유 전통음식의 역사적, 문화적, 영양학적, 철학적

측면을 알기 쉽게 소개한다.

1110Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series | Korea Essentials시리즈

Korea essentials Series 6

Museums & Galleries : Displaying Korea’s Past and Future뮤지엄 & 갤러리

- 2011 / 140 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-91913-83-7

- 2011 / 129 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-91913-86-8

The world is taking notice of Jeju Island. Now, the first English-language book introducing its natural landscape, culture, history, and people is available to share its wonders. Featuring around 200 color photographs, maps, and illustrations, this book organizes all the beauties of Jeju, which drew rapturous praise from Nobel Prize-winning writer J. M. G. Le Clézio, into an entertaining and easy-to-read format. Also included is useful information for foreign travelers visiting the island, including sections on its three UNESCO natural science designations, its Olle trails, and twelve things to do on the island.

세계가 주목하는 제주도의 자연과 문화, 역사와 사람을 한 권으로 소개하는 최초의 영문 책자. 노벨문학상 수상자

르 클레지오가 극찬했던 제주의 아름다운 면면들을 약 200여 컷의 컬러 사진과 지도, 일러스트를 통해 한 눈에 재

미있고 쉽게 알아볼 수 있도록 정리했다. 더불어 ‘유네스코 인증 자연과학 분야’, ‘올레길’, ‘제주에서 꼭 해보아야 할

12가지’ 등 제주를 방문하는 외국인들이 활용할 수 있는 유용한 정보까지 챙겼다.

Korea is currently home to around 300 registered museums and a large number of private galleries. There are now 11 national museums in provincial cities throughout Korea, unified by the hub that is Seoul’s iconic National Museum of Korea, completed in 2005, while the large number of regional, art, specialized and other museums continues to rise. Korea’s museums and galleries, displaying everything from Paleolithic relics to the latest experimental works by contemporary artists, offer windows onto the country’s past, present and future.

한국에는 300여 개의 박물관과 수많은 갤러리들이 밀집해 있다. 구석기 시대의 유물부터 현시대 작가의 실험적인

미술 작품까지 선보이는 박물관과 미술관은 한국의 과거와 현재, 그리고 미래를 보여 주는 문화의 창이라고 할 수

있다. 이 책은 국립중앙박물관을 필두로 서울에 소재한 주요 국공립 박물관을 소개하고, 대표적인 미술관과 갤러리,

특화 박물관, 지역 박물관을 안내한다.

Korea essentials Series 5

Jeju island : Reaching to the Core of Beauty제주도

1312Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series | Korea Essentials시리즈


Korea essentials Series 7

Joseon’s Royal Heritage : 500 Years of Splendor조선왕조의 유산

Korea essentials Series 8

Traditional Music : Sounds in Harmony with Nature전통음악

- 2011 / 121 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-91913-87-5

- 2011 / 109 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-91913-88-2

The Joseon dynasty ruled Korea for over half a millennium, bequeathing to Korea a considerable cultural heritage. This book will examine three of the better-known areas of Joseon cultural heritage: royal palaces, royal tombs, and the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. Each of these treasures, deeply imbued with Joseon’s Confucian culture, reveals unique aspects about the kingdom and its legacy.

500년의 역사를 자랑하는 조선왕조가 남긴 문화유산들은 오늘날 우리가 한국 전통문화라 일컫는 것의 근간이 되어

왔다. 이 책에서는 조선왕조의 대표적인 문화유산이며, 전 세계적으로 그 가치와 아름다움을 인정받은 궁궐과 왕릉,

실록을 통해 당시 찬란했던 문화와 역사를 재조명한다.

Music has played and continues to play a vital role in Korean society, providing a rich vein of material as a dynamic part of the nation’s culture. Korean music’s history reflects active engagement with surrounding cultures, as well as indigenous creativity and innovation. Korea is heir to one of the world’s oldest repertoires of notated music. Over the past several hundred years, virtuosic instrumental genres based upon the music of shamanist rituals and agricultural ceremonies developed into highly sophisticated art forms. This book will examine the development of Korean traditional music, looking at what makes it unique, surveying its wide variety of genres, and reviewing its dramatic history as an art form.

음악은 역동적인 한국 문화에 활력을 공급하는 중추적 역할을 해왔다. 한국 전통음악은 인접 문화와의 적극적인 소

통과 독창적인 창조의 역사를 반영한다. 자연과의 조화를 중시하는 한국 음악은 풍류를 지향하는 정악과 서민들의

정서를 풍부히 담고 있는 민속악의 형태로 발전해왔다. 이 책은 한국 전통음악의 다양한 장르를 소개하며 그 특징

과 발전과정을 살펴본다.

1312Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series | Korea Essentials시리즈

Korea essentials Series 9

Korea’s Natural Wonders : Exploring Korea’s Landscapes한국의 자연

- 2012 / 104 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-97639-04-5

For those living in Seoul, it’s easy to conclude that the urban swath of concrete grays is all there is to see in Korea. Yet those who look up can glimpse crests of mountains, seemingly faraway yet thankfully everpresent. Such is Korean nature—never imposing or intimidating, forever patiently waiting for us to take notice. This book hopes to encourage more readers to take notice of this subdued, yet spectacular, beauty.

삼면이 바다로 둘러싸여 있고, 국토의 70퍼센트가 산악지대로 이루어진 한국은 고유의 자연경관과 생태계를 자랑

한다. 이 책은 평범한 관광정보 대신 한국의 자연환경과 문화를 보다 심도 있고 흥미롭게 보여준다. 도시와 자연의

공존을 보여주는 ‘한강’, 추천할만한 한국의 대표적인 산 ‘북한산’, ‘지리산’, ‘설악산’, 각기 다른 특징을 자랑하는 삼

면의 바다 ‘서해’, ‘동해’, ‘남해’, 세계 적으로 보존 가치를 인정받은 ‘서해안 갯벌’과 ‘우포늪’ 등의 습지, 마지막으로

천혜의 환경을 자랑하는 화산섬 ‘제주도’로 독자들과 함께 여행을 떠난다. 자연환경뿐 아니라 문화, 역사, 지리적 설

명을 곁들여 한국의 자연과 문화를 전반적으로 들여다볼 수 있다.


Korea essentials Series 10

Religion in Korea : Harmony and Coexistence한국의 종교

- 2012 / 104 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-97639-05-2

Korea is a remarkable case study in religious coexistence. Even though only about half the country identifies as religious, the half that does displays a remarkable diversity of both indigenous and imported faiths, including Buddhism and Christianity(of both the Catholic and Protestant varieties). Korean religious pluralism is no recent phenomenon. Koreans have respected religious diversity since ancient times. Indeed, if there is one overriding religious tendency in the Korean population, it is a preference for syncretism, of finding essential and common truths amidst diverse and often competing doctrines. This book surveys the rich religious and spiritual tapestry that is contemporary Korea.

한국은 여러 종교가 공존하며 조화를 이루는 독특한 나라다. 한국의 종교적 다원주의는 고대로부터 이어져왔다. 예

로부터 타 종교와의 차이와 다양성을 인정하고, 공통의 보편적 진리를 찾는 데 중점을 둔 것이다. 이 책은 오늘날 한

국 종교의 자화상과 그 역사를 탐구한다. 현재 주류 종교라고 할 수 있는 기독교, 불교, 유교사상 에서부터, 원시종

교 형태인 샤머니즘, 무당, 굿, 또한 천도교, 원불교, 대종교 등의 토착종교까지 다양하게 소개한다. 템플스테이, 방

문할 만한 종가 박물관 등 외국인을 위한 유용한 팁도 수록하고 있다.


1514Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series | Korea Essentials시리즈


Korea essentials Series 11

Korean Ceramics : The Beauty of Natural Forms한국의 도자기

- 2012 / 104 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-97639-07-6

Korea’s traditional ceramic wares serve as a barometer for understanding Korean culture in that they most accurately reflect Korean aesthetics and the Korean worldview. This book seeks to explore the ideas and richness of international ceramic culture as well as the trends and ways in which newly developing ceramic innovations are unfolding. From the celadon of the Goryeo Dynasty(918-1392) to the white porcelain of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), we will examine how Korea’s ceramics tradition began, how it developed, and what makes it so special.

세계에 널리 알려진 ‘고려청자’와 ‘조선백자’는 대표적인 한국의 도자기다. 빼어난 우아함과 섬세한 빛깔을 지닌 고

려청자는 불교문화가 꽃핀 고려 귀족사회의 특징을 잘 드러내준다. 조선백자는 유교 문화 아래 학자적이고 관료 중

심이던 시대상을 반영하듯 간결한 형태와 단정한 순백의 아름다움을 품고 있다. 이렇듯 한국의 전통 도자기는 우리

시대의 모습과 그 바탕에 흐르는 정신세계를 잘 보여주는 문화적 척도다. 이 책에서는 한국 도자기의 역사가 어떻

게 시작되어 이어져 왔는지, 또한 그 특별한 가치가 어떻게 형성되었는지를 살펴본다.


Korea essentials Series 12

Korean Architecture : Breathing with Nature한국의 건축

- 2012 / 120 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-97639-23-6

This book offers an introduction to Korea’s abundant and unique architectural past and present, combining explanations of the principles behind Korean architecture with introductions to some of the country’s finest buildings and structures. It explains some of the ideologies and perspectives that form the foundation of Korean architectural tradition and outlines the history of Korean architecture. The book also highlights ten of Korea’s best-known and most significant traditional buildings, ranging from Buddhist temples to royal palaces, Confucian royal shrines, landscaped literati gardens to “Enlightenment”-era fortresses.

한국 건축의 특징은 자연과의 조화다. 주변 환경에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 주재료인 나무와 돌의 자연적 특성을 잘

살려 안락하고 효율적인 주거 공간을 만들어내는 것이 한국 전통건축의 원칙이다. 이 책은 이러한 한국 건축의 원

칙을 각 요소별로 소개하고 이를 가장 잘 반영하고 있는 사찰, 궁궐, 가옥 등 대표적인 건축물 10개를 선정해 그 미

학을 설명하고 있다. 아울러 한국 건축이 반만 년 역사를 통해 사회의 변화를 어떻게 반영하며 변화했는지를 보여

주기도 한다. 구한말부터 유입된 외래 문화가 한국 근대건축 양식에 어떤 영향을 끼쳤는지도 함께 살펴본다.


1514Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series | Korea Essentials시리즈

Korea essentials Series 13

Taekwondo : The Unity of Body, Mind and Spirit태권도

- 2013 / 116 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-97639-37-3

An introductory book on Taekwondo, an indigenous martial arts form of Korea, it is useful for beginners who have just started to learn about the dynamics and intricacy of this traditional Korean martial arts as well as practitioners who seek a deeper understanding about its myriad details. The book describes the background and development of Taekwondo, along with explaining the characteristics of Taekwondo as a martial arts form that has rapidly spread and taken root in all corners of the world, which includes formal competitions at the Olympics and various other sports events.

태권도 특유의 역동성과 아름다움에 갓 눈 뜨기 시작한 이들이나 수련자로 한층 깊은 이해를 갖고자 하는 독자 모

두에게 적합한 안내서이다. 각 장에서는 태권도의 유래와 발달사, 전 세계에 급속히 보급되고 자리 잡은 무도이자

올림픽과 각종 대회에서 만나볼 수 있는 스포츠로서의 성격도 조명한다.


Korea essentials Series 14

Korean Medicine : A Holistic Way to Health and Healing한의학

- 2013 / 116 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-97639-37-3

The book describes the background of traditional Korean medicine, which has been influenced by the oriental medicine of China and Japan, but also developed its own characteristics, and examines its principles of diagnosis and treatment. Of note, it makes Korean medicine more accessible to readers by introducing the efforts of Korean medicine to modernize and globalize itself, rather than simply adhering to its longtime practices.

중국, 일본 등 동양의학의 영향을 받되, 고유의 독자적인 발전을 이루어 온 한의학의 전통을 밝히는 것으로부터 출

발하여, 그 원리와 진단법, 치료법을 살펴본다. 나아가 전통에 머무르지 않고 현대화, 세계화하고 있는 한의학을 소

개함으로써 독자들이 보다 친근하게 한의학에 접근할 수 있도록 돕는다.


1716Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅲ. Korea Essentials Series | Korea Essentials시리즈


Korea essentials Series 15

Korean Dance : Pure Emotion and Energy한국의 무용

- 2013 / 98 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-97639-40-3

The book provides an overview of the aesthetics and concepts behind Korean dance, along with introducing the characteristics of court and folk dances, and the development of modern Korean dance, thereby enabling readers to have a better understanding and appreciation of Korea’s dance culture.

한국 춤에 담겨있는 미의식과 배경사상을 짚어보면서 궁중 무용과 민속 무용이 어떠한 특징을 갖고 있는지, 그리고

현대 한국 춤은 어떻게 변용 발전되어 왔는지를 소개해 외국인들이 한국 춤을 더욱 잘 이해하고 감상할 수 있도록

도움을 준다.


Korea essentials Series 16

Hanbok : Timeless Fashion Tradition한복

- 2013 / 108 pages/ 128×180 mm / English - Price: $16 / ₩9,000- ISBN: 978-89-97639-41-0

The book offers various insights about the characteristics, aesthetics, and history of Hanbok, the traditional costume of Korea. It also describes the current status of Hanbok, which has recently been in the spotlight thanks to the spread of Hallyu, and its rising popularity on the global fashion scene.

한복의 특징과 미학, 역사에 얽힌 흥미로운 이야기들로부터 시작해, 최근 한류를 통해 새롭게 조명을 받고 있고, 글

로벌 패션계로부터도 커다란 주목을 받고 있는 한복의 현황까지 살펴본다.


1716Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series | 한국문화소개시리즈

The Korea Foundation has published informational books about various aspects of Korean culture in English to provide an in-depth explanation to general readers.

한국문화소개시리즈는 한국의 문화와

예술에 대한 관광홍보성 책자가 아닌

외국인들의 한국문화에 대한 심층적

이해를 돕는 인문교양서적입니다.

일반적인 내용에 국한하지 않고

각 분야별 전공자가 집필하여 전문성을

뒷받침하였고, 사진과 도판을 많이

수록하여 국내외 일반인들도 쉽게

읽을 수 있도록 하였습니다.

Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series 한국문화소개시리즈

Korean Culture Series 1

Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea한국의 근현대 미술

- Written by Kim Youngna- 2005 / 121 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-215-2(H) 978-1-56591-217-9(S)

This book discusses the issues of tradition, modernity, and identity of modern andcontemporary art in Korea. Major aspects of the book include Korea’s modernism during the Japanese colonial period, the spread of modernism after the Korean War and art informel, the monochrome art movement, the so-called minjung (people’s) art, revival of ink paintings, and Korean artists overseas, as well as the art of North Korea. It strives to introduce Korean art not only to art lovers or specialists, but to those with a general interest as well.

한국 근현대미술의 전통, 현대성 그리고 정체성을 다룬 책이다. 이 책의 주제는 일본 제국주의 시대에 움

튼 한국의 모더니즘과 한국전 이후로 확산된 모더니즘, 아트 앵포르멜, 모노크롬 무브먼트, 민중예술, 수묵

화의 부활, 해외 한국 작가들의 활동, 북한 미술계 등을 아우른다. 이 책은 미술 애호가나 전문가뿐 아니라

일반인들에게 한국 미술을 소개하고자 기획되었다.

1918Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Korean Culture Series 2


- Written by Lee Sang-hae- 2006 / 208 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-218-7(H), 978-1-56591-219-5(S)

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the private institutions, which were dedicated to higher learning that eventually emerged at the forefront of Neo-Confucianism in Korea. It examines in detail the various roles that these unique institutions played during the Joseon Dynasty(1392-1910), while also paying much attention to their noteworthy architecture.

본 서적은 한국 고등 사학교육의 메카였던 서원에 대한 종합적인 설명을 제공한다. 서원은 후일 신유교주의의 중심

지로 부상하였다. 조선 왕조(1392-1910)에서 서원이 갖는 독특하고 다양한 역할을 구체적으로 분석하고 주목할 만

한 서원 건축물에 대해서도 조명한다.

Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series | 한국문화소개시리즈


Korean Culture Series 3

Palaces of Korea한국의 궁궐

- Written by Kim Dong-uk- 2006 / 144 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-224-1(H), 978-1-56591-225-X(S)

This book introduces the historical background and unique architectural styles of Korea’s palaces, which can be differentiated from the influences of East Asian palace architecture. The book offers descriptions of East Asian capitals and palaces, a brief history of palaces in Korea, the everyday life and ceremonies of palaces, Korean palace architecture, and noteworthy palaces in Korea.

한국의 궁궐이 갖는 역사적 배경과 다른 동아시아 궁궐과 구별되는 한국 궁궐의 독특한 건축학적 특징을 소개하는

서적이다. 이 책에서는 동아시아의 수도와 궁궐들에 대한 소개와 함께 한국의 궁궐 역사, 궁에서의 일상과 예식들,

한국 궁궐 건축 및 주목할 만한 한국의 궁궐들이 상세히 소개된다.

1918Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series | 한국문화소개시리즈

Korean Culture Series 4

Korean Landscape Painting한국의 산수화

- Written by Yi Song-mi- 2006 / 224 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-230-6(H), 978-1-56591-231-4(S)

The narrative and illustrations of this book are generally presented by historical period, including “The Three Kingdoms and the Unified Silla Periods”, “The Goryeo and Early Joseon Periods”, “The Mid-Joseon Period”, “The Late Joseon Period”, and “The Late Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century”. Through an abundance of color illustrations and detailed accounts, readers can appreciate the elegant beauty of Korean landscape paintings and understand their historical background.

이 책에 소개된 그림들은 주로 연대기 별로 구분된다. 즉, 삼국시대, 통일신라시대, 고려시대, 조선초기, 조선중기,

조선후기, 19세기 말~20세기 초로 구분된다. 다채로운 일러스트레이션과 구체적 설명을 풍부하게 제공함으로써

독자들은 한국 산수화가 갖는 우아한 아름다움과 그 역사적 배경을 감상할 수 있다.

Korean Culture Series 5

Modern Korean Ink Painting한국의 근대수묵화

- Written by Chung Hyung-min- 2006 / 160 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-237-3(H), 978-1-56591-238-1(S)

This book seeks to define how the term “modern” should be applied to Korean art, while exploring its evolution over roughly a hundred years, from the opening of Korea’s ports to outside trade in 1876 through the 1980s. The purpose of this book, with its detailed explanations and related images, is to further understanding of how Korean art and the times it represented are closely related.

이 책은 한국 미술에 “모던”이라는 용어가 어떻게 정의되는 지를 탐구한다. 또한 1876년 개항기로부터 1980년대까

지 약 100여 년 동안 한국의 현대 미술이 어떻게 진화되었는 지를 보여준다. 상세한 해설과 관련 이미지들이 수록

된 이 책은 한국 미술이 갖는 시대적 연관성에 대한 이해를 돕는다.

2120Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series | 한국문화소개시리즈


Korean Culture Series 6

Maedeup : The Art of Traditional Korean Knots매듭

- Written by Kim Hee-Jin- 2006 /160 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-232-2(H) / 978-1-56591-233-0(S)

Maedeup is a language of the hands, a flower of the heart. It was like a kind of wings for Korean culture, leading the Korean spirit into flight, like the wings of the bats adorning a Joseon nobleman’s coat, and the wings of butterflies and phoenixes that decorate silver daggers. This book introduces the history of maedeup, its uses, and the making of maedeup, through detailed explanation and illustrations.

매듭은 손끝으로 표현하는 언어이자 마음의 꽃망울이다. 매듭은 한국인들의 정신을 비상하게 하는 한국 문화의 날

개이다. 조선시대 양반들의 도포자락을 장식한 박쥐의 날개나 은장도 끝에 매달던 나비 또는 봉황의 날개처럼 말이

다. 이 책에서는 매듭의 역사, 활용 및 만드는 방법 등이 상세한 설명과 일러스트레이션과 함께 설명되어 있다.

Korean Culture Series 7

Seasonal Customs of Korea 한국의 세시풍속

- Written by David E. Shaffer- 2007 / 208 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-245-8

The seasonal customs of Korea are the folk traditions of everyday life that have been repeated annually throughout the ages. As such, the residents of a particular community came to share a uniformity of everyday customs by living within the same natural environment and cultural setting. In this regard, seasonal customs are closely related to the rhythms of everyday life, and as the same customs are repeated at the same time every year, they accumulate and shape the common patterns in the people’s daily lives.

David Shaffer(한국명: 신동일) 교수는 한국에서 30여 년 동안 살아오면서 보고 듣고 느낀 한국의 세시풍속과 한

국에서의 생활 등을 바탕으로 한국의 ‘풍속’을 영문으로 집필했다. 본인이 경험했던 쥐불놀이와 대보름 강강수월래,

입춘에는 길조의 문구를 적고, 김치를 담그고, 복날에 삼계탕을 먹는 풍습 등 우리에게는 일상적이지만, 외국인들의

눈에는 낯선 모습들을 가감없이 그려내고 있다.

2120Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series | 한국문화소개시리즈

Korean Culture Series 8

Buddhist Sculpture of Korea한국의 불상

- Written by Kim Lena- 2007 / 223 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-243-4

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the Buddhist sculpture of Korea, from the Three Kingdoms Period through the Joseon Dynasty. Especially, the author provides in-depth descriptions of Buddhist sculpture from the Joseon era and demonstrates how Buddhist art remained alive and well in the everyday life of the common people.

이 책에서는 삼국시대에서 조선왕조에 이르기까지 한국 불상에 대한 종합적인 개요가 소개된다. 특히 이 책의 저자

는 조선 시대 불교 조각품에 대한 심도 깊은 묘사와 함께 불교 미술이 서민들의 일상 속에서 어떻게 생생하게 살아

전해졌는지를 입증한다.

Korean Culture Series 9

Buddhist Architecture of Korea 한국의 사찰

- Written by Kim Sung-woo- 2007 / 152 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩19,800- ISBN: 978-1-56591-226-7

This book focuses on the role that architecture played in Korea’s Buddhist culture. While life at Buddhist temples and the austere practices of Buddhism can be a matter of spiritual complexity and religious consciousness, this book seeks to explain the physical characteristics of Buddhist-related architecture.

이 책은 한국 불교 문화에서 사찰 건축이 차지한 역할에 초점을 둔다. 사찰에서의 생활과 불교에서 실천하는 절제

된 삶은 복잡한 정신세계와 종교적 의식을 반영하고 있으나, 이 책에서는 사찰을 건축적인 측면에서 고찰한다.

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Korean Culture Series 10

Traditional Performing Arts of Korea한국의 전통공연예술

- Written by Jeon Kyung-wook- 2008 / 160 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩20,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-26-0

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the historical background, genres, and performers of the traditional performing arts of Korea, such as puppet plays, mask dramas, and Pansori, a uniquely Korean form of narrative song, which originated from the singing and dancing traditions of the ancient Korean people. It offers a detailed introduction to a variety of Korea’s traditional performing arts.

과거 상고 사회의 가무 전통에서 비롯된 한국 공연예술의 뿌리와 이후 인형극, 가면극, 판소리 등으로 다변화되는

전통연회의 역사와 장르, 연회자들에 대해 상세하게 기술하고 있어 독자들이 한국 공연예술의 뿌리와 다양성을 살

펴보는데 도움이 된다.

Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series | 한국문화소개시리즈


Korean Culture Series 11

Confucian Ritual Music of Korea 한국의 제례음악

- Written by Song Hye-jin- 2008 / 180 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩20,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-28-4

This book describes in detail the history of “The Rite to Royal Ancestors” the general background of Confucian sacrificial music and dance, and the musical characteristics of two types of sacrificial music transmitted in Korea. To help readers understand the procedures and the content of the ceremony and music, illustrations and a music CD are included.

이 책에서는 종묘제례의식의 역사, 유교 음악과 무용의 일반적 배경, 한국에 전파된 두가지 형태의 제례음악 등이

소개된다. 제례의식의 절차, 내용 및 음악에 대한 독자들의 이해를 돕기 위한 일러스트레이션과 음악 CD가 포함되

어 있다.

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Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series | 한국문화소개시리즈

Korean Culture Series 12

Korean Ceramics한국의 도자기

- Written by Kang Kyung-sook- 2008 / 232 pages / 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩20,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-30-7

Korean pottery may not be ornate, nor is it imposing in size, but it is distinguished by its infinite embrace of nature. Through a continued mutual exchange with China, Korea developed a ceramics style that captured the Korean spirit. The uniqueness of Korean ceramics stems from the austere humility of the earthenware, the jade-green color of Goryeo celadon, the wit of Joseon buncheong ware and the refined beauty of Joseon white porcelain.

한국의 도자기는 장식적인 면이나 크기에서 눈길을 끄는 것은 아니지만 자연을 품은 듯한 독특한 아름다움을 담고

있다. 중국과의 지속적인 교류를 통하여 한국은 한국의 정신을 담은 도자기 스타일을 발전시켰다. 한국도자기의 독

창성은 투박한 멋이 담긴 토기, 옥 빛을 닮은 고려청자, 위트 넘치는 조선의 분청사기, 그리고 세련된 아름다움의 표

본인 이조 백자 등에서 잘 드러난다.

Korean Culture Series 13

Korean Folk dance 한국의 민속무용

- Written by Lee Byoung-ok- 2008 / 160 pages / 190x240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩20,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-31-4

This is the first volume fully theorizing the Korean folk dance tradition. Folk dances from various regions are introduced and their characteristics are discussed. Korean dance reflects an accord between labor and art which connects work, shaman rites, amusements, and drama into one comprehensive art. This book also provides the underlying spirit of Korean folk dance and its profound spiritual background.

한국의 민속 무용에 대한 최초의 이론 서적이다. 각 지역의 다양한 민속 무용이 소개되고 그 독특한 성격이 논의된

다. 한국의 무용은 일, 무속 의식, 놀이, 드라마가 하나의 종합예술로 승화된 노동과 예술의 조화를 반영한다. 또한,

이 책에서는 한국 민속 무용의 기저에 흐르는 정신과 그 심오한 정신적 배경도 논의된다.

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Korean Culture Series 14

Korean Court Dance한국의 궁중무용

- Written by Lee Heung-gu- 2010/ 140 pages/ 190×240 mm / English - Price: $30 / ₩20,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-37-6

This book provides descriptions, according to period and type, of the court dance performed at festive events of the Royal Court, from the Three Kingdoms period up through the Joseon Dynasty era. There is a particular emphasis on the court dance of the Joseon period based on a study of historical documents, including “Musical Canon of Joseon” a monograph on music from the “History of Goryeo”, and numerous royal protocols.

삼국시대부터 조선시대 말까지 궁중의 각 연향에서 사용되었던 궁중무용을 시대별로, 종류별로 설명하고 있는 이

도서는 악학궤범, 고려사악지, 각종 의궤 등에 기록되어 있는 문헌 자료를 바탕으로 조선시대에 행해진 궁중무용을

중점적으로 소개한다.

Ⅳ. Korean Culture Series | 한국문화소개시리즈


한국문화소개시리즈 전자책은 Google Books, Apple i-Books, Amazon, Readers Hub에서 다운로드 받으실 수


Individual e-Book editions of “Korean Culture Series” can be downloaded from Google Books, Apple i-Books, Amazon, and Readers Hub.

2524Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅴ. Korean Cultural Heritage Series | 한국문화유산시리즈

This four-volume English series is primarily a compilation of the articles from previous issues of Koreana, a quarterly magazine on Korea’s culture and arts published by The Korea Foundation.

한국문화를 보다 체계적이고 심층적으로

소개하기 위하여 그동안 발행되었던

한국문화예술 전문지인 Koreana의

기사들을 주제별로 간추려 4권의 영어판

단행본으로 발간하였다.

Ⅴ. Korean Cultural Heritage Series 한국문화유산시리즈

Korean Cultural Heritage I

Fine Arts한국의 미술

- 1994 / 300 pages / 223×310 mm / English- Price: $40 / ₩30,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-06-6

Korean Cultural Heritage II

Thought and Religion한국의 사상과 종교

- 1996 / 269 pages / 223×310 mm / English - Price: $40 / ₩30,000- SBN: 978-89-86090-08-2

Though Korea has often been thought of as little more than a cultural bridge of China and Japan, Korea boasts a rich and varied history of art. As works of arts inevitably retain something of the social and cultural background in which they are created, Fine Arts, introduced here by experts in detail, proves the beauty and originality of Korea’s fine arts.

많은 사람들에게 한국이라는 나라는 중국과 일본의 문화적 가교 정도로만 인식되어 왔지만, 사실 한국은

매우 다채롭고 풍요로운 예술의 역사를 자랑하는 나라이다. 예술 작품에서 그 시대의 사회적, 문화적 배경

을 완전히 배제하는 것은 불가능하지만, 본 책자에 소개된 「한국의 미술」은 한국 순수미술의 아름다움과

독창성을 보여준다.

Thought and Religion describes how Buddhism, Confucianism, village rites, shamanism, and modern religion have contributed to the spiritual outlook of the Korean people, along with explaining the origins of various Korean religions.

불교, 유교, 무속신앙 그리고 현대종교가 한국인들의 정신세계에 어떤 영향을 주었는지에 대한 설명과 함께

한국의 다양한 종교에 대한 기원을 알려준다.

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Ⅴ. Korean Cultural Heritage Series | 한국문화유산시리즈


Korean Cultural Heritage III

Performing Arts한국의 공연예술

Korean Cultural Heritage IV

Traditional Lifestyles한국인의 전통생활

- 1997 / 256 pages / 223×310 mm / English - Price: $40 / ₩30,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-11-2

- 1997 / 264 pages / 223×310 mm / English - Price: $40 / ₩30,000- ISBN: 978-89-86090-13-9

Korea’s performing arts have yet to be widely exposed to Western audiences. Performing Arts provides an overview of Korea’s traditional and contemporary performing arts, in regard to its cultural roots, development, and manifestations in modern society.

해외에서도 널리 공연되고 있는 한국의 전통 및 현대공연예술을 그 문화적 뿌리, 발전 그리고 현대사회에서의 구현

형식면에서 설명한다.

Based on a belief that the entire country was an extension of the family, respect for one’s parents and the nation was a fundamental principle of everyday Korean life. This can be seen in the rites of passage, architecture, clothing, and food and drink, as presented in Traditional Lifestyles.

전 국민이 한 가족이라는 사고방식에 기초하여 부모와 국가에 대한 존경은 한국인의 일상에 있어서 가장 기본적인

요소이다. 통과의례, 건축양식, 의복, 음식, 음주문화 등을 통해 한국인의 전통생활방식을 보여준다.

2726Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅵ. Korean Relics in Overseas Collections Series | 해외소장 한국문화재도록시리즈

“Korean Relics in Overseas Collections Series” were published as part of the KoreaFoundation’s effort to compile information on Korean artifacts housed in Museum overseas. All volumes have been published based on information gathered from surveys conducted by Korean art historians and relevant experts on Korean artifacts housed in overseas museums and universities or preserved by individual collectors.

“해외소장 한국문화재 도록시리즈”는

해외 박물관이 소장하고 있는

한국유물에 대한 자료를 구축하고자

애써 온 한국국제교류재단의

노력의 결실이다. 각 시리즈는

해외 박물관과 대학이 소장 중이거나

개인이 소장하고 있는 한국 유물에 대한

전문가 실사를 통해 수집한 정보에

기초하여 완성되었다.

Ⅵ. Korean Relics in overseas Collections Series 해외소장 한국문화재도록 시리즈

Korean Relics in the U.S. ① ~ ②

미국편 ① ~ ②

Korean Relics in Western Europe유럽편

Korean Relics in Japan ① ~ ⑤

일본편 ① ~ ⑤

- Illustrated with a wealth of full-color/full-page photographs- Written in Korean and English / 217×310 mm / Not for Sale

Each volume contains a list of 1,400 Korean paintings, ceramics, handicrafts and approximately 300 illustrations with descriptions preserved in U.S., Western Europe and Japan.

각 권마다 미국, 서유럽, 일본에 소장되어 있는 1,400여 점의 한국화, 도자기 및 수공예품의 목록이 약

300 점의 사진들과 함께 수록되어 있다.

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Ⅶ. Reference Guides on Korea | 한국관련 사전류


With the assistance of numerous scholars and relevant specialists, The Korea Foundation has published two reference guides: Dictionary of Korean Art and Archaeology and Korean Food Guide.- Dictionary of Korean Art and

Archaeology- Korean Food Guide

한국문화재 및 한국음식과 관련된

용어의 영어표기 표준화를 도모한

재단은 장기간의 작업을 걸쳐

여러 분야의 학자와 전문가들의 도움을

얻어 “한국문화재용어사전(Dictionary

of Korean Art and Archaeology)”과

“외국인을 위한 한국음식안내

(Korean Food Guide)”를 발간하였다.

Ⅶ. Reference Guides on Korea 한국관련 사전류

Dictionary of Korean Art and Archaeology한국문화재용어사전

Korean Food Guide외국인을 위한 한국음식안내

- Edited by Roderick Whitfield- Published by The Korea Foundation and Hollym -

International- 2004 / 332 pages / 109×183 mm / English - Price: $29.95 / ₩18,000- ISBN: 1-56591-201-2

- Published by The Korea Foundation and Cookand/Best Home Inc.

- 2004 / 170 pages / 122×210 mm / English and Spanish- Price: ₩12,000- ISBN: 89-89782-10-4

This publication seeks to promote a broader understanding of Korean culture and arts among foreigners with an interest in Korea’s cultural legacy, and support scholarly research by providing English definitions and explanations of terminology used for cultural artifacts. The 2,824 entries in this dictionary are classified into four major categories: archeology, architecture, art history, and folklore. They are listed in Korean alphabetical order, without classification of fields.

문화재 각 분야의 전문가들이 참여하여 우리 국민들이 꼭 알아두어야 할 최소한의 용어들만을 선정하고

최대한 간결하게 풀이해냈다. 선정된 각 분야의 용어들을 통합하여 가나다순으로 배열함으로써 누구나 쉽

고도 간편하게 특정 항목을 찾아볼 수 있으며, 도판과 삽도를 곁들여서 내용을 보다 분명하게 이해할 수

있도록 배려한 점도 이 사전의 특징 중 하나이다.

This book is intended to help both foreigners and Koreans better understand Korea’s food culture This guide consists of over 800 terms for traditional and modern Korean foods, in English and Spanish. Each dish is presented with a brief description of the cooking method.

내외국인 모두를 대상으로 한국 음식 문화에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 만들어진 안내서이다. 본 안내서에는

한국 전통음식 및 현대음식에 관한 용어가 800개 이상 수록되어 있다. 책자에 소개된 모든 음식에는 간단

한 요리법도 소개되어 있다.

2928Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅷ. Countries Near and far

This book is a French-language version of popular seller in Korea, “Countries Near and Far – Korea Unmasked”, by professor Won-bok Rhie, a well-known Korean writer. In his book, Won-bok Rhie tells the story of the Korean people as it has never been told before by providing delightful and humorous portrayals of the Korean people. It is comical yet factual, well-informed and unique. The Korea Foundation published this noteworthy book, in collaboration with Kimyoungsa, to introduce the attitudes of Korean people and society to readers in Francophone areas of the world.

이 책은 스테디셀러이자 온 가족 교양만화인 이원복 교수의 먼 나라 이웃나라 – 한국 편을 불어로 옮긴

책이다. 이 책에서 이원복 교수는 예전에 잘 알려지지 않았던 한국인에 대한 이야기를 재미있고 유머 넘치

게 전개하고 있다. 이 책은 비록 만화책이지만 진지하고 독창적이며 한국인에 대한 통찰력 있는 정보를 제

공한다. 불어권 독자에게 한국인의 의식과 정신세계를 소개하기 위해서 한국국제교류재단과 김영사가 함

께 펴냈다.

- Written by: Won-bok RHIE- Translated by: Chung-eun LEE and Najat SIFER- Published by: The Korea Foundation and

Kimyoungsa Co.- 2014 / 269 pages / French- Price: ₩15,000- ISBN: 978-89-349-6420-9

PaYS lointainS PaYS VoiSinS - la coRee

Ⅷ. Countries near and Far - Korea 먼나라 이웃나라 - 우리나라편

3130Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

booksⅨ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation

The following table includes Korea-related books in 20 languages published since 1999 with the support of The Korea Foundation.1999년 이래로 재단의 지원을 받아 발간된 총 21개 언어의 한국관련도서들은 아래와 같다.

Ⅸ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation



Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Korean Language and Communications for

Arab Learners (Korean 2)Publisher : Univ. of Jordan PressAuthor : Gong, Il-jooPages : 114ISBN : 9788983506849 Year : 2006

Category : EconomicsTitle : The Rise of Korean EconomyPublisher : Center for Asian Studies, Cairo UniversityAuthor : Byung-Nak SongPages : 400ISBN : 977-403-087-7Year : 2006

Category : ArtTitle : 中国朝鲜族民居Publisher : 民族出版社Author : 金俊峰Pages : 331ISBN : 978-7-105-09124-9Year : 2008

Category : CultureTitle : 双鱼的秘密Publisher : 贵州人民出版社Author : 金秉模Pages : 208ISBN : 978-7-221-08302-9Year : 2009

Category : ArtTitle : 韩国音乐史Publisher : 中央音乐学院出版社Author : 张师勋Pages : 556ISBN : 978-7-81096-261-2Year : 2008

Category : CultureTitle : 韩国儒学思想研究Publisher : 东方出版社Author : 崔英辰 著,邢丽菊 译Pages : 535ISBN : 978-7-5060-3328-2Year : 2008

Category : CultureTitle : 韩国儒学与现代精神Publisher : 东方出版社Author : 崔英辰等 Pages : 313ISBN : 978-7-5060-3120-2Year : 2007

Category : CultureTitle : 朱熹与栗谷哲学比较研究Publisher : 中國社會科學出版社Author : 洪军 Pages : 293ISBN : 978-7-5004-3832-8Year : 2003

3130Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅸ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation


Category : EconomicsTitle : 現代韓國經濟Publisher : 吉林大学出版社Author : 張寶仁, 金承男, 張慧智Pages : 460ISBN : 978-7-5601-2398-8Year : 2000

Category : HistoryTitle : 韩国独立运动研究新探--纪念大韩民国临时政府

创建90周年/韩国研究文库Publisher : 社会科学文献出版社Author : 石源华Pages : 518ISBN : 978-7-5097-1143-9 Year : 2010

Category : HistoryTitle : 韩国哲学史Publisher : 人民出版社Author : 李甦平Pages : 750ISBN : 978-7-01-007835-9Year : 2009

Category : HistoryTitle : 大韩民国临时政府驻华代表团研究Publisher : 社会科学文献出版社Author : 石源华Pages : 248ISBN : 978-7-5097-0801-9Year : 2009

Category : HistoryTitle : 出使韓國Publisher : 山东大学出版社Author : 延静Pages : 328ISBN : 978-7-5607-2888-xYear : 2005

Category : HistoryTitle : 中国朝鲜族移民史Publisher : 中华书局Author : 孙春日Pages : 550 ISBN : 978-7-101-06535-0Year : 2009

Category : HistoryTitle : 一八八二年朝美條約的訂立與淸代中國Publisher : 樂學書局Author : 宋炳基 楊秀芝Pages : 320ISBN : 978-986-82554-1-8Year : 2006

Category : HistoryTitle : 韓國起飛的外部動力 - 美國對韓國發展的影響(1945-1965)Publisher : 中國社會科學出版社Author : 董向栄Pages : 249ISBN : 978-7-8019-0842-2 Year : 2005

Category : HistoryTitle : 韓國獨立運動政黨與社團硏究Publisher : 中國社會科學出版社Author : 石原貨Pages : 367ISBN : 978-7-5004-3845-1Year : 2003

Category : HistoryTitle : 百年韩国Publisher : 吉林省出版社Author : 尚咏梅 著 / 王海龙 译Pages : 279ISBN : 978-7-5463-6056-0Year : 2011

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Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韓中飜譯教程Publisher : 北京大学出版社Author : 国家外语非通用语种本科人才培养基地教材 Pages : 372ISBN : 978-7-3010-8062-xYear : 2006

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韓文漢訳実用技巧Publisher : 中國社會科學出版社Author : 沈儀琳 Pages : 372ISBN : 978-7-8023-0110-6Year : 2006

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 來注名賢十抄詩 Publisher : 上海古籍Author : 釈子山Pages : 285ISBN : 978-7-5325-4154-1Year : 2005

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 朝鮮文學史(上卷)Publisher : 不区分Author : 郑奕钧Pages : 617ISBN : 962-620-120-7Year : 2005

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 現代韓國語動詞义結合關係硏究Publisher : 民族出版社Author : 毕玉德Pages : 228ISBN : 978-7-105-07337-3Year : 2005

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 朝鮮語文論集Publisher : 開明出版社Author : 宣德五Pages : 372ISBN : 978-7-8013-3644-xYear : 2004

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韓國古代寓言史Publisher : 岳麓書社Author : 陳蒲清Pages : 350ISBN : 978-7-8066-5377-5Year : 2004

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 朝鲜语概论Publisher : 民族出版社Author : 车光一Pages : 560ISBN : 978-7-105-05099-3Year : 2002

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韩国文学论纲 Publisher : 北京大学出版社Author : 周彪 劉燦擴Pages : 326ISBN : 978-7-301-06445-4Year : 2003

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韓國語文法Publisher : 水牛出版社Author : 王俊Pages : 360ISBN : 957-599-690-9Year : 2001

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Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韓國語言語學槪論Publisher : 水牛出版社Author : 王俊郭秋雯Pages : 230ISBN : 957-599-655-0Year : 2000

Category : PhilosophyTitle : 韓國硏究導論Publisher : 中文化大學華岡出版部Author : 陳寧寧, 劉德海Pages : 398ISBN : 957-0340-51-7Year : 2001

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韩汉同声传译理论与实务Publisher : 中国社会科学院Author : 李民Pages : 203ISBN : 978-7-5097-2428-6Year : 2011

Category : PhilosophyTitle : 程書分類(上)Publisher : 上海辞書Author : 程頤Pages : 444ISBN : 978-7-5326-1921-4Year : 2006

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 告诉你韩文的秘密Publisher : 北京大學出版社Author : 崔炅凤 著 / 朴文子, 崔有学 译Pages : 185ISBN : 978-7-301-19722-6Year : 2011

Category : PhilosophyTitle : 韩国学:理论与方法Publisher : 山东大学出版社Author : 林荧泽Pages : 331ISBN : 978-7-5607-4209-0Year : 2011

Category : PoliticsTitle : 千载毗邻:历史上的中韩关系Publisher : 桂林-广西师范大学出版社 Author : 郑培凯, 景祥祜主编 Pages : 180ISBN : 978-7-5633-7926-2Year : 2009

Category : PoliticsTitle : 朝鲜半岛的安全结构Publisher : 中國社會科學出版社 Author : 韩献栋Pages : 500ISBN : 978-7-5004-8266-6Year : 2009

Category : PoliticsTitle : 韓國都市發展政策Publisher : 上海财经大学出版社Author : 金鍾範Pages : 291ISBN : 978-7-81049-806-1Year : 2003

Category : PoliticsTitle : 韩国政党体系Publisher : 中國社會科學出版社Author : 郑继永Pages : 249ISBN : 978-7-5097-0206-2Year : 2008

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Category : CultureTitle : 24/7 SeoulPublisher : Uitgeverij Koninklijke de Swart Author : Aart KooijPages : 176ISBN : 978-94-91168-09-3Year : 2011



Category : ArtTitle : The South Korean Film Renaissance : Local Hitmakers, Global ProvocateursPublisher : Wesleyan Univ. PressAuthor : Choi, JinheePages : 252ISBN : 978-0-8195-6940-0 Year : 2010

Category : ArtTitle : Great Korean PortraitsPublisher : DolbegaeAuthor : Cho, SunmiePages : 352ISBN : 9788971994191Year : 2010

Category : ArtTitle : Korean Traditional Landscape ArchitecturePublisher : HollymAuthor : Shim, Woo-kyungPages : 472ISBN : 978-1565912526Year : 2007

Category : ArtTitle : Stories Inside Stories : Music in the Making of

Korean Olympic CeremoniesPublisher : Institute of East Asian Studies, BerkeleyAuthor : Margaret DillingPages : 599ISBN : 1-55729-085-7 Year : 2006

Category : ArtTitle : Painters as Envoys: Korean Inspiration in 18th-

Century Japanese NangaPublisher : Princeton Univ. PressAuthor : Burglind JungmannPages : 272ISBN : 0-691-11463-3 Year : 2004

Category : ArtTitle : Irish influences on Korean Theatre during the

1920s and 1930sPublisher : Colin Smythe Ltd. Author : Jang, Won-jaePages : 262ISBN : 0-86140-453-X Year : 2003

Category : ArtTitle : Earthenware and Celadon (Handbook of Korean Art Series)Publisher : Laurence King Publishing Ltd.Author : Youngsook Pak, Whitfield, RoderickPages : 280ISBN : 1-856693-60-0 Year : 2002

Category : ArtTitle : Buddhist Sculpture (Handbook of Korean Art Series)Publisher : Laurence King PublishingAuthor : Youngsook Pak, Whitfield, RoderickPages : 480ISBN : 1-856693-58-9 Year : 2002

Category : PoliticsTitle : 韩国的朝鲜政策Publisher : 中國社會科學出版社Author : 孙冀Pages : 280ISBN : 978-7-8161-0111-7Year : 2012

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Category : ArtTitle : White Porcelain and Punchong Ware (Handbook of Korean Art Series)Publisher : Laurence King PublishingAuthor : Kim, Jae-yeolPages : 312ISBN : 1-856693-59-7 Year : 2002

Category : ArtTitle : Contemporary Korean ArtPublisher : Craftsman HouseAuthor : Noh, Jae-ryungPages : 120ISBN : 1-876749-54-7Year : 2001

Category : ArtTitle : Perspective on Korean DancePublisher : Wesleyan Univ. PressAuthor : Zudy Van Zile,Pages : 334ISBN : 0-8195-6493-1Year : 2001

Category : ArtTitle : Hanji: Everything You Need to Know about

Traditional Korean PaperPublisher : HyeonamsaAuthor : Lee, Seung-chul / Son Da-yeonPages : 316ISBN : 978-89-323-1618-5 Year : 2012

Category : ArtTitle : Architecture and Urbanism in Modern KoreaPublisher : University of Hawaii PressAuthor : Inha JungPages : 210ISBN : 9780824835859Year : 2013

Category : CultureTitle : Forests and Korean CulturePublisher : BooksHillAuthor : Chun, Young-wooPages : 300ISBN : 978-89-5526-680-1Year : 2010

Category : CultureTitle : The Climate and Culture of KoreaPublisher : PurenGilAuthor : Lee, SeunghoPages : 288ISBN : 978-89-6291-131-2Year : 2010

Category : CultureTitle : Temples of KoreaPublisher : Discovery MediaAuthor : Yoo, Myeong-jongPages : 155ISBN : 978-89-956091-7-0Year : 2009

Category : CultureTitle : Korean Cuisine: A Cultural JourneyPublisher : Thinking TreeAuthor : Chung, Hae-kyungPages : 320ISBN : 978-89-8498-014-3Year : 2009

Category : CultureTitle : 100 Culture Symbols of KoreaPublisher : Discovery MediaAuthor : Yoo, Myeong-jongPages : 167ISBN : 978-89-956091-6-3Year : 2008

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Category : CultureTitle : The dynamics of Confucianism and Modernization

in Korean History(A New Interpretation of Neo-Confucianism in Korean History)

Publisher : Cornell Univ. East Asia ProgramAuthor : Lee, Tae-jin, Michael D. ShinPages : 400ISBN : 9781933947068 Year : 2008

Category : CultureTitle : Hollywood AsianPublisher : Temple Univ. PressAuthor : Hye-seung ChungPages : 240ISBN : 1-59213-516-1Year : 2007

Category : CultureTitle : Kimchi and ITPublisher : IlchokakAuthor : Kim, Choong-soonPages : 432ISBN : 978-89-337-0528-5Year : 2007

Category : CultureTitle : Modern Korean Society : Its Development and ProspectPublisher : IEAS, Univ. of California, BerkeleyAuthor : Kim, Hyuck-raePages : 254ISBN : 978-1-55729-086-1 Year : 2007

Category : CultureTitle : The Transformation of Modern Korean SportPublisher : Hollym International Corp.Author : Ok, KwangPages : 359ISBN : 978-1-56591-251-9Year : 2007

Category : CultureTitle : The Making of Minjung : The South Korean

Democratization MovementPublisher : Cornell Univ. PressAuthor : Lee, Nam-heePages : 296ISBN : 978-0-8014-4566-8 Year : 2007

Category : CultureTitle : Images of KoreaPublisher : Discovery MediaAuthor : Yoo, Myeong-jongPages : 129ISBN : 978-89-956091-4-9Year : 2006

Category : CultureTitle : Pungmul : South Korean Drumming and DancePublisher : The Univ. of Chicago PressAuthor : Nathan HesselinkPages : 272ISBN : 0-226-33095-8 Year : 2006

Category : CultureTitle : Two Dreams in One Bed : Empire, Social Life

and the Origins of the North Korean Revolution in Manchuria

Publisher : Duke Univ. PressAuthor : Hyun-ok ParkPages : 314ISBN : 0-8223-3614-6 Year : 2005

Category : CultureTitle : Creative Women of Korea : The 15th-20th CenturyPublisher : M.E. SharpeAuthor : Young-Key Kim-RenaudPages : 250ISBN : 0-7656-1188-0 Year : 2003

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Category : CultureTitle : Narratives of Nationbuilding in Korea : A Genealogy of PatriotismPublisher : M.E. SharpeAuthor : Sheila M. JagerPages : 216ISBN : 0-7656-1068-X Year : 2003

Category : CultureTitle : Forging Kinship Across BordersPublisher : Cornell University PressAuthor : Caren FreemanPages : 263ISBN : 978-0-8014-4958-1Year : 2011

Category : CultureTitle : International Journal of Korean Studies (봄/여름)Publisher : Int’l Council of Korean StudiesAuthor : Hong-Rak KimPages : 200ISBN : ISSN 1091-2932 Year : 2005

Category : CultureTitle : International Journal of Korean Studies (가을/겨울)Publisher : Int’l Council of Korean StudiesAuthor : Young Whan KihlPages : 172ISBN : ISSN 1091-2932 Year : 2006

Category : CultureTitle : Reconstructing Bodies : Biomedicine, Health,

and Nation-Building in South Korea since 1945Publisher : Stanford University PressAuthor : John P. DimoiaPages : 296ISBN : 9780804786133 Year : 2013

Category : EconomicsTitle : Korean Direct Investment in AustraliaPublisher : Australian Center for Korean StudiesAuthor : Kwon, O-yulPages : 78ISBN : 0-909291-46-2Year : 2001

Category : CultureTitle : A Tour of Changdeokgung Palace : Explained by Cultural Heritage CommentatorsPublisher : Culture BooksAuthor : Bae Bien-U Cultural Heritage Commentator’s

TeamPages : 152ISBN : 9788992074582 Year : 2013

Category : EconomicsTitle : Building Telecom Markets-The Evolution

of Governance in the Korean Mobile Telecommunication Market

Publisher : Springer Science, Business Media, LLCAuthor : Whasun JhoPages : 222ISBN : 9781489997784 Year : 2013

Category : HistoryTitle : A History to Open the FuturePublisher : MinimumAuthor : The China-Japan-Korea Common history

Text Tri-National CommitteePages : 264ISBN : 978-89-964173-1-6 Year : 2010

Category : HistoryTitle : Korea Through Western EyesPublisher : Seoul National Univ. PressAuthor : Robert D. Neff and Sunghwa CheongPages : 434ISBN : 9788952110039Year : 2009

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Category : HistoryTitle : A Review of Korean History 1~3Publisher : KyongsaewonAuthor : Han, Young-wooPages : Vol. 1 381, Vol. 2 319, Vol. 3 316ISBN : Vol. 1 978-89-8341-091-7, Vol. 2 978-89-8341-092-4, Vol. 3 978-89-8341-093-1Year : 2009

Category : HistoryTitle : Through Our Eyes : Peace Corps in Korea 1966-1981Publisher : Coma Artist CompanyAuthor : Friends of KoreaPages : 206ISBN : 978-8-9963-3330-2 Year : 2009

Category : HistoryTitle : Goguryeo : In Search of Its Culture and History Publisher : HollymAuthor : Chun, Ho-taePages : 288ISBN : 978-1-5659-1282-3Year : 2008

Category : HistoryTitle : The Power of the Buddhas : The Politics of

Buddhism During the Koryo DynastyPublisher : Harvard Univ. Asia CenterAuthor : Vermeersh, SemPages : 485ISBN : 978-0-674-03188-3 Year : 2008

Category : HistoryTitle : Historical Evidence of Korean Sovereignty over

Dokdo Publisher : KyongsaewonAuthor : Lee, Sang-taePages : 255ISBN : 978-89-8341-072-6 Year : 2007

Category : HistoryTitle : The Dreams of the Living and Hopes of the

Dead Publisher : Seoul National Univ. PressAuthor : Chun, Ho-taePages : 180ISBN : 978-89-521-0729-9 Year : 2007

Category : HistoryTitle : Nation Building in South Korea : Koreans,

Americans and the Making of Modern South Korea

Publisher : The Univ. of North Carolina PressAuthor : Gregg BrazinskyPages : 384ISBN : 978-0-8078-3120-5 Year : 2007

Category : HistoryTitle : Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace.

Sexual Violence Against Women and GirlsPublisher : Kleine Verlag GmbHAuthor : Barbara DrinckPages : 272ISBN : 978-3-89370-436-1 Year : 2007

Category : HistoryTitle : Landlords, Peasants and Intellectuals in

Modern KoreaPublisher : Cornell Univ. East Asian ProgramAuthor : Michael ShinPages : 424ISBN : 1-885445-28-8 Year : 2006

Category : HistoryTitle : Historical Dictionary of North KoreaPublisher : The Scarecrow PressAuthor : Kim, Il-pyungPages : 400ISBN : 0-8108-4331-5Year : 2004

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Category : HistoryTitle : Living Dangerously in Korea : The Western Experience, 1900-1950Publisher : East BridgeAuthor : Donald N. ClarkPages : 455ISBN : 1-891936-11-5 Year : 2003

Category : HistoryTitle : Letters from Joseon: 19th Century Korea

through the Eyes of an American Ambassador’s Wife

Publisher : Seoul SelectionAuthor : Robert NeffPages : 432ISBN : 9788997639090 Year : 2012

Category : HistoryTitle : Fighting for the Enemy: Japan’s Mobilization of

Koreans for War, 1937-1945 Publisher : University of Washington PressAuthor : Brandon PalmerPages : 272ISBN : 9780295992587 Year : 2013

Category : HistoryTitle : Assimilating Seoul: Japanese Rule and the

Politics of Public Space in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945 Publisher : The University of California PressAuthor : Todd A. HenryPages : 298ISBN : 9780520276550 Year : 2014

Category : HistoryTitle : Hamel’s World: A Dutch-Korean Encounter in

the Seventeenth CenturyPublisher : SUN PublishersAuthor : B.C.A. WalravenPages : 192ISBN : 9058751236 Year : 2003

Category : HistoryTitle : Korea of Bygone DaysPublisher : Terebess Hungary Kft.Author : Péter VayPages : 110ISBN : 963-9147-43-5Year : 2001

Category : HistoryTitle : Korea in World HistoryPublisher : Association for Asian StudiesAuthor : Donald ClarkPages : 114ISBN : 978-0-924304-66-8Year : 2012

Category : HistoryTitle : Korea: A Cartographic HistoryPublisher : The University of Chicago PressAuthor : John Rennie ShortPages : 160ISBN : 978-0-226-75364-5Year : 2012

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Korean Phonology Publisher : SaffronAuthor : Ahn, Sang-chulPages : 288ISBN : 978-1-872843-96-4 Year : 2009

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics Vol.3Publisher : Cambridge Univ. PressAuthor : Lee, Jung-minPages : 638ISBN : 978-0-521-83335-6 Year : 2009

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Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Song of the Moon Reflected on a Thousand

RiversPublisher : SaffronAuthor : Olof AllardPages : 130ISBN : 978-1-872843-58-2 Year : 2009

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Studies in Korean Morpho-Syntax : A Funtional-Typological perpectivePublisher : SaffronAuthor : Yeon, Jea-hoon,ed.Pages : 212ISBN : 1-872843-83-7 Year : 2005

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Frontiers of Korean Language / Literature AcquisitionPublisher : SaffronAuthor : Song, Jae-jungPages : 250ISBN : 1-872843-61-1 Year : 2007

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : A History of Korean LiteraturePublisher : Cambridge Univ. PressAuthor : Peter LeePages : 580ISBN : 0-521-82858-9Year : 2003

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : You Speak Korean!Publisher : ParadigmbustersAuthor : Soohee KimPages : 350ISBN : 0-9728356-0-1Year : 2003

Category : PoliticsTitle : Engagement with North Korea : A Viable AlternativePublisher : SUNY PressAuthor : Sung Chull Kim and David C. Kang Ed.Pages : 266ISBN : 978-1-4384-2779-9 Year : 2010

Category : PhilosophyTitle : Korean Buddhist Nuns and Laywomen : Hidden Histories, Enduring VitalityPublisher : State University of New York PressAuthor : Eun-Su ChoPages : 210ISBN : 978-1-4384-3511-4 Year : 2011

Category : PoliticsTitle : Island Diputes and Maritime Regime Building

in East Asia: between a Rock and a Hard PlacePublisher : Springer Science + Business Media, LLCAuthor : Koo, Min-gyo Pages : 206ISBN : 978-0-387-89669-4 Year : 2009

Category : PoliticsTitle : Organizing at the Margins: The Symbolic

Politics of Labor in South Korea and the United States

Publisher : Cornell Univ. PressAuthor : Chun, Jennifer JihyePages : 221ISBN : 978-0-8014-4711-2 Year : 2009

Category : PoliticsTitle : The Korean Presidents : Leadership for Nation BuildingPublisher : EastBridgeAuthor : Kim, Choong-namPages : 420ISBN : 1-59988-003-2 Year : 2007

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Ⅸ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation


Category : PoliticsTitle : Korea in the MiddlePublisher : School of Asian, African and American

StudiesAuthor : Breuker, Remco ErikPages : 310ISBN : 978-90-5789-153-3 Year : 2007

Category : PoliticsTitle : Between Ally and Partner : Korea-China Relations and the United StatesPublisher : Columbia Univ. PressAuthor : Jeong, Jae-hoPages : 186ISBN : 0-231-13906-3 Year : 2006

Category : PoliticsTitle : War and Democracy : A Comparative Study of

the Korean War and Pelopponnesian WarPublisher : M.E. SharpeAuthor : David McCannPages : 384ISBN : 0-7656-0695x Year : 2001

Category : PoliticsTitle : Transforming Korean Politics : Democracy, Reform & CulturePublisher : M.E. SharpeAuthor : Khil, Young-whanPages : 404ISBN : 0-7656-1428-6 Year : 2004

Category : CultureTitle : Korea: Kolme ovea tiikerin valtakuntaanPublisher : Gaudeamus/Univ. Press Finland Ltd.Author : Ilmari Vesterinen, Juha Janhunen, Tauno-

Olavi HuotariPages : 380ISBN : 951-662-797-8 Year : 2000

Category : ArtTitle : Le Sinawi: Evolution et artististationPublisher : JOYULAuthor : Eun-Kyoung SonPages : 390ISBN : 9788997169085 Year : 2013

Category : CultureTitle : La Montagne des dix mille BouddhasPublisher : Paris : Éd. Cercle d’artAuthor : Gyeong-Ryeol Yun, Hye-Young TchoPages : 160ISBN : 2-7022-0667 Year : 2002



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Category : CultureTitle : La Corèe : le peuple et ses valeurs culturelles ď

heir á aujourď hui, Sociètes et Cultures de Ì AsiePublisher : Pu MontréalAuthor : Yim Seong-SookPages : 248ISBN : 2-7606-1785-8 Year : 2000

Category : CultureTitle : Scènes de vie en CoréePublisher : L’asiathequeAuthor : Martine ProstPages : 278ISBN : 978-2-36057-017-1 Year : 2011

Category : HistoryTitle : Histoire de l’imprimerie coreenne, des origines a 1910Publisher : Maisonneuve et LaroseAuthor : Minje Byeong-sen ParkPages : 177ISBN : 2-7068-1707-0 Year : 2003

Category : CultureTitle : Atlas SeoulPublisher : AutrementAuthor : Valerie Gelezeau Pages : 88ISBN : 978-2-7467-1538-7Year : 2011

Category : HistoryTitle : La Coree, Connue Et Inconnue Une Histoire

Pour TousPublisher : Editions Le Leopard D’orAuthor : Byeong-Sun, ParkPages : 141ISBN : 2863772120 Year : 2007


Category : ArtTitle : Nam June Paik : Videokunst in MuseenPublisher : Dietrich Reimer Publishing CompanyAuthor : Kim, Eun-jiPages : 293ISBN : 978-3-496-01413-3 Year : 2010

Category : ArtTitle : In Search of the beautiful Korean artPublisher : German Literature SocietyAuthor : Hee-Jik NohPages : 276ISBN : 9783862152902Year : 2013

Category : CultureTitle : Zuhause : Erzählungen von deutschen

KoreanerinnenPublisher : Assoziation AAuthor : Heike BernerPages : 160ISBN : 3-935936-52-4 Year : 2006

Category : CultureTitle : Aspekte der koreanischen Kultur und

GesellschaftPublisher : Ardey-VerlagAuthor : Chei, Woon-JunhPages : 125ISBN : 3-87023-254-4 Year : 2004

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Ⅸ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation

Category : CultureTitle : Kultur des Koreansichen Kultur und

GesellschaftPublisher : Ludicium Academic PressAuthor : Chei, Woon-JunhPages : 240ISBN : 3-89129-081-0 Year : 2004

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Paradoxie des Begehrens: Liebesdiskurse

in deutschsprachigen und koreanischen Prosatexten

Publisher : Boehlau Verlag Gmbh & Cie.Author : Park, InwonPages : 272ISBN : 978-3-412-20470-9 Year : 2010

Category : HistoryTitle : Auf den Spuren der OstbabarenPublisher : LIT VerlagAuthor : Barbara SeyockPages : 350ISBN : 3-8258-7236-xYear : 2004

Category : HistoryTitle : Die koreanische Festungsstadt Suwon.

Geschichte – Denkmalpflege – Dokumentation „Hwaseong Seongyeok Uigwe“ – nationale und internationale Beziehungen

Publisher : Design NanoomAuthor : Doo Won Cho Pages : 731ISBN : 978-89-964391-5-8 Year : 2011

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Studien zur Entzifferung der Schrift

altkoreanischer Dichtung BandⅠZur Entschlüsselung altkoreanischer Lieder: Die Koryó-Hyangga

Publisher : Otto HarrassowitzAuthor : Ahn, Jung-hee Pages : 233ISBN : 978-3-447-05623-6 Year : 2008

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Studien zur Entzifferung der Schrift

altkoreanischer Dichtung BandⅡKondkordanz der Koryó-Hyangga

Publisher : Otto HarrassowitzAuthor : Ahn, Jung-heePages : 186ISBN : 978-3-447-05624-3 Year : 2008

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Koreanistische Studien Bank 4, Koreanische

Reimwörterbücher des 18. JahrhundertsPublisher : LIT VerlagAuthor : Rainer Dormels Pages : 160ISBN : 3-8258-4423-4 Year : 1999

Category : PoliticsTitle : Politische Kultur and Ministerrekrutierung in

SudKoreaPublisher : LIT VerlagAuthor : Rainer Dormels Pages : 655ISBN : 3-8258-9459-2 Year : 2007

Category : PoliticsTitle : Südkoreas Pfad zur DemokratiePublisher : Campus Verlag GwbHAuthor : Thomas KernPages : 302ISBN : 3-593-37862-0Year : 2005


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Category : ArtTitle : Dialoghi a DistanzaPublisher : BUONbooksAuthor : Jinsook Joo / Lanki JungPages : 278ISBN : 978-89-97307-02-9Year : 2012

Category : HistoryTitle : Fonti Per Lo Studio Della Civiltá Coreana : Il Periado Choson(1392-1860)Publisher : O Barra OAuthor : Maurizio RiottoPages : 442ISBN : 88-87510-03-2 Year : 2001

Category : HistoryTitle : Fonti Per Lo Studio Della Civiltá Coreana : Dalle Orgini Al Periodo Koryo(1392)Publisher : O Barra OAuthor : Maurizio RiottoPages : 443ISBN : 88-87510-01-6 Year : 2000

Category : HistoryTitle : Fonti Per Lo Studio Della Civiltá Coreana :

Periodo Moderno(1860-1945)Publisher : O Barra OAuthor : Maurizio RiottoPages : 301ISBN : 88-87510-04-0 Year : 2001

Category : HistoryTitle : Hagiographica coreana. Acta processus in causa

beatificationis martyrum in Corea(1839-1846)Publisher : Pacini EditoreAuthor : Francesco StellaPages : 352ISBN : 9788877817860 Year : 2007


Category : ArtTitle : ビデオ雕刻と禅画Publisher : 韓國學術情報Author : 金垠志(キ□ウンジ)Pages : 234ISBN : 9788926825815 Year : 2011

Category : CultureTitle : 韓国における情報化と縁故主義の変容Publisher : ミネルヴァ書房Author : 金相美Pages : 241ISBN : 978-4-623-06073-3 Year : 2011

Category : HistoryTitle : 韓国の古代史 Publisher : 六一書房Author : 申瀅植 Pages : 534ISBN : 978-4-947743-80-0 Year : 2009

Category : CultureTitle : 朝鮮の知を読むPublisher : CUONAuthor : Baek Nak-CheongPages : 591ISBN : 9784904855188Year : 2014

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Ⅸ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation

Category : HistoryTitle : 百済武寧王の世界 海洋大国 · 大百済Publisher : 彩流社Author : 蘇鎮轍Pages : 260ISBN : 978-4-7791-1237-9Year : 2007

Category : HistoryTitle : 金石文に見る百済武寧王の世界Publisher : 彩流社Author : 蘇鎮轍 Pages : 207ISBN : 978-4-88202-723-2Year : 2001

Category : HistoryTitle : 戦史に学子”軍事戦略Publisher : 株式会社 彩流社Author : Kang Sung-hak / Yoon Young-su Pages : 360ISBN : 9784779119675Year : 2014

Category : HistoryTitle : 韓国と西洋Publisher : 彩流社Author : 丁奇? Pages : 304ISBN : 978-4-7791-1366-6Year : 2008

Category : HistoryTitle : 朝鮮王朝史〈下〉Publisher : 日本評論社Author : 李成茂 Pages : 592ISBN : 978-4-53558-299-6 Year : 2006

Category : HistoryTitle : 朝鮮華僑と近代東アジアPublisher : 京都大学学術出版会Author : 李正熙 Pages : 361ISBN : 978-4-87698-234-9Year : 2012

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韓国の古典小説Publisher : ぺりかん社Author : 染谷智幸Pages : 336ISBN : 978-4-8315-1223-9Year : 2008

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : 韓国現代詩の魅惑Publisher : 新幹社Author : 金応教Pages : 320ISBN : 978-4-88400-073-8Year : 2007


Category : HistoryTitle : 韓国の科挙制度―新羅 · 高麗 · 朝鮮時代の科挙Publisher : 日本評論社Author : 李成茂Pages : 297ISBN : 978-4-535-58517-1Year : 2008

Category : HistoryTitle : 東アジア現代史のなかの韓国華僑Publisher : 三元社Author : 王恩美Pages : 596ISBN : 978-4-88303-203-7Year : 2008

4746Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

booksⅨ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation

Category : PoliticsTitle : 欝陵島 · 独島(竹島)歴史研究Publisher : 新幹社Author : 宋炳基Pages : 320ISBN : 978-4-88400-087-5Year : 2009


Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Lao-Korean DictionaryPublisher : Yearang PressAuthor : Lao Mission CenterPages : 1100ISBN : 89-88137-03-5Year : 2002

Category : CultureTitle : Гадаад хнд зориулсан Солонгосын соёлын

унших бичигPublisher : Beautiful Korean SchoolAuthor : Jang, So-young / С. ЭнхзулPages : 141ISBN : 978-89-91869-72-1 Year : 2011

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Mongolian LaokidaPublisher : Start Line Co. Ltd.Author : Purevkhuu, AyushjavPages : 655ISBN : 976-88118030Year : 2007



Category : HistoryTitle : Korean History (Part I & II)Publisher : AdmonAuthor : Erdenechimeg GotovPages : 326ISBN : 99929-0-030-xYear : 2006

Category : CultureTitle : Korea in the eyes of the poles: The State-The

Society-The CulturePublisher : Centre for East Asian Studies, University of

GdanskAuthor : Jozef Wlodarski, Kamil Zeidler, Marceli

BurdelskiPages : 547ISBN : 9788378650102 Year : 2013

Polish Romanian

Category : HistoryTitle : Introduction to Korean HistoryPublisher : Sedan Publishing HouseAuthor : Shin, Hyung-shikPages : 169ISBN : 978-973-1844-19-0Year : 2009

4746Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅸ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation


Category : ArtTitle : Описание письменных памятников корейской

традиционной культуры. Выпуск IIPublisher : Санкт-Петербургский государственный

университетAuthor : Adelaida F. TrotsevichPages : 440ISBN : 978-5-288-04954-5 Year : 2009

Category : ArtTitle : Очерки истории корейского кино (1903-1949)Publisher : The Orient Literature Publishing HouseAuthor : Hwang, Alla G.Pages : 135ISBN : 978-5-02-036315-1 Year : 2008

Category : CultureTitle : Совремнное Российское Корееведение (Tom 3)Publisher : Pervoe MartaAuthor : Lev R. KontsevichPages : 622ISBN : 5-8125-0890-7 Year : 2006

Category : EconomicsTitle : Феномен чэболь. Государство и крупный

бизнес в республике КореяPublisher : IMEMOAuthor : Alexander FedorovskiyPages : 320ISBN : 978-5-9234-0080-4 Year : 2008

Category : CultureTitle : Российское корееведение в прошлом и

настоящем, Этнография КореиPublisher : Pervoe MartaAuthor : Yundviga Vasilievna IonovaPages : 423ISBN : 978-5-8125-1700-7 Year : 2011

Category : EconomicsTitle : внешнеэкономический фактор в развитии

Республики Корея(1950-2011 rr.)Publisher : St. Petersburg State University PressAuthor : Popova LiudmilaPages : 244ISBN : 978-5-288-05266-8 Year : 2012

Category : EconomicsTitle : Динамика корейского экономического

развитияPublisher : Dmytro Burago Publishing House Author : Чо Сун/ Сун ЧьолPages : 360ISBN : 978-966-489-130-8 Year : 2012

Category : HistoryTitle : Каталог документов РГИА по истории Кореи

и русско-корейских отношений: вторая половина XIX — начало XX в. Выпуск 1

Publisher : Восточная литератураAuthor : Bella PakPages : 255ISBN : 978-5-02-036443-1 Year : 2010

Category : HistoryTitle : История Кореи: новый взглядPublisher : Восточная литератураAuthor : Хан Ёнъу.Pages : 758ISBN : 978-5-02-036442-4 Year : 2010

Category : HistoryTitle : Этногенез и этническая история корейцев по данным эпиграфики : (“Стела Квангэтхо-вана”)Publisher : Pervoe MartaAuthor : Rosa Sh. DjarylgasinovaPages : 252ISBN : 978-5-8125-1444-0 Year : 2010

4948Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

booksⅨ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation


Category : HistoryTitle : Чхве Джэхён(Цой Петр Семенович)Publisher : Восточная литератураAuthor : Boris PakPages : 349ISBN : 978-5-89282-419-4Year : 2010

Category : HistoryTitle : Первые известия о Корее в России (1675-1884)Publisher : Pervoe MartaAuthor : Boris PakPages : 357ISBN : 978-5-8125-1328-3 Year : 2010

Category : HistoryTitle : Описание письменных памятников корейской традиционной культуры. Вып. 1: Корейские письменные памятники

в фонде китайских ксилографов восточного отдела Научной библиотеки Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

Publisher : Санкт-Петербургский государственный университетAuthor : Троцевич А.Ф., Гурьева А.А. Pages : 300ISBN : 978-5-288-04576-9 Year : 2008

Category : HistoryTitle : Istoriia immigratsii koreitsev 1945-2000 godyPublisher : Daik PressAuthor : German Nikolaevich KimPages : 392ISBN : 9965-441-10-3 Year : 2007


ЛИТЕРАТуРЫ(ДО XX В)Publisher : Санкт-Петербургский государственный университетAuthor : Kourbanov Serguei. OPages : 322ISBN : 5-288-03016-2 Year : 2001

Category : HistoryTitle : Курс лекций по истории Кореи: с древности

и до конца XX векаPublisher : Санкт-Петербургский государственный

университетAuthor : Курбанов С.О. Pages : 626ISBN : 5288030162 Year : 2003

Category : HistoryTitle : Самгук саги Том 2Publisher : Московский государственный

университетAuthor : Пак МихаилPages : 384ISBN : 5-02-018263-X Year : 2001

Category : HistoryTitle : Самгук саги Том 1Publisher : Московский государственный

университетAuthor : Пак МихаилPages : 405ISBN : 5-01-016765-7 Year : 1995

Category : HistoryTitle : Самгук саги Том 3Publisher : Московский государственный

университетAuthor : Пак МихаилPages : 444ISBN : 5-02-018223-0 Year : 2002

4948Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅸ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation


Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Sijo in the System of World Lyrics GenresPublisher : Printing Publishers Grif KAuthor : Nee, NataliaPages : 179ISBN : n/aYear : 2007

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Иероглифика : учебник для студентов-

кореистов I-II курсовPublisher : Санкт-Петербургский государственный

университетAuthor : Лим Су Pages : 440ISBN : 5288040745 Year : 2007

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : История корейской традиционной

литературыPublisher : Санкт-Петербургского государственного университетаAuthor : A. TrotsevichPages : 321ISBN : 5-288-03532-6 Year : 2005

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Russian-Korean, Korean-Russian Dictionary of

Economic TerminologyPublisher : Moscow State Univ. Institute for Korean

Studies Press Author : Lee, Il-jinPages : 608ISBN : 5981490063 Year : 2005

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Колониальная Корея (Tom 4) Publisher : Pervoe MartaAuthor : Ю. В. ВанuнPages : 406ISBN : 978-5-8125-0926-2Year : 2007

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Историуеские Судьбы Сахалинских KорецевPublisher : Kнига третьяAuthor : A. T. KyзинPages : 281ISBN : 978-5-89290-168-0Year : 2010

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Корея Глазами Россиян (Tom 5) (1895-1945)Publisher : Pervoe MartaAuthor : Б. Д. ПакPages : 366ISBN : 978-5-8125-1048-0Year : 2008

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Соволь Ким.- Ясний місяць. ЛірикаPublisher : Grani-TAuthor : Bondarenko IvanPages : 330ISBN : 978-966-465-195-7Year : 2009

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Жизнеописания достойных монахов

Страны, что к востоку от моряPublisher : Санкт-Петербургский государственный

университетAuthor : Yulia Vladimirovna BoltachPages : 184ISBN : 978-5-8125-1145-6 Year : 2008

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Спорные вопросы корейской грамматикиPublisher : Восточная литератураAuthor : Рудницкая Е.Л.Pages : 294ISBN : 978-5-02-036435-6 Year : 2010

5150Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

booksⅨ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation


Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Золотые слова корейского народаPublisher : Санкт-Петербургский государственный

университет Author : Lim SuPages : 357ISBN : 5-288-03241-6 Year : 2003

Category : Language/LiteratureTitle : Sounds and the Letters of Korean LanguagePublisher : Pervoe Marta Author : Lev R. KontsevichPages : 586ISBN : 9785812518844Year : 2013

Category : PhilosophyTitle : Российское корееведение : альманах Publisher : Vostko-Zapad Publishing HouseAuthor : Kontsevich, Lev R. Концевич, Л.РPages : 478ISBN : 9785478007157 Year : 2007

Category : Politics Title : Геополітичні трансформації в Євразії :

погляди з Києва і Сеула Publisher : ДемідAuthor : Ed. G.M. Perepelytsia, Hur, Seoung-chulPages : 304ISBN : 966-7196-04-6 Year : 2009

Category : Politics Title : Koreans-victims of political reprisals in USSR,

1934-1938 years, volume 15 Publisher : Institute of Oriental Studies Russian

Academy of Sciences, Publishing HouseAuthor : Bella PakPages : 400ISBN : 9785892825221 Year : 2013

Category : PhilosophyTitle : Конфуцианский классический ‘Канон

сыновей почтительности’ в корейской трактовке.

Publisher : Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

Author : Курбанов С.О. Pages : 350ISBN : 978-5-288-04321-5 Year : 2007

Category : PhilosophyTitle : Избранная Библиография Литеатуры по Корее на Русском и Западноевропейских

Языках (Tom6)Publisher : Pervoe MartaAuthor : Л. Р. Концевич Pages : 591ISBN : 978-5-8125-1145-6 Year : 2008

Category : Politics Title : Russian diplomat Karl Ⅰ. Waeber and KoreaPublisher : Institute of Oriental Studies Russian

Academy of Sciences, Publishing HouseAuthor : n/aPages : 294ISBN : 9785892825207 Year : 2013

Category : ArtTitle : Cine Coreano ContemporaneoPublisher : University of Buenos AiresAuthor : Hyangjin Lee / Maria del Pilar Alvarez, Barbara BavoleoPages : 241ISBN : 978-987-1240-57-9 Year : 2011

Category : ArtTitle : Joyas Del Cine CoreanoPublisher : Buho PublishingAuthor : Luis Francisco Beiro AlvarezPages : 208ISBN : 9789945006001 Year : 2012


5150Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Ⅸ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation


Category : CultureTitle : Corea, Un Acercamiento MultidisciplinarioPublisher : Pontificial Catholic University of ChileAuthor : Wonjong MinPages : 274ISBN : 9789563515053Year : 2012

Category : HistoryTitle : Historia De La Imprenta Coreana Publisher : Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona PressAuthor : Byeng-Sen ParkPages : 240ISBN : 978-84-490-2478-1Year : 2007

Category : EconomicsTitle : Crecimiento Economico en Corea del sur (1961-2000)Publisher : Editorial SintesisAuthor : Francisco Garcia-BlanchPages : 256ISBN : 978-84-97560559 Year : 2002

Category : PoliticsTitle : Corea del Sur Contemporánea: Democracia y Regionalismo Politicio Publisher : Black & Red- Communicarte Publishing

HouseAuthor : Park, Chae-soon Pages : 276ISBN : 978-950-33-0652-9 Year : 2008

Category : Language/Literature Title : Korean LanguagePublisher : The Quality PrintersAuthor : Chandra KaunaratnePages : 72ISBN : 9559873105Year : 2005

Tamil Thai

Category : Language/Literature Title : TÜRKLER İÇİN KORECE 1Publisher : Say Dagitim Ltd.Author : Yang, So-youngPages : 182ISBN : 978-975-468-781-1Year : 2008

Category : Language/Literature Title : Korece 1, Korece 2, Korece 3Publisher : Lotus Publishing CompanyAuthor : S. Goksel Turkozu, Kim, Sung-jooPages : 478ISBN : 975-666-531-9, 975-666-532-7, 975-666-533-5Year : 2007


Category : Language/Literature Title : Publisher : Author :Pages : 400ISBN : 9743843264 Year : 2007

5352Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

booksⅨ. Publications supported by The Korea Foundation

Category : Culture Title : Giáo trình đọc văn hoá Hàn Quốc dành cho

người nước ngoàiPublisher : Beautiful Korean SchoolAuthor : Chang, So-youngPages : 142ISBN : 978-89-91869-52-3 Year : 2010

Category : HistoryTitle : НОВИЙ ПОГЛЯД НА ІСТОРІЮ КОРЕЇPublisher : BuragoAuthor : Кім Чжонбе e. t. alPages : 336ISBN : 978-966-489-076-9Year : 2010

Category : CultureTitle : Social Issues of the Republic of KoreaPublisher : Vietnam Academy of Social SciencesAuthor : Ngo, Xuan BinhPages : 309ISBN : n/aYear : 2007



Category : Culture Title : Searching for Korean CulturePublisher : Hanoi Univ. PressAuthor : Trinh Cam Lan Pages : 456ISBN : n/aYear : 2003

Category : CultureTitle : Approaching Korea’s CulturePublisher : Culture and Information Publishing HouseAuthor : Dang Van Lung Pages : 430ISBN : n/aYear : 2001

Category : Economics Title : Kinh tế Hàn QuốcPublisher : Center for Korean Studies & Vietnam

Statistical Publishing HouseAuthor : Song, Byung-nak(Trans. Pham Quy Long)Pages : 430ISBN : n/a Year : 2002

5352Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

스마트 애플리케이션

Smart Application

Korean Food Guide 800Everything You Need to Know about Korean Cuisine on Your Smart Phone

talk in Korean

The ‘Korean Food Guide 800’ app has been launched to help you search, listen to, and share accurate information about Korean Food with quick and easy access via smartphone or mobile device. Korean cuisine has recently emerged as one of the rising stars of the global dining scene thanks to its tasty flavors and health-conscious dishes, in line with the well-being trend of today’s consumers. - Comprehensive source of information on the 800 most popular and traditional Korean foods and dishes!- Quick search function by category: ingredients, cooking methods, and Korean/English names!- Easy scrap and share function for text & image on Facebook and Twitter!- Audio button to hear the pronunciation of Korean foods and dishes!- Maximize your enjoyment of Korean cuisine through vivid images!

최근 깊은 풍미와 자연을 담은 건강한 음식으로 트렌드를 이끌며 세계인의 식탁에 스며들고 있는 한식의 보다 정확한 정보를

스마트폰으로 쉽게 찾고, 듣고, 공유할 수 있도록 ‘Korean Food Guide 800’앱이 출시 되었다.

- 재료 및 조리법에 따라 분류한 800여 가지가 넘는 한식소개 최다 수록

- 빠른 검색, 오디오, 스크랩, SNS 공유 기능 탑재

- 한국적인 미가 담긴 고화질 사진

‘Talk in Korean’ is an innovative program for foreigners who encounter the Korean language for the first time. ‘Talk in Korean’ provides three animations of Korean traditional tales that include many practical expressions of Korean language used in daily life. This program is intended to encourage foreigners to learn and use basic Korean language quickly and easily.

‘Talk in Korean’은 한국어를 처음 배우는 사람들을 위한 앱이다. 전래동화 애니메이션을 통해 한국인의 일상생활 속에서 사

용할 수 있는 한국어 단어와 문장을 보고 듣고 써보면서 쉽고 빠르게 학습할 수 있도록 구성하였다.

5554Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

KF e-Book Library

The KF e-Books Library currently offers more than 200 materials such as: 1) Koreana, a quarterly magazine on the diverse aspects of Korea’s arts and culture that is available in nine languages, 2) KOREA FOCUS, an English-language journal (monthly webzine) that features commentaries and essays on Korea’s current affairs, related to such subjects as the politics, business, society, and culture of Korea, 3) “Korean Culture Series,” informational books in English about various themes of Korean culture for general readers and Korea-related students, and 4) selected materials on Korean Studies and Korea’s public diplomacy initiatives. Moreover, additional content will be continuously uploaded and made accessible to readers, in line with the Korea Foundation’s efforts to disseminate a wealth of information about Korea and its culture.

KF 전자책 자료실(에는 한국문화예술 종합 잡지인 ‘코리아나(Koreana)’ 9개 언어판과 한국관련 영문 시사월간지 ‘코리아 포커스(KOREA

FOCUS)’, ‘한국문화소개시리즈’, 한국어 교재, 한국학 및 공공외교 관련서적 등 현재 200여권 이상의 전자책이 등재되어 있습니다. 계속적으로 보다 다양한 콘텐츠들이

업데이트될 예정이다.

5554Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Window on Korean Culture : 20 Video Clips on Korean Culture한국문화소개 비디오클립

- Produced by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 5 minutes each- Languages: Korean, English

A collection of video clips on Korean culture that provides viewers with information on Korean society, history and arts through 20 individual video clips. (Subjects : Hanbok, King Sejong the Great,

Confucianism, Kimchi, Korean Pottery, Korea’s Traditional Medicine, Hallyu(Korean Wave), Science Technology in Korean History, Hanok vs. Contemporary Housing, Hall of Worthies and the Invention of Hangeul, Korea’s Apartment Culture, Pansori, Korean Cities vs. Rural Villages, Joseon Dynasty Palaces, Shamanism, Jerye, Korean Cinema, IT Korea, Buddhism, Yi Sun-sin)

한국의 사회, 문화, 역사, 예술 등에 대한 20개의 주제를 알기 쉽게 소개해 주는 짧은 비디오클립 20편 모음

집. (주제 : 한복, 세종대왕, 유교, 김치, 도자기, 한의학, 한류, 한국의 과학기술, 한옥 vs. 현대가옥, 집현전과

한글창제, 아파트 문화, 판소리, 한국의 도시 vs. 농촌, 궁궐, 샤머니즘, 제례, 한국 영화, IT, 불교, 이순신)

Window on Korean Culture 2 : 8 Video Clips on Korean Culture한국문화소개 비디오클립 2

- Produced by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 5 minutes each- Languages: Korean, English

A collection of video clips on Korean culture that provides viewers with information on Korean society, history and arts through 8 individual video clips.(Subjects : Hangeul, Mask dance, Ondol, Hoehonrye, Gyeongju, Bibimbap, Haegeum, DMZ)

한국의 사회, 문화, 역사, 예술 등에 대한 8개의 주제를 알기 쉽게 소개해 주는 짧은 비디오클립 8편 모음

집.(주제 : 한글, 탈춤, 온돌, 회혼례, 경주역사유적지구, 비빔밥, 해금, DMZ)

Video Content

The Korea Foundation produces, provides support for, and distributes Korea-related video content in an effort to broaden an understanding of Korea and its culture among the international community.

한국국제교류재단은 해외에 한국과

한국문화를 알리기 위하여 영상물을

제작, 배포하고 있다.

DVDs are not for sale, but available through official request from institutions.

이 영상물들은 비매품이나 국내외

기관 단체에서 공식 요청하는 경우,

지원 받을 수 있다.

Video Content

5756Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Video Content

Korean Style한국소개 다큐멘터리 4편

- Produced by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 24 minutes each- Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Arabic,


“Korean Style” is a four-part documentary series that includes features on Seoul, Korean Cuisine, Korean Architecture, and Korean Art(in nine languages) for the viewing of audiences around the world.Seoul, A City of Coexisting Colors(Part 1) provides an overview of the past and present of Seoul. The video includes highlights of various aspects of Seoul, such as Samcheong-dong, Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul Seonggwak-gil(Fortress Trail), Hangang River, Cheonggyecheon Stream, Daehangno, Gangnam, Myeong-dong, Namsan Mountain, and Hongdae.Cuisine, Wisdom that Stands the Test of Time (Part 2) introduces Korea’s food culture with descriptions of various Korean foods like traditional sauces/pastes, and maeju, kimchi, bibimbap, bulgogi, and neobiani.Architecture, One with Nature (Part 3) presents the unique beauty and notable characteristics of Korea’s traditional architecture by examining such representative examples as Changdeokgung, Gyeongbokgung, and Jongmyo, in addition to a variety of structures like Seowon(Byeongsanseowon, Dosanseowon), pagodas, and traditional Korean houses.Art, a Self-portrait of the Times(Part 4) offers an overview of Korea’s modern art and leading artists, such as Go Hui-dong, Lee In-sung, Park Saeng-kwang, Kim Whan-ki, Lee Ungno, Shin Hak-cheol, Chun Kyung-ja, Lee Ufan, Kim Soo-ja, Paik Nam-june, Lee Bul, and Suh Do-ho.

“Korean Style”은 서울, 한국 음식, 한국 건축, 한국 미술을 해외에 소개하고자 제작된 다큐멘터리 시리즈로, 총 4

편으로 구성되어 있다.

- “공존하는 도시, 서울을 만나다(1편)”은 서울의 과거와 현재의 모습(삼청동, 북촌한옥마을, 성곽길, 한강, 청계천,

대학로, 강남, 명동, 남산, 홍대 등)을 소개한다.

- “한식, 세월의 지혜를 담다(2편)”은 한국 음식문화 및 다양한 음식(장, 메주, 김치, 비빔밥, 불고기, 너비아니)을 소


- “자연과 하나 되는, 건축(3편)”은 한국 궁궐(창덕궁, 경복궁, 종묘), 서원(병산서원, 도산서원), 정자, 고택 등 한국

건축의 미와 특징을 소개한다.

- “시대의 자화상, 미술(4편)”은 한국 현대미술과 작가(고희동, 이인성, 박생광, 김환기, 이응노, 신학철, 천경자, 이

우환, 김수자, 백남준, 이불, 서도호)를 소개한다.

5756Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

- Presented by The Korea Foundation (In cooperation with Arirang TV)- Running time: 10 minutes each- Languages: English

A collection of the 100 icons of Korean culture that have come to symbolize Korea’s 5,000-year history, as well as its traditions and contemporary culture. (Subjects: Dadeumi (Traditional Style of Ironing), Hanji(Korean Traditional Paper), The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, Dol Dam(Stone Wall), Haenyeo, Hanok, Geomungo, Hanbok, Seodang, Arirang, Yut Nori, Red Clay, Geobukseon, Taegeukgi, Street Cheering, and others)

한국의 전통과 현대문화에 대한 5,000년 역사를 보여주는 100대 문화상징 모음집. (주제 : 다듬이, 한지, 조선왕조

실록, 돌담, 해녀, 한옥, 거문고, 한복, 서당, 아리랑, 윷놀이, 황토, 거북선, 태극기, 길거리응원 등)

100 icons of Korean Culture한국의 100대 문화상징

Secrets behind Korea's Economic Success코리아, 경제성장의 비밀

- Produced by The Korea Foundation- Running Time: 24 minutes- Languages: Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Arabic

This documentary unveils secrets about how Korea, once the poorest country in the world, escaped poverty and grew to become the World’s 14th largest economy and the first Asian nation to host the G20 summit. The film identifies key factors behind Korea’s economic success such as Korea’s strategies, incessant efforts and investment that helped the nation achieve what the world came to call the “Miracle on the Han River”.

한국 전쟁 이후 폐허가 되었던 한국이 어떻게 절대 빈곤에서 탈출하여 경제규모 세계 14위의 글로벌 플레이어로 변

모, 아시아 국가로써는 최초로 G20 정상회의 개최국이 되었는지 그 성장에 대한 비밀을 풀어본다. “한강의 기적”을

이뤄내기까지의 한국의 끊임없는 노력과 투자, 전략 등을 살펴본다.

5958Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Video Content

Korean Arts and Lifestyle Vol. 1~4

- Produced by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 35-40 minutes each- Languages: English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic

Korean Arts and Lifestyle is a documentary series that introduces various aspects of Korea’s traditional and contemporary culture to international audiences.

- “The Dynamic Culture of Contemporary Korea”(Volume 1) presents an overview of Korea’s contemporary culture. It reveals the dynamism of Korean culture with scenes of traditional percussion music non-verbal performance “Nanta”, and the so-called “Korean Wave”, in which Korea’s pop culture has gained widespread popularity throughout the Asian region and beyond.

- “The Clothes, Foods and Houses of Korea”(Volume 2) is a general introduction of the Korean ways of living. This feature includes detailed descriptions of Korea’s traditional-style houses, hanok, Korean clothing, hanbok, and food, hansik.

- “The Life of Koreans”(Volume 3) provides information about Korea’s traditional customs and rituals, as well as practices related to various rites of passage, such as a baby’s first birthday and coming-of-age ceremony, as well as wedding, funeral, and memorial services.

- “The Beauty of Traditional Korean Arts”(Volume 4) explores various genres of traditional Korean art, including fine arts such as pottery and calligraphy, traditional music forms like pansori and minyo, and representative forms of traditional dance.

한국의 전통, 현대문화를 해외에 소개하고자 제작된 다큐멘터리 시리즈로, 총 4편으로 구성되어 있다.

- “한국의 현대문화 (제1편)”는 사물놀이, 난타 등 역동적인 한국인의 모습, 그리고 해외에서 인기를 얻고 있는 한국

가요와 드라마 등 “한류”를 비롯한 한국의 현대문화를 소개한다.

- “한국의 의식주 (제2편)”는 한국의 주거 문화 (한옥, 온돌, 마루, 정원 등), 의복 문화 (한복, 궁중의상, 천연염색), 음

식 문화 (한식, 김치, 된장, 떡 등)를 살펴본다.

- “한국의 생활 풍습 (제3편)”은 한국인의 탄생, 돌잔치, 성인식, 혼례식, 상례 및 제례 등 일생에 있어서의 의례 및

주요 행사를 소개한다.

- “한국의 전통예술 (제4편)”은 한국의 전통미술(서예, 도자기, 산수화 등), 전통음악(민요, 판소리, 종묘제례악, 국악

기 소개), 전통무용(살풀이, 승무, 부채춤 등)과 같은 한국 전통예술의 아름다움을 소개한다.

5958Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

The Curves of Korea곡선의 미

Arch of Enlightenment광화문

- Produced by Sky HD- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running Time: 35 minutes- Languages in: Korean, English, Spanish, French

- Produced by West Park Pictures (United Kingdom)- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running Time: 56 minutes- Language in: English

The beauty of Korean curves can be found in many elements of Korean people’s daily lives, such as Korean architecture, arts, and traditional costumes. This film features the unique Korean curves expressed in Gyeongbok Palace, Seoul World Cup Stadium, Buddhist dance, Hanbok, and ceramics. It offers a glimpse into Korean people’s sentiment of harmony with nature, a distinct characteristic of Korean culture.

한국의 건축, 전통 무용, 한복, 도자 등 한국인의 생활 속에는 아름다운 곡선의 미가 살아 숨쉬고 있다. 경복궁, 서울

상암월드컵경기장, 승무, 한복, 달항아리 등에 표현된 다양한 선을 조명해 봄으로써 한국 문화가 가지고 있는 독창

적인 매력, 한국인 고유의 포용적 정서를 발견해 본다.

The Arch of Enlightenment is a documentary about the remarkable attempt by the people of Korea to reclaim a symbol of national pride and history, the Gwangwhamun Palace Gate. The people of Korea have rebuilt their sacred palace gate and it was faithfully restored using wood and shifted to its true spot. This lavish high definition film follows the trials and tribulations of the ensemble of archaeologists, engineers, architects and craftsmen as they set about restoring one of the Korean nation’s most important historic landmarks.

이 다큐멘터리는 한국의 자부심이자 역사적 상징인 “광화문”을 되찾기 위한 한국의 놀라운 시도를 보여주고 있다.

광화문은 목재를 사용하여 충실히 복원되었고 본래의 위치로 되돌아감으로써 한국인들의 신성한 궐문이 재건되었

다. 한국의 가장 중요한 역사적 기념비인 광화문 복원 과정에서 고고학자, 엔지니어, 건축가와 목수들이 경험한 고

난과 시도를 고화질 영상으로 생생하게 감상할 수 있다.

6160Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Video Content

Experience Korea through Your Five Senses오감으로 한국을 느끼다.

Photographer Bae Bien-U and the Pine Tree사진작가 배병우와 소나무

- Produced by Indecom Cinema- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 52 minutes- Languages: Korean, English, Spanish, French, Chinese

- Produced by Knock Media- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 55 minutes- Languages: Korean, English, Spanish, French, Chinese

This film presents aspects of Korean traditional culture that can be experienced through the five senses. It describes hands-on cultural experiences like a temple-stay program and tea ceremony, which convey a close harmony between nature and Korean culture, Korea’s martial arts forms, such as Taekwondo and traditional Korean archery, making Onggi earthenware, and singing of Korea’s favorite folk song “Arirang.”

오감을 통한 직접 체험으로 만나 보는 한국 전통 문화를 다룬 다큐멘터리. 한국의 자연과 문화가 어우러진 템플스

테이와 다도, 수천년의 역사를 지닌 전통 무도 국궁과 태권도, 한국의 장인 정신을 직접 느껴보는 옹기와 떡 만들기,

마음을 움직이는 신명나는 한국의 민요 아리랑을 통해 한국 문화를 만나본다.

Bae Bien-U is a world-renowned Korean photographer known especially for his images of landscapes. Many art collectors around the world have been fascinated with his photographs of pine trees, which are said to convey a sense of spirituality.The documentary features his world of photographic art and his enchanting Korean pine trees, which have long stood in silence, while observing the everyday lives and culture of the Korean people.

세계 미술시장에서 각광받고 있는 한국의 사진작가 배병우. 가수 앨튼 존, 벨기에 왕실 등 그의 소나무에 많은 해외

미술 콜렉터들이 매료되었다. 세계인의 마음을 사로잡은 그 신비한 매력의 정체는 무엇일까? 한국인의 삶과 문화

속에서 만날 수 있는 한국의 소나무, 그리고 사진작가 배병우의 작품 세계를 다룬 다큐멘터리이다.

6160Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty역사의 숲, 조선왕릉

Korean Traditional House, Hanok푸른 눈에 비친 한옥

- Produced by Asia Channel- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 47 minutes- Languages: Korean, English, French, Spanish, Chinese

- Produced by KNTV (Japan), SkyFish Media (Korea)- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 52 minutes- Languages: English and Japanese

The documentary introduces the royal tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, which encompass some 40 tombs of kings and queens built over a period of five centuries. The tombs, which seek to honor Korea’s rulers and the achievements of their reign, also reveal the burial customs, historical practices, and memorial rituals during the Joseon Dynasty. In 2009, these tombs have been included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

조선왕릉은 조선왕조 519년간의 왕과 왕비의 능 42기가 모두 온전히 보존돼 있으며, 독특한 경관과 자연친화적인

아름다움으로 ‘신의 정원’이라고 찬사를 받기도 한다. 또한 조선왕릉을 통해 한국의 독창적인 장묘문화와 기록문화,

제례문화를 살펴볼 수 있다. 2009년 6월 유네스코 세계유산에 등재된 인류의 문화유산 ‘조선왕릉’에 대해 살펴보는


Mark Dake, a freelance journalist has a great affection for “hanok”, Korea’s traditional-style house. He spends time with other non-Koreans who love and reside in their own hanok. This film showcases the architectural features, nature-friendly characteristics, and seasonal changes in the unique appearance of hanok. It also brings attention to an urgent need to preserve existing hanok neighborhoods, which are rapidly being lost due to new development projects.

프리랜서 신문기자 마크 데이크가 한국의 전통가옥인 한옥에 애정을 갖고 한옥에 살고 있는 외국인들을 만나 본다.

또한 한옥의 건축적 우수성, 자연친화적인 속성, 그리고 계절에 따라 자태를 바꾸는 운치있는 모습 등을 보여주고

있으며, 개발의 논리로 점점 사라져가는 우리 한옥의 소중함을 일깨워준다.

6362Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Video Content

Jongmyo, a Shrine for Human Beings인간을 위한 신전, 종묘

Fashion Express, Dongdaemun패션특급, 동대문

- Produced by Production Ray- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 52 minutes- Languages: Korean, English, Chinese, Spanish, French

- Produced by Korea Cinetel- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 54 minutes- Languages: Korean, English, Chinese, Spanish, French

At the Jongmyo royal shrine, ancestral rites are held that include music, song, and dance, which are rooted in Confucian ethics, philosophy, and thought. The film’s highlights include the four seasons of Korea, architectural characteristics of Jongmyo, “Jongmyo Jeryeak”(royal ancestral ritual music), Ilmu(line dance), and “Jongmyo Daeje”(royal ancestral rite).

돌아가신 조상을 위해 제사를 지내는 왕가의 사당, 종묘에 대한 다큐멘터리. 종묘는 제사와 음악, 노래, 춤이 모두

어우러져 하나의 체계를 이루고 그 속에 유교적 윤리와 철학, 사상이 담겨 있다. 종묘의 사계, 공간 및 건축적 특징,

종묘제례, 제례악, 일무, 종묘대제 등을 다양한 각도로 담아내고 있으며, CG, 항공 촬영 및 제사 장면을 재현한 야간

촬영 등을 통해 종묘의 사상적 뿌리와 정신을 영상으로 담았다.

Beyond its lengthy history as a traditional marketplace, Dongdaemun Market has been transformed into a center of Korea’s fashion. The vast market area is said to include the world’s largest clusters of fashion and apparel, equipped with everything related to fashion, as well as a production system that can quickly churn out the latest styles and designs. To glimpse the future of Dongdaemun, at the forefront of fashion, the film also features interviews of designers who are out to challenge the world.

패션의 시계추 동대문. 과거의 큰 의류시장으로부터 첨단 패션타운으로 거듭나고 있는 동대문. 동대문의 근원적 경

쟁력, 그리고 세계화에 성공하기 위한 조건을 살펴본다. 24시간 에너지와 열정을 발산하는 이곳은 패션에 관한 모

든 것을 구비한 세계 최대 패션 클러스터로, 최단기간 생산 시스템을 자랑한다. 또한 꿈과 열정으로 세계에 도전하

는 디자이너들의 모습을 통해 동대문 시장의 미래를 전망한다.

6362Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Korea’s Ancient Medicine

A Novelist’s Day in Seoul

- Produced by Oak3 Films- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 48 minutes- Language: English

- Produced by Actes Sud (France)- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 52 minutes- Language: French

How did Korean practitioners treat disease in the past when state-of-the-art medical equipment was yet to be developed? This film focuses on the medical documents of Korea’s traditional medicine, including the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage designated “Dongeuibogam”, a medical encyclopedia compiled in 1613 by Heo Jun, and also provides detailed introductions of acupuncture, meridians, and medicinal herbs.

지금과 같은 첨단 장비가 없었던 과거의 한국에서 의사들은 어떻게 병을 고칠 수 있었을까? 허준의 동의보감 등 한

국 한의학의 고전을 살펴보고, 이러한 한의학이 어떻게 현대 한국인의 삶 속에 영향을 끼치는 지와 침술, 경혈, 한약

재의 효용 등을 자세히 소개한다.

The film features the modern and contemporary Seoul, as depicted in the novels of such writers as Kim Seung-ok, Park Kyung-ri, Lee Dong-ha, Yi Mun-yol, and Park Tae-won. Based on these works, it covers various aspects of Seoul, including the daily lives of ordinary people, in regard to their life, work, and play, along with delving into what modern and contemporary novels mean to contemporary Korean society.

소설가 김승옥, 박경리, 이동하, 이문열, 박태원 등의 소설 속에 그려진 근현대의 ‘서울’의 모습을 그려낸다. 각 소설

가들의 작품 속 내용을 바탕으로, 서울의 젊은이들, 일상생활, 음식, 산업화 등을 다루고 있으며, 근현대 소설 문학이

현대 한국인들에게 어떤 의미를 지니고 있는지 알아본다.

6564Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Video Content

The Beat, Beat, Beat of Korea!한국공연예술, 세계를 두드리는 한국의 樂

Hangeul, the Dream Alphabet of the World세계 모든 문자의 꿈, 한글

- Produced by Indecom Cinema- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 46 minutes- Languages: English, Chinese, French, Spanish

- Produced by TV Mania Production- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running Time: 51minutes- Languages: English, Chinese, French, Spanish

To Koreans, the term “heung” refers to a kind of shared excitement or group experience. This sense of vibrancy is now being unleashed through new forms of performing arts, such as the non-verbal performances, “Nanta”(Cookin’) and “Jump”, as well as world-leading B-boy teams. The film shows how the pulsating rhythms of these performances are rooted in the roaming troupes of entertainers of long ago, Namsadangpae, and the traditional percussion music of samulnori.

전통적인 한국인의 신명을 일컫는 ‘흥’이 현대 공연을 통해 되살아나고 있다. 해외에서도 인기를 얻은 넌버벌 퍼포

먼스 <난타>, <점프>, 그리고 세계적으로 주목받는 한국 비보이 퍼포먼스을 다룬 다큐멘터리. 이러한 작품들의 원류

라 할 수 있는 옛날 전문 예인 집단 남사당패와 사물놀이 등을 살펴보고, 현대 한국의 공연예술 작품을 소개한다.

The video presents scenes of foreigners with a passion for learning and using Hangeul, including a group of Japanese women who visit Korea to personally experience Hangeul; Professor Werner Sasse, a former Korean Studies professor from Germany who now resides in Korea, where he conducts research on Korean literature; and Panta Navarage of Nepal who teaches Hangeul as part of his efforts to reduce illiteracy among the Nepalese people.

한글의 매력에 사로잡힌 세계인들의 이야기를 들어본다. 한글을 배우기 위해 일본에서 ‘한글 여행’을 떠나 한국에

온 일본 여성, 한국에 둥지를 틀고 한글 문학을 연구하고 있는 독일인 베르너 삿세 교수, 고국의 문맹 퇴치를 위해

한글을 가르치고 있는 네팔인 등의 이야기를 들을 수 있다. 또한 타이포그래퍼 안상수 교수의 구텐베르크 상 수상,

일본 취재와 실험을 통해 한글의 특징과 장점을 살펴본다.

6564Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Korea’s Traditional Tastes - Traditions Beyond 500 Years천년의 음식향, 수운잡방

Jeju Onggi, Crafted from Stone and Fire with the Spirit of Jeju자연 유약의 비밀-제주 옹기

- Produced by IMTV- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 39 minutes- Languages: English, Chinese, French, Spanish

- Produced by Asia Channel- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 46 minutes- Languages: English, Chinese, Spanish

This film captures the detailed procedures of Korea’s ceremonial rituals that have been preserved by Choi So-hui, the eldest daughter-in-law of the 14th generation of a family clan in Andong, as she goes about preparing a variety of foods for ancestral rites. It also introduces “Su Wun Jab Bang”, Korea’s oldest known cookbook, written in 1530, which includes some 121 detailed recipes for various food and beverage items.

전통문화가 가장 잘 보존되고 있는 안동의 종갓집 14대 종부 최소희 할머니의 제사 준비 모습을 통해, 한국의 제례

를 단계별로 집중 조명한다. 또한 한국에서 가장 오래된 요리서인 ‘수운잡방’을 소개한다. 1530년경 쓰여진 수운잡

방에는 손님접대음식, 제사음식 등 조리법 121가지가 상세하게 수록되어 있다. 이 작품에서는 음식을 만드는 과정과

함께 한국의 전통 가옥과 문화, 제례의식 등을 만나볼 수 있다.

Jeju Island is said to be known for its abundance of wind, stone, and women. Related to the local tradition of making Onggi earthenware, the Jeju residents used stones to build a unique type of stone kiln. Based on three months of filming, the documentary vividly captures the entire process of crafting Onggi wares, from only natural clay and fire, which are infused with a deep-rooted spirit of the island artisans.

바람, 돌, 여자가 많아 삼다도(三多島)라 했던 섬 제주. 제주 사람들은 전 세계에서 유일한 제주만의 ‘돌가마’를 만들

어냈다. 유약을 바르지 않고 광택을 내는 제주의 돌가마, 그리고 흙과 불에 도공의 예술혼을 불어넣어 제주 특유의

옹기를 만들어내는 과정을 3개월간의 촬영으로 담아낸 다큐멘터리.

6766Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Video Content

Cloud Path, Journey of a Wandering Monk만행 : 현각스님의 세상여행

Korean Cinema Unleashed한국영화, 길을 나서다

- Produced by KBS- Supported by The Korea Foundation(foreign language versions)- Running time: 53 minutes- Languages: English, French, Spanish

- Produced by Indecom Cinema- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 52 minutes- Languages: English, Chinese, Spanish

Documentary about the experiences in Korea of Paul Munsen, a Harvard University graduate who became a Buddhist monk(Hyongak), and especially his dedication to manhaeng, a kind of traditional Buddhist lifestyle. Featuring brilliant scenes of Korea’s landscape and cinematographic artistry, it introduces Korean culture through a viewing of Buddhist temples, local markets, samulnori, and onggi earthenware.

하버드대학원 재학중 불교에 입문한 미국인 폴 뮨젠(법명 현각 스님)이 불교 수행과정의 하나인 “만행”의 여정에서

만나는 한국문화를 다룬 다큐멘터리. 한국의 사찰, 재래시장, 사물놀이, 옹기 등 다양한 한국문화와 어우러지는 자

연미와 영상미가 돋보인다.

The documentary focuses on the recent developments of Korea’s cinema, a fundamental component of the Korean Wave(Hallyu) phenomenon. Along with highlights of internationally acclaimed award-winning films, such as “Chihwaseon”, “Oasis”, and “Old Boy”, it also identifies key factors behind the rise of Korea’s film industry, and introduces Korean film festivals as well as the advanced technology used by Korean filmmakers.

해외에서 주목받고 있는 한국 영화 전반에 대해 개괄적으로 소개하는 다큐멘터리. 세계 유수의 영화제에서 수상한

<취화선>, <오아시스>, <올드보이> 등의 작품을 시작으로 한국영화산업의 저력과 성장 가능성이 어디에 있는지 짚어

본다. 한국 영화의 역사와 장르별 특성, 국내 주요 영화제, 컴퓨터 그래픽(CG) 등 첨단 기술력을 살펴보고, 주요 감

독과 배우들을 인터뷰한다.

6766Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Korean Master Chefs

- Produced by DreamVille Entertainment- Supported by The Korea Foundation- Running time: 30 minutes- Languages: Korean, English

In a time where Korean cuisine and culture are accelerating in popularity and exposure, Korean food is experiencing a renaissance worldwide. “Korean Master Chefs” is a documentary series that celebrates the journey and success of two Korean chefs - Hooni Kim and Corey Lee - located in New York and San Francisco, giving the viewer a detailed look into their restaurants, techniques, inspiration, and personal stories.

한국의 음식과 문화가 더욱 노출되고 인기가 급증하고 있는 지금, 세계적으로 한식은 르네상스를 맞이하고 있다.

‘Korean Master Chefs’는 뉴욕과 샌프란시스코에서 활동하는 한국 셰프 Hooni Kim과 Corey Lee의 여정과 성

공을 담은 다큐시리즈로 시청자에게 그들의 레스토랑, 기술, 영감, 그리고 개인적인 이야기들을 세세하게 전달한다.

6968Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

BacklistThe Korea Foundation Publications & Video Content

I. Periodicals

Language Title Year Price SubscriptionEnglish / Arabic / Chinese /

French / German / Indonesian / Japanese / Russian / Spanish

Koreana (Quarterly) Since 1987

Annual subscriptionDomestic: ₩18,000Overseas: $33~37

English KOREA FOCUS (Monthly webzine) Since 1993

II. Books

Category Title Year Price Order

Selections from

Koreana Series

Masters of Traditional Korean Handicrafts 2009KRW 50,000USD 50.00

Modern Korean Artists 2009

Masterpieces of Korean Art 2010

Korean Journeys Heartland of Culture and History 2010 KRW 25,000USD 25.00

National Treasuresof Korea Series

Fragrance of Korea : The Ancient Gilt-Bronze Incense Burner of Baekje 2005KRW 100,00USD 100.00Eternal Image of Sakyamuni : Two Gilt-Bronze Korean National Treasures 2008

Gold Crowns of Silla : Treasures from a Brilliant Age 2010



Hangeul : Korea’s Unique Alphabet 2010

KRW 9,000USD 15.00

Traditional Painting : Window on the Korean Mind 2010The DMZ : Dividing the Two Koreas 2010Traditional Food : A Taste of Korean Life 2010Jeju Island : Reaching to the Core of Beauty 2011

KRW 9,00USD 16.00

Museums & Galleries : Displaying Korea’s Past and Future 2011Joseon’s Royal Heritage : 500 Years of Splendor 2011Traditional Music : Sounds in Harmony with Nature 2011Korea’s Natural Wonders : Exploring Korea’s Landscapes 2012Religion in Korea : Harmony and Coexistence 2012Korean Ceramics : The Beauty of Natural Forms 2012Korean Architecture : Breathing with Nature 2012Taekwondo : The Unity of Body, Mind and Spirit 2013Korean Medicine : A Holistic Way to Health and Healing 2013Korean Dance : Pure Emotion and Energy 2013Hanbok : Timeless Fashion Tradition 2013

Korean Culture Series

Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea 2005

KRW 20,000USD 30.00

Seowon 2006Palaces of Korea 2006Korean Landscape Painting 2006Modern Korean Ink Painting 2006Maedeup : The Art of Traditional Korean Knots 2006Seasonal Customs of Korea 2007Buddhist Sculpture of Korea 2007Buddhist Architecture of Korea 2007Traditional Performing Arts of Korea 2008Confucian Ritual Music of Korea 2008Korean Ceramics 2008Korean Folk dance 2008Korean Court Dance 2010

Korean Culturalheritage Series

Fine Arts 1994KRW 30,000USD 40.00

Thought and Religion 1996Performing Arts 1997Traditional Lifestyles 1997

Korean Relics inOverseas Collections


Korean Relics in the U.S. ①~② 1989

Not for Sale

U.S. ②, Japan ②~⑤available through officialrequest from universitiesand institutions

Korean Relics in Western Europe 1992

Korean Relics in Japan ①~⑤ 2004

6968Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

The Korea Foundation Publications & Video Content

Category Title Year Price Order

Referenc Guideson Korea

Dictionary of Korean Art and Archaeology 2004 KRW 18,000USD 29.29

Korean Food Guide 2004 KRW 12,000 Near and Far Pays, Lointains Pays Voisins – La Corée(French) 2013 KRW 15,000

Ⅲ. Smart Application

Category Title Year OS Market

Culture Korean Food Guide 800 2014 iOS / Android Apple Appstore / Google Play Store

Language/Literature Talk in Korean 2012 iOS / Android Apple Appstore / Google Play Store

Ⅳ. Video Content(DVD-NTSC & Pal) DVDs are not for sale, but available through official request from institution

Dubbed Language Title Year Running Time Producer

English 100 Icons of Korean Culture 2013 10 min.(each)The Korea Foundation(In cooperation with Arirang TV)

English / Chinese /Japanese / Spanish /

French / German /Russian / Arabic /


Korean Style1. Seoul, A City of Coexisting Colors2. Cuisine, Wisdom that Stands the Test of Time3. Architecture, One with Nature4. Art, a Self-portrait of the Times

2012 24 min. each The Korea Foundation

Korean / English Window on Korean Culture 2010 5 min.(for each video clip) The Korea FoundationKorean / English Window on Korean Culture 2 2011 5 min.(for each video clip) The Korea Foundation

Korean / English Korean Master Chefs 2011 30 min DreamVille Entertainment(KF Sponsored)

Korean / English /Arabic / Chinese / French / German /Japanese / Russian / Spanish

Secrets behind Korea’s Economic Success 2010 24 min. The Korea Foundation

English / Arabic /Chinese / French /Russian / Spanish

Korean Arts and Lifestyle 1~41. The Dynamic Culture of Contemporary Korea2. The Clothes, Foods and Houses of Korea3. The Life of Koreans4. Beauty of Traditional Korean Arts


1: 39 min.2: 40 min.3: 35 min.4: 33 min.

The Korea Foundation

Korean / English / French / Spanish The Curves of Korea 2010 35 min. Sky HD(KF Sponsored)

English The Arch of Enlightenment 2010 56 min. West Park Pictures(KF Sponsored)

Korean / English / Chinese / French / Spanish Experience Korea through Your Five Senses 2009 52 min. Indecom Cinema

(KF Sponsored)Korean / English / Chinese /

French / Spanish Photographer Bae Bien-U and the Pine Tree 2009 55 min. Knock Media(KF Sponsored)

Korean / English / Chinese / French / Spanish Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty 2009 47 min. Asia Channel

(KF Sponsored)English / Japanese Korean Traditional House, Hanok 2008 52 min. KNTV (KF Sponsored)

Korean / English / Chinese / French / Spanish Jongmyo, a Shrine for Human Beings 2008 52 min. Production Ray

(KF Sponsored)Korean / English / Chinese /

French / Spanish Fashion Express, Dongdaemun 2008 54 min. Korea Cinetel(KF Sponsored)

English Korea’s Ancient Medicine 2008 48 min. Oak3 Films (KF Sponsored)French A Novelist’s Day in Seoul 2008 52 min. Actes Sud (KF Sponsored)

English / Chinese /French / Spanish The Beat, Beat, Beat of Korea! 2007 46 min. Indecom Cinema

(KF Sponsored)English / Chinese /French / Spanish Hangeul, the Dream Alphabet of the World 2007 51 min. TV Mania (KF Sponsored)

English / Chinese /French / Spanish Korea’s Traditional Tastes – Traditional Beyond 500 Years 2007 39 min. IMTV (KF Sponsored)

English / Chinese /Spanish Jeju Onggi, Crafted from Stone and Fire with the Spirit of Jeju 2007 46 min. Asia Channel

(KF Sponsored)English / French /

Spanish Cloud Path, Journey of a Wandering Monk 2005 53 min. KBS (KF Sponsored)

English / Chinese /Spanish Korean Cinema Unleashed 2006 52 min. Indecom Cinema

(KF Sponsored)


Support Programs

●Distribution of Resources for Korean Studies 한국연구 자료지원사업

To promote Korea-related education, research and other activities, The Korea Foundation provides print and multimedia materials published in Korea and abroad, in non-Korean and Korean languages.해외에서의 한국에 관한 교육, 연구 및 학술문화활동 증진을 위해 국내외에서 출판된 한국 관련 출판물 및 멀티미디어 자료를 지원하고 있습니다.

●Support for Korean Studies e-Resources 한국연구 전자자료 지원사업

In response to the growing significance of online resources for education and research purposes, the Korea Foundation provides program support to eligible universities to offset the user/subscription fees that are required to access online Korean Studies

Eligibility 신청자격

- 해외 대학(도서관, 한국학센터), 중등학교 등 정규 교육기관

- 연구소

- 박물관 및 문화예술단체

- 국·공립도서관

※국내기관 및 개인 제외

- University and public libraries- Research institutes;- Cultural/art institutions※ Institutions located in Korea and individuals do not qualify

Materials available 지원 자료

- 한국 관련 도서 및 시청각자료 (인문사회과학 분야)

- 재단에서 매년 국내외 발간 도서자료를 엄선하여 등재한 Books on Korea

웹사이트 ( 의 자료

- Books on Korea 웹사이트에 등재되어 있지 않아도 서지정보를 제출하여

신청 가능 (한국어 교재 등)

※Books on Korea : 온라인 신청 시스템으로 지원대상기관(회원기관)에서만

접속 가능

- Books and audio-visual materials on Korea (In the field of humanities, social science, culture, arts and Korean textbooks)

- Applicants can select materials from the books on Korea website (

- Applicants can also request materials not listed on the books on Korea website, by submitting bibliographic information of the requested materials.

※ Books on Korea: Online application system for the reference materials distribution program

- 신청기관별 200만원(도서구입비) 한도 내에서 현물지원

※발송비는 재단 별도 부담

(지원자료는 선편발송원칙이나 선편중지국의 경우는 항공발송)

Support covered under program 지원 내용

- Up to 2 million Korean won (approximately US $ 2,000) including costs of requested materials※ Postage is paid by the Foundation. (Support materials will be shipped by sea or, for destinations where the maritime service is not available, by air.)

- 지원신청은 에서 온라인으로만 가능하며, 회원 가입 후

한국국제교류재단에서 승인 처리를 하면 자료를 보실 수 있으며, 신청하실 수


※신청기관은 반드시 신청서를 단체의 대표자(학과장 또는 책임자) 명의로 제출

- 신청기간 : 연중수시 (※ 11월~12월 신청시, 발송 소요 시간에 따라 다음 연도의

신청 자료로 간주될 수 있습니다.)

- 신청가능횟수 : 연 1회

- 신청 자료 제한 : 동일한 자료의 중복 지원 불가

Application Procedure 신청절차

- Visit our online application system books on Korea ( and register as the member, and when you get the approval from the Korea Foundation, visit again and complete the online application form.

※ You must submit the application form by the name of president or dean or head.

- Application Period: Any time of year※ In case you apply during November and December, your application

may be postponed to next year due to the time takes on the delivery.- Applicant institutions can apply for the program once a year.- Once supported material is not subject to be supported again. (No duplication)

Evaluation Criteria 심사기준

- 한국 관련 자료 현황 및 이용률

- 신청 기관의 한국학(어) 강좌 현황

- 지역별 안배 (지역 간 균형 고려)

- Number of volumes and usage of Korea-related materials at the applicant institution

- Status of Korean Studies or Korean language courses at the applicant institution※ The Foundation makes effort to diversity the program beneficiary in

terms of country and region.

For more information, contact- Digital Programs & Media Department- Telephone : (82-2) 2151-6565- E-mail : [email protected]

7170Korea FoundationPublication & Video content

Eligibility 신청자격

해외 4년제 대학 중, 한국학과, 한국학/한국어 프로그램, 동아시아학과 등이 개설되

어 있거나 한국 전공자(교수, 대학원생)들의 전자자료 이용이 필요한 학교

Institutions eligible to apply for program support include four-year universities that maintain a Korean Studies department, Korean Studies or Korean language programs, or East Asian programs with a Korean component, which thus need to make relevant e-resources available for faculty members and graduate students majoring in Korean Studies

- 지원내역 : 한국연구 전자자료 구독료 (복수의 DB를 구독할 경우 그 합한 금액)의

50% 이내

- 지원금액 : 최대 US$5,000

(심사기준을 고려하여 재단이 최종 지원금액을 결정합니다.)

- 지원기간 : 12개월

Support covered under program 지원 자료

- Up to 50% of the user/subscription fees for accessing Korean Studies e-resources.

- Program support per university is limited to $5,000. (The Foundation decides the final amount of the grant, depending on available program funding.)

- Grant Period : 12 months

For more information, contact- Digital Programs & Media Department- Telephone : (82-2) 2151-6565- E-mail : [email protected]

resources, for the benefit of Korea-related scholars and graduate students. This program thus serves to complement the existing materials distribution program.학계에서의 온라인 자료 이용 증가에 따라, 재단은 종래의 현물(도서) 중심의 자료 지원을 보완할 수 있는 “한국연구 전자자료 지원” 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다. 해외

대학이 부담하는 전자자료 구독료(이용료) 일부를 재단이 보조하는 형태로, 한국 관련 교수진, 연구원, 대학원생들이 학술지 게재 논문 등 연구에 필요한 자료를 해외에서

도 편리하게 이용할 수 있어 해외 한국연구의 질적, 양적 발전에 도움이 될 것으로 기대됩니다.

●Publication Grant 출판지원사업

The Foundation provides financial support to publishers to encourage the publication of Korea-related books written in languages other than Korean.한국관련 외국어 출판 진흥을 위해 국내외 출판사에게 보조비를 지원하고 있습니다.

Eligibility 신청자격

국내외 출판사 (개인은 신청불가)

Overseas and domestic publishers are eligible to apply. (Individuals do not qualify.)

Support Category 지원분야

- 한국 관련 인문·사회과학, 문화예술 분야의 외국어 출판물

- 번역물의 경우 신청처는 저작권문제를 먼저 해결하여야 함.

- Books related to Korea, written in a language other than Korean, in the field of humanities, social sciences, culture or arts

- For translations, copyright arrangements should already be completed by applicants

출판에 소요되는 전체 경비에 대해 재단이 일부 지원하며, 출판완료 후 최대 2,000

만 원을 차등하여 지급함.

Grant amount and remittance 지원금액 및 지원시기

Up to US$20,000 assistance is provided on a cost-sharing basis, and funds are remitted upon publication.

- 신청마감 : 매년 9월 30일

- 결과통보 : 12월말 개별 통보

Application procedure 신청절차

- Application deadlines: September 30- Result notification: the end of December

For more information, contact- Digital Programs & Media Department- Telephone: (82-2) 2151-6565- E-mail: [email protected]
