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NORTHSTAR BANK OF TEXASProud Supporter of Chamber Leadership

Rob Gentry1990

Susan Curry-Langston2004

Jeremy Fykes2005

Michele Barber2008-2009

Jana Marshall2006

Weston Thaggard2012

Jason Stewart2012

Past Board Chairs Leadership Denton Graduates

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Tony R. Clark1999-2000

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Incoming chairLarry Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10

Outgoing chairMark Burroughs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11

From the president’s deskChuck Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12

LEADLEAD Delegate Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15-16

TOURISMDenton. Independent. Original. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 29

Committee chairsDoubletruck chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 32-33

Career Planning FairChamber brings youth, professionals together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 36

Program of ActionFind out specifics about different segments/goals of committees . . . . . Pages 37-43

Membership directoryA list of chamber members as of March 1, 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 44-58

ReaccreditationEverything from professional to youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 54

EEddiittoorr:: Dawn CobbLLaayyoouutt DDeessiiggnn:: Kaycee Key/Dawn Cobb/Stacy PowersMMaarrkkeettiinngg DDiirreeccttoorr:: Amanda CrockerAAddvveerrttiissiinngg DDiirreeccttoorr:: Sandra HammondRReettaaiill AAddvveerrttiissiinngg MMaannaaggeerr:: Shawn ReneauRReettaaiill SSaalleess RReepprreesseennttaattiivveess:: Becci Hendrix, Linda Horne, Katie Slover,Tami Phillips and Rennea Howard.


MMaarrcchh 2277,, 22001144

WWeellccoommee && OOppeenniinngg RReemmaarrkkss ………………..………………………………................………… HHaannkk DDiicckkeennssoonn

IInnvvooccaattiioonn …………………………..............……………………………………………………………………..............................…… TToommmmyy NNeellssoonn

DDeennttoonn BBiibbllee CChhuurrcchh

DDiinnnneerr sseerrvveedd

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnss ……………………………………..............…………………………………………............................………… HHaannkk DDiicckkeennssoonn

RReemmaarrkkss ffrroomm tthheeRReettiirriinngg BBooaarrdd CChhaaiirr …………………………………………………………..............…………..…………………… MMaarrkk BBuurrrroouugghhss

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PPrreesseenntt VVoolluunntteeeerr ooff tthhee YYeeaarr ffoorr 22001133--1144 ……………………..……..........……...... EElllleenn PPaaiinntteerr

RReemmaarrkkss ffrroomm tthhee

IInn--CCoommiinngg CChhaaiirr ooff tthhee BBooaarrdd ………………………………………………………………..………….............. LLaarrrryy PPaarrkkeerr

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PPrreesseenntt tthhee OOttiiss LL.. FFoowwlleerr AAwwaarrdd ………………………………................……..……………….... BBeettttyyee MMyyeerrss

22001133 AAwwaarrdd RReecciippiieenntt

AAddjjoouurrnn ……………………………………………………..............…………..............................………………………………………… HHaannkk DDiicckkeennssoonn

BBYY--LLAAWWSS:: 1.2 P urposes: The Denton Chamber of Commerce is organ-

ized to advance the general welfare and prosperity of the Denton Area

so that its citizens and all areas of its business community shall pros-

per. All necessary means of promotion shall be provided and particular

attention and emphasis shall be given to the economic, civic, com-

mercial, cultural, industrial and educational interests of the area.

MMIISSSSIIOONN SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT:: The Denton Chamber of Commerce shall rep-

resent and serve its members by providing leadership on key issues

that impact economic growth, educational excellence, quality of life

and diversity of the Denton Community.


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Denton, Texas


omic Developm


Par tnershi



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C. Owsley - 1909-1913F.F. Hill - 1914J.N. Rayzor - 1915O.M. Curtis - 1917-1918F.M. Frailey - 1919John Speer - 1920J.W. Gray - 1921W.S. Long - 1922Bala Williams - 1923W.C. Edwards - 1924Fred H. Minor - 1925R.L. Marquis - 1926R.M. Barns - 1927L.A. McDonald - 1928R.J. Edwards - 1929O.D. Bell - 1930Charles H. Smoot - 1931J. Holford Russell - 1932W. Floyd Brooks - 1933Abney B. Ivey - 1934W.R. Hicks - 1935Ben C. Ivey - 1936E.J. Headlee - 1937M.D. Penry - 1938Will Williams - 1939James L. Baldwin - 1940W.D. Barrow - 1941W.C. Orr - 1942G. Emery Taylor - 1943W.W. King - 1944C.E. Hastings - 1945E.D. Miller - 1946Riley Cross - 1947J.P. Harrison - 1948R.W. Bass - 1949E.J. Williams - 1950Hal L. Dyer - 1951J. Harold Farmer - 1952Tom Harpool, Jr. - 1953Joe Skiles - 1954E.W. Morrison - 1955J. Stanley Monroe - 1956Marvin Ramey - 1957R.L. Selby, Jr. - 1958Bill E. Utter, Sr. - 1959Welcome Wilson - 1960Roy Appleton, Jr. - 1961-62 *Wyn Murrell - 1962-63W.C. Orr, Jr. - 1963-64Raymond Pitts - 1964-65W.E. (Bill) Drenner - 1965-66John Thomas - 1966-67

L.L. Armstrong - 1967-68Rowe W. Meador - 1968-69Byron Smith - 1969-70Ken Shaw - 1970-71Homer Bly - 1971-72A.E. Wyatt - 1972-73L.A. Nelson - 1973-74John Moellinger - 1974-75Harold H. Reed, Jr. - 1975-76Millard Heath - 1976-77Frank Martino - 1977-78Tom Fouts - 1978-79Fred W. Patterson - 1979-80E.W. Morrison, Jr. - 1980-81Ed Moorehead - 1981-82Dave Krause - 1982-83Bill Brady - 1983-84Bob Crouch - 1984-85Milton M. Hill - 1985-86Derrell W. Bulls - 1986-87 **Mary Anne McKenzie - 1987-88Jack D. Miller- 1988-89Harry G. Hall - 1989-90Fred R. Pole - 1990-91Barbara Russell - 1991-92Carl R. Anderson - 1992-93Russell L. Bates - 1993-94Richard D. Hayes - 1994-95Priscilla Sanders - 1995-96Fred Gossett - 1996-97Bill Patterson - 1997-98George E. Highfill – 1998-99Tony R. Clark – 1999-2000Connie A. Pelphrey – 2000-01Ellen M. Painter – 2001-02Perry R. McNeill – 2002-03Randy Robinson – 2003-04Jerry Mohelnitzky – 2004-05Lee Ann Nutt – 2005-06Marty Rivers – 2006-07Phyllis Pittman – 2007-08Michele Barber – 2008-09Stan Morton – 2009-2010Hank Dickenson – 2010-2011Paul R. Chandler – 2011-12E.C. “Chuck” Fremaux – 2012-13Mark Burroughs – 2013-14

* Program Year changed fromJanuary 1 to April 1** Top Volunteer’s title changed fromPresident to Chairman of the Board


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The Otis L. Fowler Award is the highest andmost prestigious honor presented annually bythe Denton Chamber of Commerce. Mr.Fowler was the first paid executive to serve theDenton Chamber, a position he held for almost30 years. By design, the Otis L. Fowler Awardis given to a deserving individual “for distin-guishing accomplishment in their business,profession or calling ... thus contributing to theprogress and welfare of the community.” 22001144 TTOO BBEE AANNNNOOUUNNCCEEDD2013 Bettye B. Myers2012 Carl R. Anderson2011 Dr. Perry R. McNeill2010 Dr. Gretchen Bataille2009 Mike Trimble2008 Ken Burdick2007 Carol Short2006 Pat Gobble2005 Brave Combo2004 Rick Villareal 2003 Euline & Horace Brock

2002 Priscilla Sanders2001 Fred Pole2000 George Hopkins1999 Jack D. Miller1998 Bill Thomas 1997 Troy H. LaGrone1996 B. Lamar Ball, Jr.1995 Bennie G. Snider1994 Dr. Shirley S. Chater1993 Dr. Derrell W. Bulls1992 H. S. Osborne1991 Donna Trammell1990 Maureen & J.B. Floyd1989 Dr. Imogene Dickey Mohat1988 Milton M. Hill1987 Bill Brady1986 Dr. Alfred F. Hurley1985 Mabel & Jake Craven1984 Frank N. Martino1983 Ben C. Ivey1982 Fred Patterson1981 Leon Breeden

1980 Dr. Mary Evelyn Blagg Huey1979 Bill E. Utter, Sr.1978 Ed W. Morrison, Jr.1977 Mary Claude Gay1976 Fred Minor1975 Homer Bly1974 Hayden Fry1973 Dr. L. L. Armstrong1972 Marvin Ramey1971 Roy Appleton, Jr.1970 Riley Cross1969 Chester O. Strickland1968 Rowe B. Newman1967 J. Holford Russell1966 Ben C. Ivey, Sr.1965 W. C. Orr, Jr.1964 Dr. Pauline Berry Mack1963 Tom Harpool, Jr.1962 J. Newton Rayzor1961 John A. Guinn1960 Hugh D. Clark1959 Joe Skiles

Past recipients of the Otis L. Fowler Award

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A welcome from the new board chairBy Larry ParkerChamber Board Chair 2014-2015

To serve as Chairman of the Boardfor the Denton Chamber ofCommerce is a privilege and an

honor. I am humbled and want to thankmy Father in Heaven for the many bless-ings he has bestowed on me and my fam-ily through his grace and love.

The Denton Chamber is entering its105th year and along with its affiliates,stands on a threshold of tremendousopportunity. We will experience a majorexpansion of I-35E, which will embellishpotential growth based on our primeregional location.

We are closer to having a new conven-tion center in Denton and the economicimpact and benefits are unlimited. Basedon research, a convention center will alsodrive guests to the other fine hotels inDenton.

This will be the 30thyear for LeadershipDenton, and this pro-gram has produced manyleaders in our communityat all levels. The DentonChamber will once againhost the Denton County

delegation during the 84th StateLegislative session for 2014. The 2014Municipal Election candidates will havethe opportunity to sit before the boardand answer questions from our members.

A major task this year for the DentonChamber will be the reaccreditationprocess. After reviewing the reaccredita-tion documents and the facts from fiveyears ago, the Denton Chamber was actu-ally operating in accordance to retain theone star we lost. This year we are going toshoot for a 5-star accreditation under theleadership of Mr. Perry McNeill.

The Chamber website continues to bethe greatest asset for our member’s invest-ment. There are many opportunities formembers to come together and network.Social media is expanding daily withFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Blogs.

This year’s slogan is “We the People” ofthe chamber, investing in membership fora better Denton.

“We the People” means - all members -everyone, not individually or as cliques,rather a sense of family and community!

As Vice Chair of the Membership divi-sion for the past four years, our goal hasbeen to enhance the experience for ourmembers. The Denton Chamber ofCommerce is the front door to our com-munity. A major goal has been to uniteour members, break away from the“clique” syndrome, which was exposed inthe 25th Leadership Denton Class projectin 2010 (the year I was fortunate enough

to have participated). We have made aconcentrated effort to change that cultureand feel confident we have made greatstrides.

The LEAD program is a modeldesigned to encourage and allow mem-bers to step up their involvement and vis-ibility while volunteering in one of threedifferent coalitions. These volunteersreach out and interact with all membersthroughout the year. If we collectively pullin the same direction, common goals andinterests can be achieved by all.

The greatest asset of the DentonChamber is its members. If you are not amember, we encourage you to join. If amember, when was the last time youspoke to someone about becoming amember? Express the importance for ourcity businesses to join together with com-mon goals and interests – helping to makeour community the best we can be!


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Pictured left to right are AccessBank Texas’ Leadership Dentonparticipants Duke York (2013), Kathy Miller (2014),Randy Robinson (1999) and Tracy Steele (2014)

(940) 382-3962 | 320 Eagle Drive, Suite 100 | Denton,Texas |

AccessBank TexasCongratulates the DentonChamber of Commerce onAnother Successful Year!



Outgoing chairlists initiativesMy primary focus during the

2013-14 Program Year hasbeen to implement key initia-

tives proposed in the second stage of thechamber’s 2012-2017 Strategic Plan.

I’m pleased to report that there wereseveral notable achievements. One of mypersonal priorities in helping shape theStrategic Plan was the concept of a virtu-al “Suggestion Box” to anonymouslyaddress City of Denton development reg-ulations. We activated a link on thechamber’s website last June allowingindividuals involved in various aspects ofcommercial construction and develop-ment to submit input regarding specificchallenges and concerns they haveencountered.

Originally endorsed by the chamberboard in 2007, the feasibility phase for anew public convention center project wasapproved by the City Council andUniversity of North Texas Board ofRegents in December.

The chamber’s Strategic Plan went onto propose a new off-site visitor center &Denton Store project, which ultimatelyconnects to the convention center projectin terms of added sales staff. Based onrecommendations from the LeadershipDenton class graduation project in 2012,this initiative is picking up speed. Whencompleted, the chamber will ultimatelyexpand and improve how it serves as the“front door to the city.”

We had exceptional participation in the

city council candidatequestionnaire and issuesforum during the 2013municipal elections.Last June, we took ourannual elected officialsreception to the nextlevel, thanks to the sup-

port of Sally Beauty Holdings.Development of the local workforce

was the primary objective of the cham-ber’s first ever career planning fair in earlyNovember. More than 300 juniors andsophomores from all across the DentonIndependent School District met directlywith representatives from Peterbilt,Labinal, Sally Beauty Holdings, TexasHealth Presbyterian Hospital Denton andDenton Regional Medical Center.

The students also heard from panelistsfrom Texas Woman’s University, theUniversity of North Texas and NorthCentral Texas College.

A standing social media regimen hasbeen implemented, including FaceBook,Linked In and Twitter. There are a lot ofmoving parts to this chamber; and today’stechnology is vital to helping promoteopportunities for each of us to plug inwhere we can find the most benefits,interest and support.

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Congratulations for a job

well done to outgoing board

chair Mark Burroughs

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A note from the chamber presidentThere are several clever metaphoric

descriptions for defining a cham-ber of commerce, and how our

members benefit from their investment.Some of my favorite clichés are: “Front

door to the city,” “voice of the businesscommunity,” “champion of the free mar-ket system” and the ever popular “wedon’t make things, we make things hap-pen.”

All good stuff, but fact is, by design,every membership is different. We repre-sent a wide variety of business classifica-tions. As a result, our programs and ini-tiatives are equally diverse. Besides, ouraverage membership account investsapproximately $25 per month towardstanding operations.

The foundation of our original charterprimarily focused on promoting the com-munity as a whole first, with the idea thatall boats float with a rising tide (another

classic metaphor).With today’s technolo-

gy, however, we are betterable to offer a more directreturn-on-investment,the least of which is thechamber’s website and itslisting of our members,

Denton’s primary business directory. Thislisting offers our members alphabetically,and by multiple business categories. Eachmember account, in turn, has its ownmini-home page on our website.

Each membership account has its ownsecurity access, allowing continuous indi-vidual modification of their products,services, personnel and locations. Becausethe chamber is often the first point of con-tact for visitors, potential new residentsand prospective business, banner androtating advertising has proven to be anattractive supplement for some of our

members.Our business directory software allows

us to confirm the metrics for hits andviews. This is over and above the hun-dreds of traditional publications we dis-tribute, all containing exclusive chambermember advertising.

As mentioned, we make a lot of thingshappen. We coordinate at least threedirect networking events nearly everymonth. We also try to conduct a majortrade show; this year the focus will bebusiness-to-consumer.

We also work with the Denton ISD toget member information to their newteachers every August, as well as a newevent, designed to link juniors and sopho-mores with area major employers. Thethird component of this initiative is tomake sure these students are aware oftheir training and continued educationopportunities through all three of our

local higher education institutions.We have a vibrant Women In

Commerce initiative, with a fall andspring menu of opportunities to enhanceand showcase this expanding sector of ourmembership.

In April and May we enlist responsesfrom all announced city council candi-dates on commercial development issuesand code enforcement. This processincludes a forum with our board and anyinterested members. Later in the sum-mer, we hold a reception for area electedofficials at all levels, again, exclusively forour members.

I don’t promise that we can answerevery “What’s in it for me?” query; but, inmy opinion, we do what we are supposedto do, and we do it well.

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Collaboration key to advocacy effortsAlthough the Denton Chamber’s

bylaws prohibit involvement in partisanpolitics, the organization does weigh in onissues at all levels of government.

At the local level, the most recent pub-lic initiative addressed by the chamberwas the referendum to create a naturalgas utility to help supplement supply tobusinesses in the area near the DentonAirport. Denton voters approved theproposal by 72 percent.

The chamber board formally endorseda proposed convention center project in2007, and has been actively monitoringprogress on the negotiations with theO’Reilly Hospitality Group. Last June, a“Suggestion Box” link was activated onthe chamber’s website as an anonymousservice to construction and developmentprofessionals working on projects withinthe city limits of Denton.

During state legislative sessions, thechamber coordinates joint position state-ments reflecting topics of mutual interestbetween the local business community,

City of Denton, Denton ISD, NorthCentral Texas College, Texas Woman’sUniversity, the University of North Texasand the United Way of Denton County.

Resolutions addressing payday lendingpractices, water resources, local control,higher education funding along withunfunded mandates and testing stan-dards in the public school system wereamong formal joint positions coordinatedand distributed by the chamber duringthe 83rd Session of the TexasLegislature.

Denton County Days in Austin is along-standing initiative of the chamber,during which teams representing theaforementioned entities collaborate tomake personal presentations to theappropriate public officials during anygiven state legislative session. Nearly200 individuals from both the private andpublic sector participated in Denton

See ADVOCACY on Page 22

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Chamber members working to LEAD

Courtesy photo

Members of the Denton Chamber of Commerce LEAD program gather for a group photo with the courthouse in back.

By Brianna VelaDenton Chamber of Commerce

Leadership skills are esteemed in andoutside of the workplace. Their value dou-bles once the impact can be observed bythe local community as well as employers.

The Denton Chamber of CommerceLEAD Delegate Program has been bring-ing together leaders of Chamber busi-nesses since 2011. It was created in orderto improve relations among the organiza-tion, its members and the community.

This volunteer-based program is divid-ed into three coalitions: Host, Outreachand Welcome.

Each serves a special purpose to buildrelationships with chamber members andto make members feel welcome, accord-ing to Amanda Crocker, 2013-2014LEAD Chair.

See LEAD on Page 16

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“Each coalition has specific tasks andgoals,” Crocker said. “The WelcomeCoalition builds relationships with newmembers and the Host Coalition attendsand assists with events. Our OutreachCoalition is responsible for building rela-tionships with existing members.”

Crocker said the ability to get moreinvolved within the Chamber and thebusiness community is a great opportuni-ty.

“Not only do the delegates advocate forthe Chamber and build relationships withthe Chamber members, but it results inbuilding your network as well,” Crockersaid.

As 2013-2014 Host Coalition Director,Monica Glenn looks forward to meetingeveryone who attends Chamber events.

“We (Host Coalition) want everyone tofeel welcome at any event they attend,”Glenn said, “Having a small part of that isvery rewarding.”

Glenn said she has developed severalfriendships from being a LEAD delegateand encourages anyone who loves Dentonto apply for the program.

The application period is usually eachFebruary and delegates are announced inMarch.

Crocker and Glenn believe the success-es from the 2013-2014 year will translateinto the April 2014-March 2015 programyear.

Larry Parker, 2014-2015 Chairman ofthe Board, hopes to see the group growand for more Chamber members to getinvolved.

“We are extremely fortunate to have somany talented individuals involved nowwith this program,” Parker said. “LEAD isa model created to cultivate eager helpinghands for the Chamber staff in bringingthe membership closer to our core pur-poses.”

The Denton Chamber of Commerceencourages Chamber members to applyeach year.

LEAD participants must be membersin “good standing” and must be willing

From Page 15


and able to make a one-year commitmentto the program.

Those selected are required to attendthe annual LEAD retreat and pay a $25participant fee.

Following are the coalition directorsand delegates:

Host Coalition director: Monica Glenn,Best Western Premier Crown Chase Inn& Suites

Outreach Coalition director: MicahPazoureck, AlphaGraphics

Welcome Coalition director: Jacee

Jones, Bill Utter FordHost: Carolyn Bernard, Shannon

Bryan, Roger Cox, Jeffery Davis, CourtneyKennedy, Ryan Mayer and Zach Steward.

Outreach: Lauren Barker, RochelleCummings, Sarah Hoffman, AnthonyKendrick, Susan Miller, Mike Pope, LuisReyes, Chris Stoner and Duke York.

Welcome: Tom Atchison, StefaniBuller, Wendy Chance, Rob Chatwin,Kathy Glasschroeder, Linda Horne,Hector Mendoza, Caroline Moran,Benjamin Smith and Tim Weicht.

Several of the

LEAD delegates

chat during a

recent gathering

at LSA Burger Co.

in Denton.

Courtesy photo

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The expansion of Interstate 35E is get-ting busier by the day as crews work in anumber of areas to complete the firstphase of the 30-mile project.

The ongoing bouts of cold weather inthe past two months have not impactedthe project much, said Kimberly Sims, aspokeswoman for the project.

“We have had some hiccups with theweather but a lot of times there are otherthings we can focus on,” Sims said. “But atthe end of the day, we still have to be fin-ished by mid-2017. If that means maybethe workday is extended or work scheduleextended, that’s what we will do.

“As of right now, we are still on scheduleto meet the deadline.”

The expansion will add general-pur-pose lanes, managed toll lanes andfrontage road improvements fromInterstate 635 in Dallas County to U.S.Highway 380 in Denton County.

The existing lanes of the highway willremain free. Phase 1 of the project willadd an additional free lane each way fromState Highway 121 to U.S. 380, as well astwo reversible managed lanes from I-635to an area around Swisher and Turbevilleroads. Phase 1 also includes the expansionof the Lewisville Lake Bridge.

Funding for the project is a joint effortbetween the Texas Department ofTransportation, the RegionalTransportation Council and multipleregional partners.

Construction that began as “grub work”last September has evolved into work onthe expansion of the Bonnie Brae bridge.By now, motorists have been experiencingvarious nightly lane closures on I-35E atLoop 288 and Mayhill Road as crews pre-pare to widen those bridges.Sims said drilled shafts - which supportbridge columns - are currently beingplaced.

“Since these structures will be widenedfrom the inside, the middle of the bridgesare being partially demolished so thatthey can be expanded,” Sims said.Work on the drilled shafts at theLewisville Lake Bridge continues andcrews are expected to begin paving thenew southbound frontage road, north ofFM407, later this month.

Further south, in Carrollton, work con-tinues on the expansion of the WhitlockLane/Sandy Lake Road, Crosby Road andValwood Parkway bridges, Sims said. Theroadway has been re-striped and trafficshifted so that crews can partially demol-ish the bridges and begin widening themto accommodate the managed-lane sys-tem.

Denton County Commissioner AndyEads lauded the fact that the LewisvilleLake Bridge will be the first component ofthe expansion project to be completed.“The expansion and construction of thebridge first was a requirement of theCommissioners Court agreement withTxDOT,” he said. “That will be an instantimprovement to mobility. It will add theaccess roads over the bridge we don’t havenow.”

The contractor on the project is AGLConstructors, a consortium that includesArcher Western Contractors, GraniteConstruction Co. and Lane ConstructionCorp.

Eads said AGL was doing a great job sofar, particularly in communicating theproject status with the public.AGL has set up a public informationoffice at 2420 S. Stemmons Freeway inLewisville that is open from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. Monday through Friday and byappointment on Saturday. Officials alsoencourage people to follow the projectonline at, throughFacebook, Twitter and Instagramaccounts and through an electronicnewsletter. They can also sign up for textalerts.

More than 1,800 people had signed upto receive the e-newsletter by earlyMarch, Sims said.

She noted that the public has been veryresponsive to the various social mediaupdates, particularly if there are incidentshappening on I-35E. Motorists want toknow what’s going on and how long it willtake, she said.

“We encourage people to log on andregister for the daily updates,” Eads said.

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DDeennttoonn RReeccoorrdd--CChhrroonniiccllee

35Express update

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20 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle

1357 Bernard St., Denton(940) 484-1066



Leadership Denton: 507With their graduation during the

chamber membership luncheon on April25, the total number of individuals tocomplete Leadership Denton will be 507.

Included among these graduates arecurrent Mayor Mark Burroughs as well ashis predecessor, Dr. Perry McNeill, pluscurrent City Council Member JamesKing.

A total of seven Leadership Dentongraduates are/or have served on theDenton City Council. CurrentLeadership Denton graduates presentlyserving on the Denton ISD Board ofTrustees include Dr. Glenna Harris andMia Price. There have been a total of fivetrustees to date who have graduated fromthis program.

Initiated by the chamber in 1985, thisprogram offers a series of comprehensivetraining sessions designed to help makeinterested Denton area citizens betteraware of opportunities for communityand philanthropic service, as well as all

levels of public office.The 30th class of Leadership Denton

will convene in August.All qualified applicants will be required

to participate in a personal interview.The sessions begin with a team build-

ing retreat.Monthly topics include municipal gov-

ernment, cultural arts, opportunities innon-profit organizations, youth and edu-cation and an overnight trip to Austinfocusing on state government.

Any individual who is a U.S. citizen,and of voting age, and has resided withinthe boundaries of the DentonIndependent School District for at leastone year as of August 1, 2014, is eligibleto apply for the next Leadership Dentonclass.

Applications should be available on thechamber website by April 1.

BByy CChhuucckk CCaarrppeenntteerrDDeennttoonn CChhaammbbeerr ooff CCoommmmeerrccee

Investing in womento build strong economyBy Angelica Del RosalDenton Chamber of Commerce

Women-owned-and-operatedbusinesses are valuableassets to any city.

The vast majority of revenues thatwomen gain in their enterprises arereinvested into their communities.

The Denton Chamber of Commercerecognizes the significant role thatwomen play in Denton’s economy.

It is with this insight that the Womenin Commerce initiative originated inthe Fall of 2010.

Since its inception, the Women inCommerce programs have continued topromote the growth and developmentof Denton area business womenthrough initiatives that increase accessto resources, professional and personal

development and networking.These programs and initiatives

include the Annual Fall Conferencewhich features successful and inspiringspeakers, a spring networking eventwhich allows women to form new con-nections and occasional ad hoc oppor-tunities to meet and interact withwomen of distinction in Denton.

With the invaluable support of TexasWoman’s University and active volun-teers from a variety of Denton Chamberbusinesses, Women in Commerce hasmade excellent headway in represent-ing this key business segment.

Partners like Sally Beauty providestrong credibility to this program as it

See WOMEN on Page 22

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From Page 13

AdvocacyCounty Days in 2013. The next DentonCounty Days in Austin event is scheduledfor February 22-25, 2015.

The Denton Chamber was also repre-sented in a similar event to Washington,D.C. in early March. The group met sev-eral times with Denton areaCongressman Dr. Michael Burgess.Presentation topics included air qualitystandards, healthcare law, taxation andcontinued funding for the I-35 Eastexpansion project.

Both U.S. Senators from Texas, JohnCornyn and Ted Cruz, along with HouseSpeaker John Boehner andRepresentatives Paul Ryan and EricCantor all met personally with the group.Being at the table to address regulations isconsidered a key service of the chamber.

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From Page 20


continues to evolve and gain a greater fol-lowing. In the years to come, the DentonChamber intends to continue to grow thisinitiative and integrate a greater repre-sentation of active and successful women

in Denton County.Women in Commerce is active on social

media and welcomes the public to followits initiatives and updates via its Facebookpage.

Courtesy photo

The Denton Chamber of Commerce each year plans an opportunity for busi-

ness leaders to meet with elected officials.

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WE THE PEOPLEDenton Chamber of Commerce

Convention Center

As originally endorsed by the chamberboard in 2007 as a standing initiative:

MMoonniittoorr progress, and sanction DentonChamber and Convention & VisitorBureau staff to actively supplement thefeasibility phase

AAuutthhoorriizzee request for additional HotelOccupancy Tax for the purpose of restruc-turing, and, ultimately re-locating CVBstaff for the specific purpose of advanceconvention center event sales

RReevviieeww anticipated expectations andnecessary resourcesfor meeting and event sales associatedwith the Convention Center

Off-Site Visitor Center/Denton Store

BBaasseedd on the Leadership Denton classgraduation project in 2012 (FeasibilityStudy 4-12-12):

AAuutthhoorriizzee the Convention & VisitorBureau Advisory Board and staff to iden-tify all practical options for actively pursu-ing a multi-use venue, to expand the visi-tor center service presently providedthrough the chamber office, with possiblecomplementing features

LLooccaattee within walking distance of theHistoric Downtown Square Office for theMain Street Association.City of DentonDowntown Development staff

CCiittyy ooff DDeennttoonn Community Police pres-ence

CCrreeaattiivvee CCllaassss work areaDDeennttoonn OOrriiggiinnaall Store

Leadership Denton

AAcckknnoowwlleeddggiinngg the 30th class ofLeadership Denton in 2015, adjust tuitionand sponsorship to help fund administra-tive support for the program. As noted inthe 2012-2017 Strategic Plan, set thefoundation for a full-time position, com-bining Leadership Denton andGovernment Relations.

CCoonnssiisstteennccyy in recruitment, programsession support and meeting arrange-ments

IInnccoorrppoorraattee more social media tools,FaceBook/Google Plus (no posts) intopromotion, recruitment process

PPrroommoottee and utilize the capabilities ofthe chamber’s database management sys-tem and web site to track and betterengage graduates

CCoonnssiiddeerr and pursue various demo-graphics that need to be exposed to theopportunities presented by LD (i.e. SisterChambers, Young Professionals, the “cre-ative community”)


PPuurrssuuee 40-Year Reaccreditationthrough the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

BBaasseedd on the 2012-2017 Strategic Plan,emphasize that limited political involve-ment was not deemed necessary foraccepting the Denton Chamber as aneffective and creditable organization.

SSeeeekk to not only replace the 4th Starsupplemental rating, but, strive to be aFive Star.

Major program initiatives: April 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015

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1980:Heart CenterOpens

1985:First cardiaccatheterization labopens in DentonCounty

1992:Dr. Acuff helps launchopen heart surgeryprogram at DentonRegional

1999:Named Top 100Hospital in USfor Open HeartProgram

2005:Denton Regionalbecomes first AccreditedChest Pain Center inDenton County

2009:Denton Regional provides technologyto area EMS providers to allowtransmission of EKGs from the fieldto the hospital, decreasing “door-to-balloon” time

For more than 30 years, state-of-the-art technology and advanced surgical techniques have been at the heart of everything we do atDenton Regional Medical Center. That’s one of the reason why we’re more than a hospital. We’re care you can trust.

To learnmore, visit

2011:Dr. Cai performs firstminimally invasiverobot-assisted heartsurgery in the region

1992:: 2005: 2011:

In over 30 years, we haven’t missed a beat.

2012:New electrophysiologylab opens to diagnoseand treat patients withabnormal heart rhythms

2014:Denton Regional opens firstRadial Lounge in DentonCounty

2013:Received American HeartAssociation’s Mission: LifelineBronze Quality AchievementAward for heart attack care



Small Business of the Year

DRC file photo

Lee Ramsey, left, and Brandon Martino co-own Links Construction.

The men behind new apartment proj-ects in Denton including Urban Square atUnicorn Lake and H Squared on HickoryStreet are also behind the Small Businessof the Year.

Links Construction, co-owned by LeeRamsey and Brandon Martino, receivedthe Small Business of the Year Award onFriday from the Denton Chamber ofCommerce.

“We’re just very humbled, first of all,that somebody would even nominate us,and two, that people would vote for us forsmall business of the year,” Ramsey said.

“It’s our hometown, too, so it’s a bighonor for us.”

Both Martino and Ramsey went to highschool in Denton, and Ramsey went tocollege at the University of North Texas.

After college, both worked in otherareas but decided to start a business inDenton in 2007.

Now the company has 21 employeesand 11 of those are full-time positionsadded in 2013.

Other projects by the company includethe Hickory Street Lofts, apartments at1119 W. Hickory St. and apartments at1512 Elm St.

As the company grows and starts work-ing on more projects outside of Denton,Ramsey said they will always considerDenton home, and this award solidifiestheir place in the community.

“I think it just establishes us more inDenton, and shows that we’re a companythat’s growing and very active in our com-munity,” Ramsey said.

“Even as we move to more statewide,and hopefully, more national projects, weare happy to be based here.”

BByy JJeennnnaa DDuunnccaannDDeennttoonn RReeccoorrdd--CChhrroonniiccllee

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Small Business Development Center

Partnership with NCTC partof help for small businesses

The Small Business DevelopmentCenter is a partnership between theDenton Chamber of Commerce andNorth Central Texas College.

It provides answers to questions aboutsmall business, from planning a businessto improving a business.

It has offices in Denton, Gainesville andFlower Mound.

The center offers free business counsel-ing on a range of topics, from writing abusiness plan to social media to financialissues.

It also offers training and seminars forpeople looking to get into business.

Chuck Fremaux, a former chairman ofthe chamber’s board of directors, said thecenter helped Little Guys Movers when itwas first starting out.

Pam Livingston, a certified small-busi-ness development specialist, helped themput together a business plan, he said.

The center is part of the North TexasSmall Business Development Center net-work, a system that links the resources offederal, state and local governments tothose of universities, colleges and the pri-vate sector to help small businesses.

For more information, visit

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Social media

By Brianna VelaDenton Chamber of Commerce

Since its beginnings in 1909, theDenton Chamber of Commerce has prid-ed itself on being the “front door” to theDenton business community. Within thepast two decades, this “front door” men-tality has evolved into to an online phe-nomenon. Fewer people are looking upbusinesses in the yellow pages, but aresearching the World Wide Web for thelatest information.

The Denton Chamber of Commerce isusing social media platforms such asFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn andWordPress, among others, to improvethe search and provide the best qualityonline service to our businesses and thecommunity.

Social media sites are powerful com-munication tools. They are a platform inwhich stories can be told, awareness canbe created and new ideas can be present-ed. The Denton Chamber of Commercecontinues to increase its social mediaactivity in order to utilize all these tools totheir greatest advantage.

Facebook and Twitter remain thestrongest sites for the Chamber. Not onlyare they being used to promote eventsand celebrate businesses by sharing pho-

tos and information, but they are beingutilized as a source for news includingevent reminders and occasional cancella-tions.

WordPress and LinkedIn have beenrecent additions to the Denton Chamberof Commerce social media plan. Chambernews is beginning to unfold throughWordPress blog posts by sharing storiesfrom our chamber businesses.

LinkedIn allows the Chamber to con-nect with professionals in the communityas well as allow Chamber businesses tonetwork with one another.

Whatever the next innovation in tech-nology will be, the Denton Chamber ofCommerce is sure to keep up with it inorder to remain the “front door” of thisgreat community.

Chamber keeping upwith new technology

“Whatever the nextinnovation in

technology will be, theDenton Chamber of

Commerce is sure tokeep up with it.”

— Denton Chamber of Commerce

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From the Past...

To the Present.


Denton. Original. Independent.Mull it over for a minute. Look at the image; think

about the words. What does it mean? What is it saying?A brand is not a logo or a tagline or a moniker. Rather,

a brand is designed to capture the essence of a product.And the idea of branding is certainly nothing new.

Ranchers have used brands to mark their livestock forcenturies. No two are the same, each rancher having cre-ated his unique brand, many of which have remainedsolid and unchanged through generations.

The brand is more than a mark on an animal, though.It makes a statement about the rancher, the size andscope of his herds, the quality and integrity of his prod-uct.

Our brand is just like the rancher’s. It is conveying in asingle image, the essence of our product, this placeDenton, Texas.

The brand development process is not a quick and easyone. Especially when attempting to brand a city as inter-esting and diverse as Denton is. Input from many com-munity arenas over an extended period of time wasessential. When the Denton Convention & VisitorsBureau rolled out this brand into the marketplace in

January 2012, our primary, external audience got itimmediately. Those are prospective visitors who per-ceived from this image what they would feel about theirexperience when they visit Denton. Feedback was swiftand continues to be positively right on the mark.

The other important audience, perhaps more vitaleven than the visitors we work to attract, is us -Dentonites. How we see ourselves is absolutely founda-tional to delivering the Denton that visitors believe theywill find when they get here. If we don’t believe and

embrace it, why would they? Again, this brand imagecaptures our sense of place so well that Dentonites see itand understand the message because every one of us isindividually a part of it.

The word “original” is a broad application in thisbrand. It’s more a description of spirit than physicalattribute, though the spirit is manifested in the physicalfabric of our city. The creative energy fueled by our uni-versities, our arts community, the music industry, smallbusiness community, horse country - it drives originalityand we embrace it into an original whole. Our downtownisn’t faux. We hold fast to our history while progressivelymoving ahead. We value originality within our place andamong one another.

Independent is more of the same spirit and springsfrom the same attributes as original. Consider the musicscene, for example. Denton is known around the worldfor the music movement that’s been evolving for manyyears. Interestingly, though, there is not a specific

See DENTON on Page 40

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Texas Woman’s University, with its historic Little Chapel-in-the-Woods,multi-purpose Hubbard Hall and other facilities, is the perfect setting for yourwedding, reception, prom, reunion, banquet or community or corporate event

n Right location – From an intimate chapel setting to large ballrooms

n Right size – Banquet seating for 20 to 400, theater seating for75 to 550 and chapel seating for 110

n Right setting – Sweeping staircases and scenic gardens forbeautiful photos

n Right catering – Breakfasts, luncheons, receptions or formal dinners

n Right service – A turnkey setup or a la carte selection

Texas Woman’s UniversityOffice of Conference Services

The Right Place



Courtesy photos

Denton is unique with its many festivals, events for

young-at-heart and younger and a brand new stadium,

Apogee Stadium at the University of North Texas.

Denton welcomes everyone, including furry friends like

the Eagle mascot at top right and the dog at bottom left.

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Denton Chamber of CommerceApril 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015


NCTC/SBA Small BusinessDevelopment Center

Pam Livingston

Larry ParkerChair of the Board

Mark BurroughsImmediate Past

Chair of the Board

Erik ClarkVice Chair of the Board



Jim FykesVice Chair of the Board




Adam O’Keefe, ChairChuck Carpenter



Virgil StrangeGreg Johnson

Adam GawareckiStaff

Board of Directors

Denton Record-Chronicle March 28, 2014 Denton Chamber of Commerce 33

Kimberly ReasonerVice Chair of the Board



Carrell Ann SimmonsTreasurer



Chuck CarpenterPresident

Administrative &Support StaffPam Thomas

Angelica Del Rosal


Bob MosesAdvisory Board Chair

Kim PhillipsStaff

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New face in Dentonfor economic seatat the local chamber

The Denton Economic DevelopmentPartnership has new leadership in theDenton Chamber of Commerce — AdamGawarecki is now the vice president foreconomic development at the chamber.

A graduate of the University of NorthTexas, Gawarecki said he is happy to beback in the area and a city he has loved foryears.

His passion for the city will help him inhis new job, where he will primarily workto attract new business to the area.

“I like the people, I like the quality oflife and I honestly feel like it’s going to bea pretty easy sales pitch to companies whoare expanding and looking at Texas,” hesaid.

Before coming back to Denton just afew weeks ago, Gawarecki served as vicepresident of business recruitment for theSan Antonio Economic DevelopmentFoundation.

The foundation in San Antonio is simi-larly structured to what exists in Denton,which gives Gawarecki an advantagehere, said Aimee Bissett, director of eco-nomic development for the city.

“He started a week ago and he’s justbeen a huge asset to the team immediate-ly,” she said.

“He’s very proactive, has been comingup with new ideas and he’s ready to reallystep out there and start recruiting compa-nies to Denton and updating our market-ing plan.”

Prior to working in San Antonio, hespent six years working as a consultantwith the World Economic DevelopmentAlliance, where he represented differentcommunities and helped with marketingfor new business attractions.

“Having just moved to Denton this

month, I am excited for the opportunitiesthat lie ahead in Economic Development,”Gawarecki wrote in an e-mail.

“I was a college graduate from UNTand moved away for several years.Obviously Denton has some characteris-tics that brought me back.

“As the Denton Chamber’s economicdevelopment department’s role is to pro-mote Denton’s exciting attributes toexpanding and relocating businessesacross the world, we plan to conductmany marketing initiatives includingtraveling to visit site location consultantsand company executives in all regions ofthe country, attend conferences,tradeshows, and forums, conduct emailmarketing, and web and print advertis-ing.

“We will continue to keep gettingDenton’s message out and plan to workmany new expansion and relocation proj-ects in the year to come,” he wrote.

He can be reached at [email protected].

In his new position, Gawarecki said, hehopes to help with advertising and creat-ing a new website, and start getting morebusinesses into spaces at the airport andindustrial park by the end of the year.

To do this, he plans to pitch the Dentonstory by explaining the culture and infra-structure to businesses across the country.

“We’re like the marketing arm for thecity, so it’s my job to attract new business-es here,” he said.

“Since I’ve started, we’re already look-ing for new prospects.”

BByy JJeennnnaa DDuunnccaannSSttaaffff WWrriitteerr

DDeennttoonn RReeccoorrdd--CChhrroonniiccllee

Vice president of economic development

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Career Planning Fair educates future workforceBy Brianna VelaDenton Chamber of Commerce

The 2013-2014 program year marked the first annualCareer Planning Fair for the Denton Chamber ofCommerce.

In November, local high school sophomores and jun-iors filed into the LaGrone Advanced TechnologyComplex to begin their adventure of exploring local col-leges and career options.

Since the initial planning stages, the Chamber’s goalsof the fair were to educate students on careers offered inDenton by highlighting top industries and to promoteprograms available to obtain those careers at our localuniversities.

Thanks to the combined educational partnerships ofDenton ISD, Texas Woman’s University, University ofNorth Texas and North Central Texas College, the pilotCareer Planning Fair took flight.

Booths from the educational sponsors as well as pro-fessional sponsors - Peterbilt, Texas Health PresbyterianHospital Denton, City of Denton, Denton RegionalMedical Center, Labinal and Sally Beauty Holdings Inc.surrounded the technology complex’s lobby.

District 4 Denton City Councilman Joey Hawkins

served as keynote speaker.Hawkins began working as a businessman when he

was 18 years old. Since then, he has managed and ownedseveral businesses including local cafes like JupiterHouse and Royal’s Bagels.

“This event might change one of these kid’s lives andthat’s the whole goal of this thing,” Hawkins said. “Startthinking about things younger and younger.”

As he spoke and interacted with the students, Hawkinsprovided details about how he began his career while hewas in high school. “Get going now. Don’t wait. Get toschool. Work hard and have fun,” Hawkins said. “There isjoy in that exhaustion.”

Following the keynote address, high school sopho-mores and juniors were directed to various classroomswhere they had the opportunity to hear from panelists ina wide variety of professional fields including business,healthcare, creative arts and humanities, education, lawenforcement, social services, science, technology, engi-neering and math.

Students also heard from panelists representing UNT,TWU and NCTC. Not only did the teens gain education-al and professional career advice through these panel dis-

cussions, but they were encouraged to ask any questionsthey had.

Ryan High School junior Mitzy Gonzalez said she hasalready been thinking about her future career, but hasneeded help on deciding what college to attend.

“If you start thinking about your career too late, thenyou won’t be able to take the right tests or register for theright classes,” Gonzalez said. “Events like this are helpingme make up my mind about college and figuring out aclass schedule.”

The opportunities for an excellent education and afuture career in Denton are immense. The DentonChamber of Commerce would like to thank all of thesponsors, panelists, moderators and volunteers who par-ticipated in this event.

The Denton Chamber of Commerce looks forward togrowing this initiative in future years as a means of help-ing Denton ISD students make better informed deci-sions about their future as well as providing Denton busi-nesses with a strong and qualified workforce.

Those interested in participating in the second annualCareer Planning Fair are encouraged to contact theChamber at 940-382-9693.

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Chamber announces program of action

See PROGRAM on Page 39

Denton Chamber of Commerce

PROGRAM YEARApril 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015

Standing Divisions, Affiliates,Chairs & Mission Statements

Development Partnership. Communicatevalue of ED Investment to chambermembership.

Specific Initiatives:� Review and evaluate the current

investment structure and benefits� Recruit new and retain existing ED

Investors� Strengthen relationship between

chamber members and ED Investors


Chair: MARCUS WATSONStaff support: Angelica Del Rosal &

Pam LivingstonMission: Cultivate and offer an on-

going resource program which will pro-vide small business members valuablereturn on their investment through edu-cation, training and mentorship.

Specific Initiatives:

� Review criteria and coordinate theprocess for recognizing the SmallBusiness of the Year Award.

� Provide resources, support and rela-tionship building opportunities to areaprofessionals who are researching andworking toward starting their own busi-nesses. Advocate the services and pres-ence of the Small Business DevelopmentCenter.

� Provide resources, support and rela-tionship building opportunities to estab-lished business owners who want to growtheir businesses.


Vice Chair of the Board: ERIK CLARK

LL..EE..AA..DD PPrrooggrraammChair: JACEE KIEFERStaff support: Angelica Del Rosal

Mission: Increase knowledge andawareness of the Chamber and its manybenefits via goodwill representatives whoassist other Chamber members, enhanc-ing the business experience with theChamber, through contact, support andengagement.

Specific Initiatives:� Host Coalition, Monica Glenn,

Director: Provide logistical support formajor membership events.

� Outreach Coalition, Lauren Barker,Director: Provide membership retentionefforts.

� Welcome Coalition, Ryan Mayer,Director: Provide logistical support andserve as the “face of the chamber” duringNew Member Orientations and ceremo-nial events.


Vice Chair of the Board: JIM FYKES


Chair: MICHELE BARBERStaff support: Adam GawareckiMission: Help promote the impor-

tance of expanding the tax base, and thecreation and retention of area careeropportunities. Help secure privateinvestment dollars to supplement themarketing efforts of the Economic

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Chair: RUSS ELLISStaff support: Angelica Del RosalMission: Create an environment that

promotes a commitment to the organiza-tion and growth of the business commu-nity. Review standing and potentialmajor membership events. Assist withcoordination of a balanced implementa-tion of events and initiatives, taking intoconsideration the actual benefits to indi-vidual membership categories, conven-ient and relevant chronology, logisticsand compatible venues, sponsor needsand expenses.

Specific Initiatives:� Continue to evaluate programs and

member benefits to fit changing businessclimate.

� Identify direct business-related top-ics/speakers at membership meetings

� Oversee the Business EXPO

BBUUSSIINNEESSSS NNEETTWWOORRKKIINNGGChair: TIM WEICHTStaff support: Angelica Del RosalMission: Promote relationships and

communications between chambermembers. Maintain a formal system formembers to network and share promo-tional materials, products & service infor-mation and leads on a regular basis.

Specific Initiatives:� Continue to conduct regularly-

scheduled networking meetings� Help coordinate and schedule perti-

nent featured speaker and panels


Vice Chair of the Board: KIMBERLYREASONER

LLOOCCAALL RREELLAATTIIOONNSS CCOOMMMMIITTTTEEEEChair: JILL JESTERStaff support: Chuck CarpenterMission: Develop and maintain open

communications with Denton County,City of Denton and Denton Independent

School District officials. Pro-activelyidentify and address needs and issuesimportant to the local business commu-nity.

Specific Initiatives:� Implement a Suggestion Box/Help-

Line system for seeking individual mem-ber input on public policy issues and reg-ulations.

� Identify pertinent issues in May2014 Local elections. Develop a ques-tionnaire for all contested, announcedCity Council candidates, distributeresponses to the membership.

� Consider future co-sponsorshipswith area organizations for candidateforums.

� Coordinate the Elected OfficialsReception honoring CountyCommissioners Court, City Council andSchool Board

� Encourage continued personal rep-resentation of the chamber during jointmeetings of the City Council and DISDBoard of Trustees


Chair: RICH REYNOLDSStaff support: Chuck CarpenterMission: Develop and maintain open

communications with state and federalgovernment officials. Keep the generalmembership informed of pertinentissues.

Specific Initiatives:� Continue coordination of Denton

County Day in Austin. Broaden the for-mat and legislative agenda to includemore direct business-related positions.

� Evaluate the 2014 Washington Fly-In. Promote more participation fromindividuals representing the DentonChamber and local public officials in2016.

� Host visiting state and federal elect-ed officials as the result of redistricting.


Vice Chair of the Board: CARRELLANN SIMMONS

From Page 37


See PROGRAM on Page 42

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Surveying Denton CountySince 1986


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Denton“Denton sound” that anyone can identifyin a word. That is the result of originaland independent. The sound is a combi-nation of individual sounds where writ-ers, musicians, poets and venues havetheir own messages, rhythms, tunes andatmospheres, and listeners get the entirebreadth, as varied or not as they has evolved into a vitalvehicle for serving up the original, inde-pendent music scene in an experientialway not possible in our marketing effortsbefore.

In the surrounding horse country, wehave the most diverse equine populationand disciplines all in one area than any-where else in the world. That’s independ-ent.

We each do what we do and we all do ithere, beside and almost in tandem withone another, creating a vibrant and livelyculture. And people come from aroundthe globe to see the North Texas HorseCountry up close.

The weathered appearance of thebrand is also a statement. Think aboutyour favorite pair of jeans. They’re proba-bly a bit worn-looking because they areyour favorites and you wear them often.And they fit you perfectly, comfortably. Sodo mine. And they wouldn’t fit anyoneelse in just the same way. Our brand saysthat’s how Denton fits, too.

During 2013, more areas across

Denton have embraced the original inde-pendent brand. Golden Triangle Mall, forinstance, incorporated the brand’sessence into their new image after anextensive renovation. DentonRadio.compipes original Denton music through themall’s corridors and local artists entertainin person now and then. The originaltunes remind shoppers that this mall isunique because it is yet another part ofthe cool Denton sense of place.

Unicorn Lake began a music series lastsummer much like the Main StreetAssociation’s long-running TwilightTunes Series on the courthouse lawn.Coordinated by, busi-ness owners seek to identify with the orig-inal independent brand through Dentonartists who deliver new audiences againand again to enjoy the music and discoverUnicorn Lake’s offerings and amenities.Rayzor Ranch got in on the action with itsown version of live local music Fridaynights. The brand is widening its belt andpermeating the entire city. That is ourbrand at work and working like it should– for the whole of Denton.

Denton is a place where people areinvested and engaged and have been for150 years. We have grown together intothis place. And together we will growDenton into the future, hopefully neverlosing sight of who we are: Denton.Original. Independent.

Courtesy photoKids get a taste of Denton at an early age with the many festivals.

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Chair: PATRICK VASQUEZStaff support: Angelica Del RosalMission: Identify, evaluate and clarify

existing opportunities for partnering withlocal businesses and organizations, publicand private. (i.e., Denton ISD, NorthCentral Texas College, University ofNorth Texas and Texas Woman’sUniversity)

Specific Initiatives:� Promote and support internships

and mentorships between businesses andlocal universities and colleges via websiteand other communication means, toinclude strategic marketing, business andentrepreneurship planning and assis-tance.

� Present the Denton Career PlanningFair, focusing on high school sophomoresand their parents. Partner with the areahigher education institutions and busi-

nesses.� Continue to provide logistical sup-

port to the Denton ISD New EmployeeEvent.

� Consider Sister Chambers/jointprojects and initiatives

WWOOMMEENN IINN CCOOMMMMEERRCCEE ((WWIINNCC))Chair: CAROLYN CORPORONStaff support: Angelica Del RosalMission: Promote the growth and

development of Denton area businesswomen through initiatives that increaseaccess to resources, professional and per-sonal development and networking.

Specific Initiatives:� Present annual keynote luncheon or

Women’s Business Conference� Present annual networking event for

area business women creating valuablenetworking opportunities.

MMAARRKKEETTIINNGG CCOOMMMMIITTTTEEEEChair: DR. PUSHKALA RAMANStaff support: Angelica Del RosalMission: Establish and implement

marketing strategies to unify the message

and enhance the brand of the Chamber.Package and promote the chamber andall its affiliates as ultimately the foremostlocal one-stop-shop economic develop-ment organization and front door to thecommunity.

Specific Initiatives:� Branding – continuous monitoring

of, not only the programs and events, butthe Chamber as an organization.

� Develop a market potential analysisto identify the Chamber’s target audience.

� Generate direct social media effortsand establish metrics to analyze effective-ness of such efforts and evaluate results.

� Evaluate marketing materials bygathering feedback from audience andsoliciting expertise from committeemembers



Chair: BOB MOSESStaff support: Kim Phillips

Mission: � Work with the staff and allied organ-

izations to promote events and attrac-tions, provide hospitality education and,ensure a positive experience to Dentonvisitors.

� Pursue more direct involvement ofarea hospitality partners.

� Assure that policies do not conflictwith the mission of the Denton Chamberof Commerce and funding is adequate tosupport the program independently.

Specific Initiatives: � Blend and process the findings and

recommendations of the GraduationProject of the 2011-2012 LeadershipDenton Class to pursue a DentonStore/Visitor Center.

� Continue to advocate, and explore allpossible options for pursuing a conven-tion center and upper-tier, full-servicehotel complex, with adequate meetingspace to accommodate the needs of theDenton market.

From Page 39


See PROGRAM on Page 43

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Board representatives: VIRGILSTRANGE & GREG JOHNSON

Staff support: Adam GawareckiMission: � Work with representatives

from the City Council, Municipal UtilitiesBoard and staff, as well as the privateinvestors to oversee the general activities,projects and marketing strategy for theEconomic Development Partnership.

� Work in cooperation with all appro-priate allied organizations to implementthe strategic plan for economic develop-ment and improve efficiency of availablefinancial and human resources.

� Assure that policies do not conflictwith the mission of the Denton Chamberof Commerce and funding is adequate tosupport the program independently.

Specific Initiatives:� Monitor and evaluate the North of

Ordinary Awareness/MarketingCampaign

� Continue contact with appropriate

landowners to develop Business Parks


Chair: AMY O’KEEFEStaff support: Chuck CarpenterMission: Implement a program and

curriculum designed to identify and pre-pare individuals who are interested inpotential leadership roles in local com-munity service organizations, as well asall levels of public office.

� Give appropriate promotional sup-port to the fact that this will be the 30thClass, and over 500 graduates to date.

� Assure that policies do not conflictwith the mission of the Denton Chamberof Commerce and that funding is ade-quate to support the program independ-ently.

� Consider and pursue various demo-graphics that need to be exposed to theopportunities presented by LD (i.e. SisterChambers, Young Professionals, the “cre-ative community”).

� Engage in meaningful dialogue withappropriate representatives at all levels ofgovernment, as well as social and service

From Page 42


organizations to explore how LeadershipDenton can be improved and expanded.

� Pursue funding resources to securededicate administrative support.


Chair: CARRELL ANN SIMMONSStaff support: Pam ThomasRegularly monitor cash flow and

accounting procedures. Identify and make recommendations to

the full board for financial managementpractices.

RREEAACCCCRREEDDIITTAATTIIOONNChair: PERRY McNEILLStaff Support: Chuck CarpenterPursue 40-Year Reaccreditation

through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. � Seek to not only replace the 4th Star

supplemental rating, but, strive to be aFive Star.

� Identify and emphasize those aspectsof the chamber that have been improvedand expanded that were originally identi-fied from the 2009 application as needingattention.

Courtesy photo

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** AAss ooff MMaarrcchh 11,, 22001144Company Name

19Twenty Apartments380 Guide380 News5 Star Rental Wedding andEvents95.9 The RanchA Family Chiropractic ClinicAAA Texas LLCAcadian AmbulanceAccessBank TexasAccolade Home CareAchievers GymnasticsCenterAcme Brick Co.-SalesAcme Brick CompanyAdami & Associates RealtyAdams Exterminating Co.-Pest and Lawn CareAdvanced Auto RepairAdvanced Eye Care CenterAdvantage Services - LegalShield

Advantage StorageAdventure Bound Cruise &TravelAffordable Pest ControlAIA Insurance AgencyAlagood & Cartwright, P.C.Aldi, Inc.Aleatris Stanley CPA, PLLCAll About BabiesAllison Engineering Group,Inc.AlphagraphicsAM PlumbingAmazing Love MinistriesAmedisys Home HealthAmerican Cancer Society -Relay for Life of DentonAmerican Express OPENSmall Business Credit CardsAmerican FinancialNetworkAmerican HospiceAmerican NationalInsurance Co.

American Red CrossAmeridream MortgageGroup, LLCAnderson, Spector &Company, P.C.Ann's Haven/VNAAramark-CateringArcland Title, LLCAria AgencyArrow ExterminatorsArthur Surveying Co.Asset Management Systems,Inc.AT&TAtmos EnergyAtrium Medical CenterAustin Lane Technologies,Inc.Autumn Leaves of DentonAutumn Oaks of CorinthAvis Budget Car and TruckRentalAxiom CommercialCompany, Ltd.

Axis Realty GroupBackyard Concepts, LLCBarbara Russell RealtorsBarefootBarry Jordan -- New YorkLifeBatteries Plus BulbsBaylor Surgicare at DentonBBVA Compass - CorporateDivisionBeau's Bath House andDoggie SpaBeazer HomesBell Avenue Self StorageBellissima Spa & SalonBen E. Keith BeveragesBest Western Lake DallasBest Western PremierCrown Chase Inn & SuitesBeth Marie's Old Fashion IceCream & Soda Fountain-SquareBethlehem in DentonCounty

Big Brothers Big SistersBiggs & Biggs Insurance &Tax ServicesBill Utter Ford, Inc.Biolife Plasma Services, L.P.BIZSOURCE MARKET-INGBlissfully Organized LLCBloomfield FloralBonduris Music Instruction& ProductionBookkeeper GirlBounds Paint CompanyBrain-Body Connection LLCBrickhouse GymBrookshire'sBrunswick Zone DentonBuffalo Valley Event CenterBullChicksBurgess & AssociatesBusiness AirBusiness InsuranceSpecialistC & G Electric, Inc.

C B S MechanicalC Bar T PropertiesC Miller DrillingCaliber ConstructionCalvert Automotive, Inc.Camille MilnerCandy Haven, Inc.CareFliteCareNowCarino's ItalianCarol's Custom Draperies &InteriorsCarpets PlusCarriage House AssistedLivingCarter BloodCareCartwright's Ranch HouseCaruthers Oil Co., Inc.CASA of Denton CountyCatch All MailingCBS Arc SafeCentro Hispano, Inc.

44 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle

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See MEMBERS on Page 46

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Century Insurance Agency,Inc.Century Insurance Agency-Dan MartinChair Covers and TableLinens by YoliChampion Carpet CleaningChick-fil-A Rayzor RanchChildren's Advocacy CntrDenton Co.Ciera BankCigar FrogsCima Solutions GroupCircuit Breaker Sales Co.,Inc.City of Corinth EDCCity of Denton - Solid Waste& Recycling DepartmentClassic Chrysler Jeep DodgeMazdaClean Reflections, Inc.Clean SurroundingsClinical PathologyLaboratories, Inc.Coca-Cola RefreshmentsCokerLegalColdwell Banker Real EstateSolutionsColor Document SolutionsLLCColor Service Co., Inc.Comet CleanersComfort InnComfort SuitesCommunity MattersCommunity PharmacyComplete Financial Group,Inc.Complete Foot and AnkleCare of North TexasConstable Pct 1 DentonCountyConstable Pct 4 DentonCountyCookies By DesignCooper Glen ApartmentsCooper's Copies andPrintingCorinth ChiropracticCoServCourtyard by MarriottCraftmaster Builders-SidingWindows PatiosCrickle's and Co.Cross Timbers Community

ChurchCrossFit 940Crouch Realty Company,Inc.Cudd RealtyCumberland PresbyterianChildren's HomeCupboard Natural FoodsCycle Center of DentonD & D Sports Med DentonD & L Farm and HomeDan's SilverleafDani Rae's Gulf CoastKitchenDATCUDavanti Salon and SpaDealers Electrical SupplyDeBerry Funeral DirectorsDebits and CreditsBookkeeping ServicesDenitechDenton All-Star YouthFootball LeagueDenton Allergy andDermatology SpecialistsDenton Animal ShelterFoundationDenton Bible ChurchDenton BicycleDenton Breakfast KiwanisDenton Chiropractic Center,Inc.Denton City County DaySchoolDenton Community &Campus TheatreDenton Community HealthClinicDenton Country ClubDenton County Animal ERDenton County BarAssociationDenton County MHMRCenterDenton County RepublicanPartyDenton CountyTransportation Authority(DCTA)Denton Depot AdSpecialtiesDenton Electric, Inc.Denton Fire FightersAssociationDenton FloristDenton Funeral Home &Cremation ServicesDenton Glass CompanyDenton Holiday Lighting

Festival Association, Inc.Denton Independent SchoolDistrictDenton Internal MedicineDenton Lawn Sprinkler ,Inc.Denton Parks FoundationDenton Police OfficersAssociationDenton Prescription ShopDenton Record-ChronicleDenton Regional MedicalCenterDenton Rehab & NursingCenterDenton Round Up ClubDenton Skin Care and SpaDenton State SupportedLiving CenterDenton Trinity Roofing, Inc.Denton Trophy HouseDenton Wellness and PainDentonRadio.comDevon Energy CorporationDiamond H RanchDiamond T Arena, LLCDick SmithDogwood EstatesDouble M VendingDr. Jan HillmanDream Ranch OfficeSuppliesDunaway Associates, L.P.Duryea Moving & StorageDusty's Bar & GrillEagle & WheelerEagle Pointe ChurchEagle TransmissionsEagleton PhotographyEbby Halliday RealtorsEhrhart's JewelersEl Guapo'sElemental Candela OrganicsElite ManufacturingElsey & Elsey, Attorneys atLawEminent Kings & QueenCreole ResturantEnterprise Rent a CarEnterprise SecuritySolutions of Texas, Inc.EON Consulting, LLCEuline BrockExpress EmploymentProfessionalsExtreme Cuisine Catering

From Page 44


See MEMBERS on Page 47

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Fairway IndependentMortgageFaith Presbyterian HospiceFaith United MethodistChurchFamily Allergy & AsthmaCAREFamily Medicine of NorthTexas P.A.FastSignsFinishing TouchFirst Baptist Church ofDentonFirst Commercial RealtyFirst People's JewelersFirst State BankFirst United Bank & TrustFish Window CleaningFlower GardenFlower Mound MedSpaFlowers Baking CompanyForum at Denton StationFoundation ManagementServices

Fountains of DentonFrazier Commercial RealEstate SrvcFreedom Green, Inc.Freese and NicholsFrenchy's Lawn & TreeServiceFriends of the Family, Inc.Frillys LLPFulton Supply andRecycling, Inc.Fulton's Metal & HardwareFuzzy's Taco ShopGage & AssociatesGame On AthleticsGary G. Taylor, D.D.S.Gaylen Fickey, DDSGeek On Wheels ComputerRepairGEICO Local Office -DentonGenghis Grill - TheMongolian Stir FryGeorgia PacificGiuseppe's ItalianRestaurantGiving Hope Inc

Global ImpressionsGohlke PoolsGold Mine BBQ, LLCGolden Triangle MallGood Samaritan Society -Lake Forest VillageGood Samaritan Society -North Texas Home HealthGrand TraditionsGreater Denton Arts CouncilGreater Denton-Wise Co.Assoc. of REALTORSGreenbelt Alliance ofDenton CountyGroggy Dog SportswearGroup Five Granite & StoneGrunden Financial Advisory,Inc.GSATiH & R Block - Rayzor RanchH & R Block - Teasley LaneH & R Block - University DrHabitat For Humanity ofDenton CountyHal Reed, DDSHampton Inn & SuitesHankins, Eastup, Deaton,

Tonn & SeayHannah's ''Off the Square''Hayes, Berry, White &Vanzant, LLPHaynes, Benford &AssociatesHealth Services of NorthTexasHearts for HomesHeaven at HomeHermes InsuranceHexter-Fair/First AmericanTitle CompanyHoliday Inn Express andSuitesHoliday Inn Hotel DentonHolland Law and TitleHomewood Suites By HiltonHootersHorace BrockHuffines Kia SubaruHulcher Services, Inc.Hurricane Group IncHutcherson InsuranceServicesIMPress GraphicsImpressions by Denton State

Supported Living CenterIndependent BankInsurance Connection USAIntegraCare Home Healthand HospiceIntegrity Repair &MaintenanceInterfaith Ministries ofDenton, Inc.Inwood National BankIP ConvergenceIPA Family - Kelly PenaWeathersIrfan Dossani, CPA, PLLCIrwin Realty GroupIt All Adds Up, Inc.J P Morgan Chase Bank Jack Bell PropertiesJack D. MillerJagoe-Public Companyames Wood AutoPark, Inc.Jay's Upholstery Inc.Jean SchaakeJeff KruegerJeremiah Johnson, SalesTrainer/Networking CoachJerry Mohelnitzky

Jet Works Air CenterJimmy Brown RealtorsJohn E. Baines P.C., CPAsJohn's EZ LubeJones & Jeffery ConstructionCo.Jordan Health ServicesJostens, Inc.JT Clothiers, Inc.Jupiter HouseK & K Home RepairKarin Seligmann-RemaxMastersKatie Rippley-CastleberryKayla Swenson - INGKAZ SurveyingKeep Denton BeautifulKeller Williams RealtyKERAKey Custom Homes, Inc.KHA Accountants andAdvisors, PCKingswood ApartmentsKirk Securities Corporation

From Page 46


See MEMBERS on Page 48

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48 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle


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Kirkpatrick ArchitectureStudioKit King & Bob MontgomeryKiwanis Club of DentonKJEnvironmentalKNTU RadioKolache HavenKoons Fuller, P.C.Kuma Realty Service, Inc.KWIK Kar-DentonL.D. Bartlett P.C.La Di DaLa Milpa MexicanRestaurantLa Quinta Inn & SuitesLabinal, LLC.Labor FindersLamb's Real EstateConnectionLane Real EstateLantana Golf ClubLaser Smile StudioLaura's Locksmith &

Security StoreLaw Office of Sharon L.Wilson, PLLCLeatherwood Family &Cosmetic Dentistry Lee HowellLeigh Hilton, AttorneyLemons Publications -Denton Business JournalLiberty Christian SchoolLiberty MutualLife Point Chiropractic &Wellness CenterLifetime Hearing AidsLillian Miller DentalLily of the Desert OrganicLink2SpeechLinks ConstructionLittle Guys Movers, Inc.Lone Star Ag CreditLone Star Car Wash, Inc.Longhorn Solar ScreensLord & Company InsuranceLove's Travel Stop #217LPL FinancialM. Scott Lipscomb, D.D.S.Maaco Collision Repair and

Auto PaintingMack Park ApartmentsMagic ShredMaid In AmericaMar- PropertiesMarcus Roberson - Realtor®Marine Corps League, LCplJacob R. Lugo Det. 1300Marti Kay & Lana Gay ~ TheSister Team with Real TTeamMartino GroupDevelopmentMassage Envy Spa ofCorinthMattress Cleaners Inc.Mayday ManufacturingCompanyMayhill HospitalMcAlisters Deli of DentonMcDonald'sMcDonald's #1McDonald's - Loop 288McNatt PropertiesMeador NurseryMegan MadewellMellow Mushroom Denton

Members Choice Federal CUMeridian Bank TexasMetro-Centre (Xerox)Metroplex Roof and Fence,Inc.Mia PriceMichael Fraga-Prime NorthTexas Real EstateMilestone Celebrations, Inc.Miller of DentonMinor and JesterModern Woodmen FraternalFinancialMoms on MainMorrison Milling CompanyMorse Street Baptist ChurchMoxie Chick, PRMPA SystemsMulkey Mason FuneralHomeMuscular DystrophyAssociationMy Dentist Complete CareDentistryMy Flooring AmericaMy Flooring AmericaMy Lonestar Go Pages

Nationwide - MendozaInsurance AgencyNew York Sub-WayNewland Real Estate, Inc.Noles General StoreNorman J. Pomerance,D.D.S.North Central Texas CollegeNorth Central Texas CollegeFoundationNorth Texas ArrhythmiaAssociatesNorth Texas AthleticsNorth Texas Photobooth,LLCNorth Texas Skin & LaserCenterNorth Texas State FairAssociationNorth Texas Tarp & AwningNORTHSTAR BANKMortgage DivisionNORTHSTAR BANK ofTexasNorthwestern Mutual NP Care ClinicO'Bryan's Carpet Cleaning,

Inc.Oak St. DrafthouseOakmont Country ClubOdyssey AerospaceComponentsOdyssey Hospice of DentonOgle School - Hair, Skin,NailsOld NavyOmicron WaveOn The Ball K9 TrainingLLCOn the BorderOn the CuffOncor Electric DeliveryCompany LLCOnTrack StaffingORR NissanOrthodontic Associates ofNorth Texas, P.A.Orthopedic Specialists ofNorth Texas, LLPOur Daily BreadOutback SteakhousePace's Crossing Apts.

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Denton Record-Chronicle March 28, 2014 Denton Chamber of Commerce 49

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50 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle


OOnn DDeennttoonn’’ss HHoorriizzoonnBy Kim PhillipsDenton Chamber of Commerce

Aconvention center suitable to a city with the pop-ulation and scope of Denton has been an initiativefor the Chamber of Commerce and for the City of

Denton for nearly a decade. Finally, on December 10, 2013, the Denton City

Council, the University of North Texas and a privatedeveloper, O’Reilly Hospitality, formally approved anagreement, a partnership, to build a 100,000-square-foot convention center with a full service hotel attached.This facility is a game-changer for Denton, one that willabsolutely advance Denton tourism with remarkableimpact.

The Denton Convention Center (DCC) will be built onUNT land next to the Apogee Stadium. For Dentonitesfamiliar with this location, the Radisson Hotel oncestood there. The center, along with a multi-storyEmbassy Suites by Hilton full-service hotel, will overlookApogee — its topography and design complementary tothat which is already there. Outdoor space and verandaswill offer guests coveted views of the stadium and beau-

tiful vistas of Denton. The Denton Convention & Visitors Bureau will play a

major role in the convention center piece of this newamenity. Already, CVB staff members are activelyinvolved in shaping the floor plans for the conventionspace, offering advice on everything from ballrooms tobreak-out rooms. Input regarding office space is keysince a prime role of the CVB sales team will be market-ing the convention center to attract meeting plannersand conventioneers to hold their events in Denton — themost exciting, up-and-coming Texas destination.

The CVB’s emphasis is always to tout the entire city.The size of the convention center will allow CVB sales to

focus on meeting and event populations of 1,500-2,000,unheard of in Denton until now. Conventions of this sizewill impact many more than the one convention hotel,making guest room overflow and overall economicimpact a city-wide benefit. This project will open thedoor to convention business currently directed to othercities due to lack of adequate space in Denton.

As magnificent as the DCC will be, it is still just abuilding. What attracts delegates to utilize a building isits location. Denton is the draw, so furthering our brandand delivering it upon arrival will continue to be thesecret of our success.

Along that line of reasoning and on the near horizon isan experiential visitor center for Denton. This vision wasborn from the Leadership Denton class of 2012. For theirclass project, these future leaders elected to benchmarkDenton against cities of similar size and proximity tomajor metropolitan areas specifically relative to their vis-itor interaction points. Their final presentation was an

See HORIZON on Page 52


“This project will open the door toconvention business currently

directed to other cities due to lackof adequate space in Denton.”

— Kim Phillips

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Denton Record-Chronicle March 28, 2014 Denton Chamber of Commerce 51

We are VITAS.We are your neighbors who make house calls–at any hour, day or night.

We are caregivers who listen and respond to the needs of hospice patients,their families and our partners in care.

We are VITAS. We are Denton.

New Denton office location: 723 S I35 East, Suite 228, Denton, TX 76205940.566.6441 • C2

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52 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle

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Horizonimpressive business plan for a Denton

CVB official visitor center and Dentonstore in the downtown district.

The CVB team seized the project withenthusiasm. An effect of being an originalindependent destination often lost onDentonites is the fact that visitors seekingthe Denton experience are not alwaysastute at finding it. Our brand promisesthis cool, customizable vibe. So, how dothey get into it? A truly experiential visitorcenter is the perfect solution.

Since the class presentation, CVB staffhas been on a quest to find a location inthe downtown area that allows space andvisibility to accomplish this mission. Thevision set forth in the business planencompasses much more than brochureracks on a wall. The class envisioned aDenton store selling found-nowhere-elseDenton-centric souvenir items, localartists’ wares and tickets to local events asrevenue to fund the project. The conceptinvolves fun and engaging visitor experi-

Courtesy photoThe graphic at top shows a crowd at the recent Thin Line Film Festival, with

the headline superimposed. The festival is one of many in Denton.

ences that introduce guests to the Dentonvibe and leaves them hungry for more.Additionally, the center will engageDentonites, injecting knowledge andpride about Denton, thereby enhancinglocal engagement and developing ambas-sadors for Denton at every level in thecommunity.

The Denton Visitor Center project hasevolved to be inclusive of other Dentonorganizations with similar, the Denton MainStreet Association and Denton EconomicDevelopment for starters. And the projecthas feet. The collaborative agreementthat Denton is long overdue for such avenue is openly acknowledged across cityleadership. Like the convention centerproject, it has become an initiative of theChamber, the City and even our citizens.It is in the works and will definitely cometo fruition when the right place meets theright time. That time is sooner than later.

These are two grand initiatives for theCVB as we look to the future. Already, theworld is naming us the Texas destinationto watch. Denton has an original inde-pendent sense of place that our brand

promises and our city delivers. The CVB’sgoal is to provide the best possible accessto and management of the Denton expe-rience for every guest. The convention

center and visitor center projects are theoptimum vehicles for growing tourism inDenton and plugging all visitors into theirown Denton adventure.

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Denton Record-Chronicle March 28, 2014 Denton Chamber of Commerce 53


Integrity • Ho

nesty •



Doctors of AudiologyChris D. Caudle, Au. D.Judith A. Caudle, Au. D.

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54 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle


Denton Record-Chronicle


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WE THE PEOPLEReaccreditation process underway for chamber

The Denton Chamber of Commercereaccreditation committee recentlykicked off for the current year’s accredita-tion process with the U.S. Chamber ofCommerce. The purpose of the U.S.Chamber’s Accreditation Program is tofacilitate continuing excellence in thechamber industry and to foster a pro-business environment across America.More than 800 chambers have partici-pated in the program since 1964, amongwhich only 217 currently remain accredit-ed — approximately 3 percent of all of the6,936 chambers of commerce across theUnited States.

The chamber, which has earned three-and four-star ratings, is working with anew format this year and broadening thescope of what they provide for review withadditional committee members. Fromtechnology to programs to collaboration,the chamber provides information thatwill earn it a star rating for the next fiveyears. The process, committee memberssay, is a healthy way to review what the

chamber is doing. Jerry Mohelnitzky, whohas worked on reaccreditation for thechamber in 2009, said the process givesthe board and staff a chance to reviewwhat they are doing and the impact it hason the community. “By sitting down anddoing this process, you really get into thepurpose of it,” he said.

Achieving accreditation from the U.S.Chamber of Commerce is a prestigioushonor that distinguishes high quality,expertise and strong leadership displayedby local chambers of commerce.

The Denton Chamber of Commerceachieved its original accreditation in 1975,and is one of only 21 to maintain it contin-uously the past 40 years.

“It says so much about an organizationif you’re accredited,” said Perry McNeill,who is chairing the reaccreditation com-mittee for the Denton chamber this year.

“It gives us credibility that we’ve gonethrough the process of an outside organi-zation review of what we’re doing,” headded.

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Paradise Liquors & FoodsPat Dacus Insurance &Financial ServicesPatricks' Pastures AlpacaRanch / B&B / PaCa RoAdInnPaul Davis EmergencyService of DentonPaula's Canine AcademyPeerless Mfg. Co.Perry McNeill, P.E.Peter L. Holland, D.D.S.Peterbilt Motors CompanyPhysicians Assoc. of NorthTexasPJ's Party Supply andRentalsPlan-It Self StoragePointBankPost Oak Place RV ParkPotbelly Sandwich ShopPower My DreamsPrairie House

Prater Electric LLC dbaJeffries ElectricPratt, Aycock & Associates,PLLCPremier - Christmas, LLCPremier BlueprintingPremium Family PharmacyPreserve at Pecan CreekApartment HomesPrimary ResidentialMortgagePrime North Texas RealEstate / Chuck Garretson,BrokerPrimrose at Sequoia ParkPriscilla SandersPRk Services, IncPro-Tech AutomotiveProbilt Services, Inc.Produce ResultsProflex PersonnelProSmart Mailing SolutionsProTel Support, LLCProvidence PlaceProvidence TitleQuality Inn & SuitesQueenie's Steakhouse

Rainbow InternationalRestoration of DentonRamey King InsuranceRanchman's CafeRancho De La RocaRay of Sunshine SittingService, Inc.Raymond James FinancialServicesReaper MiniaturesRecycled Books RecordsCDsREIB LAWRench Wealth Management,Inc.Resilient IntelligentNetworksResponsive PropertyManagementRhino Steel BuildingSystemsRiding UnlimitedRight Hand Marketing &Public RelationsRiprocksR o b e r t ' sPaint/Collision/Repair

Robson Ranch Pioneer PressRockin RodeoRoni BeasleyRooster's RoadhouseRose CostumesRoselawn Memorial Park,Inc.Rosie @ Home PrivateHealth ServicesRoute About DeliveryRudy's ''Country Store'' andBBQ/CateringRutledge Wood ProductsS & J PharmacySAB Couture BoutiqueSally Beauty Holdings, Inc.Sante' Center For HealingSawko & Burroughs, P.C.Schertz Insurance AgencySchlotzsky's CinnabonSchlumberger TechnologyCorp.Scott Brown GroupSCRAP DentonSelwyn College PreparatorySchoolSenior Care Health &

RehabilitationSeniors in Motion, Inc.Serve DentonSeven Mile CafeShambhala WellnessSherwin-Williams CompanyShiver & AssociatesArchitectsSign It Drive ItSmile Magic of Denton,PLLCSmile WorkshopSmileZoneSmiling Moose DeliSmitty's Floor CoveringSnelling Staffing ServicesSolutions of North TexasSonic Drive-InSouthern Stretch FormingSPAN, Inc./ Meals OnWheels of Denton CountySpecial Abilities of NorthTexasSpringbok AcademySpringer & Lyle, LLPSpringleaf Financial ServicesSquare 205

Stafford TeamStaplesStarlite Sign, LPState Bank & TrustState Farm Insurance- MattPortzState Farm Insurance- TimShoopmanState Representative MyraCrownoverSterling House on theParkwaySteven W. Coburn, O.D. ,P.A.Stewart Title North TexasStifel, Nicolaus & Company,Inc.Stocker Woods Financial,Inc.Stripes Parking Lot Service,Inc.Studio 4 ArchitectsSubias Landscaping ServicesSublime Water GardenSullivan Perkins, Inc.

From Page 48


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56 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle




















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Sunset Village, LLCSuper MediaSusan G. Komen for theCure North Texas AffiliateSwash LabsSynergy BankTaco CasaTantrum Airbrush Tanning,LLCTarget - Food DistributionCenterTarget StoresTeague Nall and Perkins,Inc.Tejas StorytellingAssociationTennessee Quality IndustriesTetra Pak Inc.Texas Business CentersTexas Cowboys AgainstCancerTexas Health PresbyterianHospital DentonTexas Health Surgery Center

DentonTexas OncologyTexas OnSite CPRTexas RoadhouseTexas State HistoricalAssociationTexas Sunset FamilyChiropracticTexas Woman's UniversityThe Abbey InnThe Bridge ChurchThe Bridgemoor at DentonThe Candy StoreThe Chestnut TreeThe Children's PlaceThe Crouch Group, Inc.The Downtowner Salon &EventThe Egg & I Restaurant The Exchange Gold StoreThe Florist Ltd.The Glasschroeder AgencyThe Heart Hospital BaylorDentonThe Hundred Club ofDentonThe Joint ... TheChiropractic Place

The Law Office of Gregory C.Goline, PLLCThe Lodge at Pecan CreekThe Overlander AgencyThe Rayzor CompanyThe Results Team, Real TTeamThe RoxtonThe Spinal Decompression& Chiropractic CenterThe Vintage Retirement andHealthcare CenterThe Wash Factory Car WashThomas Judd PhotographyThomas' Ethan AllenInteriorsThompson Family MedicineTim Beaty BuildersTimber Links at DentonTitle Boxing Club - DentonTitle ResourcesTJ's Pizza Wing's ''N'' ThingsTom Atkins AgencyTotal Eyecare & EyewearGalleryToyota of Denton

From Page 55


See MEMBERS on Page 58

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Denton Record-Chronicle March 28, 2014 Denton Chamber of Commerce 57

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Dr. Ammar was born in West Virginia. He graduated from Vanderbilt School of Engineering and West Virginia University School of Medicine in 1991. He completed his post graduate training at University of Iowa. He trained in vascular medicine at Prairie Heart Institute. Dr Ammar is Board Certifi ed in Interventional Cardiology, Nuclear Cardiology, Vascular and Endovascular Medicine. He joined Denton Heart Group in 2012. He specializes in the treatment of cardiac disease, treatment of the vascular system, and provides therapy and treatment for lower extremity venous disease. He currently serves the community at The Heart Hospital Baylor Denton, Denton Regional Medical Center, The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano, and Vintage and Pecan Tree Nursing Homes, in the Skilling Nursing Facility. Dr Ammar has offi ce locations in Denton, Gainesville, and Muenster. He is accepting new patients.

3333 Colorado BlvdDenton, TX 76210

836 E. CaliforniaGainesville, TX 76240

509 N. Maple StreetMuenster, TX 76252

Richard F. Ammar, M.D.


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58 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle







(940(940))566-3326 566-33261003 DALLAS DR., DENTON1003 DALLAS DR., DENTON

(In The Pink Building)(In The Pink Building)




SAT SAT 10-210-2

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Embroidery EmbroideryProgram Program

Dr Cianci was born and raised in Pennsylvania and moved to Texas in 2012 to complete his training as an Interventional Cardiologist. He joined Denton Heart Group in August 2013. He is Board certifi ed in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Nuclear Cardiology, and the National Board of Echocardiography. He is Board Eligible in Cardiovascular CT and Vascular Interpretation. Dr Cianci attended the University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania, and received his Bachelor of Science 2002. He then attended the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia, PA and received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine 2006. He went on to complete his medical training at St Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital –Columbia University, New York, New York through 2012 and then completed his training as an Interventional Cardiologist in 2013. He currently serves the community at The Heart Hospital Baylor Denton, Denton Regional Medical Center, The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano, The Atrium Medical Center, and The Vintage, in their Skilled Nursing Facility.Dr Cianci has offi ce locations in Denton and Gainesville and is accepting new patients.

3333 Colorado BlvdDenton, TX 76210

413 E. BroadayGainesville, TX 76240

Christopher B. Cianci, D.O.





Trailer Storage, Inc.TriStar Repair &ConstructionTRT Communications, Inc.Turtle Creek FinancialGroupTwice As Nice ResaleTwisted Bodies Pilates andYogaTwo Men and a TruckUnited & Holland MattressUnited Through H.O.P.E.,IncUnited Way of DentonCountyUniversity BehavioralHealth of Denton &NorthPointeUniversity of North TexasUniversity of North TexasAlumni AssociationUNT - UnionUNT - Foundation, Inc.UNT - Student Affairs

UNT on the SquareUpshaw Law Firm, P.C.UR Pro ShoppeUS Aviation Value Place Extended StayVelocity Physical TherapyVerizonVerizon PlusVerus Real Estate AdvisorsVietnam Veterans ofAmerica Chapter 920-Denton, TxVilla Grande LLCVizcarra Hospitality, LLCWade Hunt Insurance -NationwideWebb's Statewide BailBondsWelch Brand InsuranceServicesWeldon & AssociatesWeldon's Saddle ShopWells FargoWells Fargo Advisors, LLCMember SIPCWells Fargo Home MortgageWellspring Christian

AcademyWellspring InsuranceAgencyWhataburger #996Wheelhouse Realty @ KellerWilliamsWhich Wich SuperiorSandwichesWildhorse GrillWildwood InnWillow Bend Assisted Living& Memory CareWinfree AcademyWinStar World CasinoWoman to Woman PRCWoodstream CorporationWork EnvironmentalSystems, Inc.World PayXtreme Upholstery, LLCYellow Shell LLC.Yutaka Forney, LLCZero-BlastZoomp Real EstateSolutions GroupZounds Hearing

From Page 56


Photo of festival crowds at right is courtesy of the

Denton Chamber of Commerce

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Denton Record-Chronicle March 28, 2014 Denton Chamber of Commerce 59


We Th e People of the ChamberWould Like To Th ank

Th e Following Sponsors

Liberty Sponsors:

Table Sponsors:AccessBank Texas • Bill Utter Ford, Inc • Denton Record-Chronicle • First United Bank & Trust

Labinal Power Systems • NORTHSTAR Bank of Texas • North Texas Athletics North Texas State Fair Association • PointBank • Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Denton

Texas Woman’s University

Stars & Stripes Sponsors:Denton Municipal Electric • North Central Texas College • Meridian Bank Texas

Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc • University of North Texas Volunteer Services Council, Denton State Supported Living Center

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60 Denton Chamber of Commerce March 28, 2014 Denton Record-Chronicle




Access Bank ..................................11

Alphagraphics of Denton ..............14

American Financial Network .........59

Arrow Exterminators .....................12

BCI Mechanical, Inc ........................4

Beau’s Bath House .......................43

Beazer Homes ...............................21

Best Western Premier ...................18

Beth Marie’s Old Fashioned

Ice Cream Shoppe .....................22

Bill Utter Ford, Inc ...........................8

BioLife Plasma Services ...............57

Bloomfield Floral ...........................47

C & G Electric ................................13

Carriage House

Assisted Living ...........................20

Classic Chrysler

Jeep Dodge Mazda ....................44

Custom Web Marketing ................22

Dan’s Meat Market ........................13

DCTA ..............................................24

DeBerry Funeral Directors ............63

Denton Arts & Jazz

Festival ........................................52

Denton City Economic

Development .................................6

Denton City Dyno Dirt ...................27

Denton Community

Health Clinic ...............................42

Denton Depot ................................43

Denton Hearing Health Care .........53

Denton Heart Group ................58, 59

Denton Record-Chronicle .......41, 54

Denton Regional

Medical Center ............................25

Drug Emporium .............................56

Eckert Hyundai ..............................19

Edward Jones, Abe & Kyle Nayfa .48

Family Allergy & Asthma Care ......36

First State Bank .............................64

First United Bank ...........................62

Flowers Baking Co. .......................38

Fuzzy’s Taco Shop ........................45

GEICO (Denton) .............................35

Good Samaritan Society - N. TX

Home Health ...............................10

Good Samaritan -

Denton Village ............................54

Hammerle Finley Scroggins Law

Firm .............................................28

Huffines Kia Subaru Denton .........16

James Wood AutoPark .................61

Jostens Inc ......................................7

Keep Denton Beautiful ..................48

Kid’s Closet ...................................36

KoonsFuller ....................................30

Labinal, Inc ....................................18

Law Office of Sharon Lowry .........47

Lone Star Ag Credit.......................40

Lone Star Car Wash ......................13

Arthur Surveying Co. .....................40

McKissack Group Realty ..............17

Meridian Bank Texas ....................50

Morrison Milling, Inc. .....................15

Mulkey Mason Funeral Home .......26

Nelson + Morgan Architects .........56

North Texas Fair & Rodeo ............37

Northstar Bank ................................2

On The Cuff ...................................54

PJ’s Party Supply ..........................39

Texas Vein Clinics .........................27

Pro Tech Automotive ....................39

Ramey King Insurance ..................10

Roberts Paint & Collision ................7

Scott Brown Commercial ..............58

Select Medical Corp ......................40

Seligmann, Karin REALTOR® ..............9

The Vintage

Retirement Community ..............49

Smitty’s Floor Covering ................29

Special Abilities of North Texas ...56

Texas Health

Presbyterian Hospital Denton .....3

Thomas’ Ethan Allen

Interiors .......................................46

Toyota of Denton ...........................55

Twice As Nice Resale Shop ..........22

TWU ...............................................31

UNT University Relations

Department .................................23

Vitas Innovative Hospice Care......51

Weldon’s Saddle Shop ...................7

Wells Fargo ....................................34

Page 60: 2014 Denton Chamber of Commerce


Community LeadersDedicated to Building

An Exceptional CityThat Welcomes Innovation

While CherishingTradition

Serving Denton on Interstate 35E South Since 1991• 940-591-9663 •

TRYING TO DO OUR PARTOur own Russ Ellis is amember of the Chamber’sBoard of Directors.He isour Cadillac & ChevroletExecutive Manager.

Page 61: 2014 Denton Chamber of Commerce

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We at DeBerry Funeral Directors have been caring for the families of Dentonfor over 40 years and we’re always here to help in your time of need.

We offer pre-arranged funeral plans.

2025 West University •

DeBerry Funeral Directors


Personal and Professional Services with Dignity

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