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The Barbelo Group is a one stop Human Resources Outsourcing, Staffing and Consulting

firm. It is the only outsource and consulting HR organization in the industry to apply Six

Sigma methodologies to Human Resources Management. The combination of Six

Sigma and Human Resources give employers:

More time to run their business,

Less HR cost to reinvest back to their organization and

Less deficiencies to avoid legal and employee issues.

The ability to measure and improve quality in Human Resources has been the

competitive advantage of successful organizations for decades. However, the

development of a highly effective and productive HR organization is both time

consuming and expensive.

The Barbelo Group focuses on positively impacting an organization’s bottom line by

bringing a comprehensive set of HR and Six Sigma services that are typically expensive

in-house. Companies will get the benefits of having a highly capable HR organization

consisting of high caliber staff through the Barbelo Group. Employers can finally plan

and forecast their annual HR cost by developing a customized HR outsourcing or

consulting package focused on their organization’s goals and needs.

Barbelo Group has over 20 years’ experience in human resources, organization

development, technology integration / implementation and Six Sigma Lean.

Headquartered in Seattle and locations in London (Europe) and Singapore (Asia), The

Barbelo Group’s strategy is a good “fit” with the world-class coaching and facilitation

practice with its global alliance partners. The Barbelo Group has access to a significant

body of intellectual property and deep expertise held by The Barbelo Group.

Mission Statement:

The company’s mission is to enable every person we encounter to exceed their

potential by providing them the tools they need and fulfill all their people and

organizational needs. As a one-stop HR & Six Sigma provider, we partner with our

clients in delivering high quality services that positively impacts their bottom line and

people’s morale.

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Ways to Engage (You’re in control)

Customized Human Resources Services to Fit Your Company

Barbelo Group offers a one-stop HR resource for small to medium size

companies. Services are divided into HR Outsource Services and HR Consulting

Services. Clients can select the level of support they will need from the following:

Emergency Help – Part time or hourly help for companies needing HR support

immediately. Clients may need an interim HR support while finding a new HR

employee, vacation coverage or investigation need for employee

issues. Hourly charge

Retainer – Companies can purchase HR time per month or annually to have

access to all our Specialists, Tools, Forms and our Employment Lawyer. Similar to

Law Firms, employers can retain our services for future use in a lower rate.

Staffing Services – From full-time employees to on-demand temporary support,

employers receive highly skilled people and cost effective solutions. The right

people when you need them is our goal.

Enhance Internal HR – An option for employers who currently have an internal

HR Department and need help with some parts of HR that may be costly to

manage effectively internally. EEO, AAP, Workers Comp, Unemployment,

Benefits, Compensation, Employee files management including entering and

storing employee information in our own secured HR system.

Project Base – Employers needing the expertise of HR Specialist to solve issues,

perform required or compliance report or audit not typically part of an HR


Outsource HR Department – Employers can outsource their entire HR

Department to the Barbelo Group to guarantee consistent high quality services

and most cost effective. Employers and their employees will have access to ALL

our resources, tools, forms and expertise as part of our long term agreement

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Strategic HR Consulting - We help clients craft strategy to not only reposition their

organizations for the future but also sharpen their ability to execute on their

goals. We use Six Sigma applications and partner with our clients to deliver

practical multi-disciplinary approaches to create environments in which your

people can work most effectively

Employee Record Maintenance – Space and security are growing issues in

today’s companies. We have our own internal web base HR Information System

that employers can access via web. We will enter all their employee information in

the system and will retain the files per retention requirements. Employers can

access file through their own computer depending on the security clearance they

assign via web. This will save them time from entering all the information in the

system and relieve them the cost of the program and the liability of its

security. Information can be access anytime.

Most of our clients get a dedicated team of at least 1 HR Manager, a Recruiter

and an Account Executive for a cost normally lower than hiring 1 HR Manager.

Our clients also get access to our HR Specialists Team i.e. Compensation, La-

bor Relations, Legal, M&A and more. We are you’re one stop HR shop. Let us

handle your people needs so you can go back growing your business

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The Barbelo Group provides clients with many different elements of strategic thinking to

ensure mission success. We help clients craft strategy to not only reposition their

organizations for the future but also sharpen their ability to execute on their goals. We use

Six Sigma applications and partner with our clients to deliver practical multi-disciplinary

approaches to create environments in which your people can work most effectively .

The Barbelo Group Consulting offers expertise in the following


A. Lean Six Sigma Training & Certification

________________________________________________________________________________ This 2-week Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training teaches and prepares individuals to

implement the principles, practices, and techniques of Six Sigma in a support capacity on

a Black Belt project team. Green Belts are traditionally Lead process stakeholders and may

also be assigned specific process-level improvement projects to conduct on their own—

projects that normally do not require the statistical rigor demonstrated by a Black Belt. This

course enables the individual to apply the knowledge and skills learned in this course to in

order to accomplish breakthrough business improvements for their organizations. The Lean

Six Sigma methodology is a systematic application that can be applied in service-based,

transactional, production-based and health care environments and is focused on

achieving significant business results and increased customer satisfaction.


B. Lean Enterprise Training & Certification for Service


Lean thinking is a philosophy and a powerful set of tools designed to eliminate waste from

processes. It focuses on what adds value in processes from a customer's perspective. While

its roots are in manufacturing, this workshop covers how to apply it to services and

administrative functions. Lean thinking provides fast and dramatic results.


C. Lean Management


Lean is the single most powerful strategy for improving production operation

competitiveness. When implemented as part of a comprehensive plan, its benefits can

drive a wide range of business outcomes from increased asset utilization to reduction in

quality defects. Our capabilities support clients in all phases of their lean programs, from

small pilot tests to ambitious, enterprise-wide transformation programs.

Human Strategy Consulting Services

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D. Strategic Human Capital Management


We help clients design, implement, and evaluate formal systems to ensure the effective

use of human talent to implement business strategy. This capability helps clients under-

stand what human capital programs they need and how to manage human capital to

achieve improved organizational performance.


E. Strategy Development


We help our clients formulate strategies that enable them to meet their mission and goals

by taking advantage of the opportunities presented in highly uncertain and rapidly

changing environments—while also managing the risks. We provide clients with a suite of

tools, frameworks, and planning and decision-making processes that help them make solid

strategic choices, especially in a resource-constrained environment. We help clients incor-

porate a long-term perspective into their strategies, while focusing on the best way to get



F. Strategic Planning


We leverage commercial best practices to help our clients reinvent their strategic plan-

ning processes. We help provoke questions and facilitate conversations rather than cre-

ate documents, rely on facts to make key decisions, and involve those expected to imple-

ment the strategy in the planning process. We help clients decide where to focus and

how to allocate resources.


G. Strategic Communication


We help clients build the understanding, buy-in, ownership, and action needed to achieve

their mission objectives. This effort often requires strategic communications that engage

key stakeholders at the right time, in the right manner, with the right key messages and re-



H. Organization Efficiency and Process Management


We use Six Sigma disciplines, tools, and techniques to study an organization’s mission, val-

ue proposition, strategic focus, and stakeholder requirements and then to envision, define,

design, develop, and deploy measures for improvement.

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I. Organization Model/Design


Organizations, like natural organisms, must function in relationship to their environment;

therefore, the organizational design should suit the organization’s purpose and environ-

ment. Our approach to organization model and design begins with a full assessment to

determine the strengths and weaknesses of the current organization model and progresses

to designing the organization to fit the mission. We help create organizations whose peo-

ple and processes are appropriately aligned with the organizational purpose and environ-



J. Transformation and Change Management


We apply proven approach for executing organization transformation focused on achiev-

ing improved results. We address the four dimensions of change (i.e., People, Process,

Technology, and Physical Infrastructure) that enable capabilities. It describes the activities,

methodologies, and techniques needed for transforming the organization through the en-

tire life cycle, from vision and definition through rollout and deployment.


K. Learning Systems


Progressive view of learning incorporates training, education, and performance support as

an integrated, comprehensive set of capabilities. We help clients build new capabilities

and increase workforce performance through competency identification and assessment,

design and development of learning programs and curricula, and delivery of education

across multiple methods (e.g., classroom, workplace, and desktop). We also provide stra-

tegic consulting to improve the learning development function’s effectiveness and effi-

ciency. We help our clients anticipates the need for new learning strategies, knowledge

management services, training content, and timely delivery.

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Why Outsourcing

Is the

BEST idea

to reduce


31% Companies

Outsource to free

up internal resources

15% Accelerate projects

without overloading

employees by


mundane time

consuming process

28% Companies

outsource to

improve business

focus by allowing

employees to

concentrate on

core business



Companies use

outsourcing to accelerate

company reorganization

1. Human Resources Administration and Management A. Employee File Maintenance

Secure Web based HR System Electronic data entry and maintenance Electronic employee files. Say goodbye to paper

B. Day-to-day employment issues

2. Talent Strategy (Staffing)

A. Talent Acquisition Staffing strategy Recruiting – temporary / direct hire Interviewing Background Checks Drug Test Skills testing Orientation & Assimilation Program

B. Talent Retention Employee relations Employer Branding / Culture Employee surveys Rewards and recognition

Roundtables and Focus groups C. Succession Planning

3. Organization Capability

A. Training B. Leadership Development C. Performance Reviews and Plan

4. Compensation

A. Job Function Audit B. Job Description C. Leveling D. Market Survey and Analysis E. FLSA compliance F. Pay/Salary Range

G. Annual Merit Increase plan

Human Resources Outsource Services

The Barbelo Group provides customers an “A la Carte” or

“Bundle” option for services. Business can pick the services they

need or want without paying for other services that does not add

value to their business.

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Political risk assessments

Due diligence for

mergers and

acquisitions, joint

ventures and cross-

border transactions

Intellectual property

theft and brand


Internal and external

fact gathering

Improper or undisclosed

related party

Types of Investigations

Whistleblower allegations

Fraud and complex financial


Anti-bribery and foreign

corruption (FCPA/U.K. Bribery

Act) investigations and risk


Third-party integrity and

vendor screening services

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

and Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

violation allegations

Compliance, monitorship and

receiver services

Private Investigation

Embezzlement and


Fraudulent conveyances

Litigation intelligence and spe-

cialized fact finding

Transactional intelligence

Misdirected or stolen as-


Asset searching and finan-

cial analysis

5. Ethics and Compliance

A. Employee Handbook maintenance Audit and updates Annual Compliance training

B. Investigation

C. Correspondence D. Affirmative Action Plan E. OFCCP compliance and audit support F. EEOC

6. HRIS –Secured in house web base system

A. Technology integration

B. System selection, implementation &


7. Safety

A. Worker’s Comp B. Safety training C. OSHEA employee record


8. Post Employee Relations

A. Termination

B. Unemployment

C. Outplacement Management

9. Benefits Integrator

Review, evaluation, implementation

compliant to new legislation

10. Payroll Integrator

11. Labor Relations

A. Union Prevention

B. Contract Negotiation

C. Union Contract Implementation

D. Grievance and arbitration

E. Strike Assistance

12. HR Audit



C. Department of Labor



F. Wage & Hourly


H. Unemployment

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Global Support Capability

North America


2801 1st Ave Suite 807

Seattle, WA 98121



United Kingdom

Kemp House


City Road



(44) 020-3371-7422



6 Battery Road

Level 31

Singapore 049909

(66) 6322-0808

Certifications & Memberships

Sample Business Partners and Clients
