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Page 2: 2014 01 05 bulletin

FIRST ENGLISH EV. LUTHBRAN CHURCH800 Vernier Road, Grosse Pointe \iloods, n{I 48236-1350

(313) 88+5040 rax (313) 884-4460 www.feelc.orgRev. Christina Veres Dr. Walter A. Schmidt Rev. paul F. Keppler

Associffie Pastor

Renata CongerE ducdiottlYouth Coordinator

Senior PasnrRobert II. FosterCoordindor otMusic

Pastor Emeritus

Christina JudsonDfuedorof Bell Choin

Prelude "Meditation on and Old French Melody" R. WegnerWelcome and Announcements

Confession and ForgivenessP: ln the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. C: AmenP: God of all mercy and consolation, come to the help of your people, turning us fromour sin to live for you alone. Give us the power of your Holy Spirit that we may confessour sin, receive your forgiveness, and grow into the fullness of Jesus Christ our Saviorand Lord. C: AmenP: You may kneelfor confession. Most merciful God,G: We confess that we are captive to sin and cannot free ourselves. We havesinned against you in thought, wordn and deed, by what we have done and bywhatwe have left undone. We have not loved you with ourwhole heart; we havenot loved our neighbors as ourselves. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ,have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so thatwe may delight inyour will and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name. AmenP: ln the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for us, and for his sakeGod forgives us all our sins. As a called and ordained minister of the church of Christ,and by his authority, I therefore declare to you the entire forgiveness of all your sins, inthe name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. C: Amen

Hymn #r@ "The First Noel" (WPage 147 The Pastoral Greeting and KyriePage {49 "This is the Feast""lnsert Prayer of the DayChildren's TimeChildren's Song "This Little Light of Mine" (see back of the bulletin)

lnsert First Reading Jeremiah 31:7-14 Response: Thanks be to God!lnsert Psalm 147:12-20lnsert Second Reading Ephesians 1.3-14 Response: Ttranks be to God!Page tS'l GospelAcclamation - Alleluialc*se#: Gos**tReading: .Jeil"in'1:[1-9]10-18

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Sermon "A Light in the Da*ness* Rev. Christina Veres

Hymn #ii03 "Brightest and Best of the Sfars" (ELW.The Apostles'Creed - Page 105

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.I believe in Jesus Ghrist, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by theHoly Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,died and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again;he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he willcome to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, theforgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen

The Prayers of The Church

OfferingOffertory "Quem Pastores" ,H. Walcha

Hymn #184 Congregation Offertory .Let The Vineyards" GLW\Let the vineyards be fruitful, Lord, and fill to the brim our cup of blessing. Gathera harvest from the seeds that were sown, that we may be fed with the bread of life.Gather the hopes and dreams of all; unite them with the prayers we offer. Graceour table with your presence, and give us a foretaste of the feast to come.

Page {52 The Great ThanksgivingPage 153 "Holy, Holy, Holy'Page 153 Words of lnstitution (Sung Response: .Christ has died/Amen")Page 154 Lord's Prayer and "Lamb Of God"

The CommunionPage 155 The Communion BlessingHymn #313 Post Communion Hymn - .O Lord, Now Let Your Servant" (ELIN)

O Lord , now let your servant depart in heav'nly peace, for I have seen the glory ofyour redeeming grace: a light to lead the nations unto your holy hill, the glory ofyour people, your chosen lsrael.

Page 155 Prayer After CommunionPage {55 Blessing and DismissalHymn #289 "Angels We Have Heard on High" (EW

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Sharing of the Peace

Postlude "Fantasia on ln Dulci Jubilo" J. S, Bach

$PEAKER SY$TEM for the hearing impaired is available. Please speak to one of the ushers,

OUR HYMN BOARDS show the hymn numbers being sung today. They are found in the backportion of the Evanqelical Lutheran Worship red book. The front portion of the book containingthe liturgies and resources are noted by page numbers at the bottom of each page. We use"Holy Communion," Setting 4 today beginning on page 147,

lN HOLY COMMUNION we believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine forgiving ourslns, We wehome you to such a table of presence and forgiveness. Martin Luther said: "Thatperson is well prepared and worthy (to receive Communion)who believes these words, 'given

and shed for you for the remission of sins.' lf you cannot drink the wine, it is appropriate toreceive just the bread, or just touch the glass of wine to one's lips, also glasses of white grapejuice are placed in the middle of the tray. Younger children are invited to come forward to receivea blessing.

PLEASE FILL OUT a visitor or member card found in the pews. Place the nametag on your lapeland the card in the offering plate. We are blessed to have Christian friends from other placee andcongregations visiting at worship today.Substitute Organist is Linda Bauer


This little light of mine, l'm gonna let it shine.This little light of mine, l'm gonna let it shine.This little light of mine, l'm gonna let it shine,

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Hide it under a bushel? No! l'm gonna let it shine.Hide it under a bushel? No! l'm gonna let it shine.Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm gonna let it shine.

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

All around my neighborhood, I'm gonna let it shine,All around my neighborhood, l'm gonna let it shine.All around my neighborhood, l'm gonna let it shine.

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

AUR MrSSrOff: "GO MAKE DISCIPLES" Tracks 1, 2, and 3Copyrioht @ 2013 Augsburg Fortr6s. All right6 res€rued. Printed in U.S.A. 20140105-2CHB ELCA-K

Page 5: 2014 01 05 bulletin

Today's ReadingsSecond Sunday of Christmas

January 5,2014

Prayer of the Day

Almighty God, you have filled all the earth with the light of your incarnate Word. By yourgrace empower us to reflect your light in all that we do, throughJesus Christ, our Savior andLord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever, Amen.

First Reading Jeremiah 31t7-14

8See, I am going to bring them from the and they shall be radiant over theland ofthe north, goodness ofthe Lono,

and gather them from the farthest parts over the grain, the wine, and the oil,

For thus says the Lono:Sing aloud with gladness forJacob,

and raise shouts for the chief of thenations;

proclaim, give praise, and say,

"Save, O Lono, your people,the remnant of Israel."

ofthe earth,among them the blind and the lame,

those with child and those in labor,together;

a great company, they shall return here.eWith weeping they shall come,

and with consolations I will lead themback,

I will let them walk by brooks of water,in a straight path in which they shall

not stumble;for I have become a father to Israel,

and Ephraim is my firstborn.

roHear the word of the Lono, O nations,and declare it in the coastlands far away;

say, "He who scattered Israel will gatherhim,

and will keep him as a shepherd aflock."

rrFor the Lono has ransomedJacob,and has redeemed him from hands too

strong for him.r2They shall come and sing aloud on the

height of Zion,

and over the young ofthe flock and theherd;

their life shall become like a wateredgarden,

and they shall never languish again.rsThen shall the youngwomen rejoice in

the dance,and the young men and the old shall be

merry.I will turn their mourning intojoy,

I will comfort them, and give themgladness for sorrow

ral will give the priests their fill of fatness,and my people shall be satisfied with my

bounty,says the Lono.

or Sirach 24:1-12 lnot printedl

Psalm 147:'12-20; tone 6Psalm


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Psalm, continued

Worship the Lor,o, I OJerusalem;.- praise your I God, 6 Zion,uwho has etrengthenedthe bars I ofyour gates

and has blegsed

.. ^ yggr chil- | dren within you.raGod has established peace

I on your bordersand satisfies vouwith the | finlst wheat.

uGod gends out a commandI to the earth,_- awordthatruns I veryswiftly.r6God gives I snow like wobl,

scattering lfrost like ashes.rTGod scatteig I hail like bread crumbs.

l{ho can standa- I gainst Godrs cold?

r8The Lono sends forth the I wordand melts them;

the wind blows, and the ! waters flow.roGod declares the I word toJacob,statutes and judg- l ments to farael.

20The Lono has not-done soto any I other nation;

llgy 9o not kno$, God'sjudgments.t Hallelujahl

Or Wisdom 1O:1 5-21 [not prtntedl

Second Reading Ephesians 1:3-14 lnot prtntedl

CospetJohn 1:[1-91 1O-.t8

_tln t-he beginning was the Word, and theword-was with God, and the Word wasGod. zHe was in the beginning with God.rAll things came inro uiing tfi;"lh hi*,and without him not one t[ing c"ine ini"being. What has come into be"ing .6 ;.-_was !ife, and the life was the lisht 5f all oeo-ple. 5The light shines in the darkn.rr,lnathe darkness did not overcome it.6There was a man sent from God, whosename was John. 7He came as a witness totestify to.the l^igJrt,, so that all might believethrough him. 8He himselfwas no-t the light,!u1he came to testify to the light. rThe f,uelight, which enlightens everyone, was com_ing into the world.l

roHe was in the world, and the worldc.ame into being through him; yet the worlddid not know him. rrHe came'to what was

his own, and his own people did not ac_cept him. r?But to all who received him,who believed in his name, he gave Dower tobecome children of God, ttwfro we^re born,not of blood or of rhe will of the flesh or oithe will of man, but of God.

IaAnd the Word became flesh and livedamong us, and we have seen his glory. theglory as of a farher's only son, fuliof tiaceand truth. I5$ohn testified to hirn"andcried out, "This was he of whom I said, .Hewho comes after me ranks ahead of me be-cause he was before me.,,) loFrom his full_ness we have all received, grace upon grace.tTThe law indeed was givei throdgh Ifi";;grace and truth came throughJesus Christ.r8No one has ever seen God. li is Coa tfrionly Son, who is close to the Father,s heart,who has made him known.

TODAY'S READTNGS January S,2Otn Volume 45, Number 1

Ncrt 8unday,! Rc.dlng!: l8aiah 42:,t-9; psatm 29; Acts 1O:34-4g; Matthew 3:ig-17

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Page 7: 2014 01 05 bulletin

Sunday Worship Schedule9:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion

9:30 a.m. Sunday School

1 I :00a.m. Traditional Worshipwith Holy Communionthe firstandthird Sundays

Office Hours: Monday * Friday 8:00 a-m.- l2:30a-m. ** l:30 p.m. - 4:00 p-m.

News and Notes Concerning the Ministry of Firct English Lutheran Church

GOOD IIORNING! Welcome to First English! If you are interested in learning more about theml{strV o{ Ftrst English or would like to join our family, please fill out the Yisitor C-ard" in the pewraclg check the appropriate response, and place in the offering plate. We will gladlycontact you and attempt to answer your questions. Thank you!

WE WEIGOME CHILDREN at worship, If you need the cry room it is located off the backnartfgx. I JlllrselT for children 4 & under is located next to the office. We ask that the nursery beused for children in this age group only. Thank you for your cooperation.

FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR have been placed by the Altar Guild in memory of Dr. Bill Jevons andEdith R. Provencher.

"ARE You READY?" Requests have been made for copies of Dec. gth, sunday,s sermon,Are You Ready? You will find them on the table across from the office.

ilEW MEMBER RECEPTIOIT - As we look ahead, Firct English will host a formalNew Member Reaeption on Sunday, February q 2OL4. Wnne flrat is still off in thefuture, we like to give plenty of notice so that members and visihrc can makeplans. If you are interested in joining Firct English, please fill out one of the blue'Visitor Calds" in the pew and hand it to one of the pastors, A!so, if you are awat€of anyore who rnight be interested in heing a pail of the First English famity,please let the pastors know,

Page 8: 2014 01 05 bulletin

THIS WEEK AT FIRST ENGLISH - Januarv 5 - 12' 2O14

SUII 5 9:30 &ntemporary Worship Service

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Traditional Worship Service

1:00 Princeton Review

1:00 SPorts

PION 6 8:45 Presdrml- 9:30 Exercise Class

3:30 Music Lessons

6:30+ Sports

TUES 7 10:00 GPN Pizza

11:00 Faith Circle

3:30. Music Lessons

4:30+ Sporb5:30 tuercise CIass

7:00 Peae Circh

WED 8 8:45 Preschool

9:30 Exercise Class

11:30 Hope Circle

3:30 Music Lessons

4:30+ Sports

5:15 Lotd's Company Ringers

6:00 Lord's Company Singers

6:30 Catechism

THURS 9 9:30 Bible Study

3:00 Music Lessons

5:30 Exercise. Class

6:00+ Sports

6:30 Good News Singers

6:30 High SchoolYouth GrouP

8:10 Good News Ringers

FRI l0 . 8:45 Preschool

5:30 Sports

SAT tl 9:00 Prineton Review

10:00 Sports

SUN 12 9:30 Contemporary Worship Service

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Tmditional WorshiP Service

1:00 Princeton Review

3:00 Sporb





Luther Center


Fellortrship Hall


Luther Center

Felbwship Hall

Judson's home


Luther C.enter

Fellowship Hall



tullowship Hall



Luther Center

Bell Choir Room

Choir RosnClassooms



Fellorrrship Hall

Luther Centei

Choir Room

Youth Room

BellChoir Room


Luther &nterClassroom

Luther Center





Luther Center

Page 9: 2014 01 05 bulletin

SERVING THtrl WEEK: Januarv 5, 2914

.REETERS ffi.. ffi*,ACOIYTEi Emily Conn Anna Jackson

Kristen Smith

Team #9 Team #10David Zwicker Dan Rustmann

COUNTERIi Team #5 Jeff Gates

COItlllUilIOIl Mike Ganisi Nancy McCartfryNicole McCarthy

LAY READERIi ?? Jane Stevens

ATTAR GUILb Anna Unit: Jan Jevons/Kim JevonsLydia Unit Leslie Nelson/Christine Simone

QOFFEE HOUR SocialAction


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SERVING NEKT WEEKr Jangary 12, 2O14

9:3O a.m. 1L:00 a.m.

GREETERS Sue & Marty Bay Marion McClendon

ACOLYTES Emily Dalian Ella FordNathan Ford

USIER Team #1 Team #2Mike Guest . Mark Berkesch

COUNTERS Team #6 Kyle Clor

COMMUNION Shirley LamarPam Southard

LAY READERS Brandon Tambourine Patty Foster

ATTAR GUILD Anna Uniil Jan Jevons/Kim JevonsLydia Uniil Leslie Nelson/Christine Simone

COFFEE HOUR Evangelism

fRfeUOlV CnU-f R Waynette Hostetler

BUILETII{ DEADLINE: Please submit any information to be published in the Sundaybulletin before 12:00 p.m. the prceding Tueilay. Thank you.

BE SILENT, BE REVERENT! for this is the House of God. BEFORE tlte seruice, speakto tlre Lord: DURfNG the seruice; let the Lold speak to you: AFTER Ureservice, speak to one another.


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RECEPTIONSund ty, Februaty g, 2014

flsffi ileutm uill h tormlly rsoeheil inh ths fist tu{llsb

fffiily ou luuilaY, ftlruq I, e01{, ll;00 [il'*f******+1.+{.*|****+***l'********|***********lt*:******f******dCl*.}'}.}*****|*

fsq llm mnlil lile to }d! Ihd t$ish!

6hiHmt's ilaum

(Flease fitl out and piace in the offering plate, aad you will be cootacted'

?i:ti*k Yt:u!,\

Page 12: 2014 01 05 bulletin

f,r&m*tul t'trsr

d\4tffilrPartnering with Children with Disabilities in Uganda

Help the children of uganda by buying beautitul hand made jewqlry

and natif paintings. Our Youth GrouB wlll be selling ltems_following

both senrices fortseveral ureek. 100o/o percent of the profit goes

uir..tlrr to ihe schoslfor teacher salaries, supplies, and building


Mukisa rneans blessing

The Mukisa school is a christian school in Kampala, uganda for

children with disabilities, fQunded in September 2007. It is cunently

serving fourteen strrdenb in the Mukisa Schoo! program,-wiq,.Ttt9

on thiwaiting list. In Uganda, farnilies of children with disabilities are

[i*ur rtidlu.ud uv drcietv. It is often betieved that children with

disabilities are cursed, and mothers and their children are often

abandoned by family members and teft to fend for themselves.

Mukisa, which means "blessing" in the local language, wqs

e*antiin C 1o give hope and tangible support to those who are

overlooked witfiin their society. There are many ways to support

Mukisa school. Join us in an effoft to help rstore dignity to those

who are in nd.

Friends of Mukisa, Inc. is a Pennsylvania 501(c)(3) non-profit

*rporiUon. lll gifu to Friends of Mukisa, Inc. are taxdeductible to

the fullest extent allowable by law.

Plea-se mail your check, made out to "Friends of Mukisa" to the

following address:4939 Csage AveFhiiad*lprlia" P& 34i143"